Chapter 5 Resource Masters - Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Chapter 5 Resource Masters - Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Chapter 5 Resource Masters - Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
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Copyright © by the <strong>McGraw</strong>- <strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is<br />
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<strong>Macmillan</strong>/ <strong>McGraw</strong>- <strong>Hill</strong><br />
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ISBN: 978-0-02-105821-1<br />
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Teacher’s Guide to Using<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> 5 <strong>Resource</strong>s ..........................................iv<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> 5 Graphic Organizer ................................... 1<br />
Student Glossary .......................................................... 2<br />
Family Letter ................................................................ 4<br />
Family Letter Spanish ................................................. 5<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> 5 Anticipation Guide .................................. 6<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> 5 Game .......................................................... 7<br />
Lesson 5–1 Multiply by 3<br />
Reteach ........................................................................... 8<br />
Skills Practice ................................................................ 9<br />
Homework Practice ..................................................10<br />
Problem-Solving Practice ........................................11<br />
Enrich.............................................................................12<br />
Lesson 5–2 Multiply by 6<br />
Reteach .........................................................................13<br />
Skills Practice ..............................................................14<br />
Homework Practice ..................................................15<br />
Problem-Solving Practice ........................................16<br />
Enrich.............................................................................17<br />
Lesson 5–3 Problem-Solving<br />
Strategy: Look for<br />
a Pattern<br />
Reteach .........................................................................18<br />
Skills Practice ..............................................................20<br />
Homework Practice ..................................................21<br />
Enrich.............................................................................22<br />
Lesson 5–4 Multiply by 7<br />
Reteach .........................................................................23<br />
Skills Practice ..............................................................24<br />
Homework Practice ..................................................25<br />
Problem-Solving Practice ........................................26<br />
Enrich.............................................................................27<br />
Lesson 5–5 Multiply by 8<br />
Reteach .........................................................................28<br />
Skills Practice ..............................................................29<br />
Homework Practice ..................................................30<br />
Problem-Solving Practice ........................................31<br />
Enrich.............................................................................32<br />
Lesson 5–6 Multiply by 9<br />
Reteach .........................................................................33<br />
Skills Practice ..............................................................34<br />
Homework Practice ..................................................35<br />
Problem-Solving Practice ........................................36<br />
Enrich.............................................................................37<br />
Grade 3 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Table of Contents<br />
iii<br />
Lesson 5–7 Problem-Solving<br />
Investigation: Choose<br />
a Strategy<br />
Reteach .........................................................................38<br />
Skills Practice ..............................................................40<br />
Homework Practice ..................................................41<br />
Enrich.............................................................................42<br />
Lesson 5–8 Algebra: Associative<br />
Property<br />
Reteach .........................................................................43<br />
Skills Practice ..............................................................44<br />
Homework Practice ..................................................45<br />
Problem-Solving Practice ........................................46<br />
Enrich.............................................................................47<br />
Lesson 5–9 Algebra: Find a Rule<br />
Reteach .........................................................................48<br />
Skills Practice ..............................................................49<br />
Homework Practice ..................................................50<br />
Problem-Solving Practice ........................................51<br />
Enrich.............................................................................52<br />
Individual Progress Checklist .................................53<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> Tests:<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> Diagnostic Assessment ...........................54<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> Pretest ..........................................................55<br />
Quizzes 1, 2, & 3 ........................................................56<br />
Quizzes 4, 5, & 6 ........................................................57<br />
Quizzes 7, 8, & 9 .....................................................58<br />
Mid-<strong>Chapter</strong> Review .................................................59<br />
Vocabulary Test ..........................................................60<br />
Oral Assessment ........................................................61<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> Project Rubric .............................................63<br />
Foldables Rubric ........................................................64<br />
Test Form 1 .................................................................65<br />
Test Form 2A ...............................................................67<br />
Test Form 2B ...............................................................69<br />
Test Form 2C ...............................................................71<br />
Test Form 2D ..............................................................73<br />
Test Form 3 .................................................................75<br />
Extended-Response Test .........................................77<br />
Student Recording Sheet ....................................78<br />
Cumulative Standardized<br />
Test Practice ..............................................................79<br />
Answer Pages ...........................................................A1
Teacher’s Guide to Using the<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> 5 <strong>Resource</strong> <strong>Masters</strong><br />
The <strong>Chapter</strong> 5 <strong>Resource</strong> <strong>Masters</strong> includes the core materials needed for <strong>Chapter</strong> 5. These<br />
materials include worksheets, extensions, and assessment options. The answers for these<br />
pages appear at the back of this booklet.<br />
All of the materials found in this booklet are included for viewing and printing on the<br />
TeacherWorks Plus TM CD-ROM.<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s<br />
Graphic Organizer (page 1) This master<br />
is a tool designed to assist students with<br />
comprehension of grade-level concepts. While<br />
the content and layout of these tools vary,<br />
their goal is to assist students by providing<br />
a visual representation from which they can<br />
learn new concepts.<br />
Student Glossary (page 2) This master<br />
is a study tool that presents the key<br />
vocabulary terms from the chapter. You may<br />
suggest that students highlight or star the<br />
terms they do not understand. Give this list<br />
to students before beginning Lesson 5–1.<br />
Remind them to add these pages to their<br />
mathematics study notebooks.<br />
Anticipation Guide (page 6) This master<br />
is a survey designed for use before beginning<br />
the chapter. You can use this survey to<br />
highlight what students may or may not<br />
know about the concepts in the chapter.<br />
There is space for recording how well<br />
students answer the questions before they<br />
complete the chapter. You may find it helpful<br />
to interview students a second time, after<br />
completing the chapter, to determine their<br />
progress.<br />
Game (page 7) A game is provided to<br />
reinforce chapter concepts and may be used<br />
at appropriate times throughout the chapter.<br />
<strong>Resource</strong>s for<br />
Computational Lessons<br />
Reteach Each lesson has an associated<br />
Reteach worksheet. In general, the Reteach<br />
worksheet focuses on the same lesson content<br />
but uses a different approach, learning style,<br />
or modality than that used in the Student<br />
iv<br />
Edition. The Reteach worksheet closes with<br />
computational practice of the concept.<br />
Skills Practice The Skills Practice<br />
worksheet for each lesson focuses on the<br />
computational aspect of the lesson. The<br />
Skills Practice worksheet may be helpful<br />
in providing additional practice of the skill<br />
taught in the lesson.<br />
Homework Practice The Homework<br />
Practice worksheet provides an opportunity<br />
for additional computational practice. The<br />
Homework Practice worksheet includes word<br />
problems that address the skill taught in the<br />
lesson.<br />
Problem-Solving Practice The Problem-<br />
Solving Practice worksheet presents<br />
additional reinforcement in solving word<br />
problems that apply both the concepts of the<br />
lesson and some review concepts.<br />
Enrich The Enrich worksheet presents<br />
activities that extend the concepts of the<br />
lesson. Some Enrich materials are designed<br />
to widen students’ perspectives on the<br />
mathematics they are learning. These<br />
worksheets are written for use with all<br />
levels of students.<br />
<strong>Resource</strong>s for Problem-Solving Strategy<br />
and Problem-Solving Investigation<br />
Lessons In recognition of the importance<br />
of problem-solving strategies, worksheets<br />
for problem-solving lessons follow a slightly<br />
different format. For problem-solving lessons,<br />
a two-page Reteach worksheet offers a<br />
complete model for choosing a problemsolving<br />
strategy. For each Problem-Solving<br />
Strategy lesson, Reteach and Homework<br />
Practice worksheets offer reinforcement of<br />
the strategy taught in the Student Edition<br />
lesson. In contrast, the Problem-Solving
Investigation worksheets include a model<br />
strategy on the Reteach worksheets and<br />
provide problems requiring several alternate<br />
strategies on the Homework Practice and<br />
Skills Practice worksheets.<br />
Assessment Options The assessment<br />
masters in the <strong>Chapter</strong> 5 <strong>Resource</strong> <strong>Masters</strong><br />
offer a wide variety of assessment tools<br />
for monitoring progress as well as final<br />
assessment.<br />
Individual Progress Checklist This<br />
checklist explains the chapter’s goals or<br />
objectives. Teachers can record whether<br />
a student’s mastery of each objective is<br />
beginning (B), developing (D), or mastered<br />
(M). The checklist includes space to record<br />
notes to parents as well as other pertinent<br />
observations.<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> Diagnostic Assessment This onepage<br />
test assesses students’ grasp of skills<br />
that are needed for success in the chapter.<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> Pretest This one-page quick<br />
check of the chapter’s concepts is useful<br />
for determining pacing. Performance on<br />
the pretest can help you determine which<br />
concepts can be covered quickly and which<br />
specific concepts may need additional time.<br />
Mid-<strong>Chapter</strong> Review This one-page<br />
chapter test provides an option to assess<br />
the first half of the chapter. It includes both<br />
multiple-choice and free-response questions.<br />
Quizzes Three free-response quizzes<br />
offer quick assessment opportunities at<br />
appropriate intervals in the chapter.<br />
Vocabulary Test This one-page test<br />
focuses on chapter vocabulary. It is suitable<br />
for all students. It includes a list of<br />
vocabulary words and questions to assess<br />
students’ knowledge of the words.<br />
Oral Assessment This two-page test<br />
consists of one page for teacher directions<br />
and questions and a second page for<br />
recording responses. Although this<br />
assessment is designed to be used with all<br />
students, the interview format focuses on<br />
assessing chapter content assimilated by<br />
ELL students.<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> Project Rubric This one-page<br />
rubric is designed for use in assessing the<br />
chapter project. You may want to distribute<br />
copies of the rubric when you assign the<br />
project and use the rubric to record each<br />
student’s chapter project score.<br />
Foldables Rubric This one-page rubric<br />
is designed to assess the Foldables graphic<br />
organizer. The rubric is written to the<br />
students, telling them what you will be<br />
looking for as you evaluate their completed<br />
Foldables graphic organizer.<br />
Leveled <strong>Chapter</strong> Tests<br />
• Form 1 assesses basic chapter concepts<br />
through multiple-choice questions and is<br />
designed for use with on-level students.<br />
• Form 2A is designed for on-level students<br />
and is primarily for those who may have<br />
missed the Form 1 test. It may be used<br />
as a retest for students who received<br />
additional instruction following the<br />
Form 1 test.<br />
• Form 2B is designed for students with<br />
a below-level command of the English<br />
language.<br />
• Form 2C is a free-response test designed<br />
for on-level students.<br />
• Form 2D is written for students with<br />
a below-level command of the English<br />
language.<br />
• Form 3 is a free-response test written for<br />
above-level students.<br />
• Extended-Response Test is an extended<br />
response test for on-level students.<br />
Student Recording Sheet This one-page<br />
recording sheet is for the standardized test<br />
in the Student Edition.<br />
Cumulative Standardized Test Practice<br />
This three-page test, aimed at on-level<br />
students, offers multiple-choice questions<br />
and free-response questions.<br />
Answers<br />
The answers for the Anticipation Guide and<br />
Lesson <strong>Resource</strong>s are provided as reduced<br />
pages with answers appearing in black. Full<br />
size line-up answer keys are provided for the<br />
Assessment <strong>Masters</strong>.<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5<br />
Name Date<br />
Graphic Organizer<br />
Use this graphic organizer to take notes on <strong>Chapter</strong> 5: More<br />
Multiplication Facts. Fill in the missing information.<br />
Extend the Pattern Name the Pattern<br />
5, 10, 15, 20, ,<br />
3, 6, 9, 12, ,<br />
2, 4, 6, 8, ,<br />
4, 8, 12, 16, ,<br />
6, 12, 18, 24, ,<br />
7, 14, 21, 28, ,<br />
9, 18, 27, 36, ,<br />
8, 16, 24, 32, ,<br />
Grade 3 1 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s
5<br />
Name Date<br />
This is an alphabetical list of new vocabulary terms you will learn<br />
in <strong>Chapter</strong> 5. As you study the chapter, complete each term’s<br />
definition or description. Remember to add the page number<br />
where you found the term. Add this page to your math study<br />
notebook to review vocabulary at the end of the chapter.<br />
array<br />
Student-Built Glossary<br />
Vocabulary Term<br />
Associative Property of<br />
Multiplication<br />
Commutative Property<br />
of Multiplication<br />
Found on<br />
Page Definition/Description/Example<br />
Grade 3 2 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5<br />
factor<br />
Identity Property of<br />
Multiplication<br />
pattern<br />
product<br />
Name Date<br />
Student-Built Glossary (continued)<br />
Grade 3 3 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s
Name Date<br />
Dear Family,<br />
Today my 5 class started <strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> M 5: : More More Multiplication ultiplication F Facts. acts I<br />
will be learning to multiply by 3, 6, 7, 8, and 9. I will also be learning to<br />
use the associative and commutative properties of multiplication. Here<br />
are my vocabulary words and an activity that we can do together.<br />
Love, ______________________<br />
Key Vocabulary<br />
Associative Property of Multipli cation The<br />
property that states that the grouping of the<br />
factors does not change the product.<br />
3 × (6 × 2) = (3 × 6) × 2<br />
factor A number that divides into a whole<br />
number evenly. Also a number that is multiplied<br />
by another number. 8 is a factor of 24.<br />
product The answer to a multiplication<br />
problem. It also refers to expressing a number as<br />
product of its factors.<br />
Books to Read<br />
Spaghetti and Meatballs for All!<br />
by Marilyn Burns<br />
Each Orange Has 8 Slices<br />
by Paul Giganti, Jr.<br />
Activity<br />
Place 81 paperclips in a bowl.<br />
Take 9 paperclips and put them<br />
into a small plastic bag. How<br />
many small plastic bags will you<br />
need for all 81 paperclips? What if<br />
you put 18 paperclips in to each<br />
bag? How many bags would you<br />
need then?<br />
2 × 2 = Boo Multiplication Stories<br />
by Loreen Leedy<br />
Grade Grade 3 4 4 <strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
Name Date<br />
Estimada familia:<br />
Hoy mi clase 5 comenzó el Capítulo Capítulo o 5: : Más Más operaciones cperaciones l m con on la a multiultiplicación.plicación Aprenderé a multiplicar por 3, 6, 7, 8 y 9 y también a usar la<br />
propiedad asociativa y la propiedad conmutativa de la multiplicación. A<br />
continuación, están mis palabras de vocabulario y una actividad que<br />
podemos hacer juntos.<br />
Cariños, ___________________<br />
Vocabulario clave<br />
Propiedad asociativa de la<br />
multiplicación Propiedad que establece<br />
que la agrupación de los factores no altera<br />
el producto. 3 × (6 × 2) = (3 × 6)<br />
× 2<br />
Factor: Número que divide exactamente a<br />
otro número entero. También es un número<br />
multiplicado por otro número.<br />
8 es un factor de 24<br />
Producto: Respuesta a un problema<br />
de multiplicación. También se refiere a la<br />
expresión de un número como el producto<br />
de sus factores.<br />
Libros recomendados<br />
Spaghetti and Meatballs for All!<br />
de Marilyn Burns<br />
Each Orange Has 8 Slices<br />
de Paul Giganti, Jr.<br />
Actividad<br />
Coloquen 81 clips en un tazón.<br />
Separen 9 en una bolsita plástica.<br />
¿Cuántas bolsitas necesitarán<br />
para los 81 clips? ¿Qué pasaría si<br />
usaran bolsas plásticas más<br />
grandes donde cupieran 18 clips?<br />
¿Cuántas bolsas necesitarían<br />
entonces?<br />
2 × 2 = Boo Multiplication Stories<br />
de Loreen Leedy<br />
Grade Grade 3 3 5 5 <strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> 5 5<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s
5<br />
Name Date<br />
Anticipation Guide<br />
More Multiplication Facts<br />
STEP 1 Before you begin <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
• Read each statement.<br />
• Decide whether you agree (A) or disagree (D) with the<br />
statement.<br />
• Write A or D in the first column OR if you are not sure whether<br />
you agree or disagree, write NS (not sure).<br />
STEP 1<br />
A, D, or NS Statement<br />
1. There is only way to multiply a number by 3.<br />
2. Organizing information in a table can help you to<br />
notice a pattern.<br />
3. 7 × 2 = 14 and 2 × 7 = 14<br />
4. You can use the doubles or near doubles strategy<br />
when one of the factors is odd.<br />
5. 9 × 8 = 72<br />
6. Looking for a pattern may be helpful in remembering<br />
the nines multiplication facts.<br />
7. The Associative Property of Multiplication states that<br />
the grouping of the factors does not change the<br />
product.<br />
8. Multiplication and addition are not helpful in<br />
extending a pattern.<br />
9. 9 × 9 = 99<br />
STEP 2 After you complete <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
• Reread each statement and complete the last column by<br />
entering an A (agree) or a D (disagree).<br />
• Did any of your opinions about the statements change from the<br />
first column?<br />
• For those statements that you mark with a D, use a separate sheet<br />
of paper to explain why you disagree. Use examples, if possible.<br />
STEP 2<br />
A or D<br />
Grade 3 6 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5<br />
You will need:<br />
56 index cards<br />
Pens<br />
Name Date<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> 5 Game<br />
Multiplication Concentration<br />
Copy the following multiplication sentences on separate index<br />
cards. Make two sets of each fact. You will have 56 cards all<br />
together.<br />
4 × 4 = 16 4 × 9 = 36 5 × 8 = 40 6 × 8 = 48 7 × 9 = 63 8 × 10 = 80<br />
4 × 5 = 20 4 × 10 = 40 5 × 9 = 45 6 × 9 = 54 7 × 10 = 70 9 × 9 = 81<br />
4 × 6 = 24 5 × 5 = 30 5 × 10 = 50 6 × 10 = 60 8 × 8 = 64 9 × 10 = 90<br />
4 × 7 = 28 5 × 6 = 30 6 × 6 = 36 7 × 7 = 49 8 × 9 = 72 10 × 10 = 100<br />
4 × 8 = 32 5 × 7 = 35 6 × 7 = 42 7 × 8 = 56<br />
1. Shuffle and place the cards face down in rows and columns.<br />
2. Turn over 2 cards and say the multiplication sentences aloud.<br />
3. Keep the cards if the multiplication sentences match and take<br />
another turn.<br />
4. Turn the cards face down if the multiplication sentences do<br />
not match. Then it’s the next player’s turn.<br />
5. The player with the most cards wins.<br />
4 9 = 36<br />
6 6 = 36<br />
Grade 3 7 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s
5–1<br />
Name Date<br />
Reteach<br />
Multiply by 3<br />
There are different ways to find answers for multiplication<br />
problems. One way is to use models to represent the problem.<br />
Find 3 × 4.<br />
Using Models Using Paper and Pencil<br />
Number of<br />
Groups<br />
Number in Each<br />
Group<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Total<br />
3 × 4 = 12<br />
3 groups of 4 cubes factor factor product<br />
Use models to find the total number.<br />
1. 2.<br />
3 groups of 5 = 4 groups of 3 =<br />
3. 4 × 5 = 4.<br />
3 groups of 7 =<br />
5. 3 × 6 = 6. 8 × 3 =<br />
7. 3 groups of 3 = 8. 4 groups of 3 =<br />
9. 3 groups of 2 = 10. 9 groups of 3 =<br />
Grade 3 8 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5–1<br />
Multiply.<br />
Name Date<br />
Skills Practice<br />
Multiply by 3<br />
1. 3 × 10 = 2. 5 × 3 =<br />
3. 3 × 8 = 4. 6 × 3 =<br />
5. 7 × 3 = 6. 3 × 9 =<br />
7. 2 × 3 = 8. 1 × 3 =<br />
9. 0 × 3 = 10. 3 × 7 =<br />
11. 8 × 3 = 12. 3 × 6 =<br />
13. 3 × 5 = 14. 4 × 3 =<br />
15. 3 × 4 = 16. 3 × 8 =<br />
ALGEBRA Complete each table.<br />
17.<br />
Solve.<br />
Rule: multiply by 3<br />
Input<br />
3<br />
6<br />
1<br />
Output<br />
30<br />
0<br />
Grade 3 9 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
18.<br />
Rule: multiply by 3<br />
Input<br />
9<br />
7<br />
Output<br />
19. Jay has 3 bags of fruit. Each bag has 8 pieces of fruit. How<br />
many pieces of fruit does Jay have altogether?<br />
20. Heather has 3 bags of pretzels. Each bag has 6 pretzels. How<br />
many pretzels does Heather have altogether?<br />
12<br />
6<br />
24<br />
3NS2.2<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s
5–1<br />
Multiply.<br />
Name Date<br />
Homework Practice<br />
Multiply by 3<br />
1. 3 × 3 = 2. 3 × 5 =<br />
3. 5 × 3 = 4. 9 × 3 =<br />
5. 4 × 3 = 6. 10 × 3 =<br />
7. 8 × 3 = 8. 3 × 7 =<br />
9. 6 × 3 = 10. 1 × 3 =<br />
Solve.<br />
11. The parking lot has 3 rows of cars. There are 6 cars in each<br />
row. How many cars are in the parking lot?<br />
12. Mary has 3 dimes in her pocket. Each dime equals<br />
10 pennies. If she traded her dimes for pennies, how many<br />
pennies would she have?<br />
Multiply. (Lesson 4–9)<br />
13. 0 × 3 = 14. 1 × 5 =<br />
15. 1 × 6 = 16. 0 × 9 =<br />
17. 0 × 1 = 18. 2 × 0 =<br />
19. 8 × 1 = 20. 1 × 0 =<br />
21. 1 × 4 = 22. 2 × 1 =<br />
23. 5 × 0 = 24. 0 × 1 =<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Grade 3 10 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5–1<br />
Solve.<br />
Name Date<br />
Problem-Solving Practice<br />
Multiply by 3<br />
1. Sean and Dave are playing with toy racecars. Sean has his<br />
cars lined up in 3 rows. He has 5 cars in each row. How<br />
many cars does he have in all?<br />
2. Dave has 4 rows of cars lined up. He has 3 cars in each row.<br />
How many cars does Dave have in all?<br />
3. The boys are sharing some special cars. They have 2 rows of<br />
special cars with 3 in each row. How many special cars do<br />
they have in all?<br />
4. Dave’s mom said that she would buy them more special cars.<br />
These cars cost $3 each. If she buys the boys 3 more, how<br />
much will she have to spend?<br />
5. The boys used their building blocks to create a wall for the<br />
cars to drive through. They plan to stack the blocks 3 across<br />
and 9 up. How many blocks do they need to build the wall?<br />
6. After they finish the wall, Dave and Sean each have 3 extra<br />
blocks. Two of these blocks are broken. How many extra<br />
blocks do they have left that are not broken?<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Grade 3 11 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s
5–1<br />
Name Date<br />
Enrich<br />
The Birthday Party<br />
Karlie, Keri, and Kristie are triplets. They are having a<br />
birthday party. Read each problem. Draw a picture for each<br />
number sentence. Use a separate sheet of paper if you<br />
need more room. Then write a number sentence that helps<br />
answer questions 1–4.<br />
1. Each girl wants to invite six different friends to the party. How<br />
many friends will be invited to the party?<br />
2. The girls’ dad is making a jewelry box for each girl. Each box<br />
has four sides, a bottom, and a lid that opens. How many<br />
sides for the jewelry boxes will he make?<br />
3. Their aunt is knitting sweaters for the girls. She is buying<br />
eight flowered buttons to put on each sweater. How many<br />
buttons does she need to buy?<br />
4. The girls are going to be 9 years old. They will blow out the<br />
candles on their cake together. If their mom wants to buy<br />
one set of nine candles for each girl to put on the cake, how<br />
many candles does she need to buy?<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Grade 3 12 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5–2<br />
Name Date<br />
Reteach<br />
Multiply by 6<br />
You can use facts that you already know to help you multiply by 6.<br />
Find 7 × 6 by doubling 7 × 3.<br />
3NS2.2<br />
7 groups of 6 = 7 groups of 3 plus 7 groups of 3<br />
7 × 6 = 7 × 3 + 7 × 3<br />
= 21 + 21 = 42<br />
Write a multiplication sentence for the picture.<br />
1. 2. 3.<br />
Multiply.<br />
= +<br />
4. 6 × 3 = 5. 6 × 5 = 6. 6 × 6 =<br />
7. 6 × 8 = 8. 6 × 1 = 9. 6 × 2 =<br />
10. 9 × 6 = 11. 6 × 7 = 12. 6 × 4 =<br />
13. 3 × 9 = 14. 3 × 3 = 15. 7 × 3 =<br />
16. 3 × 5 = 17. 3 × 8 = 18. 6 × 3 =<br />
Grade 3 13 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s
5–2<br />
Multiply.<br />
Name Date<br />
Skills Practice<br />
Multiply by 6<br />
1. 6 × 5 = 2. 6 × 7 =<br />
3. 9 × 6 = 4. 3 × 6 =<br />
5. 6 × 6 = 6. 7 × 6 =<br />
7. 1 × 6 = 8. 6 × 2 =<br />
9. 8 × 6 = 10. 10 × 6 =<br />
11. 3 × 6 = 12. 6 × 4 =<br />
13. 5 × 6 = 14. 6 × 3 =<br />
15. 6 × 8 = 16. 6 × 7 =<br />
17. 4 × 6 = 18. 6 × 9 =<br />
ALGEBRA Find each missing number.<br />
19. 5 × = 30 20. 9 × = 54<br />
21. 8 × = 24 22. 6 × = 42<br />
23. 6 × = 48 24. 9 × = 27<br />
ALGEBRA Find each rule.<br />
25. Rule: Multiply by<br />
Rule: Multiply by<br />
Input<br />
6<br />
7<br />
8<br />
9<br />
Output<br />
36<br />
42<br />
48<br />
54<br />
26. Rule: Multiply by<br />
Rule: Multiply by<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Output<br />
Grade 3 14 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Input<br />
6<br />
7<br />
8<br />
48<br />
56<br />
64<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5–2<br />
Multiply.<br />
Name Date<br />
Homework Practice<br />
Multiply by 6<br />
1. 6 × 4 = 2. 3 × 6 =<br />
3. 6 × 8 = 4. 4 × 6 =<br />
5. 6 × 0 = 6. 6 × 1 =<br />
7. 6 × 9 = 8. 9 × 6 =<br />
9. 5 × 6 = 10. 7 × 6 =<br />
Solve.<br />
11. Brad’s rabbit has 6 whiskers on both sides of its face. How<br />
many whiskers does the rabbit have on its face?<br />
12. Jan has 4 insects in a jar. Each insect has 6 legs. How many<br />
legs in all?<br />
Multiply. (Lesson 5–1)<br />
13. 3 × 9 = 14. 3 × 7 =<br />
15. 6 × 3 = 16. 5 × 3 =<br />
17. 4 × 3 = 18. 8 × 3 =<br />
19. 0 × 3 = 20. 7 × 3 =<br />
21. 3 × 2 = 22. 3 × 4 =<br />
23. 3 × 8 = 24. 9 × 3 =<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Grade 3 15 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s
5–2<br />
Solve.<br />
Name Date<br />
Problem-Solving Practice<br />
Multiply by 6<br />
1. Cindy and Mandy went to the beach. They each found<br />
6 starfish. How many starfish do they have in all?<br />
2. Each of the 6 starfish has 5 arms. The girls counted them all.<br />
How many starfish arms did the girls count?<br />
3. The girls made a sandcastle with 3 waterways leading to<br />
each of their 6 towers. How many waterways did they dig<br />
altogether?<br />
4. The girls each carried 6 pails with them to the beach. They<br />
found out that they really did not need so many pails, so they<br />
let a group of children use 4 of their pails. How many pails<br />
do the girls still have left to use?<br />
5. Cindy has 6 dimes that she can spend on stickers. Each<br />
sticker costs 5¢.<br />
Does she have enough money to buy 6 stickers? Explain.<br />
6. Write a problem that can be solved by multiplying by 6.<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Grade 3 16 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5–2<br />
Name Date<br />
Enrich<br />
Multiply by 6<br />
Find the missing factor for each problem. Draw an array<br />
or a picture that matches the problem. Then use words to<br />
write a number sentence for each drawing.<br />
Find the Factors Show the Problem Write It in Words<br />
1. 6 × = 18<br />
2. 6 × = 30<br />
3. 2 × = 12<br />
4. 24 = × 6<br />
5. × = 36<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Grade 3 17 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s
5–3<br />
Name Date<br />
Reteach<br />
Look for a Pattern<br />
Problem-Solving Strategy<br />
3MR1.1, 3AF2.2<br />
Liz created a castle with pink towers and blue flags. On the first tower, she has<br />
2 flags. The second tower has 4 flags, and the third tower has 8. If she keeps the<br />
pattern up, how many flags are on the fourth tower?<br />
Step 1<br />
Understand<br />
Step 2<br />
Plan<br />
Step 3<br />
Solve the problem.<br />
Step 4<br />
Check<br />
Think: What is<br />
added, subtracted<br />
or multiplied?<br />
What do you know?<br />
There are 2 flags on the first tower.<br />
There are 4 flags on the second tower.<br />
There are 8 flags on the third tower.<br />
What do you need to find out?<br />
How many flags will be on the fourth tower?<br />
Organize the data in a table. What are your<br />
columns? The towers<br />
What is in the row under each column? The<br />
number of flags<br />
Tower 1 Tower 2 Tower 3 Tower 4<br />
What is done to 2 to get 4 ? 2 was added to get 4 OR<br />
2 was multiplied to get 4.<br />
What was done to 4 to get 8 ? 4 was multiplied by 2.<br />
What was done to both the first and the second<br />
number? They were both multiplied by 2.<br />
Repeat the steps for tower 3 to check your rule. Then<br />
repeat for the fourth tower. Multiply 8 by 2. 16 flags<br />
will be on the fourth tower.<br />
Look back at your answer. Does it make sense ? Why ?<br />
Grade 3 18 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
?<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5–3<br />
Name Date<br />
Practice by following the steps.<br />
Fred is putting pictures in a scrapbook. He uses a pattern of<br />
groups of space and sports pictures. Each group has 1 space<br />
picture and 3 sports pictures. If the pattern continues, how many<br />
sports pictures will he use in all if there are a total of 24 pictures?<br />
Step 1<br />
Understand<br />
Step 2<br />
Plan<br />
Step 3<br />
Solve<br />
Step 4<br />
Check<br />
Reteach<br />
Problem -Solving Strategy (continued)<br />
You know: There is 1 space picture in each group. There are 3<br />
sports pictures in each group.<br />
You need to find out:<br />
How many will be used?<br />
Organize the data in a table. What are your columns? The<br />
groups. There are 4 pictures in each group and 24 pictures in all.<br />
4 × = 24. You need columns.<br />
What is in the row under each column? The number of space<br />
and sports pictures in each group.<br />
Look for the pattern. Since the same group repeats,<br />
the number of sports pictures by 6.<br />
Multiply 3 by 6.<br />
3MR1.1, 3AF2.2<br />
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6<br />
1 space 1 space 1 space 1 space 1 space 1 space<br />
3 sports<br />
3 sports<br />
3 sports<br />
3 sports<br />
3 sports<br />
6 groups of 3 sports pictures equal sports pictures.<br />
3 sports<br />
Grade 3 19 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s
5–3<br />
Name Date<br />
Skills Practice<br />
Problem-Solving Strategy<br />
Solve. Use the look for a pattern strategy.<br />
1. A dancer practices 3 days in a row<br />
and then takes one day off to rest.<br />
She has a show in two weeks. If<br />
she practices on the first 3 days,<br />
and takes the 4th day off, how<br />
many times will she practice in<br />
14 days?<br />
3. The marching band lines up in<br />
rows. The first row has 2 people.<br />
The second row has 4 people.<br />
The third row has 6 people.<br />
If this pattern continues, how<br />
many people will be in the fifth<br />
row?<br />
Mixed Strategy Review<br />
5. Ken takes piano lessons. The 1st<br />
week, he practices 20 minutes<br />
each day. The 2nd week, he<br />
practices 40 minutes each day. The<br />
3rd week, he practices 1 hour each<br />
day. If this pattern continues, how<br />
many minutes will he practice each<br />
day in the 5th week?<br />
3MR1.1, 3AF2.2<br />
2. The concert hall offers specials on<br />
tickets. When you buy 5 tickets,<br />
you get 1 other ticket free. When<br />
you buy 10 tickets, you get 2 other<br />
tickets free. Lyddie got 4 tickets<br />
free. How many tickets did she<br />
buy?<br />
4. The Portsmouth Players perform<br />
2 daytime shows and 3 evening<br />
shows per week. Their current<br />
play will run for 30 shows. How<br />
many of the shows will be daytime<br />
shows?<br />
6. A theater seat in the orchestra costs<br />
$32. A balcony seat costs $14. How<br />
much more does an orchestra seat<br />
cost than a balcony seat?<br />
Grade 3 20 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5–3<br />
Solve.<br />
Name Date<br />
Homework Practice<br />
Problem-Solving Strategy<br />
1. Every home on Main Street has a dog and other pets.<br />
The first house has 1 dog and 1 cat. The second house<br />
has 1 dog and 2 cats. The third house has 1 dog and<br />
3 rabbits. The fourth house has 1 dog and 4 angel fish. If the<br />
pattern continues, the fifth house has 1 dog and how many<br />
hamsters?<br />
2. Ann is a pet babysitter. She gets paid to help the families<br />
on Main Street with their pets every day. The first week she<br />
earned $2. The second week she earned $4. The third week<br />
she earned $6. The fourth, $8. What did she earn by the<br />
seventh week?<br />
3. Ann decided to set up a pet parade. She had the pet owners<br />
walk in rows with their pets. In the first row she put<br />
1 owner with 1 pet. The second row had 2 owners with<br />
1 pet each. The third row had 1 pet owner and 2 pets. The<br />
fourth row had 2 pet owners with 2 pets each. The fifth row<br />
had 1 pet owner with 3 pets. If the pattern continues, what<br />
did the sixth row have?<br />
Multiply. (Lesson 5–2)<br />
4. 3 × 6 = 5. 4 × 6 =<br />
6. 6 × 6 = 7. 7 × 6 =<br />
3MR1.1, 3AF2.2<br />
Grade 3 21 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s
5–3<br />
Carmen<br />
Zack<br />
Jenna<br />
April<br />
Carlos<br />
Name Date<br />
Enrich<br />
Favorite Numbers<br />
36 80 24 30 63<br />
Read each clue. If the answer is “yes,” draw an “O” in the<br />
box. If the answer is “no,” draw an “X” in the box. Then fill<br />
in the correct answers below.<br />
Carmen’s favorite number is more than 1 × 6 × 8 but less than 8 × 8.<br />
Zack’s favorite number is the product of each of these multiplication<br />
facts 8 × 3, 6 × 4, or 2 × 12.<br />
Carlos’ favorite number would belong in the patterns 5, 10, 15 . . .<br />
and 6, 12, 18 . . .<br />
3MR1.1, 3AF2.2<br />
Jenna’s favorite number is a multiple of 10 that is greater than 5 × 8.<br />
April’s favorite number is the product of two equal factors that when added<br />
together equal twelve.<br />
Carmen’s favorite number is . Zack’s favorite number is . Jenna’s<br />
favorite number is . April’s favorite number is . Carlos’ favorite<br />
number is .<br />
Grade 3 22 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5–4<br />
Name Date<br />
Reteach<br />
Multiply by 7<br />
You can add on to a known fact to find a new fact.<br />
Find 7 × 3 by finding (6 × 3) + (1 × 3).<br />
= +<br />
3NS2.2<br />
7 groups of 3 = 6 groups of 3 plus 1 group of 3<br />
7 × 3 = 6 × 3 + 1 × 3<br />
= 18 + 3 = 21<br />
Write a multiplication sentence for the picture.<br />
1. 2. 3.<br />
Find each product .<br />
4. 3 × 7 = 5. 5 × 7 = 6. 7 × 7 =<br />
7. 8 × 7 = 8. 7 × 6 = 9. 7 × 9 =<br />
10. 9 × 7 = 11. 4 × 7 = 12. 7 × 1 =<br />
13. 6 × 7 = 14. 3 × 7 = 15. 0 × 7 =<br />
16. 7 × 4 = 17. 1 × 7 = 18. 2 × 7 =<br />
Grade 3 23 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s
5–4<br />
Name Date<br />
Skills Practice<br />
Multiply by 7<br />
Write multiplication sentences.<br />
1. How many train cars? 2. How many fingers?<br />
Multiply.<br />
3NS2.2<br />
3. 7 4. 7 5. 7 6. 7 7. 5 8. 2<br />
____ × 3 ____ × 6<br />
____ × 9<br />
____ × 7<br />
____ × 7<br />
____ × 7<br />
9. 7 × 4 = 10. 7 × 5 = 11. 7 × 1 =<br />
ALGEBRA Complete the table.<br />
12. 13.<br />
Rule: Multiply by 7 Rule:<br />
Solve.<br />
Input Output<br />
7<br />
35<br />
42<br />
56<br />
Input Output<br />
14. Jason read about trains for 2 hours each day for 1 week. How many hours<br />
did Jason read?<br />
Grade 3 24 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
3<br />
7<br />
Multiply by 7<br />
35<br />
63<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5–4<br />
Multiply.<br />
Name Date<br />
Homework Practice<br />
Multiply by 7<br />
1. 7 × 3 = 2. 5 × 7 =<br />
3. 6 × 7 = 4. 7 × 7 =<br />
5. 7 × 8 = 6. 9 × 7 =<br />
7. 4 × 7 = 8. 7 × 6 =<br />
9. 7 × 10 = 10. 7 × 1 =<br />
11. 7 × 0 = 12. 7 × 5 =<br />
13. 7 × 4 = 14. 7 × 9 =<br />
ALGEBRA Find each missing number.<br />
15. 8 × = 56 16. 7 × = 35<br />
17. × 7 = 14 18. × 7 = 49<br />
Solve. Use the look for a pattern strategy. (Lesson 5–3)<br />
19. Fred buys and sells sports cards. Week 1, he bought 10 cards<br />
and sold 2. Week 2, he bought 10 more and sold 2, giving<br />
him 16. Week 3, he bought 10 more and sold 2, giving him<br />
24. If the pattern continued, how many cards did he have by<br />
the end of Week 4?<br />
20. Fred collected football, basketball, and baseball cards. He<br />
has a total of 50 cards, with an equal number of football<br />
and basketball cards. He has 20 baseball cards. How many<br />
football cards does he have?<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Grade 3 25 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s
5–4<br />
Solve.<br />
Name Date<br />
Problem-Solving Practice<br />
Multiply by 7<br />
1. The Martins will buy 2 new tires for<br />
each of their 7 bicycles. How many<br />
new tires will they buy?<br />
3. Each house on Alpine Street<br />
has 7 front windows. There are<br />
3 houses on each side of the<br />
street. How many front windows<br />
are there in all?<br />
5. Nell bought 3 pairs of white socks<br />
and 4 pairs of black socks. Each<br />
pair cost $6. Then she bought a<br />
$5.75 hat. She got back $12.25 in<br />
change. How much did Nell give<br />
to the cashier to pay for the socks<br />
and hat ? Show your work.<br />
3NS2.2<br />
2. It takes Cally 3 minutes to paint<br />
each slat on a fence. There are<br />
7 slats in each section of the fence.<br />
How long will it take Cally to paint<br />
each section of the fence?<br />
4. Mario will go on vacation for<br />
8 weeks this summer. For how<br />
many days will Mario be on<br />
vacation?<br />
6. There are an equal number of<br />
cars and bicycles in the garage. If<br />
there are 42 tires in all, how many<br />
bicycles and cars are in the garage?<br />
Explain.<br />
Grade 3 26 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5–4<br />
Name Date<br />
Enrich<br />
Lucky Seven Store<br />
The Lucky Seven Store sells every item in the store for 7 cents each.<br />
1. Alvin wants to buy 3 bags of marbles and 2 pencils. How<br />
much will they cost? Write two number sentences to show<br />
how much for each.<br />
cents<br />
cents<br />
Write one number sentence to show how much the items<br />
will cost in all.<br />
cents<br />
2. Clare bought 7 buttons, a bottle of glitter, and a stuffed toy.<br />
How much did they cost? Write three number sentences to<br />
show how much for each.<br />
cents<br />
cents<br />
cents<br />
Write one number sentence to show how much the items<br />
cost in all.<br />
cents<br />
3. How many items could be purchased with a one dollar bill?<br />
items<br />
4. How many items could be purchased with a five dollar bill?<br />
items<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Grade 3 27 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s
5–5<br />
Name Date<br />
Reteach<br />
Multiply by 8<br />
You can use facts that you already know to help you<br />
multiply by 8.<br />
Find 6 × 8 by doubling 6 × 4.<br />
6 groups of 8 = 6 groups of 4 plus 6 groups of 4<br />
6 × 8 = 6 × 4 + 6 × 4<br />
= 24 + 24 = 48<br />
Write a multiplication sentence for each picture.<br />
1. 2.<br />
Multiply.<br />
= +<br />
3. 2 × 8 = 4. 0 × 8 = 5. 8 × 5 =<br />
6. 8 × 6 = 7. 8 × 1 = 8. 8 × 7 =<br />
9. 5 × 8 = 10. 8 × 4 = 11. 3 × 8 =<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Grade 3 28 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5–5<br />
Multiply.<br />
Name Date<br />
Skills Practice<br />
Multiply by 8<br />
1. 7 × 8 = 2. 5 × 8 =<br />
3. 8 × 7 = 4. 8 × 8 =<br />
5. 9 × 8 = 6. 8 × 3 =<br />
7. 4 × 8 = 8. 6 × 8 =<br />
9. 8 × 10 = 10. 8 × 1 =<br />
11. 8 × 0 = 12. 8 × 5 =<br />
13. 8 × 4 = 14. 8 × 9 =<br />
15. 2 × 8 = 16. 9 × 8 =<br />
ALGEBRA Find each missing number.<br />
17. × 8 = 64 18. × 6 = 48<br />
19. × 5 = 40 20. × 8 = 24<br />
21. × 8 = 32 22. × 8 = 56<br />
23. × 8 = 64 24. × 8 = 48<br />
25. × 8 = 0 26. × 9 = 72<br />
Solve.<br />
27. Justin is going to a baseball game with 8 other boys. The<br />
tickets cost $5. How much will it cost for all 9 boys to watch<br />
the game?<br />
28. Mike worked 8 hours washing cars for Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith<br />
paid him $4 an hour. How much did Mike earn?<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Grade 3 29 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s
5–5<br />
Multiply.<br />
Name Date<br />
Homework Practice<br />
Multiply by 8<br />
1. 8 × 3 = 2. 5 × 8 =<br />
3. 6 × 8 = 4. 7 × 8 =<br />
5. 8 × 8 = 6. 9 × 8 =<br />
7. 4 × 8 = 8. 8 × 6 =<br />
9. 8 × 10 = 10. 8 × 1 =<br />
11. 8 × 0 = 12. 8 × 5 =<br />
13. 8 × 4 = 14. 8 × 9 =<br />
ALGEBRA Find each missing number.<br />
15. 8 × = 64 16. 7 × = 56<br />
17. × 8 = 24 18. × 8 = 64<br />
Multiply. (Lesson 5–4)<br />
19. 7 × 5 = 20. 4 × 7 =<br />
21. 10 × 7 = 22. 7 × 7 =<br />
23. 7 × 8 = 24. 9 × 7 =<br />
25. 2 × 7 = 26. 7 × 6 =<br />
Solve. (Lesson 5–3)<br />
3NS2.2<br />
27. Fred has collected a total of 80 cards. A display of Fred’s cards includes<br />
2 rows of football cards with 15 in each row. In front of the football cards<br />
are 3 rows of baseball cards with 10 in each row. In front of the baseball<br />
cards are 4 rows of basketball cards. If the pattern continues, how many<br />
basketball cards are in each of the 4 rows?<br />
Grade 3 30 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5–5<br />
Solve.<br />
Name Date<br />
Problem-Solving Practice<br />
Multiply by 8<br />
1. Find the total number of dolphins if there are 8 groups of<br />
dolphins with 5 dolphins in each group.<br />
2. A dolphin has 4 fins. How many total fins do 8 dolphins<br />
have?<br />
3. Eight dolphins are swimming around a tour boat. Each<br />
dolphin swims around the boat 8 times. How many times did<br />
all the dolphins swim around the boat?<br />
4. The 8 tourists on the boat were able to touch 4 dolphins<br />
each. What was the total number of times a dolphin got<br />
touched?<br />
5. Using their tail fins, 7 dolphins jumped in the air 8 times.<br />
What was the total number of jumps the dolphins made?<br />
6. Eight tourists each took 3 photos of the dolphins. How many<br />
dolphin photos were taken in all?<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Grade 3 31 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s
5–5<br />
Name Date<br />
Enrich<br />
Roll of the Number Cube Times 8<br />
Four friends are playing a game. Each gets to roll a pair of<br />
number cubes. After each roll, they multiply the number on the<br />
cubes by 8. They are trying to get to 80 without going over. Each<br />
person gets two chances to roll. Look at what each person got on<br />
two rolls.<br />
1. Carlos<br />
2. Melanie<br />
3. Eric<br />
4. Marie<br />
5. How much did each person get? (Hint: Find the value of each<br />
roll for each person. Add the total that each person got.)<br />
Carlos Eric<br />
Melanie Marie<br />
6. Who won?<br />
7. What is a faster way to find out who won without finding<br />
each value, adding each person’s rolls, and comparing them?<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Grade 3 32 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5–6<br />
Name Date<br />
Reteach<br />
Multiply by 9<br />
Here is a strategy you can use when multiplying by 9.<br />
You can multiply the number by 10 and then subtract the<br />
number to find a new fact.<br />
Find 9 × 7.<br />
3NS2.2<br />
9 groups of 7 = 10 groups of 7 minus 1 groups of 7<br />
9 × 7 = 10 × 7 - 1 × 7<br />
Multiply.<br />
= -<br />
= 70 - 7 = 63<br />
1. 9 2. 9 3. 3 4. 9 5. 9 6. 6<br />
____ × 4 ____ × 5<br />
____ × 9<br />
____ × 7<br />
____ × 8<br />
____ × 9<br />
7. 9 × 2 = 8. 5 × 9 = 9. 9 × 4 =<br />
10. 6 × 9 = 11. 9 × 3 = 12. 9 × 1 =<br />
13. 9 × 9 = 14. 9 × 0 = 15. 9 × 8 =<br />
16. 2 × 9 = 17. 8 × 9 = 18. 3 × 9 =<br />
Grade 3 33 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s
5–6<br />
Multiply.<br />
Name Date<br />
Skills Practice<br />
Multiply by 9<br />
3NS2.2<br />
1. 9 2. 9 3. 4 4. 9 5. 9 6. 9<br />
____ × 3 ____ × 8<br />
____ × 9<br />
____ × 1<br />
____ × 7<br />
____ × 5<br />
7. 9 8. 5 9. 9 10. 9 11. 9 12. 8<br />
____ × 2 ____ × 9<br />
____ × 0<br />
____ × 9<br />
____ × 6<br />
____ × 9<br />
13. 2 × 9 = 14. 4 × 9 = 15. 9 × 6 =<br />
16. 8 × 9 = 17. 9 × 1 = 18. 7 × 9 =<br />
19. 3 × 9 = 20. 9 × 9 = 21. 9 × 0 =<br />
22. 9 × 1 = 23. 7 × 9 = 24. 5 × 9 =<br />
25. 2 × 9 = 26. 0 × 9 = 27. 9 × 4 =<br />
28. 8 × 6 = 29. 3 × 8 = 30. 6 × 7 =<br />
31. 6 × 5 = 32. 7 × 3 = 33. 5 × 7 =<br />
34. 9 × 3 = 35. 8 × 7 = 36. 9 × 6 =<br />
Solve.<br />
37. Jordan saw 9 airplanes fly over<br />
his house every day last week.<br />
How many airplanes did Jordan<br />
see last week?<br />
38. The Sports Cap Company sent<br />
3 caps to each of the 9 starters on<br />
a baseball team. How many caps<br />
did the company send?<br />
Grade 3 34 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5–6<br />
Multiply.<br />
Name Date<br />
Homework Practice<br />
Multiply by 9<br />
1. 9 × 3 = 2. 5 × 9 =<br />
3. 6 × 9 = 4. 7 × 9 =<br />
5. 9 × 8 = 6. 9 × 9 =<br />
7. 4 × 9 = 8. 9 × 6 =<br />
9. 9 × 10 = 10. 9 × 1 =<br />
11. 9 × 0 = 12. 9 × 5 =<br />
13. 9 × 4 = 14. 8 × 9 =<br />
ALGEBRA Find each missing number.<br />
15. 9 × = 72 16. 9 × = 36<br />
17. × 9 = 45 18. × 6 = 54<br />
Multiply. (Lesson 5–5)<br />
19. 8 × 5 = 20. 8 × 7 =<br />
21. 10 × 8 = 22. 7 × 8 =<br />
23. 7 × 8 = 24. 9 × 8 =<br />
25. 2 × 8 = 26. 8 × 6 =<br />
27. 8 × 10 = 28. 8 × 1 =<br />
ALGEBRA Complete the table.<br />
29.<br />
Factor 4 9 9 9<br />
Factor 9<br />
Product 45 63 81<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Grade 3 35 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s
5–6<br />
Solve<br />
Name Date<br />
Problem-Solving Practice<br />
Multiply by 9<br />
1. Jose spends $9 on lunch each<br />
day. How much does he spend for<br />
lunch in 2 days?<br />
3. On Mr. Dugan’s farm, 9 cows can<br />
be milked in an hour. Mr. Dugan<br />
says that 45 cows will be milked in<br />
5 hours. Is he correct? Explain.<br />
5. For the school talent contest,<br />
9 singers will perform for<br />
3 minutes each. Then 5 dancers<br />
will perform for 4 minutes each.<br />
How many minutes will it take for<br />
the singers and dancers to perform<br />
in all?<br />
3NS2.2<br />
2. Carmen’s parrot eats 9 crackers a<br />
day. How many crackers will it eat<br />
in 4 days?<br />
4. The So Rich cookie factory can<br />
bake 9 chocolate chip cookies<br />
a minute. Can the factory fill an<br />
order for 80 cookies in 9 minutes?<br />
Explain.<br />
6. Ty works 9 hours a day and earns<br />
$6 an hour. Cal works 6 hours a<br />
day and earns $9 an hour. If they<br />
both work 5 days per week, who<br />
earns more money?<br />
Who works longer? Explain.<br />
Grade 3 36 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
5–6<br />
Name Date<br />
Enrich<br />
Find the Products for the Nines<br />
Write the products for the 9s. Find each product in the picture.<br />
Use a blue crayon or colored pencil to shade or color all the<br />
numbers that make up the products of the fact families for the<br />
9s. Shade all other numbers with the colors of your choice.<br />
9 × 1 = 9 × 6 = 9 × 2 =<br />
9 × 7 = 9 × 3 = 9 × 8 =<br />
9 × 4 = 9 × 9 = 9 × 5 =<br />
9 × 10 =<br />
5<br />
17<br />
13<br />
71<br />
27<br />
37<br />
10<br />
36<br />
64 55<br />
18<br />
72<br />
90<br />
What do you notice about the products of the numbers 1 – 10<br />
multiplied by 9? (Hint: look for a pattern.)<br />
54<br />
38<br />
91<br />
81<br />
9<br />
If you add the digits of each product you found, what is the sum of each? For<br />
example, what is the sum of the digits in 18?<br />
45<br />
63<br />
Grade 3 37 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
34<br />
73<br />
21<br />
29<br />
19<br />
8<br />
47<br />
3NS2.2<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s
5–7<br />
Name Date<br />
Reteach<br />
Choose a Strategy<br />
Problem–Solving Investigation<br />
Juan has pieces of wood. The first piece of wood is 8 inches. The<br />
second piece of wood is 16 inches. The third piece of wood is<br />
24 inches. If this pattern continues, what will be the length of<br />
the twelfth piece of wood?<br />
Step 1<br />
Understand<br />
Step 2<br />
Plan<br />
• Logical Reasoning<br />
• Draw a Picture or<br />
Diagram<br />
• Make a Graph<br />
• Act It Out<br />
• Make a Table or<br />
List<br />
• Find a Pattern<br />
• Guess and Check<br />
• Write an Equation<br />
• Work Backward<br />
• Solve a Simpler<br />
Problem<br />
Be sure you understand the problem.<br />
What facts do you know?<br />
3MR1.1<br />
• The first piece of wood is inches.<br />
• The second piece of wood is inches.<br />
• The third piece of wood is inches.<br />
What do you need to find?<br />
• You need to find the length of<br />
Make a plan.<br />
Choose a strategy.<br />
You can find the pattern.<br />
You can also draw a picture. Show 12 pieces of wood.<br />
Use the pattern, and write the length of each piece<br />
next to the piece of wood.<br />
Grade 3 38 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
.<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5–7<br />
Name Date<br />
Reteach<br />
Step 3<br />
Solve Plan 1<br />
Step 4<br />
Check<br />
Solve.<br />
Problem–Solving Investigation (continued)<br />
Plan 2<br />
Carry out your plan.<br />
Find the pattern.<br />
8 16 24 The pattern is add 8.<br />
+8 +8<br />
3MR1.1<br />
Draw a picture of 12 pieces of wood. Write the length<br />
next to each piece.<br />
1<br />
7<br />
8<br />
56<br />
2<br />
8<br />
16<br />
64<br />
Grade 3 39 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
3<br />
9<br />
24<br />
72<br />
4<br />
10<br />
32<br />
80<br />
5<br />
11<br />
40<br />
88<br />
The twelfth piece of wood is inches.<br />
Is the solution reasonable?<br />
Reread the problem.<br />
1. Jim has 5 packs of cards. There are<br />
15 cards in each pack. He gives 3<br />
of his packs away. How many cards<br />
does he have left ?<br />
How can you check your answer ?<br />
6<br />
12<br />
48<br />
96<br />
2. Winnie is making a quilt. The first<br />
section has 2 pieces of fabric.<br />
The second section has 5 pieces<br />
of fabric. The third section has<br />
8 pieces of fabric. If this pattern<br />
continues, how many pieces of<br />
fabric will be in the eighth section<br />
of the quilt ?<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s
5–7<br />
Name Date<br />
Skills Practice<br />
Problem-Solving Investigation<br />
Choose a strategy to solve the problem.<br />
1. On Park Day, volunteers plant trees<br />
in the park. The first tree is 2 feet<br />
tall. The second tree is 4 feet tall.<br />
The third tree is 6 feet tall. Suppose<br />
this pattern continues. What will be<br />
the height of the fifth tree?<br />
3. Jenny takes a photo of the town<br />
square. She makes a square frame<br />
for the photo. Each of the 4 sides<br />
of the frame is 9 inches long. How<br />
many inches around is the frame?<br />
Mixed Strategy Review<br />
5. This year, a town sells tickets<br />
to the picnic to 252 adults and<br />
518 children. Last year, there were<br />
695 people at the picnic. How<br />
many more people are there this<br />
year than last year ?<br />
7. Write a problem that you could<br />
solve by drawing a picture or by<br />
finding a pattern. Share it with<br />
others.<br />
3MR1.1<br />
2. There are 8 rows of trees in the<br />
park. Each row has 8 trees. How<br />
many trees are there in all?<br />
4. Some volunteers are building<br />
picnic tables. Each table uses<br />
5 pieces of wood for the top,<br />
2 pieces of wood for the sides,<br />
and 6 pieces of wood for the rest<br />
of the table. How many pieces of<br />
wood are needed to make<br />
4 picnic tables?<br />
6. There are three groups of students<br />
making murals for the train station.<br />
Each group has 6 students. How<br />
many students are there in all?<br />
Grade 3 40 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5–7<br />
Name Date<br />
Homework Practice<br />
Problem-Solving Investigation<br />
Solve. Use any strategy.<br />
1. Bob rode 2 miles on his bike for 9 days. What is the total<br />
number of miles he rode?<br />
2. Two toads are near the path. Together, they have 6 dark<br />
spots on them. The larger one has 2 times as many spots as<br />
the smaller one. How many spots does each one have?<br />
3. Mandy has $5. Becky has $5 more than Mandy. Sue has<br />
2 times as much as Becky. How much money do the girls<br />
have together?<br />
4. 36 students were standing in the lunch line. The principal<br />
gave the first girl a star. Then, he gave every sixth person in<br />
back of the girl a star. How many people got stars?<br />
Multiply. (Lesson 5–6)<br />
5. 9 × 6 = 6. 9 × 10 =<br />
7. 9 × 1 = 8. 9 × 0 =<br />
9. 9 × 7 = 10. 9 × 4 =<br />
11. 8 × 9 = 12. 9 × 9 =<br />
3MR1.1<br />
Grade 3 41 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s
5–7<br />
Name Date<br />
Enrich<br />
Unlock the Pyramids<br />
Find the missing numbers in the patterns. Then multiply<br />
them together to unlock the top number of the pyramid.<br />
Under each pyramid, write multiplication sentence to show<br />
how you unlocked the pyramid.<br />
1.<br />
8 10<br />
4 6<br />
3. 4.<br />
5. Create your own pyramid for a friend to unlock.<br />
Grade 3 42 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
2.<br />
3MR1.1<br />
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Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5–8<br />
Name Date<br />
Reteach<br />
Algebra: Associative Property<br />
3AF1.5<br />
You can use the properties of multiplication to multiply 3 numbers.<br />
Find 3 × 2 × 5.<br />
The Commutative Property of<br />
Multiplication<br />
When multiplying, the order of the<br />
factors does not change the product.<br />
3 × 2 × 5 = 30<br />
2 × 5 × 3 = 30<br />
5 × 2 × 3 = 30<br />
Find each product .<br />
You can use the<br />
Commutative<br />
Property to<br />
switch the order<br />
of the numbers<br />
3, 2, and 5.<br />
The Associative Property of<br />
Multiplication<br />
When multiplying, the grouping of the<br />
factors does not change the product.<br />
3 × 2 × 5 = 30<br />
3 × (2 × 5) = 30<br />
(3 × 2) × 5 = 30<br />
You can use<br />
the Associative<br />
Property to<br />
group two<br />
factors.<br />
1. 5 × 3 × 2 = 2. 2 × 2 × 6 = 3. 7 × 4 × 1 =<br />
4. 3 × 2 × 3 = 5. 5 × 4 × 2 = 6. 7 × 8 × 0 =<br />
7. 2 × 7 × 2 = 8. 3 × 6 × 2 = 9. 8 × 7 × 1 =<br />
10. 3 × 4 × 2 = 11. 6 × 3 × 3 = 12. 6 × 2 × 3 =<br />
13. 8 × 9 × 0 = 14. 6 × 5 × 0 = 15. 9 × 1 × 5 =<br />
Find each missing number.<br />
16. 5 × 2 × = 80 17. × 2 × 6 = 24<br />
18. 1 × 7 × 3 = 19. × 2 × 5 = 20<br />
Grade 3 43 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s
5–8<br />
Find each product.<br />
Name Date<br />
Skills Practice<br />
Algebra: Associative Property<br />
1. 2 × 2 × 6 = 2. 1 × 8 × 4 =<br />
3. 9 × 3 × 2 = 4. 3 × 3 × 1 =<br />
5. 5 × 2 × 4 = 6. 9 × 1 × 0 =<br />
7. 6 × 3 × 1 = 8. 8 × 3 × 2 =<br />
9. 4 × × 4 = 32 10. 5 × × 1 = 45<br />
11. × 6 × 2 = 12 12. × 6 × 1 = 12<br />
13. 3 × × 4 = 24 14. 6 × 9 × = 0<br />
15. 1 × × 3 = 15 16. 5 × × 3 = 60<br />
Solve.<br />
17. Tony and his friends had a pizza party. They bought 2 pizzas,<br />
each cut into 8 slices. Tony put 3 slices of banana pepper on<br />
each piece. How many slices of banana peppers did he use?<br />
18. Tony also bought 3 packs of soda in cans. Each pack held<br />
6 cans. How many cans of soda did Tony buy?<br />
19. Which of the following does not belong with the other three?<br />
(1 × 3) × 2 = 1 × (3 × 2) (6 × 3) × 2 = 6 × (3 × 2)<br />
2 × (6 × 1) = (2 × 6) × 1 5 × (3 × 1) = (5 × 5) × 2<br />
3AF1.5<br />
Grade 3 44 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5–8<br />
Find each product.<br />
Name Date<br />
Homework Practice<br />
Algebra: Associative Property<br />
1. 1 × 2 × 3 = 2. 5 × 2 × 4 =<br />
3. 8 × 2 × 2 = 4. 3 × 5 × 1 =<br />
5. 7 × 2 × 1 = 6. 8 × 8 × 0 =<br />
7. 3 × 3 × 7 = 8. 4 × 3 × 2 =<br />
ALGEBRA Find each missing number.<br />
9. 2 × × 2 = 4 10. 3 × × 1 = 12<br />
11. × 4 × 2 = 56 12. × 2 × 3 = 30<br />
Solve. (Lesson 5–7)<br />
13. Angie collects pairs of earrings. She hangs them on an earring<br />
tree. On the first row she hung 9 pairs, on the second row<br />
she hung 7 pairs, and on the third row she hung 5 pairs.<br />
If she continued this pattern, how many pairs would Angie<br />
hang on the fourth row? How many pairs of earrings does<br />
she have in all four rows?<br />
14. Fred made a display with a deck of playing cards. In the first<br />
row he used 6 cards. In the second row he used 12 cards. In<br />
the third row he used 18. In the fourth row, 24. If the pattern<br />
keeps up, how many cards will be in the sixth row?<br />
3AF1.5<br />
Grade 3 45 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s
5–8<br />
Solve.<br />
Name Date<br />
Problem-Solving Practice<br />
Algebra: Associative Property<br />
1. Mallory and her 4 friends are setting up a lemonade stand.<br />
They each brought 2 bags of lemons. Each bag has 4 lemons.<br />
How many lemons do the girls have altogether?<br />
2. Mallory set up 2 tables with 3 containers of lemonade<br />
on each. Each container has 8 ice cubes. Write a number<br />
sentence to find the number of ice cubes she used.<br />
3. Two of Mallory’s friends were each serving three customers at<br />
each table. Write a number sentence to show the number of<br />
customers the girls were serving.<br />
4. Every hour, 5 people stopped for lemonade and spent $2<br />
each. After 4 hours, how much had the girls earned?<br />
5. At the end of the day, Mallory’s 4 friends each had two<br />
$5-bills. How much did Mallory’s friends earn altogether?<br />
3AF1.5<br />
Grade 3 46 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5–8<br />
Name Date<br />
Enrich<br />
Algebra: Associative Property<br />
Help the leprechaun find his pot of gold. Start at the leprechaun.<br />
Find his path by multiplying numbers as you go. When all the<br />
numbers are in the correct path, the product is 45. Shade the<br />
path the leprechaun should follow.<br />
5<br />
5<br />
4<br />
2<br />
1<br />
3<br />
1<br />
45<br />
Grade 3 47 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
3<br />
5<br />
6<br />
2<br />
3AF1.5<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s
5–9<br />
Name Date<br />
Reteach<br />
Algebra: Find a Rule<br />
A rule tells you what to do. This works in math too.<br />
To build a boxcar, Bob needs to put 4 wheels on the corners<br />
of a wooden box. If he wanted to build 4 boxcars, how many<br />
wheels would he need?<br />
Step 1 Find a pattern.<br />
You know that 1 boxcar = 4 wheels.<br />
So, 2 boxcars = 8 wheels.<br />
The pattern or rule is to multiply by 4.<br />
Step 2 Extend the pattern.<br />
3 boxcars = 3 × 4 or 12 wheels.<br />
3 × 4 = 12<br />
4 boxcars = 4 × 4 = 16 wheels<br />
So, Bob needs 16 wheels.<br />
Practice.<br />
1. For every 2 wheels that Bob bought, the man in the store<br />
gave him 2 free wheels. When Bob bought 16 wheels, how<br />
many did he get free?<br />
2. Write the rule for each table. Then, complete the table.<br />
Input<br />
3<br />
9<br />
Rule:<br />
Output<br />
6<br />
10<br />
7 14<br />
18<br />
Input<br />
4<br />
5<br />
7<br />
Rule:<br />
Output<br />
12<br />
15<br />
24<br />
Grade 3 48 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Input<br />
5<br />
5<br />
7<br />
Rule:<br />
Output<br />
25<br />
30<br />
35<br />
3AF2.2<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
5–9<br />
Name Date<br />
Skills Practice<br />
Algebra: Find a Rule<br />
Write the rule for each table. Then complete the table.<br />
1. 2. 3.<br />
4. 5. 6.<br />
7. 8. 9.<br />
Find a rule. Then extend the rule to solve.<br />
10. On Monday, there were 5 flowers blooming in the garden.<br />
On Tuesday, there were 10 flowers blooming. There were 15<br />
by Wednesday. By Friday, how many flowers were blooming?<br />
3AF2.2<br />
Grade 3 49 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s
5–9<br />
Name Date<br />
Homework Practice<br />
Algebra: Find a Rule<br />
Write the rule for each table. Then complete the table.<br />
1. 2. 3.<br />
Rule:<br />
Rule:<br />
Input<br />
3<br />
6<br />
9<br />
Output<br />
15<br />
20<br />
30<br />
45<br />
Input<br />
4. 5.<br />
Rule:<br />
Input<br />
2<br />
5<br />
8<br />
Output<br />
21<br />
35<br />
56<br />
Solve. (Lesson 5–8)<br />
4<br />
7<br />
Output<br />
3AF2.2<br />
Grade 3 50 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
24<br />
30<br />
48<br />
Input<br />
4<br />
9<br />
10<br />
Rule:<br />
6. 8 × 2 × 0 = 7. 3 × 4 × 1 =<br />
Output<br />
54<br />
81<br />
Input<br />
8. 2 × 5 × 2 = 9. 2 × × 2 = 16<br />
10. Sal wants to make oatmeal for himself and his brother. The<br />
directions say to add 2 cups of boiling water to the oatmeal<br />
for 1 serving. Both Sal and his brother want double servings.<br />
How many cups of boiling water will Sal need to measure?<br />
3<br />
5<br />
7<br />
Rule:<br />
Output<br />
24<br />
32<br />
56<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5–9<br />
Name Date<br />
Problem-Solving Practice<br />
Algebra: Find a Rule<br />
Find a rule. Then extend the rule to solve.<br />
1. There are 24 crayons in 3 boxes. There are 32 crayons in<br />
4 boxes. How many crayons are in 5 boxes?<br />
2. There are 10 strawberries in 2 boxes and 15 strawberries in<br />
3 boxes. How many strawberries are in 4 boxes?<br />
3. A farmer grows carrots. Each row has 5 carrots. How many<br />
carrots are there in a garden with 7 rows? a garden with<br />
8 rows? a garden with 9 rows?<br />
4. After 6 weeks, Russ saved $60. By the end of the next week,<br />
he had $70. How much did he save by the third week?<br />
5. The amusement park sold ride tickets in packs of 5, 10, 15,<br />
20 tickets. What would a pack of 10 tickets cost if 20 tickets<br />
cost $8?<br />
6. A recipe calls for 2 onions for one batch. Two batches need<br />
4 onions. How many onions are needed for four batches?<br />
3AF2.2<br />
Grade 3 51 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s
5–9<br />
Name Date<br />
Enrich<br />
What’s My Rule?<br />
Find and extend the rule for each table. Then write a multiplication<br />
sentence that tells what completes each table.<br />
1. Rule: Multiply by<br />
Input 0 1 2 3<br />
Output 0 2 4 6<br />
2. Rule Multiply by<br />
Input 1 2 3 4<br />
Output 8 16 24 32<br />
3. Rule Multiply by<br />
Input 1 2 3 4<br />
Output 7 14 21 28<br />
4. Rule Multiply by<br />
Input 0 1 2 3<br />
Output 0 3 6 9<br />
5. Rule Multiply by<br />
Input 4 5 6 7<br />
Output 36 45 54 63<br />
3AF2.2<br />
Grade 3 52 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5<br />
Name Date<br />
B D M Goal Progress<br />
Notes<br />
Individual Progress Checklist<br />
explore using the multiplication table to multiply<br />
multiply by 3<br />
multiply by 6<br />
multiply by 7<br />
multiply by 8<br />
multiply by 9<br />
use the Associative Property of Multiplication<br />
use the Commutative Property of Multiplication<br />
find a rule and extend a pattern<br />
use the Look for a Pattern strategy to solve<br />
multiplication problems<br />
Grade 3 53 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
5<br />
Name Date<br />
Diagnostic Assessment<br />
Draw an array for each fact. Write the product.<br />
1. 3 × 4 2. 1 × 5<br />
3. 8 × 2 4. 4 × 5<br />
Write a number sentence for each picture.<br />
5.<br />
6.<br />
7.<br />
Solve.<br />
8. Yolanda wants to buy 2 pencils at 25¢ each. She has 1 quarter<br />
and 1 dime. Does she have enough to buy 2 pencils?<br />
9. Last evening Mrs. Rogers put 10 corn muffins on the kitchen<br />
counter to cool. This morning, there were only 6 corn muffins<br />
left. How many were taken?<br />
Identify and extend the pattern.<br />
10. 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, ,<br />
11. 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, ,<br />
Grade 3 54 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
4.<br />
5.<br />
6.<br />
7.<br />
8.<br />
9.<br />
10.<br />
11.<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5<br />
Multiply.<br />
Name Date<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> Pretest<br />
1. 2 × 3 = 2. 5 × 6 =<br />
3. 7 × 4 = 4. 4 × 8 =<br />
5. 9 × 6 = 6. 8 × 3 =<br />
7. (3 × 4) × 3 = 8. 6 × (2 × 5) =<br />
Solve using the Commutative or Associative Property<br />
of Multiplication.<br />
9. Three students are carrying backpacks. Each backpack holds<br />
one pencil case. Each pencil case can hold 10 pencils. How<br />
many pencils are the students carrying?<br />
10. Carla’s mother bought 6 cases of milk. Each case holds<br />
8 cartons of milk. How many cartons of milk did Carla’s<br />
mother buy?<br />
11. Mitchell has a lot of toy cars to put away. He has 3 empty<br />
shelves in his room. Each shelf holds 7 toy cars. How many<br />
cars can he put away?<br />
12. Maria earns $2 each time she takes out the recycling to the<br />
curb for pickup. There are 3 kinds of recycling: paper, plastic<br />
and glass. If each kind of recycling is picked up once a week,<br />
how much money will Maria earn at the end of 4 weeks?<br />
Find the rule. Extend the pattern to answer the question.<br />
13. Kim notices that her tomato plant is growing every day. The<br />
plant started at 6 inches and grew to 8 inches on the second<br />
day. On the third day, the plant was 10 inches. How tall will<br />
the plant be on the fourth day?<br />
Grade 3 55 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
4.<br />
5.<br />
6.<br />
7.<br />
8.<br />
9.<br />
10.<br />
11.<br />
12.<br />
13.<br />
5<br />
Multiply.<br />
1. 3 × 6<br />
2. 7 × 3<br />
3. 6 × 8<br />
4. 9 × 6<br />
5. 4 × 3<br />
Name Date<br />
6. Complete the table.<br />
Solve.<br />
Quiz 1 (Lessons 5–1 through 5–3)<br />
Rule: multiply by 3<br />
Input<br />
3<br />
6<br />
Output<br />
7. John has 3 packs of gum. Each pack has 6 pieces of gum.<br />
How many pieces of gum does John have altogether?<br />
8. Anwar is collecting seashells at the beach. If the pattern<br />
continues, how many seashells will he collect on day 4?<br />
Day 5?<br />
Day 1 2 3 4 5<br />
Shells 6 12 18 ? ?<br />
30<br />
0<br />
Grade 3 56 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
4.<br />
5.<br />
7.<br />
8.<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5<br />
Multiply.<br />
1. 7 × 4<br />
2. 5 × 7<br />
3. 6 × 8<br />
4. 7 × 7<br />
5. 9 × 8<br />
6. 6 × 7<br />
7. 8 × 8<br />
8. 9 × 2<br />
Solve.<br />
Name Date<br />
Quiz 2 (Lessons 5–4 through 5–6)<br />
9. Nine of Tammy’s friends each gave her 3 flowers. How many<br />
flowers was Tammy given?<br />
10. Later, Tammy gave away one flower each to 9 other friends.<br />
How many flowers did she give away?<br />
11. Tammy put 6 flowers in each of 3 vases. How many flowers<br />
did Tammy put in vases?<br />
12. Tammy added 3 more flowers to each of the vases. How<br />
many total flowers did Tammy add to the vases?<br />
Grade 3 57 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
4.<br />
5.<br />
6.<br />
7.<br />
8.<br />
9.<br />
10.<br />
11.<br />
12.<br />
5<br />
Find each product.<br />
1. 5 × 2 × 2<br />
2. 1 × 3 × 9<br />
3. 4 × 2 × 7<br />
4. 6 × 2 × 1<br />
Name Date<br />
Quiz 3 (Lessons 5–7 through 5–9)<br />
Find each missing number.<br />
5. 3 × 3 × = 45<br />
6. × 1 × 7 = 56<br />
7. 4 × 5 × 2 =<br />
8. 3 × × 7 = 42<br />
Solve.<br />
9. James puts 4 books on the first shelf. He put 8 books on the<br />
second shelf and 12 books on the third shelf. If the pattern<br />
continues, how many books will be on the fourth and fifth<br />
shelves?<br />
Grade 3 58 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
4.<br />
5.<br />
6.<br />
7.<br />
8.<br />
9.<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5<br />
Name Date<br />
Mid-<strong>Chapter</strong> Review<br />
1. What is the missing number in the problem below?<br />
6 × = 24<br />
A. 5 B. 4 C. 3 D. 2<br />
2. 7 boys bought 5 apples each. How many apples do the boys<br />
have altogether?<br />
F. 35 G. 40 H. 45 J. 46<br />
3. A class is building a tall ship. They need 2 pieces of paper for<br />
the first sail, 3 pieces for the second, and 4 for the third. How<br />
many pieces of paper will they need for the fifth sail?<br />
A. 2 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6<br />
4. How many sticks are shown by an array of 2 rows with<br />
7 sticks in each row?<br />
F. 20 G. 14 H. 7 J. 2<br />
5. What will you count by if you are using repeated addition to<br />
count the pencils in 8 packs with 5 pencils each?<br />
A. by eights B. by twos<br />
C. by fives D. by threes<br />
6. To solve a problem using a pattern, how can you organize<br />
the data?<br />
7. If you want to solve the problem 6 × 7, how can you double<br />
a known fact to find the answer?<br />
8. Write a real-world problem that can be solved by multiplying<br />
by 3.<br />
9. How can you use a known fact to find the<br />
answer for 5 × 3?<br />
Grade 3 59 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
4.<br />
5.<br />
6.<br />
7.<br />
8.<br />
9.<br />
5<br />
Name Date<br />
Vocabulary Test<br />
Match each word to its definition. Write your answers on<br />
the lines provided.<br />
1. Associative property of<br />
Multiplication<br />
2. Commutative Property of<br />
Multiplication<br />
A. a number that divides into a whole<br />
number evenly. It is also known<br />
as a number that is multiplied by<br />
another number.<br />
B. If you multiply a number by 1, the<br />
product is the same as the given<br />
number.<br />
3. factor C. a sequence of numbers, figures,<br />
or symbols that follows a rule or<br />
design<br />
4. Identity Property of<br />
Multiplication<br />
D. the answer to a multiplication<br />
problem; It also refers to expressing<br />
a number as product of its factors.<br />
5. pattern E. the property that states that the<br />
grouping of the factors does not<br />
change the product<br />
6. product F. the property that states that the<br />
order in which two numbers are<br />
multiplied does not change the<br />
product<br />
Grade 3 60 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5<br />
Name Date<br />
Oral Assessment<br />
Put 3 paperclips, 4 erasers, and 2 pencils on the table.<br />
Read each question aloud to the student. Then write the student’s answers on<br />
the lines below the question.<br />
1. If you multiply the amount of paperclips by the amount of erasers what do<br />
you get?<br />
2. Multiply that product by the amount of pencils. What is the product?<br />
3. If you change the order and first multiply the number of pencils by the<br />
number of erasers, and then that product by the number of paperclips,<br />
would the final product be the same?<br />
4. Tell how you got your answer.<br />
5. There were 2 car races on Saturday and 4 on Sunday. If there were 8 cars<br />
racing in each race, how many cars raced over 2 days?<br />
Grade 3 61 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
5<br />
Name Date<br />
Oral Assessment (continued)<br />
6. If there were 10 cars racing in each race, how many cars would have raced<br />
over 2 days?<br />
7. Tell how you got your answer.<br />
8. If there was one additional race on Friday, where 10 cars raced, how many<br />
cars would have raced over the 3 days?<br />
9. Tell how you got your answer.<br />
Grade 3 62 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5<br />
Name Date<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> Project Rubric<br />
Score Explanation<br />
3 Student successfully completed the<br />
chapter project.<br />
Student demonstrated appropriate use<br />
of chapter information in completing the<br />
chapter project.<br />
2 Student completed the chapter project<br />
with partial success.<br />
Student partially demonstrated appropriate<br />
use of chapter information in completing<br />
the chapter project.<br />
1 Student did not complete the chapter<br />
project or completed it with little success.<br />
Student demonstrated very little<br />
appropriate use of chapter information in<br />
completing the chapter project.<br />
0 Student did not complete the chapter<br />
project.<br />
Student demonstrated inappropriate use<br />
of chapter information in completing the<br />
chapter project.<br />
Grade 3 63 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
5<br />
Addition<br />
Name Date<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> Foldables Rubric<br />
Four-Door Book Foldables<br />
Score Explanation<br />
3 Student properly assembled Foldables graphic organizer<br />
according to instructions.<br />
Student recorded information related to the chapter in the<br />
manner directed by the Foldables graphic organizer.<br />
Student used the Foldables graphic organizer as a study guide<br />
and organizational tool.<br />
2 Student exhibited partial understanding of proper Foldables<br />
graphic organizer assembly.<br />
Student recorded most but not all information related to<br />
the chapter in the manner directed by the Foldables graphic<br />
organizer.<br />
Student demonstrated partial use of the Foldables graphic<br />
organizer as a study guide and organizational tool.<br />
1 Student showed little understanding of proper Foldables graphic<br />
organizer assembly.<br />
Student recorded only some information related to the chapter in<br />
the manner directed by the Foldables graphic organizer.<br />
Student demonstrated little use of the Foldables graphic<br />
organizer as a study guide and organizational tool.<br />
0 Student did not assemble Foldables graphic organizer according<br />
to instructions.<br />
Student recorded little or no information related to the chapter in<br />
the manner directed by the Foldables graphic organizer.<br />
Student did not use the Foldables graphic organizer as a study<br />
guide and organizational tool.<br />
Grade 3 64 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5<br />
Name Date<br />
Read each question carefully. Write your answer on the line<br />
provided.<br />
Multiply.<br />
1. 6 × 4<br />
A. 10 B. 18 C. 24 D. 30<br />
2. 9 × 9<br />
F. 64 G. 72 H. 81 J. 82<br />
3. 5 × 8<br />
A. 13 B. 20 C. 40 D. 80<br />
4. Lindsey plans to bake 3 batches of raisin muffins. Each batch<br />
will make 9 muffins. How many raisins will she need to make<br />
sure that each muffin has 3 raisins?<br />
F. 100 G. 81 H. 27 J. 18<br />
5. Tara bought tickets for two rides on the merry-go-round for<br />
herself and her two sisters. A ticket for one ride costs $1. If<br />
she paid for the tickets with a $10-bill, how much change<br />
should she get?<br />
A. $2.00 B. $4.00 C. $6.00 D. $8.00<br />
6. An airplane has 8 rows of 4 seats each. If passengers are<br />
allowed to bring on no more than 2 bags, what is the<br />
greatest number of bags allowed on the plane?<br />
F. 24 bags G. 32 bags H. 64 bags J. 78 bags<br />
Find the missing number.<br />
7. 2 × 3 × 7 =<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> Test, Form 1<br />
A. 14 B. 21 C. 38 D. 42<br />
Grade 3 65 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
4.<br />
5.<br />
6.<br />
7.<br />
5<br />
8. 5 × 8 × 10 =<br />
Name Date<br />
F. 400 G. 360 H. 200 J. 130<br />
9. (2 × ) × 7 = 56<br />
A. 14 B. 8 C. 7 D. 4<br />
10. × (2 × 3) = 36<br />
F. 6 G. 7 H. 8 J. 9<br />
11. ( 7 × )× 6 = 42<br />
Solve.<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> Test, Form 1 (continued)<br />
A. 1 B. 7 C. 13 D. 21<br />
12. Kyle plans to eat 4 slices of pizza. Each slice has 7 pieces of<br />
pepperoni on it. How many pieces of pepperoni will Kyle eat?<br />
F. 11 pieces G. 14 pieces H. 28 pieces J. 35 pieces<br />
13. Charles earns $5 an hour. He works 2 hours each day for<br />
5 days. How much money does he earn?<br />
A. $10 B. $25 C. $30 D. $50<br />
14. At a movie theater, the cost of an adult ticket is $6. The cost<br />
of a child ticket is $2. Mrs. Lopez buys 2 adult tickets and<br />
1 child ticket. How much does she spend?<br />
F. $14 G. $12 H. $10 J. $8<br />
Grade 3 66 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
8.<br />
9.<br />
10.<br />
11.<br />
12.<br />
13.<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5<br />
Name Date<br />
Read each question carefully. Write your answer on the line<br />
provided.<br />
Multiply.<br />
1. 8 × 3<br />
A. 5 B. 11 C. 16 D. 24<br />
2. 6 × 9<br />
F. 15 G. 24 H. 35 J. 54<br />
3. 7 × 5<br />
A. 12 B. 21 C. 35 D. 40<br />
4. Bonita plans to bake 2 batches of chocolate chip cookies.<br />
Each batch will make 10 cookies. How many chocolate chips<br />
will she need to make sure that each cookie has 4 chips?<br />
F. 8 G. 20 H. 40 J. 80<br />
5. Joyce bought tickets for three rides on the ferris wheel for<br />
herself and her brother. A ticket for 1 ride costs $1. She paid<br />
for the tickets with a $10-bill. How much change did she get?<br />
A. $8 B. $6 C. $4 D. $3<br />
6. A train has 9 rows of 5 seats each. If passengers are allowed<br />
to bring on no more than 2 bags, what is the greatest<br />
number of bags allowed on the train?<br />
F. 45 bags H. 90 bags<br />
G. 64 bags J. 100 bags<br />
Find the missing number.<br />
7. 3 × 2 × 5 =<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> Test, Form 2A<br />
A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 30<br />
Grade 3 67 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
4.<br />
5.<br />
6.<br />
7.<br />
5<br />
8. 4 × 1 × 5 =<br />
Name Date<br />
F. 30 G. 20 H. 10 J. 9<br />
9. (3 × ) × 6 = 36<br />
Solve.<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> Test, Form 2A (continued)<br />
A. 1 B. 2 C. 6 D. 7<br />
10. Dara plans to eat 3 slices of pizza. Each slice has 5 olives on<br />
it. How many olives will Dara eat?<br />
F. 3 G. 8 H. 11 J. 15<br />
11. Rosie earns $4 an hour. She works 2 hours each day for<br />
5 days. How much money does she earn?<br />
A. $80 B. $60 C. $40 D. $20<br />
12. At the concert hall, the cost of an adult ticket is $8. The cost<br />
of a child ticket is $3. Mr. Ambler buys 2 adult tickets and<br />
2 child tickets. How much does he spend?<br />
F. $22 G. $19 H. $14 J. $11<br />
Grade 3 68 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
8.<br />
9.<br />
10.<br />
11.<br />
12.<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5<br />
Name Date<br />
Read each question carefully. Write your answer on the line<br />
provided.<br />
Multiply.<br />
1. 4 × 3<br />
A. 7 B. 12 C. 13<br />
2. 8 × 4<br />
F. 32 G. 22 H. 12<br />
3. 6 × 9<br />
A. 15 B. 48 C. 54<br />
4. 7 × 5<br />
F. 25 G. 35 H. 45<br />
5. Jorge bought tickets for 4 rides on the roller coaster for<br />
himself and his brother. A ticket for 1 ride costs $1. If he paid<br />
for the tickets with a $10-bill, how much change should he<br />
get?<br />
A. $1 B. $2 C. $3<br />
6. An airplane has 7 rows with 3 seats in each row. If<br />
passengers are allowed to bring on no more than 2 bags,<br />
what is the greatest number of bags allowed on the plane?<br />
F. 12 G. 21 H. 42<br />
Find the missing number.<br />
7. 4 × 2 × 6 =<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> Test, Form 2B<br />
A. 14 B. 28 C. 48<br />
Grade 3 69 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
4.<br />
5.<br />
6.<br />
7.<br />
5<br />
8. 2 × 5 × 7 =<br />
Name Date<br />
F. 70 G. 57 H. 17<br />
9. (4 × ) × 3 = 24<br />
Solve.<br />
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3<br />
10. × (2 × 2) = 20<br />
F. 2 G. 4 H. 5<br />
11. (5 × ) × 9 = 45<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> Test, Form 2B (continued)<br />
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3<br />
12. Alejandro earns $6 an hour. He works 2 hours a day for<br />
4 days. How much money does he earn?<br />
F. $18 G. $24 H. $48<br />
13. At the carnival, the cost of an adult ticket is $5. The cost of a<br />
child ticket is $3. Mr. Chung buys 2 adult tickets and 3 child<br />
tickets. How much does he spend?<br />
A. $19 B. $10 C. $9<br />
14. Kelly earns $5 an hour babysitting. She babysits 9 hours a<br />
week. How much money will she earn in a week?<br />
F. $45 G. $50 H. $54<br />
Grade 3 70 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
8.<br />
9.<br />
10.<br />
11.<br />
12.<br />
13.<br />
14.<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5<br />
Name Date<br />
Read each question carefully. Write your answer<br />
on the line provided.<br />
Multiply.<br />
1. 4 × 7<br />
2. 9 × 3<br />
3. 8 × 6<br />
4. 7 × 7<br />
5. 3 × 8<br />
Write a number sentence for each situation. Then<br />
solve.<br />
6. Christy plans to bake 5 batches of blueberry<br />
muffins. Each batch will make 8 muffins. How<br />
many blueberries will she need to make sure that<br />
each muffin has 10 blueberries?<br />
7. Grace bought tickets for 2 rides on the Tilt-a-Whirl<br />
for herself and her three sisters. A tickets for one<br />
ride costs $1. If she paid for the tickets with a<br />
$10-bill, how much change should she get?<br />
8. A plane has 7 rows of 3 seats each. If passengers<br />
are allowed to bring on no more than 2 bags,<br />
what is the greatest number of bags allowed on<br />
the plane?<br />
Compare. Use >,
5<br />
Name Date<br />
Find the missing number.<br />
11. × (2 × 4) = 72<br />
12. (8 × ) × 2 = 16<br />
13. 9 × 2 × 4 =<br />
14. 6 × 5 × 2 =<br />
15. (2 × 3) × = 54<br />
Solve.<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> Test, Form 2C (continued)<br />
16. Sean plans to eat 5 slices of pizza. Each slice has<br />
7 pieces of mushroom on it. How many pieces of<br />
mushroom will Sean eat?<br />
17. Pete earns $4 an hour. He works 2 hours each day<br />
for 6 days. How much money does he earn?<br />
18. At the concert hall, the cost of an adult ticket is $8.<br />
The cost of a child ticket is $3. Mr. Jackson buys<br />
3 adult tickets and 2 child tickets. How much does<br />
he spend?<br />
19. Eva drove 6 miles to the store and then 11 miles<br />
to see a friend. Later, she returned the same way.<br />
How many miles did she drive?<br />
20. The drama club went on a trip to see a play. The<br />
group traveled in 2 cars of 4 people each, and<br />
3 vans of 6 people each. How many people went<br />
on the trip?<br />
Grade 3 72 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
11.<br />
12.<br />
13.<br />
14.<br />
15.<br />
16.<br />
17.<br />
18.<br />
19.<br />
20.<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5<br />
Name Date<br />
Read each question carefully. Write you answer<br />
on the line provided.<br />
Multiply.<br />
1. 6 × 6<br />
2. 9 × 7<br />
3. 8 × 3<br />
4. 5 × 9<br />
5. 4 × 8<br />
6. Marcia will bake 1 batch of oatmeal raisin muffins.<br />
Each batch will make 10 muffins. How many<br />
raisins will she need so that each muffin has 8<br />
raisins?<br />
7. Pedro bought tickets for 2 rides on the roller<br />
coaster for himself and his two brothers. A ticket<br />
for one ride costs $1. If he paid with a $10-bill,<br />
how much change did he get?<br />
8. A bus has 10 rows of 2 seats each. If passengers<br />
are not allowed to bring on more than 2 bags,<br />
what is the greatest number of bags allowed on<br />
the bus?<br />
Compare. Use >,
5<br />
Name Date<br />
Find the number missing.<br />
11. × (2 × 5) = 90<br />
12. (2 × ) × 7 = 56<br />
13. 3 × 9 × 1 =<br />
14. 9 × 2 × 3 =<br />
15. (2 × ) × 5 = 40<br />
Solve.<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> Test, Form 2D (continued)<br />
16. Tony will eat 3 slices of pizza. Each slice has<br />
4 hot peppers on it. How many hot peppers will<br />
Tony eat?<br />
17. Lucia makes $5 an hour babysitting. She babysits<br />
3 hours each day for 2 days. How much money<br />
does she make?<br />
18. At the movie theater, an adult ticket costs $5. A<br />
child’s ticket cost $2. Mr. Ramirez buys 2 adult<br />
tickets and 4 child tickets. How much money does<br />
he spend?<br />
19. Dana drove 3 miles to the store and then she<br />
drove 8 miles to see a friend. Later, she drove<br />
back the same way. How many miles did<br />
she drive?<br />
20. The soccer club went on a trip to see a soccer<br />
match. The group traveled to the match in 3 cars<br />
of 3 people each, and in 2 vans of 7 people each.<br />
How many people went on the trip?<br />
Grade 3 74 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
11.<br />
12.<br />
13.<br />
14.<br />
15.<br />
16.<br />
17.<br />
18.<br />
19.<br />
20.<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5<br />
Name Date<br />
Read each question carefully. Write your answer<br />
on the line provided.<br />
Multiply.<br />
1. 9 × 6<br />
2. 9 × 9<br />
3. 7 × 8<br />
4. 8 × 8<br />
5. 4 × 8 × 2<br />
6. 9 × 3 × 2<br />
7. Mary plans to bake 2 batches of chocolate-chip<br />
walnut cookies. Each batch will make 10 cookies.<br />
How many chocolate chips will she need to make<br />
sure that each cookie has 4 chocolate chips? How<br />
many walnuts will she need to make sure each<br />
cookie has 5 walnuts?<br />
8. Charley purchased tickets for 2 rides on the<br />
carnival’s newest and scariest roller coaster, for<br />
himself and his three friends. A ticket for one ride<br />
costs $1. If he paid for the tickets with a $10-bill,<br />
how much change should he get?<br />
9. A plane has 10 rows of seats with 3 seats in each<br />
row. If passengers are allowed to bring on no<br />
more than 2 bags, what is the greatest number of<br />
bags allowed on the plane?<br />
Complete, using >,
5<br />
Name Date<br />
Determine the missing number.<br />
13. (4 × ) × 3 = 24<br />
14. × (4 × 3) = 36<br />
15. (3 × ) × 3 = 27<br />
Solve.<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> Test, Form 3 (continued)<br />
16. Tony will eat 4 slices of pizza. Each slice has<br />
4 black olives and 6 slices of onion on it. How<br />
many slices of onion will Tony eat?<br />
17. Lara earns $2 an hour stuffing envelopes. She<br />
works 4 hours each day for 5 days. How much<br />
money does she earn?<br />
18. At the ballpark, an adult ticket costs $9. A child’s<br />
ticket cost $6. Mr. Jameson buys 3 adult tickets<br />
and 2 child tickets. How much does he spend?<br />
19. Alan drove 8 miles to the store and then 5 miles<br />
to see a friend and then 3 miles to the ballpark.<br />
Later, he returned the same way. How many miles<br />
did he drive?<br />
20. The music club went on a trip to see a jazz<br />
concert in the next town. The group traveled in<br />
4 cars of 3 people each, and 2 vans of 8 people<br />
each. How many people went on the trip?<br />
Grade 3 76 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
13.<br />
14.<br />
15.<br />
16.<br />
17.<br />
18.<br />
19.<br />
20.<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5<br />
Name Date<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> Extended-Response Test<br />
Demonstrate your knowledge by giving a clear, concise<br />
solution to each problem. Be sure to include all relevant<br />
drawings and justify your answers. You may show your<br />
solution in more than one way or investigate beyond the<br />
requirements of the problem. If necessary, record your<br />
answer on another piece of paper.<br />
1. a. How can you use skip counting or draw an array to help<br />
multiply a number by 3? Give an example of each.<br />
b. How can you draw a picture to help solve a multiplication<br />
problem?<br />
c. Write a real-world problem in which 3 is the factor and<br />
then solve the problem.<br />
2. Use the look for a pattern strategy to solve the following<br />
problem. Explain each step.<br />
Luke is setting up chairs for the music show. The first row has<br />
6 chairs. The second row has 9 chairs and the third row has<br />
12 chairs. How many chairs will be in the fifth row?<br />
Grade 3 77 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
5<br />
Name Date<br />
Use this recording sheet with pages 246–247 of the Student Edition.<br />
Read each question. Then fill in the correct answer.<br />
1. A B C D<br />
2. F G H J<br />
3. A B C D<br />
4. F G H J<br />
5. A B C D<br />
6. F G H J<br />
7. A B C D<br />
8. F G H J<br />
9. A B C D<br />
10. F G H J<br />
Student Recording Sheet<br />
Grade 3 78 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5<br />
Test Example<br />
Name Date<br />
Cumulative Standardized Test Practice<br />
At the corner grocery store, Davis is in charge of unpacking<br />
3 boxes. Each box has 5 bottles. How many bottles is Davis<br />
unpacking?<br />
A. 3 B. 5 C. 15 D. 20<br />
Read the Question<br />
You need to find the total number of cans Davis is unpacking.<br />
Solve the Question<br />
Use what you know about changing<br />
the order of the factors. Changing the<br />
order of the factors does not<br />
change the product.<br />
You know that 3 × 5 = 15.<br />
So, 5 × 3 = 15.<br />
The answer is C.<br />
Choose the best answer.<br />
1. For the school band concert, chairs were set in 7 rows of<br />
7 seats. How many seats are in all?<br />
A. 36 B. 49 C. 56 D. 64<br />
2. Each package of crayons has 8 crayons. How many crayons<br />
are in 6 packages?<br />
F. 30 G. 36 H. 48 J. 54<br />
3. What number makes this number sentence true?<br />
9 × = 27<br />
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6<br />
Grade 3 79 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
5<br />
Name Date<br />
Cumulative Standardized Test<br />
Practice (continued)<br />
4. What multiplication sentence describes the array shown<br />
below?<br />
F. 4 × 4 G. 3 × 5<br />
H. 2 × 5 J. 3 × 4<br />
5. If 4 × 2 × 5 = 40, then what is 2 × 4 × 5?<br />
A. 32 B. 40 C. 45 D. 48<br />
6. A container of milk costs about $3. About<br />
how much will 6 containers of milk cost?<br />
F. $12 G. $15<br />
H. $18 J. $24<br />
7. The Applegate School bought 1,360 pencils. They gave out<br />
756 to students. How many pencils are left?<br />
A. 604 B. 614 C. 741 D. 906<br />
8. Carlos bought 4 packages of cinnamon muffins. Each package<br />
has 5 muffins. Which number sentence shows how to find<br />
the number of muffins in all?<br />
F. 4 × 5 = G. 4 + 5 =<br />
H. 5 - 4 = J. 20 - 5 =<br />
9. Complete the number sentence below.<br />
× 7 = 0<br />
A. 3 B. 2 C. 1 D. 0<br />
10. What is 7,658 rounded to the nearest hundred?<br />
MILK<br />
F. 8,000 G. 7,700 H. 7,600 J. 7,660<br />
Grade 3 80 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
$3.00<br />
4.<br />
5.<br />
6.<br />
7.<br />
8.<br />
9.<br />
10.<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
5<br />
Name Date<br />
Write your answer on the line provided.<br />
Find the missing number.<br />
11. 3 × ( × 4) = 12<br />
12. 6 × 5 × = 60<br />
13. × 3 × 7 = 63<br />
14. 6 × 3 × 2 =<br />
Solve.<br />
Cumulative Standardized Test<br />
Practice (continued)<br />
15. Mason planted corn in the garden. He planted<br />
3 seeds in the first row, 6 seeds in the second, and<br />
9 seeds in the third row. If this pattern continued,<br />
how many seeds did he plant in the seventh row?<br />
16. Jillian is wrapping gifts for the holiday. For each gift,<br />
she used 1 yard of wrapping paper and 2 yards of<br />
ribbon. How many yards of wrapping paper and<br />
ribbon does she need to wrap 9 gifts?<br />
Grade 3 81 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
11.<br />
12.<br />
13.<br />
14.<br />
15.<br />
16.<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> 5 Assessment Answer Key<br />
Page 77, Extended-Response Test<br />
Scoring Rubric<br />
Level Specific Criteria<br />
4 The student demonstrates a thorough understanding of the<br />
mathematics concepts and/or procedures embodied in the task. The<br />
student has responded correctly to the task, used mathematically<br />
sound procedures, and provided clear and complete explanations<br />
and interpretations. The response may contain minor flaws that do<br />
not detract from the demonstration of a thorough understanding.<br />
3 The student demonstrates an understanding of the mathematics<br />
concepts and/or procedures embodied in the task. The student’s<br />
response to the task is essentially correct with the mathematical<br />
procedures used and the explanations and interpretations provided<br />
demonstrating an essential but less than thorough understanding.<br />
The response may contain minor errors that reflect inattentive<br />
execution of the mathematical procedures or indications of some<br />
misunderstanding of the underlying mathematics concepts and/or<br />
procedures.<br />
2 The student has demonstrated only a partial understanding of<br />
the mathematics concepts and/or procedures embodied in the<br />
task. Although the student may have used the correct approach to<br />
obtaining a solution or may have provided a correct solution, the<br />
student’s work lacks an essential understanding of the underlying<br />
mathematical concepts. The response contains errors related<br />
to misunderstanding important aspects of the task, misuse of<br />
mathematical procedures, or faulty interpretations of results.<br />
1 The student has demonstrated a very limited understanding of the<br />
mathematics concepts and/or procedures embodied in the task. The<br />
student’s response to the task is incomplete and exhibits many flaws.<br />
Although the student has addressed some of the conditions of the<br />
task, the student reached an inadequate conclusion and/or provided<br />
reasoning that was faulty or incomplete. The response exhibits many<br />
errors or may be incomplete.<br />
0 The student has provided a completely incorrect solution or<br />
uninterpretable response, or no response at all.<br />
Grade 3 82 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> 5 Assessment Answer Key<br />
Page 77, Extended-Response Test<br />
Sample Answers<br />
In addition to the scoring rubric found on page 82, the following sample<br />
answers may be used as guidance in evaluating open-ended assessment items.<br />
1. a. Answers will vary. Sample answer:<br />
You can use skip counting to<br />
multiply a number by 3 by<br />
adding 3 to the number over<br />
and over again. For example:<br />
to find 3 × 4 you can count 3<br />
jumps of four (4, 8, 12) . You can<br />
also draw an array to multiply<br />
by 3. For example: to find 6 × 3<br />
you can count 3 rows of 6.<br />
b. You can draw a picture to help<br />
solve a multiplication problem.<br />
For example: If you know there<br />
are 3 children and each child<br />
is wearing two gloves, you can<br />
draw a picture to find out how<br />
many gloves there are in all.<br />
c. Samantha goes to the pet store.<br />
There are black cats, white cats,<br />
spotted cats and brown cats.<br />
She notices that there are 3 of<br />
each color. How many cats are<br />
there altogether?<br />
Answer: 12<br />
2. Answers may vary slightly. Sample<br />
answer:<br />
Step 1:<br />
I know that there will be 6 chairs in<br />
the first row.<br />
I know that there will be 9 chairs in<br />
the second row.<br />
I know that there will be 12 chairs<br />
in the third row.<br />
I need to find how many chairs will<br />
be in the fifth row.<br />
Step 2:<br />
My plan is to organize the data in a<br />
table and then look for a pattern.<br />
Step 3:<br />
I will first put the information in a<br />
table.<br />
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th<br />
6 9 12 15 18<br />
I will then look for a pattern. I<br />
see that the pattern is +3, so I<br />
complete the chart.<br />
So, there will be 18 chairs in the<br />
fifth row.<br />
Step 4:<br />
I will check my work.<br />
I look back at the problem<br />
6 + 3 = 9<br />
9 + 3 = 12<br />
12 + 3 = 15<br />
15 + 4 = 18<br />
There are 18 chairs in the fifth row.<br />
So, I know I am correct.<br />
Grade 3 83 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
Name Date<br />
Anticipation Guide<br />
More Multiplication Facts<br />
5<br />
Name Date<br />
Graphic Organizer<br />
5<br />
Answers (Graphic Organizer and Anticipation Guide)<br />
STEP 1 Before you begin <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
• Read each statement.<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s<br />
Use this graphic organizer to take notes on <strong>Chapter</strong> 5: More<br />
Multiplication Facts. Fill in the missing information.<br />
• Decide whether you agree (A) or disagree (D) with the<br />
statement.<br />
Extend the Pattern Name the Pattern<br />
• Write A or D in the first column OR if you are not sure whether<br />
you agree or disagree, write NS (not sure).<br />
25 25 30 30 + 5 or × 5<br />
5, 10, 15, 20, ,<br />
15 18 + 3 or × 3<br />
3, 6, 9, 12, ,<br />
STEP 2<br />
A or D<br />
D<br />
A<br />
A<br />
D<br />
A<br />
A<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
AA<br />
DD<br />
DD<br />
STEP 1<br />
A, D, or NS Statement<br />
1. There is only way to multiply a number by 3.<br />
2. Organizing information in a table can help you to<br />
notice a pattern.<br />
3. 7 × 2 = 14 and 2 × 7 = 14<br />
4. You can use the doubles or near doubles strategy<br />
when one of the factors is odd.<br />
5. 9 × 8 = 72<br />
6. Looking for a pattern may be helpful in remembering<br />
the nines multiplication facts.<br />
7. The Associative Property of Multiplication states that<br />
the grouping of the factors does not change the<br />
product.<br />
8. Multiplication and addition are not helpful in<br />
extending a pattern.<br />
9. 9 × 9 = 99<br />
10 12 12 + 2 or × 2<br />
2, 4, 6, 8, ,<br />
20 24 24 + 4 or × 4<br />
30 36 + 6 or × 6<br />
4, 8, 12, 16, ,<br />
6, 12, 18, 24, ,<br />
35 42 + + 7 or × × 7<br />
45 54 + 9 or × 9<br />
Grade 3 A1 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
7, 14, 21, 28, ,<br />
9, 18, 27, 36, ,<br />
+ 8 or × 8<br />
40 48<br />
8, 16, 24, 32, ,<br />
STEP 2 After you complete <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
• Reread each statement and complete the last column by<br />
entering an A (agree) or a D (disagree).<br />
• Did any of your opinions about the statements change from the<br />
first column?<br />
• For those statements that you mark with a D, use a separate sheet<br />
of paper to explain why you disagree. Use examples, if possible.<br />
Grade 3 6 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Grade 3 1 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Name Date<br />
Skills Practice<br />
Multiply by 3<br />
5–1<br />
Name Date<br />
3NS2.2<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Reteach<br />
Multiply by 3<br />
5–1<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s<br />
Multiply.<br />
30 15<br />
24 18<br />
21 27<br />
6 3<br />
0 21<br />
24 24<br />
18<br />
15 12<br />
12 24<br />
There are different ways to find answers for multiplication<br />
problems. One way is to use models to represent the problem.<br />
1. 3 × 10 = 2. 5 × 3 =<br />
3. 3 × 8 = 4. 6 × 3 =<br />
Find 3 × 4.<br />
5. 7 × 3 = 6. 3 × 9 =<br />
Using Models Using Paper and Pencil<br />
7. 2 × 3 = 8. 1 × 3 =<br />
Total<br />
9. 0 × 3 = 10. 3 × 7 =<br />
Number in Each<br />
Group<br />
Number of<br />
Groups<br />
Answers (Lesson 5 –1)<br />
11. 8 × 3 = 12. 3 × 6 =<br />
3 × 4 = 12<br />
13. 3 × 5 = 14. 4 × 3 =<br />
15. 3 × 4 = 16. 3 × 8 =<br />
3 groups of 4 cubes factor factor product<br />
ALGEBRA Complete each table.<br />
Use models to find the total number.<br />
1. 2.<br />
Grade 3 A2 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Rule: multiply by 3<br />
18.<br />
Rule: multiply by 3<br />
17.<br />
Output<br />
Input<br />
Output<br />
Input<br />
12<br />
4<br />
9<br />
18<br />
3<br />
27<br />
9<br />
6<br />
6<br />
2 8<br />
30<br />
24<br />
0<br />
10<br />
0<br />
21<br />
7<br />
3<br />
1<br />
Solve.<br />
19. Jay has 3 bags of fruit. Each bag has 8 pieces of fruit. How<br />
many pieces of fruit does Jay have altogether?<br />
24 pieces of fruit<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
15 12<br />
3 groups of 5 = 4 groups of 3 =<br />
3. 4 × 5 = 4.<br />
20<br />
21<br />
3 groups of 7 =<br />
5. 3 × 6 = 6. 8 × 3 =<br />
20. Heather has 3 bags of pretzels. Each bag has 6 pretzels. How<br />
many pretzels does Heather have altogether?<br />
7. 3 groups of 3 = 8. 4 groups of 3 =<br />
18 pretzels pretzels<br />
18 24<br />
99 1 21 2<br />
6 2 72 7<br />
9. 3 groups of 2 = 10. 9 groups of 3 =<br />
Grade 3 9 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Grade 3 8 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
Name Date<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Problem-Solving Practice<br />
Multiply by 3<br />
5–1<br />
Name Date<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Homework Practice<br />
Multiply by 3<br />
5–1<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s<br />
Solve.<br />
Multiply.<br />
1. Sean and Dave are playing with toy racecars. Sean has his<br />
cars lined up in 3 rows. He has 5 cars in each row. How<br />
1. 3 × 3 = 2. 3 × 5 =<br />
3. 5 × 3 = 4. 9 × 3 =<br />
many cars does he have in all?<br />
15 15 cars<br />
9 1 51 5<br />
15 15<br />
27<br />
12 12<br />
30<br />
24 24<br />
21<br />
18 3<br />
5. 4 × 3 = 6. 10 × 3 =<br />
7. 8 × 3 = 8. 3 × 7 =<br />
Answers (Lesson 5 –1)<br />
2. Dave has 4 rows of cars lined up. He has 3 cars in each row.<br />
How many cars does Dave have in all?<br />
9. 6 × 3 = 10. 1 × 3 =<br />
12 12 cars<br />
Solve.<br />
3. The boys are sharing some special cars. They have 2 rows of<br />
special cars with 3 in each row. How many special cars do<br />
11. The parking lot has 3 rows of cars. There are 6 cars in each<br />
row. How many cars are in the parking lot?<br />
they have in all?<br />
18 cars cars<br />
6 6 cars<br />
Grade 3 A3 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
12. Mary has 3 dimes in her pocket. Each dime equals<br />
10 pennies. If she traded her dimes for pennies, how many<br />
4. Dave’s mom said that she would buy them more special cars.<br />
These cars cost $3 each. If she buys the boys 3 more, how<br />
much will she have to spend?<br />
$9<br />
5. The boys used their building blocks to create a wall for the<br />
cars to drive through. They plan to stack the blocks 3 across<br />
and 9 up. How many blocks do they need to build the wall?<br />
27 blocks<br />
6. After they finish the wall, Dave and Sean each have 3 extra<br />
blocks. Two of these blocks are broken. How many extra<br />
blocks do they have left that are not broken?<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
pennies would she have?<br />
30 pennies<br />
Multiply. (Lesson 4–9)<br />
13. 0 × 3 = 14. 1 × 5 =<br />
15. 1 × 6 = 16. 0 × 9 =<br />
17. 0 × 1 = 18. 2 × 0 =<br />
19. 8 × 1 = 20. 1 × 0 =<br />
4 blocks<br />
0 5<br />
6 0<br />
0 0<br />
8 00<br />
4 2<br />
0 00<br />
21. 1 × 4 = 22. 2 × 1 =<br />
23. 5 × 0 = 24. 0 × 1 =<br />
Grade 3 11 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Grade 3 10 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Name Date<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Reteach<br />
Multiply by 6<br />
5–2<br />
Name Date<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Enrich<br />
The Birthday Party<br />
5–1<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s<br />
You can use facts that you already know to help you multiply by 6.<br />
Find 7 × 6 by doubling 7 × 3.<br />
Answers (Lessons 5 –1 and 5 –2)<br />
= ++<br />
Karlie, Keri, and Kristie are triplets. They are having a<br />
birthday party. Read each problem. Draw a picture for each<br />
number sentence. Use a separate sheet of paper if you<br />
need more room. Then write a number sentence that helps<br />
answer questions 1–4.<br />
7 groups of 6 = 7 groups of 3 plus 7 groups of 3<br />
7 × 6 = 7 × 3 + 7 × 3<br />
= 21 + 21 = 42<br />
Pictures should accurately<br />
reflect reflect sentence<br />
1. Each girl wants to invite six different friends to the party. How<br />
many friends will be invited to the party?<br />
Grade 3 A4 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Write a multiplication sentence for the picture.<br />
3 × × 6 = = 18 friends friends<br />
1. 2. 3.<br />
4 × 6 = 24 2 × 6 = 12 3 × 6 = 18<br />
Multiply.<br />
18 30 36<br />
48 48<br />
6 12<br />
54 54<br />
42 24<br />
27 9 21<br />
15 24 18<br />
4. 6 × 3 = 5. 6 × 5 = 6. 6 × 6 =<br />
7. 6 × 8 = 8. 6 × 1 = 9. 6 × 2 =<br />
10. 9 × 6 = 11. 6 × 7 = 12. 6 × 4 =<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
2. The girls’ dad is making a jewelry box for each girl. Each box<br />
has four sides, a bottom, and a lid that opens. How many<br />
sides for the jewelry boxes will he make?<br />
3 × × 4 = = 12 sides<br />
3. Their aunt is knitting sweaters for the girls. She is buying<br />
eight flowered buttons to put on each sweater. How many<br />
buttons does she need to buy?<br />
3 × 8 = 24 buttons<br />
13. 3 × 9 = 14. 3 × 3 = 15. 7 × 3 =<br />
4. The girls are going to be 9 years old. They will blow out the<br />
candles on their cake together. If their mom wants to buy<br />
one set of nine candles for each girl to put on the cake, how<br />
many candles does she need to buy?<br />
16. 3 × 5 = 17. 3 × 8 = 18. 6 × 3 =<br />
9 × 3 = 27 candles<br />
Grade 3 13 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Grade 3 12 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
Name Date<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Homework Practice<br />
Multiply by 6<br />
5–2<br />
Name Date<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Skills Practice<br />
Multiply by 6<br />
5–2<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s<br />
Multiply.<br />
Multiply.<br />
24 24<br />
18<br />
48 24<br />
0 66<br />
54 54<br />
54<br />
30 30<br />
42<br />
1. 6 × 4 = 2. 3 × 6 =<br />
1. 6 × 5 = 2. 6 × 7 =<br />
3. 6 × 8 = 4. 4 × 6 =<br />
3. 9 × 6 = 4. 3 × 6 =<br />
5. 6 × 0 = 6. 6 × 1 =<br />
5. 6 × 6 = 6. 7 × 6 =<br />
7. 6 × 9 = 8. 9 × 6 =<br />
7. 1 × 6 = 8. 6 × 2 =<br />
9. 5 × 6 = 10. 7 × 6 =<br />
9. 8 × 6 = 10. 10 × 6 =<br />
Answers (Lesson 5 –2)<br />
11. 3 × 6 = 12. 6 × 4 =<br />
Solve.<br />
13. 5 × 6 = 14. 6 × 3 =<br />
15. 6 × 8 = 16. 6 × 7 =<br />
11. Brad’s rabbit has 6 whiskers on both sides of its face. How<br />
many whiskers does the rabbit have on its face?<br />
30 30<br />
42<br />
54 54<br />
18<br />
36 36<br />
42<br />
6 12 12<br />
48 60<br />
18 24<br />
30 18<br />
48 42<br />
24 54<br />
17. 4 × 6 = 18. 6 × 9 =<br />
12 whiskers<br />
Grade 3 A5 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
ALGEBRA Find each missing number.<br />
12. Jan has 4 insects in a jar. Each insect has 6 legs. How many<br />
legs in all?<br />
24 legs<br />
Multiply. (Lesson 5–1)<br />
27 21<br />
18 15<br />
12 12<br />
24<br />
00 2 12 1<br />
6 1 21 2<br />
24 24<br />
27<br />
13. 3 × 9 = 14. 3 × 7 =<br />
15. 6 × 3 = 16. 5 × 3 =<br />
17. 4 × 3 = 18. 8 × 3 =<br />
19. 0 × 3 = 20. 7 × 3 =<br />
21. 3 × 2 = 22. 3 × 4 =<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
19. 5 × = 30 20. 9 × = 54<br />
21. 8 × = 24 22. 6 × = 42<br />
23. 6 × = 48 24. 9 × = 27<br />
66 6<br />
33 77<br />
88 3<br />
6 26. Rule: Multiply by 8<br />
ALGEBRA Find each rule.<br />
25. Rule: Multiply by<br />
Rule: Multiply by<br />
Rule: Multiply by<br />
Output<br />
Input<br />
Output<br />
Input<br />
48<br />
6<br />
36<br />
6<br />
56<br />
7<br />
42<br />
7<br />
64<br />
8<br />
48<br />
8<br />
23. 3 × 8 = 24. 9 × 3 =<br />
54<br />
9<br />
Grade 3 15 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Grade 3 14 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Name Date<br />
Enrich<br />
Multiply by 6<br />
5–2<br />
Name Date<br />
3NS2.2<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Problem-Solving Practice<br />
Multiply by 6<br />
5–2<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s<br />
Find the missing factor for each problem. Draw an array<br />
or a picture that matches the problem. Then use words to<br />
write a number sentence for each drawing.<br />
Solve.<br />
1. Cindy and Mandy went to the beach. They each found<br />
6 starfish. How many starfish do they have in all?<br />
Find the Factors Show the Problem Write It in Words<br />
12 starfish<br />
6 groups of 3<br />
equals 18<br />
Answers (Lesson 5 –2)<br />
drawing should<br />
accurately represent<br />
6 groups with<br />
3 items in each group<br />
2. Each of the 6 starfish has 5 arms. The girls counted them all.<br />
How many starfish arms did the girls count?<br />
1. 6 × 33 = 18<br />
30 30 arms arms<br />
6 groups of 5<br />
equals 30<br />
drawing should should<br />
accurately represent<br />
6 groups with<br />
5 items in each group<br />
3. The girls made a sandcastle with 3 waterways leading to<br />
each of their 6 towers. How many waterways did they dig<br />
altogether?<br />
2. 6 × 55 = 30<br />
18 waterways<br />
2 groups of 6<br />
equals 12<br />
drawing should<br />
accurately represent<br />
2 groups with<br />
6 items in each group<br />
Grade 3 A6 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
3. 2 × 6 = 12<br />
6 groups of 4<br />
equal 24, or<br />
4 groups of 6<br />
equals 24<br />
drawing should<br />
accurately represent<br />
24 items in groups of<br />
6 with 4 items in each<br />
group or 4 groups with<br />
6 items in each group<br />
4. 24 = 4 × 6<br />
6 groups of 6<br />
equals 36<br />
drawing should<br />
accurately represent<br />
36 in groups of 6<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
4. The girls each carried 6 pails with them to the beach. They<br />
found out that they really did not need so many pails, so they<br />
let a group of children use 4 of their pails. How many pails<br />
do the girls still have left to use?<br />
8 pails<br />
5. Cindy has 6 dimes that she can spend on stickers. Each<br />
sticker costs 5¢.<br />
Does she have enough money to buy 6 stickers? Explain.<br />
yes, the stickers will cost 30¢ and Cindy has has 60¢<br />
6. Write a problem that can be solved by multiplying by 6.<br />
5. 66 × 6 = 36<br />
Sample answer: Mandy bought 6 pieces of fruit fruit that cost<br />
7¢ each. How much did she pay for her fruit? 42¢<br />
Grade 3 17 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Grade 3 16 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
Name Date<br />
Reteach<br />
Problem -Solving Strategy (continued)<br />
5–3<br />
Name Date<br />
3MR1.1, 3AF2.2<br />
3MR1.1, 3AF2.2<br />
Reteach<br />
Problem-Solving Strategy<br />
5–3<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s<br />
Practice by following the steps.<br />
Look for a Pattern<br />
Fred is putting pictures in a scrapbook. He uses a pattern of<br />
groups of space and sports pictures. Each group has 1 space<br />
picture and 3 sports pictures. If the pattern continues, how many<br />
sports pictures will he use in all if there are a total of 24 pictures?<br />
Liz created a castle with pink towers and blue flags. On the first tower, she has<br />
2 flags. The second tower has 4 flags, and the third tower has 8. If she keeps the<br />
pattern up, how many flags are on the fourth tower?<br />
What do you know?<br />
There are 2 flags on the first tower.<br />
Step 1<br />
Understand<br />
Answers (Lesson 5 –3)<br />
You know: There is 1 space picture in each group. There are 3<br />
sports pictures in each group. There There are are a a total total of of 24 24<br />
pictures.<br />
You need to find out:<br />
Step 1<br />
Understand<br />
There are 4 flags on the second tower.<br />
There are 8 flags on the third tower.<br />
sports pictures<br />
How many will be used?<br />
Organize the data in a table. What are your columns? The<br />
groups. There are 4 pictures in each group and 24 pictures in all.<br />
4 × 6 = 24. You need 6 columns.<br />
What do you need to find out?<br />
How many flags will be on the fourth tower?<br />
Step 2<br />
Plan<br />
Organize the data in a table. What are your<br />
columns? The towers<br />
Step 2<br />
Plan<br />
Grade 3 A7 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
What is in the row under each column? The number of space<br />
and sports pictures in each group.<br />
What is in the row under each column? The<br />
number of flags<br />
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6<br />
1 space 1 space 1 space 1 space 1 space 1 space<br />
3 sports 3 sports 3 sports 3 sports 3 sports 3 sports<br />
Look for the pattern. Since the same group repeats,<br />
multiply multiply the number of sports pictures by 6.<br />
Step 3<br />
Solve<br />
Multiply 3 by 6.<br />
Step 4<br />
Check<br />
6 groups of 3 sports pictures equal 18 sports pictures.<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
Tower 1 Tower 2 Tower 3 Tower 4<br />
?<br />
What is done to 2 to get 4 ? 2 was added to get 4 OR<br />
2 was multiplied to get 4.<br />
Step 3<br />
Solve the problem.<br />
What was done to 4 to get 8 ? 4 was multiplied by 2.<br />
What was done to both the first and the second<br />
number? They were both multiplied by 2.<br />
Think: What is<br />
added, subtracted<br />
or multiplied?<br />
Repeat the steps for tower 3 to check your rule. Then<br />
repeat for the fourth tower. Multiply 8 by 2. 16 flags<br />
will be on the fourth tower.<br />
Look back at your answer. Does it make sense ? Why ?<br />
Step 4<br />
Check<br />
Grade 3 19 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Grade 3 18 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Name Date<br />
Homework Practice<br />
Problem-Solving Strategy<br />
5–3<br />
Name Date<br />
3MR1.1, 3AF2.2<br />
3MR1.1, 3AF2.2<br />
Skills Practice<br />
Problem-Solving Strategy<br />
5–3<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s<br />
Solve.<br />
Solve. Use the look for a pattern strategy.<br />
1. Every home on Main Street has a dog and other pets.<br />
The first house has 1 dog and 1 cat. The second house<br />
has 1 dog and 2 cats. The third house has 1 dog and<br />
3 rabbits. The fourth house has 1 dog and 4 angel fish. If the<br />
pattern continues, the fifth house has 1 dog and how many<br />
hamsters?<br />
2. The concert hall offers specials on<br />
tickets. When you buy 5 tickets,<br />
you get 1 other ticket free. When<br />
you buy 10 tickets, you get 2 other<br />
tickets free. Lyddie got 4 tickets<br />
free. How many tickets did she<br />
1. A dancer practices 3 days in a row<br />
and then takes one day off to rest.<br />
She has a show in two weeks. If<br />
she practices on the first 3 days,<br />
and takes the 4th day off, how<br />
many times will she practice in<br />
Answers (Lesson 5 –3)<br />
5 hamsters<br />
buy?<br />
14 days?<br />
11 times 20 20 tickets<br />
2. Ann is a pet babysitter. She gets paid to help the families<br />
on Main Street with their pets every day. The first week she<br />
earned $2. The second week she earned $4. The third week<br />
she earned $6. The fourth, $8. What did she earn by the<br />
seventh week?<br />
$14<br />
4. The Portsmouth Players perform<br />
2 daytime shows and 3 evening<br />
shows per week. Their current<br />
play will run for 30 shows. How<br />
many of the shows will be daytime<br />
3. Ann decided to set up a pet parade. She had the pet owners<br />
walk in rows with their pets. In the first row she put<br />
1 owner with 1 pet. The second row had 2 owners with<br />
1 pet each. The third row had 1 pet owner and 2 pets. The<br />
fourth row had 2 pet owners with 2 pets each. The fifth row<br />
had 1 pet owner with 3 pets. If the pattern continues, what<br />
Grade 3 A8 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
shows?<br />
3. The marching band lines up in<br />
rows. The first row has 2 people.<br />
The second row has 4 people.<br />
The third row has 6 people.<br />
If this pattern continues, how<br />
many people will be in the fifth<br />
did the sixth row have?<br />
3 pet owners with 3 pets each<br />
Multiply. (Lesson 5–2)<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
12 shows<br />
row?<br />
10 people<br />
Mixed Strategy Review<br />
6. A theater seat in the orchestra costs<br />
$32. A balcony seat costs $14. How<br />
much more does an orchestra seat<br />
cost than a balcony seat?<br />
$18<br />
5. Ken takes piano lessons. The 1st<br />
week, he practices 20 minutes<br />
each day. The 2nd week, he<br />
practices 40 minutes each day. The<br />
3rd week, he practices 1 hour each<br />
day. If this pattern continues, how<br />
many minutes will he practice each<br />
18 18<br />
24<br />
36 42<br />
4. 3 × 6 = 5. 4 × 6 =<br />
day in the 5th week?<br />
1 hour 40 minutes<br />
6. 6 × 6 = 7. 7 × 6 =<br />
Grade 3 21 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Grade 3 20 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
Name Date<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Reteach<br />
Multiply by 7<br />
5–4<br />
Name Date<br />
3MR1.1, 3AF2.2<br />
Enrich<br />
Favorite Numbers<br />
5–3<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s<br />
You can add on to a known fact to find a new fact.<br />
36 80 24 30 63<br />
Find 7 × 3 by finding (6 × 3) +(1 × 3).<br />
Answers (Lessons 5 –3 and 5 –4)<br />
= +<br />
Carmen x x x x O<br />
Zack x x O x x<br />
Jenna x O x x x<br />
April O x x x x<br />
Carlos x x x O x<br />
7 groups of 3 = 6 groups of 3 plus 1 group of 3<br />
7 × 3 = 6 × 3 + 1 × 3<br />
= 18 + 3 = 21<br />
Read each clue. If the answer is “yes,” draw an “O” in the<br />
box. If the answer is “no,” draw an “X” in the box. Then fill<br />
in the correct answers below.<br />
Write a multiplication sentence for the picture.<br />
Carmen’s favorite number is more than 1 × 6 × 8 but less than 8 × 8.<br />
1. 2. 3.<br />
Find each product .<br />
4. 3 × 7 = 21 5. 5 × 7 = 35 6. 7 × 7 = 49<br />
7. 8 × 7 = 56 8. 7 × 6 = 42 9. 7 × 9 = 63<br />
10. 9 × 7 = 63 11. 4 × 7 = 28 12. 7 × 1 = 7<br />
13. 6 × 7 = 42 14. 3 × 7 = 21 15. 0 × 7 = 0<br />
16. 7 × 4 = 28 17. 1 × 7 = 7 18. 2 × 7 = 14<br />
Grade 3 A9 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Zack’s favorite number is the product of each of these multiplication<br />
facts 8 × 3, 6 × 4, or 2 × 12.<br />
Carlos’ favorite number would belong in the patterns 5, 10, 15 . . .<br />
and 6, 12, 18 . . .<br />
7 × 4 = 28 7 7 × 6 6 = 42 42 7 × 8 = 56<br />
Jenna’s favorite number is a multiple of 10 that is greater than 5 × 8.<br />
April’s favorite number is the product of two equal factors that when added<br />
together equal twelve.<br />
Carmen’s favorite number is 63 . Zack’s favorite number is 24 . Jenna’s<br />
favorite number is 80 . April’s favorite number is 36 . Carlos’ favorite<br />
number is 30 .<br />
Grade 3 23 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Grade 3 22 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Name Date<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Homework Practice<br />
Multiply by 7<br />
5–4<br />
Name Date<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Skills Practice<br />
Multiply by 7<br />
5–4<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s<br />
Multiply.<br />
Write multiplication sentences.<br />
21 35<br />
42 49<br />
56 63<br />
28 42<br />
70 77<br />
0 35<br />
28 63<br />
1. 7 × 3 = 2. 5 × 7 =<br />
1. How many train cars? 2. How many fingers?<br />
3. 6 × 7 = 4. 7 × 7 =<br />
5. 7 × 8 = 6. 9 × 7 =<br />
7. 4 × 7 = 8. 7 × 6 =<br />
9. 7 × 10 = 10. 7 × 1 =<br />
Answers (Lesson 5 –4)<br />
7 × × 3 = = 21 train cars 7 × 5 = 35 fingers<br />
11. 7 × 0 = 12. 7 × 5 =<br />
13. 7 × 4 = 14. 7 × 9 =<br />
Multiply.<br />
ALGEBRA Find each missing number.<br />
15. 8 × = 56 16. 7 × = 35<br />
17. × 7 = 14 18. × 7 = 49<br />
7 5<br />
2 7<br />
3. 7 4. 7 5. 7 6. 7 7. 5 8. 2<br />
____ × 3 ____ × 6 ____ × 9<br />
____ × 7<br />
____ × 7 ____ × 7<br />
21 42 63 49 35 14<br />
28 35 7<br />
Grade 3 A10 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
9. 7 × 4 = 10. 7 × 5 = 11. 7 × 1 =<br />
Solve. Use the look for a pattern strategy. (Lesson 5–3)<br />
19. Fred buys and sells sports cards. Week 1, he bought 10 cards<br />
and sold 2. Week 2, he bought 10 more and sold 2, giving<br />
him 16. Week 3, he bought 10 more and sold 2, giving him<br />
24. If the pattern continued, how many cards did he have by<br />
the end of Week 4?<br />
32 cards<br />
20. Fred collected football, basketball, and baseball cards. He<br />
has a total of 50 cards, with an equal number of football<br />
and basketball cards. He has 20 baseball cards. How many<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
ALGEBRA Complete the table.<br />
Rule: Multiply by 7<br />
Input Input Output<br />
12. 13.<br />
Rule: Multiply by 7<br />
21<br />
21<br />
3<br />
35<br />
5<br />
49 49<br />
7<br />
63<br />
9<br />
Input Output<br />
5<br />
35<br />
6<br />
42<br />
7 49<br />
49<br />
56<br />
8<br />
Solve.<br />
football cards does he have?<br />
15 15 cards cards<br />
14. Jason read about trains for 2 hours each day for 1 week. How many hours<br />
did Jason read?<br />
14 hours; 7 × 2 = 14<br />
Grade 3 25 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Grade 3 24 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
Name Date<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Enrich<br />
Lucky Seven Store<br />
5–4<br />
Name Date<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Problem-Solving Practice<br />
Multiply by 7<br />
5–4<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s<br />
Solve.<br />
2. It takes Cally 3 minutes to paint<br />
each slat on a fence. There are<br />
7 slats in each section of the fence.<br />
How long will it take Cally to paint<br />
each section of the fence?<br />
21 minutes minutes<br />
1. The Martins will buy 2 new tires for<br />
each of their 7 bicycles. How many<br />
new tires will they buy?<br />
14 new tires tires<br />
Answers (Lesson 5 –4)<br />
The Lucky Seven Store sells every item in the store for 7 cents each.<br />
1. Alvin wants to buy 3 bags of marbles and 2 pencils. How<br />
much will they cost? Write two number sentences to show<br />
how much for each.<br />
cents<br />
3 × 7 = 21<br />
4. Mario will go on vacation for<br />
8 weeks this summer. For how<br />
many days will Mario be on<br />
cents<br />
2 × 7 = 14<br />
3. Each house on Alpine Street<br />
has 7 front windows. There are<br />
3 houses on each side of the<br />
street. How many front windows<br />
vacation?<br />
56 days days<br />
Grade 3 A11 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Write one number sentence to show how much the items<br />
will cost in all.<br />
are there in all?<br />
42 windows<br />
cents<br />
5 × 7 = 35<br />
2. Clare bought 7 buttons, a bottle of glitter, and a stuffed toy.<br />
How much did they cost? Write three number sentences to<br />
show how much for each.<br />
7 × 7 = 49<br />
cents<br />
7 × 1 = 7<br />
cents<br />
7 × 1 = 7<br />
cents<br />
Write one number sentence to show how much the items<br />
cost in all.<br />
cents<br />
9 × 7 = 63<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
6. There are an equal number of<br />
cars and bicycles in the garage. If<br />
there are 42 tires in all, how many<br />
bicycles and cars are in the garage?<br />
Explain.<br />
7 7 bicycles bicycles and 7 cars;<br />
7 × 2 bicycle tires = 14;<br />
5. Nell bought 3 pairs of white socks<br />
and 4 pairs of black socks. Each<br />
pair cost $6. Then she bought a<br />
$5.75 hat. She got back $12.25 in<br />
change. How much did Nell give<br />
to the cashier to pay for the socks<br />
and hat ? Show your work.<br />
7 × 4 car tires = 28; 14 + 28<br />
= 42 tires in all.<br />
$60; (3 (3 + 4) 4) × 6 = $42<br />
for the socks; $42 + 5.75<br />
= $47.75 for all; $47.75 +<br />
$12.25 = $60.<br />
3. How many items could be purchased with a one dollar bill?<br />
14 items<br />
4. How many items could be purchased with a five dollar bill?<br />
71 items<br />
Grade 3 27 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Grade 3 26 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Name Date<br />
Skills Practice<br />
Multiply by 8<br />
5–5<br />
Name Date<br />
3NS2.2<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Reteach<br />
Multiply by 8<br />
5–5<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s<br />
Multiply.<br />
56 40<br />
56 64<br />
72 24<br />
32 48<br />
80 80<br />
8<br />
0 40<br />
32 72<br />
16 72<br />
You can use facts that you already know to help you<br />
multiply by 8.<br />
1. 7 × 8 = 2. 5 × 8 =<br />
3. 8 × 7 = 4. 8 × 8 =<br />
Find 6 × 8 by doubling 6 × 4.<br />
5. 9 × 8 = 6. 8 × 3 =<br />
7. 4 × 8 = 8. 6 × 8 =<br />
9. 8 × 10 = 10. 8 × 1 =<br />
Answers (Lesson 5 –5)<br />
= +<br />
11. 8 × 0 = 12. 8 × 5 =<br />
13. 8 × 4 = 14. 8 × 9 =<br />
15. 2 × 8 = 16. 9 × 8 =<br />
ALGEBRA Find each missing number.<br />
6 groups of 8 = 6 groups of 4 plus 6 groups of 4<br />
6 × 8 = 6 × 4 + 6 × 4<br />
= 24 + 24 = 48<br />
17. × 8 = 64 18. × 6 = 48<br />
Grade 3 A12 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
19. × 5 = 40 20. × 8 = 24<br />
21. × 8 = 32 22. × 8 = 56<br />
23. × 8 = 64 24. × 8 = 48<br />
25. × 8 = 0 26. × 9 = 72<br />
8 88<br />
8 3<br />
4 7<br />
8 6<br />
0 8<br />
Write a multiplication sentence for each picture.<br />
Solve.<br />
27. Justin is going to a baseball game with 8 other boys. The<br />
tickets cost $5. How much will it cost for all 9 boys to watch<br />
the game?<br />
$45<br />
28. Mike worked 8 hours washing cars for Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith<br />
paid him $4 an hour. How much did Mike earn?<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
1. 2.<br />
1 × × 8 = = 8 3 3 × 8 8 = 24<br />
Multiply.<br />
16 0 40 40<br />
3. 2 × 8 = 4. 0 × 8 = 5. 8 × 5 =<br />
48 8 56<br />
6. 8 × 6 = 7. 8 × 1 = 8. 8 × 7 =<br />
40 3 23 2 2 42 4<br />
$32<br />
9. 5 × 8 = 10. 8 × 4 = 11. 3 × 8 =<br />
Grade 3 29 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Grade 3 28 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
Name Date<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Problem-Solving Practice<br />
Multiply by 8<br />
5–5<br />
Name Date<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Homework Practice<br />
Multiply by 8<br />
5–5<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s<br />
Solve.<br />
Multiply.<br />
1. Find the total number of dolphins if there are 8 groups of<br />
dolphins with 5 dolphins in each group.<br />
1. 8 × 3 = 2. 5 × 8 =<br />
40 dolphins<br />
3. 6 × 8 = 4. 7 × 8 =<br />
5. 8 × 8 = 6. 9 × 8 =<br />
2. A dolphin has 4 fins. How many total fins do 8 dolphins<br />
have?<br />
7. 4 × 8 = 8. 8 × 6 =<br />
9. 8 × 10 = 10. 8 × 1 =<br />
Answers (Lesson 5 –5)<br />
32 32 fins<br />
2 42 4 4 04 0<br />
48 48<br />
56<br />
64 64<br />
72 72<br />
32 32<br />
48 48<br />
80 8<br />
0 4 04 0<br />
32 72<br />
11. 8 × 0 = 12. 8 × 5 =<br />
13. 8 × 4 = 14. 8 × 9 =<br />
3. Eight dolphins are swimming around a tour boat. Each<br />
dolphin swims around the boat 8 times. How many times did<br />
ALGEBRA Find each missing number.<br />
all the dolphins swim around the boat?<br />
64 laps around the boat<br />
15. 8 × = 64 16. 7 × = 56<br />
17. × 8 = 24 18. × 8 = 64<br />
88 88<br />
3 8<br />
Grade 3 A13 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
4. The 8 tourists on the boat were able to touch 4 dolphins<br />
each. What was the total number of times a dolphin got<br />
touched?<br />
32 touches<br />
5. Using their tail fins, 7 dolphins jumped in the air 8 times.<br />
What was the total number of jumps the dolphins made?<br />
56 jumps<br />
6. Eight tourists each took 3 photos of the dolphins. How many<br />
dolphin photos were taken in all?<br />
24 photos<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
Multiply. (Lesson 5–4)<br />
35 28<br />
70 49<br />
5 65 6 6 36 3<br />
1 41 4 4 24 2<br />
19. 7 × 5 = 20. 4 × 7 =<br />
21. 10 × 7 = 22. 7 × 7 =<br />
23. 7 × 8 = 24. 9 × 7 =<br />
25. 2 × 7 = 26. 7 × 6 =<br />
Solve. (Lesson 5–3)<br />
27. Fred has collected a total of 80 cards. A display of Fred’s cards includes<br />
2 rows of football cards with 15 in each row. In front of the football cards<br />
are 3 rows of baseball cards with 10 in each row. In front of the baseball<br />
cards are 4 rows of basketball cards. If the pattern continues, how many<br />
basketball cards are in each of the 4 rows?<br />
5 5 cards<br />
Grade 3 31 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Grade 3 30 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Name Date<br />
Name Date<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Reteach<br />
Multiply by 9<br />
5–6<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Enrich<br />
Roll of the Number Cube Times 8<br />
5–5<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s<br />
Here is a strategy you can use when multiplying by 9.<br />
You can multiply the number by 10 and then subtract the<br />
number to find a new fact.<br />
Four friends are playing a game. Each gets to roll a pair of<br />
number cubes. After each roll, they multiply the number on the<br />
cubes by 8. They are trying to get to 80 without going over. Each<br />
person gets two chances to roll. Look at what each person got on<br />
two rolls.<br />
Answers (Lessons 5 –5 and 5 –6)<br />
Find 9 × 7.<br />
1. Carlos<br />
2. Melanie<br />
= -<br />
3. Eric<br />
9 groups of 7 = 10 groups of 7 minus 1 groups of 7<br />
9 × 7 = 10 × 7 - 1 × 7<br />
= 70 - 7 = 63<br />
Grade 3 A14 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Multiply.<br />
1. 9 2. 9 3. 3 4. 9 5. 9 6. 6<br />
____ × 4 ____ × 5 ____ × 9 ____ × 7 ____ × 8<br />
____ × 9<br />
36 45 27 63 72 54<br />
7. 9 × 2 = 18 8. 5 × 9 = 45 9. 9 × 4 = 36<br />
10. 6 × 9 = 54 11. 9 × 3 =<br />
27<br />
12. 9 × 1 =<br />
9<br />
81<br />
13. 9 × 9 = 14. 9 × 0 =<br />
0<br />
15. 9 × 8 =<br />
72<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
4. Marie<br />
5. How much did each person get? (Hint: Find the value of each<br />
roll for each person. Add the total that each person got.)<br />
Carlos 48 and 40; 88 Eric 48 48 and 32; 80<br />
Melanie<br />
56 and 64; 120<br />
Marie 56 and 16; 72<br />
Eric<br />
6. Who won?<br />
7. What is a faster way to find out who won without finding<br />
each value, adding each person’s rolls, and comparing them?<br />
16. 2 × 9 =<br />
18<br />
17. 8 × 9 =<br />
72<br />
18. 3 × 9 =<br />
27<br />
Total the number on the four cubes for each each person<br />
and multiply by 8; see who is closest to 8 × 10<br />
Grade 3 32 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Grade 3 33 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
Name Date<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Homework Practice<br />
Multiply by 9<br />
5–6<br />
Name Date<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Skills Practice<br />
Multiply by 9<br />
5–6<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s<br />
Multiply.<br />
1. 9 × 3 = 27 2. 5 × 9 = 45<br />
3. 6 × 9 = 54 4. 7 × 9 = 63<br />
5. 9 × 8 = 72 6. 9 × 9 = 81<br />
7. 4 × 9 = 36 8. 9 × 6 = 54<br />
9. 9 × 10 =<br />
90<br />
10. 9 × 1 =<br />
9<br />
11. 9 × 0 =<br />
0<br />
12. 9 × 5 =<br />
45 45<br />
13. 9 × 4 =<br />
36<br />
14. 8 × 9 =<br />
72<br />
Multiply.<br />
1. 9 2. 9 3. 4 4. 9 5. 9 6. 9<br />
____ × 3 ____ × 8<br />
____ × 9<br />
____ × 1<br />
____ × 7<br />
____ × 5<br />
27 72 72 36 9 63 45<br />
7. 9 8. 5 9. 9 10. 9 11. 9 12. 8<br />
____ × 2 ____ × 9<br />
____ × 0<br />
____ × 9<br />
____ × 6<br />
____ × 9<br />
18 45 0 81 54 72<br />
Answers (Lesson 5 –6)<br />
13. 2 × 9 = 18 14. 4 × 9 = 36 15. 9 × 6 = 54<br />
16. 8 × 9 =<br />
72<br />
17. 9 × 1 = 9 18. 7 × 9 = 63<br />
ALGEBRA Find each missing number.<br />
15. 9 × 8 = 72 16. 9 ×<br />
4<br />
= 36<br />
17. 5 × 9 = 45 18.<br />
9<br />
× 6 = 54<br />
19. 3 × 9 = 27 20. 9 × 9 = 81 21. 9 × 0 = 0<br />
22. 9 × 1 = 9 23. 7 × 9 = 63 24. 5 × 9 = 45<br />
Multiply. (Lesson 5–5)<br />
19. 8 × 5 =<br />
40<br />
20. 8 × 7 = 56<br />
21. 10 × 8 =<br />
80<br />
22. 7 × 8 = 56<br />
23. 7 × 8 =<br />
56<br />
24. 9 × 8 = 72<br />
25. 2 × 8 = 16 26. 8 × 6 =<br />
48<br />
27. 8 × 10 = 80 28. 8 × 1 =<br />
88<br />
Grade 3 A15 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
25. 2 × 9 = 18 26. 0 × 9 = 0 27. 9 × 4 = 36<br />
ALGEBRA Complete the table.<br />
Factor 4 9 9 9<br />
Factor 9<br />
55 7 9<br />
Product 36 45 45 63 81<br />
29.<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
28. 8 × 6 = 48 29. 3 × 8 = 24 30. 6 × 7 = 42<br />
31. 6 × 5 = 30 32. 7 × 3 = 21 33. 5 × 7 = 35<br />
34. 9 × 3 = 27 35. 8 × 7 = 56 36. 9 × 6 = 54<br />
Solve.<br />
37. Jordan saw 9 airplanes fly over 38. The Sports Cap Company sent<br />
his house every day last week.<br />
3 caps to each of the 9 starters on<br />
How many airplanes did Jordan a baseball team. How many caps<br />
see last week?<br />
did the company send?<br />
63 airplanes; 7 × 9 = 63 27 caps; 9 × 3 = 27<br />
Grade 3 35 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Grade 3 34 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Name Date<br />
Enrich<br />
Find the Products for the Nines<br />
5–6<br />
Name Date<br />
3NS2.2<br />
3NS2.2<br />
Problem-Solving Practice<br />
Multiply by 9<br />
5–6<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s<br />
Write the products for the 9s. Find each product in the picture.<br />
Use a blue crayon or colored pencil to shade or color all the<br />
numbers that make up the products of the fact families for the<br />
9s. Shade all other numbers with the colors of your choice.<br />
Solve<br />
2. Carmen’s parrot eats 9 crackers a<br />
day. How many crackers will it eat<br />
in 4 days?<br />
1. Jose spends $9 on lunch each<br />
day. How much does he spend for<br />
lunch in 2 days?<br />
9 × 1 = 9 9 × 6 = 54 9 × 2 = 18<br />
36<br />
$18 $18<br />
9 × 7 = 63 9 × 3 = 27 9 × 8 = 72<br />
Answers (Lesson 5 –6)<br />
9 × 4 = 36 9 × 9 = 81 9 × 5 = 45<br />
90<br />
9 × 10 =<br />
4. The So Rich cookie factory can<br />
bake 9 chocolate chip cookies<br />
a minute. Can the factory fill an<br />
order for 80 cookies in 9 minutes?<br />
Explain.<br />
3. On Mr. Dugan’s farm, 9 cows can<br />
be milked in an hour. Mr. Dugan<br />
says that 45 cows will be milked in<br />
5 hours. Is he correct? Explain.<br />
Yes; 9 cows × 5 hours =<br />
8<br />
73<br />
64 55<br />
18<br />
72<br />
90<br />
81 45<br />
63<br />
54<br />
9<br />
13<br />
Yes; Yes; 9 cookies ×<br />
9 minutes = 81 cookies<br />
in 9 minutes; 81 > 80<br />
45 cows milked<br />
Grade 3 A16 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
36<br />
19<br />
5<br />
71<br />
29<br />
17<br />
47<br />
34<br />
91<br />
37<br />
27<br />
10<br />
21<br />
38<br />
What do you notice about the products of the numbers 1 – 10<br />
multiplied by 9? (Hint: look for a pattern.)<br />
The digit in the tens place is 0 - 9, and the digit ones<br />
place is 9 - 0, they are in reverse order.<br />
If you add the digits of each product you found, what is the sum of each? For<br />
example, what is the sum of the digits in 18?<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
6. Ty works 9 hours a day and earns<br />
$6 an hour. Cal works 6 hours a<br />
day and earns $9 an hour. If they<br />
both work 5 days per week, who<br />
earns more money?<br />
They both earn the same<br />
amount.<br />
5. For the school talent contest,<br />
9 singers will perform for<br />
3 minutes each. Then 5 dancers<br />
will perform for 4 minutes each.<br />
How many minutes will it take for<br />
the singers and dancers to perform<br />
in all?<br />
Who works longer? Explain.<br />
47 minutes<br />
Ty; Ty works 9 hours × 5 days<br />
= 45 hours; Cal works 6 hours<br />
× 5 days = 30 hours; 45 hours<br />
- 30 hours = 15 hours longer.<br />
9<br />
Grade 3 37 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Grade 3 36 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
Name Date<br />
3MR1.1<br />
Reteach<br />
Problem–Solving Investigation (continued)<br />
5–7<br />
Name Date<br />
3MR1.1<br />
Reteach<br />
Problem–Solving Investigation<br />
5–7<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s<br />
Carry out your plan.<br />
Find the pattern.<br />
8 16 24 The pattern is add 8.<br />
Step 3<br />
Solve Plan 1<br />
Choose a Strategy<br />
+8 +8<br />
Draw a picture of 12 pieces of wood. Write the length<br />
next to each piece.<br />
Plan 2<br />
Juan has pieces of wood. The first piece of wood is 8 inches. The<br />
second piece of wood is 16 inches. The third piece of wood is<br />
24 inches. If this pattern continues, what will be the length of<br />
the twelfth piece of wood?<br />
6<br />
5<br />
4<br />
3<br />
2<br />
1<br />
Be sure you understand the problem.<br />
Answers (Lesson 5 –7)<br />
48<br />
40<br />
32<br />
24<br />
16<br />
8<br />
Step 1<br />
Understand<br />
What facts do you know?<br />
12<br />
11<br />
10<br />
9<br />
8<br />
7<br />
96<br />
88<br />
80<br />
72<br />
64<br />
56<br />
The twelfth piece of wood is<br />
96<br />
inches.<br />
• The first piece of wood is 88 inches.<br />
• The second piece of wood is 16 inches.<br />
• The third piece of wood is 24 inches.<br />
Is the solution reasonable?<br />
Step 4<br />
Check<br />
What do you need to find?<br />
Grade 3 A17 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Reread the problem.<br />
• You need to find the length of<br />
the twelfth piece piece of wood<br />
How can you check your answer ?<br />
See students’ work; Possible answer:<br />
repeated addition: 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8<br />
+ 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 96<br />
Solve.<br />
2. Winnie is making a quilt. The first<br />
section has 2 pieces of fabric.<br />
The second section has 5 pieces<br />
of fabric. The third section has<br />
8 pieces of fabric. If this pattern<br />
continues, how many pieces of<br />
fabric will be in the eighth section<br />
of the quilt ?<br />
1. Jim has 5 packs of cards. There are<br />
15 cards in each pack. He gives 3<br />
of his packs away. How many cards<br />
does he have left ?<br />
30 cards cards<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
.<br />
Make a plan.<br />
Choose a strategy.<br />
You can find the pattern.<br />
You can also draw a picture. Show 12 pieces of wood.<br />
Use the pattern, and write the length of each piece<br />
next to the piece of wood.<br />
23 pieces of fabric<br />
Step 2<br />
Plan<br />
• Logical Reasoning<br />
• Draw a Picture or<br />
Diagram<br />
• Make a Graph<br />
• Act It Out<br />
• Make a Table or<br />
List<br />
• Find a Pattern<br />
• Guess and Check<br />
• Write an Equation<br />
• Work Backward<br />
• Solve a Simpler<br />
Problem<br />
Grade 3 39 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Grade 3 38 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Name Date<br />
Homework Practice<br />
Problem-Solving Investigation<br />
5–7<br />
Name Date<br />
3MR1.1<br />
3MR1.1<br />
Skills Practice<br />
Problem-Solving Investigation<br />
5–7<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s<br />
Solve. Use any strategy.<br />
Choose a strategy to solve the problem.<br />
1. Bob rode 2 miles on his bike for 9 days. What is the total<br />
number of miles he rode?<br />
18 18 miles<br />
2. There are 8 rows of trees in the<br />
park. Each row has 8 trees. How<br />
many trees are there in all?<br />
64 trees<br />
2. Two toads are near the path. Together, they have 6 dark<br />
spots on them. The larger one has 2 times as many spots as<br />
the smaller one. How many spots does each one have?<br />
1. On Park Day, volunteers plant trees<br />
in the park. The first tree is 2 feet<br />
tall. The second tree is 4 feet tall.<br />
The third tree is 6 feet tall. Suppose<br />
this pattern continues. What will be<br />
the height of the fifth tree?<br />
Answers (Lesson 5 –7)<br />
10 10 feet<br />
large large -4; -4; small -2<br />
3. Mandy has $5. Becky has $5 more than Mandy. Sue has<br />
2 times as much as Becky. How much money do the girls<br />
have together?<br />
$35<br />
4. Some volunteers are building<br />
picnic tables. Each table uses<br />
5 pieces of wood for the top,<br />
2 pieces of wood for the sides,<br />
and 6 pieces of wood for the rest<br />
of the table. How many pieces of<br />
wood are needed to make<br />
3. Jenny takes a photo of the town<br />
square. She makes a square frame<br />
for the photo. Each of the 4 sides<br />
of the frame is 9 inches long. How<br />
many inches around is the frame?<br />
36 inches<br />
4. 36 students were standing in the lunch line. The principal<br />
gave the first girl a star. Then, he gave every sixth person in<br />
back of the girl a star. How many people got stars?<br />
Grade 3 A18 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
6 people<br />
Multiply. (Lesson 5–6)<br />
54 90<br />
99 0<br />
6 36 3 3 63 6<br />
72 81<br />
5. 9 × 6 = 6. 9 × 10 =<br />
7. 9 × 1 = 8. 9 × 0 =<br />
9. 9 × 7 = 10. 9 × 4 =<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
4 picnic tables?<br />
52 pieces pieces of wood<br />
Mixed Strategy Review<br />
6. There are three groups of students<br />
making murals for the train station.<br />
Each group has 6 students. How<br />
many students are there in all?<br />
18 students<br />
5. This year, a town sells tickets<br />
to the picnic to 252 adults and<br />
518 children. Last year, there were<br />
695 people at the picnic. How<br />
many more people are there this<br />
year than last year ?<br />
75 more people<br />
11. 8 × 9 = 12. 9 × 9 =<br />
7. Write a problem that you could<br />
solve by drawing a picture or by<br />
finding a pattern. Share it with<br />
others.<br />
See students’ work<br />
Grade 3 41 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Grade 3 40 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
Name Date<br />
3AF1.5<br />
Reteach<br />
Algebra: Associative Property<br />
5–8<br />
Name Date<br />
3MR1.1<br />
Enrich<br />
Unlock the Pyramids<br />
5–7<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s<br />
You can use the properties of multiplication to multiply 3 numbers.<br />
Find 3 × 2 × 5.<br />
Find the missing numbers in the patterns. Then multiply<br />
them together to unlock the top number of the pyramid.<br />
Under each pyramid, write multiplication sentence to show<br />
how you unlocked the pyramid.<br />
Answers (Lessons 5 –7 and 5 –8)<br />
2.<br />
1.<br />
18 18<br />
24<br />
33 66<br />
4 6<br />
22<br />
The Associative Property of<br />
Multiplication<br />
The Commutative Property of<br />
Multiplication<br />
12<br />
8 10<br />
When multiplying, the grouping of the<br />
factors does not change the product.<br />
When multiplying, the order of the<br />
factors does not change the product.<br />
2 × 12 = 24 3 × 6 6 = 18<br />
You can use<br />
the Associative<br />
Property to<br />
group two<br />
factors.<br />
3 × 2 × 5 = 30<br />
3 × (2 × 5) = 30<br />
(3 × 2) × 5 = 30<br />
You can use the<br />
Commutative<br />
Property to<br />
switch the order<br />
of the numbers<br />
3, 2, and 5.<br />
3 × 2 × 5 = 30<br />
2 × 5 × 3 = 30<br />
5 × 2 × 3 = 30<br />
Grade 3 A19 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
3. 4.<br />
Find each product .<br />
30 24 28<br />
18 40 0<br />
28 28<br />
36 56<br />
24 24<br />
54 36<br />
0 00 45<br />
1. 5 × 3 × 2 = 2. 2 × 2 × 6 = 3. 7 × 4 × 1 =<br />
4. 3 × 2 × 3 = 5. 5 × 4 × 2 = 6. 7 × 8 × 0 =<br />
7. 2 × 7 × 2 = 8. 3 × 6 × 2 = 9. 8 × 7 × 1 =<br />
10. 3 × 4 × 2 = 11. 6 × 3 × 3 = 12. 6 × 2 × 3 =<br />
13. 8 × 9 × 0 = 14. 6 × 5 × 0 = 15. 9 × 1 × 5 =<br />
Find each missing number.<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
32<br />
4 88<br />
100<br />
5<br />
20 20<br />
5 × 20 = 100 4 4 × × 8 = 32<br />
5. Create your own pyramid for a friend to unlock.<br />
16. 5 × 2 × = 80 17. × 2 × 6 = 24<br />
18. 1 × 7 × 3 = 19. × 2 × 5 = 20<br />
8 22<br />
21 2<br />
Grade 3 43 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Grade 3 42 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Name Date<br />
Homework Practice<br />
Algebra: Associative Property<br />
5–8<br />
Name Date<br />
3AF1.5<br />
3AF1.5<br />
Skills Practice<br />
Algebra: Associative Property<br />
5–8<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s<br />
Find each product.<br />
6 4 04 0<br />
32 15<br />
Find each product.<br />
1. 1 × 2 × 3 = 2. 5 × 2 × 4 =<br />
1. 2 × 2 × 6 = 2. 1 × 8 × 4 =<br />
3. 8 × 2 × 2 = 4. 3 × 5 × 1 =<br />
3. 9 × 3 × 2 = 4. 3 × 3 × 1 =<br />
14 0<br />
63 24<br />
5. 7 × 2 × 1 = 6. 8 × 8 × 0 =<br />
5. 5 × 2 × 4 = 6. 9 × 1 × 0 =<br />
7. 3 × 3 × 7 = 8. 4 × 3 × 2 =<br />
7. 6 × 3 × 1 = 8. 8 × 3 × 2 =<br />
9. 4 × × 4 = 32 10. 5 × × 1 = 45<br />
ALGEBRA Find each missing number.<br />
9. 2 × × 2 = 4 10. 3 × × 1 = 12<br />
11 4<br />
11. × 6 × 2 = 12 12. × 6 × 1 = 12<br />
11. × 4 × 2 = 56 12. × 2 × 3 = 30<br />
7 5<br />
13. 3 × × 4 = 24 14. 6 × 9 × = 0<br />
24 32<br />
54 9<br />
40 0<br />
18 48<br />
2 99<br />
1 22<br />
2 0<br />
5 4<br />
Answers (Lesson 5 –8)<br />
15. 1 × × 3 = 15 16. 5 × × 3 = 60<br />
Grade 3 A20 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Solve. (Lesson 5–7)<br />
Solve.<br />
13. Angie collects pairs of earrings. She hangs them on an earring<br />
tree. On the first row she hung 9 pairs, on the second row<br />
she hung 7 pairs, and on the third row she hung 5 pairs.<br />
If she continued this pattern, how many pairs would Angie<br />
hang on the fourth row? How many pairs of earrings does<br />
she have in all four rows?<br />
3 3 pairs<br />
24 pairs<br />
14. Fred made a display with a deck of playing cards. In the first<br />
row he used 6 cards. In the second row he used 12 cards. In<br />
the third row he used 18. In the fourth row, 24. If the pattern<br />
keeps up, how many cards will be in the sixth row?<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
17. Tony and his friends had a pizza party. They bought 2 pizzas,<br />
each cut into 8 slices. Tony put 3 slices of banana pepper on<br />
each piece. How many slices of banana peppers did he use?<br />
48 slices slices<br />
18. Tony also bought 3 packs of soda in cans. Each pack held<br />
6 cans. How many cans of soda did Tony buy?<br />
18 18 cans<br />
19. Which of the following does not belong with the other three?<br />
(1 × 3) × 2 = 1 × (3 × 2) (6 × 3) × 2 = 6 × (3 × 2)<br />
2 × (6 × 1) = (2 × 6) × 1 5 × (3 × 1) = (5 × 5) × 2<br />
5 × (3 (3 × 1) 1) = (5 (5 × 5) 5) × 2<br />
36 36 cards cards<br />
Grade 3 45 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Grade 3 44 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
Name Date<br />
5–8<br />
Name Date<br />
3AF1.5<br />
Enrich<br />
Algebra: Associative Property<br />
3AF1.5<br />
Problem-Solving Practice<br />
Algebra: Associative Property<br />
5–8<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s<br />
Help the leprechaun find his pot of gold. Start at the leprechaun.<br />
Find his path by multiplying numbers as you go. When all the<br />
numbers are in the correct path, the product is 45. Shade the<br />
path the leprechaun should follow.<br />
Solve.<br />
1. Mallory and her 4 friends are setting up a lemonade stand.<br />
They each brought 2 bags of lemons. Each bag has 4 lemons.<br />
How many lemons do the girls have altogether?<br />
40 lemons<br />
Answers (Lesson 5 –8)<br />
1<br />
2. Mallory set up 2 tables with 3 containers of lemonade<br />
on each. Each container has 8 ice cubes. Write a number<br />
sentence to find the number of ice cubes she used.<br />
(2 (2 × 3) 3) × 8 = 48 ice cubes cubes<br />
6<br />
5<br />
3<br />
2<br />
3. Two of Mallory’s friends were each serving three customers at<br />
each table. Write a number sentence to show the number of<br />
customers the girls were serving.<br />
Grade 3 A21 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
2<br />
3<br />
5<br />
2 × 2 × 3 = 12 customers customers<br />
5<br />
4<br />
1<br />
45<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
4. Every hour, 5 people stopped for lemonade and spent $2<br />
each. After 4 hours, how much had the girls earned?<br />
$40 $40<br />
5. At the end of the day, Mallory’s 4 friends each had two<br />
$5-bills. How much did Mallory’s friends earn altogether?<br />
$40 $40<br />
Grade 3 47 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Grade 3 46 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Name Date<br />
Skills Practice<br />
Algebra: Find a Rule<br />
5–9<br />
Name Date<br />
3AF2.2<br />
3AF2.2<br />
Reteach<br />
Algebra: Find a Rule<br />
5–9<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s<br />
Write the rule for each table. Then complete the table.<br />
A rule tells you what to do. This works in math too.<br />
x 9<br />
3.<br />
x 2<br />
2.<br />
x 4<br />
1.<br />
To build a boxcar, Bob needs to put 4 wheels on the corners<br />
of a wooden box. If he wanted to build 4 boxcars, how many<br />
wheels would he need?<br />
7<br />
5<br />
6<br />
Step 1 Find a pattern.<br />
72<br />
14<br />
Answers (Lesson 5 –9)<br />
8<br />
You know that 1 boxcar = 4 wheels.<br />
So, 2 boxcars = 8 wheels.<br />
6. x 2<br />
x 6<br />
5.<br />
x 3<br />
4.<br />
The pattern or rule is to multiply by 4.<br />
Step 2 Extend the pattern.<br />
42<br />
30<br />
3 boxcars = 3 × 4 or 12 wheels.<br />
1<br />
8<br />
18<br />
24<br />
3 × 4 = 12<br />
4 boxcars = 4 × 4 = 16 wheels<br />
Grade 3 A22 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
48<br />
9. x 2<br />
8. x 10<br />
7. x 4<br />
18<br />
9<br />
90<br />
30<br />
40<br />
8<br />
Find a rule. Then extend the rule to solve.<br />
10. On Monday, there were 5 flowers blooming in the garden.<br />
On Tuesday, there were 10 flowers blooming. There were 15<br />
by Wednesday. By Friday, how many flowers were blooming?<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
So, Bob needs 16 wheels.<br />
Practice.<br />
1. For every 2 wheels that Bob bought, the man in the store<br />
gave him 2 free wheels. When Bob bought 16 wheels, how<br />
many did he get free?<br />
8 wheels wheels<br />
2. Write the rule for each table. Then, complete the table.<br />
x 5<br />
Rule:<br />
x 3<br />
Rule:<br />
x 2<br />
Rule:<br />
Output<br />
Input<br />
Output<br />
Input<br />
Output<br />
Input<br />
25<br />
5<br />
12<br />
4<br />
6<br />
3<br />
25 flowers flowers<br />
30<br />
6<br />
15<br />
5<br />
10<br />
5<br />
25<br />
21<br />
7<br />
35<br />
5<br />
7<br />
24<br />
8<br />
7 14<br />
9 18<br />
Grade 3 49 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Grade 3 48 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
Name Date<br />
Name Date<br />
3AF2.2<br />
Problem-Solving Practice<br />
Algebra: Find a Rule<br />
5–9<br />
3AF2.2<br />
Homework Practice<br />
Algebra: Find a Rule<br />
5–9<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>Resource</strong>s<br />
Find a rule. Then extend the rule to solve.<br />
Write the rule for each table. Then complete the table.<br />
1. There are 24 crayons in 3 boxes. There are 32 crayons in<br />
4 boxes. How many crayons are in 5 boxes?<br />
× 8<br />
Rule:<br />
40 crayons<br />
Output<br />
Input<br />
24<br />
3<br />
32<br />
4<br />
2. There are 10 strawberries in 2 boxes and 15 strawberries in<br />
3 boxes. How many strawberries are in 4 boxes?<br />
40<br />
5<br />
56<br />
7<br />
1. 2. 3.<br />
Rule: × × 5<br />
Rule: × 6<br />
Input Output Output<br />
Input Output<br />
3 15 15<br />
4 24<br />
4 20<br />
5 30<br />
6 30<br />
7 42<br />
9 45<br />
8 48<br />
Answers (Lesson 5 –9)<br />
20 20 strawberries<br />
strawberries<br />
3. A farmer grows carrots. Each row has 5 carrots. How many<br />
carrots are there in a garden with 7 rows? a garden with<br />
× 9<br />
Rule: Rule:<br />
4. 5.<br />
Rule: × 7<br />
Output<br />
Input<br />
Output<br />
Input<br />
8 rows? a garden with 9 rows?<br />
35 carrots; 40 carrots; 45 carrots<br />
36<br />
4<br />
14<br />
2<br />
54<br />
6<br />
21<br />
3<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
Grade 3 A23 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
4. After 6 weeks, Russ saved $60. By the end of the next week,<br />
he had $70. How much did he save by the third week?<br />
81<br />
9<br />
35<br />
5<br />
90<br />
10<br />
56<br />
8<br />
$30<br />
5. The amusement park sold ride tickets in packs of 5, 10, 15,<br />
20 tickets. What would a pack of 10 tickets cost if 20 tickets<br />
Solve. (Lesson 5–8)<br />
cost $8?<br />
0 1 21 2<br />
$4<br />
6. 8 × 2 × 0 = 7. 3 × 4 × 1 =<br />
8. 2 × 5 × 2 = 9. 2 × × 2 = 16<br />
20 4<br />
6. A recipe calls for 2 onions for one batch. Two batches need<br />
4 onions. How many onions are needed for four batches?<br />
8 8 onions onions<br />
10. Sal wants to make oatmeal for himself and his brother. The<br />
directions say to add 2 cups of boiling water to the oatmeal<br />
for 1 serving. Both Sal and his brother want double servings.<br />
How many cups of boiling water will Sal need to measure?<br />
8 cups cups<br />
Grade 3 51 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Grade 3 50 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Name Date<br />
Name Date<br />
Vocabulary Test<br />
5<br />
3AF2.2<br />
Enrich<br />
What’s My Rule?<br />
5–9<br />
Match each word to its definition. Write your answers on<br />
the lines provided.<br />
Find and extend the rule for each table. Then write a multiplication<br />
sentence that tells what completes each table.<br />
Answers (Lesson 5 –9 and Vocabulary Test)<br />
A. a number that divides into a whole<br />
number evenly. It is also known<br />
as a number that is multiplied by<br />
another number.<br />
1. Associative property of<br />
Multiplication E<br />
1. Rule: Multiply by<br />
Input 0 1 2 3<br />
Output 0 2 4 6<br />
2 × 4 = 8<br />
2. Commutative Property of<br />
B. If you multiply a number by 1, the<br />
Multiplication F<br />
product is the same as the given<br />
number.<br />
3. factor A<br />
C. a sequence of numbers, figures,<br />
or symbols that follows a rule or<br />
design<br />
4. Identity Property of<br />
D. the answer to a multiplication<br />
Multiplication B<br />
problem; It also refers to expressing<br />
a number as product of its factors.<br />
5. pattern CC<br />
E. the property that states that the<br />
grouping of the factors does not<br />
change the product<br />
6. product D<br />
F. the property that states that the<br />
order in which two numbers are<br />
multiplied does not change the<br />
product<br />
Multiply by 2<br />
2. Rule Multiply by<br />
Input 1 2 3 4<br />
Output 8 16 24 32<br />
8 × 5 = 40<br />
Multiply by 8<br />
3. Rule Multiply by<br />
Input 1 2 3 4<br />
Output 7 14 21 28<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
4. Rule Multiply by<br />
Input 0 1 2 3<br />
Output 0 3 6 9<br />
5. Rule Multiply by<br />
Input 4 5 6 7<br />
Output 36 45 54 63<br />
Grade 3 A24 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
7 × 5 = 35<br />
Multiply by 7<br />
3 × 4 = 12<br />
Multiply by 3<br />
9 × 8 = 72<br />
Multiply by 9<br />
Grade 3 60 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Grade 3 52 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
Name Date<br />
Oral Assessment (continued)<br />
5<br />
Name Date<br />
Oral Assessment<br />
5<br />
6. If there were 10 cars racing in each race, how many cars would have raced<br />
over 2 days?<br />
Put 3 paperclips, 4 erasers, and 2 pencils on the table.<br />
60 cars<br />
Read each question aloud to the student. Then write the student’s answers on<br />
the lines below the question.<br />
7. Tell how you got your answer.<br />
1. If you multiply the amount of paperclips by the amount of erasers what do<br />
you get?<br />
Answers (Oral Assessment)<br />
Sample answer : I know there are 6 races. S0, 6 × 10 = 60.<br />
Assessment<br />
12<br />
8. If there was one additional race on Friday, where 10 cars raced, how many<br />
cars would have raced over the 3 days?<br />
2. Multiply that product by the amount of pencils. What is the product?<br />
24<br />
70 cars<br />
9. Tell how you got your answer.<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
Grade 3 A25 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Sample answer : There are 7 races with 10 cars in each. 7 × 10 = 70<br />
3. If you change the order and first multiply the number of pencils by the<br />
number of erasers, and then that product by the number of paperclips,<br />
would the final product be the same?<br />
Yes; 24<br />
4. Tell how you got your answer.<br />
Sample answer : I multiplied 2 × 4 and got 8. Then I multiplied 8 × 3.<br />
5. There were 2 car races on Saturday and 4 on Sunday. If there were 8 cars<br />
racing in each race, how many cars raced over 2 days?<br />
48 cars<br />
Grade 3 62 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Grade 3 61 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> 5 Assessment Answer Key<br />
Diagnostic Assessment <strong>Chapter</strong> Pretest Quiz 1 (5–1 through 5–3)<br />
Page 54 Page 55 Page 56<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
4.<br />
5.<br />
6.<br />
7.<br />
8.<br />
9.<br />
10.<br />
11.<br />
12<br />
5<br />
16<br />
20<br />
3 × 4 = 12<br />
3 × 5 = 15<br />
6 × 2 = 12<br />
no<br />
4 corn<br />
muffins<br />
count by<br />
5s; 35, 40<br />
count by<br />
3s; 18, 21<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
4.<br />
5.<br />
6.<br />
7.<br />
8.<br />
9.<br />
10.<br />
11.<br />
12.<br />
13.<br />
6<br />
30<br />
28<br />
32<br />
54<br />
24<br />
36<br />
60<br />
30<br />
48<br />
21<br />
24<br />
12<br />
Grade 3 A26 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
4.<br />
5.<br />
6.<br />
7.<br />
8.<br />
18<br />
21<br />
48<br />
54<br />
12<br />
Rule: multiply by 3<br />
Input<br />
3<br />
6<br />
10<br />
0<br />
18<br />
24; 30<br />
Output<br />
9<br />
18<br />
30<br />
0<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> 5 Assessment Answer Key<br />
Quiz 2 (5–4 through 5–6) Quiz 3 (5–7 through 5–9) Mid-<strong>Chapter</strong> Review<br />
Page 57 Page 58 Page 59<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
4.<br />
5.<br />
6.<br />
7.<br />
8.<br />
9.<br />
10.<br />
11.<br />
12.<br />
28<br />
35<br />
48<br />
49<br />
72<br />
42<br />
64<br />
18<br />
27<br />
9<br />
18<br />
9<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
4.<br />
5.<br />
6.<br />
7.<br />
8.<br />
9.<br />
20<br />
27<br />
56<br />
12<br />
5<br />
8<br />
40<br />
2<br />
16, 20<br />
Grade 3 A27 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
4.<br />
5.<br />
6.<br />
3 × 7 to get 42<br />
7.<br />
8.<br />
9.<br />
B<br />
F<br />
D<br />
G<br />
C<br />
You can<br />
organize<br />
data in a<br />
table.<br />
Double the<br />
answer to<br />
Check student<br />
problem to include<br />
multiplying by 3.<br />
The known fact<br />
is 3 × 5.<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> 5 Assessment Answer Key<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> Test, Form 1 <strong>Chapter</strong> Test, Form 2A<br />
Page 65 Page 66 Page 67<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
4.<br />
5.<br />
6.<br />
7.<br />
C<br />
H<br />
C<br />
G<br />
B<br />
H<br />
D<br />
8.<br />
9.<br />
10.<br />
11.<br />
12.<br />
13.<br />
14.<br />
F<br />
D<br />
F<br />
A<br />
H<br />
D<br />
F<br />
(continued on the next page)<br />
Grade 3 A28 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
4.<br />
5.<br />
6.<br />
7.<br />
D<br />
J<br />
C<br />
J<br />
C<br />
H<br />
D<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> 5 Assessment Answer Key<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> Test, Form 2A <strong>Chapter</strong> Test, Form 2B<br />
Page 68 Page 69 Page 70<br />
8.<br />
9.<br />
10.<br />
11.<br />
12.<br />
G<br />
B<br />
J<br />
C<br />
F<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
4.<br />
5.<br />
6.<br />
7.<br />
B<br />
F<br />
C<br />
G<br />
B<br />
H<br />
C<br />
Grade 3 A29 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
8.<br />
9.<br />
10.<br />
11.<br />
12.<br />
13.<br />
14.<br />
F<br />
B<br />
H<br />
A<br />
H<br />
A<br />
F<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> 5 Assessment Answer Key<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> Test, Form 2C <strong>Chapter</strong> Test, Form 2D<br />
Page 71 Page 72 Page 73<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
4.<br />
5.<br />
6.<br />
7.<br />
8.<br />
9.<br />
10.<br />
28<br />
27<br />
48<br />
49<br />
24<br />
1 × 8 × 10;<br />
80 blueberries<br />
2 × 4= 8;<br />
10 - 8 = $2<br />
7 × 3 × 2<br />
42 bags<br />
<<br />
=<br />
11.<br />
12.<br />
13.<br />
14.<br />
15.<br />
16.<br />
17.<br />
18.<br />
19.<br />
20.<br />
9<br />
1<br />
72<br />
60<br />
9<br />
35<br />
$48<br />
$30<br />
34<br />
26<br />
(continued on the next page)<br />
Grade 3 A30 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
4.<br />
5.<br />
6.<br />
7.<br />
8.<br />
9.<br />
10.<br />
36<br />
63<br />
24<br />
45<br />
32<br />
80 raisins<br />
$4<br />
40 bags<br />
<<br />
=<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> 5 Assessment Answer Key<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> Test, Form 2D <strong>Chapter</strong> Test, Form 3<br />
Page 74 Page 75 Page 76<br />
11.<br />
12.<br />
13.<br />
14.<br />
15.<br />
16.<br />
17.<br />
18.<br />
19.<br />
20.<br />
9<br />
4<br />
27<br />
54<br />
4<br />
12<br />
$30<br />
$18<br />
22 miles<br />
23 people<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
4.<br />
5.<br />
6.<br />
7.<br />
8.<br />
9.<br />
10.<br />
11.<br />
12.<br />
54<br />
81<br />
56<br />
64<br />
64<br />
54 54<br />
80 chocolate<br />
chips,<br />
100 walnuts<br />
$2<br />
60 bags<br />
><br />
<<br />
=<br />
Grade 3 A31 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
13.<br />
14.<br />
15.<br />
16.<br />
17.<br />
18.<br />
19.<br />
20.<br />
2<br />
3<br />
3<br />
24 slices<br />
$40<br />
$39<br />
32 miles<br />
28 people<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> 5 Assessment Answer Key<br />
Page 77, Extended-Response Test<br />
Scoring Rubric<br />
Level Specific Criteria<br />
4 The student demonstrates a thorough understanding of the mathematics<br />
concepts and/or procedures embodied in the task. The student has<br />
responded correctly to the task, used mathematically sound procedures, and<br />
provided clear and complete explanations and interpretations. The response<br />
may contain minor flaws that do not detract from the demonstration of a<br />
thorough understanding.<br />
3 The student demonstrates an understanding of the mathematics concepts<br />
and/or procedures embodied in the task. The student’s response to the<br />
task is essentially correct with the mathematical procedures used and<br />
the explanations and interpretations provided demonstrating an essential<br />
but less than thorough understanding. The response may contain minor<br />
errors that reflect inattentive execution of the mathematical procedures<br />
or indications of some misunderstanding of the underlying mathematics<br />
concepts and/or procedures.<br />
2 The student has demonstrated only a partial understanding of the<br />
mathematics concepts and/or procedures embodied in the task. Although<br />
the student may have used the correct approach to obtaining a solution or<br />
may have provided a correct solution, the student’s work lacks an essential<br />
understanding of the underlying mathematical concepts. The response<br />
contains errors related to misunderstanding important aspects of the task,<br />
misuse of mathematical procedures, or faulty interpretations of results.<br />
1 The student has demonstrated a very limited understanding of the<br />
mathematics concepts and/or procedures embodied in the task. The<br />
student’s response to the task is incomplete and exhibits many flaws.<br />
Although the student has addressed some of the conditions of the task,<br />
the student reached an inadequate conclusion and/or provided reasoning<br />
that was faulty or incomplete. The response exhibits many errors or may be<br />
incomplete.<br />
0 The student has provided a completely incorrect solution or<br />
uninterpretable response, or no response at all.<br />
Grade 3 A32 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> 5 Assessment Answer Key<br />
Page 77, Extended-Response Test<br />
Sample Answers<br />
In addition to the scoring rubric found on page A32, the following sample<br />
answers may be used as guidance in evaluating open-ended assessment items.<br />
1. a. Answers will vary. Sample answer:<br />
You can use skip counting to<br />
multiply a number by 3 by adding<br />
3 to the number over and over<br />
again. For example: to find 3 ×<br />
4 you can count 3 jumps of four<br />
(4, 8, 12) . You can also draw<br />
an array to multiply by 3. For<br />
example: to find 6 × 3 you can<br />
count 3 rows of 6.<br />
b. You can draw a picture to help<br />
solve a multiplication problem.<br />
For example: If you know there<br />
are 3 children and each child<br />
is wearing two gloves, you can<br />
draw a picture to find out how<br />
many gloves there are in all.<br />
c. Samantha goes to the pet store.<br />
There are black cats, white cats,<br />
spotted cats and brown cats.<br />
She notices that there are 3 of<br />
each color. How many cats are<br />
there altogether?<br />
Answer: 12<br />
2. Answers may vary slightly. Sample<br />
answer:<br />
Step 1:<br />
I know that there will be 6 chairs in<br />
the first row.<br />
I know that there will be 9 chairs in<br />
the second row.<br />
I know that there will be 12 chairs<br />
in the third row.<br />
I need to find how many chairs will<br />
be in the fifth row.<br />
Step 2:<br />
My plan is to organize the data in a<br />
table and then look for a pattern.<br />
Step 3:<br />
I will first put the information in a<br />
table.<br />
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th<br />
6 9 12 15 18<br />
I will then look for a pattern. I<br />
see that the pattern is +3, so I<br />
complete the chart.<br />
So, there will be 18 chairs in the<br />
fifth row.<br />
Step 4:<br />
I will check my work.<br />
I look back at the problem<br />
6 + 3 = 9<br />
9 + 3 = 12<br />
12 + 3 = 15<br />
15 + 4 = 18<br />
There are 18 chairs in the fifth row.<br />
So, I know I am correct.<br />
Grade 3 A33 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
<strong>Chapter</strong> 5 Assessment Answer Key<br />
Cumulative Standardized Test Practice<br />
Page 79 Page 80 Page 81<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
B<br />
H<br />
A<br />
4.<br />
5.<br />
6.<br />
7.<br />
8.<br />
9.<br />
10.<br />
J<br />
B<br />
H<br />
A<br />
F<br />
D<br />
G<br />
Grade 3 A34 <strong>Chapter</strong> 5<br />
11.<br />
12.<br />
13.<br />
14.<br />
15.<br />
16.<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3<br />
36<br />
21 21<br />
9 yards or<br />
wrapping<br />
paper and<br />
18 yards of<br />
ribbon<br />
Copyright © <strong>Macmillan</strong>/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, a division of The <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Companies, Inc.