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also recognize that it will not be the end. If parliament is dissolved, I think what the commission will do, is continue<br />

debating and refining this draft, until the new parliament is in place and when the new parliament is in place we pick it up again<br />

and I am sure the Kenyans will facilitate and will support that kind of process. So we do not want it to die and I believe it will<br />

not die.<br />

One of the things we wanted to do is to make sure that the draft is out, and that is what we have done at present. So at least the<br />

Kenyans know where they want to go. What is very interesting about this document is that he maundu manyinyi muno mena<br />

disagreement. Maybe the issue of land will need to be addressed much more. But Kenyans are speaking in one voice in<br />

many ways. Kenyans all over the country, nio maigiri nimarenda Prime Minister. Kenyans all over the country nio<br />

maigiri nimarenda powers cia president I-reduce-wo. They have been speaking in one voice. It is suprising sometimes.<br />

One man one job. We heard that from the Coast, you know to Western and so on. Again niundu wa uira gukoretwo<br />

bururi uhana. Ati mundu niegukorwo na mawira matano, niekorehwo magana kenda ugwo tukwaretie mbere, na uria<br />

unge ararehwo ngiri inya, na magathii kugura mugathe na iria the same price. These disparities have been there, and I<br />

think the Kenyans are speaking in one voice. There is a lot of harmony in this document and it was not very difficult<br />

for us to agree maunduini maingi. Because Kenyans have been speaking in one voice.<br />

The issue of security as a basic need I also concede. I think security as a basic need is very important. Insecurity in the country<br />

is very high. You go to areas around Lake Victoria and Busia, those areas and you find that they are very very insecure, even<br />

in the fishing and they are attacked sometimes from Uganda and there is no protection. I think insecurity in this country,<br />

whether you are talking about Nairobi, it has been a major issue. I checked in the draft and I found that it is talking about social<br />

security but not the security itself . Infact that has been one of the basic needs. You know, if you cannot walk around at night, if<br />

you cannot keep your ears to open until 10 O’clock for fear of what is going to happen, even the economy itself will not<br />

develop and also the povety itself will not be eradicated. I can tell you in some countries, like you go to Sudan, you find people<br />

working in Khartoum, until about 2.00 a.m. The security is much better than what you have in Nairobi. So I think that is<br />

another issue that we need to look at and I want to keep saying, this is a draft and I am very happy the gaps are been identified<br />

because it will force the commission to sit down and revisit some of these areas.<br />

Now, on the issue of truth and reconciliation, under transitional provisions, there is an attempt at providing issues related to truth<br />

and reconciliation but they are under human rights. Human Rights and Administrative Justice. Where we are talking about<br />

investigating the past crimes and then talking about compensation, talking about reconciliation, talking about rehabilitation and I<br />

think maybe it is possible to work around those provisions, probably to build much more. To think about how do we reconcile?<br />

Because it is true, some of our ethnic communities, mathuire aria aingi, based on the wrong reasons, because of propaganda.<br />

Ukona riu niuguthii to some communities in the Rift Valley, amwe mageciria Agikuyu niyo mamekire uyu, nao aria ange<br />

mareciria ni Kalenjin mekete uyu. But the communities themselves do not sometimes realize that it has been done for political<br />

convenience and political interests of the political elite. So I think that is another important area.<br />


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