Circular structures and buildings associated with vernacular farm ...
Circular structures and buildings associated with vernacular farm ...
Circular structures and buildings associated with vernacular farm ...
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<strong>Circular</strong> <strong>structures</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>buildings</strong> <strong>associated</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>vernacular</strong><br />
<strong>farm</strong> architecture <strong>and</strong> folk engineering<br />
Mauritz Naudé<br />
Department of Architecture, Tshwane University of Technology<br /><br />
The rondavel has become a typical feature on <strong>farm</strong>steads but it is not the only building <strong>with</strong> a circular<br />
floor plan. Several other <strong>structures</strong> also have a circular floor plan. In Western architecture we have<br />
become accustomed to the domination of the square <strong>and</strong> rectangle as spatial form giving element in<br />
architecture in the West. Even though a circular building is not more complicated than the square or<br />
rectangular counterparts, the construction of a cylindrical structure needs some special design <strong>and</strong><br />
construction precautions to prevent it from disintegrating <strong>and</strong> cracking in the long run. In some way we<br />
perhaps negated the fact that the occurrence <strong>and</strong> use of the circular shape as solution for space problems<br />
has been a strong element in South African folk architecture for centuries. The application <strong>and</strong><br />
use of the circle in <strong>vernacular</strong> architecture is not a measure to determine how civilized a community is<br />
but rather an example of ‘contact architecture’ that was born from a need <strong>and</strong> combined <strong>with</strong> the local<br />
building traditions. Over decades this shape was adopted to serve the spatial <strong>and</strong> aesthetic needs of an<br />
individual or family. The construction of a circular building <strong>and</strong> structure relies on the construction<br />
skills of the responsible craftsperson <strong>and</strong> has played a significant role in defining the character of South<br />
African <strong>vernacular</strong> building typologies.<br />
Key words: rondavel, circular shaped <strong>buildings</strong>, circular floor plans<br />
Sirkelvormige strukture en geboue wat geassosieer word met volks plaasargitektuur en volksingenieurswerk<br />
Die rondawel het ‘n tipiese element van plaaswerwe geword, maar dit is nie die enigste gebou wat ‘n<br />
sirkelvormige grondplan het nie. Verskeie <strong>and</strong>er konstruksies se planvorm is aan die sirkel verwant.<br />
In Westerse argitektuur het ons gewoond geraak aan die gebruik van die vierkant en die reghoek as<br />
dominante planvorm om ruimtebenuttingsprobleme vir die ontwerp van geboue op te los. Alhoewel<br />
die sirkelvormige plan nie meer ingwikkeld as die vierkantige plan is nie, benodig sirkelvorminge<br />
konstruksies beide ontwerp-en konstruksievernuf om te verseker dat die struktuur nie oor die lang<br />
termyn verswak en kraak nie. Die rondawel en <strong>and</strong>er sirkelvormige geboue en strukture het mettertyd<br />
‘n belangrike rol in die geskiedenis van Suid-Afrikaanse volksargitektuur gespeel. Die gebruik van die<br />
sirkelvormige grondplan in plaasargitektuur is egter nie ‘n barometer om vlakke van ‘beskaafdheid’<br />
te bepaal nie, maar eerder ‘n voorbeeld van ‘kontakboukuns’. In sommige gevalle kon dit selfs om<br />
estetiese redes verkies gewees het.<br />
Sleutelwoorde: rondawels, sirkelvormige geboue, ronde planvorms<br />
Contrary to what may seem to be a common perception that <strong>vernacular</strong> architecture on<br />
the <strong>farm</strong>s of white l<strong>and</strong>owners in the northern part of South Africa is only represented<br />
by rectangular or square floor plan <strong>buildings</strong>, <strong>structures</strong> <strong>with</strong> circular floor plans<br />
were also common, such as the rondavel typology. However, circular floor plans are mostly<br />
<strong>associated</strong> <strong>with</strong> engineering <strong>structures</strong> <strong>and</strong> not <strong>with</strong> residential <strong>buildings</strong> <strong>with</strong> the exception<br />
of the ‘rondavel’. Rondavels <strong>and</strong> rondavel houses are common but in terms of using this form<br />
giving formula as dwelling type it remains the exception rather than the rule. This may be the<br />
reason why the circular floor plan has almost been negated <strong>and</strong> excluded from earlier <strong>vernacular</strong><br />
dwelling typologies <strong>and</strong> publications regarding early European <strong>vernacular</strong> architecture.<br />
This study is part of an investigation into early <strong>vernacular</strong> dwelling typologies that have<br />
existed among white pioneer settlers who moved into the area north of the Vaal River after<br />
1840. The investigation takes as premise that both the circular <strong>and</strong> rectangular floor plans<br />
entered the region <strong>and</strong> co-existed as <strong>vernacular</strong> architectural traditions among white <strong>farm</strong>ing<br />
communities <strong>and</strong> early frontier settlers in the region. One assumption is that the circle was<br />
part of the mental map <strong>and</strong> an archetype that was brought into the region when white settlers<br />
arrived during the period 1840 to 1880. Concomitantly, the circle was a common spatial form<br />
used by local indigenous peoples at the time <strong>and</strong> even long before white pioneers entered this<br />
geographic area.<br />
SAJAH, ISSN 0258-3542, volume 25, number 2, 2010: 1–28.
One assumption is based on the ‘form follows function’ principle: the circular floor plan<br />
shape being the result of activities executed <strong>and</strong> dependant on a circular motion in order to be<br />
productive <strong>and</strong> effective. However, the use of the circular shape as a floor plan for a dwelling<br />
does not follow this logic. A second assumption is based on the principle of ‘form follows<br />
tradition’: the circular floor plan for small dwellings, such as rondavels, was applied as a useful<br />
type among early white settlers in the region north of the Vaal River during the frontier years<br />
as they have been exposed to it sometime in their past or in the areas <strong>and</strong> districts from which<br />
they originate. A third assumption is based on the ‘form follows local knowledge’ principle:<br />
white settlers used the local black residents to erect rondavels based on their local know-how.<br />
In this way no building plans had to be drafted <strong>and</strong> building specifications could be kept to the<br />
minimum.<br />
It is accepted that the small circular floor plan dwelling may have fitted into an evolution of<br />
floor plans of the earliest pioneers <strong>and</strong> adventurers <strong>and</strong> these dwelling types served as temporary<br />
shelters for either individuals or groups of individuals (individuals <strong>with</strong>out their families). These<br />
shelters can therefore not be considered ‘dwellings’ in the real sense of the word. At the same<br />
time referring to the rondavel as a circular building type, it seems that this building was not<br />
merely part of a phase in the history of early frontier settlement but it continued to be erected<br />
well into the 20th century (1950s) <strong>and</strong> even became quite common on <strong>farm</strong>steads long after the<br />
pioneering phases of settlement (1840 to 1900) north of the Vaal River have past.<br />
Most of the circular <strong>structures</strong> are also <strong>associated</strong> <strong>with</strong> activity areas where processes were<br />
practiced <strong>and</strong> had to be accommodated either indoors, outdoors or in some kind of sheltered<br />
space. However, this paper merely explores the occurrence of the various activity areas, <strong>buildings</strong><br />
<strong>and</strong> <strong>structures</strong> that have a circular origin, those that were practiced in a circular action or that<br />
were constructed using the circle as basic form.<br />
Motivation for the study<br />
This study forms part of an investigation into the history <strong>and</strong> origins of the rondavel as a typical<br />
form type in the history of both <strong>vernacular</strong> architecture <strong>and</strong> folk engineering in the northern part<br />
of South Africa (the study does not cover the entire South Africa as the area is too vast). Most<br />
of the examples mentioned <strong>and</strong> investigated are located in the northern part of South Africa.<br />
The investigation into the origins <strong>and</strong> continuous use of the rondavel form type cannot be<br />
considered to be merely a simple sequential timeline from some prototype that originated at a<br />
particular geographic point, exp<strong>and</strong>ed around the globe <strong>and</strong> then continued into the 21st century.<br />
One of the key questions remains why the circle is selected as suitable spatial form solution to<br />
create floor plans for residential units as the rectangle <strong>and</strong> square have already proved to be a<br />
practical solution.<br />
The viewpoint of this paper is that the occurrence of the circle as a spatial design solution<br />
to accommodate activities of a circular nature is logic <strong>and</strong> the applicability <strong>and</strong> practicality<br />
of circular <strong>structures</strong> as containers have proved their validity as architectural <strong>and</strong> engineering<br />
solutions.<br />
It seems as if the circular floor plan has become commonly <strong>associated</strong> <strong>with</strong> the architecture<br />
of the local <strong>and</strong> indigenous black people while the rectangular floor plan became <strong>associated</strong><br />
<strong>with</strong> the <strong>vernacular</strong> <strong>and</strong> designed architecture of Europeans. Closer scrutiny of the early rural<br />
<strong>vernacular</strong> architecture <strong>and</strong> even later architecture on <strong>farm</strong>steads in the region north of the Vaal<br />
River suggests that both forms were rather common. Even though the circular form seems to<br />
be impractical - at first glance - it has survived <strong>and</strong> even became a common solution solving<br />
certain spatial problems in the architecture usually <strong>associated</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>farm</strong> architecture (not as an<br />
engineering solution though).<br />
The search for the origins of the circular floor plan <strong>and</strong> in particular the history of the<br />
rondavel typology of the cone on cylinder inevitably resulted in a search for other <strong>buildings</strong><br />
<strong>and</strong> <strong>structures</strong> <strong>with</strong> a circular or similar (related) floor plan <strong>and</strong> this is the principal motivation<br />
for this article. The preliminary investigation into the occurrence of the circle in the <strong>vernacular</strong><br />
architecture <strong>and</strong> early smaller folk <strong>structures</strong> in mostly rural traditions (especially <strong>farm</strong> building)<br />
resulting in a division between <strong>buildings</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>structures</strong>; <strong>buildings</strong> being works <strong>with</strong> roofs <strong>and</strong><br />
<strong>structures</strong> being mostly engineering related construction works (those works <strong>with</strong>out a roof).<br />
A study of early <strong>farm</strong> engineering works has not been done to date <strong>and</strong> this study is also<br />
not focused on this type of investigation. The creation of a category such as ‘<strong>vernacular</strong>’ <strong>farm</strong><br />
engineering is merely incidental, though essential for the discourse. This study is aimed at<br />
determining some tradition or patterns in the typologies of floor plan types that can be <strong>associated</strong><br />
or classified as <strong>vernacular</strong> building types, form types or functional types.<br />
Buildings <strong>and</strong> <strong>structures</strong><br />
Four broad categories of manmade spaces <strong>and</strong> construction works occur on <strong>farm</strong>steads in order<br />
to serve the needs of the productive <strong>farm</strong>er: (a) ‘<strong>buildings</strong>’ for the protection of people, produce<br />
<strong>and</strong> equipment; (b)‘<strong>structures</strong>’ for manufacturing processes <strong>and</strong> utilitarian uses such as storage<br />
<strong>and</strong> manufacturing; (c ) ‘infra structural elements’ <strong>and</strong> (d) ‘activity areas’. For the use of this<br />
paper <strong>and</strong> logic of the discourse, the sequence is altered, starting <strong>with</strong> activity areas.<br />
<strong>Circular</strong> construction<br />
It is assumed that circular <strong>buildings</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>structures</strong> are the result of a very logical process based on<br />
activities <strong>with</strong> a circular motion. This is only partially true for the construction of the <strong>vernacular</strong><br />
circular <strong>buildings</strong> on <strong>farm</strong>s. This would have been a scientific approach to the erection of these<br />
<strong>structures</strong> but in the early rural Transvaal, <strong>farm</strong>ers were neither exposed to the disciplines <strong>and</strong><br />
domains of the agricultural sciences nor to civil engineering until the first agricultural colleges<br />
were established. The thoughts generated <strong>and</strong> promoted at these institutions only reached the<br />
<strong>farm</strong>ing community after the results of their research <strong>and</strong> experimentation were published – first<br />
in scientific reports <strong>and</strong> later popularized in several agricultural journals.<br />
It is uncertain what the impact of early agricultural publications such as Farming in South<br />
Africa, Hulpboek vir Boere, Farmers Weekly <strong>and</strong> L<strong>and</strong>bou Weekblad had in promoting the<br />
construction of circular <strong>buildings</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>structures</strong>. These publications were established between<br />
1915 <strong>and</strong> 1920 – prior to the great depression. It can only be assumed that the recommendations<br />
<strong>and</strong> suggestions indicated <strong>and</strong> set forward in the articles by professional individuals who were<br />
linked to the various agricultural colleges <strong>and</strong> universities were not ignored by young <strong>and</strong><br />
dynamic <strong>farm</strong>ers who wanted to exp<strong>and</strong> their <strong>farm</strong>ing activities <strong>and</strong> profits by reassessment of<br />
their <strong>farm</strong>ing paradigms <strong>and</strong> methods using contemporary <strong>and</strong> tested technology. It can also<br />
be assumed that the circular <strong>buildings</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>structures</strong> already existed prior to the existence of<br />
the publications. The information in the publications only confirmed <strong>and</strong> defined the potential<br />
of <strong>and</strong> parameters for circular <strong>structures</strong> such as larger dams, water reservoirs <strong>and</strong> silos. Later<br />
editions of these publications were also instrumental in the introduction of circular prefabricated<br />
containers <strong>and</strong> the use of prefabricated materials such as corrugated iron that could be used for<br />
the construction of large circular <strong>structures</strong>.<br />
The functionality of the circular floor plan for any human activity reflects the presence<br />
of some paradox. Most large circular activities on a <strong>farm</strong> occur <strong>and</strong> are practiced outside a<br />
building. This leaves other activities such as storage <strong>and</strong> dwellings as spatial activities to be<br />
defined <strong>with</strong>in the circular confines of walls – such as silos <strong>and</strong> rondavels.<br />
In terms of storage of fodder the circular building becomes a cylindrical storage facility. The<br />
outward pressure on the walls increase as the cylinder is filled. This is where the circle becomes<br />
very efficient as the pressure is distributed equally onto all the sides. The same principle is true<br />
for using the cylindrical shape as a water reservoir.<br />
In terms of the rondavel no such logic exists. Furniture is designed <strong>and</strong> constructed<br />
according to fit the cube form <strong>and</strong> does not relate or fit smoothly into a circular or cylindrical<br />
building. In this sense the rondavel is impractical <strong>and</strong> irrational.<br />
The first motivation for the erection of a circular or cylindrical building would relate<br />
directly to any circular activity that had to be executed <strong>with</strong>in a defined <strong>and</strong> confined space,<br />
some even indoors. When assessing the circular <strong>buildings</strong> on <strong>farm</strong>steads it is found that few<br />
activities inside circular <strong>buildings</strong> are of a circular nature <strong>and</strong> so are the furniture used in these<br />
<strong>buildings</strong>.<br />
Another circular building type that became common during the Anglo-Boer War was the<br />
small circular fort. The logic of applying the circle is based on the 360 degree visibility along<br />
the entire horizon. However, these <strong>buildings</strong> were not erected on <strong>farm</strong>s <strong>and</strong> can therefore not be<br />
considered part of the <strong>vernacular</strong> <strong>farm</strong> building typologies.<br />
Activity areas<br />
Identifying activities that are based on circular actions seems to be the most logical point of<br />
departure when investigating the occurrence of circular <strong>buildings</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>structures</strong>. Few of these<br />
activities can still be found on contemporary commercial <strong>farm</strong>s. However, on <strong>farm</strong>s where<br />
traditional activities were practised or where activities were executed <strong>with</strong> manual labour, the<br />
occurrence of areas of a circular shape is quite common. In this case activity areas relate to the<br />
work place <strong>and</strong> the circular character of the floor or production area.<br />
Wagon-builders smithy<br />
Prior to prefabrication <strong>and</strong> mass production of iron products, later considered essential on a<br />
<strong>farm</strong> <strong>and</strong> critical in the construction <strong>and</strong> maintenance of a wagon, blacksmith work was done by<br />
the <strong>farm</strong>er <strong>and</strong> his workers. This activity was usually located near the waenhuis or sheds where<br />
the <strong>farm</strong>er kept all vehicles. Smithing was done either on the ground but often a small hearth<br />
was constructed (elevated area of about 600-700 mm high) on which a fire could be kindled.<br />
The height of such a structure (hearth) was determined by the blacksmith as it served as a work<br />
surface. Blacksmithing included the manufacturing of a variety of homemade tools <strong>and</strong> objects<br />
that could be used in <strong>buildings</strong> (such as hinges, locks <strong>and</strong> window stays) <strong>and</strong> the construction<br />
<strong>and</strong> maintenance of wagons <strong>and</strong> agricultural implements.<br />
Compared to the area where general iron work is done on a <strong>farm</strong>, the shortening of wagon<br />
tires had to be done outside a formal smithy (the building in which the hearth is located <strong>and</strong><br />
where the tools are stored). The area where wagon tires were finally laid over an existing (old)<br />
or a new wheel (wooden structure) was done outside where the wheel was bolted to a rim <strong>and</strong><br />
mounted in the ground. To ensure that the work area was slightly elevated from the ground, it<br />
was sometimes constructed <strong>with</strong> stone forming a small circular paved area (figure 1).<br />
Figure 1<br />
<strong>Circular</strong> paved stone area where a hot iron tire is placed over the wooden rim of a wagon wheel<br />
(photograph: M. Naudé).<br />
Threshing floor<br />
Threshing of wheat is an old <strong>farm</strong>ing activity <strong>and</strong> the oldest example of a threshing floor being<br />
preserved in South Africa is located directly adjacent to Mostert’s Mill in Mowbray, Cape Town<br />
(figure 21). 1 Threshing floors <strong>and</strong> mills used to be constructed adjacent to each other as the one<br />
activity merely precedes the other in the process of refining wheat to an edible product.<br />
Figure 2<br />
Reconstructed threshing floor at the Pioneer Museum site in Silverton, Pretoria<br />
(photograph: M. Naudé).<br />
Threshing floors used to be common on <strong>farm</strong>s in regions where wheat <strong>farm</strong>ing is common. A<br />
circular area was cleared of grass <strong>and</strong> bushes; the surface leveled, moistened <strong>and</strong> compacted<br />
until it was hard enough for animals to walk on <strong>with</strong>out destroying the surface. In its most<br />
simple form it is an open-air activity that is practised during a certain time of the year (figure<br />
2).<br />
According to Küsel, 2 the threshing floor on the <strong>farm</strong> Lakenvlei (Belfast district, Mpumalanga<br />
Province) is the best preserved example of such a structure in the entire region (formerly known<br />
as the Transvaal). The <strong>farm</strong>stead has been redundant for more than 12 years <strong>and</strong> the <strong>buildings</strong><br />
<strong>and</strong> <strong>structures</strong> have slowly disintegrated due to v<strong>and</strong>alisation <strong>and</strong> loss of materials eventually<br />
leading to structural failure of the <strong>buildings</strong>. 3<br />
This is another typical folk activity that can only be defined as an activity area <strong>and</strong> not as a<br />
‘structure’ as it consists of very little construction work. It is a clear example of an activity area<br />
where ‘form follows function’ as threshing was done by training horses or donkeys to trample<br />
over cut wheat along a circular trajectory. The circular shape of the structure is a direct result<br />
of the movement of the animals. Horses are held together <strong>with</strong> a leash by a person in the centre<br />
of the floor (or circle) while the animals move around him. Wheat is thrown on the hardened<br />
surface <strong>and</strong> the hooves of the animals trample the thick layer of stems in order to separate the<br />
grain from the chaff. However, in some parts of the country, threshing was also done indoors<br />
<strong>and</strong> sites have been recorded in the northwestern part of the Northern Cape by researchers of the<br />
National Cultural History Museum (now: Ditsong: National Museum of Cultural History). 4<br />
Kneading thongs<br />
In this case the activity of kneading thongs (Afrikaans: ‘riemebrei’) according to historic tradition<br />
has no relation to any structure or architectural element but is merely an open air activity that<br />
normally takes place under a tree. It is not a permanent activity <strong>and</strong> can be considered a dying<br />
folk tradition.<br />
In most cases the kneading of thongs using this method does not need the construction of<br />
any structure as the thongs are merely suspended from a mature tree branch <strong>with</strong> a weight tied<br />
to the bottom end of the bundle of raw thongs.<br />
A pole is pushed in between the thongs <strong>and</strong> a winding action is started by a person walking<br />
around the central axis. When tightly wound, the pole is pulled out <strong>and</strong> the thongs unwound<br />
themselves. Due to the continuous circular strolling of the operator a large area <strong>with</strong> a circular<br />
shape becomes visible.<br />
Figure 3<br />
Informal circular activity area created by the kneading of thongs – turning them around continuously<br />
(photograph: M. Naudé).<br />
<strong>Circular</strong> <strong>structures</strong><br />
Structures are usually those construction works that have no roof <strong>and</strong> could have been constructed<br />
as an activity area or a storage facility. Usually these <strong>structures</strong> were erected to accommodate a<br />
production process <strong>and</strong> as storage facility. In the case of the latter function the walls or sides of<br />
the structure play a significant part in containing physical forces relating directly to the kind of<br />
storage it was built for such as water or fodder.<br />
Lime kilns<br />
Lime kilns are also known to be circular in shape but even though little is known about the first<br />
<strong>and</strong> oldest lime kilns in South Africa, an example of such a kiln was proclaimed a National<br />
Monument (now referred to as a Provincial Heritage Site) in 1980. Two kilns are located on the<br />
<strong>farm</strong>s De la Rey <strong>and</strong> Jacobskraal, about 5 km outside the town of Yzerfontein (along the Cape<br />
West Coast) (figure 4).<br />
They are about 2.5 m high <strong>and</strong> were stacked <strong>with</strong> mussel shells <strong>and</strong> wood. A fire would be<br />
made at the lower compartment of the kiln while the shells are placed on top of the wood. Air<br />
was forced through the oven using billows. The final product would be ‘quicklime’ that was<br />
collected from a pit at the bottom of the kiln. 5 This is a well-constructed structure <strong>and</strong> seems not<br />
to be of a temporary type.<br />
Figure 4<br />
Lime kiln near Yzerfontein in the Western Cape Province where lime was manufactured from shells<br />
(photograph:<br />
Detached outdoor oven<br />
Figure 5<br />
Low circular outdoor bake oven in the Waterberg<br />
(photograph: Ditsong: National Museum of Cultural History, Pretoria).<br />
Only in exceptional cases, an outdoor oven will have a circular floor plan but during the<br />
pioneering years <strong>and</strong> especially while on trek, large ant heaps were used as (‘ready-made’)<br />
bake ovens. Technically, it is not a manmade structure but merely the result of the ingenuity of<br />
someone who exploited the latent potential of an ant heap that has become useless <strong>and</strong> offered<br />
an appropriate void for this purpose. The ant heap only had to be cleared from the inside, a front<br />
entrance <strong>and</strong> back draught-hole had to be created <strong>and</strong> the oven was ready to be used.<br />
Research in the Waterberg has revealed evidence of a simple outdoor bake oven that was<br />
constructed in a circular form in almost the same size <strong>and</strong> shape of an ant heap.<br />
However, there is little relation between the outdoor oven <strong>and</strong> the development of the<br />
rondavel. Hearths <strong>and</strong> fireplaces do not normally occur in rondavels <strong>and</strong> were not added to the<br />
exterior walls. The development of the outdoor bake oven is closely <strong>associated</strong> to the occurrence<br />
of the outdoor cooking area <strong>and</strong> the outdoor or detached kitchen – more often the semi-open<br />
cooking screen.<br />
Cooking screens<br />
The cooking screen (Afrikaans: ‘kookskerm’) has become <strong>associated</strong> <strong>with</strong> the arid <strong>and</strong> semiarid<br />
regions of South Africa. It is assumed that the cooking screen originated during the years<br />
when people lived a relative nomadic lifestyle <strong>and</strong> food was prepared on an open fire on the<br />
ground. A kitchen could not be located inside the tent or the ‘matjieshuis’ (reed hut) as these<br />
semi-permanent abodes were too small. When a more permanent dwelling was erected, it was<br />
either too small <strong>and</strong> the ‘kookskerm’ was preferably detached from the dwelling in fear that<br />
sparks from the fire may light the thatch roofs or would add more heat to the interior of the<br />
dwelling. The best solution was to keep the fire outside <strong>and</strong> create a small but functional facility<br />
that could operate firstly as a detached kitchen but also as an informal place to socialize. 6<br />
As a <strong>farm</strong>er would settle at his base or principal <strong>farm</strong> (Afrikaans: ‘blyplaas’), the ‘kookskerm’<br />
remained a functional <strong>and</strong> practical solution for preparing food. These first dwellings remained<br />
small <strong>and</strong> served only in the basic needs for privacy <strong>and</strong> accommodating the family’s essential<br />
spatial needs for sleeping rather than serving other needs such as a bathroom, kitchen <strong>and</strong> toilet.<br />
Whether the decision to retain this structure was the result of economic reasons (cheaper to<br />
exclude such a luxury from the dwelling) is unlikely <strong>and</strong> tradition (a difficult habit to break)<br />
may have been a more appropriate explanation. 7<br />
It was located a short distance (<strong>with</strong>in 30 m) from the dwelling <strong>and</strong> operated as an ‘instant’,<br />
outdoor or detached kitchen. The ‘kookskerm’ is a circular or oval-shaped structure <strong>with</strong> a<br />
single entrance, usually facing away from the direction of the prevailing winds, irrespective of<br />
the location of the back door of the dwelling. Even in these circumstances <strong>and</strong> in such an almost<br />
desolate natural l<strong>and</strong>scape the dwelling had a front <strong>and</strong> back façade <strong>with</strong> the ‘kookskerm’ being<br />
located in the backyard.<br />
In regions where this structure is common, rain is an almost incidental occurrence <strong>and</strong><br />
an open fire in an area where food was prepared had almost no possibility to be washed out.<br />
Direct sunlight, heat <strong>and</strong> wind were the only possible hazards to cope <strong>with</strong> when preparing<br />
food outdoors8 . No real need for moving food preparation into the dwelling existed <strong>and</strong> secured<br />
the survival of this household outdoor activity. Therefore, it remained an outdoor activity. It is<br />
inevitable that when food was prepared on an open fire outside the dwelling that the longer the<br />
same setting is used, some refinement to such an important activity area will result in several<br />
changes <strong>and</strong> led to the introduction of appropriate additions that would at least protect the fire<br />
against prevailing winds. 9<br />
The st<strong>and</strong>ard way of preparing food was on an open fire in three-legged <strong>and</strong> flat base iron<br />
pots. To retain a consistent source of heat, the flames had to be protected against winds <strong>and</strong><br />
breezes. The ‘kookskerm’ was erected mainly for this purpose – to keep the wind out. For the<br />
same reason these screens were not high enclosed spaces <strong>and</strong> in some cases they were merely<br />
etween 500 mm to 1 m high. However, the screen erected around this household activity also<br />
had other purposes such as defining the space as if it was a separate annex to the dwelling. Often<br />
the space included an outdoor bake oven, sometimes even more than one. Food preparation<br />
consists of more than just leaving food on the fire or bread inside the oven. Additional space<br />
had to be provided for the pre-preparation of some dishes while one or more individuals had<br />
to tend to the fire, stirring <strong>and</strong> mixing food. The space had to be large enough to accommodate<br />
one or more seats, a table to work on or even small wooden boxes in which kitchen utensils <strong>and</strong><br />
porcelain could be kept. Iron hooks <strong>and</strong> pokers were used to manipulate the fire <strong>and</strong> baking pans<br />
inside the oven <strong>and</strong> ample working space had to be created inside the screen for this activity<br />
<strong>with</strong>out falling or tripping over the fire, hitting furniture or cooking utensils. 10<br />
Figure 6<br />
<strong>Circular</strong> cooking screen <strong>with</strong> low surrounding wall <strong>and</strong> a roof constructed <strong>with</strong> timber laths <strong>and</strong> patches<br />
of roughly thatched vegetation, in front of a small rectangular dwelling<br />
(photograph: Macdonald, W. 1913. The conquest of the desert, figure 2).<br />
Figure 7<br />
Field-cornet Snyman’s house in the Roggeveld, ca. 1810 <strong>with</strong> rondavel-type outbuilding (in the centre) that<br />
probably served as a detached kitchen cum cooking screen<br />
(drawing: Burchell’s Travels).<br />
In some cases the cooking screen had a thatched or roughly covered roof supported by timber<br />
poles suggesting the form of a primitive rondavel.<br />
Wells<br />
Wells are usually circular shafts excavated to reach fresh water. They seldom have rectangular<br />
sides <strong>and</strong> to prevent the sides from caving in they need to be lined <strong>with</strong> stone, often smeared<br />
<strong>with</strong> a layer of cement plastering. In areas where artesian water sources exist, such as the drier<br />
parts of the country like the Kalahari <strong>and</strong> Namakwal<strong>and</strong>, the walls of these wells are lined <strong>with</strong><br />
chunks of calcrete <strong>with</strong>out plastering. Examples of these wells occur along the Auob River in<br />
the Northern Cape (Kalahari region). Here the water was scooped out of the well by allowing a<br />
person to enter the well <strong>and</strong> lifting water from the water source <strong>with</strong> a bucket. Water was then<br />
poured into a trough where animals would gather for drinking. The fresh water was protected by<br />
a stone wall often an extension for the stone lining of the shaft inside. A small opening was left<br />
into the surrounding wall to allow the person scooping the water to enter the well using stone<br />
steps into the water.<br />
Of particular interest is that the stone walling around the wells were not only constructed as<br />
a lining to prevent the walls from caving inwards, but projected above the surrounding ground<br />
surface in order to prevent animals <strong>and</strong> humans to fall into the well. An opening in this low<br />
wall defined the entrance towards primitive steps constructed by large stone boulders. They<br />
made it possible for the herder to enter into the well cavity. Poles were planted at the sides of<br />
the entrance <strong>and</strong> a makeshift gate had to be opened before entering. The type of construction<br />
relates to that of the rondavel but is different in that it is mostly subterranean (<strong>and</strong> more of a<br />
makeshift nature).<br />
The well on the <strong>farm</strong> Hartebeestpoort (Pretoria) is covered <strong>with</strong> a square timber structure<br />
to prevent children <strong>and</strong> animals from falling in but has retained its circular shaft underneath the<br />
timber structure. Winding of water <strong>with</strong> a bucket on a rope is also done from such a platform,<br />
as the winder is mounted to this rectangular floor or ‘cap’. On the <strong>farm</strong> Kaalfontein (Rayton<br />
district - Gauteng) the circular character of the well is exposed as the water is extracted <strong>with</strong> a<br />
‘bakkies-pump’ that is fitted in the centre of the open shaft. The pump is driven by a donkey that<br />
strolls around the structure <strong>and</strong> then drives the pump, hoisting water by way of a ‘chain’ <strong>with</strong><br />
tens of small scoops (Afrikaans: ‘bakkies’) mounted to the chain.<br />
Figure 8<br />
<strong>Circular</strong> well in the Kalahari, the retaining walls <strong>and</strong> small steps leading to the water, constructed <strong>with</strong><br />
chunks of calcrete (photograph: Ditsong: National Museum of Cultural History).<br />
Dipping tanks<br />
Dipping tanks on commercial <strong>farm</strong>s are <strong>associated</strong> <strong>with</strong> cattle dipping <strong>and</strong> the <strong>structures</strong><br />
<strong>associated</strong> <strong>with</strong> this activity are elongated rectangles <strong>and</strong> not circular. <strong>Circular</strong> dipping tanks<br />
were used for dipping stock <strong>and</strong> pigs (figure 10).<br />
A unique aspect of these dipping tanks was the use of s<strong>and</strong>stone blocks that were shaped<br />
(into a curve) to fit the circular shape of the final structure. More often, stone used for the<br />
construction of a circular building was merely positioned in such a way that they fit the circular<br />
floor plan using the building mortar to fill the triangular gap created by swiveling the square or<br />
rectangular blocks to create a circular structure. In the case of rondavels, slabs or large bars of<br />
stone (used for lintels <strong>and</strong> window sills) were shaped to fit the circular shape of the exterior of<br />
the building <strong>and</strong> not the interior.<br />
Figure 9<br />
‘Bakkies pomp’ installed inside a well-type structure <strong>and</strong> operated by an animal strolling around a central<br />
pivot (photograph: M. Naudé).<br />
Figure 10<br />
Sheep dip on the <strong>farm</strong> Berseba in the Steynsburg district northeastern Cape<br />
(photograph: M. Naudé).<br />
Dams <strong>and</strong> drinking troughs<br />
The simplest dams constructed as reservoirs for cattle or stock <strong>farm</strong>ing are mere shallow dips in<br />
the ground that have been covered <strong>with</strong> a layer of cement, which is periodically filled <strong>with</strong> water<br />
from a well or pump. Examples of this type of ‘trough’ occur in the Kalahari <strong>and</strong> the remains<br />
of some have been retained by SANParks in the Kgalakgadi National Park, when animals had<br />
to drink water from the nearby well or pump that supplied water for reservoir. Due to the low<br />
gradient of the slope of this structure, animals can walk into the water <strong>and</strong> drink <strong>with</strong>out any<br />
danger of drowning, slipping, getting stuck or causing damage to themselves. 11<br />
Although dams or water reservoirs tend to be of any shape, the circular shape is the most<br />
common. The shape is a direct result of the logic underlying its use as dams, in terms of the<br />
outwards pressure (pushing forces) of water inside the dam. Dams are containers <strong>and</strong> need to<br />
be designed <strong>with</strong> this in mind, especially as the quantity of the contents may change over time<br />
depending on the seasonal drought conditions <strong>and</strong> level of the water, resulting in the altered<br />
pressure on the walls. Dams can only be categorized as engineering <strong>structures</strong>.<br />
<strong>Circular</strong> dams or reservoirs may occur in different sizes: from small drinking troughs to<br />
large reservoirs <strong>with</strong> a diameter of 15 m (figure 11).<br />
Figure 11<br />
Small drinking trough for sheep on the <strong>farm</strong> Berseba (Steynsburg district) northeastern Cape<br />
(photograph: M. Naudé). 12<br />
Quite a unique structure not usually found or described in academic publications covering<br />
<strong>vernacular</strong> engineering works, is the water furrow distributor dam (figure. 12). Water is brought<br />
to the <strong>farm</strong>stead <strong>with</strong> a single wide furrow. Water then had to be distributed to other furrows<br />
serving several areas such as orchards <strong>and</strong> gardens. The distributor dam is circular in shape <strong>and</strong><br />
consists of a central inlet furrow <strong>with</strong> several outlets depending where the water is needed for<br />
irrigation. These distributor dams may have a hardened clay floor or may be constructed <strong>with</strong><br />
stone <strong>and</strong> lined <strong>with</strong> a cement floor.<br />
Water is let through the appropriate sluice by lifting the small sliding sluice gate. They<br />
were made of sheets of galvanized iron (often a flattened sheet of corrugated iron).<br />
Figure 12<br />
<strong>Circular</strong> ‘distributor’ dam where water from the principal water furrow is distributed into several<br />
secondary furrows – Lydenburg district, Mpumalanga Province<br />
(photograph: M. Naudé).<br />
Kraals<br />
The construction of circular ‘takkrale’ (a kraal constructed <strong>with</strong> branches) by the indigenous<br />
peoples of South Africa is quite common <strong>and</strong> they can still be seen in the rural areas where<br />
cattle <strong>farm</strong>ing are practiced (<strong>and</strong> ample wood is available). However, cattle or stock kraals have<br />
been replaced <strong>with</strong> more formal gum-pole constructed <strong>structures</strong>.<br />
The kraal at Donkerhoek (east of Pretoria) was constructed <strong>with</strong> s<strong>and</strong>stone <strong>and</strong> a s<strong>and</strong><strong>and</strong>-lime<br />
mortar <strong>with</strong> a thin topping of the same material along the top of the entire wall. This<br />
prevented the top layer of stones to ‘open-up’ <strong>and</strong> break apart. It has an exceptionally wide<br />
entrance – not common for a stock kraal.<br />
Figure 13<br />
<strong>Circular</strong> stock kraal in the Donkerhoek area (east of Pretoria). The wall is approximately 1,2 m high <strong>and</strong><br />
constructed <strong>with</strong> chunks of s<strong>and</strong>stone collected along the slopes of the surrounding ridge<br />
(photograph: M. Naudé).<br />
Most of these kraals suffer from the same symptoms of structural decay as other open circular<br />
<strong>structures</strong> - they tend to widen at the top <strong>and</strong> cracks <strong>and</strong> structural problems occur along the<br />
higher portions of the wall.<br />
Wolwehokke<br />
‘Wolwehokke’ (‘hyena traps’) are not common <strong>structures</strong> north of the Vaal River but was quite<br />
common in the Karoo. The ‘wolwehok’ was designed to attract the ‘wolf’ or hyena into a<br />
stone constructed structure by setting a trap <strong>with</strong> chunks of meat inside. It is also referred to<br />
as a ‘wolwehuisie’ but this building has no association <strong>with</strong> ‘housing’ or <strong>with</strong> the ‘protection’<br />
of animals or humans. It was normally constructed from stone 13 <strong>and</strong> used as a device to catch<br />
nocturnal animals perceived to be predators such as jackal, aardwolf <strong>and</strong> other smaller species.<br />
The animal was lured into the building <strong>and</strong> the trapdoor would be triggered as soon the bait<br />
inside is moved or removed from its hook. The <strong>farm</strong>er would visit the site in the morning <strong>and</strong><br />
shoot the trapped animal through a hole at the top of the structure. 14<br />
One of these <strong>structures</strong> was reconstructed by the former National Parks Board staff in<br />
the Karoo National Park near Beaufort West. Another example was proclaimed a Provincial<br />
Heritage Site in the Graaff-Reinet district.<br />
Figure 14<br />
A reconstructed ‘wolwehok’ <strong>with</strong> (vertical) sliding slate door <strong>and</strong> open at the top, in the Karoo National<br />
Park (Beaufort West) (photograph: Ditsong: National Museum of Cultural History, Pretoria).<br />
Pen or small kraal<br />
In terms of <strong>structures</strong> dating to the Iron Age, small circular <strong>structures</strong> (<strong>with</strong>out roofs) are easy<br />
to identify <strong>and</strong> classify. Small circular <strong>structures</strong> <strong>with</strong> a diameter ranging from 2,5 to 4 m<br />
<strong>with</strong>out any entrances or openings in the walls are not uncommon occurrences in Early <strong>and</strong><br />
Later Iron Age sites. It has also been mentioned that some may have served as a foundation for<br />
a granary. Granaries are usually elevated above the ground in order to insulate the floor from the<br />
possibility of direct infestation by insects. The foundation would consist of a circular structure<br />
constructed <strong>with</strong> stone <strong>with</strong> or <strong>with</strong>out mortar. A significant aspect of these <strong>structures</strong> would be<br />
that it forms a complete circle <strong>with</strong> no entrance or break in the circular walling. Timber beams<br />
would be laid on top to form the floor <strong>and</strong> the remaining wall structure would consist of a timber<br />
structure filled in <strong>with</strong> horizontal <strong>and</strong> vertical laths – sometimes also plastered <strong>with</strong> clay on the<br />
interior <strong>and</strong> exterior. However, the same structure could be constructed <strong>with</strong>out the circular<br />
stone walling as the corner posts could have been planted directly into the ground <strong>and</strong> the floor<br />
mounted at an elevated position above the ground. 15<br />
Figure 15<br />
Small pen on the <strong>farm</strong> Vaalekrans in the Steynsburg district, northeastern Cape (photograph: M. Naudé).<br />
On historical sites these small circular <strong>structures</strong> are not that easy to contextualise. They are<br />
often too small to be classified as a kraal <strong>and</strong> seldom have any traces of a roof structure. The<br />
walls of these <strong>structures</strong> may either be plumb or are tapered towards the inside. Fieldwork has<br />
not yet clearly secured a function for these <strong>structures</strong> other than keeping either small animals<br />
or for keeping a small number of animals for a special reason. Young lambs, calves or pigs<br />
(pigsties tend to be rectangular) were kept inside small circular <strong>structures</strong>. These <strong>structures</strong> may<br />
have had well defined entrances <strong>with</strong> gates or in some cases had no entrance. 16<br />
These are also not the remains of rondavels as rondavels tend to have larger diameters<br />
<strong>and</strong> have been constructed <strong>with</strong> walls that are designed to be load bearing. In cases where the<br />
rondavel roof has completely disappeared but the walls have remained intact, the top of the wall<br />
has been refined by finishing it off <strong>with</strong> a final set of level stone layers in order to accommodate<br />
the roof structure.<br />
Still <strong>and</strong> fermentation tanks<br />
Small fermentation tanks or subterranean pits serving various purposes were often constructed<br />
on <strong>farm</strong>s. If the <strong>farm</strong>er was a keen stiller of mampoer or witblits (moonshine), these pits were<br />
either constructed <strong>with</strong> plastered brick walls or any other prefabricated containers. Otherwise,<br />
pits were constructed by excavating holes in the ground <strong>and</strong> plastering the interior surfaces<br />
<strong>with</strong> a layer or wash mixture of s<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> lime. Subterranean pits were used for curing hides by<br />
filling the pit <strong>with</strong> water <strong>and</strong> wattle or blue-gum (eucalyptus) tree bark. They were also used to<br />
ferment fruit prior to the stilling process.<br />
The still had to be heated from underneath as heat was an important element in the stilling<br />
process. Surrounding the copper still <strong>with</strong> a layer of sundried bricks <strong>and</strong> wet clay would ensure<br />
retaining of the heat inside. The makeshift clay brick solution was not a permanent structure <strong>and</strong><br />
had to be rebuilt after the stilling season.<br />
Figure 16<br />
Still located inside a circular makeshift brick structure <strong>with</strong> circular fermentation pits at the back – in<br />
the Waterberg region, Limpopo Province (photograph: Ditsong: National Museum of Cultural History,<br />
Pretoria).<br />
These <strong>structures</strong> have little load bearing capabilities. In the case of the still the clay <strong>and</strong> brick<br />
walling are removed when the still is cleaned <strong>and</strong> the fermentation pits only contain small<br />
quantities of fruit.<br />
Water reservoirs<br />
Water reservoirs are small water containers usually located near the dwelling <strong>and</strong> as in the case<br />
of the example on Hattingskraal (Winburg district in the Free Sate Province) (figure 17), placed<br />
underneath the spout of the downpipe draining water from the roof of the building. In this case<br />
the reservoir was constructed <strong>with</strong> bricks, plastered <strong>and</strong> whitewashed. Today it is more common<br />
to find prefabricated galvanized iron tanks serving the same purpose.<br />
Figure 17<br />
Water reservoir constructed at the corner of the building to collect water draining from the roof - <strong>farm</strong><br />
Hattingskraal in the district of Winburg, Free State Province (photograph: M. Naudé).<br />
Other water reservoirs were constructed in the same way as a dam wall of plastered brick<br />
but projecting higher into the air. In the case of the example in the Kruger National Park, the<br />
problems of mechanical or penetrating damp damage to the lower section of such a reservoir are<br />
countered by buttressing the lower part <strong>with</strong> another wall either of brick but usually <strong>with</strong> stone<br />
masonry. To prevent dust or any other material to end up in the water the top of the reservoir<br />
was covered <strong>with</strong> a conical roof of galvanized sheet iron.<br />
Figure 18<br />
Small circular water reservoir <strong>with</strong> buttressed stone masonry wall around it in Skukuza, ca. 1932<br />
(photograph: Pienaar, U. de V. 1990. Neem uit die verlede, p. 483).<br />
<strong>Circular</strong> <strong>buildings</strong><br />
The circle as a spatial solution (<strong>and</strong> shape) for residential <strong>and</strong> storage needs is well-known<br />
in the <strong>vernacular</strong> architecture of the local indigenous peoples in South Africa <strong>and</strong> among<br />
traditional societies elsewhere in the world. It is a form type that occurs in all climatic <strong>and</strong><br />
botanical regions. It is even used as an architectural form by people such as the Eskimos. For<br />
this reason the circular floor plan must be included into the typology of prototypes generally<br />
used in <strong>vernacular</strong> architecture all over the world. It is used as both a temporary <strong>and</strong> permanent<br />
solution for habitation, working <strong>and</strong> storage purposes.<br />
Whether the circular prototype was identified <strong>and</strong> classified as a typical part of the South<br />
African architectural vocabulary is not very clear. In terms of the various typologies that exist<br />
among the local indigenous groups of South Africa it has been defined <strong>and</strong> accepted but it<br />
seems to have been excluded from the <strong>vernacular</strong> architectural vocabulary of European or white<br />
architectural history. In cases where South African or regional architecture was presented or<br />
displayed the rectangle remained the prime prototype for representing early white <strong>vernacular</strong><br />
architecture <strong>and</strong> the circular floor plan typology was considered typical of indigenous black<br />
<strong>vernacular</strong> architecture.<br />
Gazebos<br />
Gazebos usually consist of a roof supported by timber columns but <strong>with</strong> the sides either left<br />
open or partially closed. Therefore it operates as a constructed ‘umbrella’ <strong>and</strong> shelter rather than<br />
a formal building <strong>with</strong> a proper foundation <strong>and</strong> closed walls.<br />
This building type not only occurs in the gardens of <strong>farm</strong>steads or suburban properties but<br />
also on <strong>farm</strong>s <strong>and</strong> more official exclusive areas such as the Kruger National Park. Its function<br />
is to protect people from the sun while allowing free movement of humans <strong>and</strong> breezes through<br />
the created covered space underneath.<br />
No research has been done on the occurrence of this building type in the <strong>vernacular</strong><br />
architecture in the northern part of South Africa. This may be because the building type is of<br />
little architectural significance except when considered in some historical or cultural historical<br />
context. In structure <strong>and</strong> form the gazebo has the same characteristics as the rondavel <strong>with</strong><br />
the exception that the sides were left open or were merely screened off <strong>with</strong> reeds or diagonal<br />
cross slats. This allows the building to serve its purpose as a place of leisure <strong>and</strong> enjoyment of<br />
a garden or as a private folk-type clubhouse next to a swimming pool, tennis court, or croquet<br />
lawn. Gazebos were either square, rectangular or had a rondavel shape.<br />
Figure 19<br />
Reconstructed garden gazebo on the <strong>farm</strong> Zwartkoppies outside Pretoria<br />
(photograph: M. Naudé).<br />
Another popular gazebo type occurs in the Kruger National Park <strong>and</strong> this type is still erected in<br />
other national parks as well. The thatched rondavel roof allows ample shelter to any number of<br />
people <strong>and</strong> can be maintained <strong>and</strong> replaced using the local grass available. The building type is<br />
also aesthetically sympathetic to the bush l<strong>and</strong>scape <strong>and</strong> tends to disappear among the bushes<br />
of the Lowveld <strong>and</strong> Bushveld.<br />
Figure 20<br />
Large open sided gazebo at the Pafuri tourist picnic area in the Kruger National Park<br />
(photograph: M. Naudé).<br />
Mills<br />
Jan van Riebeeck had to provide most of the basic services during the early years at the Cape<br />
including the grinding of wheat. For this reason, a so-called horse-mill was built. As they had no<br />
horses the mill was worked by oxen. However, when the Khoi people stole all the oxen in 1659,<br />
the miller, assisted by the Government, had to erect a wind driven mill. In the following century<br />
several wind driven mills were erected, some of these were privately owned <strong>and</strong> Mostert’s Mill<br />
in Mowbray (Cape Town) is the last remaining example of these. 17 This mill is of the type known<br />
in the Netherl<strong>and</strong>s as a ‘bovenkruier’ or ‘over-shot’ wheat mill. 18 Even though this building type<br />
<strong>and</strong> <strong>associated</strong> engineering have proved to be successful over decades in the Netherl<strong>and</strong>s, it did<br />
not survive in South Africa <strong>and</strong> the tradition disappeared.<br />
The entire tradition for wind powered mills was altered by the minimalist construction<br />
of galvanized iron water mill <strong>structures</strong>. However, these mills were never exploited for the<br />
generation of power to drive wheat mills.<br />
It is constructed in the Dutch tradition of mill typologies <strong>and</strong> has a circular footprint.<br />
According to Doreen Greig, Mostert’s Mill was built (ca. 1796) by Gysbert van Reenen, the<br />
same man who erected the original house on the <strong>farm</strong> Welgelegen in 1757. Mosterts Mill <strong>and</strong><br />
the adjacent threshing floor were proclaimed a National Monument (now a Provincial Heritage<br />
Site) in 1940. 19 This merely serves as evidence that some circular floor plans is not unique to<br />
Africa or South Africa but originates from a typology that has its roots in Europe. It was not<br />
the only mill <strong>with</strong> a wind driven milling machine in the Cape at the time but the only mill of<br />
its kind that remained in the Bol<strong>and</strong>. This building tradition never continued into the interior of<br />
the country.<br />
One of the smallest milling machines created for grinding purposes is the Norse Mill.<br />
It is a small machine <strong>with</strong> a horizontal flywheel driven by the movement of water flowing<br />
underneath the machine <strong>and</strong> the building. Flywheels may have diameter of between 1.5 m <strong>and</strong><br />
2.3 m. However, it is not the shape of the flywheel that determined the shape of the building<br />
in which it was housed as the top part of the milling machine was usually square. These mills<br />
could therefore be accommodated in a rectangular or a circular building.<br />
Figure 21<br />
Mostert’s Mill in Mowbray Cape Town. A circular threshing floor was reconstructed at the back, adjacent<br />
to the mill (source: Oberholster 1972: 42).<br />
Figure 22<br />
Exploded drawing of a Norse Mill (machine) <strong>and</strong> all its parts indicating the use of the horizontal flywheel<br />
(drawing: Ditsong: National Museum of Cultural History, Pretoria).<br />
Figure 23<br />
Lozenge-shaped building housing a Norse Mill on the <strong>farm</strong> Kaalfontein in the Cullinan district<br />
(photograph: M. Naudé).<br />
Silos<br />
Silos are storage facilities <strong>and</strong> their shape does not necessarily have to be circular or cylindrical.<br />
This is a relatively late development of the circular floor plan as it became a common phenomenon<br />
on <strong>farm</strong>s in the 20 th century when <strong>farm</strong>ers learnt that they could collect fodder for winters <strong>and</strong><br />
could use this building cum container for this purpose. Silos seldom had roofs but the walls<br />
had to be strong enough to contain the pressure of the fodder content inside. Silos are partly<br />
subterranean <strong>with</strong> only the top two-thirds projecting above the ground. As the <strong>farm</strong>er’s needs<br />
exp<strong>and</strong>ed a second silo was erected or the walls of an existing silo was merely added on top<br />
Figure 24<br />
Two redundant grain silos on the <strong>farm</strong> Zwartkoppies east of Pretoria. One of them was enlarged by<br />
adding to the top. The second silo (right) was constructed using corrugated iron sheets as shuttering<br />
(photograph: M. Naudé).<br />
Figure 25<br />
Ruins of two silos on the <strong>farm</strong> Garstfontein - Pretoria (photograph: M. Naudé).<br />
Corrugated iron or sheet iron silos have been used for a long time by riveting, bolting <strong>and</strong><br />
welding flat sheets together to form a cylindrically-shaped container. The wall thickness depends<br />
as much on the requirements to resist vertical forces <strong>and</strong> the effect of wind on an empty silo<br />
as on the need to <strong>with</strong>st<strong>and</strong> the horizontal pressure of the fodder on the walls – from inside.<br />
The solution is the use of corrugated iron but <strong>with</strong> the fluting running horizontally which is<br />
stiff enough to resist wind forces. Such a silo also needs to be supported by vertical columns<br />
spaced around the silo wall to resist the vertical (outward) forces. The result of such a structure<br />
would be one of the most slender <strong>structures</strong> known to man <strong>with</strong> a slenderness ratio (ratio of the<br />
biggest dimension (diameter or height) to the smallest [thickness]) that can reach as much as<br />
20 000). 20<br />
After becoming redundant, they are often covered <strong>with</strong> a roof <strong>and</strong> used as accommodation<br />
as they normally have a diameter of about 5 m to 7 m, making them spacious enough to be used<br />
as a residential unit.<br />
Worker’s dwellings<br />
One of the most common methods to identify <strong>and</strong> define a particular form type in a typology<br />
is to trace a contemporary example back to its origin, but often these lines supposedly leading<br />
towards the original archetype tend to become vague <strong>and</strong> eventually stop abruptly or disappear<br />
into another form type. It is not the focus of this paper to do such a tracing exercise but the links<br />
between the <strong>vernacular</strong> circular huts of indigenous peoples cannot be ignored as one of these<br />
avenues towards a local origin.<br />
The occurrence of the circular floor plan among the indigenous peoples of South <strong>and</strong><br />
southern Africa is well recorded as these people still use the circular floor plan today. They have<br />
used it in the period prior to Europeans entering into South Africa <strong>and</strong> the building typology can<br />
be traced back to the Iron Age <strong>and</strong> Late Stone Age.<br />
However, tracing the origins of the rondavel on the <strong>farm</strong>steads of European <strong>farm</strong>ers has not<br />
been done in such detail <strong>and</strong> this form type has not been investigated either by archaeologists or<br />
architectural historians to the same extent as the occurrence of this form type among indigenous<br />
peoples.<br />
The cone on cylinder hut or rondavel has a documented history <strong>and</strong> some of the earlier<br />
prototypes of the cone on cylinder still occur concurrently on <strong>farm</strong>steads or in more traditional<br />
villages. The circular floor plan has been replaced by the square <strong>and</strong> rectangle on <strong>farm</strong>s where<br />
black workers reside on a permanent basis. However, in some areas this change towards the<br />
rectangle has not been completed <strong>and</strong> the circular floor plan is still used.<br />
One of the first conclusions <strong>and</strong> perhaps most logical deductions, in terms of the origins of<br />
the rondavel as a spatial solution for accommodation among white settlers, may be to consider<br />
that the application of the circular floor plan was through acculturation as <strong>farm</strong> workers were<br />
responsible for the construction of these circular <strong>buildings</strong> for their European ‘masters’.<br />
Figure 26<br />
Diagram indicating various basic hut types <strong>associated</strong> <strong>with</strong> sheltering by indigenous peoples (drawing: M.<br />
Naudé - adapted from F. Frescura).<br />
Grass mat dome <strong>structures</strong> of the Northwest <strong>and</strong> Namakwal<strong>and</strong>.<br />
A well-known phenomenon in the region known as the Noordweste or Northwest <strong>and</strong> surrounding<br />
regions such as the Hantam, Gordonia, the Kalahari, <strong>and</strong> Namakwal<strong>and</strong>, is the occurrence of<br />
the circular domed dwellings of both the indigenous residents <strong>and</strong> later also the white settlers.<br />
A dwelling type commonly referred to as the ‘grasmathuis’ or grass mat dwelling. In essence<br />
this is a temporary dwelling type <strong>with</strong> no architectural elements secured on a foundation or<br />
permanent structure linking the superstructure to the ground or to any subterranean base to<br />
indicate any hint of permanence. They also have a simple floor plan: circular in shape <strong>with</strong> only<br />
a single interior space – no subdivisions into several secondary or supporting rooms.<br />
However, the key aspect is this building’s circular floor plan, its size <strong>and</strong> mobile structure.<br />
It cannot be defined as a residence, neither as a house in terms of permanence or its size but still<br />
served the purposes of its owners in most of their needs for shelter in terms of its transportability<br />
<strong>and</strong> easy construction. Due to the material it was constructed from, it also had the ability to<br />
counter the harsh climatic conditions of the regions where they were commonly used. The<br />
existing surface of the ground or a hardened clay surface served as floor <strong>and</strong> the super structure<br />
defined both the walls <strong>and</strong> roof. As the frame was covered <strong>with</strong> woven grass mats the material<br />
allowed air to flow through the matting. It was cool during the day <strong>and</strong> protected its inhabitants<br />
during the night. It had no need for windows <strong>and</strong> had only a single door (or merely an opening)<br />
used as an entrance (<strong>and</strong> exit) <strong>and</strong> covered by a grass mat that was rolled up or down during<br />
the day.<br />
As a structure constructed <strong>with</strong> completely organic materials it would not have served its<br />
purpose in areas that were more humid but in these areas (mentioned above) <strong>with</strong> almost no<br />
rainfall during an average year, owners had no fear regarding building materials that would rot<br />
<strong>and</strong> had to be replaced often.<br />
Figure 27<br />
Large dome-shaped timber frame hut covered <strong>with</strong> grass matting in the Namakwal<strong>and</strong> region<br />
(photograph: Ditsong: National Museum of Cultural History, Pretoria).<br />
Corbelled huts<br />
A unique dwelling type in the drier parts of the former Cape Province is the corbel hut (Afrikaans:<br />
‘korbeelhuis’). On many <strong>farm</strong>s in the Carnavon Williston area corbelled huts also referred to<br />
as ‘klip-rondawels’ (stone rondavels) are found. 21 This is the closest relative to the rondavel<br />
hut type as it also has a circular floor plan, vertical walls to a certain height but the construction<br />
of the roof differs completely from the roof types <strong>associated</strong> <strong>with</strong> the rondavel. Walls often<br />
760 mm thick were built to a height of approximately 2 m before the next layers were slightly<br />
tapered towards the top. Successive courses of flat stones were laid, overlapping inwards until it<br />
was closed at the top <strong>with</strong> a large single flat slab. 22 The roof is merely an extension of the walls.<br />
The roof structure is of a more complicated design as it was constructed exclusively from stone<br />
<strong>and</strong> tapered into a conical dome towards the top <strong>and</strong> the centre of the building.<br />
A major difference when compared <strong>with</strong> the rondavel is the exclusive use of stone for the<br />
construction of the entire corbelled hut - the walls <strong>and</strong> roof form a single structure. According<br />
to Maguire who has been extensively involved in the identification <strong>and</strong> mapping of corbelled<br />
dwellings:<br />
Stone for corbelled <strong>structures</strong> appears to have an optimum dimensional format, that is slabs that are approximately<br />
3:1 in their length to width ration, but the size <strong>and</strong> shape of rock used in their construction is still being researched<br />
as is the precise manner of their packing. Packing technique is easy to see in corbelled huts which have collapsed<br />
due to structural failure. The reasons for such failure are also being studied. At this stage, it is possible to say that<br />
blocks which are too square create <strong>structures</strong> which are unstable’. 23<br />
Figure 28<br />
Corbelled dwelling in Namakwal<strong>and</strong> (photograph: Ditsong: National Museum of Cultural History,<br />
Pretoria).<br />
Rondavels<br />
Rondavels form the core of the investigation <strong>and</strong> as mentioned in the introduction, this article<br />
merely highlights the occurrence of the circle as a spatial solution – one aspect of the investigation<br />
into the origins <strong>and</strong> history of the rondavel. For this reason, rondavels will not be analysed in<br />
detail in this article. Some general observations need to be highlighted though.<br />
Rondavels remain significant <strong>vernacular</strong> building types in the entire classification <strong>and</strong><br />
variety of form types of <strong>vernacular</strong> <strong>farm</strong> architecture. In terms of <strong>farm</strong>yard layout <strong>and</strong> spatial<br />
arrangement, rondavels can be clustered into two broad categories: (a) as separate <strong>buildings</strong> (or<br />
annexes) to the main residence <strong>and</strong> (b) as form type defining or included into the floor plan <strong>and</strong><br />
spatial solution scheme of the main residence.<br />
Where rondavels occur as annexes to the main <strong>farm</strong> residence they were used as a detached<br />
kitchen, a milk room (where milk is separated), a meat room (where meat is prepared after<br />
slaughtering of an animal), additional accommodation (sleeping facilities for visiting guests or<br />
as detached rooms for the teenage boys) or as additional work space (either for the <strong>farm</strong>er – as<br />
an office or for the housewife). Currently, rondavels are often used as space where <strong>farm</strong> workers<br />
are trained or where housewives assist in the administration of the <strong>farm</strong>ing activities.<br />
The occurrence of rondavel houses or rectangular dwellings <strong>with</strong> a single or more than one<br />
rondavel (or circular room) attached to it is not the rule of thumb for early European <strong>vernacular</strong><br />
architecture but many examples exist – to the point that it can be considered as a significant<br />
form type in the <strong>vernacular</strong> architecture of several regions.<br />
Figure 29<br />
Small rondavel constructed <strong>with</strong> blocks of dolerite <strong>and</strong> s<strong>and</strong>stone quoining around the window <strong>and</strong> as<br />
window sill (photograph: Ditsong: National Museum of Cultural History, Pretoria).<br />
In some cases circular dwellings <strong>and</strong> <strong>structures</strong> were designed, manufactured <strong>and</strong> marketed<br />
as kits allowing <strong>farm</strong>ers to order such a structure from a catalogue. Galvanised corrugated<br />
iron is a popular material for these <strong>structures</strong>. Water reservoirs, containers such as silos <strong>and</strong><br />
even residential units such as rondavels were manufactured <strong>with</strong> this material <strong>and</strong> bought by<br />
<strong>farm</strong>ers <strong>and</strong> especially building or other contractors, either as housing, site offices or as storage<br />
spaces.<br />
Figure 30<br />
Prefabricated rondavel constructed from corrugated iron on the <strong>farm</strong> Zwartkoppies, Pretoria<br />
(photograph: M. Naudé).<br />
Rondavel dwellings<br />
There is general consensus that the single rondavel or the circular floor plan building is<br />
impractical as a residence. The rondavel is also an impractical building type as a kitchen <strong>and</strong><br />
bathroom. One way to counter this impracticality is to either construct a ‘square-davel’ <strong>and</strong> to<br />
cluster numerous rondavels or rondavel type <strong>buildings</strong> together in order to create a rondavel<br />
house or to incorporate the circular building into another building <strong>with</strong> a rectangular floor plan.<br />
The well-known 1920-1930s South African architect Gerard Moerdijk noted this in the various<br />
articles he published in Die Boerevrou. Moerdijk promoted the design of an ‘Afrikaans’ dwelling<br />
but did not reminisce neither did he explore the current tendencies of the Boer dwelling as they<br />
existed in the l<strong>and</strong>scape at the time. 24 Moerdijk never made any attempt to base his ideas of the<br />
rondavel house on existing traditions that may have existed in rural Transvaal.<br />
In the case of the so-called ‘guesthouse’ of Gustav Preller on the <strong>farm</strong> Pelindaba (figure<br />
31), the rondavel units were clustered into a single residence but instead of adding rectangular<br />
spaces, the connected areas in between the rondavels were used to serve as more ‘practical’<br />
interior spaces – <strong>with</strong> more or less rectangular shapes.<br />
Figure 31<br />
Preller guest house on the <strong>farm</strong> Pelindaba near Hartebeestpoortdam west of Pretoria (photograph: M.<br />
Naudé).<br />
On the <strong>farm</strong> Koedoesrant, 25 two separate rondavels <strong>and</strong> a small rectangular cottage became<br />
a single dwelling unit when they were connected <strong>with</strong> a large ver<strong>and</strong>ah. This indicates the<br />
significance of the connecting passages, corridors, closed <strong>and</strong> open spaces in linking the various<br />
circular spaces together. In this way new spaces are added, often <strong>with</strong> odd shapes <strong>and</strong> always of<br />
varying sizes. These clusters do not have simple floor plans neither elementary roof <strong>structures</strong><br />
as conical thatched roofs had to be linked <strong>and</strong> often only linked via flat roofed concrete slabs<br />
in between.<br />
Figure 32<br />
Rondavel dwelling <strong>with</strong> small gable building at the back, on the seasonal winter <strong>farm</strong> of the Bosman<br />
family (photograph: Ditsong: National Museum of Cultural History, Pretoria).<br />
In the case of the dwelling on the <strong>farm</strong> Rietvlei (Rayton district, Gauteng) the façade of the<br />
original dwelling was flanked by two independent rondavels. When the dwelling had to be<br />
enlarged the original core dwelling exp<strong>and</strong>ed towards the rondavels <strong>and</strong> they were eventually<br />
linked to the main dwelling. Once again the space in between the rondavels <strong>and</strong> the rectangular<br />
dwelling was covered to form a covered ver<strong>and</strong>ah (similar to the example on Koedoesrant). The<br />
open façade of the ver<strong>and</strong>ah was later closed-off <strong>with</strong> a wall <strong>and</strong> windows to become a closed<br />
stoep <strong>and</strong> another ‘room’.<br />
The phenomenon of rondavel houses has not been investigated in detail yet <strong>and</strong> it falls<br />
outside the scope of this paper to exp<strong>and</strong> on the subject as these dwellings do not have a circular<br />
floor plan after they have been altered <strong>and</strong> extended. The circle merely becomes a feature <strong>and</strong><br />
element of such a building.<br />
Conclusion<br />
The rondavel is a typical example of so-called ‘contact architecture’ – a term referring to the<br />
(in this case, the relatively slow) translocation of a foreign building form from one cultural<br />
group into the architectural vocabulary of another group. This paper does not focus on the use<br />
of this spatial form as a solution to spatial problems focused on ‘dwelling’ <strong>and</strong> ‘living’ but<br />
investigates this spatial form in a more general sense ( as an exploratory investigation) – also<br />
from a <strong>vernacular</strong> point of view rather than a formal design angle. However, the occurrence of<br />
the circular floor plan or spatial mental framework seems to be universal. The occurrence of the<br />
circle as a form giving element in the construction of <strong>vernacular</strong> <strong>farm</strong> <strong>buildings</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>structures</strong><br />
seems to be quite common (especially in the northern part of South Africa) <strong>and</strong> is not a unique<br />
engineering or architectural solution to serve the needs of early <strong>farm</strong>ers <strong>and</strong> pioneer settlers in<br />
the interior of South Africa. The rectangular floor plan remains the dominating form used by<br />
early European settlers in the region for the construction for both residential units <strong>and</strong> other<br />
building types typical of frontier settlement.<br />
The <strong>vernacular</strong> use of the circle as a spatial <strong>and</strong> structural solution to create living, working<br />
<strong>and</strong> storage space or as a method to create a building or structure <strong>with</strong> exceptional structural<br />
capabilities have not been studied <strong>and</strong> recorded for academic or historical purposes yet, but this<br />
phenomenon forms a well-defined niche in the study of <strong>vernacular</strong> architecture <strong>and</strong> engineering.<br />
The decision to use the circle instead of the rectangle as spatial solution for a particular function<br />
or use will always be based on functionality, but is often the result of finding a blend between<br />
the needs of the l<strong>and</strong>owner <strong>and</strong> the knowledge of the black workers responsible for construction<br />
a circular building. It can be assumed that the occurrence of the circular phenomenon is not<br />
necessarily a clinical decision in order to solve a spatial problem but based on the availability of<br />
local knowledge of this building type (<strong>and</strong> the way it can be constructed) by the local indigenous<br />
people. However, it is clear that not all circular <strong>buildings</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>structures</strong> were result of an activity<br />
that is of a circular nature. Some <strong>structures</strong> such as rondavels are not circular because it makes<br />
civil engineering sense, but were erected because the construction of this type of building was<br />
an extension of a building typology known to the builders <strong>and</strong> acceptable to both l<strong>and</strong>owners<br />
<strong>and</strong> local builders.<br />
The rondavel as dwelling type has a more extensive <strong>and</strong> perhaps more complex history <strong>and</strong><br />
was merely touched-on <strong>with</strong>out a proper discourse as this topic cannot be thoroughly exp<strong>and</strong>ed<br />
upon <strong>with</strong>in the limits of this paper.<br />
Notes<br />
1. Oberholster, 1972: 42.<br />
2. Interview <strong>with</strong> Dr U Küsel<br />
(19 October 2009).<br />
3. Interview <strong>with</strong> Dr U Küsel: The structure<br />
is located among the trees on the way to<br />
the cemetery <strong>and</strong> defined by a circular floor<br />
surrounded by a single row of stones embedded<br />
in the ground (6 March 2008).<br />
4. Vd Waal-Braaksma Die Noordweste.<br />
5. Internet:<br />
lime_kilns.html.<br />
6. Vd Waal-Braaksma, 1986:104.<br />
26<br />
7. Vd Waal-Braaksma, 1986:104.<br />
8. Vd Waal-Braaksma, 1986: 104.<br />
9. Vd Waal-Braaksma, 1986: 104.<br />
10. Vd Waal-Braaksma, 1986: 106.<br />
11. The author visited several examples during an<br />
investigation (for SANParks) of the remains of<br />
<strong>farm</strong> the dwellings <strong>and</strong> <strong>structures</strong> of early white<br />
<strong>farm</strong>ers in the area along the Aoub River that<br />
eventually became part of the Kalahari National<br />
Park<br />
(currently known as the Kgalakgadi<br />
Transfrontier Park).
12. Farms in the Steynsburg district were visited<br />
on several field trips between 2007 <strong>and</strong> 2009<br />
as part of a research project by the Department<br />
of Archaeology of the National Museum<br />
in Bloemfontein (in collaboration <strong>with</strong> the<br />
Department of Anthropology <strong>and</strong> Archaeology,<br />
University of South Africa).<br />
13. Maguire, 2008: 22.<br />
14. Neethling, 1917: page unknown.<br />
15. Personal comment: Dr J.A. van Schalkwyk<br />
(Anthropologist, Ditsong: National Museum of<br />
Cultural History) notes that he has never seen<br />
the use of circular stone foundations mentioned<br />
in the text but the use of timber columns at the<br />
corner of a square granary seems to be the rule<br />
of thumb for the construction of granaries (4<br />
January 2010).<br />
16. Personal comment: Dr J.A. van Schalkwyk has<br />
observed several instances where pigs were<br />
kept inside small circular stone <strong>structures</strong> in<br />
indigenous African villages in the northern <strong>and</strong><br />
western parts of the Limpopo Province. Pigs<br />
are considered dangerous animals <strong>and</strong> were<br />
kept inside these <strong>structures</strong>. The <strong>structures</strong><br />
had no entrances or any openings that needed<br />
to be secured or allowed the pigs to exist<br />
accidentally. These pigs were fed on daily tit-<br />
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27<br />
bits <strong>and</strong> prevented them from browsing in the<br />
neigbourhood eating human <strong>and</strong> animal faeces<br />
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17. Oberholster, 1972: 42.<br />
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20. De Clerq, 2002: no page numbers.<br />
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22. Oberholster, 1972:180. In order to preserve these<br />
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architecture, the former National Monuments<br />
Council proclaimed five individual <strong>buildings</strong> at<br />
different locations in the Karoo.<br />
23. Maguire, 2008: 24.<br />
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Mauritz Naudé is a researcher at the Ditsong: National Museum of Cultural History (Pretoria). He holds a Masters<br />
degree in Architecture (Conservation). His special field of interest is the conservation of architecture <strong>and</strong> the<br />
built environment. Other interests include the study of <strong>vernacular</strong> architecture, indigenous building materials <strong>and</strong><br />
construction techniques. For the past 15 years he has been lecturing on a part-time basis at various universities <strong>and</strong><br />
has published various articles on folk building technology <strong>associated</strong> <strong>with</strong> different region north of the Vaal River.<br />
Topics cover <strong>buildings</strong> such as rondavels, timber frame sheds <strong>and</strong> early <strong>farm</strong> dwellings in the Waterberg region<br />
<strong>and</strong> the use of stonemasonry in the <strong>farm</strong> <strong>buildings</strong> of the southern districts of the Mpumalanga Province. More<br />
recent publications explore the early industries of Pretoria <strong>and</strong> investigate engineering <strong>buildings</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>structures</strong><br />
<strong>associated</strong> <strong>with</strong> mining <strong>and</strong> other industries in the Gauteng region.