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Dear Parents 08 November 2012<br />
We are pleased that our school is able to deliver the high standard of care and education you have been<br />
able to enjoy through the years with us. In order for us to continue giving the service you have grown<br />
accustomed to, as well as keep our annual increases to a minimum we need to ensure that all fees are paid<br />
in at the right time. At a budget meeting held on 06 November 2012, it was agreed that the fees for the year<br />
2013 as a compulsory fee paying school be set as follows:<br />
<strong>SCHOOL</strong> FEES: 2013 : R 10 005 PER ANNUM<br />
AD<strong>VAN</strong>CE PAYMENT R9 005 10% DISCOUNT (R1000)<br />
Discounted fees only apply if fees reach us on or before 31 Jan 2013<br />
MONTHLY R 834 12 PAYMENTS: 1 January – 1 December<br />
MONTHLY R 910 11 PAYMENTS / DEBIT ORDER: 1 February – 1 December<br />
3 MONTHS R2 501.25 DUE IN AD<strong>VAN</strong>CE: Payment Dates: 1 Jan; 1 April; 1 July; 1 Oct<br />
6 MONTHS R5 002.50 DUE IN AD<strong>VAN</strong>CE: Payment Dates: 1 Jan; 1 July<br />
All school fees are payable in advance including annual payments. Any school fees defaulted on will be<br />
handed over for collection bi-annually in June and December. If no payments have been made or arranged<br />
by 1 June of the academic year the full annual fee will be handed over. Should you at any stage of the year<br />
find that you are unable to meet a particular payment date kindly contact the school in order to make<br />
payment arrangements.<br />
Invoices will be sent out monthly via e-mail to all parents who have not paid fees for the year in advance.<br />
Please ensure that you furnish the school with your e-mail address and advise if and when there are any<br />
changes. Send addresses and changes with your child / children’s names to<br />
Debit orders will be taken off either the 1 st or 15 th of each month. Debit orders which are returned to drawer<br />
will be adjusted accordingly for the following month. Any debit order returned 3 times during the year will<br />
automatically be terminated. It remains parents’ responsibility to ensure payments are correct and provided<br />
for.<br />
All financial payment arrangements can only be finalised once the school has received said arrangements<br />
in writing and they have been approved by the Governing Body of the school.<br />
School fees will be invoiced in January for the full academic year. Payment options should be adhered to<br />
and checked by parents on a monthly basis according to monthly statements as each parent is<br />
responsible for ensuring school fee payments are kept up to date. Please contact the school<br />
immediately should you not receive your monthly statement.<br />
<strong>VAN</strong> <strong>RIEBEECKSTRAND</strong> <strong>PRIMARY</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong><br />
ABSA BANK: CURRENT ACCOUNT: 3270890066<br />
BRANCH CODE : 632005<br />
<strong>LAERSKOOL</strong> <strong>VAN</strong> <strong>RIEBEECKSTRAND</strong> <strong>PRIMARY</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong><br />
Dromedarisstraat / Street<br />
7441<br />
Tel.: (021) 553 3409<br />
Fax: (021) 553 4396<br />
e-mail:<br />
website:<br />
Cont overleaf…
According to Section 39 of the SA Schools’ Act 1996, (as amended) parents who are unable to pay school<br />
fees may apply for total, partial or conditional exemption.<br />
A parent who meets the criteria as prescribed by the SA Schools’ Act is entitled to exemption provided that<br />
an application is made in writing to the Chairperson of the School Governing Body. The application forms<br />
are available at school and must be collected in person from the school financial office. Any exemption of<br />
school fees only applies to the current year – please re-apply each year should there still be a need for<br />
assistance.<br />
A decision was taken at our budget meeting that all current parents must apply before 30 November 2012<br />
in order to qualify for subsidy or exemption of school fees payment for the 2013 academic year.<br />
Thanking you for your co-operation.<br />
D J F VISSER<br />
Laerskool Van Riebeeckstrand<br />
Dromedarisstraat<br />
7441<br />
Vir kantoorgebruik<br />
Debietordernommer<br />
Ek, die ondergetekende, versoek die Beheerliggaam van Laerskool Van Riebeeckstrand om met my<br />
bank en Multi-Data te reël om die bedrag hier gemagtig teen my rekening te vorder oor 11<br />
maandelikse paaiemente beginnende 1 Februarie. Ek/Ons erken dat die party wat hiermee<br />
gemagtig is om die trekkings(s) teenoor my/ons rekening te behartig, geen van sy/hulle regte aan 'n<br />
derde party mag afstaan of sedeer sonder ons skriftelike toestemming wat vooraf verkry is nie, en dat<br />
ek/ons geen van my/ons verpligtinge ingevolge hierdie kontrak/magtiging aan 'n derde party mag<br />
delegeer sonder die skriftelike toestemming wat vooraf van die gemagtigde party verkry is nie.<br />
Naam van individu (OUER): Naam van leerder(s): Graad:<br />
(Van, voornaam en verdere voorletters)<br />
------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />
------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />
KONTAKBESONDERHEDE - REKENING HOUER: _______________________________________________<br />
Naam van bank: Naam van banktak:<br />
---------------------------------------------------------- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------<br />
Banktakkode: Bankrekeningnommer:<br />
Tipe rekening:<br />
= Tjek = Spaar<br />
Frekwensie:<br />
Maandeliks: 1ste 15de<br />
= Transmissie = Kredietkaart<br />
Bedrag: Datum van eerste vordering:<br />
R910 per maand oor 11 maande 1 Februarie 2013<br />
------------------------------------------------ ------ ---------------------------------------------<br />
Debietorders wat verwys na trekker as gevolg van onvoldoende fondse, word die volgende maand deur<br />
die skool aangepas deur ‘n verhoogde bedrag om sodoende die agterstallige bedrag te verhaal.<br />
Debietorders wat na 3 keer verwys na trekker, word outomaties gekanselleer en dit is die ouer se<br />
verantwoordelikheid om skoolgelde gereeld te betaal. Kontak die skool onmiddellik wanneer u debiet
order verwys na trekker en u die betaling wil maak in plaas van dat die skool die bedrag outomaties<br />
aanpas.<br />
Van Riebeeckstrand Primary School<br />
Dromedaris Street<br />
7441<br />
For office use<br />
Debit order number<br />
I, the undersigned, request the Governing Body of Van Riebeeckstrand Primary School to arrange with<br />
my bank and Multi-Data to withdraw the amount as authorised here from my account over 11<br />
monthly payments beginning on 1 February. I/We acknowledge that the party hereby authorised to<br />
effect the drawing(s) against my/our account may not cede or assign any of its rights to any third<br />
party without my/our written consent and that I/we may not delegate any of my/our obligations in<br />
terms of this contract/authority to any third party without prior written consent of the authorised party.<br />
Name of individual (PARENT): Name of learner(s): Grade:<br />
(Surname, first name and other initials)<br />
------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />
------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />
CONTACT DETAILS - ACCOUNT HOLDER: _______________________________________________<br />
Name of bank: Name of bank branch:<br />
------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------<br />
Bank branch code: Bank account number:<br />
Type of account: Frequency:<br />
= Cheque = Savings Monthly : 1st 15th<br />
= Transmission = Credit Card<br />
Amount: Date of first collection:<br />
R910 per month for 11 months 1 February 2013<br />
---------------------------------------------- -------------- -----------------------------------<br />
Please be advised that all debit orders which are returned due to insufficient funds will automatically<br />
be adjusted the following month to a higher amount in order to recover the defaulted payment. Should<br />
your debit order be returned 3 times during the course of the school year it will automatically be
cancelled and the onus then falls on parents to catch up and keep up payments. Please contact the<br />
school immediately at the time of a returned debit order should you wish to make payment as opposed<br />
to having the amount automatically adjusted.
<strong>LAERSKOOL</strong> <strong>VAN</strong> <strong>RIEBEECKSTRAND</strong> <strong>PRIMARY</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong><br />
Dromedarisstraat / Street<br />
7441<br />
Beste Ouers 08 November 2012<br />
Ons is dankbaar dat ons skool ‘n hoë standaard van opvoeding en onderrrig aan u kind kan bied. Om voort<br />
te bou op hierdie goeie onderrig en om jaarlikse skooluitgawes tot ‘n minimum te beperk, doen ons ‘n<br />
beroep op u om skoolgelde op die regte tydstip te betaal. Op ‘n begrotingsvergadering gehou op 06<br />
November 2012 is die volgende skoolgelde vir 2013 as ‘n skool wat verpligte skoolgelde mag hef, deur<br />
die ouers goedgekeur:<br />
SKOOLGELDE: 2013 : R10 005 PER JAAR<br />
Tel.: (021) 553 3409<br />
Fax: (021) 553 4396<br />
e-mail:<br />
website:<br />
VOORUITBETALING R9 005 10% KORTING (R1 000)<br />
Korting kan slegs toegestaan word as dit voor 31 Januarie 2013 betaal word<br />
MAANDELIKS R834 12 PAAIEMENTE: 1 Januarie – 1 Desember<br />
MAANDELIKS R910 11 PAAIEMENTE / DEBIETORDER: 1 Februarie – 1 Desember<br />
3 MAANDE R2 501.25 VOORUITBETALING: Betaaldatums: 1 Jan; 1 April; 1 Julie; 1 Okt<br />
6 MAANDE R5002.50 VOORUITBETALING: Betaaldatums: 1 Jan; 1 Julie<br />
LET WEL<br />
Skoolgelde is vooruitbetaalbaar. Nie-betalers van skoolgelde word gedurende Junie en<br />
Desember aan die skool se skuldinvorderaars oorhandig. Indien geen betalings of ooreenkoms vir<br />
betalings gemaak is teen 1 Junie van die akademiese jaar, word die volle skoolgelde vir die jaar<br />
oorhandig. Indien u op enige tydstip nie u skoolgelde verpligtinge betyds kan nakom nie, kontak<br />
asseblief die skool sodat reëlings vir betaling getref kan word.<br />
Fakture vir skoolgelde word maandeliks per epos gestuur vir alle ouers wat nie die jaar vooruit<br />
betaal het nie. Stuur asseblief vir ons u korrekte epos adres en stel ons ook in kennis indien dit<br />
verander. Stuur asseblief u adres of enige veranderinge van adres aan<br />
Debietorders se datums vir aftrekking is die 1 ste of die 15 de van elke maand. Debietorders wat<br />
verwys na trekker word deur die skool aangepas. Debietorders wat na 3 keer verwys na trekker,<br />
word outomaties gekanselleer. Dit is die ouer se verantwoordelikheid om te kontroleer dat die<br />
korrekte bedrae afgetrek word en dat voldoende fondse in u rekening is.<br />
Enige finansiële ooreenkoms kan slegs gefinaliseer word indien u dit op skrif aan die skool<br />
voorgelê het.<br />
Skoolgelde word in Januarie vir die volle akademiese jaar gehef. Hou asseblief streng by u opsie<br />
van betaling – dit is die ouer se verantwoordelikheid om u maandelikse skoolgelde state te<br />
kontroleer. Dit is elke ouer se plig en verantwoordelikheid om te sorg dat u skoolgelde op<br />
datum is. Kontak asseblief onmiddellik die skool indien u nie u maandelikse skoolgelde state<br />
ontvang nie.<br />
<strong>LAERSKOOL</strong> <strong>VAN</strong> <strong>RIEBEECKSTRAND</strong><br />
ABSA BANK: TJEKREKENING: 3270890066<br />
TAKKODE : 632005<br />
EPOS OF FAKS BEWYS <strong>VAN</strong> BETALING (SIEN HIERBO) Vervolg op keersy…
KWYTSKELDING <strong>VAN</strong> SKOOLGELDE<br />
Volgens die Skolewet van 1996 (39), (soos gewysig) ouers wat nie in staat is om skoolgelde te<br />
betaal nie, mag aansoek doen vir totale of gedeeltelike vrystelling van skoolgelde.<br />
‘n Ouer wat aan die kriteria voldoen soos voorgeskryf deur die Skolewet, is geregtig om aansoek<br />
te doen vir kwytskelding op voorwaarde dat hierdie aansoek skriftelik aan die Voorsitter van die<br />
Beheerliggaam gerig word. Die aansoekvorms is by die skool beskikbaar en moet deur die ouer<br />
by die finansies kantoor afgehaal word. Enige kwytskelding van skoolgelde is altyd net geldig vir<br />
een jaar – aansoek moet elke jaar gedoen word.<br />
‘n Besluit is tydens die begrotingsvergadering geneem dat op voorwaarde dat hierdie aansoek<br />
skriftelik aan die Voorsitter van die Beheerliggaam gerig word voor 30 November 2012.<br />
Baie dankie vir u samewerking.<br />
D J F VISSER<br />