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<strong>Bulletin</strong><br />
Publication for Seniors<br />
• John Cleese - pensioner<br />
actor bursting with energy<br />
• How to slash water costs<br />
• Mites en foute van<br />
noodhulp<br />
• ’n Wet wat jou teen skelms<br />
en skelmstreke beskerm<br />
October / <strong>Oktober</strong> <strong>2012</strong>
Following our successful launch in July 2009 we have saved SAARP members thousands of rands in premiums.<br />
The lowest premiums, widest cover, least exclusions, unsurpassed service.<br />
We guarantee to equal or better any quotation or existing insurance premium. AFI offers existing policyholders a R500 referral fee*<br />
if they refer a friend who becomes a policyholder!<br />
In the event of a Home, Roadside or Medical emergency, a 24-hour call centre provides the necessary assistance to SAARP-SURE<br />
clients. For an obligation free comparative quotation contact your SAARP-SURE consultant.<br />
Tel: 021 415 1858 l Fax: 021 415 4687 l Cell: 082 789 5061 l Email:<br />
An Authorised Financial Services Provider. Licence Number 30414. * Terms & Conditions Apply.<br />
SAARP Head Office<br />
Postal Address<br />
P.O. Box 13222<br />
N1 City 7463<br />
Physical Address<br />
125 Vasco Boulevard<br />
Goodwood<br />
Contact<br />
Tel: 021 592 1279 / Fax: 021 592 1284<br />
Email: <strong>saarp</strong><br />
Website: www.<strong>saarp</strong>.net<br />
Bank Account particulars for <strong>Bulletin</strong><br />
Subscriptions<br />
ABSA Bank, Cape Town, Universal Code 632005<br />
Cheque Account Number 405 745 1765<br />
Images Stock.XCHANGE, Dreamstime and<br /><br />
Printing Paarl Media Pty (Ltd)<br />
Team<br />
Social Services Director<br />
Ray Hattingh<br />
Editorial Consultant<br />
Philip Bateman<br />
Proof-reader Julie Hattingh<br />
Translator Hans Linde<br />
Contributors Desi Doran<br />
Ray Hattingh<br />
Philip Bateman<br />
Caroline Bateman<br />
Paul Rosenbrock<br />
Marilyn Hallet<br />
Design and Lay-out<br />
Aardvark Creations<br />
Cell: 082 650 3414<br /><br />
Advertising<br /><br />
Cell: 082 650 3414
Contents / Inhoud<br />
8 26<br />
Boodskap van die Uitvoerende Direkteur 2<br />
The CEO’s note 3<br />
NEWS / NUUS<br />
Mahala Nuushoekie 4<br />
Wins & Things 6<br />
John Cleese - pensioner actor bursting with<br />
energy 8<br />
How to slash water costs 10<br />
Planning for the inevitable 14<br />
’n Aantal minder bekende finansiële terme 16<br />
SAARP on-line? 22<br />
Creating your own home office 24<br />
16<br />
Sleep tips for older people 26<br />
The healing power of flowers 30<br />
Mites en foute van noodhulp 32<br />
Free outings in Cape Town 34<br />
Claim your SAARP benefits 36<br />
Hoe ’n onlangse wet jou teen skelms en<br />
skelmstreke beskerm 38<br />
You’ve earned it! 41<br />
Profile: executive director, Ray Hattingh 42<br />
Social Clubs 43<br />
Travel Club 44<br />
Holiday Club 46<br />
Puzzles (Word Search & Sudoku) 47<br />
Solutions / Oplossings 48<br />
SAARP, its suppliers, publisher, printer and contributors do not have any intention to provide specific medical or other advice but rather<br />
may provide readers with information in terms of its rights under the Constitution of South Africa. Information provided here is not a<br />
substitute for professional advice of any nature, more particularly medical advice, care, diagnosis or treatment, neither is it designed to<br />
promote or endorse any medical practice or treatment, programme or product. It is placed on record that SAARP does not endorse or recommend<br />
any product advertised or mentioned in the editorial content of the <strong>Bulletin</strong> or website or the like. Additionally and similarly,<br />
SAARP does not offer professional advice in any area, including, but not limited to, law and finance. In all cases, should readers require<br />
advice or treatment or the like, they should consult a properly accredited and qualified specialist in the field.<br />
<strong>saarp</strong> 1
Boodskap van die Uitvoerende<br />
Direkteur<br />
Een van die belangrikste doelstellings van <strong>SAVA</strong> is om geldelike bystand aan<br />
lede te verleen deur dienste teen korting te lewer wat hulle geld spaar.<br />
Hierdie dienste wissel tussen versekering en goedkoop vakansies. Terwyl die<br />
winter stadig tot ’n einde kom, is dit nou die tyd om aan ’n welverdiende vakansie<br />
te dink by een van meer as honderd oorde dwarsoor die land, teen die belaglike<br />
lae pryse wat ons aanbied. In die <strong>Bulletin</strong> plaas ons altyd ’n lys van<br />
besprekings wat ons gemaak het, maar daar is baie meer beskikbaar. Besluit<br />
watter streek jy graag wil besoek en kontak ons kantoor – ons sal dan ’n bestemming<br />
vir jou uitsoek teen ’n prys wat jy kan bekostig. Baie van die “goedkoper”<br />
hotelle vra nog steeds R1,000 per nag – wel, jy kan ’n “mid-week” se vakansie teen dieselfde prys kry.<br />
Dit is net een van die dienste wat jou gratis lidmaatskap vir jou meebring.<br />
Ons kry gereeld briewe van lede wat ons bedank omdat ons hulle geld bespaar het, maar in ons ledelys<br />
van meer as 85,000 is daar nog baie wat ons nie geskakel het om een van hierdie dienste te bekom nie.<br />
As ons waarborg dat jy geld gaan spaar, waarom stel jy ons nie op die proef om te kyk hoeveel jy gaan<br />
spaar nie? In hierdie moeilike finansiële omstandighede tel elke sent wat mens kan spaar, en wanneer dit<br />
dikwels honderde rande word, is dit meer as welkom.<br />
Ons Raad van Direkteure vergader gereeld om te kyk hoe ons ons dienste en ons lidmaatskap kan uitbrei,<br />
maar die mense wat regtig iets daaraan kan doen om ons organisasie te laat groei, is julle, ons gewaardeerde<br />
lede. Het jy al ons dienste aan jou vriende aangebied? Sal jy gewillig wees om ons dienste en<br />
produkte in jou omgewing op ’n kommissiebasis te bemark? Dit is een van die gedagtes wat ons oorweeg<br />
en ons sal graag wil hoor of jy geïnteresseerd is.<br />
Sedert die stigting van <strong>SAVA</strong> in 1982 het ons ledetal aansienlik gegroei, en ons het ook ons tegnologiese<br />
vermoë uitgebrei om die inligting oor ons lede byderhand te hê. Met die druk van ’n knoppie is ons nou in<br />
staat om met enige lid enige plek in die land kontak te maak. ’n Groot probleem is egter dat baie lede ons<br />
nie inlig wanneer hulle elektroniese adres verander nie. Maak asseblief seker dat ons jou jongste eposadres<br />
het. Dit bring jou nader aan ons en help ons om jou ingelig te hou oor wat ons beplan.<br />
Ons moedig ons personeel aan om ons voortdurend van idees/wenke te voorsien om ons dienste te verbeter,<br />
maar terselfdertyd wil ons hê dat julle ons moet vertel hoe ons kan verbeter. Natuurlik moet alles<br />
binne ons geldelike vermoë wees, maar as jy idees het, laat ons gerus weet omdat dit ons almal grootliks<br />
kan bevoordeel.<br />
Kersfees kom vinnig nader en in daardie tyd sal lede wat <strong>SAVA</strong> se b-Smart-kaart gebruik het, hulle jaarlikse<br />
terugbetaling kry. Sommige kry baie honderde rande vir hulle aankope oor die jaar terug – net betyds<br />
om geskenke aan te koop. Nog ’n Kersbonus in hierdie besondere tyd.<br />
Ons kantore sal gesluit wees vanaf die 18de Desember <strong>2012</strong> tot die 2de Januarie 2013. Vir die lede wat ’n<br />
<strong>Bulletin</strong> in 2013 wil ontvang, onthou dat ’n R30 donasie om die posgelde te dek, betaal moet word asb.<br />
Goeie wense vir die komende feesseisoen. Mag die nuwe jaar vir almal van ons baie voorspoedig wees.<br />
John Benwell<br />
2<br />
The CEO’s note<br />
One of the prime aims of SAARP is to provide financial assistance to our members<br />
by giving discounted services which save them money.<br />
These services vary from insurance products to cheap holidays. With winter<br />
slowly disappearing, and warmer weather on the way, it is a good time to think<br />
about that much-needed holiday at one of the resorts around the country. There<br />
are over 100 of these, and the prices we offer are ridiculously low compared with<br />
others. Our <strong>Bulletin</strong> carries a list of bookings which we have made, however<br />
there are many more available. Decide which area you would like to visit and<br />
contact Renske at our office. She will then find a suitable venue for you at affordable<br />
rates. Many of the “cheaper” hotels still charge R1 000 per night – but we<br />
can organize an entire week’s holiday for the same price (excluding weekends).<br />
This is just one of the services which your free membership to SAARP affords<br />
you.<br />
We regularly receive letters from members thanking us for saving them money as a result of the services<br />
we provide. However, in our over 85 000 membership base, there are still many who have not made use of<br />
them. In these trying financial times every cent saved counts. Why not avail yourself of the services on offer<br />
from SAARP. Some members have saved hundreds of rands in this way.<br />
Our Board of Directors meets regularly to discuss how we can expand our services and increase our membership,<br />
however you, our valued members, are the people who really can do something to grow the organisation.<br />
Have you mentioned our services to your friends? Would you be willing to market our services and<br />
products in your area on a commission basis? These are some of the ideas we are considering, and would<br />
value your feedback should you be interested.<br />
Since the establishment of SAARP in 1982, our membership has grown substantially, and we have also<br />
expanded the technology we use, in order to keep accurate records of our membership base. Now, at the<br />
touch of a button, we are able to contact members who have provided us with the requisite database information,<br />
anywhere in the country. A major problem is that there are members who have not updated us on<br />
their details, and in particular with their e-mail addresses.<br />
Please ensure that we have your latest e-mail address, as this brings you closer to us, and assists us in<br />
keeping you informed of what we are planning.<br />
We constantly encourage our staff to provide us with ideas for improvements in our services, but at the<br />
same time we would like you to tell us if you feel we can improve. Obviously suggestions should be within<br />
our financial means - any ideas you may have will be of great benefit to us.<br />
Christmas is rapidly approaching and, around this time, many members who have utilised the SAARP<br />
b-Smart cards will be receiving their annual refunds – some as much as several hundred Rands on their<br />
purchases over the year. This is just in time for the added expenses at Christmas and is a bonus at this<br />
time of year.<br />
Our offices will be closed from the 18th December <strong>2012</strong> to the 2nd January 2013. For those members who<br />
wish to receive the SAARP <strong>Bulletin</strong> in 2013 please remember that a R30 donation towards the costs of<br />
postage is required.<br />
I send you our best wishes for the festive season. May the year ahead be filled with prosperity for all of us.<br />
John Benwell<br />
<strong>saarp</strong> 3
4<br />
Lente<br />
is hier!<br />
Dis tyd om daai<br />
stapskoene af te stof.<br />
'n Paar van ons meer as duisend afslagvennote kan jou<br />
'n hupstoot in die regte rigting gee.<br />
WEN! ‘n Cybook<br />
E-book Reader!<br />
Besoek ons webtuiste by of<br />
op jou selfoon vir 'n volledige lys van afslagvennote. VENNOTE IN DIE KOLLIG!<br />
Sluit by Run/Walk For Life aan en jy kan 20% afslag op jou<br />
jaarlikse inskrywingsfooie kry.<br />
Sluit by Eat for Life aan en kan 20% afslag op jou jaarlikse<br />
inskrywingsfooie kry.<br />
Kry tot 20% afslag asook maandelikse punte op jou subskripsie.<br />
Jy kan tot 20% afslag by Aventura kry.<br />
Sê vir ons waar jy jou inkopies doen en staan 'n kans om 'n Cybook E-reader te WEN!<br />
Mahala wil graag die plaaslike vennoot nader om vir jou 'n afslag te beding. Let wel,<br />
nasionale vennote is nie ingesluit nie, slegs plaaslike vennote in jou area. Vul die vorm<br />
hieronder in en pos dit na Posbus 9843, Centurion, 0046 of e-pos na<br /> of faks dit na 0866 314 046.<br />
Waar koop jy die volgende?<br />
Brood & melk: Vleis:<br />
Klere: Drankies: Koffie/Wegneem etes:<br />
ID Nommer: Naam: Van:<br />
Sel Nr: E-pos Stad: Woonbuurt:<br />
Terme & voorwaardes geld (<br />
Skakel Mahala om van dié voordele en nog meer gebruik te maak of<br />
verdere reëlings te tref by 084 196 (FREE) 3733<br />
Kompetisietyd! Wen 'n Cybook E-reader ter waarde van R2 500!<br />
WEN!<br />
WEN!<br />
WEN!<br />
For those who value comfort and quality<br />
of sleep, BEYOND LINEN has an answer<br />
for you.<br />
Background<br />
In the 1990’s two German textile engineers discovered a new way of processing yarn that resulted in a<br />
bed sheet that has become known for its softness and comfort. This linen was initially used in hospitals,<br />
particularly in intensive care, as its softness, resulting in fewer bed sores, and ease of bed making were<br />
qualities particularly favoured by patients and hospital staff. Matrons found that the contour wrap design of<br />
knitted linen stopped the sheets from slipping off the bed and made bed-making quicker and simpler. Soon<br />
the demand for the linen came from the patients themselves and their families who liked the soft feel of the<br />
linen and wanted it in their own homes.<br />
International Acceptance<br />
Cotton knit sheets have been available for some time in Europe and the United States, known there as<br />
jersey-knit or interlock, but have only recently become available in South Africa. Various linen associations<br />
have tested the sheets and have found them to last longer (less tumble dry time and no ironing which also<br />
assist in stains not ‘setting in’) than conventional woven linen.<br />
Benefits for you in the home<br />
There are many types of bed linen available on the market but one of the unique differences in Beyond<br />
Linen lies in the way it is manufactured. Cotton knit linen is knitted, not woven, and it is through this process<br />
that results in fibres feeling softer and more stretchy. As an added benefit, this linen does not need<br />
ironing (as creases stretch out over the bed) which fits perfectly in line with today’s trend for low-maintenance,<br />
eco-friendly living.<br />
People who use this range of linen soon become loyal to this type of bedding as the range of benefits<br />
have convinced them that this is the linen of the future. The cost-effective benefits of Beyond Linen are<br />
significant - less laundry time, no added softeners and quicker bed-making.<br />
The Beyond Linen range includes:<br />
• Fitted sheets<br />
• Semi-flat top sheets<br />
• Flat sheets<br />
• Duvet sets<br />
• Pillowslips – Standard and King Size<br />
• Throws<br />
For more info:<br />
or contact:<br />
Thalia 073 655 5764 (Cape Town)<br />
Margi 082 416 6733 (Johannesburg)<br />
<strong>saarp</strong> 5
Wins & Things<br />
Social clubs news<br />
SAARP members sometimes see events advertised<br />
for SAARP Social Club members. They subsequently<br />
arrive at these events believing that as<br />
SAARP members they are eligible to attend these.<br />
This is not the case, and clubs often have difficulty<br />
in explaining the difference.<br />
The main difference is that the social clubs operate<br />
independently and as they have their own<br />
running expenses, they levy an annual membership<br />
fee which is determined by the club committees.<br />
SAARP is an organisation offering a range of<br />
benefits to its members. One of these benefits is<br />
membership of its social clubs. SAARP is, if you<br />
like, the mother-body.<br />
In summary:<br />
• Membership of SAARP is free.<br />
• Membership is open to all people over 50,<br />
whether employed or not.<br />
• Receipt of the <strong>Bulletin</strong> is dependent on an<br />
annual donation of R30. This does not entitle<br />
you to any social club benefits.<br />
• The social clubs are one of SAARP’s member<br />
services.<br />
• The social clubs require a separate application<br />
form.<br />
• The social clubs levy an annual membership<br />
fee.<br />
Snippets:<br />
• The PE West Club has a large number of apologies<br />
at their monthly meetings. When they<br />
were asked how they manage this the chairman<br />
replied, “No apology, no newsletter.”<br />
• PE West recently had 155 of their 304 members<br />
at the monthly meeting.<br />
6<br />
• The Alexandra Club provides quite a spread<br />
at the monthly gatherings. They have a simple<br />
ruse: those members who have a birthday<br />
that month must provide the goodies for tea.<br />
• The Jeffery’s Bay Club has a plethora of lucky<br />
draws every month. Their chairman does a<br />
regular round of the local businesses and collects<br />
gift vouchers for anything from meals to<br />
hairdo’s.<br />
• Most clubs arrange discounted meals for their<br />
members. One chairman told me that - in response<br />
to a raised eyebrow from a restaurant<br />
manager eyeing some luxury vehicles in his<br />
parking lot - he pointed out that their club’s<br />
members range from, “. . . those on state<br />
pensions to the lucky few who can’t possibly<br />
spend all their interest every month.”<br />
• The Hermanus Club had an outing to Napier<br />
and they so impressed the locals with their<br />
sense of fun and enjoyment that Napier has<br />
started its own SAARP Social club. Hermanus<br />
has garnered 94 new members in a short<br />
space of time and have had to move to larger<br />
meeting premises.<br />
What members say:<br />
To Errol Theron, Chairman Amanzimtoti:<br />
“There are always top quality speakers at every<br />
meeting who everyone can benefit from - and be<br />
kept up to date with topics such as economics and<br />
technology. Our events, outings and gettogethers<br />
are always well organised and enjoyable. Our<br />
Christmas lunch was AWESOME . . . and enjoyed<br />
by everyone present - plus all the gifts! . . . You,<br />
Sharon and your helpers put in a lot of hard work<br />
and made it such a huge success . . . .”<br />
To Ingrid Green, Chairman Hermanus [known as<br />
Fireball 500 with good reason]:<br />
“I wish to tell you and your team that members<br />
are talking about all you have achieved in such<br />
a short time. I have been a member for only five<br />
years but - WOW - all the discounts are nothing<br />
short of amazing, as are the lovely outings you<br />
have arranged. Nothing remotely like this has ever<br />
happened before. This enormous effort has rubbed<br />
off on all aspects within the club especially the BIG<br />
increase in membership which is still growing . . .<br />
“GO FOR IT GIRLS.”<br />
What they offer:<br />
All clubs offer a wide variety of services and<br />
things to do, not the least of which is companionship<br />
and friendship. The following list was culled<br />
from the clubs’ monthly newsletters to their members:<br />
• Outings, coffee mornings, lunch clubs, breakfasts,<br />
braais.<br />
• Local discounts, reduced-price theatre tickets,<br />
raffles, cash prizes, bring-‘n-buy and craft<br />
tables.<br />
• Entertainment, raffles, prizes, bingo mornings,<br />
interesting and informative speakers.<br />
• Hiking, walking, trips, holidays.<br />
• Computer school. [Sedgefield].<br />
• Movies [Hermanus].<br />
• Bridge, scrabble, 10-pin bowling.<br />
Win an LCD TV set for helping us find members<br />
who want to save on insurance<br />
Fancy a smart new TV set? Well, you could win<br />
one by simply doing us a favour.<br />
It costs you nothing – and you will also be helping<br />
a friend!<br />
This will be a latest model LCD flat-screen TV set<br />
with superb colour and sharpness – designed to<br />
bring you years of viewing pleasure.<br />
We’re always looking for members - not only<br />
because we want to reach as many people as possible<br />
but also because we want all older people<br />
(that is, over 50-year-olds) to enjoy the benefits<br />
that SAARP offers – especially cut-price insurance.<br />
We want you to recommend members who are<br />
likely to want to save on insurance through our<br />
superb short-term insurance plan. And the beauty<br />
is that virtually everyone can save. So we want<br />
you to send us names of people whom you believe<br />
could profit from lower insurance premiums on<br />
their car, household items, portable possessions<br />
and other valuables. Or maybe they haven’t had<br />
insurance before.<br />
Here’s the deal: we’ll record your and their names<br />
in our database. We’ll ask them to become<br />
members and when they’ve taken out insurance<br />
through us (we’ll invite them!) your name will go<br />
into a draw for the TV set!<br />
PLUS: You’ll also receive R10 for each person<br />
you’ve recommended who enrolls as a member<br />
and another R30 when they’ve signed up for insurance.<br />
Here’s how you can stand a chance of winning:<br />
1. Write down the names, addresses, approximate<br />
ages and contacts details (phone numbers,<br />
email addresses if possible) of potential<br />
members. They could be relatives, friends and<br />
other older people whom you know. It’s best<br />
to tell them you are doing this so you have<br />
their ‘buy-in.’<br />
2. Don’t include more than one prospect’s name<br />
from a single household.<br />
3. Send their details to: Membership Secretary,<br />
Win-a-TV Member Competition SAARP,<br />
P. O. Box 13222, N1 City 7463. You could also<br />
email them to <strong>saarp</strong> with Win-a-<br />
TV Member Competition in the subject line.<br />
As you can see, you have everything to gain and<br />
nothing to lose. And, yes, it’s FREE!<br />
Terms and conditions of the draw: 1. Anyone can<br />
enter except staff and direct family of SAARP employees,<br />
suppliers and others financially connected with<br />
SAARP, as well as people under 18. 2. Entry is free.<br />
3. The competition closes on 31 December 2013. 4.<br />
The prizewinner for the TV set, who will be drawn<br />
by lot from all qualifying entries, will be announced<br />
by 15 January 2014. 5. No entry fee or purchase is<br />
required or implied. 6. Entries qualify for the cash<br />
reward when one or more of the people recommended<br />
by the entrant take out insurance through SAARP. This<br />
cash reward is not connected with the draw process.<br />
7. The prize can be inspected at, and collected from<br />
SAARP offices from 8.30 am on 15 January 2014 or alternative<br />
delivery arrangements may be made. 8. The<br />
winner will be informed by SAARP. 9. The sponsors<br />
reserve the right to extend the closing date or alter the<br />
terms of the competition should circumstances occur<br />
that warrant it such as events beyond their control.<br />
10. The winner’s name will be published on the<br />
SAARP website. (http://www.<strong>saarp</strong>.net)<br />
<strong>saarp</strong> 7
JOHN CleeSe – pensioner<br />
actor bursting with energy<br />
by Caroline Bateman<br />
Who says that by 72 one should have slowed<br />
down, packed it all in and be dozing in front of<br />
the fire, wearing slippers? Certainly not John<br />
Cleese who, when I told him he must be tired<br />
after a full day of filming, blurted out, “not tired<br />
– not at all tired, why would I be?”<br />
I nearly said, but didn’t, “Well because of your<br />
age and because you have just worked a full,<br />
hard day, that’s why” but my conditioning was<br />
cut short by his quizzical look and casual (but<br />
charming) tossing off of my concern.<br />
John Cleese, world-famous actor and comedian<br />
is in our home in Kenilworth, Cape Town, to<br />
shoot some of his scenes as the English Master,<br />
Guv, for the new Spud movie The Madness Continues.<br />
His ‘school study’ is our high-ceilinged<br />
Edwardian library, which has been transformed<br />
magnificently, by the set-designers, into the<br />
most delicious homely muddle of books and<br />
papers tossed randomly on the Persian carpets,<br />
sofas and leather arm chairs.<br />
Cleese, highly experienced actor, comedian,<br />
film producer, writer, family man and character<br />
much-loved by the world’s audiences, has<br />
an energy that seemingly knows no bounds –<br />
and which is certainly in fairly stark contrast<br />
to the pale faces we saw around at the end of<br />
the day’s filming - boy actor Spud (17-year-old<br />
Troye Sivan) and the crew (mostly in their 30s)<br />
seemed weary and longing for their beds. (Experience<br />
and the maturity of years sometimes<br />
comes with a stamina which the young do not<br />
possess.)<br />
His enthusiasm is infectious as he plants himself<br />
on a sofa to be photographed with our family<br />
before being borne off to the Mount Nelson<br />
Hotel where he was staying.<br />
8<br />
And when the photographer says ‘smile’, he<br />
throws his head back and roars loudly with<br />
fake hilarity – just the sort of thing he’d have<br />
done in Fawlty Towers - so we have no option<br />
but to pack up with genuine laughter, surly<br />
teenagers included!<br />
Maintaining a sense of humour and laughing<br />
often has been proved, in numerous recent<br />
research studies on the elderly, to keep people<br />
‘young’, and healthier than their more serious<br />
counterparts. Could it be that Cleese’s ‘profession’<br />
as a humourist and comedian is what<br />
has enlivened him so? His sharp wit and ‘clips’<br />
from his films and radio shows are legendary,<br />
and quoted the world over. He is unashamed in<br />
what he says, open, self-critical and delightfully<br />
politically incorrect, which is refreshing in an<br />
increasingly prissy world!<br />
We watch the filming on screens that are dotted<br />
around the house and what is immediately<br />
striking is, obviously, first and foremost,<br />
Cleese’s smooth and elegant acting, clearly the<br />
result of his many highly successful years in<br />
front of the cameras, an act seemingly so effortless<br />
though surely belying the hard work it requires<br />
to get into the character of the grumpy,<br />
humorous yet sensitive English master.<br />
What is also very clear is his on- and off-screen<br />
communication with ‘Spud’. They have become<br />
good friends, the young boy and the experienced<br />
and famous actor, and it is clear that<br />
Troye admires Cleese enormously, has learnt<br />
much from him and soaks up his energy. Having<br />
worked with such a competent actor will<br />
have a lasting effect on the boy’s acting career.<br />
In the film they have a charming, easy relationship,<br />
though he is the master and Spud the boy<br />
– ‘Guv’ guides the young scholar but<br />
also relates to him on a different level<br />
and Spud becomes the confidante for<br />
this master who has his own personal<br />
troubles with, for example, the<br />
headmaster and his wife, and openly<br />
demonstrates his weaknesses and fallibility.<br />
So a clear symbiosis exists - the mutual<br />
need of one for the other: here<br />
at work is art mirroring life, where<br />
the older generation mentors and<br />
guides the younger, yet gains emotional<br />
sustenance from the youth who<br />
are a support to them in their ageing<br />
and the attendant problems this<br />
phase of life carries. It is always so<br />
deeply comforting to observe a member<br />
of the older generation guide a<br />
youngster and pass on the wisdom<br />
they have gathered from their experience<br />
and years. Far be it a ‘winding down’ for<br />
seniors at this stage of life – it should be viewed<br />
as a crucial stage of man’s existence, to be able<br />
to pass on the skills and wisdom the years have<br />
taught us.<br />
Interestingly, a new and highly successful<br />
programme has been set up in England where<br />
‘grannies’ mentor young people who have had<br />
difficulties. It is found that the input of the older<br />
generation is invaluable in assisting youngsters<br />
who have not had support from their<br />
families to benefit from the advice and support<br />
of a wiser, older person.<br />
The news hot off the press is that not only<br />
is Cleese unwilling to slow down his career<br />
(though there are other reasons for his still<br />
working) but his personal life gallops on unrelenting<br />
too: he has recently married for the<br />
fourth time, to 41-year-old Jennifer Wade.<br />
Cleese is quite clearly an unashamed romantic<br />
– something that has brought him joy<br />
and heartache in equal measure. His life has<br />
certainly not been plain-sailing: as a boy he<br />
was bullied due to height (which set him on<br />
his path as a comedian – he found that being<br />
funny deflected the bullying), he had a difficult<br />
relationship with his self-centred mother, and<br />
has felt the pain of three divorces.<br />
In the photo: From left to right, back: Caroline,<br />
Raffaella and Guilietta Bateman with John Cleese<br />
(left) and Philip Bateman sitting on the couch in<br />
front.<br />
His third wife sued him for (the press says) £20<br />
million, and he is required to work for years to<br />
pay it off. One way of doing this was his hilarious<br />
‘Alimony Tour’, as he dubbed it, which was<br />
necessary to fund this rather expensive divorce.<br />
This immortal and razor-sharp comment is<br />
typical of his humour: “It’s very easy for me<br />
to portray a businessman,” he once said, during<br />
the making of a set of videos, “being bland,<br />
rather cruel and incompetent comes naturally<br />
to me.”<br />
Witty, insouciant, outrageous, he quite clearly<br />
scorns political correctness, as comedians<br />
generally do, feeling quite comfortable enough<br />
with who he is and what he has achieved to not<br />
worry about repercussions.<br />
Here is a man who has cocked a snoot at the<br />
conventional notion of ageing too. John Cleese<br />
is still an open romantic - he is tall and elegant<br />
and sprightly and charming, he has a commanding<br />
presence, is openly kind and compassionate.<br />
And he is very, very funny!<br />
<strong>saarp</strong> 9
How to slash water costs<br />
by Philip Bateman<br />
Smart living tips to save you money – day after<br />
day.<br />
Dave and Jenny Wilshaw are pensioners living<br />
in a modest suburb of Cape Town. Their pension<br />
is just about adequate to keep them going with a<br />
few luxuries like the odd restaurant outing now<br />
and again.<br />
But a few months ago they noticed their water<br />
costs were creeping up. In fact so much so that<br />
they started having to forgo their ‘treats’ such as<br />
mini-holidays and even the cinema. “The situation<br />
was desperate, especially as we couldn’t work<br />
out what was happening,” admits Jenny. “We unfairly<br />
blamed the char and we cursed the Council,<br />
even having the water meter checked out. In the<br />
end, however, we had to admit that we were becoming<br />
increasingly careless.”<br />
After consulting the Web, especially the Cape<br />
Town City Council website, they found a host of<br />
tips on how to reduce their water costs. “They<br />
worked so well that we saved some R500 a month<br />
– just by changing our lifestyle,” says a delighted<br />
Dave.<br />
Here are some of the many lifestyle changes<br />
they made to slash their water costs:<br />
• If you wash dishes by hand don’t allow the<br />
water to run while rinsing. Simply fill one sink<br />
with washing water and the other with rinsing<br />
water.<br />
• Carefully position your garden sprinklers so<br />
that the water goes straight onto plants and<br />
not walkways.<br />
• Don’t do mini-washes in your washing machine.<br />
Wait until the machine is packed full.<br />
You’ll save a fortune in unnecessary water<br />
usage.<br />
• Have your plumber check your house for<br />
leaks. They’ll do this by switching off all the<br />
taps in the house then checking to see if the<br />
water meter is still running. It’s a once-off<br />
small cost compared to the price of water lost<br />
10<br />
due to a leak. Or do your own test to see if<br />
you perhaps have underground water leaks.<br />
Turn off all the taps in your home, wait about<br />
30 minutes, then take a meter reading. If your<br />
meter is still clocking up usage with all the<br />
taps off, then you have a leak that must be<br />
attended to. Fix all leaks from dripping taps. A<br />
single dripping tap can lose 60 litres of water<br />
a day.<br />
• Water your lawn in the morning or evening as<br />
this will save water from evaporating and being<br />
wasted, in the heat of the day.<br />
• Spread organic mulch and compost around<br />
plants as this helps preserve water.<br />
• Adjust your lawn mower to a higher setting.<br />
Longer grass retains water better.<br />
• Put food colouring in your toilet tank. If you<br />
see colour in the water in the loo, before flushing,<br />
then you know it’s leaking.<br />
• Install water-efficient showerheads. These can<br />
save you thousands of litres a month.<br />
• Soak pots and pans first rather than use running<br />
water to clean them.<br />
• Turn off the water when brushing your teeth<br />
as this can save 100 litres or more per month.<br />
• When you give your pet fresh water, throw the<br />
old water on to plants rather than down the<br />
drain.<br />
• Plant low-water-use shrubs to save a huge<br />
amount of water a year. Indigenous plants<br />
from the region generally use less water.<br />
• Consider installing an instant water heater<br />
near your sink so you don’t have to run water<br />
while it heats up. This is also very energy efficient.<br />
• Wash your car on the lawn as you’ll be watering<br />
the lawn at the same time.<br />
• If you allow leaves to accumulate around the<br />
base of trees, which is how nature arranges it,<br />
you’ll save water as these reduce evaporation.<br />
• Aerate your lawn once a year to allow maximum<br />
water penetration and efficiency.<br />
• Turn off the water while you shave rather<br />
than keep rinsing your razor under a running<br />
tap.<br />
• Consider installing a grey water system which<br />
captures discarded water from basins, baths<br />
and sinks and uses it to water your garden.<br />
• Use a broom instead of a hose when cleaning<br />
pathways.<br />
• Install water-efficient toilet systems. You can<br />
reduce water consumption with each flush by<br />
putting a displacement device or ‘hippo bag’<br />
in your cistern – half a brick might do the job<br />
also.<br />
• Consider replacing your lawn with grass that<br />
requires half the amount of water. Droughtresistant<br />
Buffalo grass or couch grass are<br />
good examples.<br />
• If you have a swimming pool, install a cover.<br />
This can save most of the up to 1cm a day of<br />
water that is lost through evaporation.<br />
• Adjust your gardening watering schedule each<br />
month to match weather conditions.<br />
South Africa is experiencing a water crisis and we<br />
all have a duty to minimise usage.<br />
By following these simple steps – and being aware<br />
of water conservation – you will not only help the<br />
country and preserve its scarce resources, but<br />
you will also save money.<br />
Useful source: Enter ‘Cape Town City Council’<br />
and ‘Smart Living Handbook’ into Google and<br />
you will be able to download a really useful<br />
publication on saving water, electricity and<br />
more.<br />
<strong>saarp</strong> 11
12<br />
<strong>saarp</strong> 13
PlAnnInG for the<br />
inevitable<br />
by Ray Hattingh<br />
“To be reconciled with the inevitable with good<br />
grace is wisdom.” - Rabindranath Tagore<br />
A lifelong friend suddenly took ill, was diagnosed<br />
with a virulent form of cancer and told<br />
that he had six weeks to live. Two weeks before<br />
he died he handed a slip of paper to his sister<br />
and brother-in-law saying, “Here are the work,<br />
home and cell numbers of the undertaker. All<br />
you have to do when I die is phone him. Everything<br />
has been arranged and paid for.”<br />
His considerate example relieved his family of<br />
many burdens at a time when they were grief<br />
stricken.<br />
Knowing that death is inevitable, how prepared<br />
are you? Isn’t it time that you discussed this<br />
with your children? You must have preferences.<br />
For example, do you want to buried or cremated?<br />
Where would you like to be buried or where<br />
do you want your ashes scattered?<br />
If you are one of those who are not churchgoing<br />
believers, you may not want some impersonal<br />
minister, who never knew you, to<br />
mutter inanities in a place you had never been<br />
to. Perhaps you would prefer a small service,<br />
conducted by a friend or a child, to be held in<br />
your, or their, home.<br />
If you would prefer a church service you may<br />
want to prepare detailed instructions on the<br />
type of coffin, the type of service, the prayers,<br />
the hymns, the music or any other readings<br />
you would like. Would you want mourners to<br />
send flowers or make a donation to a charity<br />
of your choice? Whom do you want contacted<br />
when you die? What about your pets? Have you<br />
14<br />
thought of writing your own obituary as a final<br />
message to your friends and family?<br />
If you become ill, do you want to be kept alive<br />
on machines or is this not an option for you?<br />
Another friend, when diagnosed with terminal<br />
cancer said, “You are not doing any chemo or<br />
radiation. If I have pain or nausea, treat those,<br />
that’s all.”<br />
Would you prefer a care-giver to tend to you so<br />
that you can stay on and die in your own home<br />
or would you prefer to move to an institution?<br />
Many people would prefer to stay in their own<br />
homes, even when they need assistance. Home<br />
care-givers are an option.<br />
After all, it is not as though you are planning<br />
for the unexpected. Death, like taxes, is inevitable.<br />
You can relieve your family of many burdens<br />
through thorough forward-planning.<br />
It is very important not to plan this on your<br />
own but to do so with your children. Keep the<br />
conversation light and try to make it a pleasant<br />
experience. Do not lay down the law at the<br />
initial meeting but discuss your ideas and ask<br />
for their input. Perhaps a holiday gathering may<br />
be a good opportunity to commence the discussions.<br />
You could introduce it by sharing an experience<br />
like the one in the opening paragraph<br />
of this article.<br />
It is not easy to give up your independence but<br />
what if failing eyesight makes driving impossible?<br />
Or there is a significant security risk in the<br />
area where you live? What would you like the<br />
children to do if your mind control goes, due<br />
to something like Alzheimer’s? You could reach<br />
a stage where you may not always recognize a<br />
problem; ask your children to be on the lookout<br />
for any deterioration in you and<br />
to discuss this frankly and openly<br />
with you.<br />
When you die, your spouse will<br />
need extra social support to cope<br />
with the loss of a life-long partner.<br />
What would you like the children<br />
to do to help?<br />
Make sure that your children, or<br />
a trusted friend or relative, know<br />
where to find the details of your<br />
accounts, investments, shares and<br />
policies as well as your important<br />
documents like birth and marriage<br />
certificates. Make sure that<br />
they also know where your will<br />
is lodged. A word of advice, never<br />
alter it without advising those who<br />
should know.<br />
Make a list of the services that<br />
must be cancelled on your death.<br />
Find out how your children may<br />
respond if you or your wife forms<br />
new relationships after the death<br />
of the other.<br />
Consider making your own funeral<br />
arrangements, and paying<br />
for them in advance, to lighten the<br />
burden on your family.<br />
To ensure that your family and<br />
your doctors know your wishes, write down<br />
who you’d like to:<br />
• make health-care decisions for you when<br />
you can no longer make them.<br />
• what kind of medical treatment you want<br />
and don’t want and<br />
• how you want people to treat you.<br />
In addition, you may consider establishing a<br />
general power of attorney and a living will to<br />
ensure that your wishes are carried out if you<br />
are unable to do so.<br />
Finally, address the inevitable with humour,<br />
love, and compassion towards your children<br />
but with a firmness that says this must be<br />
done.<br />
1. Dying and the law. http://www.hpca.<br /><br />
2. Funeral guide is about being prepared..<br /><br />
<strong>saarp</strong> 15
’n Aantal minder<br />
bekende finAnsiële<br />
terme wat pensioen-<br />
trekkers moet verstaan<br />
deur Paul Rosenbrock<br />
Omgekeerde verbande? Lewensannuïteite? Dit<br />
is ’n paar van die groot woorde wat rondgegooi<br />
word.<br />
Hier is jou kans om te wete te kom wat hulle<br />
beteken.<br />
Dit is ’n belegging wat inkomste meebring wat<br />
lewenslank of vir ’n spesifieke tydperk gewaarborg<br />
is. Dit stel jou in staat om terug te sit en<br />
te ontspan met die wete dat ’n sekere inkomste<br />
per maand (of per jaar) jou kant toe gaan kom,<br />
maak nie saak wat voorval nie.<br />
Klink soos ’n finansiële hemel, of hoe? Dit is egter<br />
nie so eenvoudig as wat dit klink nie en die<br />
struktuur (die manier waarop dit saamgestel is)<br />
kan baie krities wees as dit gemoedsrus moet<br />
verskaf.<br />
’n Annuïteit kan nie daargestel word sonder die<br />
uitruiling van waarde waardeur die inkomste<br />
onderskryf of gewaarborg word nie. Dit word<br />
gewoonlik verkry deur ’n transaksie wat kontant<br />
(’n belegging) vereis wat belê word met die<br />
16<br />
oog op ’n inkomste op spesifieke voorwaardes<br />
en terme.<br />
Onder hierdie terme en voorwaardes kry mens<br />
gewoonlik die volgende keuses:<br />
• ’n Annuïteit – ’n kontrak waaruit inkomste<br />
op gereelde of kontraktuele tussenposes vir<br />
’n spesifieke tydperk betaal word.<br />
• ’n Lewensanuïteit – ’n Kontraktuele inkomste<br />
wat op gereelde of kontraktuele tussenposes<br />
vir die lewensduur van die kliënt<br />
aan hom oorbetaal word. Dit hou op met die<br />
dood van die kliënt en daar is geen kapitaal<br />
terugbetaalbaar nie.<br />
• ’n Gesamentlike lewensannuïteit – Dit<br />
beteken maar net dat as ek ’n bepaalde<br />
bedrag belê het, ’n maatskappy (gewoonlik<br />
’n lewensversekeringsmaatskappy) waarborg<br />
dat hulle die ooreengekome inkomste<br />
met tussenposes sal betaal solank ek of my<br />
egmaat lewe. Dit hou op wanneer die laaste<br />
egmaat te sterwe kom en geen kapitaal is<br />
terugbetaalbaar nie. Dit word ook soms ’n<br />
lewensannuïteit genoem.<br />
• ’n Toenemende lewensannuïteit – Die inkomste<br />
sal van tyd tot tyd met ’n bedrag<br />
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<strong>saarp</strong> 17
18<br />
of ’n persentasie opwaarts aangepas word<br />
soos onderling ooreengekom. Dit kan op ’n<br />
enkele of gesamentlike lewensbasis wees en<br />
vir die lewensduur of vir ’n termyn waaroor<br />
ooreengekom word.<br />
• Aftree-annuïteit – ’n Kontraktuele bydrae<br />
wat uiteindelik voordele voorsien wat net betaalbaar<br />
is wanneer jy die ouderdom van 55<br />
jaar bereik. Die ooreenkoms word gewoonlik<br />
aangegaan op ’n baie vroeër ouderdom wanneer<br />
die kliënt nog werk. Daar is voordele<br />
soos belastingaftrekbaarheid van bepaalde<br />
vlakke van bydraes en van die opbrengs<br />
wanneer die polis begin uitkeer. Natuurlik<br />
verander die reëls en die bedrae van die belastingvrystelling<br />
soos wetgewing van tyd tot<br />
tyd voorskryf. Daar is ook ’n maandelikse<br />
(of jaarlikse) betaling wat by aftrede gewaarborg<br />
word gebaseer op die annuïteitstariewe<br />
ten tye van die uitbetaling.<br />
OMGEkEERDE VERbANDE (ook meer korrek<br />
bekend as Waardevrystelling)<br />
Hierdie term verwys na ’n spesiale kontrak wat<br />
met ’n vaste eiendom in verband staan. Geld<br />
word deur ’n finansiële maatskappy beskikbaar<br />
gemaak op grond van ’n verband wat op<br />
die eiendom geregistreer word wat as die eerste<br />
woonhuis van die aansoeker en sy egmaat dien.<br />
Die gedagte is redelik nuut in Suid-Afrika,<br />
hoewel dit al lank oorsee gebruik word.<br />
Dit is nie terugbetaalbaar nie tot met die dood<br />
van die langslewende. Dan word dit uitbetaal<br />
(met al die opgehoopte rente tot die finale dag<br />
van uitbetaling). Daar is ’n aantal belangrike<br />
faktore wat oorweeg moet word voordat hierdie<br />
finansiële instrument gebruik word, en<br />
ons beveel aan dat dit net oorweeg word na ’n<br />
omvattende finansiële ontleding deur iemand<br />
wat behoorlik gekwalifiseer is om sulke advies<br />
te gee.<br />
Die bedrag wat vir die aansoeker beskikbaar<br />
gestel word, word deur ’n aantal faktore beïnvloed,<br />
ouderdom onder andere. (Die statistiese<br />
lewensverwagting van die eienaar speel ’n<br />
belangrike rol.) Meer inligting is beskikbaar by:<br /><br />
Dit is nie baie bekend in Suid-Afrika nie en<br />
daar is baie min verskaffers van hierdie instrument<br />
in ons land. Die beginsel van hierdie<br />
kontrak berus daarop om die eiendom in twee<br />
dele te verdeel:<br />
1. Die blote eiendomsreg. Dit verwys na die<br />
geregistreerde eienaarskap en die persoon of<br />
organisasie wat in die amptelike dokumente<br />
as die eienaar van die eiendom verskyn. Dit<br />
vertoon ook ’n verswaring wat teen die eiendom<br />
geregistreer is en wat as<br />
2. Die vruggebruik bekend staan. Dit is die<br />
reg op die vrug van die eiendom, met ander<br />
woorde die reg om die eiendom te bewoon<br />
of aan iemand anders te verhuur en die<br />
huurinkomste te ontvang solank die ontvanger<br />
leef.<br />
Die belangrikste verskil tussen die kontrakte<br />
vir huisomkering en waardevrystelling is die<br />
feit dat die eienaarskap van die eiendom by<br />
huisomkering dadelik na die finansier oorgaan,<br />
terwyl daar by waardevrystelling geen verandering<br />
van eienaarskap is nie.<br />
Dit is ook ’n produk wat eers na betroubare en<br />
kundige finansiële advies deur ’n toepaslik gekwalifiseerde<br />
raadgewer gebruik moet word.<br />
TRUST<br />
Daar is twee hooftipes van trusts waarna gewoonlik<br />
verwys word as hierdie finansiële instrumente<br />
bespreek word:<br />
1. Mortis Causa – As gevolg van dood. Dit verwys<br />
gewoonlik na ’n trust wat geskep word<br />
as gevolg van die dood van die erflater (die<br />
persoon wat die trust gestruktureer het).<br />
Dit word gewoonlik gebruik as deel van die<br />
beplanningsgereedskap om mense in staat<br />
te stel om hulle wense te laat uitvoer nadat<br />
hulle dood is, en om aanwysings daar te stel<br />
om met bates en erfgename te handel.<br />
2. Inter Vivos – Gedurende die lewe. Hierdie<br />
soort trust word gebruik om ’n entiteit daar<br />
te stel wat nie sterflik is nie en as ’n voertuig<br />
gebruik word vir ’n hele aantal redes soos<br />
die vermindering van belastingpligtigheid<br />
by afsterwe, om bates binne ’n beheerbare<br />
wetlike afsonderlike regspersoon uit te bou,<br />
of om ’n voertuig te skep wat ’n sake-onderneming<br />
in staat sal stel om na die dood van<br />
die trustee voort te gaan om ongehinderd<br />
sake te doen, en so meer.<br />
Weer eens, daar moenie ligtelik met hierdie instrumente<br />
omgegaan word nie en dit moet net<br />
in samewerking met toepaslik gekwalifiseerde<br />
finansiële beplanners gebruik word. Niemand<br />
het kennis oor alles nie, en ons gaan ook nie<br />
tandarts toe om ’n blindederm te laat verwyder<br />
nie. Ons wil die beste persoon vir die spesifieke<br />
taak hê, en dit geld ook wanneer ons vir die res<br />
van ons lewe beplan. ’n Stuk beplanning deur<br />
iemand van die straat af sal net nie werk nie!<br />
bRUIkbARE bRON<br />
Jy en jou regte.<br />
Index.cfm?fuseaction=rights.home<br />
<strong>saarp</strong> 19<br />
20<br />
How well do you<br />
your rand?<br />
The cost of living has significantly increased in the last decade, posing a greater challenge than before to make ends<br />
meet. Fortunately there are ways to maximise your money – and doing so may be far easier than you think!<br />
Before you dash off to cut back on your budget, consider that you could be saving as you go about your day to day<br />
spending. In fact, you could be getting as much as 5% cash back on your shopping simply by being smart and paying<br />
for your purchases with a SAARP endorsed b-Smart card from Cape Consumers.<br />
For the past 65 years, Cape Consumers has negotiated discounts with retailers and passed these onto b-Smart<br />
cardholders. With the combined purchasing power of some 50 000 loyal cardholders, Cape Consumers has been<br />
able to arrange discounts at more than 5 600 popular retail stores and service providers across South Africa.<br />
These include Shoprite, Checkers, Woolworths, Ackermans, Game, Mediclinic, DionWired and Builders<br />
Warehouse.<br />
In the Western Cape, some additional stores offer up to 5% cash back including selected Spar, Pick<br />
n Pay family stores and Fruit & Veg City stores, as well as PNA, Ranch Meat Centre, Shoerama,<br />
Supa Quick, Tygerberg Animal Hospital and many others.<br />
Every time you shop and pay with a SAARP/b-Smart card, your discounts accumulate.<br />
Together with interest, these are credited to your account as an annual bonus every November,<br />
giving you a welcome financial boost ahead of the festive season.<br />
In 2011, Cape Consumers paid out almost R40 million in cash bonuses to<br />
cardholders. You, too, could enjoy a bonus next year… just by paying for your<br />
purchases with a SAARP/b-Smart card.<br />
The benefits go on…<br />
As a SAARP/b-Smart cardholder, you may apply for personal loans and obtain<br />
budget facilities (after six months’ membership) for payment over a longer term<br />
at competitive rates. You may also use your card to tender payment at selected<br />
petrol stations and pharmacies (no bonus is earned on petrol and pharmacy<br />
purchases).<br />
The card that pays you back<br />
Take our quiz!<br />
Complete our fun quiz to find out how well you maximise<br />
your money – and whether you could benefit by obtaining<br />
a SAARP/b-Smart card from Cape Consumers.<br />
When it comes to banking, do you:<br />
A shop around for the cheapest bank charges<br />
B loyally stick to your bank, as service is important<br />
C prefer your SAARP/b-Smart card to any bank card<br />
D visit an ATM – only to draw cash.<br />
When it comes to buying Christmas gifts, you:<br />
A buy as and when there are specials and discounts<br />
B swipe your credit card and deal with the conse-<br />
quences later<br />
C use your annual b-Smart bonus in November to pay<br />
for the extra expenses<br />
D start making gifts six weeks before Christmas and<br />
hope to finish in time.<br />
When seeking medical care, you:<br />
A visit Mediclinic<br />
B visit your doctor to get a referral to a specialist<br />
C visit a pharmacy and buy generic medicine<br />
D conduct research on the internet and self-diagnose.<br />
Your birthday is approaching so you:<br />
A draw up a menu and go shopping. After all, your<br />
guests love your cooking<br />
B book a table for 10 at your favourite restaurant<br />
C order food platters from Checkers. You’re going to<br />
throw a feast and get cash back on your spend!<br />
D book a trip out of town for that day.<br />
Do you regularly save some of your income?<br />
A yes, every month<br />
B only now and then<br />
C I sign up with loyalty schemes and spend wisely<br />
D can anyone really afford to save these days?<br />
When it comes to monthly payments, apart from<br />
service providers I pay:<br />
A nobody else – I don’t have debt<br />
B my credit card balance in full<br />
C my SAARP/b-Smart card balance in full<br />
D the minimum monthly payment on my credit card.<br />
(R1/SMS)<br />
Learn about your money habits<br />
Mostly A’s and C’s: you tend to look after your<br />
money wisely and stretch your rands wherever possible.<br />
While careful about spending, you know when and<br />
where to spend and can save while making the most of<br />
any occasion. When it comes to debt, you are cautious<br />
and manage it well. You are firmly in charge of your<br />
money.<br />
If you are not already a SAARP/b-Smart cardholder,<br />
apply now to get up to 5% cash back on your shopping,<br />
an annual bonus paid in November, specials from<br />
retailers and a wide range of stores which to shop. You<br />
can use your b-Smart card together with other store<br />
loyalty cards, so you can still earn W-Rewards from<br />
Woolworths and Pick n Pay Smart Shopper points from<br />
selected Pick n Pay stores.<br />
Mostly B’s: it is important that you set yourself a<br />
monthly budget and keep to it to ensure you are spending<br />
wisely. Although you may be keeping up with expenses<br />
now, you should put plans in place to manage your<br />
finances into the future.<br />
For starters, ensure that you are swiping the right card<br />
to accumulate an annual bonus. If you aren’t fond of<br />
budgeting, the monthly limit on your SAARP/b-Smart<br />
account will help you stay within your budget. You can<br />
check your balance at any time via SMS or online. You’ll<br />
also love the fact that the silver SAARP/b-Smart card is<br />
widely accepted.<br />
Mostly D’s: sometimes taking a ‘cheaper’ option is not<br />
more cost effective and if you don’t manage your finances<br />
correctly, you may miss out on many of life’s ‘sweet’<br />
occasions. If in debt, make a plan to become debt free as<br />
soon as possible and check whether your decisions are<br />
stretching your rands.<br />
The SAARP/b-Smart card’s discounted monthly<br />
administration fees make it even easier to get up to 5%<br />
cash back. If you prefer not to have credit, the card is also<br />
available as a pre-funded option. Furthermore, using a<br />
card means you won’t need cash to shop and you’ll pay<br />
less in ATM cash withdrawal fees! Get more for your<br />
money - apply for your SAARP/b-Smart card today!<br />
To apply for your SAARP/b-Smart card,<br />
call Cape Consumers on 021 409 7600 or<br />
SMS “SAARP”, followed by your area, to 32005<br /> “LIKE” us on Facebook<br />
<strong>saarp</strong> 21
SAARP on-line<br />
by Desi Doran<br />
SAARP’s online presence consists of the<br />
SAARP website, the SAARP forum, and our<br />
Facebook page.<br />
SAARP website<br />
Our website has proved successful and many<br />
new members are now joining via the website,<br />
using the online forms. A total of 1 655 people<br />
have filled in online membership forms this<br />
year alone.<br />
In the last two months, we have had problems<br />
with the servers on which the SAARP website<br />
was hosted. The old servers were failing, and<br />
the website had to be moved to new servers.<br />
This hampered our efforts to keep information<br />
updated and fresh, but with the website now<br />
on new, faster servers, you can once again look<br />
forward fresh and interesting content on the<br />
website.<br />
22<br />
The website address is now www.<strong>saarp</strong>.net –<br />
although www.<strong>saarp</strong> will still lead you to<br />
the same place, as we have redirected this to<br />
the new servers. You should, however, change<br />
your bookmarked site to www.<strong>saarp</strong>.net<br />
We welcome feedback and suggestions from our<br />
members. If you have a suggestion for the website,<br />
or a contribution to make, please drop us<br />
an e-mail at news@<strong>saarp</strong> We may not be<br />
able to accommodate all suggestions and contributions,<br />
but we will try to use what we can.<br />
The thinking behind the website<br />
The SAARP website was designed and is maintained<br />
by me and my philosophy on websites<br />
is simple: keep things as clean and simple as<br />
possible. Given that our audience consists<br />
of people over 50, one needs to consider that<br />
many are not technologically inclined, and that<br />
many still have dial-up internet connections,<br />
my philosophy works particularly well in this<br />
case.<br />
The website aims to be clean, clear and easy<br />
to make your way around, while still offering a<br />
lot of information. Things we take into account<br />
are:<br />
• Legibility – dark text on a white background,<br />
font size and the use of colour;<br />
• Images - kept to a minimum to keep the<br />
website small in size;<br />
• Navigation - nothing is more than one click<br />
away from the home page.<br />
Technology changes on a daily basis, and the<br />
website is a constant work in progress. The fact<br />
that something works today does not mean that<br />
it will still work tomorrow. This old dog often<br />
has to learn new tricks!<br />
Behind the<br />
scenes<br />
DESI DORAN is the person behind the<br />
scenes who looks after SAARP’s website, forum,<br />
Facebook and the distribution of Ray’s<br />
and Julie’s monthly electronic newsletters.<br />
Desi’s runs her own one-woman company,<br />
Walrus Media, and you may have received<br />
an e-mail from Walrus Media if you have<br />
enquired about the website or newsletter for<br />
some reason.<br />
Desi’s marketing and communication experience<br />
is truly varied: she has worked in<br />
financial services, plastics, nuclear power,<br />
HIV/AIDS, homewares, travel, nature conservation<br />
and retail. Desi had more than 20<br />
years’ experience in large corporates before<br />
deciding to ‘do her own thing’ and work from<br />
home.<br />
“I love working with SAARP and the SAARP<br />
members. Although I am just a little young to<br />
actually be a SAARP member, the first time I<br />
touched a computer was at university.<br />
Statistics<br />
Stats provided by Google Analytics reveal this<br />
for our website (based on figures for 1 January<br />
<strong>2012</strong> to 31 August <strong>2012</strong>):<br />
Visits: 12 222<br />
Unique Visitors: 8 284<br />
Pageviews: 44 880<br />
Pages / Visit: 3.67<br />
Avg. Visit Duration: 00:05:34<br />
This is an average of 1 527 visitors per month,<br />
who spend average of 05:34 minutes on the<br />
website.<br />
“Today, youngsters are using computers<br />
at the age of two. I have largely learnt<br />
to control this technology beast (although I<br />
still cannot program the DSTV recorder!), and<br />
now I really enjoy the challenge of trying to<br />
make the website and electronic communication<br />
easy to use, enjoyable, and informative<br />
for the SAARP members.<br />
“I would love to see more SAARP members<br />
and clubs sending us comments and questions,<br />
and getting involved in discussions on<br />
the forum.<br />
“The biggest challenge is reaching those<br />
SAARP members who are not on e-mail or the<br />
Internet. The cost of printed communication<br />
means that we are not able to communicate<br />
with these members frequently. I would love<br />
to see all our SAARP members with access to<br />
the internet and e-mail, so that they can also<br />
join the ‘online SAARP community’ and get<br />
talking to us!”<br />
<strong>saarp</strong> 23
Creating your own home office<br />
by Philip Bateman<br />
Retirement opens a great opportunity for you to<br />
earn income through establishing an office in your<br />
house – but make sure you are up to date with<br />
digital technology.<br />
barbara Castelain, 63, was a busy Johannesburg<br />
PA until two years ago. When her firm got<br />
into financial difficulties, they offered her early<br />
retirement and she now heads her own minicorporation,<br />
working from home. “I’ve never<br />
looked back,” she says. “It gives me reasonable<br />
income – including regular work from my former<br />
employer - and I am able to order my own<br />
life.”<br />
Barbara is one of hundreds of thousands of<br />
South Africans – many of them so-called ‘retired’<br />
- who have discovered how pleasurable<br />
and profitable it is to work from home.<br />
Here are some tips on how to make this<br />
work:<br />
kEEP RECORDS. The tax authorities fully<br />
recognise that people working from home engender<br />
legitimate expenses in the production of<br />
income. To make this work you need to keep<br />
meticulous records of everything businessrelated<br />
- including stationery, computer expenses,<br />
phone bills motor vehicle costs, postage<br />
and so on. “The trick is to ensure that the<br />
items you claim are used 100% for business,”<br />
explains Cape Town accountant, John Bakerson.<br />
“If you have a shared expense – say a<br />
car – then you must apportion a percentage for<br />
business. Fairness is the rule of the game.” At<br />
the end of the tax year, you will make a consolidated<br />
account showing these expenses and will<br />
be able to deduct them against your income. Of<br />
course it’s best to do this on computer rather<br />
than have paper records which can be lost.<br />
bUY A SMARTPHONE. Clients today expect<br />
you to be on call – at nights, at weekends – and<br />
a great way to do this is by using a smart-<br />
24<br />
phone, which enables you to look at emails on<br />
your phone and be in touch 24/7.<br />
It’s tempting to work while you’re in pyjamas<br />
and to adopt a more leisurely attitude. “Don’t<br />
do this,” advises Castelain. “By doing so you<br />
lower your standards and change your mindset.<br />
You should employ the same disciplines<br />
as if you were going to work – being smartly<br />
dressed and working regular hours. Otherwise<br />
your two lives blend into one, and you become<br />
less effective as a consultant to be respected.”<br />
A home office should be no different to a work<br />
space in a business. You need a comfortable<br />
chair, a large desk, a dedicated telephone, and<br />
probably an additional work table on which you<br />
can spread out and sort papers, a computer,<br />
printer and WI-FI connectivity. You will also<br />
need to having a working Skype connection to<br />
enable you to take part in remote meetings as<br />
well. Don’t forget to set up a laptop which you<br />
can take to clients’ premises as necessary. Remember,<br />
portability and flexibility are the keys<br />
to running a home office.<br />
TAkE bREAkS. In an office situation, your<br />
day is punctuated by interaction with other<br />
workers, tea breaks, meetings and the like.<br />
While working from home, you should get off<br />
your chair at least once or twice an hour, walk<br />
around, stretch and break the tedium.<br />
SET bOUNDARIES. One of the problems with<br />
working from home is that people somehow<br />
don’t recognise you’re actually working. So<br />
friends will drop in for tea or ask favours such<br />
as helping with lift clubs. You have to steel<br />
yourself to be able to say that you have certain<br />
working hours and can’t be interrupted during<br />
these.<br />
E-MAIL. Much of your client interaction will be<br />
through email. Make sure you have<br />
a proper ‘logo’ and letter-heading that looks<br />
professional – and don’t be tempted to toss off<br />
quick emails that don’t have this heading. This<br />
is your business ‘face’ and you need to be constantly<br />
alert as to you image. Obviously items<br />
like business cards should be professionally designed<br />
and reflect your image.<br />
WEbPAGE. It almost goes without saying<br />
that you will need a webpage. This can be set<br />
up for a R1 500 or so, providing you don’t do<br />
something too fancy. A typical web site would<br />
contain this information: who you are, what<br />
you do, why you are different (and better!) than<br />
others in the same field, the benefits of using<br />
you, what you’ve done for others, case histories,<br />
testimonials and a contact page. If you’re<br />
brave, you can buy a programme such as<br />
Dreamweaver and do it yourself.<br />
bACkUP. Whatever you do, you must ensure<br />
that your computer data is protected at all<br />
times. This means not only having the appropriate<br />
security system in place, such as a<br />
password-protected network, but also ensuring<br />
that you have daily and monthly backups in<br />
case your system goes down.<br />
MEETINGS. It is inevitable that you will have<br />
meetings in your home. If you have a diningroom,<br />
this provides a quick solution for a meeting<br />
space. Before clients come though, take<br />
out any signs of domestic use this will create a<br />
more professional atmosphere. “A Wi-Fi connection<br />
is terribly important for meetings to<br />
take place efficiently,” says Castelain. “Clients<br />
usually come to me armed with laptops and expect<br />
to be able to go online – even print – while<br />
they are having meetings with me at home.”<br />
FILING. One thing you’ll find is that a home<br />
office generates vast quantities of paperwork.<br />
Keep as many computer records as possible<br />
rather than get too bogged down with paperwork.<br />
A good system is to only keep papers<br />
near you that relate to current jobs, says<br />
Castelain. “My solution is to file all tax documents<br />
on computer, by tax year, and also store<br />
client files or job bags in large stackable plastic<br />
storage boxes in the garage so that I can access<br />
them when necessary. Each box has a large<br />
numbered label on the side, so I can easily<br />
identify it where necessary. Otherwise you will<br />
simply drown under files and papers.”<br />
RATES. “One of the problems with working for<br />
yourself is that clients often come to you with<br />
sob stories about low budgets and so on,” says<br />
Peter Christiaan, a Cape Town based consultant.<br />
“One is tempted to do favours for friends<br />
but it’s not good business practice. To avoid<br />
this, set up a standard charge sheet - charging<br />
by hour, project or whatever and a set of<br />
terms and conditions that contains things like<br />
bills must be paid on demand and so on. Then,<br />
armed with this, you can offer friends or small<br />
businesses a ‘discount’ on your standard rate<br />
where necessary. But don’t start too low because<br />
you won’t be able to negotiate upwards<br />
later. You will need to cost into your charges<br />
things like time off for illness, meetings, administration<br />
time and so on. In effect, at the end of<br />
the day, you’ll find that you are unlikely to be<br />
able to bill out for more than three hours a day<br />
because of all the other things that go into running<br />
a business that sap time.”<br />
A recent survey found that about half of South<br />
Africa’s workforce spend a large part of their<br />
working day away from the office. The survey<br />
was commissioned by flexible workspace provider<br />
Regus, who found that such a working<br />
style produced less stress, avoided time-wasting<br />
commutes and even reduced their carbon<br />
footprint.<br />
Those who have made this break swear that it’s<br />
the only way to go. “It particularly suits retired<br />
people who still have the necessary skills, enthusiasm<br />
and aptitude – but who would not be<br />
able to enter the formal work force,” says Ray<br />
Hattingh, Director of SAARP.<br />
<strong>saarp</strong> 25
SleeP tips for older people<br />
by Philip Bateman<br />
Use these simple techniques to ensure you get a<br />
good night’s sleep.<br />
Some recent US studies found several disturbing<br />
facts:<br />
• More than half of elderly people living in<br />
their own homes were suffering from sleep<br />
disorders.<br />
• Two-thirds of elderly people living in institutions<br />
were experiencing sleep problems.<br />
“Unfortunately so many of these go untreated<br />
as the sufferers do not recognise that something<br />
is wrong, and the problem is compounded<br />
by the myth that older people require substantially<br />
less sleep,” says a prominent Cape Town<br />
physician. “It’s far more complicated than that<br />
and an older person might require as little as<br />
20 minutes less than a middle-aged person –<br />
but that’s about it. A good night’s rest is essential<br />
for anyone, at any age.”<br />
Luckily many of the solutions are not complicated<br />
and do not involve medication or hospitalisation.<br />
Here are some tips for getting a good<br />
night’s sleep.<br />
Keep it dark<br />
Try to stabilise your sleeping conditions, especially<br />
as far as light is concerned. Don’t vary<br />
your waking hours as it confuses the body<br />
clock – keep a constant dark environment, say<br />
the experts. When you wake up, light is picked<br />
up by your eyes which sends a signal to your<br />
brain. This, in turn, releases hormones that<br />
prepare you for action. One good way to trick<br />
your brain into night mode, is to have heavy<br />
light-excluding curtains (or linings) in your<br />
bedroom so you don’t wake earlier in summer<br />
because your room is light.<br />
Try to create an atmosphere of total darkness.<br />
26<br />
Don’t leave your computer monitor on and<br />
switch off your cellphone. Night lights are bad<br />
for sleep. Even rotate your beside radio dial<br />
away from you to keep the light away. Experts<br />
say that any light inhibits the secretion of<br />
melatonin – the sleep-regulating hormone.<br />
Watch your night diet<br />
Avoid coffee, tea and caffeine cool drinks before<br />
bedtime. Caffeine, in particular, blocks the<br />
production of adenosine – a brain substance<br />
that promotes sleep. You should also cut back<br />
on evening alcohol. Even though alcohol is regarded<br />
as a relaxant, it does in does not assist<br />
you gain deep restorative sleep, in fact quite the<br />
opposite.<br />
A great tip comes from Australian researchers<br />
who found that eating a high-carbohydrate diet<br />
four hours before bedtime can halve the time it<br />
takes you to fall asleep.<br />
Milk is a key sleep aider as it contains tryptophan<br />
which makes you feel sleepy. A tip is to<br />
stir in some honey or have it with a biscuit, as<br />
the body requires carbohydrates to process the<br />
tryptophan effectively.<br />
buy a proper mattress<br />
This is one of the key ingredients for sleep but<br />
so many people make bad decisions in this<br />
respect, often duped by salesmen who throw<br />
around technical terms. Take your time to<br />
choose and try out as many beds as you can,<br />
remember even after you’ve received the mattress<br />
and tried it at home, you may still be<br />
entitled to return it if it doesn’t do the job it’s<br />
meant to do. A final refinement for a mattress<br />
is a foam rubber overlay which you can buy<br />
at shops who supply hospital and home care<br />
equipment. It looks like an egg box and the<br />
numerous foam supports provide extra comfort.<br />
QuatroFlora<br />
Gastro-intestinal problems affect all of us at some time or<br />
another. Diarrhea, constipation, bloating and the like are often<br />
caused by over-indulgence or eating something that doesn’t<br />
agree with us, and quickly clear up of their own accord.<br />
Distressing and unpleasant conditions such as these<br />
can however become chronic – and that can be caused by<br />
a bacterial imbalance in the intestines.<br />
A normal healthy gastro-intestinal tract contains approximately<br />
1.5kg bacteria and other micro-organisms. Factors<br />
such as disease, increasing age, treatment with some<br />
medications, and colon cleansing for colonoscopy or certain<br />
radiological procedures to detect polyps, greatly reduce this<br />
number of micro-flora.<br />
Some groups of bacteria can cause acute or chronic<br />
illness, but another group of bacteria offers protective and<br />
nutritive properties. Imbalances between the two can lead<br />
to a number of unpleasant conditions such as diarrhea,<br />
constipation, bloating, IBS, allergies, poor digestion and<br />
poor nutrient absorption. In laboratory investigations,<br />
some strains of of LAB (Lactobacillus bulgaricus) have<br />
demonstrated anti-mutagenic effects thought to be due<br />
to their ability to bind with heterocyclic amines, which are<br />
carcinogenic substances formed in burnt red meat.<br />
Beta Pharmaceutical 041 - 378 1189<br />
The two most important groups of friendly intestinal flora,<br />
or probiotics, are Lactobacilli – found mainly in the small<br />
intestine, and Bifidobacteria – found mainly in the colon.<br />
Probiotics are live micro-organisms which, when consumed<br />
in adequate amounts, have strong health benefits.<br />
❖ Beneficial bacteria in the gut are known to:<br />
• Prevent and stop diarrhea or constipation<br />
• Aid digestion and break down toxins<br />
• Produce vitamins B12 and K<br />
• Stimulate the immune system<br />
QuatroFlora capsules contain the following strains of probiotic<br />
bacteria for improving gastro-intestinal health and well-being:<br />
Bifidobacterium, BB-12 ® , Lactobacillus acidophilus, LA-5 ® ,<br />
Lactobacillus bulgaricus, LBY-27, Streptococcus thermophilus, STY-31<br />
This product is not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.<br />
Clinical documentation available on request.<br />
<strong>saarp</strong> 27
Start a bedtime routine<br />
A US survey showed that 60% of<br />
housewives were working right<br />
up to the moment they climbed<br />
into bed. If you can somehow<br />
relax – perhaps with a drink of<br />
milk, watching some TV perhaps<br />
as this sends signals to<br />
the brain to wind down and you<br />
will probably fall asleep immediately.<br />
Don’t harbour worries<br />
Many people are bad sleepers<br />
because they are constantly<br />
fretting about things that have<br />
not been done. This releases<br />
stress hormones. Experts advise<br />
you to clear your mind before<br />
you go to bed, easier said than<br />
done, of course, but relaxation<br />
methods such as meditation or<br />
yoga can help.<br />
Also, research shows that if you<br />
really have work to do, it’s better<br />
to go to bed at the normal time<br />
and rise early in the morning to<br />
accomplish it, rather than work<br />
late into the night. Somehow<br />
the brain works better immediately<br />
after a good night’s sleep.<br />
Research is unclear about<br />
whether the hours before midnight<br />
are really better for you, but many in the<br />
know say these hours are crucial and count for<br />
far more than the hours you may attempt to<br />
catch up by rising later in the morning. Quality<br />
sleep should begin before midnight to help<br />
preserve heart health, according to a Japanese<br />
study which was presented at the 2009 American<br />
College of Cardiology conference. The study<br />
found that men who went to bed before midnight<br />
had significantly less arterial stiffening,<br />
an early sign of atherosclerosis, than men who<br />
went to bed after midnight.<br />
Have a siesta<br />
Research has shown that a 20-plus minute af<br />
28<br />
ternoon nap can provide huge benefits. A short<br />
sleep between 1pm and 4pm will give you more<br />
energy, boost your performance and reduce<br />
your sleep debt. Best of all, it doesn’t make you<br />
any less sleepy at night, so does not disturb<br />
your nocturnal sleep pattern.<br />
These are just some of the many techniques<br />
you can use to boost your life. “The more you<br />
are aware of these the better,” states an expert.<br />
“By bringing these into your life, you’ll enjoy a<br />
better health, improved mental ability and derive<br />
more pleasure out of living.”<br />
Read more:<br />
article/70927-sleep-hours/#ixzz220jfzyew<br />
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<strong>saarp</strong> 29
The HeAlING power of flowers<br />
by Caroline Bateman<br />
There is blooming good news for the elderly,<br />
and it is perfuming the air right under our noses!<br />
Fresh flowers are the ultimate healers for our<br />
senior citizens, new research has shown, proving<br />
what we instinctively knew: a simple bunch<br />
of flowers can work miracles and has emotional<br />
benefits with far-reaching effects.<br />
Since early times humans have been drawn to<br />
the intangible yet joy-inducing power of flowers<br />
and relied on them for feelings of well-being and<br />
even to cure ‘melancholia’, and it is certainly not<br />
for the first time mankind has proved that flowers<br />
not only lift the mood but offer a myriad of<br />
other health benefits too.<br />
Mankind has for centuries harvested flowers, in<br />
some cases for their physical healing properties<br />
when processed, but also to give as gifts for celebrations,<br />
symbols of love and tokens of sympathy,<br />
and using them to enhance religious sentiments<br />
(in some religions they are even considered<br />
the direct route for spiritual communication).<br />
Studies on flowers are not new either: a wellknown<br />
18th century study conducted on labourers<br />
on a farm showed that those working with the<br />
flowers were happier and healthier than those<br />
working in stables, the kitchen or the fields.<br />
Proof of our faith in flowers abound. Roses were<br />
gathered by Arab physicians and European<br />
healers as early as the Middle Ages to ‘alleviate<br />
melancholy and cure hopelessness’. And during<br />
the 1600s John Evelyn, English writer and<br />
avid gardener, wrote about lemon balm flowers<br />
as a spirit-lifting tonic and lemon verbena flowers<br />
appeared in European healers’ kits in the<br />
late 1700s specifically to soothe nervousness and<br />
ease depression.<br />
The art (or science) of gathering flowers and<br />
plants, making essences, teas and tinctures and<br />
using them for medicinal purposes to cure a multitude<br />
of ailments is well-documented. Nature’s<br />
apothecary is vast and well-stocked and its patients<br />
will emerge healed or at least healthier and<br />
stronger for their visit, but it is not necessary to<br />
head for the health shop in order to benefit from<br />
God’s bounty.<br />
30<br />
The stresses of modern living weigh heavily on<br />
all of us, and particularly on the older generation.<br />
Common complaints during older age include<br />
feelings of depression, regret, hopelessness,<br />
social withdrawal memory loss and, of course, a<br />
myriad of physical ills (which are often exacerbated<br />
by emotional lows). The excellent news is that<br />
you can merely pluck or choose a bunch of flowers<br />
and feel the enormous emotional and mental<br />
benefits immediately.<br />
Jeannette Haviland-Jones, researcher at Rutgers,<br />
the State University of New Jersey, conducted<br />
a six-month study on the positive effects fresh<br />
flowers had on a group of senior citizens. In the<br />
group of 100 seniors who participated in the<br />
study, some received flowers and others did not.<br />
The participants who were given flowers showed<br />
a significant lifting of mood and increased levels<br />
of happiness while their flowers were present. An<br />
astonishing 81% of the participants reported a<br />
great reduction in feelings of depression.<br />
Simple memory tasks were given to all the participants<br />
and those who had been given flowers<br />
performed better in these tests and experienced<br />
enriched personal memories compared with the<br />
control group, with 72% of them scoring very<br />
highly on the tests. Memory recall for recent<br />
events was enhanced in the presence of flowers.<br />
Finally, the research found that the seniors who<br />
received flowers began to re-engage with members<br />
of their communities and widened their<br />
social network by including more neighbours, religious<br />
contacts and even medical personnel, and<br />
their communion with close relatives improved,<br />
indicating the importance of flowers as ‘helpers’<br />
in broadening elderly folks’ social lives.<br />
The wider implications which obviously cannot<br />
be measured specifically are that happier, less<br />
depressed people have fewer health problems and<br />
live longer, more contented lives.<br />
Other interesting research has shown that in the<br />
presence of flowers we communicate better with<br />
each other, we eat more slowly when flowers are<br />
“Flowers have spoken to me<br />
more than I can tell in written<br />
words. They are the hieroglyphics<br />
of angels, loved by all men for the<br />
beauty of their character, though<br />
few can decipher even fragments<br />
of their meaning.” Lydia M Child<br />
on the table (which is good for dieting, digestion<br />
and the social aspect of sharing a meal). Flowers<br />
also enhance self-esteem and reduce mental<br />
and emotional fatigue. Another side-benefit is<br />
that certain potted plants as well as their growing<br />
mix remove various air-pollutants from the<br />
room, as well as reducing some effects of dry air<br />
(for example sinus or lung troubles) by increasing<br />
humidity.<br />
Apart from the mood-enhancing effects of flowers,<br />
particular feelings of compassion and kindness<br />
towards others have been noted in a study<br />
by Dr Nancy Etcoff of Massachusetts General<br />
Hospital and Harvard Medical School. She surrounded<br />
a group of people with flowers for a week<br />
and noted the long-term effect. As in the abovementioned<br />
study, she discovered that people<br />
across all age groups were visibly uplifted and<br />
had more contact with family and friends after<br />
the tests than they had had before. “Flowers are<br />
a perfect pick-me-up for ‘non-morning’ people<br />
– a small bouquet set out in the kitchen, or<br />
where everyone eats breakfast, boosts energy for<br />
the whole day. What I find interesting is that by<br />
starting the day in a more positive mood, you are<br />
likely to transfer those happier feelings to others.<br />
It’s what’s called mood contagion,” says Etoff.<br />
Interestingly, flowers in the home have a carryover<br />
effect in the work-place too: people are happier<br />
and more enthusiastic at work if they have<br />
had flowers out at home, and have more energy<br />
for their work.<br />
“A flowerless room is a soulless room, to my way<br />
of thinking; but even a solitary little vase of one<br />
living flower may redeem it,” Vita Sackville-West<br />
once said. So take note of all the positive scientific<br />
research - go out, gather yourself some flowers,<br />
set them out, and appreciate the joy and<br />
healing they will most certainly bring to you!<br />
<strong>saarp</strong> 31
Mites en foute wat by<br />
NOODHUlP vermy moet word<br />
deur Philip Bateman<br />
Wanneer het jy laas ’n kursus in noodhulp<br />
deurloop? Was dit dalk 20, 40 of selfs 50 jaar<br />
gelede? Is jy toegerus om ’n slagoffer te behandel<br />
of gaan jy meer skade berokken?<br />
“Dinge het geweldig verander van 50 jaar<br />
gelede af en sommige van die ou metodes kan<br />
herstel belemmer of selfs noodlottig wees,” sê<br />
’n vooraanstaande Kaapstadse medikus. “Ons<br />
beveel aan dat almal ’n kursus oor noodhulp<br />
loop en die jongste metodes leer ken. Na alles<br />
kan jy dalk ’n lewe red.”<br />
Hier is ’n paar van die ou mites, gevolg deur<br />
die jongste aanbevole metodes.<br />
MITE 1.<br />
Behandel<br />
neusbloei<br />
deur die<br />
kop agteroor<br />
te<br />
hou.<br />
Nee, buig<br />
die slagoffer<br />
se kop<br />
vooroor en<br />
nie agteroor<br />
nie en sê<br />
hom aan om<br />
liggies druk op die sagte deel van die neus uit<br />
te oefen. Dit bevorder stolling. Hou die pasiënt<br />
dop en as die neus na tien minute nog nie<br />
opgehou het met bloei nie, moet mediese hulp<br />
ingeroep word. Sommige mense is bloeiers en<br />
hulle kan probleme ontwikkel as die bloeding<br />
nie gestop word nie.<br />
32<br />
MITE 2. Smeer botter aan brandwonde.<br />
Dit is duidelik ’n gevaarlike gebruik. Olie bevorder<br />
hitte en jy gooi in werklikheid olie op die<br />
vuur. Botter kleef aan die aangetaste dele, verhinder<br />
dat suurstof die wond bereik en dit kan<br />
ontsteking veroorsaak. Gooi skoon varswater<br />
oor die wond en kry die pasiënt by ’n dokter.<br />
MITE 3. As ’n kind ’n skoonmaakmiddel<br />
inkry, ’n bleikmiddel of iets soortgelyk,<br />
laat hom braak.<br />
Moenie! As die vloeistof bytend is, mag dit<br />
brandwonde op pad af veroorsaak het – en dit<br />
sal herhaal word op pad op. Behoorlike mediese<br />
versorging is noodsaaklik en die maag moet<br />
uitgepomp word of ’n neutraliserende vloeistof<br />
moet ingegee word. Jy kan klein hoeveelhede<br />
melk gee om verligting te bring of die bytmiddel<br />
te neutraliseer voordat mediese hulp beskikbaar<br />
is.<br />
MITE 4. Plaas ’n lepel in iemand se mond<br />
wat ’n toeval kry, want dit sal keer dat hy<br />
sy tong byt.<br />
Verkeerd, maan die kenners. Dit kan in werklikheid<br />
skadelik wees om ’n vinger of ’n houtlepel<br />
in die mond te druk van iemand wat<br />
byvoorbeeld ’n epileptiese aanval kry. Op hierdie<br />
manier kan jy die tong of tande beskadig<br />
of onwetend die lugweg blokkeer – en jy loop<br />
gevaar om self gebyt te word.Jy moet ten minste<br />
’n kussing of iets soortgelyk onder die persoon<br />
se kop sit om te verhinder dat hy homself<br />
op hierdie manier beseer. As die aanval ’n paar<br />
minute langer as gewoonlik duur, kry<br />
hom dan by ’n hospitaal.<br />
MITE 5. Moenie vir ’n diabeet suiker<br />
gee nie, want dit sal hom nog meer<br />
skade berokken.<br />
Daar is twee soorte diabetiese probleme<br />
wat noodhulp nodig maak. Die<br />
eerste is hiperglikemie – dit is wanneer<br />
bloedsuikervlakke te hoog is. Aan die<br />
ander kant is daar hipoglikemie – wanneer<br />
die bloedsuikervlakke te laag is.<br />
Albei se simptome is dieselfde. Die<br />
waarskynlikste is ’n aanval van hipoglikemie<br />
en die behandeling hiervoor is<br />
gewoonlik om vir die pasiënt ’n bietjie<br />
suiker of glukose te gee. In die ander geval<br />
sal die bietjie ekstra suiker waarskynlik geen<br />
kwaad doen nie omdat die bloedsuiker reeds<br />
hoog is en die behandeling daarvoor dieselfde<br />
sal wees.<br />
MITE 6. Suig die gif by ’n slangbyt uit.<br />
Teen die tyd dat jy daar aankom, sal die gif<br />
reeds deur die bloedstroom versprei wees. Die<br />
gif kan jou ook kwaad doen omdat die vel in jou<br />
mondholte baie dun en absorberend is. Probeer<br />
vasstel watter soort slang dit is en kry die<br />
slagoffer so gou moontlik by ’n dokter.<br />
MITE 7. Gebruik hitte by ’n verstuiting, verdraaiing<br />
of breuk.<br />
Verkeerd! Hitte veroorsaak bymomende swelling.<br />
Wend liewers koue aan. Dokters beveel<br />
die RYDO-behandeling aan – rus, ys, druk en<br />
opligting. Jy kan ’n drukverband gebruik om<br />
die besering te verbind. Hitte kan baie later ’n<br />
rol speel.<br />
MITE 8. As iemand verstik, gee hom ’n<br />
bietjie water of droë roosterbrood.<br />
Weer verkeerd! As jy dit doen, kan jy die versperring<br />
vererger en jy sal groter probleme<br />
veroorsaak. Probeer die persoon laat hoes. As<br />
hy nie kan nie, gee hom vyf houe op die rug<br />
tussen die skouerblaaie. As dit nie help nie,<br />
oefen druk op die ingewande uit. Doen dit deur<br />
agter die persoon te staan en plaas ’n gebalde<br />
vuis tussen die naeltjie en die onderste ribbe.<br />
Bring jou ander hand om sy lyf en gryp jou<br />
gebalde vuis vas en trek dan binnetoe en boontoe<br />
met ’n vinnige beweging. As dit ook nie help<br />
nie, kry hom so gou moontlik by mediese sorg.<br />
MITE 9. Moet nooit ’n haartangetjie gebruik<br />
om ’n bysteek te verwyder nie.<br />
Dit maak nie saak wat jy gebruik nie. Moet net<br />
nie druk op die geel gifsakkie uitoefen nie<br />
MITE 10. Gee alkohol aan koue of verkluimde<br />
pasiënte.<br />
Moenie alkohol gee nie. Al veroorsaak dit aanvanklik<br />
’n warm gloed, laat dit jou uiteindelik<br />
meer hitte verloor as wen. Alkohol vergroot die<br />
are. Gee liewers ’n warm drankie, komberse of<br />
bykomende klere.<br />
“Almal behoort ’n nuwe noodhulpkursus te<br />
doen,” beveel die medikus aan. “Tegnieke en<br />
kundighede het oor die jare verander. As jy<br />
iemand met ’n onlangse noodhulpsertifikaat in<br />
jou huis het, sal jy baie beter in staat wees om<br />
’n noodgeval te hanteer.”<br />
St Johns Ambulance bied dwarsdeur die land<br />
noodhulpkursusse aan.<br /><br />
asp<br />
<strong>saarp</strong> 33
free outings in<br />
CAPE TOWn<br />
by Philip Bateman<br />
South Africa’s capital city is pure delight – and the beauty is that there’s so much to do without<br />
you having to spend a cent.<br />
Start with the Company’s Gardens, for instance. This was the site of Van Riebeeck’s original vegetable<br />
garden – used to grow food for the Dutch fleet. Relax under the trees and feed the squirrels and<br />
birds. You might even play a game of chess if invited - or simply watch the fun.<br />
Right alongside is the magnificent St George’s Anglican cathedral with its interesting crypt and<br />
soaring choral evensong on Sunday – and right next door to that is another hidden treasure, the<br />
National Library of South Africa. It is the intellectual depository for all South African-related publications<br />
and documents – and they generally have a fascinating exhibition on the go. Entrance is, of<br />
course, free.<br />
Remember that many of Cape Town’s wonderful museums are free on public holidays, so it’s best<br />
to time your visits to these days of you really want to save. Notable museums in Cape Town are the<br />
Holocaust Museum, Slave Lodge, Koopmans De Wet House the Bo-Kaap Museum, Old Town House<br />
(with its magnificent art collection) and the District Six Museum – all reflecting different aspects of<br />
our rich and diverse cultural history. Not forgetting the splendid South African Museum in Gardens<br />
which features a host of interesting material and exhibitions on indigenous people.<br />
Newlands Forest is another great place to visit. There’s plenty of parking and you can stroll along<br />
winding pathways with freshwater streams, lovely tropical-like glades, and every variety of tree.<br />
There have been some muggings there in recent years so it’s best to walk in a group. During summer<br />
there are plenty of joggers, ramblers, dogs and children, so it’s not a bad idea to walk when<br />
there are lots of others around.<br />
Cape Town has the most wonderful shopping centres and the prime place, is, of course, the Victoria<br />
and Alfred Waterfront. Enjoy great window shopping and a host of free entertainment – especially<br />
at weekends including free concerts, jugglers and mime artists. And, of course, the sight of boats<br />
steaming and sailing in and out.<br />
Enjoy stunning open air markets – like the City Bowl Market in Hope Street, and the Neighbourhood<br />
Market at the Biscuit Mill in Woodstock. It’s Cape Town’s very own Covent Garden, and you’ll<br />
enjoy wonderful window shopping and a host of eccentric people selling home-made produce.<br />
Yes, whether you like browsing the Victorian shops in Long Street, or want to simply chill out along<br />
the Sea Point promenade and feed the gulls, there’s plenty to do and see in Cape Town - much of it<br />
absolutely free.<br />
34<br />
St George’s Anglican Cathedral<br />
<strong>saarp</strong> 35
Claim your SAARP benefits!<br />
At SAARP we continually seek out new opportunities<br />
and benefits so that members get<br />
the most out of their membership. Here are just<br />
some of our current benefits. Make sure you<br />
use them as you could save a great deal!<br />
CIES. Members have saved up to R10 000 a<br />
year on their SAARP policies. Contact Renske<br />
or Beverly at SAARP 021 592 1279 or<br />
renske@<strong>saarp</strong> beverley@<strong>saarp</strong><br />
insurance at reduced rates. Contact us at<br />
SAARP 021 592 1279 info@<strong>saarp</strong><br />
• GUARANTEED DISCOUNTS. Get up to a<br />
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Plessis at: 021 409 7600 or 083 284 8671<br /><br />
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membership number.<br />
HEALTH<br />
• SPECSAVERS. Their REVISED <strong>2012</strong> Offer<br />
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Their Cash & Credit Card Offer is:<br />
• Single Vision package: R606<br />
• Bifocal package: R1 209<br />
• Multifocal package: R1 920<br />
• FREE WILL SERVICE through Warwick<br />
Trust & Administrative Services (PTY) Ltd<br />
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• BI-ANNUAL BULLETIN. This is published<br />
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In the reference section of the deposit slip,<br />
or the similar section on electronic payments,<br />
please quote your initials, surname<br />
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to any of these: Fax: 021 592 1284 e-mail:<br />
info@<strong>saarp</strong> P O Box 13222, N1 City,<br />
7463.<br />
have your e-mail address we will send you a<br />
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• SAARP SOCIAL CLUBS. Thousands of our<br />
members enjoy the camaraderie and outings<br />
offered by these clubs. Contact us for details<br />
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find a club in your area.<br />
• When contacting service providers<br />
directly, be sure to tell them that you<br />
are a SAARP member, in order to qualify<br />
for the benefits.<br />
• If you want to sign up as a member<br />
or want to change your contact<br />
details contact Anne at SAARP on<br />
tel: 021 592 1279.<br />
<strong>saarp</strong> 37
Hoe ’n onlangse wet jou teen skELms<br />
EN skELmstrEkE beskerm<br />
deur Philip Bateman<br />
Het jy al ooit iets direk oor die pos bestel en dan<br />
vasgestel dat dit nie presies is wat jy bestel het<br />
nie? Of ’n gebrekkige item teruggeneem winkel<br />
toe en hulle het geweier om dit om te ruil of jou<br />
geld terug te gee? Ken jou regte en jy kan jou geld<br />
terugeis.<br />
Om eerlik te wees: tot ’n paar jaar gelede is baie<br />
verbruikers in Suid-Afrika sleg behandel.<br />
Daar was skelm skemas wat reuse rentekoerse<br />
beloof het en waarin pensioentrekkers al hulle<br />
spaargeld belê het – en dan stort hulle in duie.<br />
Mense het vir motorherstelwerk betaal wat nie<br />
regtig nodig was nie. Mense het in uitkeerpolisse<br />
“belê” en na drie jaar moes hulle vasstel dat hulle<br />
nog steeds ’n “lening” teen die polis afbetaal waarmee<br />
die agent se kommissie betaal is en dat hulle<br />
polis in daardie stadium nog geen waarde gehad<br />
het nie.<br />
Die meeste van ons is al op een van hierdie<br />
maniere gevang – maar vandag kan jy bietjie<br />
ontspan. Die onlangse Verbruikersbeskermingswet<br />
(VBW) gee vir jou groot bedingingsmag en<br />
skelm handelaars mag op die vlug slaan as hulle<br />
die groot hand van geregtigheid op hulle sien<br />
neerdaal.<br />
Die VBW help mense om kontrakte beter te verstaan<br />
omdat dit nou in gewone en verstaanbare<br />
taal opgestel moet word. “Dit gee groot beskerming<br />
aan die kwesbares, veral aan bejaardes,” sê ’n<br />
segsman van die Departement van Handel en Nywerheid<br />
(DHN). “Dit is die mense wat ons probeer<br />
beskerm.”<br />
“Ken en verstaan hierdie wet en by wie jy moet<br />
kla en jy sal selde of ooit in die nag hoef wakker<br />
te lê en wonder of jy jou geld verloor het,” ver-<br />
38<br />
klaar Paul Rosenbrock, direkteur van <strong>SAVA</strong>, wat<br />
’n kragtige vegter vir ouer mense se regte is. “Bejaardes<br />
in hierdie land het baie meer regte as ooit<br />
tevore, maar hulle is dikwels nie daarvan bewus<br />
nie.”<br />
Hier is ’n aantal belangrike vrae en antwoorde<br />
oor die VBW:<br />
Vraag: Kos dit my iets?<br />
Antwoord: Nee. Die VBW is daargestel om kwesbare<br />
mense te beskerm. Een rede in die verlede<br />
was dat skelm verkoopsmanne maar net kon gesê<br />
het: “Praat met my prokureur,” en dan geweet<br />
het dat die saak nie verder gevoer sou word nie<br />
omdat die slagoffer dikwels nie ’n regsgeding<br />
kon bekostig nie. En ouer mense was dikwels<br />
traag om hof toe te gaan as gevolg van die smart<br />
daaraan verbonde en omdat hulle bang was dat<br />
hulle die koste sou moes betaal as hulle verloor.<br />
Daarom is die VBW ingebring om vir jou regte te<br />
gee en om ’n verhoog daar te stel waar die geskil<br />
bygelê kan word.<br />
Vraag: Dit het waarskynlik net met goedere te<br />
doen, soos klere, toestelle en so meer …<br />
Antwoord: Nee, jy geniet ook beskerming vir dienste.<br />
As ’n elektrisiën na jou huis toe kom en sê<br />
dat jou hele bedrading vervang moet word en later<br />
blyk dit dat die fout net by die uitskopskakelaar<br />
gelê het, en – erger nog – dat die vorige eienaar<br />
die bedrading net twee jaar tevore vervang het,<br />
dan het jy ’n saak dat hy jou geld moet terugbetaal.<br />
Jy het nie nodig om die dienste van ’n prokureur<br />
in te roep nie. Jy kan reguit na die DHN toe<br />
gaan. Ons gee later die adres.<br />
Stop struggling to get out of your seat<br />
Swivel<br />
Cushion<br />
Available from<br />
1 2 3<br />
• Makes it easy to swing legs and lower body around<br />
• Flexible – works on fl at surfaces and contoured bucket seats<br />
• Soft & comfortable for long trips<br />
• Ideal for aged, people recovering from injury or with reduced<br />
lower back strength<br />
Contact us at offi<br />
Order on line at or call us on 0861 102075<br />
<strong>saarp</strong> 39
Vraag: Watter dokumente het ek nodig om ’n<br />
klagte te lê?<br />
Antwoord: Hou alles – datums waarop jy met die<br />
verskaffer gepraat het, bewysstukke van wat hy<br />
gesê en waarop julle ooreengekom het, fakture,<br />
kwotasies – alles. Jy moet ook aandui dat jy eers<br />
probeer het om die saak met die verskaffer uit<br />
te klaar en nie daarin geslaag het nie. Jy sal jou<br />
saak duidelik en sonder emosie moet stel en al<br />
die bewyse voorlê. Natuurlik moet jy afskrifte hou.<br />
Vraag: Nou die dag het ek ’n kontrak van sestien<br />
bladsye ontvang om te teken. Ek het die<br />
mense op hulle woord geneem omdat ek dit<br />
nie verstaan het nie. Was dit korrek?<br />
Antwoord: Nee, jy moet nooit ’n kontrak teken as<br />
jy dit nie volledig verstaan nie. Die ander party<br />
moes dit volledig aan jou verduidelik het en dit<br />
moes in gewone Afrikaans of Engels gewees het<br />
sodat jy dit kan verstaan. Ja, dit beteken geen<br />
ingewikkelde wetstaal nie maar iets wat vir jou<br />
verstaanbaar is. Hulle was dus verkeerd en die<br />
kontrak sal waarskynlik nie geldig wees nie.<br />
Vraag: Ek het aan ’n kompetisie van ’n groot<br />
kleinhandelgroep deelgeneem en niks verder<br />
gehoor nie. Dit het ook nie gelyk of daar<br />
enige reëls was nie.<br />
Antwoord: Dit klink nie wettig nie. Ongelukkig<br />
hou baie kompetisies deesdae nie by die wet nie.<br />
Daar is ’n afdeling in die VBW wat hieroor handel.<br />
Jy moet presies weet wie die kompetisie aanbied,<br />
watter pryse aangebied word en waar jy die reëls<br />
kan lees. Jy moet ook weet waar en wanneer die<br />
pryse afgehaal kan word. As enige van hierdie<br />
inligting ontbreek, is die kompetisie onwettig.<br />
Tussen hakies, hulle mag nie inskryfgeld vra nie<br />
– afgesien van redelike koste om die inskrywing<br />
per pos, SMS of hoe ook al aan te stuur. As jy dus<br />
moes betaal om deel te neem, was dit onwettig.<br />
Vraag: Ek het gister ’n kontrak by ’n direkte<br />
bemarkingsmaatskappy geteken om ’n hoë-<br />
40<br />
troustel te koop, maar ek het van plan verander.<br />
Ek wil uitkom! Wat kan ek doen?<br />
Antwoord: Maak gou! Die VBW gee jou vyf dae<br />
om ENIGE ooreenkoms vir watter rede ook al te<br />
kanselleer. Dit word ’n “afkoeltyd” genoem. Sê dus<br />
vir hulle dat jy dit kanselleer.<br />
Vraag: Ek het ’n ketel by ’n kleinhandelaar<br />
gekoop en twee maande later het dit ingegee.<br />
Wat is my regte?<br />
Antwoord: Die VBW gee jou die reg tot veilige<br />
kwaliteitprodukte. Jy is geregtig om dit sonder<br />
benadeling op onkoste en risiko van die verskaffer<br />
terug te neem – tot ses maande na die aankoop as<br />
die item van minderwaardige kwaliteit of onveilig<br />
of stukkend is. Die kleinhandelaar is verplig om<br />
jou geld terug te gee of om die item te herstel of<br />
vervang. Jy moet die aankoopstrokie as bewys<br />
van aankoop wys en ideaal gesproke ook die<br />
oorspronklike verpakking omdat dit deel van die<br />
produk is. Natuurlik val dit weg as jy die item<br />
deur jou eie nalatigheid beskadig het, byvoorbeeld<br />
as jy dit laat val het.<br />
bY WIE OM TE kLA:<br />
Die verbruikershulplyn by een van die volgende:<br />
• Die kliëntekontaksentrum van die DHN: 0861<br />
843 384<br />
• Die kliëntebeskermingskantoor (KBK) van die<br />
DHN: (012) 394 1436 / 1558 / 1076<br />
• Die epos-adres van die DHN: contactus@thedti.<br /><br />
• Die webwerf van die DHN:<br />
’n Nuttige verbruikershandboekie “Ek ken my<br />
regte. Ken jy joune?” kan verkry word van die<br />
bostaande kontakgegewens of afgelaai word<br />
van:<br />
et-starter/docs/CPA-UsersGuide.pdf<br />
A guide to discounts and benefits for<br />
boomers, seniors and retirees<br />
by Marilyn Hallett<br />
If you believe that it’s too late to take a risk and chase a dream,<br />
meet Marilyn Hallett, Baby Boomer on a mission and founder of<br />
You’ve Earned It (YEI), South Africa’s directory of benefits and discounts<br />
for boomers, seniors and retirees.<br />
Following Juta’s publication of her book You’ve Earned It (or YEI)<br />
in 2008, she took the business online in 2011. The website, You’ve<br />
Earned It or YEI was launched on 23 September 2011. YEI wishes<br />
to be seen as a company who values and nurtures the senior market.<br />
To this end, the YEI website showcases advertisements that are<br />
of interest to this age group as well as companies offering discounts<br />
and benefits to seniors and retirees. YEI also features interesting<br />
and informative articles geared at the over 50’s, as well as an online<br />
forum, sounding board and meeting place for this sector. We heartily<br />
welcome comment and discussion.<br />
Marilyn believes that timing is everything. YEI launched in the same<br />
year that the first of the Baby Boomers were starting to retire. “Seniors<br />
and retirees are well-looked after and nurtured in many other<br />
countries. It’s time that we, in South Africa, do the same. The YEI<br />
ethos is such that boomers, seniors and retirees should feel valued,”<br />
she says.<br />
Even though we are still in our infancy, YEI has some wonderful advertisers<br />
on board. Companies such as Nedbank, Shoprite/Checkers,<br />
Primi Piatti, Auto and General and Run Walk for Life have already<br />
identified with YEI’s potential, vision and mission. Many other companies<br />
who have come on board to offer good value and great discounts<br />
- too many to mention, and more in the pipeline. It has been<br />
very heart-warming to see these companies come on board, knowing<br />
that they share in YEI’s vision in valuing our senior citizens.<br />
To view the discounts and benefits, comment on articles and advertisers,<br />
and participate in discussion as well as receive monthly YEI<br />
e-Newsletters, YEI readers do need to register (it’s FREE) on the YEI<br />
website –<br />
YEI’s biggest challenge is to attract more members which will result<br />
in YEI being able to negotiate discounts and benefits with many more<br />
companies. We also need more advertisers on board in order to satisfy<br />
the readers. All of this will be to the benefit of boomers, seniors<br />
and retirees in South Africa.<br />
<strong>saarp</strong> 41
PrOfile: executive director,<br />
Ray Hattingh<br />
In this and subsequent issues, we are publishing<br />
one of the short biographies of our three executive<br />
directors, so that you can get to know them better.<br />
Here’s the first.<br />
I was fortunate enough to grow up in a small<br />
Karoo town with a school that provided a wellrounded<br />
education – and produced many rugby<br />
Springboks in the early years of last century. A<br />
love of nature, books and an enquiring mind are<br />
by-products of those years.<br />
At 29, I changed from my banking career to computer<br />
programming, with Liberty Life.<br />
The invaluable experience of being a systems, as<br />
well as a business analyst, led to my being offered<br />
consultancy posts at accounting firms.<br />
After that I spent 15 years consulting on my<br />
own before being recruited by the old ARP&P (an<br />
association for retired people) as their General<br />
Manager in 2003. To be frank, it soon became<br />
obvious that they were on a road to nowhere<br />
and I suggested to their Board that they accept<br />
SAARP’s offer to take over the social clubs. At<br />
SAARP, my IT background soon led to my managing<br />
the database as well as the social clubs.<br />
Two years ago we built a house in the beautiful<br />
rural retreat of Riebeek Kasteel and my wife Julie<br />
and our daughter Alison moved there. That<br />
Karoo blood still courses strongly. I commute<br />
from there, daily, and it’s a great pleasure to do<br />
so.<br />
I’m constantly aware of the changing seasons as<br />
we move from wheat production to grapes and<br />
back again. One sees a new view every day. Our<br />
son Grant, while living in Cape Town, also has<br />
a ‘get-away’ cottage on a farm close to Riebeek<br />
Kasteel. He is the owner and driving force behind<br />
African Urchin – a manufacturer of jewellery created<br />
around sea urchin shells.<br />
I am chairman of the Pinelands Writers’ Circle,<br />
as well as the secretary of the Cape Town branch<br />
of the SA Military History Society. I am also a<br />
member of the Friends of the SAAF Museum and<br />
42<br />
the Railway Society. I have always had a deep<br />
interest in aviation and should probably have<br />
chosen a career as an aeronautical engineer.<br />
This interest naturally involves a curiosity about<br />
UFOs. I have learned that experiences in this<br />
field are best kept to oneself!<br />
The single greatest influence on my later years<br />
has been a little book entitled Freedom from<br />
the Known, a compilation of lectures by Jiddah<br />
Krishnamurtui.<br />
I’ve long since learned that one cannot change<br />
society, one can merely influence by example.<br />
I’ve always said that the best epitaph is, “He<br />
tried to be decent.”<br />
My best SAARP memories are the lunches after<br />
the regional meetings and the various club<br />
year-end functions I’ve attended. It is on these<br />
occasions that you really get to know people and<br />
their feelings and desires.<br />
I would like to see SAARP develop along the lines<br />
of the American AARP, who have a paid lobby in<br />
Washington, so that we can acquire the clout to<br />
become a voice for the older people of this country<br />
whom I feel have been side-lined by the likes<br />
of Madiba and Bishop Tutu with their concentration<br />
on the youth. The youth did not build this<br />
country. We ‘oldies’ did.<br />
I guess that many people came to know my<br />
approach to life after I lost the bottom of my<br />
right leg in a motorcycle accident about four<br />
years ago. I developed a skit on Jeremy Clarkson’s<br />
tame racing driver, The Stig, in Top Gear.<br />
I signed my e-mails to friends, “Some say he<br />
hasn’t a leg to stand on. And that he’s footless<br />
and fancy free. All we know is that he’s called,<br />
The Stump.”<br />
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34<br />
Have FUN through sAArP social clubs<br />
A B C D<br />
Panorama 083 280 2676 Richard Anders<br />
Bellville 021 919 1671 Johnny Hing<br />
Clarewyn 021 761 7855 Erica Faure<br />
Constantia 083 582 5332 Riny Veraar<br />
Fish Hoek 021 782 2719 Brenda Murrell<br />
Groote Schuur 021 681 2821 Victoria Paterson<br />
Helderberg 021 855 2218 Chris Marshall<br />
Hermanus 028 316 2390 Ingrid Green<br />
Milnerton 021 556 9576 Margaret Beekman<br />
Muizenberg 021 788 7886 Beryl Thorpe<br />
Pinelands 021 434 1230 Merle Byworth<br />
Silvermine 021 789 1065 Ext 2065 Enid Stephens<br />
Jeffery’s Bay 042 296 0193 Louis Opperman<br />
PE East 041 581 3267 Brian Waxham<br />
PE West 041 365 4671 Lynne Crothall<br />
Bloemfontein 051 522 7535 Judy Mitchell<br />
Alexandra 039 975 9612 Pam Colvin<br />
Amanzimtoti 031 903 4182 Maureen Proctor<br />
Margate 039 312 6348 Lucas Barnard<br />
Pinetown 031 709 1959 Brian Humphrey<br />
PMBurg 033 346 2449 Roy MacBean<br />
Umhlanga 031 572 4421 John Young<br />
Upper Highway 031 765 4762 Gloria Humble<br />
North Rand Jeff Hollingdale<br />
Temba 012 717 2931 M C Mhlongo<br />
George 044 873 2125 Adrian Green<br />
Sedgefield 044 343 1877 Ros Macmillan<br />
HOLIDAY FLATS available at half the price!<br />
Holiday accomodation available: overlooking the Hermanus Golf Club, also in Somerset West,<br />
Plettenberg Bay and in Port Alfred!<br />
Fully furnished, microwave, tv & DSTV. linen and bath towels provided.<br />
Current “Pensioners Special” available at an AMAZInG 50% discount until end of<br />
November <strong>2012</strong>: Terms and Conditions apply.<br />
Contact Sandra Davies 028 313 0312 for more details on prices.<br />
<strong>saarp</strong> 43
44<br />
Moscow to St Petersburg<br />
9 nights on-board M/S “litvinov”<br />
In 2013 experience the real Russia on a relaxing river cruise on the mighty River Volga from Moscow<br />
to St Petersburg, with some fascinating stops on the way. Both cities are explored in depth and on a<br />
typical trip with two full days to explore Moscow, and St Petersburg. There is a full programme of excursions<br />
throughout. The journey between the two mighty cities takes in some of Russia’s historic socalled<br />
‘Golden Ring’ towns - many of which pre-date Moscow and St Petersburg. You’ll also stop off at a<br />
number of villages on the journey, giving you a taste of life in Russia away from the hustle and bustle of<br />
the two primary cities.<br />
sailing dates from moscow<br />
12 May, 31 May, 19 June, 8 July, 27 July, 15 August, 3 September, 22 September, 2013. For reverse<br />
sailings from St Petersburg please ask us for dates<br />
& prices.<br />
Price guide<br />
• Cruise prices start from R11,800 per person<br />
sharing a double cabin.<br />
Your cruise price includes<br />
• Accommodations in all outside cabins, each<br />
with private bathroom facilities, individual temperature<br />
control and large picture window<br />
• Three meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner)<br />
per day in the ship’s restaurant with the same<br />
menu for all passengers irrespective of cabin<br />
category; meal service begins with dinner on day of embarkation and ends with breakfast on day of<br />
disembarkation.<br />
• Captain’s welcome Cocktail Reception<br />
• Gala farewell Dinner aboard<br />
• Full sightseeing programs in each of the ports of call, transfers for groups upon arrival/departure.<br />
• luggage handling to/from the ship<br />
• lectures, Russian language and song lectures<br />
• nightly entertainment and dancing, Daily aerobics, tour of the ship’s bridge.<br />
• Orthodox cruise director and staff.<br />
• Port taxes<br />
There are a number of factors which will influence the price of your travel arrangements, including the<br />
standard of cabin and the departure date of your cruise.<br />
Experience South America with Costa Cruises<br />
Costa Fascinosa - Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay - 12 Days<br />
Catch the sensual spirit of South America on this cruise. This faraway land is a place of drama, passion<br />
vibrancy and beauty, where life is lived to the full. Admire the love of dance and music which brings out<br />
the sheer joy of being alive.<br />
Sailing dates from Rio de Janeiro<br />
18, 27 Dec. <strong>2012</strong> , 5, 14, 23 Jan. 1, 10, 19,<br />
28 Feb. 9 Mar 2013<br />
Visit Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires (2 days)<br />
Punto de Este (Uruguay), Portobelo & Santos<br />
(Brazil).<br />
Price guide<br />
Prices start at R34,400 for an inside cabin<br />
and R37,345 for an ocean view cabin.<br />
Your Cruise/Holiday price includes<br />
• Return economy class flights with SAA<br />
from Johannesburg to Rio de Janeiro<br />
• Airport taxes & fuel surcharges<br />
• Private transfers Airport/Hotel/Ship/Airport<br />
• One night’s accommodation in Rio at 4 star Windsor Excelsior Hotel including breakfast<br />
• Costa Fascinosa cruise for 9 nights in your chosen cabin<br />
• All meals and entertainment<br />
Johannesburg: Melinda Letchman on tel: 011 453 1401 or<br />
e-mail:<br />
Cape Town: Letitia Muller on tel: 021 590 7900<br />
e-mail:<br />
<strong>saarp</strong> 45
46<br />
Holiday Club<br />
Did you know that you can obtain holiday accommodation at a fraction<br />
of its normal price through SAARP? And that the accommodation is in<br />
glorious places throughout southern Africa? That’s just one of the many<br />
benefits you enjoy as a member.<br />
MABALINGWE 11 - 15 FEB STUDIO R 1,400.00<br />
MABALINGWE 18 - 22 FEB STUDIO R 1,400.00<br />
RIVIERA ON VAAL 28 JAN - 1 FEB 1 BEDR R 1,800.00<br />
RIVIERA ON VAAL 4 - 8 FEB 1 BEDR R 1,800.00<br />
PEBBLE BEACH 28 JAN - 1 FEB 1 BEDR R 1,400.00<br />
PEBBLE BEACH 11 - 15 FEB 1 BEDR R 1,400.00<br />
UMHLANGA CABANAS 11 - 16 FEB 2 BEDR R 1,600.00<br />
UMHLANGA CABANAS 4 - 9 MARCH 2 BEDR R 1,600.00<br />
DOLPHIN VIEW 4 - 8 FEB 1 BEDR R 1,400.00<br />
DOLPHIN VIEW 18 - 22 FEB 1 BEDR R 1,400.00<br />
DOLPHIN VIEW 4 - 8 MARCH 1 BEDR R 1,400.00<br />
CHAKAS ROCK 4 - 8 MARCH 2 BEDR R 1,200.00<br />
BREAKERS 28 JAN - 2 FEB 1 BEDR R 1,400.00<br />
BREAKERS 25 FEB - 2 MARCH 1 BEDR R 1,400.00<br />
KIARA LODGE 4 - 8 FEB 1 BEDR R 1,800.00<br />
KIARA LODGE 18 - 22 FEB 1 BEDR R 1,800.00<br />
DRAKENSBERG SUN 28 JAN - 1 FEB 1 BEDR R 1,800.00<br />
DRAKENSBERG SUN 4 - 8 MARCH 1 BEDR R 1,800.00<br />
MIDLANDS SADDLE&TROUT 11 - 15 FEB 1 BEDR R 1,400.00<br />
ROYAL ATLANTIC 18 - 22 FEB 1 BEDR R 1,600.00<br />
TABLEVIEW CABANAS 28 JAN - 1 FEB 1 BEDR R 1,400.00<br />
TABLEVIEW CABANAS 18 - 22 FEB 1 BEDR R 1,400.00<br />
CASTLETON 28 JAN - 1 FEB 1 BEDR R 1,600.00<br />
Any cancellations MUST be made at least 10 WEEKS prior to check in date.<br />
For more information and bookings contact RENSKE on tel: 021-592 1279<br />
Just for FUn!<br />
BULLETIN 3<br />
Philip Bateman<br />
Word hunt puzzle for SAARP <strong>Bulletin</strong> 3<br />
e l s y m p h o n y l<br />
re gl vs y i m o p l h i o n ry hl y<br />
ur eg nv i t o h l wi gn ar yh y p n<br />
su ce n t i h ow eg ta ry sp n a x<br />
s i e e s i a a u r c<br />
s c n i o e t r s a x<br />
e r u t l u c i r g a<br />
s i e e s i a a u r c<br />
r t n i r c o s i o b<br />
e r u t l u c i r g a<br />
p g m b w w y h o e b<br />
r t n e i kr c io rs ci o e b g a<br />
ap g f m c b aw cw ty uh so e i b<br />
g<br />
t e n n o s g u u b e<br />
r t e k c i r c e g a<br />
a f c a c t u s i b g<br />
t e n n o s g u u b e<br />
SUDOkU<br />
LYNX<br />
TWO<br />
CACTUS<br />
WIT<br />
INTO<br />
VIOLIN<br />
RAT<br />
SONNET<br />
4 5 9 2 7<br />
9 3 2 8<br />
4 3<br />
1 3<br />
6 8 3 1<br />
9 6<br />
6 5<br />
1 3 9 8<br />
7 2 1 9 4<br />
<strong>saarp</strong> 47
Solutions / Oplossings<br />
Did you know:<br />
• 11% of people are left handed?<br />
• August has the highest percentage of<br />
births?<br />
• unless food is mixed with saliva you can’t<br />
taste it?<br />
• the average person falls asleep in<br />
seven minutes?<br />
• an ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain?<br />
source:<br />
48<br />
r b q h t k a n t g s i s w<br />
f e u r i l z l i o f f e r<br />
a r e l z e d y r t s a p a<br />
o i l p r g g a n v r f l z<br />
o q l u i d t s r i c o p o<br />
p e t f f t j s n c g i o r<br />
b a t t l e m e n t i i t e<br />
n e c a r g s i d o s s r b<br />
d v m s r s v u i r a h l o<br />
r u e e r b d d n e v a e h<br />
s y w o l l e y f z n m o y<br />
y a c h t a b l e k p m t s<br />
k e d s i m p l e i e e b m<br />
a l i o n b l t o c i r p a<br />
for / vir April <strong>2012</strong><br />
battlement home table<br />
origin idea useful<br />
yellow jersey victor<br />
apricot kill weariness<br />
blanket lamb yacht<br />
celebrate malt zero<br />
disgrace nature essay<br />
offer feast pastry<br />
gifted quell hammer<br />
razor sad simple<br />
heaven to<br />
Enjoy your freedom<br />
with our special<br />
SAARP rates<br />
Finally you have the time to travel locally and abroad, discovering new destinations and enjoying your new-found freedom.<br />
As a SAARP member, you qualify for the best rate of the day less 5%, allowing you to enjoy your break even more!<br />
Making you reservation<br />
When you reserve your Avis car, please remember to supply the following information:<br />
• The full name of the driver<br />
• The car group required<br />
Conditions<br />
Only SAARP members qualify for these discounted rates. Reservations may only be made through Avis Central Reservations on 0861 021 111. These rates are subject<br />
to the Avis Standard Terms and Conditions. Payment must be made with an Avis honoured charge card such as Diners, Mastercard, Visa or American Express.<br />
Avis offers Point 2 Point, a transfer service<br />
that takes people from point A to B, any day<br />
of the week and at all hours of the day.<br />
• Collection and delivery locations<br />
• Your credit card number, expiry date<br />
Visit or call 0861 021 111<br />
Want to break away to the great outdoors?<br />
MANGWENI PRIVATE GAME RESERVE is just 40 kilometres west of Mookgopong,<br />
in the World Heritage site that is the Waterberg. It is just 2.5 hours from Johannesburg<br />
Enjoy the tranquil view of the river whilst preparing your meals in our Communal Thatch Lapa<br />
with a fully equipped kitchen, dining room, lounge and deck with a Jacuzzi. Gather socially with<br />
the other guests around the fire, appreciating the bright stars whilst attending to your braai.<br />
For more information:<br />
Call: 082 335 8501<br />
e-mail:<br />
website:<br />
Avis Breakdown and Emergency, will<br />
assists anytime of the day or night if<br />
you need help, 0800 001 669.<br />
• SAARP discount number J871801<br />
Optional GPS units are available on request<br />
ensuring you always stay on route to your<br />
destination.<br />
Our rates are very reasonable<br />
and we offer reduced rates from<br />
Monday to Thursday.
Key nutrients per dose<br />
Fish oil 843mg<br />
with Omega-3 fatty acids 500mg<br />
of which DHA 350mg<br />
Lutein 10mg<br />
Zeaxanthin 2mg<br />
Zinc 15mg<br />
Vitamin C 180mg<br />
Vitamin E 30mg<br />
Ask your pharmacist for new OCUVITE ® Complete<br />
– the leading nutritional eye health supplement.*<br /><br />
* Data on fi le<br />
Reduce the risk of agerelated<br />
sight changes with<br />
OCUVITE’S ®<br />
nutritional supplements<br />
Omega-3 fatty acids<br />
essential for the maintenance of normal<br />
vision and only obtained from food<br />
and supplements<br />
Lutein and zeaxanthin<br />
form the protective macular pigment that<br />
helps filter harmful blue light<br />
Antioxidants and zinc<br />
help neutralise excess free radicals<br />
Omega-3<br />
Protecting sight with science<br />
Applicant: Sofl ens (Pty) Ltd. Reg. No.: 68/11787/07. Marketed by: Bausch & Lomb (SA) (Pty) Ltd. Reg. No.: 1996/003931/07.<br />
14 Voyager Road, Linbro Business Park, Johannesburg 2090, Gauteng, South Africa.<br />
Tel: +27 11 372 5600 Fax: +27 11 372 5605.,,,