cgf annualreport 2011

cgf annualreport 2011

cgf annualreport 2011


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Mr. Armand Seguin<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Harris Seltzer<br />

Mr. Jack L. Selvey<br />

Mr. Jerrold K. Senser<br />

Mr. and Mrs. David Serls<br />

Mr. Paul Sevigny<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Seymore<br />

Mr. Samuel W. Shafer<br />

Mr. David M. Shames<br />

Mr. and Dr. Ted L. Shannon<br />

Dr. Philip E. Shapiro<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sharkey<br />

Mr. and Mrs. William E. Sharp, Jr.<br />

Mr. Francis Sharron<br />

Mrs. Ethelann M. Shaw<br />

Mr. Ronald Shear<br />

Mr. Robert S. Sheehan<br />

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sheehy<br />

Mr. Geoffery P. Shepard<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Sheridan<br />

Mr. Andrew J. Shine<br />

Ships of the Sea Maritime Museum<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Shivery<br />

Mr. Marwan Sholakh<br />

Mr. and Mrs. David Shooster<br />

Mr. David A. Shores<br />

Mr. and Mrs. David Short<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Nir Shoshani<br />

Mr. Bradley T. Shoults<br />

Mr. Richard Shrum<br />

Dr. Thomas A. Shuster<br />

Mr. Steven S. Sider<br />

Mr. Bart A. Siegel<br />

Mr. Robert L. Siegrist<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Siemers<br />

Signet Investment Advisory Group Inc.<br />

Mr. Ray Sikora<br />

Silberstein Associates, Inc.<br />

Mr. Eric I. Silverstein<br />

Mr. Wayne L. Simmer<br />

Ms. Adelle G. Simmons<br />

Mr. Ronald E. Simmons<br />

Mr. George R. Simon<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Simone<br />

Simply EZ Home Delivered Meals<br />

Mr. Mark E. Simpson<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Siok<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skiles<br />

Mr. D. Stephen Slack<br />

Mr. Timothy S. Slater<br />

Mr. Michael Sleichter<br />

Mr. James B. Slimmon, Jr.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Sloane<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Small<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Norbert A. Smialek<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Dale Smith<br />

Mr. Douglas C. Smith<br />

Mr. Eric G. Smith<br />

Mr. Gregory G. Smith<br />

Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Smith<br />

Mr. James H. Smith Jr.<br />

Mr. Jerry L. Smith<br />

Mr. Michael G. Smith<br />

Ms. Nancy Smith<br />

Mr. Peter C. Smith and Mrs. Doris Walker-Smith<br />

Mr. Phillip W. Smith<br />

Mr. Phillip W. Smith Jr.<br />

Mr. Roger H. Smith<br />

Ms. Sharon B. Smith<br />

Mr. Terry Smith<br />

Mr. William A. Smith<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Smurlo, Jr.<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Smuro<br />

Captain David Smyth<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Smythe<br />

Mr. Raymond Snow<br />

Ms. Victoria J. Snoy<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Danial B. Snyder<br />

Mr. and Mrs. William G. Snyder<br />

Mr. Sergio Solanot<br />

Mr. Matthew Solow<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Peter K. Soltani<br />

Ms. Elizabeth A. Sommers<br />

Ms. Cynthia I. Sorensen<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Sorensen<br />

Mr. Richard W. Sorenson, Jr.<br />

Ms. LaRita Sorrell<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sosnick<br />

Mr. Mark Sosnowski<br />

Mr. Stephen Soulas<br />

Sound Marine Solutions, Inc.<br />

Ms. Rose Southard<br />

Southbound Charters LLC<br />

Mr. Peter P. Sowles<br />

Mrs. Dorothy Spadoni<br />

Mr. Joseph W. Spalding II<br />

Ms. Jane M. Spangler<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sparrow<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Spawton Jr.<br />

Ms. Nancy L. Spears<br />

CAPT Christopher Spencer<br />

Ms. Julia Spencer<br />

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Spencer<br />

Mr. Joseph C. Spezzacatena<br />

Spinnaker Corporation<br />

Mr. Richard T. Spragens<br />

Sprouse & Spouse Trucking<br />

Dr. James F. Squadrito<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Stack<br />

Mr. John A. Stadler<br />

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Stafford<br />

Mr. and Mrs. M. Ronald Stallings<br />

Mr. Brewster G. Stalter II<br />

Mr. Jerome Stanbury<br />

CAPT Harold Stanley<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Stanton<br />

Mr. Gerald W. Stapp<br />

Star Taxi, Inc.<br />

Mr. Douglas E. Stark<br />

Mr. Darrel W. Starr, Jr.<br />

Mr. Troy Starship<br />

Mr. Bruce A. Steely<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Steets<br />

Mr. Philip M. Stein<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Victor L. Steiner<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Carleton H. Steins<br />

Steinwachs Family Foundation<br />

Stender Family Giving Account<br />

Mr. Michael Sternlieb<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Stevens<br />

Mr. Gary Stevens<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Stevens<br />

Mr. George Stewart<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Stiles<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Stirling<br />

Mr. Bogdan Stojkowski<br />

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Stolarski<br />

Mr. Steven G. Stoller<br />

Mr. Charles W. Stone<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Stonehouse<br />

CDR Benjamin J. Stoppe, USCG (Ret.)<br />

Mr. and Mrs. R. Dan Stover<br />

Strategic Food Partners, LLC<br />

Mr. Christopher D. Straub<br />

Mr. Tony Street<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Stringer<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Warren Stringer<br />

Striper Marina Inc.<br />

Mr. Kenneth H. Stroebel<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Strong<br />

Mr. Maxwell M. Strycker and<br />

Mrs. Samara A. Linsky Strycker<br />

Mr. Robert E. Stuart<br />

Mr. Geoffrey H. Sturgeon<br />

Mr. Thomas B. Sturges III<br />

CAPT Brian E. Styke<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Juan B. Suarez<br />

Mr. Louis A. Sulla and Ms. Sally Bartolotta<br />

Mr. Jonathan Sullivan<br />

LT and Mrs. Patrick Sullivan<br />

Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Sullivan, Jr.<br />

Mr. Timothy C. Sullivan<br />

Mr. Wilfred A. Sumner<br />

Sunrise Multispecialist Medical Center<br />

Mr. Leon C. Sunstein, Jr.<br />

Sunstream Boat Lifts<br />

Mr. Charles L. Suran<br />

Mr. Robert J. Suslak<br />

Mr. Martin P. Sutter<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Suttles<br />

Mr. Richard M. Swanson<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sweat<br />

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Swedberg<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Sween<br />

Mr. Richmond Sweet<br />

Mr. Nathaniel M. Swergold<br />

Ms. Robin Switzer<br />

CDR Richard M. Symons, USCG (Ret.)<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Szott<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Szygiel<br />

T.B. Harris, Jr. & Associates<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Ross H. Taff<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Talbot<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tamagni, Jr.<br />

Mr. Philip W. Tankard<br />

Mr. Geoffrey M. Tapper<br />

Mrs. Beryl Tarrant<br />

Mr. and Mrs. James T. Taylor<br />

Mr. John S. Taylor<br />

Mr. Ken Taylor<br />

TB Harris, Jr. & Associates Consulting<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Teare<br />

coast guard foundation h <strong>2011</strong> donors a|19

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