Arūnas Diškus - VPU biblioteka - Vilniaus pedagoginis universitetas

Arūnas Diškus - VPU biblioteka - Vilniaus pedagoginis universitetas

Arūnas Diškus - VPU biblioteka - Vilniaus pedagoginis universitetas


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Arûnas Diðkus<br />





Summary of doctoral dissertation<br />

Biomedical Sciences, Zoology (05B)<br />

Vilnius, 2005<br />


2<br />

The work was carried out in 1990–2004 at Vilnius Pedagogical University<br />

Consultant:<br />

Prof. Habil. Dr. Sigitas Podënas (Vilnius University, Biomedical Sciences,<br />

Zoology – 05B)<br />

The defence of the doctoral dissertation is held at Vilnius University Zoology<br />

science council<br />

Chairman:<br />

Prof. Habil. Dr. Rimantas Rakauskas (Vilnius University, Biomedical Sciences,<br />

Zoology – 05B)<br />

Members:<br />

Fellow Lith. Acad. Sci., Habil. Dr. Vytautas Kontrimavièius (Institute of Ecology<br />

of Vilnius University, Biomedical Sciences, Zoology – 05B)<br />

Prof. Habil. Dr. Sigitas Podënas (Vilnius University, Biomedical Sciences,<br />

Zoology – 05B)<br />

Prof. Dr. Sergejus Oleninas (Klaipëda University, Biomedical Sciences, Ecology<br />

and Environmental Sciences – 03B)<br />

Doc. Dr. Algimantas Paulauskas (Vytautas Magnus University, Biomedical<br />

Sciences, Ecology and Environmental Sciences – 03B)<br />

Opponents:<br />

Habil. Dr. Vincas Bûda (Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University, Biomedical<br />

Sciences, Ecology and Environmental Sciences – 03B)<br />

Prof. Dr. Remigijus Noreika (Vilnius Pedagogical University, Biomedical<br />

Sciences, Zoology – 05B)<br />

The official defence of the dissertation will take place on April 22, 2005, at 14<br />

p.m. in the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Vilnius Pedagogical University, in the<br />

Auditorium A 11<br />

Address: Studentø str. 39, Vilnius, LT–08106, Lithuania<br />

The abstract of doctoral dissertation was sent on March 21, 2005<br />

The dissertation is available in the libraries of Vilnius University and Institute<br />

of Ecology of Vilnius University


Arûnas Diðkus<br />





Daktaro disertacijos santrauka<br />

Biomedicinos mokslai, zoologija (05B)<br />

Vilnius, 2005<br />


4<br />

Disertacija parengta 1990–2004 metais <strong>Vilniaus</strong> pedagoginiame universitete.<br />

Disertacija ginama eksternu.<br />

Mokslinis konsultantas<br />

prof. habil. dr. Sigitas Podënas (<strong>Vilniaus</strong> <strong>universitetas</strong>, biomedicinos mokslai,<br />

zoologija – 05B)<br />

Disertacija ginama <strong>Vilniaus</strong> universiteto Zoologijos mokslo krypties taryboje:<br />

Pirmininkas<br />

prof. habil. dr. Rimantas Rakauskas (<strong>Vilniaus</strong> <strong>universitetas</strong>, biomedicinos<br />

mokslai, zoologija – 05B)<br />

Nariai:<br />

akad. habil. dr. Vytautas Kontrimavièius (<strong>Vilniaus</strong> universiteto Ekologijos<br />

institutas, biomedicinos mokslai, zoologija – 05B)<br />

prof. habil. dr. Sigitas Podënas (<strong>Vilniaus</strong> <strong>universitetas</strong>, biomedicinos mokslai,<br />

zoologija – 05B)<br />

prof. dr. Sergejus Oleninas (Klaipëdos <strong>universitetas</strong>, biomedicinos mokslai,<br />

ekologija ir aplinkotyra – 03B)<br />

doc. dr. Algimantas Paulauskas (Vytauto Didþiojo <strong>universitetas</strong>, biomedicinos<br />

mokslai, ekologija ir aplinkotyra – 03B)<br />

Oponentai:<br />

habil. dr. Vincas Bûda (<strong>Vilniaus</strong> universiteto Ekologijos institutas, biomedicinos<br />

mokslai, ekologija ir aplinkotyra – 03B)<br />

prof. dr. Remigijus Noreika (<strong>Vilniaus</strong> <strong>pedagoginis</strong> <strong>universitetas</strong>, biomedicinos<br />

mokslai, zoologija – 05B)<br />

Disertacija bus ginama vieðame posëdyje, kuris ávyks 2005 m. balandþio 22 d.<br />

14 val. <strong>Vilniaus</strong> pedagoginio universiteto Gamtos mokslø fakulteto A 11 auditorijoje.<br />

Adresas: Studentø g. 39, Vilnius, LT–08106, Lietuva<br />

Disertacijos santrauka iðsiuntinëta 2005 m. kovo 21 d.<br />

Disertacijà galima perþiûrëti <strong>Vilniaus</strong> universiteto ir VU Ekologijos instituto<br />



1.1. Relevance of the study. Growing international concern over the biodiversity<br />

crisis together with the provisions of the 1992 Rio Convention on Biological<br />

Diversity have imparted a new urgency to the need for taxonomic revisions of<br />

diverse groups and the provision of identification manuals, particularly for tropical<br />

areas. Hence this dissertation.<br />

Nepticuloidea (Nepticulidae and Opostegidae) and Tischerioidea<br />

(Tischeriidae) are very specialized, isolated superfamilies (families) of primitive<br />

monotrysian Microlepidoptera with a worldwide distribution. The minute size of<br />

the adults, the concealed mining life-style of the larvae (predominantly in leaves),<br />

and the difficulty of rearing imagines goes some way towards explaining why these<br />

moths are still poorly studied in many regions. Only the northern European<br />

nepticuloid fauna can be considered to have been exhaustively studied (e.g.,<br />

Johansson et al., 1990). Studies in other regions of the world fall some way short<br />

of reflecting the actual diversity of the group although coverage compares well<br />

with that of other groups of Microlepidoptera. The most exhaustive revisions or<br />

detailed taxonomic papers have been published for the western Palaearctic<br />

(Johansson, 1971; Nieukerken, 1983, 1985a, 1985b, 1986a; Johansson et al., 1990;<br />

Nieukerken & Puplesis, 1991, etc.), Central and Eastern Palaearctic, including<br />

Far-eastern Russia and Japan (Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985; Puplesis, 1994;<br />

Puplesis & Diðkus, 1995, 1996a, 1996b, 1996c; Puplesis et al, 1996, 1997), South<br />

Africa (Scoble, 1978a, 1978b, 1980a, 1980b, 1983), Nearctic (Davis, 1978; Wilkinson,<br />

1979, 1981; Wilkinson & Scoble, 1979; Wilkinson & Newton, 1981; Newton &<br />

Wilkinson, 1982), Neotropics (Puplesis, Robinson, 2000; Puplesis et al., 2002),<br />

Oriental Region (Puplesis, Robinson, 1999), New Zealand (Donner & Wilkinson,<br />

1989), Australia (Hoare et al., 1997; Hoare, 2000) and recently – as a summary of<br />

the currently known fauna of the world – Puplesis, Diðkus, 2003 and the present<br />

thesis. Long neglected, the diverse Australian fauna of nepticulids is being further<br />

studied by Robert Hoare; the Chinese and Japanese fauna is being revised by Erik<br />

van Nieukerken (NNM); a revision of the Central Asiatic nepticulids is currently<br />

in preparation by R. Puplesis and A. Diðkus (<strong>VPU</strong>) and a revision of the New<br />

World opostegids is currently in a final stage of preparation by D. Davis and R.<br />

Puplesis (NMNH, <strong>VPU</strong>).<br />

1.2. Goal and objectives. The goal of our study were taxonomic revisions or<br />

reviews of these phylogenetically primitive Microlepidoptera (Nepticuloidea and<br />

Tischerioidea) and a review of the currently known fauna of the World.<br />

The following objectives were set for achieving the main goal:<br />

• An extensive field collecting in Lithuanian to eludidate the occuring species,<br />

trophical relationship and seasonal peaks for nepticulid larval activity;<br />

An extensive field collecting in Central Asia, a review of data on nepticulid<br />

bionomics and species diversity (incl. new and published ones);<br />

A study of collection material from Oman, India and Nepal, description of<br />

new taxa;<br />


A re-assessment of the Mandshurian fauna of the Nepticulidae (East<br />

Asia);<br />

A review of the Nepticulidae of Central and South America, with<br />

description of new species from the Andes and Amazon rainforest;<br />

A study of collection material from southern Africa, with description of<br />

new Tischeriidae taxa;<br />

A catalogue of the world Nepticuloidea and Tischerioidea, together with<br />

revised data on species distribution, host-plants and a review of taxa<br />

geographical distribution and history of description;<br />

A morphological study and review on biology of tischeriids to support a<br />

polytypic concept of the family, together with a cladogram and new<br />

classification of Tischeriidae.<br />

1.3. Novelty of the study. As a result of specified field collecting of 1990–2003 in<br />

Cetral Asia and study of a collection material from various regions (weakly studied<br />

or fully unstudied by previous researchers) 44 new species of Nepticulidae and 36<br />

new species of Tischeriidae are described in co-authorship with Prof. Dr. R.<br />

Puplesis, Dr. G. S. Robinson or other colleagues (80 new species in total) (fig. 1).<br />

The new species described fall into 9 genera (fig. 2). One new genus in tischeriids<br />

(Astrotischeria Puplesis & Diðkus, 2003) is described. A phylogeny and new<br />

classification of Tischeriidae is given.<br />

Primary types of 42 species of Nepticulidae or Tischeriidae (deposited at<br />

BMNH, ZMUC or other museums) have been examined and illustrated for the<br />

first time.<br />

Larvae rearing data have introduced about 66 new plant-plant species; for the<br />

Neotropical Nepticulidae also three new host-plant genera and three plant families:<br />

Psidium (Myrtaceae), Acalypha (Euphorbiaceae) and Rubus (Rosaceae) and a few<br />

host-plant genera for the Afrotropical Tischeriidae.<br />

6<br />

Species number<br />

60<br />

55<br />

50<br />

45<br />

40<br />

35<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

1995 1996 1997 1998 2002 2003*<br />

sp. n.<br />

Fig. 1. Eighty new species of Nepticulidae and Tischeriidae are described by the author in<br />

co-authorship with other colleagues. Additionally, two new species are described a family<br />

not belonging to the Nepticuloidea or Tischerioidea – i.e., in Bucculatricidae (Bucculatrix<br />

multicornuta ir B. macrognathos)

The first catalogue of the world Nepticulidae or Tischeriidae is presented. A<br />

few new species-groups are newly designated in this catalogue and 126 new<br />

combinations are made.<br />

Species number<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

Enteucha<br />

Stigmella<br />

Ectoedemia<br />

Fomoria<br />

Acalyptris<br />

Etainia<br />

Tischeria*<br />

Astrotischeria*<br />

Coptotriche*<br />

sp. n.<br />

Fig. 2. The new species described in the thesis fall into 9 genera (* – genera of the Tischeriidae<br />

(Tischerioidea); all remaining genera belong to the Nepticulidae (Nepticuloidea))<br />

1.4. Significance of the results. One of the most fundamental challenges for<br />

mankind in the 21 st century is to document the extent and distribution of global<br />

biodiversity, and to understand the ecological processes that generate and maintain<br />

it. Such information will be essential to inform and guide efforts to safeguard the<br />

natural ecosystems that provide earth’s life support systems in the face of escalating<br />

threats from human habitat destruction and modification.<br />

The conducted studies have significantly broadened knowledge of biodiversity<br />

of leaf-mining moths. The results of the study can provide the wherewithal for<br />

users to identify representatives of groups for which there was previously no<br />

‘entry-point’. The present study is noteworthy, since few have studied these tiny<br />

moths, yet many species remain to be discovered and described. Without the<br />

baseline data of providing names and means of identification for the species in a<br />

region, no one can go further and properly plan their conservation in the case of<br />

endemic species, or their control in the case of introduced species damaging<br />

endemic vegetation, or recognise if a species is newly introduced and a potential<br />

pest. Many species of Nepticuloidea and Tischerioidea are also of economic<br />

importance.<br />

Also leaf-mining insects (like Nepticuloidea and Tischerioidea) have proved<br />

outstandingly well suited for inquiries into a number of fundamental problems in<br />

functional and evolutionary ecology.<br />

We hope that the present thesis and the reviews of regional faunas and the<br />

currently known fauna the world will stimulate further studies of these intriguing<br />

but much-neglected groups – Nepticuloidea and Tischerioidea.<br />


1.5. The main statements to be defended:<br />

The occurrence of 73 Nepticulidae species (12 of these species are new)<br />

are reported to the Lithuanian fauna; they are trophically related with 15<br />

plant families and 32 genera.<br />

Only the genera Stigmella and Fomoria (Nepticulidae) can be recognized as<br />

having truly cosmopolitan distributions. Acalyptris, in contrary to previous<br />

knowledge, appears also to be widely distributed and unexpectedly occurs<br />

in rain forest habitats (in the Neotropics the genus predominates,<br />

accounting for up to 50% of the nepticulid fauna).<br />

World Nepticuloidea & Tischerioidea are trophically associated with 66 plant<br />

families: most species occur on Rosaceae. In the light of host-plant data, the<br />

evolution of the Nepticuloidea or Tischerioidea probably occurred by way of<br />

trophic adaptation to 7 plant subclasses from the 12 recognized; four of these<br />

host-plant subclasses are common to all three studied moth families:<br />

Hamamelididae, Dilleniidae, Rosidae and Lamiidae.<br />

Morphology and biology of Tischeriidae well support the polytypic concept<br />

of the family. The recently erected Emmetia is synonymized, but a new<br />

genus (Astrotischeria Puplesis & Diðkus) is described by us from Northern<br />

and Southern America for tischeriid species with striking genitalia and<br />

feeding characters.<br />

Three main lineages of generic rank can be recognized within Tischeriidae.<br />

The first (Tischeria) may be the best characterized by the development of a<br />

juxta in the male genitalia, and an antrum in the female genitalia; the<br />

second (Astrotischeria) by the development of a dorsal lobe to the valva, the<br />

uncus overlaid dorsally by lobes of the pseuduncus, utilization of new<br />

host-plant families (particularly Asteraceae), and the third (Coptotriche)<br />

by the development of transtilla, spines on the diaphragma, a ‘tulip-shaped’<br />

aedeagus and by the great enlargement of the membranous half of the<br />

ductus spermathecae in the female genitalia.<br />

1.6. Presentation and approval of the results. The results of the research were<br />

presented at:<br />

International Russian – Finnish symposium on insect biogeography (St.<br />

Petersburg, 1993) (2 presentations, with co-authors);<br />

IXth Congress of the European Lepidopterological Society (SEL)<br />

(Lednice, Czech Republic, 1994);<br />

Conference of Lithuanian Entomological Society (Vilnius, 1996);<br />

Conference „Biodiversity in Lithuania“ (Vilnius, 1997);<br />

Department meetings at Zoology Department of Vilnius Pedagogical<br />

University (Vilnius, 2001 and 2003);<br />

The Natural History Museum, London (Microlepidoptera division)<br />

(London, 2002);<br />

Conference „Biodiversity in Lithuania“ (Vilnius, 1997) (2 presentations);<br />

Department meetings at Zoology Department of Vilnius University<br />

(Vilnius, 2004 and 2005).<br />


The results of the doctoral thesis were published in 21 publication (incl. 8<br />

papers in western European scientific journals). The main materials of the thesis<br />

were published in a monograph (in co-authorship with the former supervisor):<br />

Puplesis, Diðkus, 2003. The Nepticuloidea & Tischerioidea (Lepidoptera) – a global<br />

review, with strategic regional revisions. 512 pp. „Lututë Publishers“, Kaunas. In<br />

total, 11 papers published in English, 1 – in Russian, 9 – in Lithuanian language.<br />

1.7. Structure of the thesis. The disertation includes an Introduction, Methods<br />

and Material, Results (2 chapters and 10 sub-chapters), Conclusions, Literature<br />

(482 references), List of papers published by the author, English Summary and 3<br />

supplements.<br />

In total, the presented study contains 388 pages (207 pages in the main part of<br />

the dissertation, 181 pages in the supplements), 382 figures (109 figures in the<br />

dissertation, 273 figures in the supplements), 16 tables. The original language of<br />

the dissertation (and the supplement) is Lithuanian.<br />

1.8. Acknowledgements. The work was carried out in 1990–2004 at Vilnius<br />

Pedagogical University. The scientific supervisors of the present dissertation Prof.<br />

Dr. Rimantas Puplesis (<strong>VPU</strong>, Vilnius) and DSc. Gaden S. Robinson (BMNH,<br />

London) (figs 3, 4) provided the initial stimulus for the study together with<br />

generous and enormous support during its course.<br />

Figs 3, 4. Scientific supervisors of the present study: 3 – Prof. Dr. Rimantas Puplesis, <strong>VPU</strong>,<br />

Vilnius (supervised the study from 1990 to 2004); 4 – DSc. Gaden S. Robinson, BMNH,<br />

London (supervised the study from 2000 to 2003)<br />

We also thank Dr. Don R. Davis (USNM, Washington), Prof. Dr. Niels<br />

P. Kristensen, Ole Karsholt (ZMUC, Copenhagen), Dr. Erik van Nieukerken<br />

(NNM, Leiden), Dr. Malcolm Scoble (BMNH, London), Cees van den Berg<br />

(Holand), Dr. W. J. Schoorl (Amsterdam), Dr. S. Yu. Sinev, Dr. S. Baryshnikova,<br />

Dr. A. L. Lvovskyi (ZIN, St. Petersburg), Dr. Martin Kruger (TMSA, Pretoria),<br />

Dr. W. Mey (ZMHB, Berlin), Dr. Yu. Budashkin (Karadag, the Crimea), Dr.<br />

Owen Lewis (Oksford), Simon R. Hill (London) and many other colleagues for<br />

the loan of material and for providing valuable information.<br />


A. Diðkus thanks the trustees and the keepers of Entomology of the Natural<br />

History Museum (BMNH) and the Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen<br />

(ZMUC), for study facilities and access to collections; the author is grateful to Kevin R.<br />

Tuck (BMNH) for generous support during the course of study visits to the BMNH.<br />

Special thanks are due to Lina Jasiukonytë and Birute Noreikienë (Vilnius)<br />

for the Indian-ink drawings of adults and leaf-mines of some species. For other<br />

help (incl. leaf-mine collecting) Kristina Ðarakauskienë (Alytus), Romas<br />

Kavaliauskas (Lazdijai), Jolita Þvironienë (Vilnius) and especially Modestas Jocius<br />

(Vilnius) are thanked.<br />

The author is indebted to the members of the defence council, opponents<br />

and to the colleagues from Zoology Department of Vilnius University and Institute<br />

of Ecology of Vilnius University and particularly to the colleagues from Zoology<br />

Department of Vilnius Pedagogical University. Special thanks are due to the<br />

Dean of the Natural Sciences Faculty Doc. Dr. B. Ðalkus and the former Dean<br />

Doc. Dr. A. Vilkas, Director in Chief of Finance Department of <strong>VPU</strong> Mrs Vida<br />

Gulbinienë and many others.<br />

Part of this study was conducted with a support given from the International<br />

Science Fundation (USA, 1993–1994), the Prof Hering Memorial Research Fund<br />

(England, 1993), the EU SYS-RESOURCE Programme administrated at the BMNH<br />

(2002) and the Lithuanian State Science and Study Foundation (2002–2004).<br />


Larvae were collected and reared, and adults were collected at light. Mined<br />

leaves (or other plant parts) were placed in Petri dishes which were then checked<br />

regularly for emerged adults. The rearing of adults is conducted under both<br />

natural and laboratory (indoors) conditions. For this purpose, leaves (or other<br />

organs of a plant) are carefully checked, and infested parts with a larva are taken<br />

and placed in a Petri dish or special container. Detailed description of the method<br />

is given in the thesis or in published version in Puplesis, Diðkus, 2003.<br />

Adult moths were collected by attracting them to mercury-vapour light from a<br />

lamp suspended slightly above eye-level and 5–10 cm in front of a white screen. A<br />

Honda EX 350 generator was used as a power-source. As many different habitats<br />

and sites as possible were sampled. Moths attracted to the screen were collected<br />

into small glass tubes and pinned after killing with ethyl acetate.<br />

Genitalia were prepared following the method described by Robinson (1976).<br />

After maceration of the abdomen in 10% KOH and subsequent cleaning, male<br />

genital capsules were removed from the abdomen and mounted ventral side<br />

uppermost. Where the genital armature was particularly complicated, the genitalia<br />

were studied and sketched in glycerin before permanent mounting. The aedeagus<br />

was removed and mounted alongside the genital armature except in the case of<br />

some paratypes or where its removal would jeopardise study of fine structure and<br />

where it did not obscure other sclerites. Female genitalia were removed entirely<br />

from the abdomen, cleaned and mounted ventral side uppermost. Genitalia and<br />


abdominal pelts of both sexes were stained with Chlorazol Black (Direct Black 38/<br />

Azo Black) or, occasionally, mercurochrome, and mounted in Euparal.<br />

Fig. 5. Study and photography of tischeriid genital slides at the Zoological Museum,<br />

University of Copenhagen (1995–1996)<br />

Illustrations of adults were drawn in Indian ink by Mrs Lina Jasiukonytë<br />

(<strong>VPU</strong>) using preliminary sketches and notes by the author and with additional<br />

observations using a stereoscopic microscope. In a few cases, they could be<br />

described as reconstructions from damaged specimens. Some species were<br />

photographed (fig. 5).<br />

Genitalia and wing venation drawings were made using a camera lucida, mainly<br />

from permanent slides, but occasionally from temporary glycerin mounts (see above).<br />

Types of all newly described species are deposited in the institution from<br />

which the specimen was received.<br />

This study was conducted as a part of 10 research projects of Biosystematics<br />

Division at Zoology Department of Vilnius Pedagogical University (fig. 6) with a<br />

financial support given from the International Science Fundation (USA, 1993–<br />

1994), the Prof Hering Memorial Research Fund (England, 1993), the EU SYS-<br />

RESOURCE Programme administrated at the BMNH (2002), the Lithuanian<br />

State Science and Study Foundation (2002–2004) and other foundations.<br />

Substantial unidentified, identified or type material was available to the author<br />

of the dissertation, collected during the last thirty years and deposited mainly in<br />

European and American institutions (together with material that we have collected<br />

in Central Asia and Lithuania): BMNH – The Natural History Museum, London,<br />

Great Britain; HNHM – Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, Hungary;<br />

VUIE – Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania; NMM –<br />

National Museum of Namibia, Namibia; NMW – Naturhistorisches Museum Wien,<br />

Austria; NNM – Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum (Naturalis), Leiden, The<br />

Netherlands; TMSA – Transvaal Museum, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa;<br />

USNM – National Museum of Natural History, Washington DC, USA; <strong>VPU</strong> –<br />


Vilnius Pedagogical University, Vilnius (incl. the material collected by Prof. Dr.<br />

R. Puplesis in 1982–2000), Lithuania; ZIN – Zoological Institute, Russian Academy<br />

of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia; ZMUC – Zoological Museum, University of<br />

Copenhagen, Denmark; ZMHB – Zoologisches Museum der Humboldt-<br />

Universität, Berlin, Germany.<br />

Fig. 6. This study was conducted as a part of research projects of Biosystematics Division at<br />

Zoology Department of Vilnius Pedagogical University in co-operation with Prof. Dr. R. Puplesis<br />

(<strong>VPU</strong>), DSc. G. S. Robinson (BMNH), Dr. D. Davis (USNM) and other colleagues<br />





Intensive field work in Lithuania from 1996 to 2003 confirmed the occurrence<br />

of 73 Nepticulidae species; 12 of these species are new to the Lithuanian fauna:<br />

Stigmella nivenburgensis, S. crataegella, S. ulmivora, S. benanderella, S. continuella, S.<br />

poterii, S. ulmariae, S. hemargyrella, Bohemannia pulverosella, Ectoedemia turbidella,<br />

E. klimeschi, E. subbimaculella (Table 1). A further species new to the Lithuanian<br />

fauna – Tischeria dodonea – was among the Tischeriidae.<br />

A few species, reported in the past by other authors, have been excluded by us<br />

from the revised list of Lithuanian nepticulids. Two species (Stigmella mespilicola<br />

and Ectoedemia spinosella) appear to have been recorded originally from incorrectly<br />

identified mines. We have been unable to confirm the occurance of three species<br />

(Stigmella sakhalinella, S. sanguisorbae and Ectoedemia angulifasciella) either by<br />

field-work or from data on material in existing collections.<br />

The author’s research has demonstrated 15 plant families and 32 plant genera<br />

as host-plants for Nepticulidae in Lithuania. Most of the species in the Lithuanian<br />

fauna are trophically associated with plants from Rosaceae, Salicaceae, Fagaceae<br />

and Betulaceae; the first – Rosaceae – strongly predominates and is the hostplant<br />

family for 24 nepticulid species (fig. 7).<br />

Two seasonal peaks for nepticulid larval activity (mining) were recognized:<br />

from mid-June to mid-July (when 36 nepticulid species may be found mining),<br />

and from mid-September to mid-October (when larvae of 49 species may be<br />

found) (fig. 8).<br />

Table 1. Revised list of Lithuanian Nepticulidae together with the data about nepticulid<br />

larval activity in Lithuania<br />

Genera and species<br />

Period of mining<br />

(1 – first half of a month, 2 – second half of a month)<br />


1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1<br />

Enteucha l l l l l l l<br />

1. acetosae l l l l l l l<br />

Stigmella l l l l l l l l l l l l<br />

2. lapponica l l<br />

3. confusella l l l l<br />

4. freyella l l l m<br />

5. tiliae l l l l l<br />

6. microtheriella l l l l l l<br />

7. betulicola l l l l l l l<br />

8. alnetella l l m l l<br />

9. luteella l l l l l l<br />

10. glutinosae l l m l l<br />


Genera and species<br />

Period of mining<br />

(1 – first half of a month, 2 – second half of a month)<br />


1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1<br />

11. nivenburgensis * m m l l l<br />

12. prunetorum l l l l<br />

13. aceris l l l l l<br />

14. nylandriella l l l<br />

15. oxyacanthella l l l<br />

16. minusculella l l l m m<br />

17. desperatella l l l l l<br />

18. pyri m m l l l l l<br />

19. crataegella * l l<br />

20. magdalenae l l l<br />

21. hybnerella l l l l l l l l<br />

22. anomalella l l l l l<br />

23. catharticella l l l l l<br />

24. malella l l l l l l l<br />

25. viscerella l l<br />

26. ulmivora * m l l<br />

27. trimaculella l l l l l<br />

28. assimilella m l l l l<br />

29. salicis l l l l l<br />

30. myrtillella l l l l l<br />

31. obliquella m l l<br />

32. zelleriella m m m l<br />

33. benanderella * l l l m m<br />

34. floslactella l l l l l l l<br />

35. tityrella l l l l<br />

36. carpinella l l l l<br />

37. lemniscella l l l l l l l<br />

38. continuella * l l<br />

39. incognitella l l<br />

40. aurella m m l<br />

41. aeneofasciella m l l l l<br />

42. splendidissimella l l l l<br />

43. poterii * l l l l<br />

44. pretiosa l l l l<br />

45. lediella l l<br />

46. ulmariae* l l l l<br />

47. hemargyrella * l l l<br />

48. lonicerarum l l l<br />

49. plagicolella l l l l l l l l l<br />

50. sorbi l l l l<br />

51. atricapitella m m l<br />

52. ruficapitella l l l l l l<br />

53. samiatella m m l<br />

54. basiguttella m l l l l l<br />

55. roborella l l l l l l<br />


Genera and species<br />

Period of mining<br />

(1 – first half of a month, 2 – second half of a month)<br />


1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1<br />

Bohemannia l l l l<br />

56. pulverosella * l l l l<br />

Ectoedemia m m m m m l l l l l l l l<br />

57. atrifrontella m m m m m m m m m<br />

58. argyropeza l l l l l l l l<br />

59. turbidella * m l l l l l<br />

60. intimella m l l l<br />

61. hannoverella m l l l l<br />

62. klimeschi * m l l l l l<br />

63. subbimaculella * m l l<br />

64. albifasciella m l l l<br />

65. arcuatella l l l l l l<br />

66. atricollis l l l l l<br />

67. rubivora l l<br />

68. occultella m l l l l l<br />

69. minimella l l l<br />

Fomoria l l l l l l l l l l m m<br />

70. septembrella l l l l l l<br />

71. weaveri l l l l m m<br />

Glaucolepis m m<br />

72. headleyella m m<br />

Etainia l l l l l m m m m m<br />

73. sericopeza l l l l l m m m m m<br />

l – author‘s collecting data; m – predicted larval activity according other authors<br />

research in neighbouring countries; * – species newly recorded for Lithuanian fauna<br />

Species number<br />

24<br />

22<br />

20<br />

18<br />

16<br />

14<br />

12<br />
















10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

Fig. 7. Trophical relationships of the Lithuanian Nepticulidae<br />


16<br />

Species number<br />

IV(1)<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

IV(2)<br />

V(1)<br />

V(2)<br />

VI(1)<br />

VI(2)<br />

VII(1)<br />

VII(2)<br />

VIII(1)<br />

VIII(2)<br />

IX(1)<br />

IX(2)<br />

X(1)<br />

X(2)<br />

Fig. 8. Seasonal peaks for nepticulid larval activity (mining) in Lithuania. Dark colour –<br />

author‘s collecting data, shown in Table 1 as black dots l; white colour – the predicted<br />

seasonal peaks shown in Table 1 as white dots m<br />


In Central Asia, 90 nepticulid species were recognized; most of them (54<br />

species) belong to Stigmella, 16 to Acalyptris, 11 to Ectoedemia, 4 to Fomoria, 2 to<br />

Glaucolepis, 2 to Etainia and 1 to Trifurcula. Fifteen species were described by the<br />

author as new to science (Table 2).<br />

Western Kopetdag and the southern slopes of the Gissar Ridge are recognized<br />

as the areas in the region most diverse in nepticulid species. However, about onethird<br />

of the Kopetdag fauna is represented by species with a Euro-Asian<br />

distribution, in contrast to the Gissar nepticulid fauna which characterized by<br />

93% of endemic species. In total, the endemism of the Central Asiatic Nepticulidae<br />

fauna is very high (71%) (figs 9, 10).<br />

A review of published data on nepticulid bionomics, heavily modified updated<br />

with the author’s original larval-rearing data, shows that about half (53%) the<br />

Central Asiatic species with a known host-plant are trophically associated with<br />

Rosaceae (Aflatunia, Cerasus, Crataegus, Malus, Prunus, Pyrus, Rosa, Rubus, Spiraea)<br />

(fig. 11); 11% occur on Salicaceae (Populus, Salix), 8% on Ulmaceae (Celtis, Ulmus),<br />

Aceraceae (Acer) or Rhamnaceae (Paliurus, Rhamnus, Ziziphus), and 6% on<br />

Betulaceae (Betula). Plant families such as Hypericaceae, Moraceae and Fagaceae<br />

are known as host-plant families for just a single nepticulid species.<br />


Table 2. A taxonomic list of Nepticulidae of Central Asia with species distribution data: AM –<br />

south-eastern areas of Armenia, AZ – south-eastern areas of Azerbaijan, IR – Iran (except the<br />

southern territories), TM – Turkmenistan, UZ – Uzbekistan, TJ – Tajikistan, AF – northern<br />

provinces of Afghanistan, KZ – western and southern parts of Kazakhstan, KG – Kyrgyzstan<br />

Genera and species<br />


Stigmella Schrank l l l l l l m l l<br />

1. maloidica Puplesis, 1991 l<br />

2. paliurella (Klimesch, 1940) m l m l<br />

3. abaiella Klimesch, 1979 l<br />

4. ficulnea Puplesis & Krasilnikova, 1994 l l<br />

5. turbatrix Puplesis, 1994 m l l m<br />

6. luteella (Stainton, 1857) l<br />

7. nivenburgensis (Preissecker, 1942) m l<br />

8. betulifoliae Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2003 l<br />

9. pamirbetulae Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2003 l<br />

10. excelsa Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2003 l<br />

11. semiaurea Puplesis, 1988 l l m<br />

12. bicolor Puplesis, 1988 l l m l m<br />

13. acerna Puplesis, 1988 m l<br />

14. inopinata Laštuvka & Laštuvka, 1990 l<br />

15. juryi Puplesis, 1991 m l<br />

16. montana Puplesis, 1991 l l<br />

17. malifoliella Puplesis, 1991 l<br />

18. regiella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855) l<br />

19. crataegella (Klimesch, 1936) m m l<br />

20. crataegi Gerasimov, 1937 m l<br />

21. aurora Puplesis, 1984 l<br />

22. caspica Puplesis, 1994 l<br />

23. lanceolata Puplesis, 1994 l<br />

24. hissariella Puplesis, 1994 l<br />

25. hybnerella (Hübner, 1796) l m l<br />

26. anomalella (Göze, 1783) l m<br />

27. spinosissimae (Waters, 1928) l<br />

28. klimeschi Puplesis, 1988 l l<br />

29. armeniana Puplesis, 1994 l<br />

30. kopetdagica Puplesis, 1994 m l<br />

31. ulmiphaga (Preissecker, 1942) m l<br />

32. kazakhstanica Puplesis, 1991 m l m l<br />

33. muricatella (Klimesch, 1978) m m l<br />

34. rolandi van Nieukerken, 1990 l<br />

35. trisyllaba Puplesis, 1992 l l l<br />

36. polymorpha Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2003 m l<br />

37. fasciola Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2003 l<br />

38. longispina Puplesis, 1994 l m l<br />

39. aiderensis Puplesis, 1988 l<br />

40. kondarai Puplesis, 1988 l<br />

41. juratae Puplesis, 1988 l<br />

42. flavescens Puplesis, 1994 l m l m<br />

43. johanssoni Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 1996 l<br />

44. talassica Puplesis, 1992 l<br />

45. fuscacalyptriella Puplesis, 1994 l<br />

46. divina Puplesis, <strong>Diškus</strong>, & Nieukerken, 1997 m l<br />

47. aurella (Fabricius, 1775) l<br />

48. lurida Puplesis, 1994 l m m<br />

49. motiekaitisi Puplesis, 1994 l m l<br />

50. kuznetzovi Puplesis, 1994 l<br />

51. subsorbi Puplesis, 1994 m l<br />


Genera and species<br />


52. cerasi Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 1996 m l<br />

53. aflatuniae Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 1996 l m<br />

54. basiguttella (Heinemann, 1862) l<br />

Ectoedemia Busck m l l l m l m l m<br />

55. amani Svensson, 1966 l<br />

56. albida Puplesis, 1994 m l<br />

57. arcuatella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855) l<br />

58. atricollis (Stainton, 1857) l<br />

59. spinosella (Joannis, 1908) m m l<br />

60. ingloria Puplesis, 1988 l<br />

61. insignata Puplesis, 1988 l<br />

62. petrosa Puplesis, 1988 l<br />

63. tadshikiella Puplesis, 1988 l m l m<br />

64. rosiphila Puplesis, 1992 m l<br />

65. albiformae Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2003 l<br />

Fomoria Beirne m l m l m l m<br />

66. septembrella (Stainton, 1849) m l m l<br />

67. asiatica Puplesis, 1988 l m l<br />

68. lacrimulae Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 1996 m l<br />

69. flavimacula Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 1996 l m<br />

Acalyptris Meyrick m l l l m l<br />

70. vittatus (Puplesis, 1984) l<br />

71. repeteki (Puplesis, 1984) l<br />

72. lvovskyi (Puplesis, 1984) l l l m l<br />

73. falkovitshi (Puplesis, 1984) l l m<br />

74. turcomanicus (Puplesis, 1984) l<br />

75. pallens (Puplesis, 1984) l l m<br />

76. galinae (Puplesis, 1984) l l l<br />

77. arenosus (Falkovitsh, 1986) l l m<br />

78. shafirkanus (Puplesis, 1984) m l l l m m<br />

79. desertellus (Puplesis, 1984) l l m<br />

80. kizilkumi (Falkovitsh, 1986) m l l l m l<br />

81. piculus Puplesis, 1990 l<br />

82. brevis Puplesis, 1990 m l m l m<br />

83. egidijui Puplesis, 1990 l l m<br />

84. vannieukerkeni Puplesis, 1994 l<br />

85. argyraspis Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 1995 l m<br />

Trifurcula Zeller m l l m l<br />

86. puplesisi van Nieukerken, 1990 m l l m l<br />

Glaucolepis Braun l m m l l l l l l<br />

87. raikhonae Puplesis, 1985 l l l l l<br />

88. melanoptera (Nieukerken & Puplesis, 1991) l m m l<br />

Etainia Beirne m l<br />

89. leptognathos Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 1996 m l<br />

90. obtusa Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 1996 l<br />


Species number<br />

50<br />

45<br />

40<br />

35<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

Armenia<br />

Host-plants unknown<br />

48%<br />

Azerbaijan<br />

Rosaceae 28%<br />

Iran<br />

Turkmenistan<br />

Fig. 9. Currently known species number of nepticulids per countries of Central Asia:<br />

Armenia (south-eastern areas only), Azerbaijan (south-eastern areas only), Iran (except the<br />

southern territories), Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan (northern provinces<br />

only), Kazakhstan (western and southern parts), Kyrgyzstan<br />

Species number<br />

35<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

Kopetdag Deserts &<br />

oases<br />

Uzbekistan<br />

Tajikistan<br />

Afghanistan<br />

Fig. 11. Trophical relationships of Nepticulidae of Central Asia<br />

Kazakhstan<br />

Kyrgyzstan<br />

Gissar Tyan Shan'<br />

Asian endemic Species occuring from Asia to Europe<br />

Fig. 10. Main natural areas of Central Asia and nepticulid species number<br />

Salicaceae 6%<br />

Ulmaceae 4%<br />

Rhamnaceae 4%<br />

Aceraceae 4%<br />

Betulaceae 3%<br />

Oth. families 3%<br />




Study of material collected from Oman and the Indian subcontinent yielded<br />

34 species of Nepticulidae. Two of them are probably boreal (occuring in the high<br />

Himalaya) while others are tropical. Twelve species from the 34 recognized in<br />

total are described as new to science (Table 3).<br />

The discovery of such species as Stigmella hoplometalla and Acalyptris<br />

melanospila, occuring on the western slopes of the Himalaya but previously known<br />

only from Bombay suggests a much wider distribution of these species in the<br />

Indian subcontinent.<br />

Three closely related species (i. e., Acalyptris melanospila, A. auratilis and A.<br />

nigripexus), found in the same habitat of Himalayan tropical montane forest and<br />

characterized by a similar adult activity period are assumed to be of sympatric<br />

origin.<br />

It is interesting that the newly described Stigmella tenebrica from the high<br />

Himalaya morphologically resembles more the European S. sorbi, than the species<br />

of the same species-group occuring in the geographically closer territories of<br />

Central Asia.<br />

Table 3. Nepticulidae species in countries of South Asia: OM – Oman, IN – India, NP –<br />

Nepal, LK – Sri Lanka<br />

Genera and species<br />

OM IN NP LK<br />

Enteucha Meyrick l<br />

1. diplocosma (Meyrick, 1921) l<br />

Stigmella Schrank l l l l<br />

2. isochalca (Meyrick, 1916) l<br />

3. sruogai Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2003 l<br />

4. nepali Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2003 l<br />

5. omani Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2003 l<br />

6. xystodes (Meyrick, 1916) l<br />

7. liochalca (Meyrick, 1916) l<br />

8. ipomoeella (Gustafsson, 1976) l<br />

9. himalayai Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2003 l<br />

10. fibigeri Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2003 l<br />

11. elegantiae Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2003 l<br />

12. maculifera Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2003 l<br />

13. skulei Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2003 l<br />

14. tenebrica Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2003 l<br />

15. polydoxa (Meyrick, 1911) l<br />

16. homophaea (Meyrick, 1918) l<br />

17. argyrodoxa (Meyrick, 1918) l<br />

18. neodora (Meyrick, 1918) l<br />

19. aeriventris (Meyrick, 1932) l<br />

20. hoplometalla (Meyrick, 1934) l l<br />

21. elachistarcha (Meyrick, 1934) l<br />

22 oligosperma (Meyrick, 1934) l<br />


Genera and species<br />

OM IN NP LK<br />

23. longicornuta Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2003 l<br />

Fomoria Beirne l<br />

24. glycystrota (Meyrick, 1928) l<br />

Acalyptris Meyrick l l l<br />

25. sporadopa (Meyrick, 1911) l<br />

26. psammophricta Meyrick, 1921 l<br />

27. acontarcha (Meyrick, 1926) l<br />

28. heteranthes (Meyrick, 1926) l<br />

29. melanospila (Meyrick, 1934) l l<br />

30. clinomochla (Meyrick, 1934) l l<br />

31. auratilis Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2003 l<br />

32. nigripexus Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2003 l<br />

Glaucolepis Braun l<br />

33. rusticula (Meyrick, 1916) l<br />

34. „Nepticula” oritis Meyrick, 1910 l<br />


In total, 105 species of Nepticulidae are reviewed by the author in this thesis;<br />

63 of them were recorded only from the eastern part of the Mandshurian region<br />

(Primorskiy Krai). One species – Stigmella auricularia – is described as new to<br />

science (Table 4, fig. 12).<br />

Fifteen species were recognized as distributed from Europe to the<br />

Mandshurian region: Stigmella betulicola, S. luteella, S. sakhalinella, S. aurora, S.<br />

anomalella, S. assimilella, S. salicis, S. obliquella, S. continuella, S. lediella, Bohemannia<br />

quadrimaculella, Ectoedemia intimella, E. preisseckeri, E. occultella and Fomoria weaveri;<br />

most of them are trophically associated with plants from Salicaceae (more rarely<br />

Rosaceae and Ericaceae).<br />

Table 4. Taxonomic list of Nepticulidae species occuring in Mandshurian region and<br />

neighbouring countries (l – confirmed by collection data; m – occurence is predicted)<br />

Genera and species Eastern part of<br />

the<br />

Mandshurian<br />

region<br />

(Primorskiy<br />

Kray)<br />

Sakhalin<br />

and Kuril<br />

Islands<br />

Japan China<br />

and<br />

Korea<br />

Stigmella Schrank l l l l<br />

1. caesurifasciella Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985 l m<br />

2. dissona (Puplesis, 1984) l<br />

3. mirabella (Puplesis, 1984) l<br />

4. kurilensis Puplesis, 1987 l<br />

5. sashai Puplesis, 1984 l<br />

6. regina Puplesis, 1984 l<br />

7. betulicola (Stainton, 1856) l<br />

8. luteella (Stainton, 1857) l<br />

9. sakhalinella Puplesis, 1984 l l<br />

10. attenuata Puplesis, 1985 l<br />

11. cathepostis Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985 l<br />

12. conchyliata Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985 l<br />


Genera and species Eastern part Sakhalin Japan China<br />

of the and Kuril<br />

and<br />

Mandshurian<br />

region<br />

(Primorskiy<br />

Kray)<br />

Islands<br />

Korea<br />

13. oplismeniella Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985 l<br />

14. populnea Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985 l<br />

15. titivillitia Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985 l<br />

16. ultima Puplesis, 1984 l m<br />

17. tegmentosella Puplesis, 1984 l m<br />

18. monella Puplesis, 1984 l l m<br />

19. kozlovi Puplesis, 1984 l<br />

20. orientalis Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985 l<br />

21. nostrata Puplesis, 1984 l<br />

22. aurora Puplesis, 1984 l<br />

23. micromelis Puplesis, 1985 l<br />

24. crataegivora Puplesis, 1985 l<br />

25. alaurulenta Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985 l<br />

26. chaenomelae Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985 l<br />

27. honshui Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985 l<br />

28. sorbivora Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985 l<br />

29. zumii Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985 l<br />

30. anomalella (Göze, 1783) l<br />

31. taigae Puplesis, 1984 l<br />

32. kurotsubarai Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985 l<br />

33. palionisi Puplesis, 1984 l<br />

34. amuriella Puplesis, 1985 l<br />

35. alisa Puplesis, 1985 l<br />

36. nakamurai Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985 l<br />

37. nireae Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985 l<br />

38. auricularia Puplesis, <strong>Diškus</strong> & Juchneviè, 2003 l<br />

39. assimilella (Zeller, 1848) l<br />

40. salicis (Stainton, 1854) l<br />

41. obliquella (Heinemann, 1862) l<br />

42. tranocrossa Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985 l l<br />

43. continuella (Stainton, 1856) l<br />

44. gimmonella (Matsumura, 1931) l l<br />

45. zelkoviella Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985 l<br />

46. lediella (Schleich, 1867) l<br />

47. palmatae Puplesis, 1984 l<br />

48. acrochaetia Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985 l<br />

49. alikurokoi Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985 l<br />

50. ichigoiella Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985 l<br />

51. sesplicata Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985 l<br />

52. spiculifera Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985 l<br />

53. oa Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985 l<br />

54. monticulella Puplesis, 1984 l<br />

55. dentatae Puplesis, 1984 l l l<br />

56. aladina Puplesis, 1984 l l l<br />

57. omelkoi Puplesis, 1984 l l l<br />

58. fervida Puplesis, 1984 l l<br />

59.<br />

22<br />

fumida Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985 l l

Genera and species Eastern part Sakhalin Japan China<br />

of the and Kuril<br />

and<br />

Mandshurian<br />

region<br />

(Primorskiy<br />

Kray)<br />

Islands<br />

Korea<br />

60. clisiotophora Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985 l m<br />

61. circumargentea Nieukerken & Liu, 2000 l<br />

62. kao Nieukerken & Liu, 2000 l<br />

63. castanopsiella (Kuroko, 1978) l m<br />

64. kurokoi Puplesis, 1984 l l m<br />

65. lithocarpella Nieukerken & Liu, 2000 l<br />

66. vandrieli Nieukerken & Liu, 2000 l<br />

67. egonokii Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985 l<br />

68. boehmeriae Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985 l<br />

Bohemannia Stainton l l m<br />

69. quadrimaculella (Boheman, 1853) m<br />

70. manschurella Puplesis, 1984 l l m<br />

71. ussuriella Puplesis, 1984 l<br />

72. suiphunella Puplesis, 1984 l<br />

73. nubila Puplesis, 1985 l l<br />

74. piotra Puplesis, 1984 l<br />

Ectoedemia Busck l l l<br />

75. amani Svensson, 1966 l l<br />

76. admiranda Puplesis, 1984 l<br />

77. sivickisi Puplesis, 1984 l<br />

78. laura Puplesis, 1985 l<br />

79. intimella (Zeller, 1848) l<br />

80. arisi Puplesis, 1984 l<br />

81. christopheri Puplesis, 1984 l<br />

82. philipi Puplesis, 1984 l<br />

83. preisseckeri (Klimesch, 1941) l<br />

84. chasanella Puplesis, 1984 l<br />

85. scoblei Puplesis, 1984 l l<br />

86. aligera Puplesis, 1985 l<br />

87. ermolaevi Puplesis, 1985 l<br />

88. maculata Puplesis, 1987 l<br />

89. olvina Puplesis, 1984 l l l<br />

90. ornatella Puplesis, 1984 l<br />

91. ivinskisi Puplesis, 1984 l<br />

92. pilosae Puplesis, 1984 l l<br />

93. picturata Puplesis, 1985 l<br />

94. occultella (Linnaeus, 1767) l l<br />

95. sinevi Puplesis, 1985 l<br />

96. insularis Puplesis, 1985 l<br />

Fomoria Beirne l m l<br />

97. weaveri (Stainton, 1955) m m l<br />

98. hypericifolia Kuroko, 1982 l l<br />

99. permira Puplesis, 1984 l<br />

Glaucolepis Braun l<br />

100. sinica (Yang, 1989) l<br />

Etainia Beirne l l<br />

101. trifasciata (Matsumura, 1931) l<br />


24<br />

Species number<br />

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

Genera and species Eastern part<br />

of the<br />

Mandshurian<br />

region<br />

(Primorskiy<br />

Primorskiy<br />

Kray<br />

Sakhalin &<br />

Kuril Islands<br />

Kray)<br />

102. capesella (Puplesis, 1985) l<br />

103. tigrinella (Puplesis, 1985) l<br />

104. peterseni (Puplesis, 1985) l<br />

105. sabina (Puplesis, 1985) l<br />

Sakhalin<br />

and Kuril<br />

Islands<br />

Japan China<br />

Fig 12. Main areas (or countries) of East Asia and nepticulid species number; the fauna of<br />

Korea remains unstudied<br />


Japan China<br />

and<br />

Korea<br />

The recently published updated check-list of the Nepticulidae of the region (Puplesis<br />

et al., 2002) includes 74 species; the author participated in the original description of<br />

16 of these species together with the thesis’ supervisors Prof. Dr. R. Puplesis and Dr.<br />

G. S. Robinson (i. e., Enteucha acuta, E. guajavae, Stigmella austroamericana, S.<br />

montanotropica, S. nubimontana, S. rubeta, Fomoria repanda, F. tabulosa, Acalyptris<br />

ecuadoriana, A. onorei, A. basihastatus, A. pseudohastatus, A. articulosus, A. rotundus, A.<br />

amazonius, A. insolentis) (Table 5).<br />

Study of Neotropical material has shown a high level of endemism of the<br />

Nepticulidae fauna in general, and also demonstrated the phenomenon of Acalyptris<br />

predomination: among the currently recognized species in Belize, 48% belong to<br />

the genus Acalyptris, in the western part of the Amazon basin this genus comprises<br />

about 50% of the fauna. Previously, Acalyptris was known with a highly restricted<br />

distribution, that excluded the Neotropics (or, indeed, any tropical area) and also<br />

was not known as very diverse in species.

Table 5. Taxonomic check-list of currently known Nepticulidae taxa in the Neotropical<br />

Region with species distribution data to Central and South American countries: US –<br />

Florida and Arizona only (USA), MX – tropical regions of Mexico, BZ – Belize, DM –<br />

Dominica, GY – Guyana, VE – Venezuela, CO – Colombia, EC – Ecuador, PE – Peru, AR –<br />

Argentina, CL – Chile<br />

Genera and species<br />


Enteucha Meyrick l l l l l<br />

1. cyanochlora Meyrick, 1915 l<br />

2. gilvafascia (Davis, 1978) l<br />

3. hilli Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />

4. contracolorea Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />

5. terricula Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />

6. snaddoni Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />

7. acuta Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2002 l<br />

8. guajavae Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2002 l<br />

Manoneura Davis l l l l l<br />

9. basidactyla (Davis, 1978) l l l l<br />

10. trinaria Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />

Stigmella Schrank l l l l l l l l l<br />

11. plumosetaeella Newton & Wilkinson, 1982 l l<br />

12. barbata Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />

13. austroamericana Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2002 l<br />

14. kimae Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />

15. eurydesma (Meyrick, 1915) l<br />

16. albilamina Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />

17. fuscilamina Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />

18. johannis (Zeller, 1877) l<br />

19. epicosma (Meyrick, 1915) l<br />

20. cuprata (Meyrick, 1915) l<br />

21. andina (Meyrick, 1915) l<br />

22. olyritis (Meyrick, 1915) l<br />

23. rudis Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l l<br />

24. marmorea Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />

25. peruanica Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />

26. schoorli Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />

27. hamata Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />

28. imperatoria Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />

29. montanotropica Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2002 l<br />

30. nubimontana Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2002 l<br />

31. rubeta Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2002 l<br />

32. gossypii (Forbes & Leonard, 1930) l<br />

33. hylomaga (Meyrick, 1931) l<br />

34. costalimai (Bourquin, 1962) l<br />

35. guittonae (Bourquin, 1962) l<br />

36. pruinosa Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />

37. ovata Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />

Ectoedemia Busck l l l<br />

38. mesoloba Davis, 1978 l<br />

39. reneella Wilkinson, 1981 l<br />

40. helenella Wilkinson, 1981 l<br />


26<br />

Genera and species<br />


41. species 291058 l<br />

42. fuscivittata Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l l<br />

Fomoria Beirne l l l<br />

43. molybditis (Zeller, 1877) l<br />

44. diskusi Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />

45. species 29122 l<br />

46. repanda Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2002 l<br />

47. tabulosa Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2002 l<br />

Acalyptris Meyrick l l l<br />

48. latipennata (Puplesis & Robinson, 2000) l<br />

49. dividua Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />

50. ecuadoriana Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2002 l<br />

51. onorei Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2002 l<br />

52. bicornutus (Davis, 1978) l<br />

53. tenuijuxtus (Davis, 1978) l<br />

54. bovicorneus Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />

55. martinheringi Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />

56. fortis Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />

57. hispidus Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />

58. novenarius Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />

59. lascuevella Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />

60. bifidus Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />

61. trifidus Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />

62. unicornis Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />

63. laxibasis Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />

64. species 29135 l<br />

65. platygnathos Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />

66. species 29140 l<br />

67. basihastatus Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2002 l<br />

68. pseudohastatus Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2002 l<br />

69. articulosus Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2002 l<br />

70. rotundus Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2002 l<br />

71. amazonius Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2002 l<br />

72. insolentis Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2002 l<br />

Glaucolepis Braun l l<br />

73. aerifica (Meyrick, 1915) l<br />

74. argentosa Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 l<br />


Ten species of Tischeriidae are now known from southern Africa, i. e., the same<br />

number as from Europe with a two hundred year history of investigation. Nine of<br />

the ten African species were described by the author (in cooperation with Prof. Dr.<br />

R. Puplesis and Dr. W. Mey) as new to science: Tischeria sparmanniae, T. martinkrugeri,<br />

T. antilope, Coptotriche zimbabwiensis, C. africana, C. basipectinella; three other species<br />

were not formerly named due to insufficient material (Table 6).<br />

The southern African tischeriids are associated with host-plants of at least of<br />

4 families and 6 genera: Rhamnaceae (Scutia), Tiliaceae (Grewia, Sparmannia,<br />

Triumfeta), Anacardiaceae (Rhus) and Combretaceae (Terminalia).

Table 6. A check-list of currently known Tischeriidae taxa in southern Africa with species<br />

distribution data to countries: NA – Namibia, ZA – Republic of South Africa, ZW – Zimbabwe<br />

Genera and species<br />

NA ZA ZW<br />

Tischeria Zeller l l l<br />

1. zestica Meyrick, 1911 l<br />

2. antilope Puplesis, <strong>Diškus</strong> & Mey, 2003 l<br />

3. sparmanniae Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2003 l l l<br />

4. martinkrugeri Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2003 l<br />

5. species 0219 l<br />

6. species 0220 l<br />

7. species 6547 l<br />

Coptotriche Walsingham l l l<br />

8. zimbabwiensis Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2003 m l<br />

9. africana Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2003 l l m<br />

10. basipectinella Puplesis & <strong>Diškus</strong>, 2003 m l l<br />




After revision of all published records (including the author’s personal research<br />

data), 1027 species of Nepticuloidea & Tischerioidea are currently recognized for<br />

the world fauna. Most of them, 780 species, belong to the Nepticulidae, 130 to the<br />

Opostegidae 117 to the Tischeriidae.<br />

These species are included in the first catalogue of the world Nepticuloidea &<br />

Tischerioidea, together with revised data on species distribution and host-plants<br />

(see Supplements of the dissertation or the published version in Diðkus, Puplesis,<br />

2003).<br />

A few new species-groups are designated in the catalogue. Also 126 new<br />

combinations are made and a few species previously omitted from taxonomic<br />

revisions by other authors (dealing with Africa or other regions) are listed.<br />

It is estimated that 124 authors described nepticuloids and tischerioids. Peaks<br />

of species description occurred in 1911–1915, 1976–1980 and particularly in 1984–<br />

1985 and 2000.<br />

The author of this dissertation described (on his own or with co-authors) 44<br />

new species of Nepticulidae and 36 species of Tischeriidae (figs 1, 2).<br />

28<br />

Australian<br />

7%<br />

Oriental<br />

9%<br />

Afrotropical<br />

15%<br />

Palaearctic<br />

44%<br />

Nearctic<br />

14%<br />

Neotropical<br />

11%<br />

Fig. 13. Currently known number of species of Nepticuloidea and Tischerioidea and<br />

biogeographical regions<br />

Most Nepticuloidea and Tischerioidea (445 species or about 44%) are known<br />

from the Palaearctic (fig. 13). In the Nepticulidae, only the genera Stigmella and<br />

Fomoria can be recognized as having truly cosmopolitan distributions. Acalyptris,<br />

in contrary to previous knowledge, appears also to be widely distributed and<br />

unexpectedly occurs in rain forest habitats. During this study an interesting feature<br />

of Acalyptris distribution was discovered: in the Neotropical region the genus<br />

predominates, accounting for up to 50% of the nepticulid fauna of the tropical<br />

areas of the region. Otherwise, Stigmella is the dominant nepticulid genus in most<br />

geographical regions and in non-tropical areas of the Neotropical region.

Despite very high species endemism, endemism at generic level varies from<br />

region to region: in the Palaearctic and Afrotropical regions endemic taxa make up<br />

20% of the fauna, in the Neotropics 17%, in Australia about 50%.<br />

North & South America are supposed to be the centre of highest diversity of<br />

the Tischeriidae and, possibly, their centre of origin. The Neotropical region is<br />

remarkable in the taxonomic composition of its Tischeriidae: as well as Coptotriche<br />

and Tischeria (genera which occur in almost every biogeographical region), there<br />

is the third genus – Astrotischeria – which comprises 74% of the currently known<br />

species of the area (fig. 14).<br />

58%<br />

62%<br />

Coptotriche (3)<br />

13%<br />

Coptotriche (14)<br />

Coptotriche (28)<br />

Palaearctic Region<br />

Nearctic Region<br />

Tischeria (10)<br />

Fig. 14. Predomination of Astrotischeria in the Neotropical Region (% and number of<br />

species known)<br />

9%<br />

Neotropical Region<br />

Tischeria (3)<br />

13%<br />

42%<br />

Tischeria (4)<br />

74%<br />

Astrotischeria (13)<br />

29%<br />

Astrotischeria (17)<br />


According to updated and newly reviewed host-plant data, the world<br />

Nepticuloidea & Tischerioidea are trophically associated with 66 plant families:<br />

most species occur on Rosaceae (123 species) and Fagaceae (93 species); to a<br />

lesser extent, but still widely utilised, are such families as: Rhamnaceae (32 species),<br />

Asteraceae (31 species), Fabaceae (31 species), Salicaceae (28 species) and<br />

Betulaceae (27 species). In the light of host-plant data, the evolution of the<br />

Nepticuloidea or Tischerioidea probably occurred by way of trophic adaptation to<br />

7 plant subclasses from the 12 recognized; four of these host-plant subclasses are<br />

common to all three studied moth families: Hamamelididae, Dilleniidae, Rosidae<br />

and Lamiidae. Detailed review is given in the thesis or in published version in<br />

Puplesis, Diðkus, 2003.<br />

Fig. 15. Cilia-like sensilla chaetica on male antenna of Tischeria ekebladella (scale – 10 µm)<br />

30<br />


Morphology and biology<br />

Characters which have most diagnostic importance for family recognition are:<br />

1. Frontal tuft projecting over triangular (or trapezoid) face smoothly covered<br />

with scales. 2. Numerous very long, distinct, cilia-like sensilla chaetica on male<br />

antenna (fig. 15). 3. Scales on enlarged scapus projecting as a modified pecten<br />

over eye. 4. Strongly narrowed aedeagus, usually bifurcated or with spines at apex<br />

(fig. 16, see the structure in the middle). 5. Dark, short, strongly thickened, stout<br />

peg setae on female ovipositor (usually visible even without dissection) (figs 18,<br />

19). 6. Four to five apophyses pairs in female genitalia (fig. 22). For a detailed<br />

description and a review on biology – see the doctoral dissertation or published<br />

version in Diðkus, Puplesis, 2003) (figs 15–23).

Figs 16, 17. Morphology of male genitalia of Tischeriidae: 16 – Astrotischeria pallens Puplesis<br />

& Diðkus, Argentina; 17 – Coptotriche japoniella Puplesis & Diðkus, Japan (scale – 0,1 mm)<br />

Figs 18, 19. Abdominal segments of female of Coptotriche angusticolella: 18 – lateral view;<br />

19 – ventral view<br />


Figs 20–23. Morphology of female genitalia of Tischeriidae: 20 – Tischeria ekebladoides,<br />

antrum, Tunisia; 21 – Coptotriche berberella, ductus spermathecae, Spain; 22 – C.<br />

heinemanni, apophyses from dorsal side, Ukraine; 23 – C. angusticolella, corpus bursae<br />

and ductus spermathecae, Tunisia<br />


Phylogeny<br />

Morphological or trophic differences among tischeriids have prompted the<br />

erection of a few sections or species-groups within the family. Five sections have been<br />

designated in the Nearctic fauna by Braun (1972). These were not followed (at least<br />

in most cases) by workers on the European fauna. Until recently all known tischeriid<br />

species in the world were treated as belonging to a single genus (i. e., Tischeria Zeller,<br />

1839). However, the monotypic concept of the family was contradicted by Leraut<br />

(1993), who erected a new genus Emmetia. Our personal studies of the genitalia of<br />

some tropical species and particularly studies of chromosomes and gonads (Puplesienë<br />

& Puplesis, manuscript/unpublished) well support the polytypic concept of the family.<br />

Unfortunately, Leraut (1993) did not notice that his newly erected genus completely<br />

corresponded with Coptotriche of Walsingham (1890), a genus designated for Northern<br />

American tischeriids, which for the last hundred years has been commonly treated as<br />

a junior synonym of Tischeria Zeller, 1839. Further, Leraut (1993) associated the<br />

name Coptotriche with Tischeria (s. str.), not with Emmetia, suggesting that he had no<br />

idea what Coptotriche of Walsingham actually represented.<br />

Tischeria complanoides Frey & Boll, 1873 was designated originally by<br />

Walsingham (1890) as the type-species for Coptotriche; however complanoides is a<br />

commonly recognized junior synonym of T. zelleriella Clemens, 1859. Irrespective<br />

of whether complanoides is recognized as a separate species from zelleriella or not<br />

(we recognize it as a synonym), the type-species of Coptotriche possesses the same<br />

phylogenetically important characters as the species of Emmetia, including the<br />

type-species Tischeria marginea Haworth, 1828: the broadened valva, tulip-shaped<br />

and spined aedeagus, presence of transtilla, absence of a juxta, diaphragma with<br />

spines, greatly extended membranous half of ductus spermathecae, etc.<br />

Interestingly, one of most striking characters of the genus, the broadened valva,<br />

was illustrated by Walsingham 113 years ago (Walsingham, 1890: fig. c).<br />

The name Coptotriche can not be treated as a nomen nudum; it was used by<br />

Braun (1972) and twice by Leraut (1993).<br />

Therefore, the recently erected Emmetia has to be synonymized (Diðkus,<br />

Puplesis, 2003). But a new genus (Astrotischeria Puplesis & Diðkus) is described by<br />

us from Northern and Southern America for tischeriid species with striking<br />

genitalia and feeding characters.<br />

Three main lineages of generic rank can be recognized within Tischeriidae (fig.<br />

24). The first (Tischeria) may be the best characterized by the development of a juxta<br />

in the male genitalia, and an antrum in the female genitalia; the second (Astrotischeria)<br />

by the development of a dorsal lobe to the valva, the uncus overlaid dorsally by lobes<br />

of the pseuduncus, utilization of new host-plant families (particularly Asteraceae),<br />

and the third (Coptotriche) by the development of transtilla, spines on the<br />

diaphragma, a ‘tulip-shaped’ aedeagus and by the great enlargement of the<br />

membranous half of the ductus spermathecae in the female genitalia.<br />

The cladogram of the Tischeriidae (fig. 24) is based on 34 apomorphies listed<br />

in the disertation or published version in Diðkus, Puplesis, 2003.<br />


Fig. 24. A cladogram of the Tischeriidae (for a list of used apomorphies 1–34 see the<br />

dissertation or published version in Diðkus, Puplesis, 2003.)<br />

34<br />

Taxonomic composition<br />

We recognize three genera among the Tischeriidae: Tischeria Zeller (27<br />

described species for the World fauna), Astrotischeria Puplesis & Diðkus (30 species)<br />

and Coptotriche Walsingham (57 species). For detailed diagnostic descriptions of<br />

the recognized genera – see the doctoral thesis or published version in Diðkus,<br />

Puplesis, 2003).<br />


Intensive field work in Lithuania confirmed the occurrence of 73<br />

Nepticulidae species (12 new to the fauna, 5 excluded) and demonstrated<br />

15 plant families and 32 plant genera as host-plants, where most of<br />

Lithuanian Nepticulidae species are trophically associated with plants from<br />

Rosaceae, Salicaceae, Fagaceae and Betulaceae.

In Central Asia, 90 nepticulid species were recognized; in total, the<br />

endemism of the Central Asiatic Nepticulidae fauna is very high (71%)<br />

and about half (53%) the Central Asiatic species with a known host-plant<br />

are trophically associated with Rosaceae.<br />

Study of material collected from Oman and the Indian subcontinent yielded<br />

34 species of Nepticulidae (including twelve new to science).<br />

In total, 105 species of Nepticulidae are reviewed for East Asia (63 of them<br />

were recorded only from the eastern part of the Mandshurian region,<br />

with one species as new to science and 15 species distributed from Europe<br />

to the Mandshurian region.<br />

Study of Neotropical material (74 earlier recorded species and 16 new)<br />

has shown a high level of endemism of the Nepticulidae fauna in general,<br />

and also demonstrated the phenomenon of Acalyptris predomination.<br />

Ten species of Tischeriidae (including 9 new ones) are now known from<br />

southern Africa, i. e., the same number as from Europe with a two hundred<br />

year history of investigation; the southern African tischeriids are associated<br />

with host-plants of at least of 4 families and 6 genera: Rhamnaceae (Scutia),<br />

Tiliaceae (Grewia, Sparmannia, Triumfeta), Anacardiaceae (Rhus) and<br />

Combretaceae (Terminalia).<br />

New data and revision of all published records confirmed 1027 species of<br />

Nepticuloidea & Tischerioidea currently recognized for the world fauna;<br />

most of them, 780 species, belong to the Nepticulidae, 130 to the<br />

Opostegidae 117 to the Tischeriidae. In the Neotropical region the<br />

nepticulid genus Acalyptris predominates (accounting for up to 50% of the<br />

nepticulid fauna); Stigmella is the dominant nepticulid genus in most<br />

geographical regions and in non-tropical areas of the Neotropical region.<br />

The world Nepticuloidea & Tischerioidea are trophically associated with<br />

66 plant families: most species occur on Rosaceae (123 species) and<br />

Fagaceae (93 species); to a lesser extent, but still widely utilised, are such<br />

families as: Rhamnaceae (32 species), Asteraceae (31 species), Fabaceae<br />

(31 species), Salicaceae (28 species) and Betulaceae (27 species).<br />

In the light of host-plant data, the evolution of the Nepticuloidea or Tischerioidea<br />

probably occurred by way of trophic adaptation to 7 plant subclasses from the 12<br />

recognized; four of these host-plant subclasses are common to all three studied<br />

moth families: Hamamelididae, Dilleniidae, Rosidae and Lamiidae.<br />

Three main lineages of generic rank can be recognized within Tischeriidae.<br />

The first (Tischeria) may be the best characterized by the development of a<br />

juxta in the male genitalia, and an antrum in the female genitalia; the<br />

second (Astrotischeria) by the development of a dorsal lobe to the valva, the<br />

uncus overlaid dorsally by lobes of the pseuduncus, utilization of new<br />

host-plant families (particularly Asteraceae), and the third (Coptotriche)<br />

by the development of transtilla, spines on the diaphragma, a ‘tulip-shaped’<br />

aedeagus and by the great enlargement of the membranous half of the<br />

ductus spermathecae in the female genitalia.<br />



Problemos aktualumas. Dël aktyvaus natûraliø kraðtovaizdþiø naikinimo, daþnos<br />

gyvûnø ar augalø gyvenamøjø vietø fragmentacijos bei destrukcijos sparèiai<br />

ëmë nykti biologinë ávairovë. Vis didëjantis pasaulio mokslinës visuomenës susirûpinimas<br />

biologinës ávairovës krize paskatino tyrinëtojus aktyviau inventorizuoti<br />

pagrindinius Þemës biomus. Iðaiðkinti pasaulinës biologinës ávairovës apimtis –<br />

didelis ir ilgalaikis sistematikø uþdavinys.<br />

Mûsø tyrimø objektas – filogenetiðkai vieni primityviausiø (ir tuo, teoriniu<br />

poþiûriu, vieni svarbiausiø bei ádomiausiø) Lepidoptera bûrio taksonai (Nepticuloidea<br />

ir Tischerioidea), jungiantys tris giminiðkas ðeimas: Nepticulidae, Opostegidae<br />

ir Tischeriidae. Ðios ðeimos plaèiai paplitusios visuose þemynuose (iðskyrus<br />

Antarktá) ir jungia maþiausius pasaulyje mikrodrugius, kurie iðsiskiria ne tik archaiðka<br />

sandara, bet ir labai didele specializacija.<br />

Dël stenofagijos tendencijø, sëslaus gyvenimo bûdo ir endemizmo ðie smulkûs<br />

vabzdþiai gausiai paplitæ visuose sausumos biomuose (pradedant dykumomis<br />

ir baigiant atogràþø miðkais) ir yra vieni puikiausiø objektø, charakterizuojanèiø<br />

tiriamo biomo biologinës ávairovës turtingumà, kilmæ ir gamtinius ryðius. Taèiau<br />

ðiø, praktinæ ir teorinæ reikðmæ turinèiø, vabzdþiø tyrimø duomenø (tiek Lietuvos,<br />

tiek pasaulio atogràþø regionø) nepakanka. Iki disertacijos autoriaus ir jo kolegø<br />

atliktø tyrimø daugelio Þemës regionø fauna buvo visiðkai neþinoma ir neapraðyta,<br />

o duomenys apie Lietuvos Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea rûðis buvo nepatikimi<br />

ir pasenæ.<br />

Taigi tyrimø duomenø apie Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea (ypaè Tischeriidae)<br />

stoka, jø svarbi praktinë bei teorinë reikðmë, didëjantis mokslinës visuomenës<br />

susirûpinimas biologinës ávairovës krize paskatino parengti ðià pasaulio Nepticuloidea<br />

ir Tischerioidea revizijà; tokio pobûdþio darbø aktualumas buvo pabrëþtas<br />

dar 1992 m. Rio de Þaneiro konvencijoje.<br />

Tyrimø tikslas ir uþdaviniai. Disertacinio darbo tikslas – taksonominë primityviø<br />

Microlepidoptera (Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea) pasaulio faunos apþvalga.<br />

Ðiam tikslui pasiekti reikëjo ágyvendinti ðiuos uþdavinius:<br />

atlikti Nepticulidae lauko tyrimus Lietuvoje ir iðaiðkinti gyvenanèias rûðis,<br />

jø trofinius ryðius ir vikðrø minavimo sezoninius periodus;<br />

atlikti ekspedicinius tyrimus Centrinëje Azijoje, iðaiðkinti ir apraðyti iki ðiol<br />

neþinomas rûðis, sudaryti regiono Nepticulidae taksonominá sàraðà, nustatyti<br />

svarbiausius rûðiø ávairovës centrus bei Centrinës Azijos Nepticulidae<br />

trofinius ryðius;<br />

iðtirti kolekcinæ medþiagà ið Omano, Indijos ir Nepalo ir apraðyti naujus<br />

mokslui taksonus;<br />

revizuoti duomenis apie Rytø Azijos Nepticulidae faunà, papildyti Mandþiûrijos<br />

regiono Nepticulidae faunos sàraðà naujais tyrimø rezultatais;<br />

revizuoti Centrinës ir Pietø Amerikos Nepticulidae, apraðyti naujas mokslui<br />

rûðis, aptiktas Amazonës baseine ir Andø kalnuose, iðaiðkinti bendràsias<br />

neotropinës faunos geografinio paplitimo ypatybes;<br />


iðtirti Tischeriidae kolekcinæ medþiagà ið Pietø Afrikos ir apraðyti naujus<br />

mokslui taksonus;<br />

sudaryti pirmàjá Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea pasaulio faunos taksonominá<br />

katalogà ir parengti originalià faunos apþvalgà, nustatant rûðiø kieká pasaulyje,<br />

rûðiø apraðymo istorinæ raidà, bendruosius Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea<br />

geografinio paplitimo bei trofiniø ryðiø ypatumus;<br />

nustatyti autapomorfinius poþymius, árodanèius Tischeriidae monofiletinæ<br />

kilmæ, sudaryti originalià ðeimos filogenetinæ kladogramà ir pateikti<br />

naujà Tischeriidae klasifikacijà.<br />

Mokslinis naujumas. Atrastos, apraðytos ar ávardytos ir parengtos apraðymui<br />

(su bendraautoriais arba tik disertanto) 44 naujos mokslui Nepticulidae ir 36<br />

naujos mokslui Tischeriidae rûðys (1, 2 pav.) bei viena nauja Tischeriidae gentis ið<br />

iki ðiol maþai tirtø ar visai netyrinëtø kraðtø: Pirënø pusiasalio, Tuniso, Turkijos,<br />

Turkmënistano, Tadþikistano, Rusijos Tolimøjø Rytø, Japonijos, Tailando, Nepalo,<br />

Indijos, Omano, Pietø Afrikos Respublikos, Namibijos, Zimbabvës, Belizo,<br />

Ekvadoro (Amazonës baseino ir Andø kalnø), Peru, Èilës ir Argentinos. Apraðytos<br />

dar dvi naujos Bucculatricidae ðeimos rûðys (Bucculatrix multicornuta ir B.<br />

macrognathos). Taip pat patikrinta visø 1027 nagrinëtø rûðiø taksonominë pozicija<br />

ir padarytos 126 naujos taksonominës kombinacijos.<br />

Pirmà kartà iðtyrinëta, preparuota ir apraðyta iki ðiol neidentifikuota Nepticulidae<br />

ir Tischeriidae medþiaga, saugojama Britø muziejuje, Kopenhagos universitete,<br />

Leideno gamtos muziejuje ir Smitsono centre (JAV).<br />

Pirmà kartà iðtyrinëta tipinë 42 rûðiø medþiaga ir padaryti nauji apraðai, atitinkantys<br />

keliamus reikalavimus.<br />

Parengta originali Tischeriidae morfologinë ir taksonominë charakteristika,<br />

remiantis naujaisiais duomenimis.<br />

Kartu su bendraautoriais pirmà kartà taksonomiðkai revizuoti strateginiai<br />

Þemës regionai (áskaitant Centrinæ ir Pietø Amerikà, Pietø Afrikà, Centrinæ Azijà<br />

ir Lietuvà). Pirmà kartà pateikti duomenys apie ðiol neþinomà Nepticulidae faunà<br />

Omane ir Nepale. Pateikta nauja Mandþiûrijos Nepticulidae apþvalga.<br />

Pirmà kartà apibendrinti Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea pasaulio faunos rûðiø<br />

apraðymo, trofiniø ryðiø ir geografinio paplitimo ypatumai.<br />

Parengtas pirmas sistematinis Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea pasaulio faunos<br />

katalogas, ávardijantis 1027 Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea rûðis, 224 mitybiniø<br />

augalø gentis, priklausanèias 66 augalø ðeimoms. Atliekant ilgalaikius ekspedicinius<br />

lauko darbus Lietuvoje, Kaukaze ir Centrinëje Azijoje, pirmà kartà iðaiðkinti<br />

46 rûðiø mitybiniai augalai.<br />

Rengiant disertacijà, buvo patobulintos smulkiø Microlepidoptera medþiagos<br />

auginimo ið vikðrø ir genitaliniø mikropreparatø darymo metodikos.<br />

Teorinë ir praktinë reikðmë. Viena svarbiausiø primityviø Microlepidoptera specializacijos<br />

apraiðkø – jø entobiontinis gyvenimo bûdas þaliuosiuose augalo audiniuose.<br />

Toks gyvenimo bûdas dar vadinamas minavimu, o augalø asimiliaciniuose<br />

audiniuose padaryti paþeidimai vadinami minomis. Darbe nagrinëjami Nepticuloi-<br />


dea ir Tischerioidea yra svarbûs kultûriniø ar miðko augalø kenkëjai (Kuznetzov,<br />

Puplesis, 1994; Puplesis, Diðkus, 2003). Daugelis Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea<br />

rûðiø – dël jø vikðrø entobiontinio gyvenimo bûdo asimiliaciniuose augalø lapø,<br />

pumpurø, stiebø, jaunos þievës ar vaisiø audiniuose – yra svarbûs ûkiniu poþiûriu<br />

(kaip kenkëjai ar potencialûs kenkëjai). Patikslinti duomenys apie mitybinius Nepticuloidea<br />

ir Tischerioidea augalus ar iðaiðkinti iki ðiol neþinomi trofiniai ðiø vabzdþiø<br />

ypatumai leidþia ne tik tiksliau apibrëþti atskirø kenkëjø minuotojø ekologines niðas,<br />

bet ir parinkti efektyvesnius naikinimo ar gausumo reguliavimo kelius ir bûdus.<br />

Suintensyvëjus Lietuvos prekybiniams mainams su egzotiðkaisiais kraðtais (ar<br />

net ðiaip padidëjus keliautojø srautams), þymiai iðaugo atsitiktinës svetimø kraðtø<br />

kenkëjø faunos introdukcijos pavojus. Jau pastebëta, kad rûðys oligofagës kartu<br />

su mitybiniais augalais ar vien tik diapauzuojanèiais kokonais, patekusios á naujà<br />

kraðtà, gali pradëti maitintis iki ðiol joms nebûdingais vietos kultûriniais augalais.<br />

Ðiuo atveju gali bûti ypaè pavojingos tos kenkëjø rûðys, kurios trofiðkai nëra kraðtutinai<br />

specializuotos ir kuriø mitybinë specializacija susijusi su Rosaceae ðeima,<br />

vienijanèia obelis, kriauðes, slyvas, abrikosus, persikus, erðkëèius ar roþes bei kt.<br />

Tokiø rûðiø, kurios trofiðkai susijusios su minëtais Rosaceae, daug yra pasaulio, o<br />

ypaè Palearkties faunoje. Atsitiktinio kenkëjø áveþimo prevencijai bei karantino<br />

priemoniø efektyviam taikymui yra bûtina þinoti ne tik ðiuo metu registruotø<br />

kenkëjø rûðis ir jø biologijà, bet ir visø potencialiai pavojingø rûðiø geografiná<br />

paplitimà bei trofinës specializacijos ypatybes. Disertacijos priede pateikiamas<br />

pirmasis Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea pasaulio faunos katalogas, kuriame ne tik<br />

aptariami revizuoti ir iðsamûs duomenys apie ðiø vabzdþiø mitybinius augalus, bet<br />

ir padedama ávertinti potencialiø kenkëjø ratà, jø dabartinius arealus ir kilmës<br />

centrus. Iðsamûs Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea rûðiø apraðai bus taip pat naudingi<br />

augalø apsaugos, miðkø ûkio, parkø ar dekoratyviniø þeldiniø prieþiûros<br />

specialistams, kad teisingai bûtø diagnozuojamos ðiø kenkëjø rûðys.<br />

Kita vertus, primityvûs Microlepidoptera – neatskiriama kiekvienos sausumos<br />

ekosistemos dalis. Minuojantys Lepidoptera yra labai „patogus“ objektas bendriems<br />

biogeografiniams tyrimams. Jie paplitæ beveik visose svarbiausiose sausumos<br />

ekosistemose, yra labai ávairûs, labai sëslûs ir palyginti lengvai pastebimi ir<br />

tyrinëjami.<br />

Darbo aprobacija. Svarbiausi rezultatai, sudarantys disertacijos pagrindà, buvo<br />

pateikti svarstymui ir aprobuoti ðiose konferencijose ar moksliniø kolektyvø<br />

posëdþiuose:<br />

Tarptautiniame Rusijos – Suomijos biogeografiniame simpoziume (Sankt<br />

Peterburgas, 1993) (2 praneðimai su bendraautoriais);<br />

IX Europos entomologø kongrese (Lednice, Èekija, 1994);<br />

Kopenhagos universiteto Zoologijos muziejaus Entomologijos laboratorijos<br />

lepidopterologø seminare (Kopenhaga, 1996) (su bendraautoriumi);<br />

Lietuvos entomologø draugijos konferencijoje (Vilnius, 1996);<br />

Respublikinëje konferencijoje „Lietuvos bioávairovë (bûklë, struktûra, apsauga)“<br />

(Vilnius, 1997);<br />


<strong>VPU</strong> Zoologijos katedros posëdþiuose (Vilnius, 2001 ir 2003);<br />

Britø muziejaus entomologijos laboratorijos Microlepidoptera sektoriuje<br />

(Londonas, 2002);<br />

Respublikinëje konferencijoje „Lietuvos biologinë ávairovë (bûklë, struktûra,<br />

apsauga)“ (Vilnius, 2003) (2 praneðimai);<br />

VU Zoologijos katedros posëdþiuose (Vilnius, 2004 ir 2005);<br />

Tyrimø rezultatø publikavimas. Disertacijoje nagrinëjamø tyrimø rezultatai<br />

paskelbti 21 darbe, kurie iðspausdinti moksliniuose þurnaluose, tæstiniuose ir vienkartiniuose<br />

leidiniuose. Ið jø – 8 moksliniai straipsniai paskelbti Vakarø Europos<br />

moksliniuose þurnaluose: Phegea (Belgija), Tijdschrift voor Entomologie (Olandija),<br />

Bulletin of the Natural History Museum (Anglija) ir kt.<br />

Svarbiausi tyrimø rezultatai apibendrinti kartu su bendraautoriumi mokslinëje<br />

monografijoje (Puplesis R., Diðkus A. 2003. Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea<br />

(Lepidoptera) pasaulio ir Lietuvos faunoje. The Nepticuloidea & Tischerioidea<br />

(Lepidoptera) – a global review, with strategic regional revisions. 512 pp. „Lututë“,<br />

Kaunas).<br />

Autorius paskelbë: 9 darbus lietuviø kalba, 1 – rusø, 11 – anglø kalba.<br />

Disertacijos sandara. Sudaryta ið ávado, tyrimø apþvalgos, metodø ir medþiagos,<br />

rezultatø (2 skyriai ir 10 poskyriø), 29 iðvadø, literatûros sàraðo (482 ðaltiniai),<br />

autoriaus disertacijos tema skelbtø darbø sàraðo (21 pozicija), angliðkos<br />

santraukos ir 3 priedø. Ið viso – 388 puslapiai (207 – disertacijoje, 181 – prieduose),<br />

382 paveikslø (109 – disertacijoje, 273 – prieduose), 16 lenteliø. Disertacija<br />

paraðyta lietuviø k.<br />

Padëkos. Nuoðirdi padëka skiriama ilgameèiams darbo vadovams (3, 4 pav.):<br />

dr. Gaden S. Robinson (2000-2003, The Natural History Museum, London),<br />

kurio talentas ir darbðtumas buvo ákvepiantis ir ypaè prof. habil. dr. Rimantui<br />

Puplesiui (1990–2004, kuris ne tik iðmokë svarbiausiø tiriamojo darbo metodø ir<br />

profesionaliai koordinavo disertacinio darbo procesà, bet ir skatino vykdomus<br />

tyrimus, padëjo ásitraukti á tarptautinius mokslinius projektus, suteikë darbui didelio<br />

patrauklumo ir naujumo bei padëjo pelnyti tarptautiná pripaþinimà. Autorius<br />

dëkoja <strong>Vilniaus</strong> pedagoginio universiteto kolegoms bei vadovybei (ypaè GMF<br />

Dekanui doc. dr. B. Ðalkui ir buv. Dekanui doc. dr. A. Vilkui, <strong>VPU</strong> vyr. buhalterei<br />

Vidai Gulbinienei bei Mokslo ir Personalo skyriams) ir visiems Zoologijos katedros<br />

darbuotojams, o taip pat katedros vedëjui doc. dr. Vytautui Semaðkai. Uþ<br />

leidimà naudotis moksline medþiaga raðant disertacijà autorius dëkoja dr. Donald<br />

R. Davis (USNM, Vaðingtonas), prof. dr. Niels P. Kristensen ir Ole Karsholt<br />

(ZMUC, Kopenhaga), Kevin R. Tuck (BMNH, Londonas), dr. S. Yu. Sinev, dr.<br />

S. Baryshnikova, dr. A. L. Lvovskyi (ZIN, Sankt Peterburgas), dr. Martin Kruger<br />

(TMSA, Pretorija), dr. Yu. Budashkin (Karadagas, Krymas) dr. Owen Lewis<br />

(Oksfordas, Anglija) ir Simon R. Hill (UW, Londonas). Autorius nuoðirdþiai<br />

dëkoja dailininkei biologei Linai Jasiukonytei uþ Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea<br />

morfologiniø struktûrø iliustracijas, o uþ lingvistiná darbà – Jolitai Þvironienei<br />

(<strong>VPU</strong>).<br />



Minuojantiems vikðrams auginti buvo naudojamos chemiðkai ðvarios Petri<br />

lëkðtelës su miðko paklotës imitacija. Monociklinës rûðys ar bicikliniø rûðiø rudeninë<br />

medþiaga buvo laikoma ðaldytuve +10°C – +2°C temperatûroje iki sausio ar<br />

geguþës mën., o tada reaktyvuojamos. Autoriaus darbe vidutinis medþiagos mirtingumas<br />

buvo apie 30% (detalus apraðymas pateiktas disertacijoje).<br />

Ðviesinëm gaudyklëms naudotos bedroselinës 125W ar droselinës 250W galingumo<br />

DRL ir LRF lempos ir portatyvus elektros generatorius Honda EX-350.<br />

Ekspedicijose po Centrinæ Azijà lauko darbai buvo atliekami naudojant dichlofosà,<br />

kuris ne tik patikimai marina Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea suaugëlius, bet dël<br />

ápakavimo yra patogus transportuoti karðto oro sàlygomis. Dichlofoso neigiama<br />

átaka tolesniam medþiagos preparavimui nepastebëta. Kitos marinimo medþiagos<br />

nepasiteisino. Surinkti kolekciniai egzemplioriai buvo smaigstomi minucijomis<br />

(5–10 mm ilgio nerûdijanèio plieno miniatiûriniais smeigtukais).<br />

Genitaliniams poþymiams tirti naudojome preparavimo metodikà, apraðytà<br />

þemiau (5 pav.): 1. Po stereoskopiniu mikroskopu, virð balto kibaus plastiko padëklëlio,<br />

su mikropreparavimo adatële atliekant ðvelnius judesius aukðtyn ir þemyn,<br />

nulauþiamas iðdþiovinto drugio pilvelis. 2. Nulauþtas pilvelis preparavimo<br />

adatële, pamirkyta glicerine, perkeliamas á mëgintuvëlá ir pipete álaðinama apie<br />

1ml 10% KOH tirpalo. 3. Mëgintuvëlis kaitinamas ant atviros liepsnos (pvz., spiritinës<br />

lemputës) arba verdanèiame vandenyje ir pilvelis virinamas tol, kol jis pasidaro<br />

skaidrus; verdant pilvelá, mëgintuvëlá bûtina nuolat kratyti ir neleisti susidarantiems<br />

oro purslams „iððauti“ kartu su ruoðiamu preparatu. 4. Mëgintuvëlio<br />

turinys iðpilamas á ðvarià nedidelæ Petri lëkðtelæ ir preparavimo adatële perkeliamas<br />

á kità lëkðtelæ su virintu arba distiliuotu vandeniu. 5. Atsargiai judinant adatëlæ,<br />

preparatas nuplaunamas. 6. Ant labai kruopðèiai nuvalyto objektyvinio stiklelio<br />

su duobute uþlaðinamas glicerino laðas ir uþdedamas dengiamasis stiklelis taip,<br />

kad dalis glicerino laðo liktø neuþdengta. 7. Vandenyje nuplautas preparatas perkeliamas<br />

á glicerinà ir atsargiai pakiðamas labai plona preparavimo adatële po<br />

dengiamuoju stikleliu; preparatas turi bûti áspraustas tarp objektyvinio stiklelio ir<br />

dengiamojo stiklelio ventraline puse á virðø; tam naudojamas stereoskopinis binokuliarinis<br />

mikroskopas, didinantis 28–56 kartus. 8. Paruoðtas laikinasis mikropreparatas<br />

stebimas galingesnio didinimo tiriamuoju mikroskopu. 9. Laikinasis mikropreparatas<br />

saugojamas uþpylus cukraus persotintu tirpalu (t. y. cukraus kristale)<br />

arba glicerino laðe (mini mëgintuvëlyje ar korekso juostos duobutëje, kuri ið<br />

virðaus pridengiama tokios pat juostos plokðtele). 10. Ruoðiant pastovøjá mikropreparatà,<br />

genitalinis aparatas dar kartà perplaunamas virintame arba distiliuotame<br />

vandenyje, o po to perkeliamas ant ðvariai nuvalyto objektyvinio stiklelio su<br />

duobute ir 30% etilo alkoholio tirpalu bei atskiriamas nuo pilvelio. 11. Toliau ið<br />

preparato ir atskirto pilvelio paðalinamas vanduo uþpilant 70% etilo alkoholio ir<br />

atsargiai paskalaujant ruoðiamà preparatà; prie pilvelio prikibæ þvyneliai nuvalomi<br />

labai maþu plonu teptuku ar (ir) plona ir labai nusmailinta mikropreparavimo<br />

adatële; tam naudojamas stereoskopinis binokuliarinis mikroskopas. 12. Prepa-<br />


atas ir pilvelis, ið dalies paðalinus vandená, daþomas Chlorazol Black (retai –<br />

merkurochromo) daþø spiritiniu tirpalu, uþlaðinant labai maþà ðiø daþø laðelá ant<br />

ruoðiamo preparato. 13. Vandens paðalinimas ið genitalijø preparato ir pilvelio<br />

uþbaigiamas uþpilant grynu etilo alkoholiu ir atsargiai paskalaujant preparatà<br />

mikroadatële. 14. Ant kito, ðvariai nuvalyto objektyvinio stiklelio (autoriø darbe<br />

valymui buvo panaudoti suspausto oro purðkikliai), uþlaðinamas nedidelis euparolio<br />

laðelis (jeigu jis tirðtesnis nei ðvieþias medus, reikia atskiesti euparalio esencija).<br />

15. Po stereoskopiniu mikroskopu ruoðiamos genitalinës struktûros bei<br />

pilvelio iðnara perkeliami á euparalio laðà ir uþdengiami labai maþu dengiamuoju<br />

stikleliu; genitalinis aparatas fiksuojamas ventraline puse á virðø, o atskiri skleritai<br />

gali bûti praskleidþiami ar net iðmontuojami; kartais pilvelis ar atskiri genitalinio<br />

aparato skleritai (pvz., ið kapsulës iðimtas aedeagus) fiksuojami po atskiru dengiamuoju<br />

stikleliu, bet bûtinai ant to paties objektyvinio stiklelio. 16. Preparatas etiketuojamas<br />

(ant objektyvinio stiklelio prilipinama popierinë etiketë), o paskui<br />

dþiovinamas apie 2–3 mën. kambario temperatûroje arba apie 20 dienø kaitinimo<br />

krosnelëje (+50–60°C temperatûroje) ant labai lygaus pagrindo.<br />

Kad teisingai bûtø perteiktos preparatø proporcijos, genitalijø ir sparno gyslotumo<br />

pieðiniai buvo daromi naudojant rusiðkà veidrodinæ pieðimo kamerà RA-<br />

4. Suaugëliø iðorës morfologijai ar genitalinëms struktûroms tirti bei iliustruoti<br />

buvo pasinaudota Kopenhagos universiteto skenuojanèiu mikroskopu „Jeol“<br />

(JSM-840). Iðsamûs medþiagos preparavimo ir apraðymo metodai yra pateikti<br />

disertacijoje ir autoriaus publikacijoje (Diðkus, Puplesis, 2003).<br />

Dël Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea menko iðtirtumo pasaulio mokslo tyrimø<br />

centruose yra labai nedideli ðiø primityviø Microlepidoptera rinkiniai. Todël viena<br />

ið svarbesniø organizaciniø problemø buvo gauti bei sutelkti reikalingà medþiagà.<br />

Ðiame darbe tyrinëta medþiaga tapo prieinama paskutiná deðimtmetá <strong>VPU</strong> Biosistematikos<br />

laboratorijos inicijuotø ir iðvystytø moksliniø projektø, uþsienio fondø<br />

paramos ir intensyvaus bendradarbiavimo su uþsienio institucijomis dëka (6 pav.).<br />

Dalis medþiagos (rûðiø tipai, identifikuoti seniau apraðytø taksonø egzemplioriai<br />

ar neidentifikuota medþiaga) buvo perduota ið Britø muziejaus (Londono Gamtos<br />

muziejaus – BMNH, Anglija), Kopenhagos universiteto (ZMUC, Danija),<br />

Kijevo universiteto bei Ukrainos MA Zoologijos instituto (Ukraina), Leideno<br />

Gamtos muziejaus (NNM, Olandija), Rusijos Zoologijos instituto (ZIN, Sankt<br />

Peterburgas), Pretorijos muziejaus (TMSA, Pietø Afrikos Respublika), Namibijos<br />

nacionalinio muziejaus (NMN, Namibija) ir Smitsono centro (USNM, JAV).<br />

Dalá labai svarbios medþiagos ið ekspediciniø rinkiniø, surinktø Pietø Amerikoje,<br />

Nepale, Rytø Azijoje, Afrikoje, perdavë O. Karsholt, E. S. Nielsen, W. Mey ir kt.<br />

kolegos. Dalá labai svarbios medþiagos, sukauptos ekspedicijose pateikë O. Karsholt<br />

ir dr. E. Nielsen (rinkiniai ið Pietø Amerikos), prof. habil. dr. R. Puplesis ir<br />

Simon Hill (rinkiniai ið Belizo, Centrinës Amerikos; Ekvadoro, Pietø Amerikos).<br />

Pasinaudota prof. R. Puplesio rinkiniais ið Tolimøjø Rytø, Nepalo ir ávairiø Centrinës<br />

Azijos regionø. Kità medþiagà autorius pats surinko ekspediciniø tyrimø<br />

metu Lietuvoje, Kaukaze (Abchazijoje) ir Centrinëje Azijoje (Turmënistane: Ko-<br />


petdage, Tedþene bei Tadþikistane: Varzobo kanjone ir Tavildaroje). Lietuvoje A.<br />

Diðkus Nepticulidae ávairovæ daugiausia tyrë Klaipëdos, Ðilutës, Trakø, Kaiðiadoriø,<br />

Alytaus ir <strong>Vilniaus</strong> rajonuose bei Kurðiø nerijoje, taikydamas suaugëliø auginimo<br />

ið vikðrø metodà.<br />

Ið viso darbe buvo iðtyrinëta daugiau nei 7900 Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea<br />

egzemplioriø; ið jø – apie 1350 egzemplioriø buvo paruoðti laikinieji arba pastovieji<br />

genitalijø mikropreparatai. Autoriaus iðtirta medþiaga atskleidë 80 naujø mokslui<br />

rûðiø (1, 2 pav.). Atrastø ir apraðytø naujø rûðiø tipinë medþiaga yra saugojama<br />

arba <strong>VPU</strong>, arba tose mokslo institucijose, ið kur medþiaga buvo gauta.<br />



Autoriui pavyko iðauginti 93% ðiuo metu iðaiðkintos Lietuvos faunos imagø ir<br />

taip atskleisti daug naujø Nepticulidae biologijos ypatybiø bei 12 naujø Lietuvos<br />

faunai rûðiø (1 lentelë). Tyrimais nustatyti Nepticulidae trofiniai ryðiai (7 pav.) ir<br />

vikðrø minavimo pikai Lietuvoje (8 pav.).<br />

Duomenys Centrinës Azijos apie rûðiø paplitimà ir trofinius ryðius buvo þymiai<br />

praplësti (2 lentelë), kadangi pavyko pirmà kartà ið minuojanèiø vikðrø iðauginti<br />

daug rûðiø suaugëliø. Atskleistas faunos endemizmas yra labai didelis (71%),<br />

o tai tik ið dalies gali bûti siejama su nepakankamu Nepticulidae iðtyrimu kaimyniniuose<br />

kraðtuose (9, 10 pav.)<br />

Centrinëje Azijoje (daugiausia Tadþikistane) buvo registruota nemaþai S. betulicola<br />

rûðiø grupës atstovø. Tai rodo didelæ ðios rûðiø grupës diferenciacijà Azijoje;<br />

ir nors paprastai ðios grupës rûðys yra sunkiai diagnozuojamos, naujos rûðys<br />

pasiþymi gana specifiniais morfologijos poþymiais, rodanèiais didelæ filogenetinæ<br />

tarpusavio izoliacijà ir galbût ilgà ðiø rûðiø amþiø.<br />

Paaiðkëjo, kad rytinë Centrinës Azijos dalis (Turkestano ar Tian Ðanio provincijos)<br />

ir regiono vakaruose esantis Kopetdago kalnagûbris (Persijos provincija)<br />

apgyvendintas gana skirtinga Nepticulidae fauna. Dël Irano – Turano aridinio<br />

„koridoriaus“, skirianèio mezofilinës floros (o kartu ir ant jos gyvenanèios faunos)<br />

arealus, tik keletas Nepticulidae rûðiø uþima arealus nuo vakarø Turkmënistano<br />

iki Tadþikistano. Kai kurios rûðys (pvz., labai giminiðkos Ectoedemia petrosa<br />

Puplesis ir E. albiformae Puplesis & Diðkus), matyt, gali bûti vertinamos kaip<br />

vikarijuojanèios. Jos greièiausiai yra alopatrinës rûðys, kilusios ið vieno artimo<br />

protëvio, bet dabar grieþtai pasiskirsèiusios regionais (viena aptinkama tik Turkestano,<br />

kita – tik Persijos provincijoje).<br />

Beveik pusë (53%) rûðiø, kuriø trofiniai ryðiai jau iðaiðkinti, yra susijusios su<br />

Rosaceae ðeima (11 pav.). Tarp rûðiø, kuriø mitybiniai augalai dar nenustatyti,<br />

vyrauja Acalyptris genties atstovai; ðioje gentyje kol kas në viena Centrinës Azijos<br />

neptikulidø rûðis nëra trofiðkai iðtirta ir todël ateityje gauti duomenys gali labai<br />

pakeisti sampratà apie trofiniø ryðiø ávairovæ Centrinëje Azijoje.<br />

Iðtyrus Omane ir Indostane surinktà naujà medþiagà, atogràþø regione – nuo<br />

Arabijos pusiasalio iki Himalajø atogràþiniø priekalniø – buvo nustatytos 32 Nep-<br />


ticulidae rûðys; dar dvi neatogràþinës rûðys iðaiðkintos Himalajø aukðtikalnëse (3<br />

lentelë).<br />

Naujausi kolekciniai duomenys ið Mandþiûrijos leido revizuoti ir papildyti regiono<br />

Nepticulidae sistematiná sàraðà (4 lentelë, 12 pav.). Registruota 15 rûðiø,<br />

bûdingø ir Europos faunai. Tai leidþia patvirtinti rytø ir vakarø Palearkties istorinio<br />

giminiðkumo koncepcijà.<br />

Naujai apþvelgta Centrinës ir Pietø Amerikos Nepticulidae fauna (5 lentelë).<br />

16 Nepticulidae rûðiø apraðytos kaip naujos mokslui. Nauji duomenys leido iðaiðkinti<br />

kelis naujus mitybinius augalus. Nustatytas labai didelis Neotropinës Nepticulidae<br />

faunos endemizmas. Visos ðiuo metu þinomos Centrinës ir Pietø Amerikos<br />

neptikulidø rûðys nëra þinomos uþ Neotropinës srities ribø; kelios rûðiø grupës<br />

ir viena gentis (Manoneura), matyt, taip pat yra Neotropinio regiono endeminiai<br />

taksonai.<br />

Galbût pats netikëèiausias atskleistas fenomenas – Acalyptris genties vyravimas<br />

neotropinëje Nepticulidae faunoje. Ið visø Belize iðaiðkintø neptikulidø rûðiø<br />

15 jø priklauso Acalyptris genèiai, o tai sudaro apie 48% ðio kraðto iðaiðkintos<br />

faunos. Ádomu tai, kad beveik tiek pat procentø (apie 50%) Acalyptris genties<br />

neptikulidø buvo pakartotinai nustatyta ir Amazonës baseino faunoje (Puplesis,<br />

Diðkus, 2003). Dar gali bûti paminëta tai, kad Neotropinëje srityje atrastos Acalyptris<br />

rûðys pasiþymi labai didele morfologiniø struktûrø ávairove.<br />

Disertacinio darbo metu nustatyta 10 Tischeriidae rûðiø ið Pietø Afrikos (6<br />

lentelë), todël galima spëti, kad tik pradëta apraðinëti Pietø Afrikos regiono fauna<br />

yra labai ávairi. Didelæ regiono Tischeriidae biologijos ávairovæ parodë ir trofiniai<br />

ryðiai.<br />


Apibendrinus literatûrinius duomenis, iðtyrus daugelio anksèiau apraðytø rûðiø<br />

tipinæ medþiagà bei susumavus autoriaus taksonominiø tyrimø rezultatus,<br />

nustatyta, kad ðiuo metu Þemëje þinomos 1027 Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea<br />

rûðys (ið jø Nepticulidae – 780 rûðiø, Opostegidae – 130 rûðiø ir Tischeriidae – 117<br />

rûðiø). Visos ðios rûðys átrauktos á pirmà kartà sudarytà Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea<br />

pasaulio faunos katalogà, kuriame patikslinta 126 rûðiø taksonominë pozicija,<br />

o taip pat nurodomos 224 mitybiniø augalø gentys.<br />

Disertacijoje plaèiai tirtø ðeimø ir genèiø geografinio paplitimo ypatybës (13,<br />

14 pav.), endemizmo fenomenas, o taip pat nacionalinës faunos.<br />

Ðiuo metu ið 1027 dabar þinomø pasaulio Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea faunos<br />

rûðiø yra nustatyti 580 rûðiø mitybiniai augalai. Sprendþiant pagal tas rûðis,<br />

kuriø trofiniai ryðiai yra þinomi, pasaulio Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea minuoja<br />

ant 66 ðeimø augalø: Nepticulidae nustatyta ant 62 ðeimø augalø, Opostegidae –<br />

6, Tischeriidae – 15. Taèiau vienà augalø ðeimà minuojanèiø rûðiø skaièius yra labai<br />

skirtingas (nuo 1 iki 123 rûðiø).<br />

Trofiniø Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea ryðiø analizë pagal augalø aukðtesniuosius<br />

taksonus (augalø eiliø ar poklasiø rango) teikia maþai informacijos apie<br />

galëjusià vykti trofiniø ryðiø genezæ.<br />


Iðskirti Tischeriidae morfologiniai poþymiai (15–23 pav.), parodantys taksonà, kaip<br />

monofiletinës kilmës sistematiná vienetà. Atnaujintas Coptotriche genties taksonominis<br />

statusas, o anksèiau apraðytos Emmetia Leraut (1993) genties pavadinimas nurodytas<br />

kaip vëlesnysis Coptotriche genties sinonimas. Apraðyta nauja Astrotischeria gentis.<br />

Remiantis 34 apomorfiniais poþymiais, iðvardytais disertacijoje, ir parengta<br />

kladograma (24 pav.), atskleistos trys Tischeriidae ðeimõs evoliucinio vystymosi<br />

kryptys arba filogenetinës ðakos.<br />


Revizuota Lietuvos Nepticulidae fauna<br />

1. Po autoriaus 1996–2003 m. atliktø lauko tyrimø ávairiuose Lietuvos rajonuose<br />

nustatytos 73 Nepticulidae rûðys; 12 ið jø – naujos Lietuvos faunoje: Stigmella<br />

nivenburgensis, S. crataegella, S. ulmivora, S. benanderella, S. continuella, S.<br />

poterii, S. ulmariae, S. hemargyrella, Bohemannia pulverosella, Ectoedemia turbidella,<br />

E. klimeschi, E. subbimaculella.<br />

2. Keletas neptikulidø rûðiø, apie kuriø paplitimà Lietuvoje nurodë ankstesni<br />

autoriai, iðbrauktos ið Lietuvos Nepticulidae sàraðo: dvi rûðys ankstesniø tyrëjø<br />

buvo paskelbtos remiantis klaidingai apibûdintomis minomis (Stigmella mespilicola,<br />

Ectoedemia spinosella), trys rûðys (Stigmella sakhalinella, S. sanguisorbae ir Ectoedemia<br />

angulifasciella) anksèiau buvo minimos nesiremiant iðauginta medþiaga ar<br />

minomis, surinktomis mûsø ðalyje.<br />

3. Autentiðkais tyrimais nustatyta 15 Lietuvos Nepticulidae mitybiniø augalø<br />

ðeimø ir 32 mitybiniø augalø gentys. Daugiausia Lietuvos neptikulidø rûðiø yra<br />

trofiðkai susietos su Rosaceae, Salicaceae, Fagaceae ir Betulaceae augalais, taèiau<br />

pirmoji mitybiniø augalø ðeima (Rosaceae) yra vyraujanti; ant ðios ðeimos augalø<br />

autorius rado 24 neptikulidø rûðis.<br />

4. Nustatyti du Nepticulidae vikðrø minavimo pikai Lietuvoje: pirmasis minavimo<br />

aktyvumo laikotarpis – nuo birþelio vidurio iki liepos vidurio, kai vienu metu<br />

minuoja 36 neptikulidø rûðys, antrasis – nuo rugsëjo vidurio iki spalio vidurio, kai<br />

vienu metu minuoja 49 rûðys.<br />

Revizuota Centrinës Azijos Nepticulidae fauna<br />

5. Ið viso Centrinëje Azijoje iðaiðkinta 90 Nepticulidae rûðiø, ið kuriø dauguma<br />

(54 rûðys) priklauso Stigmella genèiai, 16 – Acalyptris, 11 – Ectoedemia, 4 –<br />

Fomoria, po dvi – Glaucolepis ir Etainia bei viena – Trifurcula genèiai.<br />

6. Centrinëje Azijoje atrasta ir autoriaus apraðyta 15 naujø neptikulidø rûðiø<br />

(Stigmella betulifoliae, S. pamirbetulae, S. excelsa, S. polymorpha, S. fasciola, S. johanssoni,<br />

S. divina, S. cerasi, S. aflatuniae, Ectoedemia albiformae, Fomoria lacrimulae,<br />

F. favimacula, Acalyptris argyraspis, Etainia leptognathos, E. obtusa).<br />

7. Nustatyta, kad vakarø Kopetdagas ir pietiniai Gisaro kalnagûbrio ðlaitai<br />

gali bûti laikomi paèiomis turtingiausiomis Nepticulidae faunos vietovëmis, taèiau<br />

treèdaliui Kopetdago faunos atstovauja euraziniø arealø rûðys, o apie 93% iðaiðkintos<br />

Gisaro kalnagûbrio faunos sudaro Centrinës Azijos endemikai. Nustatytas<br />

bendras Centrinës Azijos Nepticulidae endemizmas siekia 71%.<br />


8. Autoriaus tyrimai parodë, kad beveik pusë (53%) Centrinës Azijos neptikulidø<br />

rûðiø, kuriø trofiniai ryðiai iðaiðkinti, yra susijusios su Rosaceae ðeima (minuoja<br />

ant Aflatunia, Cerasus, Crataegus, Malus, Prunus, Pyrus, Rosa, Rubus, Spiraea<br />

genèiø augalø). 11% trofiðkai iðtirtø rûðiø minuoja Salicaceae augalus (Populus,<br />

Salix), po 8% minuoja Ulmaceae (Celtis, Ulmus), Aceraceae (Acer), Rhamnaceae<br />

(Paliurus, Rhamnus, Ziziphus), 6% – Betulaceae (Betula). Po vienà rûðá nustatyta<br />

ant Hypericaceae, Moraceae ir Fagaceae augalø.<br />

Pirmieji duomenys apie Omano, Indijos ir Nepalo Nepticulidae<br />

9. Iðtyrus Omane ir Indostane surinktà kolekcinæ medþiagà, ið viso atogràþø<br />

regione – nuo Arabijos pusiasalio iki Himalajø priekalniø – nustatytos 32 Nepticulidae<br />

rûðys. Dvi borealinio arealo rûðys iðaiðkintos Himalajø aukðtikalnëse. Ið viso<br />

apþvelgtame regione nustatytos 34 rûðys, ið kuriø 12 yra naujos.<br />

10. Stigmella hoplometalla ir Acalyptris melanospila radimas Himalajø atogràþiniuose<br />

miðkuose þymiai prapleèia duomenis apie ðiø rûðiø, iki ðiol þinomø tik<br />

Bombëjaus regione, paplitimà ir leidþia teigti apie platø rûðiø arealà Indostano<br />

subkontinente.<br />

11. Himalajø atogràþiniuose miðkuose aptiktos trys labai artimos, bet lengvai<br />

diagnozuojamos Acalyptris genties rûðys (A. melanospila, A. auratilis ir A. nigripexus),<br />

kuriø buveiniø ir skraidymo laiko sutapimas leidþia teigti apie simpatrinæ ðiø<br />

rûðiø kilmæ. Tuo tarpu aukðtuosiuose Himalajuose gyvenanti Stigmella tenebrica<br />

morfologiðkai þymiai artimesnë europinei S. sorbi negu tos paèios grupës rûðims,<br />

gyvenanèioms geografiðkai netolimoje Centrinëje Azijoje.<br />

Revizuota ir papildyta Mandþiûrijos Nepticulidae fauna<br />

12. Ið viso Rytø Azijoje nustatytos 105 Nepticulidae rûðys, ið kuriø 63 rastos<br />

rytinëje Mandþiûrijoje. Vienà naujà rûðá – Stigmella auricularia – autoriaus apraðë<br />

kartu su bendraautoriais.<br />

13. Registruota 15 rûðiø, bendrø Europos ir Mandþiûrijos bei kaimyniniø regionø<br />

faunai: Stigmella betulicola, S. luteella, S. sakhalinella, S. aurora, S. anomalella, S.<br />

assimilella, S. salicis, S. obliquella, S. continuella, S. lediella, Bohemannia quadrimaculella,<br />

Ectoedemia intimella, E. preisseckeri, E. occultella ir Fomoria weaveri. Dauguma jø<br />

trofiðkai susijusios su Salicaceae (reèiau Rosaceae ir Ericaceae) ðeimø augalais.<br />

14. Anksèiau þinomos kaip lokaliai europinio paplitimo, su Ulmus genties augalais<br />

susijusios Ectoedemia preisseckeri radimas Rytø Azijoje patvirtina koncepcijà apie<br />

dviejø geografiðkai nutolusiø – Mandþiûrijos ir Europos – faunø giminiðkumà.<br />

Centrinës ir Pietø Amerikos Nepticulidae fauna<br />

15. Ið viso tirtame regione nustatytos 74 Nepticulidae rûðys, ið kuriø 16 naujø,<br />

t. y. Enteucha acuta, E. guajavae, Stigmella austroamericana, S. montanotropica, S.<br />

nubimontana, S. rubeta, Fomoria repanda, F. tabulosa, Acalyptris ecuadoriana, A.<br />

onorei, A. basihastatus, A. pseudohastatus, A. articulosus, A. rotundus, A. amazonius,<br />

A. insolentis, disertantas apraðë kartu su bendraautoriais.<br />

16. Tyrimais nustatytas neotropinës faunos endemizmas ir atskleistas Acalyptris<br />

genties vyravimo fenomenas: tarp Belize iðaiðkintø neptikulidø rûðiø Acalyptris<br />

genèiai priklauso 48%, Amazonës baseino vakarinëje dalyje – apie 50% rûðiø.<br />


Nauji duomenys apie Pietø Afrikos Tischeriidae<br />

17. Ðiuo metu Pietø Afrikoje nustatytos 10 Tischeriidae rûðiø, tai yra lygiai<br />

tiek, kiek Europoje; 9 naujas Afrikos tiðeridø rûðis (Tischeria sparmanniae, T.<br />

martinkrugeri, T. antilope, Coptotriche zimbabwiensis, C. africana, C. basipectinella ir<br />

kt.) autorius apraðë su R. Puplesiu.<br />

18. Iðaiðkinti tirto regiono tiðeridø trofiniai ryðiai, kurie ðiuo metu susijæ su 4<br />

ðeimø ir 6 genèiø augalais: Rhamnaceae (Scutia), Tiliaceae (Grewia, Sparmannia,<br />

Triumfeta), Anacardiaceae (Rhus) ir Combretaceae (Terminalia).<br />

Pasaulio Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea taksonominë apþvalga<br />

19. Ðiuo metu Þemëje þinomos 1027 Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea rûðys (ið jø<br />

Nepticulidae – 780 rûðiø, Opostegidae – 130 rûðiø ir Tischeriidae – 117 rûðiø).<br />

20. Apraðant Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea rûðis, ið viso dalyvavo 123 autoriai<br />

(be bendraautoriø arba su bendraautoriais, tai yra ávairiø autoriniø kombinacijø).<br />

Apraðant rûðis, svarbiausi aktyvumo pakilimai buvo apie 1911–1915, 1976–1980 ir<br />

ypaè 1984–1985 bei 2000 metus. Disertacijos autorius ið viso atrado ir apraðë<br />

(vienas arba su bendraautoriais) 44 naujas Nepticulidae ir 36 Tischeriidae rûðis.<br />

21. Daugiausia Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea rûðiø (445 rûðys arba apie 44%)<br />

registruota Palearkties regione. Ið Nepticulidae ðeimos tik Stigmella ir Fomoria yra<br />

kosmopolitinio paplitimo, o Acalyptris, skiringai negu buvo galvojama anksèiau,<br />

taip pat aptinkamas beveik visuose biogeografiniuose regionuose. Pabrëþtinas<br />

Stigmella dominavimas visø Þemës regionø faunose, o Acalyptris – Neotropiniame<br />

regione (30–35% iðaiðkintø regiono rûðiø, nors kai kuriose vietovëse Acalyptris<br />

rûðys sudaro 50% neptikulidø faunos).<br />

22. Remiantis Nepticulidae genèiø paplitimu, Palearkties ir Afrotropinio regiono<br />

endemizmas siekia apie 20%, Neotropionio regiono – apie 17%, o Australinio<br />

apie 50%.<br />

23. Amerikos þemyno – didþiausio Tischeriidae ávairovës ir galbût kilmës centro<br />

– iðskirtinumà pabrëþia taksonominë èia aptinkamos faunos struktûra: be<br />

Coptotriche ir Tischeria genèiø, kurios þinomos kiekviename regione, iðskyrus Australiná,<br />

Neotropiniame regione vyrauja Astrotischeria rûðys (74% tiðeridø faunos).<br />

24. Sprendþiant pagal tas rûðis, kuriø trofiniai ryðiai iðaiðkinti, pasaulio Nepticuloidea<br />

ir Tischerioidea minuoja ant 66 ðeimø augalø: daugiausiai ant Rosaceae<br />

(123 rûðys) ir Fagaceae (93 rûðys), kiek maþiau ant Rhamnaceae (32) ir Asteraceae<br />

(31), Fabaceae (31), Salicaceae (28) ir Betulaceae (27).<br />

25. Labiausiai apibendrintame poklasiø lygyje iðaiðkëja, kad Nepticuloidea ir<br />

Tischerioidea evoliucija vyko adaptuojantis minavimui ant 7-iø ið 12-os augalø<br />

poklasiø; keturi ið ðiø poklasiø (Hamamelididae, Dilleniidae, Rosidae ir Lamiidae)<br />

yra bendri ir Nepticulidae bei Opostegidae, ir Tischeriidae ðeimoms.<br />

Nauja Tischeriidae sistema<br />

26. Remiantis parengta nauja ðeimos charakteristika, iðskirti 6 morfologiniai<br />

poþymiai, padedantys identifikuoti ðeimà ir parodantys taksonà, kaip monofiletinës<br />

kilmës sistematiná vienetà: priekinis galvos kuokðtas, ilgos ir siûliðkos antenø<br />

sensilos (sensilla chaetica), ðukiðki priedai virð akies (pecten), labai susiaurëjæs aede-<br />


agus, sklerotizuotos pateliø kiauðdëèiø iðaugos, 4–5 apofiziø poros patelës genitalijose.<br />

27. Atnaujintas Coptotriche genties taksonominis statusas, o anksèiau apraðytos<br />

Emmetia Leraut (1993) genties pavadinimas nurodytas kaip jaunesnysis Coptotriche<br />

genties sinonimas.<br />

28. Remiantis 34 apomorfiniais poþymiais, iðvardytais disertacijoje, ir originalia<br />

kladograma, atskleistos trys Tischeriidae ðeimõs evoliucinio vystymosi kryptys<br />

arba filogenetinës ðakos: 1) rûðys, kuriø patino genitalijose iðsivysto juxta, o patelës<br />

– antrum; 2) rûðys, kurioms bûdinga iðsivysèiusi valva nugarinë (dorsalinë)<br />

skiautë ir kurios perëjo minuoti iðimtinai ant Malvaceae ir ypaè Asteraceae augalø;<br />

3) rûðys, kuriø patino genitalijose iðsivystë transtilla, diafragma pasidengë spygliukais,<br />

aedeagus ágavo „tulpës“ formà, o membraniðkoji patelës genitalijø ductus<br />

spermathecae dalis labai pailgëjo.<br />

29. Remiantis kladistinës analizës duomenimis, apraðyta nauja Astrotischeria<br />

gentis, ðiuo metu vienijanti 30 amerikinio paplitimo rûðiø ir identifikuojama pagal<br />

valva nugarinæ skiautæ, didelá vinculum, trumpà uncus ir penkias apophyses poras<br />

patelës genitalijose bei mitybinius Malvaceae ir Asteraceae ðeimø augalus.<br />



Papers in scientific journals<br />

1. Puplesis, R., Diðkus, A. 1995. Acalyptris argyraspis sp. n., a remarkable species<br />

from Tadzhikistan (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae). Phegea, 23 (1): 51–54.<br />

2. Puplesis, R., Diðkus, A. 1996. First record of the genus Etainia Beirne from<br />

Central Asia with descriptions of two new species and some provisional notes on<br />

the world fauna (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae). Phegea, 24 (1): 41–48.<br />

3. Puplesis, R., Diðkus, A. 1996. A review of the Stigmella sorbi species-group<br />

with descriptions of two new species from Turkmenistan and Tadzhikistan (Lepidoptera:<br />

Nepticulidae). Phegea, 24 (4): 171–182.<br />

4. Puplesis, R., Diðkus, A. 1996. Five new mining Lepidoptera (Nepticulidae,<br />

Bucculatricidae) from Central Asia. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 139 (2): 181–190.<br />

5. Puplesis, R., Sruoga, V., Diðkus, A., Puplesienë, J. 1996. Minuojanèiø drugiø<br />

(Lepidoptera) autochtoninës evoliucijos centrai Vakarø Azijoje. In: Jonaitis, V.<br />

(ed.). Lietuvos entomologø darbai (Lietuvos entomologø draugijos 30-meèiui). 48–51.<br />

Vilnius.<br />

6. Diðkus, A., Puplesis, R. 1996. Palearktikos Borealinio regiono Nepticulidae<br />

(Lepidoptera) fauna: taksonominë sudëtis ir zoogeografiniai ryðiai. In: Jonaitis,<br />

V. (ed.). Lietuvos entomologø darbai (Lietuvos entomologø draugijos 30-meèiui). 52–<br />

55. Vilnius.<br />

7. Diðkus, A. 1996. “Europinës” drugiø minuotojø (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae,<br />

Opostegidae, Tischeriidae, Bucculatricidae) rûðys Centrinës Azijos faunoje.<br />

In: Jonaitis, V. (ed.). Lietuvos entomologø darbai (Lietuvos entomologø draugijos 30meèiui).<br />

56–59. Vilnius.<br />

8. Puplesis, R., Diðkus, A., Nieukerken, E. J. van. 1997. Stigmella divina sp. n.,<br />

a remarkable species from Turkmenistan and Turkey (Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae).<br />

Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 140 (1): 55–58.<br />

9. Diðkus, A. 1998. Review of the Tischeriidae (Lepidoptera) of Central Asia.<br />

Acta Zoologica Lituanica, 8 (3): 23–33.<br />

10. Sruoga, V., Diðkus, A. 2001. Stephensia brunnichella (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae)<br />

new species for Lithuania. Acta Zoologica Lituanica, 11 (1): 73–77.<br />

11. Puplesis, R., Diðkus, A., Robinson, G. S. 2002. New Neotropical Nepticulidae<br />

(Lepidoptera) from the western Amazonian rainforest and the Andes of<br />

Ecuador. Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, London (Entomology), 71 (1):<br />

19–58.<br />

12. Puplesis, R., Diðkus, A., Robinson, G. S., Onore, G. 2002. A review and<br />

checklist of the Neotropical Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera). Bulletin of the Natural<br />

History Museum, London (Entomology), 71 (1): 59–76.<br />

Monographs or chapters in monographs<br />

13. Puplesis, R., Diðkus, A. 1997. Sem. Nepticulidae – neptikulidy (in Russian).<br />

In: Ler, P. A. (ed.). Key to the insects of Russian Far East. Trichoptera and<br />

Lepidoptera, 5 (1): 302–319. Dal’nauka Publishers, Vladivostok.<br />


14. Puplesis, R., Diðkus, A. 2003. Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea (Lepidoptera)<br />

pasaulio ir Lietuvos faunoje. The Nepticuloidea & Tischerioidea (Lepidoptera) – a<br />

global review, with strategic regional revisions. 512 pp. „Lututë“, Kaunas.<br />

Diðkus, A., Puplesis, R. 2003. Tyrimø metodai ir medþiaga. In: Puplesis, R.,<br />

Diðkus, A. Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea (Lepidoptera) pasaulio ir Lietuvos<br />

faunoje. 22–31. „Lututë“, Kaunas.<br />

Diðkus, A., Puplesis, R. 2003. Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea pasaulio faunoje.<br />

In: Puplesis, R., Diðkus, A. Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea (Lepidoptera)<br />

pasaulio ir Lietuvos faunoje. 38–175. „Lututë“, Kaunas.<br />

Puplesis, R., Diðkus, A. 2003. Strateginiø regionø taksonominës revizijos<br />

ir naujø rûðiø apraðai. In: Puplesis, R., Diðkus, A. Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea<br />

(Lepidoptera) pasaulio ir Lietuvos faunoje. 176–289. „Lututë“, Kaunas.<br />

Diðkus, A. 2003. Revizuota Lietuvos Nepticulidae fauna. In: Puplesis, R.,<br />

Diðkus, A. Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea (Lepidoptera) pasaulio ir Lietuvos<br />

faunoje. 290–317. „Lututë“, Kaunas.<br />

Diðkus, A., Puplesis, R. 2003. Catalogue of the world Nepticuloidea &<br />

Tischerioidea. In: Puplesis, R., Diðkus, A. Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea (Lepidoptera)<br />

pasaulio ir Lietuvos faunoje. 318–436. „Lututë“, Kaunas.<br />

15. Puplesis, R., Diðkus, A., Mey, W. 2004. Tischeriidae. In: Mey, W. (ed.). The<br />

Lepidoptera of the Brandberg Massif in Namibia. Esperiana Memoir, 1: 39–51. Berlin.<br />

Other publications<br />

16. Diðkus, A., Puplesis, R., Sruoga, V., Puplesienë, J. 1994. The results of leafmining<br />

Lepidoptera collections in the Persian province (Western Kopet Dag, 1993).<br />

IX European Congress of Lepidopterology. 35–37. Konvoj Publishers, Lednice.<br />

17. Diðkus, A. 1997. Taksonominiai Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) ávairovës aspektai:<br />

artimø rûðiø grupiø spektras Stigmella gentyje. Lietuvos bioávairovë (bûklë,<br />

struktûra, apsauga). 58–59. Vilnius.<br />

18. Diðkus, A., Juchneviè, V. 2001. Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) minavimo laikas<br />

Lietuvoje. <strong>VPU</strong> Gamtos mokslø fakulteto bakalaurø ir magistrantø mokslinës<br />

konferencijos praneðimø medþiaga. 125–128. Vilnius.<br />

19. Diðkus, A. 2003. Revizuota Lietuvos Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) fauna.<br />

Lietuvos biologinë ávairovë (bûklë, struktûra, apsauga). 23–24. Vilnius.<br />

20. Diðkus, A., Puplesis, R. 2003. Nepticuloidea ir Tischerioidea rûðiø apraðymas,<br />

trofiniø ryðiø bei geografinio paplitimo ypatumai. Lietuvos biologinë ávairovë<br />

(bûklë, struktûra, apsauga). 24–25. Vilnius.<br />

21. Puplesis, R., Diðkus, A. 2004. Ar Lietuvoje gyvena Maþieji gaubtagalviai?<br />

Þurnalas apie gamtà, 6: 26–29.<br />


50<br />


Vardas, pavardë Arûnas Diðkus<br />

Gimimo data ir vieta 1971 04 26, Marijampolë<br />

El. paðtas a.diskus@vpu.lt<br />

Iðsilavinimas ir profesija<br />

1989–1994 m. Aukðtasis iðsilavinimas, <strong>Vilniaus</strong> <strong>pedagoginis</strong> <strong>universitetas</strong>, toliau<br />

vadinamas <strong>VPU</strong>, Gamtos ir geografijos fakultetas; ágyta biologijos mokytojo<br />

specialybë.<br />

Darbo patirtis:<br />

1990 m. – 1996 m. <strong>VPU</strong>, Gamtos mokslø fakultetas, toliau vadinamas GMF,<br />

Biosistematikos laboratorijos laborantas.<br />

1996 m. – iki ðiol <strong>VPU</strong>, GMF, Biologinës ávairovës ir technologijø laboratorijos<br />

jaunesnysis mokslo darbuotojas.<br />

2001 m. – iki ðiol <strong>VPU</strong> Zoologijos katedros asistentas. Vadovauja biologijos<br />

specialybës studentø pratyboms, lauko praktikoms ir studentø kursiniams darbams.<br />

Mokslinës staþuotës:<br />

1994 m. rugsëjis Vienos Gamtos muziejus (Austrija).<br />

1995 m. lapkritis–1996 m. vasarisKopenhagos <strong>universitetas</strong>, Entomologijos<br />

laboratorija (Danija).<br />

1997 m. gruodis–1998 m. vasaris Britø Gamtos muziejaus Entomologijos<br />

laboratorija, Londonas (Didþioji Britanija).<br />

2001 m. gruodis–2002 m. sausis Britø Gamtos muziejaus Entomologijos<br />

laboratorija, Londonas (Didþioji Britanija).<br />

Mokslinës ekspedicijos:<br />

1990 m. spalis–lapkritis Ekologiniai tyrimai Picundos-Miusero rezervate<br />

(Abchazija).<br />

1991 m. birþelis–liepa Entomologinë ekspedicija Varzobe, Tadþikistano MA<br />

botaninës stoties stacionare (Tadþikistanas).<br />

1991 m. lapkritis–gruodisEntomologinës medþiagos rinkimas ir tyrimai<br />

Aðchabado ir Duðanbës apylinkëse (Turkmënistanas ir Tadþikistanas).<br />

1993 m. vasaris–kovas Entomologinës medþiagos rinkimas ir tyrimai Aðchabado<br />

apylinkëse (Turkmënistanas).<br />

1993 m. balandis–rugpjûtis (5 mën.) Entomologinë ekspedicija vakarø<br />

Kopetdago kalnagûbryje (Choðdemiras ir Siunt Chasardago rezervatas),<br />

bendradarbiaujant su Turkmënistano MA kolegomis (Turkmënistanas).<br />

2005 m. sausis–vasaris Entomologinë ekspedicija Andø kalnuose (Pietø<br />

Amerika, Ekvadoras).

52<br />

Arûnas Diðkus<br />





Daktaro disertacijos santrauka<br />

Biomedicinos mokslai, zoologija (05B)<br />

Redagavo autorius<br />

Maketavo Laura Barisienë<br />

SL 605. 3,25 Sp. l. Tir. 100 egz. Uþsak. Nr. 05-025<br />

Iðleido <strong>Vilniaus</strong> <strong>pedagoginis</strong> <strong>universitetas</strong>, Studentø g. 39, LT–08106 Vilnius<br />

Spausdino <strong>VPU</strong> leidykla, T. Ðevèenkos g. 31, LT–03111 Vilnius<br />

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