June 2011 Newsletter - Glenwood Springs High School

June 2011 Newsletter - Glenwood Springs High School June 2011 Newsletter - Glenwood Springs High School

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ROARING FORK SCHOOL DISTRICT RE-1 JUNE, 2011 Glenwood Springs High School June Newsletter, 2011 Principal’s Piece I am delighted to report that our graduating seniors have been awarded almost $1.5 million in scholarships. In the pages of this last bulletin of the 2010-2011 academic year you will gain further insight- if insight were needed- into why our students are so successful. In all the fields of endeavor our students are at the top, whether academic, sports, or otherwise. That is why colleges are delighted to offer them scholarships. I wish you a happy summer to enjoy your splendid children. I look forward to the new year and I anticipate further great accomplishments. Regards, Paul Freeman The Graduating Class of 2011 Contents: Page 1...Principal’s Piece Page 2...Music Awards Page 3...Mock Trial Page 4...Art News Page 4...August Dates to Remember from the Counselors. Page 5...Colorado High School Press Association Awards. Page 6...Denver Museum of Nature & Science Teen Science Scholars Program Winner: Clara Miller. Page 7...Exhange Student Host Family. Page 7...Great - West Great- Teacher Grant. Page 8...Audition opportunity for the rock opera, “Rent.” Page 9...Glenwood Girls take the Gold in relays! Page 1

ROARING FORK SCHOOL DISTRICT RE-1 JUNE, <strong>2011</strong><br />

<strong>Glenwood</strong> <strong>Springs</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

<strong>June</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, <strong>2011</strong><br />

Principal’s Piece<br />

I am delighted to report that our graduating seniors have been awarded almost<br />

$1.5 million in scholarships. In the pages of this last bulletin of the 2010-<strong>2011</strong><br />

academic year you will gain further insight- if insight were needed- into why<br />

our students are so successful. In all the fields of endeavor our students are at<br />

the top, whether academic, sports, or otherwise. That is why colleges are<br />

delighted to offer them scholarships.<br />

I wish you a happy summer to enjoy your splendid children. I look forward to<br />

the new year and I anticipate further great accomplishments.<br />

Regards,<br />

Paul Freeman<br />

The Graduating Class of <strong>2011</strong><br />

Contents:<br />

Page 1...Principal’s<br />

Piece<br />

Page 2...Music<br />

Awards<br />

Page 3...Mock Trial<br />

Page 4...Art News<br />

Page 4...August<br />

Dates to<br />

Remember from<br />

the Counselors.<br />

Page 5...Colorado<br />

<strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Press<br />

Association<br />

Awards.<br />

Page 6...Denver<br />

Museum of Nature<br />

& Science Teen<br />

Science Scholars<br />

Program Winner:<br />

Clara Miller.<br />

Page 7...Exhange<br />

Student Host<br />

Family.<br />

Page 7...Great -<br />

West Great-<br />

Teacher Grant.<br />

Page 8...Audition<br />

opportunity for the<br />

rock opera, “Rent.”<br />

Page 9...<strong>Glenwood</strong><br />

Girls take the Gold<br />

in relays!<br />

Page 1

GLENWOOD SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL JUNE, <strong>2011</strong><br />


Congratulations once again<br />

to the following musicians:<br />

The GSHS Jazz Band<br />

earned a “1” (highest score)<br />

at the Greeley Jazz Fest on<br />

April 29th. Walter and Pablo<br />

Gorra received the<br />

Outstanding Soloist Award<br />

and Carter Colia received the<br />

<strong>2011</strong> University of Colorado,<br />

Boulder Outstanding<br />

Musician Award.<br />

The Jazz Band earned the<br />

title of Best <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Band at Battle of the Bands<br />

in Carbondale at Sopris Park.<br />

Lisa Atkinson won Best<br />

Songwriter.<br />

Walter Gorra won Best <strong>High</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> Performer.<br />

A Vision Quest (Carter Colia,<br />

Sam Robison, Josh Darling,<br />

and Bobby Petts) were<br />

named Best Garage Band.<br />

All were directed by Shanti<br />

Gruber.<br />

Lisa Atkinson,<br />

Best Songwriter.<br />

Pablo Gorra<br />

Trent Johnson (left) and Walter Gorra,<br />

members of the GSHS Jazz Band<br />

(Above left to right) Carter Colia & Sam Robison.<br />

(Below left to right) Josh Darling & Bobby Petts<br />

Page 2

GLENWOOD SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL JUNE, <strong>2011</strong><br />


GUILTY!<br />

The <strong>Glenwood</strong> <strong>Springs</strong> <strong>High</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> Mock Trial Team<br />

places<br />

3rd in the Nation!<br />

From the left, Coaches Wes Burke and Charlie<br />

Wilman, Eileen Klomhaus, Joe Ciborowski, Erica<br />

Arensman, Bryan Gonzales (coach), Alex<br />

Pototsky, Isabel Carlson, Hope Whitman, Isaac<br />

Carlson (timekeper), Chuck Bergren-Aragon,<br />

Grace Gamba, Vic Zerbi (coach).<br />

Another competition and another top 10<br />

place for the <strong>Glenwood</strong> <strong>Springs</strong> <strong>High</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> Mock Trialers. On May 6th and<br />

7th, eight GSHS students, with their four<br />

coaches, competed in the National <strong>High</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> Mock Trial Competition in Phoenix,<br />

Arizona.<br />

The team competed against other teams<br />

from around the country, including a<br />

team from Louisiana, California,<br />

Pennsylvania, and Missouri. After four<br />

rounds the GSHS 8 were undefeated, but<br />

didn't progress to the championship<br />

round because of their point differential.<br />

The team consisted of Isabel Carlson,<br />

Hope Whitman, Joe Ciborowski, Alex<br />

Pototsky, Christian Bergren-Aragon,<br />

Eileen Klomhaus, Erica Arensman, and<br />

Grace Gamba.<br />

Pototsky took home the best witness<br />

award, while Bergren-Aragon claimed the<br />

best attorney award. It was discovered<br />

after the tournament that <strong>Glenwood</strong> <strong>High</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> had the number-one-ranked<br />

hardest strength of schedule. This means<br />

that each time the GSHS Mock Trial<br />

advanced, they were pitted against a<br />

number one team and they outscored<br />

them! In the end, with the scores tallied,<br />

the GSHS Mock Trial Team placed 3rd IN<br />


submitted by:<br />

Christian Bergren-Aragon<br />

Congratulations,<br />

Mock Trial!<br />

Page 3

GLENWOOD SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL JUNE, <strong>2011</strong><br />

ART NEWS:<br />

For a couple of years I have been<br />

encouraging Summer Trent in her<br />

aptitude for wildlife art. Last year she<br />

took 2nd place in her age group at the<br />

state level in the Junior Federal Duck<br />

Stamp Competition. That is a<br />

conservation initiative wherein hunters<br />

buy a stamp which is affixed to a<br />

hunting license that allows the hunting<br />

of various waterfowl. The proceeds are<br />

used to establish habitat for those<br />

species.<br />

This year she was awarded an honorable<br />

mention for her submission and has<br />

been invited to an awards ceremony in<br />

Denver. The competition has gotten<br />

tougher and she achieved this<br />

distinction out of a field of over 800<br />

entrants. I believe that she has what it<br />

takes to succeed as a professional<br />

artist, particularly in this genre.<br />

submitted by Jack Niswanger<br />

Future Dates to put on your calendar from the Counselors......<br />

Here are a few dates about happenings at the start of the next school year, <strong>2011</strong>-2012. This will also be<br />

included in the early August mailing of <strong>2011</strong>-12 schedules:<br />

Friday, August 19th - Freshmen Orientation, 9:00 to 11:00 in the Jeanne Miller Theater.<br />

Monday, August 22nd - Senior schedule changes from 8:00 to 12:00; enroll new seniors from 1:00 to 4:00.<br />

Tuesday, August 23rd - Junior schedule changes from 8:00 to 12:00; enroll new juniors from 1:00 to 4:00.<br />

Thursday, August 25th - Sophomore schedule changes from 8:00 to 12:00; enroll new sophomores from<br />

1:00 to 4:00.<br />

Friday, August 26th - Freshmen schedule changes from 8:00 to 12:00; enroll new freshmen from 1:00 to<br />

4:00.<br />

Monday, August 29th- First Day of <strong>School</strong>.<br />

Summer Trent<br />

Page 4

GLENWOOD SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL JUNE, <strong>2011</strong><br />

Colorado <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Press Association Awards<br />

The Colorado <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Press Association has restructured their awards this year. In the past,<br />

work was submitted to them in <strong>June</strong> and the results were returned in October. That has changed this<br />

year. Work was submitted in March and we received the results in May.<br />

We are proud to announce that Sam Robison won 3rd Place from CHSPA for his In-Depth News<br />

Coverage on the GSHS “Lipstick Bandit.”<br />

Austen Russell won 3rd Place for his review of the movie “True Grit.”<br />

Both won in the 4A school category, in which schools with similar enrollment compete against each<br />

other. However, GSHS students compete against students in schools that have twice our enrollment. The<br />

fact that we took two third-place awards in the large field of writers is pretty impressive. Congratulations<br />

Sam and Austen!<br />

Austen Russell Sam Robison<br />

submitted by Laura Hardman<br />

Page 5


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GLENWOOD SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL JUNE, <strong>2011</strong><br />

Be a Host Family<br />

Are you interested in being a Host Family to an Exchange Student from a different Country?<br />

We are looking for a family with or without children, single moms or dads, grandparents, couples in or<br />

around your hometown.<br />

Our exchange students are well-educated, nice, well-rounded and brave 15 – 17 year-old international<br />

students from countries like Germany, Finland, China, Serbia, Turkey, etc. They have decided to broaden<br />

their horizons by spending 5 or 10 months in the United states, attend a U.S. <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> and experience<br />

the American way of life with a wonderful host family supporting to make their dream come true.<br />

Each student will bring $250.00 per month for spending money. They will pay for their own expenses at<br />

school such as Athletic fees, lunches, school fees etc. Also, if they choose to go out with friends to movies or<br />

to eat they pay for themselves. You would treat them as your own child. They would do chores, abide by<br />

all of your rules and be a part of your family. They have their own insurance and you will not pay for any<br />

medical expenses out of your pocket should medical services be needed.<br />

Please contact Lee Van Portfliet at 970-618-5448. She will have the profiles and information on each<br />

student and will give you all the information you will need to be a host family to a foreign exchange student.<br />

Our web site is usa@international-experience.net or www.international-experience.net<br />

Great-West Life & Annuity Insurance<br />

Company...<br />

is proud to announce that their Great-West Great-Teachers selection committee has<br />

awarded GSHS teacher, Jill Wilson, a $5000 personal financial literacy grant.<br />

Mrs. Wilson is one of 25 award winners. She received the grant because Great-<br />

West believes her students will benefit from the Foundations in Personal Finance<br />

curriculum that she developed. They believe her goal to provide three practical<br />

computer financial simulations will help her students put theory into practice<br />

and better prepare them for similar real-world situations.<br />

With more than a century of experience in providing financial security for<br />

Americans, Great-West is a leading provider of employer-sponsored retirement<br />

savings plans. They also provide annuity and life insurance products for<br />

individuals and businesses, as well as fund management, investment and<br />

advisory services and they are committed to improving personal financial<br />

literacy. Through programs like Great-West Great-Teachers, they help empower<br />

Colorado youth with the financial knowledge for them to to build a successful<br />

future for themselves and their families.<br />

Congratulations Jill and congratulations to your students who will benefit from<br />

this grant!<br />

Jill Wilson<br />

Page 7


Seeking all hungry young singers, dancers, actors looking for the summer production experience of a life-time!<br />

Sat <strong>June</strong> 18, 3:00pm, Basalt Middle <strong>School</strong><br />

‘RENT’<br />

ages 14-22<br />

Rent is a Tony Award Winning rock opera. It tells the story of a group of impoverished<br />

young artists and musicians struggling to survive and create in New York's Lower East Side<br />

in the thriving days of Bohemian Alphabet City, under the shadow of HIV/AIDS<br />

Rehearsals:<br />

Mon-Thurs <strong>June</strong> 20-23, 1-5pm<br />

Mon-Thurs <strong>June</strong> 27-30, 1-5pm<br />

Tues-Fri July 5-8, 1-5pm<br />

Tech - July 11-14, 1-6pm<br />

Performances: (Lions Park, Basalt)<br />

July 15, 16, 17 at 7:00pm<br />

July 23 at 7:00pm<br />

July 29 at 7:00pm<br />

Director: Jayne Gottlieb<br />

Music Director: Rachel Aurand<br />

Tuition: (REDUCED FEE!!!)<br />

Workshop Fee $450 (includes show DVD)<br />

**(If also cast in SPELLING BEE, tuition for RENT is only $325)**<br />

($200 non-refundable deposit must be received at the time of auditions)<br />

Please call Jayne at (970) 309-1269 for more info<br />

or email Jayne at gottjayne@gmail.com<br />

www.jgptheatre.com<br />

Page 8

GLENWOOD SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL JUNE, <strong>2011</strong><br />

NOT TO BE<br />

DENIED!<br />

<strong>Glenwood</strong> Girls<br />

Take the Gold<br />

in the 4 x 400 Relays with a<br />

time of<br />

3 minutes, 57.74 seconds.<br />

The <strong>Glenwood</strong> Girls’ Relay Team consisting of Madison<br />

Goodstein, Kristy Moore, Jolie Dubois, and Michaela<br />

Mansfield finished first place and took the Gold at State<br />

Track in the 4 x 400 Relays, beating second place Wheat<br />

Ridge by more than 4 seconds.<br />

“We finished 12th as a team last year and, going in, we<br />

knew we might be in consideration for a team title,”<br />

<strong>Glenwood</strong> coach Blake Risner said. “We wanted to<br />

improve on last year's performance.”<br />

Not to be denied this year, the girls won their race,<br />

running in this order: Maddi Goodstein ran the opening<br />

leg, then senior Kristy Moore was second, followed by<br />

Jolie Dubois and finally Michaela Mansfield. Way to go,<br />

Ladies!<br />

Michaela Mansfield outdistances the pack on the last leg.<br />

Jolie Dubois<br />

Michaela Mansfield Kristy Moore<br />

Madison Goodstein<br />

Page 9

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