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Contents<br />

The elBullicellar<br />

sold to benefi t the elBullifoundation<br />


20 Lots 6001–6518<br />

102 Index<br />

108 Important Notice to Buyers<br />

109 Guide for Prospective Wine Buyers<br />

111 Conditions for Live Online Bidding<br />

111 Location, Storage, Collection and Delivery of Wines<br />

113 Crown Wine Cellars Limited Shipping,<br />

Collection and Storage<br />

115 Registration<br />

116 Crown Wine Cellars Limited Conditions of Services<br />

117 Direct Debit Authorisation<br />

118 Glossary of Abbreviations<br />

120 Conditions of Business for Buyers<br />

123 Client Services<br />

124 Guide for Absentee Bidders<br />

126 Absentee Bidding Form<br />

NEW YORK<br />

144 Lots 7001–7625<br />

234 Index<br />

248 Shipping/Collection/Storage Form<br />

249 Location, Storage and Delivery of Wines<br />

250 Glossary of Abbreviations<br />

251 Conditions of Sale<br />

252 Conditions for Live Online Bidding<br />

253 Important Information for Purchasers at Wine Sales<br />

254 Information on Sales and Use Tax<br />

255 Guide for Absentee Bids<br />

256 Absentee/Telephone Bidding Form





Ferran Adrià<br />

Chef Provocateur<br />

In January 2010, Ferran Adrià announced that his award-winning restaurant elBulli<br />

would close for two years. Could it be possible that the revolutionary chef who<br />

made an art of deconstructing dishes was deconstructing his restaurant? Why<br />

would the chef close what many considered to be the best restaurant in the world?<br />

The news defi ed belief and made headlines – even appearing on the cover of the<br />

Financial Times.<br />

It was Adrià’s turn to be surprised. By announcing the closure eighteen months in<br />

advance, he had hoped to gain time to gather his thoughts. But within a month, he<br />

was compelled to announce the creation of elBullifoundation, a decision that would<br />

guarantee the future of elBulli in a di erent guise. Through the Foundation, Adrià<br />

could preserve and celebrate the restaurant’s accomplishments, while keeping elBulli<br />

as a centre for gastronomic innovation. This new endeavour would allow him and his<br />

team the freedom to continue nurturing the creative drive that had defi ned elBulli,<br />

but without the restrictive timetable and demands of a restaurant.<br />

Refl ecting on the history of the industry, Adrià realised that none of the past’s great<br />

restaurants had been preserved. “It would be wonderful to go back and see Maxim’s<br />

as it was in its heyday,” he explains. “I did not want this to happen to elBulli. At the<br />

most we could sustain the pace and format for another couple of years. So that is<br />

how we came up with the idea of a foundation to preserve this beautiful story.”<br />

To mark the closure of elBulli, the Catalan government inaugurated an exhibition<br />

at Palau Robert to chronicle the history of the restaurant that catapulted Catalan<br />

cuisine to international recognition. The fi nal exhibit is a recording of the last dish<br />

served before the restaurant closed in July 2011. As Adrià carried the sou és to the<br />

table, the team in the kitchen bounced in merriment while news cameras captured<br />

the jubilant and harmonious atmosphere. It was agreed that the best solution for<br />

preserving the uniqueness of elBulli was to close it down. The footage shows the<br />

immense a ection the restaurant “family” had for Adrià and how they respected and<br />

praised his guidance and encouragement.<br />

12 elBullifoundation

14 elBullifoundation<br />

The exhibit told the story of elBulli, from its<br />

opening as a modest seaside eatery in the early<br />

1960s by German doctor Hans Schilling and his<br />

Czech wife Marketta to its headline-grabbing<br />

closure. Adrià enters the story as an eighteenyear-old<br />

who found a job washing dishes at the<br />

Hotel Playafels in Castelldefels in order to fund<br />

a trip to Ibiza. Chef Miguel Moy spotted Adrià’s<br />

interest in cooking and encouraged him to study<br />

El Práctico, a compendium of recipes from all over<br />

the world. Later, during his compulsory military<br />

service in Cartagena, Adrià secured a position in<br />

the admiral’s kitchen where fellow conscript Fermí<br />

Puig told him of his experience in elBulli, which<br />

had by then garnered two Michelin stars under the<br />

direction of Jean-Paul Vinay.<br />

Adrià headed there for an apprenticeship during<br />

his summer vacation in 1983 and was invited<br />

to return following his military service. Shortly<br />

thereafter, Vinay announced he was taking half<br />

the sta to set up his own restaurant in Barcelona,<br />

leaving the elBulli manager, Juli Soler, in dire<br />

need of a new chef. Soler appointed Adrià and<br />

Christian Lutaud as temporary joint chefs. The<br />

duo rose to the challenge, researching and visiting<br />

other restaurants in Catalonia and France to refi ne<br />

traditional dishes and further the techniques of<br />

nouvelle cuisine. Their e orts were so successful<br />

that the search for a head chef was abandoned.<br />

However, one of the restaurant’s Michelin stars<br />

was removed.<br />

Nineteen eighty-seven was a watershed year.<br />

Lutaud decided to leave elBulli and Adrià took<br />

sole charge of the kitchen. Adrià met French<br />

chef Jacques Maximin, who gave him a piece<br />

of advice that would forever change Adrià’s<br />

approach: stop copying, start creating. Needing<br />

the time to create, he and Soler decided to close<br />

for fi ve months over winter – a business decision<br />

that many considered unwise, but which provided<br />

Adrià the time and freedom to create and develop<br />

a style of his own.<br />

In the ensuing years, Adrià’s creativity fl ourished<br />

and he swiftly gained a reputation for culinary<br />

excellence on his own merits. In 1990, Adrià and<br />

Soler bought the restaurant from the Schillings<br />

and regained the second Michelin star. Two years<br />

later he received the National Gastronomy Award<br />

for Best Chef de Cuisine.<br />

Having achieved such recognition before the age<br />

of 30 spurred Adrià to go further. elBulli became<br />

a sought-after destination for chefs in the making,<br />

and Adrià has fostered many of the leading chefs<br />

in the world today. He calculates that there are<br />

fewer than 2,000 truly innovative chefs in the<br />

world, and that of those, 70 to 80 percent have<br />

spent time in elBulli’s kitchen. Adrià shared his<br />

spirit of collaboration, hard work, creativity and<br />

innovation with his team.<br />

The restaurant experienced a transformation in<br />

the early 1990s: the kitchen was expanded and<br />

equipped for a new period. Adrià encouraged his<br />

team to invent new gastronomic concepts, which<br />

led to the groundbreaking idea to “deconstruct”<br />

and reconfigure traditional dishes. The team<br />

worked on separating ingredients and putting<br />

them back together in ingenious combinations.<br />

elBulli redefi ned cuisine and came up with a new<br />

culinary language that surprised and delighted<br />

diners.<br />

Yet Adrià felt constrained within the boundaries<br />

of traditional techniques, and by 1994, he was<br />

once again ready for change. The focus shifted<br />

from creativity in food to creativity in the dining<br />

experience. Aside from taste and smell, the<br />

other senses now gained equal importance in the<br />

enjoyment of dishes, and his techniques, processes<br />

and concepts came to the forefront.<br />

Over the years, Adrià introduced culinary<br />

innovations including spherifi cation, savoury ice<br />

cream, fl avoured froth, liquid croquant and new<br />

forms of caramelisation, amongst others. elBulli

not only gained the coveted third Michelin star,<br />

but also an international respect never before<br />

seen in world class restaurants. Adrià expanded<br />

the restaurant, opened a catering business,<br />

attended international conferences, published<br />

books, became gastronomic advisor at the Casino<br />

de Madrid and debuted new kitchen equipment<br />

such as the CO2 syphon so others could recreate<br />

his famous froths. He also opened his workshop<br />

elBulliTaller – a space for creative thinking and<br />

innovation – in the centre of Barcelona.<br />

elBulliTaller is now his centre of operations and<br />

where Adrià orchestrates his businesses and<br />

initiatives. But the one that takes up most of<br />

his time is the Foundation. True to form, he<br />

has sought the best advice and presented the<br />

transformation of elBulli as a case study at five<br />

leading business schools. In total, 31 projects were<br />

presented with the best ideas to be integrated into<br />

the elBulliFoundation in the coming years.<br />

The Foundation’s guiding principles are risk,<br />

freedom and creativity and they are structured in<br />

two pillars; fi rst, the conversion of the restaurant<br />

into a research centre and second, the creation of<br />

bullipedia, a web-based archive of global culinary<br />

history and the most up-to-date information in the<br />

industry.<br />

An 1,800-square-metre extension to the building<br />

is currently underway, and will be ready to open in<br />

the summer of 2014. He explains, we “will exhibit<br />

40,000 objects related to elBulli in a space where<br />

there will also be a lot of other activity. The centre<br />

will hold special events, some of them for the<br />





” – Ferran Adrià<br />

benefi t of society, for example a school will come<br />

to experience the world of elBulli. We will also host<br />

dinners throughout the year to raise funds for the<br />

Foundation itself.”<br />

In the meantime, Adrià dedicates his days to<br />

reading and researching to find the best way to<br />

present, explain and inter-relate the history of<br />

the world’s cuisines. elBulliTaller has been taken<br />

over by massive boards where Adrià has pinned<br />

lists, presentations, bibliographies, images of raw<br />

ingredients and dishes and any other category of<br />

material that fi ts within the remit of bullipedia. The<br />

dining room table is covered with literature dating<br />

back to 15th-century culinary treaties.<br />

His current concern is to fi nd a link between food<br />

groups and taxonomy. He explains, “Tomatoes<br />

are fruit, but they are used as a vegetable, well,<br />

at least they belong to the plant kingdom.<br />

Mushrooms, however, are also considered to be<br />

vegetables, and used as such by most, but they do<br />

not even belong in the same kingdom. Fungi are<br />

in a kingdom of their own. The more I look into<br />

the food groups, the more I notice there is quite<br />

a bit of chaos. I am not sure where this research is<br />

leading, it might take me nowhere, but I doubt it.”<br />

He believes fi rmly that “the dream of an innovator<br />

is that you are not understood. If you are<br />

understood, then you are not at the cutting edge.”<br />

The world has not heard the last from this<br />

indefatigable savant. And given his track record, it<br />

is likely the best is yet to come.<br />

Andrew Montgomery is the Media Relations<br />

Consultant for Sotheby’s Spain.<br />


134 elBullifoundation

The elBullicellar<br />

sold to benefi t the elBullifoundation<br />

PART 2<br />

NEW YORK 26 APRIL 2013<br />

LOTS 7001-7625<br />


135<br />

elBullicellar • NEW YORK


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136 elBullifoundation<br />

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137<br />

elBullicellar • NEW YORK

138 elBullifoundation<br />

The Interview Ferran Adrià<br />

Ferran Adrià, internationally revered chef of elBulli restaurant on the Costa Brava in Spain, has garnered<br />

countless accolades and been named the best chef in the world several years running. He began his career<br />

in a hotel kitchen washing dishes with a view to raise money for a trip to Ibiza. By the age of 22 he had been<br />

appointed as head chef of the remote and unpretentious shore side restaurant. In a matter of years, elBulli<br />

would become the most sought after dinner destination in the world. As the restaurant gathered Michelin<br />

stars and worldwide recognition, the cellar grew accordingly under the aegis of his partner and head sommelier<br />

Juli Soler. In January 2010, following two decades of constant success, Adrià and Soler announced that the<br />

restaurant would close in July 2011, to the shock and consternation of many. In 2014, elBulli will reopen its doors<br />

in a new guise as an innovative culinary research center. In order to fi nance this new venture and secure its<br />

future, the treasured contents of the cellar are being o ered at auction in this catalogue.<br />



Where were you born?<br />

In L’Hospitalet de Llobregat on the street that separates it<br />

from Barcelona, so I feel very much from Barcelona.<br />

What was your best memory growing up?<br />

I had a very normal childhood. My best memories are of<br />

playing football with friends.<br />

What did you want to be when you grew up?<br />

Johan Cruy .<br />

Where/what did you study?<br />

I was doing business studies, but a year before fi nishing I tired<br />

of it, gave it up and found a job washing dishes. I wasn’t a bad<br />

student, and in many ways all the training I had has helped me<br />

out as a businessman. I like numbers. I believe that creativity<br />

and innovation are fantastic when you have freedom, and to<br />

have that freedom you need to have economic freedom.<br />

Any formal wine training?<br />

No. What I know I owe to my business partner Juli Soler, it<br />

was his passion and he was the expert in wines at elBulli. This<br />

cellar was built up by him and all the sommeliers at elBulli.<br />

Juli was, above all, a great friend of the leading winemakers in<br />

the world and every year would travel to Bordeaux, Burgundy,<br />

throughout Spain. Of course, because of elBulli he had a<br />

great business rapport with the fi nest vineyards, but above all<br />

he was a friend. When it comes to me, my training in wine<br />

comes from drinking it. I’m particularly keen on Champagne<br />

and the great wines, obviously.<br />

Who was your mentor?<br />

None, I did not have a mentor, and this has been fundamental<br />

in my career. I have not had a master. I have learned from a lot<br />

of people, and there are important people of reference, but I<br />

did not work alongside a master for four or fi ve years, because

otherwise it would have been impossible to do what we did. If<br />

you study with someone, you will be marked. As a reference,<br />

I studied fi ne French cuisine, as well as traditional Spanish and<br />

my mother’s cooking.<br />

What was the best advice you ever received?<br />

That what really matters is what you do, not who you are.<br />


What instantly brings a smile to your face?<br />

Simple jokes, bloopers. It is easy to get a smile out of me.<br />

What instantly makes you frown?<br />

Injustice.<br />

Outside wine, what is your passion?<br />

The Barcelona football team. More as a release valve than<br />

anything else. When I am watching the Barça, I forget about<br />

everything else. With all due respect, if other teams are<br />

playing, I am just not interested.<br />

What was the last music you downloaded?<br />

None, I never download music.<br />

What is the last movie you saw?<br />

The Life of Pi.<br />

What’s your guilty secret?<br />

That which I cannot confess and I am not about to confess.<br />

What “addiction” would you most like to give up?<br />

None. I control myself pretty well.<br />

What are you craving right now?<br />

I would love to be able to go on holiday for a week to a sunny<br />

place. But I can’t.<br />

Are you superstitious?<br />

No, not really.<br />

Sunday: Brunch or Lunch?<br />

Sundays? I have worked about 99% of the Sundays in my<br />

working life. So if I get a Sunday, I like to loaf around. Anyway,<br />

we are not big on brunch here in Spain.<br />


Who was the fi rst person you spoke to today?<br />

My wife.<br />

Early to rise, late to bed; burn the candle at both ends?<br />

Well, since the restaurant closed, my biorhythms have<br />

changed. I get up later and do not have to stay up until two<br />

in the morning.<br />

Diet or eat everything?<br />

Eat everything, but in small quantities. Moderation is key.<br />

How do you keep in shape?<br />

I walk, and every now and then go to the gym for 20 minutes.<br />

What are you reading now?<br />

I read very little, because I write so much. ForBullipedia , I am<br />

reading tomes about the history of cooking. I read the papers<br />

online every day, and I love the Sunday newspapers.<br />

FAMILY<br />

Wife/Husband/Lover?<br />

Wife.<br />

Do you have any children?<br />

No.<br />

139<br />

elBullicellar • NEW YORK

“<br />





”<br />

– Ferran Adrià<br />

140 elBullifoundation<br />


Favorite place to vacation?<br />

For a short break, the Ampurdan. Otherwise, Japan.<br />

Favorite local restaurant?<br />

Tickets , I feel like I’m at home there. My brother runs it.<br />

Favorite restaurant in the world?<br />

Mibu in Tokyo.<br />

Favorite city to visit?<br />

It would have to be either Sydney or San Francisco. They are<br />

similar in many ways to Barcelona.<br />

Favorite airline?<br />

None, fl ights are always arranged for me. I have no say in the<br />

matter so I do not get to choose.<br />

Favorite dish from your restaurant?<br />

The thrill with which it was created.<br />

What would you drink with it?<br />

Champagne.<br />

Favorite dish not from your restaurant?<br />

Spanish omelette.<br />

Favourite wine from your cellar?<br />

Vega Sicilia.<br />

Favourite wine that was not in elBulli cellar?<br />

What? We had the lot!<br />

Which wine from your cellar are you most sorry to let go?<br />

None! I am delighted to see them all go because they are<br />

going to make it possible for elBulli to remain forever. I<br />

hope that those who bid for the wines feel that aside from<br />

getting hold of good wine they are also contributing to the<br />

Foundation that will guarantee the future of elBulli.<br />

Favorite shop to buy clothes?<br />

El Groc by Toni Miró.<br />

Favorite shoes?<br />

I have not bought shoes in the past fi fteen years. A friend of<br />

mine has given me shoes. If there is a brand I like, it would<br />

have to be Camper<br />


Achievement?<br />

Finding the way to ensure elBulli continues.<br />

Disappointment?<br />

Being let down by people I trust. I forgive but I do not forget.<br />


If you can choose your perfect last supper before leaving<br />

this world, what would it be, who would it be with and<br />

what would you drink with it?<br />

I can’t answer that question!<br />

Ok, if you could think of your ultimate dinner, what<br />

would it be like?<br />

This is hypothetical, of course. I would have dinner with<br />

Picasso. You know, I’ve read that he wasn’t a very foody<br />

person. I would make dishes with the wonderful produce from<br />

his native Andalousia and have some delicious sherry...

141<br />

elBullicellar • NEW YORK

142 elBullifoundation<br />


All bottles for the elBullicellar were inspected over a period of ten<br />

days in Barcelona, Spain by a team of Specialists from Sotheby’s<br />

Wine in New York. All bottles were inspected on-site, in the<br />

temperature controlled cellar where special elBulli Foundation<br />

stickers were a xed to every bottle being sold in both Hong<br />

Kong and New York.<br />


During the inspection many of the bottles for sale in both Hong<br />

Kong and New York were signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler.<br />

Bottles which have been signed are specifi cally mentioned in the<br />

lot description.<br />


The wines were inspected, packed and shipped via temperature<br />

controlled trucks to the port of Barcelona and onward to New<br />

York and Hong Kong in temperature controlled reefer containers.<br />


Please be advised that any bottles being sold in the New York<br />

portion of the sale will be carrying U.S. import labels. Those<br />

bottles being sold in Hong Kong will not.

143<br />

elBullicellar • NEW YORK

144 elBullifoundation<br />


Red Burgundy<br />


The Domaine, as it is known, is iconic. Much more important, it also produces the most extraordinary wines in Burgundy<br />

- and it has been doing so for a long time. The generations responsible for the Domaine change, but the terroir remains.<br />

And these are very special vineyard parcels indeed, married to meticulous care and philosophy leading to low yields and<br />

healthy, ripe grapes, at whatever cost. From the 1990s, vineyard policy has been organic, with co-owner Aubert de Villaine<br />

monitoring everything with his usual attention to detail. Domaine de la Romanée-Conti wines evolve and develop<br />

dimensions in a way that resembles a mosaic - points of bouquet and flavour making up a harmonious whole that<br />

becomes more beautiful as it unfolds in the glass. Yes, these are hedonistic wines and yes, they are not like any other. The<br />

trick is in capturing what these remarkable plots of vines can give and letting them express themselves through minimum<br />

intervention and enlightened nurturing. Serena Sutcliffe, M.W.<br />


4.67 ha (11.39 acres), average production: 1,340 cases,<br />

average age of vines 31 years<br />

The Domaine owns one-seventh of this vineyard. The<br />

rock structure that underpins Echézeaux is immensely<br />

complicated, with lower Bathonian and upper Bajocian<br />

limestones in constant interplay. The vineyard is situated<br />

very high for a Grand Cru, but the soil has good<br />

pebbles and is deep enough to produce outstanding<br />

wines. Serena Sutcliffe, M.W.<br />

Echézeaux 2004 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti<br />

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />

Bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler, 2 slight<br />

signs of seepage<br />

Incredible, rosy, bloomy, fruity nose. Beguiling.<br />

Great, great fl avour – there are 45 year-old vines<br />

here and the vineyard is now in great form. Superb.<br />

Really crunchy fruit. Serena Sutcliffe, M.W.<br />

7001 6 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $2,250-3,250<br />

“<br />






”<br />

– Ferran Adrià<br />


3.53 ha (8.6 acres) average production: 1,150 cases,<br />

average age of vines: 51 years<br />

The Domaine owns fully one-third of this vineyard.<br />

Along with La Tâche, Grands Echézeaux is the other<br />

vineyard where the Domaine is practising biodynamic<br />

viticulture. Density of plantation of the vines has<br />

also increased here, as well as in the Romanée-Conti<br />

vineyard from 10,000 to 15,000 vines per hectare.<br />

Serena Sutcliffe, MW<br />

Grands Echézeaux 2004<br />

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti<br />

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />

Bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler<br />

The nose is more closed than the Echézeaux, which is<br />

normal when the wines are young. Quite earthy and<br />

animally. Very good fruit at the end. Serena Sutcliffe,<br />

MW<br />

7002 6 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $2,500-3,750<br />


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Romanee-St-Vivant<br />

5.28 ha (13 acres), average production: 1,500 cases,<br />

average age of vines: 33 years<br />

The Domaine owns just over one-half of this vineyard<br />

which it purchased from the Marey-Monge family<br />

in 1988, having previously managed the vineyard for<br />

the family since 1966. The vineyard holdings were<br />

replanted over a number of years and the wines have<br />

greater concentration, less sharp tannins and more<br />

fat. They continue to set the highest standard for the<br />

appellation.<br />

Serena Sutcliffe, MW<br />

Romanée St. Vivant 2004<br />

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti<br />

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />

Bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler<br />

Lots of violets on the nose. This wine now has<br />

so much more class than before, following all the<br />

vineyard improvements. Terrifi c co ee fi nish. So<br />

juicy and so fresh. In 2009, from magnum, it has<br />

excellent colour and a really spicy, “oriental” nose,<br />

with a whi of cherry liqueur. Dry spices in character,<br />

with a touch of turmeric. Real richness on the middle<br />

palate, but drier tannins on the fi nish than in 2005.<br />

Remains sensual, though with a sign-o that is<br />

“Cistercian”! Rich leather and liquorice fi nish. It really<br />

shows its terroir.<br />

Serena Sutcliffe, MW<br />

See illustration<br />

7003 6 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $3,250-4,500<br />


3.51 ha (8.6 acres) average production 1,000 cases,<br />

average age of vines: 39 years<br />

The Domaine owns 50% of this vineyard. Aged in<br />

barrels purchased from cooper François Frères, as<br />

all the DRC wines are, they benefit from a superb<br />

position in the vineyard and, in the great vintages,<br />

Richebourg is like velvet come to life. Serena Sutcliffe,<br />

M.W.<br />

Richebourg 2004 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti<br />

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />

Bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler<br />

The great plummy nose of Richebourg. Terrifi c<br />

gummy/irony/liquorice taste. Tannic, velvety, intense<br />

and opulent. As always, generous, rich and so<br />

balanced.<br />

Serena Sutcliffe, MW<br />

See illustration<br />

7004 6 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $3,250-4,500<br />

LOTS 7003, 7004<br />


1.80 ha (4.32 acres), average production: 450 cases,<br />

average age of vines: 52 years<br />

In 1760, the Prince de Conti bought the lower part of<br />

La Romanée, and a myth was born. The de Villaine<br />

and Leroy families acquired Romanée-Conti in 1850<br />

and they still own and run the Domaine jointly. It is<br />

interesting that in 1850 Romanée-Conti was estate<br />

bottled – then this ceased for a period and restarted<br />

in 1911. Thus, the essence of Romanée-Conti was<br />

captured but, in my view, never tamed! It is a wild,<br />

extraordinary wine, unpredictable and constantly<br />

mutating as it matures, but always true to its<br />

indubitably great self.<br />

The care lavished on Romanée-Conti is shown to<br />

all the wines of the Domaine, but the breed and<br />

refinement in the taste of Romanée-Conti would point<br />

to an indefinable “something extra” in this 1.80 ha<br />

plot. Tradition is respected (Romanée-Conti is always<br />

vinified in wooden vat number 17 which dates from<br />

1862), but not blindly revered for its own sake. Short<br />

pruning, organic fertilizer, low yields, high average<br />

age of vines, late picking, selection of grapes, long<br />

fermentation with natural yeasts, 70-100% vin de presse<br />

added to give quality tannins and good acidity, new<br />

Tronçais oak barrels from wood the Domaine dries<br />

itself, almost no racking (and then only by gravity),<br />

fining with 3-4 egg whites per cask only in some years<br />

according to the character of the vintage, no filtration<br />

– all this is taken for granted. But Romanée-Conti is<br />

more than the total of a mass of intricate manoeuvres<br />

– it is the pure silk and intoxicating aromas and flavours<br />

that appear, as if by magic, from mere marl and<br />

limestone.<br />

Serena Sutcliffe, MW<br />

Romanée Conti 2004<br />

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti<br />

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />

Bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler, bottle #’s<br />

2161-2164<br />

Amazing persistence on the nose, with spicy<br />

smokiness. Incredible fl avour and length with the<br />

silky seduction that marks out this unique vineyard.<br />

You could call this weightless density. There is even<br />

a touch of nuttiness on the fi nish which I sometimes<br />

see in Romanée-Conti. This wine has a very far<br />

horizon of development. Serena Sutcliffe, M.W.<br />

7005 4 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $19,000-27,500<br />

elBullicellar • NEW YORK

elBullifoundation<br />

Romanée St. Vivant,<br />

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti<br />

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />

1990 (2 bts)<br />

1996 (2 bts) 1 stained label, 1 slightly stained label<br />

1997 (1 bt) Heavily stained and scu ed label<br />

2001 (2 bts)<br />

7006 7 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $4,000-5,500<br />

La Tâche, Domaine de la Romanée-Conti<br />

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />

1996 (1 bt)<br />

1999 (2 bts) 1 slightly stained label<br />

7007 3 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $6,000-9,000<br />

Echézeaux 1990 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Slightly scu ed label<br />

Richebourg 1996 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Slightly scu ed label<br />

7008 2 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,400-1,900<br />

Vosne Romanée, Premier Cru, Cuvée Duvault-<br />

Blochet 1999 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti (3 bts)<br />

Slightly scu ed labels<br />

Echézeaux 2000 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti<br />

(2 bts)<br />

1 heavily stained and scu ed label, 1 slightly stained<br />

label<br />

Echézeaux 2001 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti<br />

(1 bt)<br />

7009 6 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $2,000-2,750

White Burgundy<br />


0.67ha(1.65 acres), average production 250 cases,<br />

average age of vines 61 years<br />

First produced by the Domaine in 1964, but the first<br />

vintage to be released was 1965. Partially based on<br />

soil analysis by the agronomist Claude Bourguignon,<br />

the Domaine has reintroduced ploughing both Le<br />

Montrachet and Romanée-Conti with horses. The<br />

Domaine believes compacting the soil with heavy<br />

tractors can lead to less microbial activity and therefore<br />

damage to this unique terroir. This small holding in<br />

the famed vineyard produces an average of only 250<br />

cases of this extraordinarily powerful and complex wine<br />

which is keenly sought after by collectors and creates<br />

an atmosphere of excitement whenever it appears at<br />

auction. Serena Sutcliffe, MW<br />

Montrachet 1987 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti<br />

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />

Bottle #1071, slightly scu ed label, slight sign of<br />

seepage<br />

7010 1 bt (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,400-2,000<br />

Montrachet 1988 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti<br />

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />

Bottle #’s 332-334, slightly scu ed labels, 1 sign of<br />

seepage<br />

7011 3 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $5,000-7,000<br />

Montrachet 1989 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti<br />

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />

Bottle # 2802<br />

This was the millennium night white Burgundy for<br />

us, just so buttery, fruity and rich. Lime and caramel<br />

fl avours. All-enveloping, wrap-around stu . I have<br />

just tasted it again, and it may not have as much<br />

bouquet as the fabulous 1991, but it sure delivers the<br />

goods!<br />

Serena Sutcliffe, MW<br />

7012 1 bt (cn)<br />

per lot: $3,250-4,500<br />

Montrachet 1990 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti<br />

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />

u. 1x3cm, 1x4cm, bottle #’s 2740-2742, slightly scu ed<br />

labels, 1 slight sign of seepage, 1 nicked label, 1 level<br />

into neck<br />

Silkily lustrous and quite beautiful.<br />

Serena Sutcliffe, MW<br />

7013 3 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $8,500-12,000<br />

Montrachet 2004 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti<br />

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />

Bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler, magnum<br />

# 18, slightly scu ed label<br />

7014 1 mag (cn)<br />

per lot: $3,750-5,500<br />

149<br />

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“<br />















” – Jeannie Cho Lee, M.W.<br />

150 elBullifoundation<br />

Red Burgundy<br />

LEROY<br />

Lalou Bize-Leroy is a force to be reckoned with in Burgundy. Brought up in wine, she developed firm principles and<br />

equally firm convictions. For her, reducing yields is a religion and biodynamic viticultural methods the route to quality and<br />

longevity. No destemming and long vattings add to the almost essence-like intensity of the wines. Their deep, emphatic<br />

style is a reflection of the commitment and personality of Lalou Bize-Leroy. These wines hardly seem to age - they stay<br />

suspended in time. Serena Sutcliffe, MW<br />

Clos Vougeot 1997 Domaine Leroy<br />

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />

Bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler, 6,026<br />

bottles produced<br />

7015 12 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $3,500-5,000<br />

Vosne Romanée, Les Beaux Monts 1997<br />

Domaine Leroy<br />

Côte de Nuits, 1er Cru<br />

1 scu ed label, 3 slightly stained labels, 1 slightly<br />

scu ed label<br />

7016 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $2,250-3,250<br />

Corton, Les Renardes 1997 Domaine Leroy<br />

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />

u. 2x3cm, 2 signs of seepage, 1 scu ed and soiled label,<br />

owc missing lid<br />

7017 12 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $3,500-5,000<br />

Volnay, Les Santenots 1997 Domaine Leroy (4 bts)<br />

Heavily scu ed labels, 1 partially torn label<br />

Savigny lès Beaune, Narbantons 1997 Domaine<br />

Leroy (3 bts)<br />

2 nicked labels, 1 scu ed label, 1 slightly stained label<br />

Clos Vougeot 1997 Domaine Leroy (1 bt)<br />

Slightly stained label, slightly sunken cork<br />

Gevrey Chambertin, Aux Combottes 1997<br />

Domaine Leroy (1 bt)<br />

Nicked and scu ed label, slightly sunken cork<br />

Nuits St. Georges, Les Vignerondes 1998<br />

Domaine Leroy (2 bts)<br />

1 scu ed label, 1 slightly stained label, slightly sunken<br />

corks<br />

Clos Vougeot 1998 Domaine Leroy (1 bt)<br />

7018 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $2,000-2,750<br />

Pommard, Les Vignots 1981 Maison Leroy (2 bts)<br />

Stained and soiled labels, scu ed capsules<br />

Beaune, Sizies 1985 Maison Leroy (2 bts)<br />

Scu ed and soiled labels, scu ed capsules<br />

Ruchottes Chambertin 1986 Maison Leroy (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed and soiled label, partially loose and damaged<br />

vintage neck label<br />

Latricières Chambertin 1992 Domaine Leroy<br />

(2 bts)<br />

2,042 bottles produced, scu ed capsules, scu ed and<br />

soiled labels, 1 slight sign of seepage<br />

Chambertin 1997 Domaine Leroy (2 bts)<br />

878 bottles produced, nicked and slightly soiled labels,<br />

slightly scu ed capsules<br />

Richebourg 1997 Domaine Leroy (1 bt)<br />

1,754 bottles produced, soiled label<br />

Vosne Romanée, Les Beaux Monts 1997<br />

Domaine Leroy (1 bt)<br />

3,510 bottles produced<br />

Clos Vougeot 1999 Domaine Leroy (1 bt)<br />

7,257 bottles produced, scu ed capsule<br />

7019 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $3,000-4,250

151<br />

elBullicellar • NEW YORK

LOTS 7022, 7040<br />


This was one of the first great Burgundy estates to<br />

domaine-bottle and its standards have never slipped.<br />

The emphasis is on finesse and elegance, and the<br />

wines usually have a long, lingering finish. Yields are<br />

low and old vines are left as long as possible. There is<br />

total destemming and maximum one-third new oak for<br />

the best wines. The d’Angerville family has contributed<br />

enormously to both quality and authenticity in wine<br />

production in Burgundy, and for that Burgundy-lovers<br />

must always be grateful. Jacques d’Angerville died<br />

in July, 2003, but his family seems sure to honour his<br />

legacy with Jacques’ son Guillaume and his son-inlaw<br />

Renaud de Villette now running the estate. The<br />

Marquis d’Angerville is the sole owner of the Clos des<br />

Ducs, which ages magnificently. Serena Sutcliffe, M.W.<br />

Volnay, Clos des Ducs 1996 Marquis d’Angerville<br />

Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />

Lot 7021: 1 heavily stained label<br />

7020 6 mags (cn)<br />

per lot: $500-650<br />

7021 2 mags (cn)<br />

per lot: $150-200<br />

Volnay, Clos des Ducs 2005 Marquis d’Angerville<br />

Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />

Packed in 12 bottle oc<br />

See illustration<br />

7022 6 bts (oc)<br />

per lot: $900-1,200<br />

Volnay, Clos des Ducs, Marquis d’Angerville<br />

Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />

2002 (2 bts) Slightly soiled labels<br />

2005 (10 bts) Slightly soiled labels<br />

7023 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,600-2,250<br />

Volnay, Les Champans 1990 Marquis d’Angerville<br />

(6 bts)<br />

1 heavily stained and soiled label, 1 slightly scu ed label<br />

Volnay, Les Champans 1998 Marquis d’Angerville<br />

(3 bts)<br />

1 slightly scu ed label<br />

Volnay, Clos des Ducs 2005 Marquis d’Angerville<br />

(1 bt)<br />

7024 10 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $650-950<br />

Pommard 2002 Marquis d’Angerville (4 bts)<br />

2 wrinkled, scu ed and nicked labels<br />

Volnay, Les Champans 2005 Marquis d’Angerville<br />

(8 bts)<br />

1 scu ed label<br />

7025 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $600-850<br />

Corton, Hospices de Beaune, Cuvée du Docteur<br />

Peste 2000 Maison Henri Boillot<br />

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />

1 sign of seepage, 1 stained label<br />

7026 12 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $800-1,100<br />

Volnay, En Chevrets 2005 Henri Boillot<br />

Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />

3 signs of seepage<br />

7027 4 mags (cn)<br />

per lot: $300-400<br />

Volnay, Les Frémiets 2005 Maison Henri Boillot<br />

Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />

7028 10 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $400-600<br />

Volnay, Les Caillerets 2005 Henri Boillot<br />

Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />

1 slightly scu ed label<br />

7029 11 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $550-800<br />

Mazis Chambertin, Hospices de Beaune, Cuvée<br />

Madeleine Collignon 2000 Maison Henri Boillot<br />

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />

2 scu ed and 1 partially torn labels<br />

7030 4 bts<br />

per lot: $600-800<br />

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154 elBullifoundation<br />

Gevrey Chambertin, Les Cherbaudes 2005<br />

Louis Boillot<br />

Côte de Nuits, 1er Cru<br />

1 scu ed and 1 pen marked label<br />

7031 12 bts (oc)<br />

per lot: $550-750<br />

Charmes Chambertin 2005<br />

Philippe Charlopin-Parizot<br />

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />

7032 12 bts (oc)<br />

per lot: $1,200-1,800<br />

Vosne Romanée 2005 Philippe Charlopin-Parizot<br />

Côte de Nuits<br />

7033 12 bts (oc)<br />

per lot: $400-550<br />

Chambolle Musigny, Les Charmes 2005<br />

Christian Clerget<br />

Côte de Nuits, 1er Cru<br />

7034 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $400-600<br />

Echézeaux 2005 Christian Clerget<br />

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />

7035 12 bts (oc)<br />

per lot: $650-900<br />

Saint Aubin 1er Cru, L Castets 1999 Hubert Lamy<br />

2 slightly soiled labels, 1 Partially missing wax capsule,<br />

3 signs of seepage<br />

7036 3 jero - 3 liters (3 owc)<br />

per lot: $400-550<br />

These special bottles of Lucien Le Moine<br />

were the product of Juli Soler’s bidding<br />

each year at the Hospices de Beaune<br />

Auction in Burgundy. He bought the wines<br />

in barrel and then established a relationship<br />

with Lucien Le Moine who bottled the wines<br />

for the elBulli restaurant and a xed the<br />

special labels which you see below to the<br />

bottles specifi cally mentioning Juli Soler<br />

and elBulli in Roses, Spain.<br />


Domaine Lucien Le Moine was founded in 1999 by<br />

Mounir Saouma, a former Lebanese monk, and his<br />

wife Rotem Brakir. Since its launch Lucien Le Moine<br />

has produced about 100 barrels each year from Grand<br />

Cru and Premier Cru vineyards of the Côte d’Or,<br />

with some bottlings only found in miniscule quantities<br />

(25-20 cases!!!!) From a small cave in Beaune, the<br />

Domaine produces bottles that are unfined and<br />

unfilitered, and wines that show immense richness and<br />

depth.<br />

Mazis Chambertin 2005 Lucien Le Moine<br />

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />

7037 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

per lot: $2,750-4,000<br />

Chambertin, Clos de Bèze 2004 Lucien Le Moine<br />

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />

7038 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

per lot: $1,200-1,800<br />

Chambertin, Clos de Bèze 2006 Lucien Le Moine<br />

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />

1 slightly scu ed label<br />

7039 6 bts (oc)<br />

per lot: $700-1,000

Bonnes Mares 2005 Lucien Le Moine<br />

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />

See illustration<br />

7040 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

per lot: $2,000-2,750<br />

Bonnes Mares, Lucien Le Moine<br />

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />

2004 (6 bts)<br />

2006 (6 bts) 1 wrinkled label<br />

7041 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

per lot: $1,200-1,800<br />

Clos Saint Denis 2006 Lucien Le Moine<br />

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />

1 damaged label, 1 torn capsule<br />

7042 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

per lot: $800-1,200<br />

Chambolle Musigny, Les Amoureuses 2006<br />

Lucien Le Moine<br />

Côte de Nuits, 1er Cru<br />

7043 6 bts (oc)<br />

per lot: $600-900<br />

Grands Echézeaux 2005 Lucien Le Moine<br />

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />

1 nicked label<br />

7044 6 bts (oc)<br />

per lot: $850-1,200<br />

Vosne Romanée, Aux Malconsorts 2006<br />

Lucien Le Moine<br />

Côte de Nuits, 1er Cru<br />

2 wrinkled labels, 1 slightly torn capsule<br />

7045 6 bts (oc)<br />

per lot: $550-750<br />

Richebourg 2004 Lucien Le Moine<br />

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />

1 scu ed label<br />

7046 6 bts (oc)<br />

per lot: $1,400-2,000<br />

Corton Clos du Roi, Hospices de Beaune, Cuvée<br />

Baronne du Bay 2007 Lucien Le Moine<br />

Côte de Beaune<br />

Lots 7047-7049 Proprietary labels printed: “Juli Soler,<br />

El Bulli, Roses”, bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli<br />

Soler<br />

7047 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

7048 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

7049 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

per lot: $850-1,100<br />

“<br />







”<br />

– Mounir and Rotem Saouma<br />

155<br />

elBullicellar • NEW YORK


Corton Clos du Roi, Hospices de Beaune,<br />

Cuvée Baronne du Bay 2007 Lucien Le Moine<br />

Côte de Beaune<br />

Proprietary labels printed: “Juli Soler, El Bulli, Roses”,<br />

See illustration<br />

7050 6 mags (2 oc)<br />

per lot: $850-1,200<br />

Corton Clos du Roi, Hospices de Beaune,<br />

Cuvée Baronne du Bay 2008 Lucien Le Moine<br />

Côte de Beaune<br />

Lot 7051-7052: Proprietary labels printed: “Juli Soler<br />

Rte. El Bulli”, slightly wrinkled labels, bottles signed by<br />

Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler Lots 7053-7056: Proprietary<br />

labels printed: “Juli Soler Rte. El Bulli”, slightly wrinkled<br />

labels, Lots 7057-7061: Proprietary labels printed: “Juli<br />

Soler Rte. El Bulli”, slightly scu ed labels<br />

7051 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

7052 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

7053 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

7054 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

7055 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

7056 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

per lot: $750-1,000<br />

7057 6 mags (2 oc)<br />

7058 6 mags (2 oc)<br />

7059 6 mags (2 oc)<br />

7060 6 mags (2 oc)<br />

7061 6 mags (2 oc)<br />

LOTS 7050, 7062-7066<br />

per lot: $750-1,000<br />

Pommard, Hospices de Beaune, Cuvée Dames de<br />

la Charité 2007 Lucien Le Moine<br />

Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />

Lots 7062-7063: Proprietary labels printed: “Juli Soler,<br />

El Bulli, Roses”, bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli<br />

Soler, wrinkled labels<br />

Lots 7064-7066: Proprietary labels printed: “Juli Soler,<br />

El Bulli, Roses”, wrinkled labels<br />

See illustration<br />

7062 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

7063 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

7064 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

7065 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

7066 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

per lot: $600-800<br />

Echézeaux, Lucien Le Moine<br />

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />

2002 (2 bts) Wrinkled, soiled and stained labels<br />

2003 (5 bts) 3 wrinkled labels<br />

2004 (4 bts) 1 nicked label<br />

7067 11 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $850-1,200<br />

Lucien Le Moine Mixed Lots<br />

Corton, Clos du Roi 1999 Lucien Le Moine (1 bt)<br />

Capsule with French tax stamp<br />

Corton, Les Bressandes 2002 Lucien Le Moine<br />

(3 bts)<br />

Stained labels<br />

Vosne Romanée, Les Suchots 2004<br />

Lucien Le Moine (2 bts)<br />

Capsules with French tax stamps<br />

Pommard, Les Epenots 2005 Lucien Le Moine<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Bourgogne, Rouge 2005 Lucien Le Moine (1 bt)<br />

Mazis Chambertin 2006 Lucien Le Moine (6 bts)<br />

7068 14 bts (oc, cn)<br />

per lot: $850-1,200<br />

Chambertin, Clos de Bèze 2001 Lucien Lemoine<br />

(2 bts)<br />

Chambertin, Clos de Bèze 2002 Lucien Lemoine<br />

(2 bts)<br />

Damp stained labels<br />

Chambertin, Clos de Bèze 2003 Lucien Lemoine<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Pen marked and slightly soiled label<br />

Bonnes Mares 2004 Lucien Lemoine (2 bts)<br />

Slightly soiled labels<br />

Clos de la Roche 2004 Lucien Lemoine (1 bt)<br />

Slightly wrinkled label<br />

7069 8 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $650-1,000<br />

Beaune, Hospices de Beaune, Cuvée Clos des<br />

Avaux 2002 (1 mag)<br />

Negociant believed to be Lucien Le Moine, acquired<br />

by Juli Soler<br />

Beaune, Hospices de Beaune, Cuvée Clos des<br />

Avaux 2002 (1 bt)<br />

Negociant believed to be Lucien Le Moine, scu ed<br />

label<br />

Corton Vergennes, Hospices de Beaune, Cuvée<br />

Paul Chanson 2004 Lucien Le Moine (2 mags)<br />

7070 1 bt and 3 mags (cn)<br />

per lot: $450-650<br />

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158 elBullifoundation<br />

Vosne Romanée, Les Suchots 2004<br />

Lucien Le Moine (6 bts)<br />

Chambolle Musigny, Les Charmes 2006<br />

Lucien Le Moine (6 bts)<br />

7071 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

per lot: $500-700<br />

Chambolle Musigny, Les Amoureuses 2004<br />

Lucien Le Moine (7 bts)<br />

Chambolle Musigny, Les Haut Doix 2005<br />

Lucien Le Moine (4 bts)<br />

7072 11 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $900-1,300<br />

Nuits St. Georges, Les Vaucrains 2006<br />

Lucien Le Moine (6 bts)<br />

Slightly wrinkled labels<br />

Pommard, Les Epenots 2006 Lucien Le Moine<br />

(6 bts)<br />

3 slightly wrinkled labels<br />

7073 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

per lot: $600-800<br />

Chassagne Montrachet, Morgeot, Rouge 2005<br />

Bernard Moreau<br />

Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />

7074 6 mags (oc)<br />

per lot: $400-600<br />


Beaune, Grèves, Vigne de l’Enfant Jésus 1994<br />

Bouchard Père et Fils (1 bt)<br />

Beaune, Grèves, Vigne de l’Enfant Jésus 1995<br />

Bouchard Père et Fils (3 bts)<br />

1 stained label<br />

Beaune, Grèves, Vigne de l’Enfant Jésus 1996<br />

Bouchard Père et Fils (4 bts)<br />

Slightly soiled labels, 1 nicked label<br />

Clos Vougeot 1998 J. J. Confuron (4 bts)<br />

Slightly stained labels<br />

7075 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $650-900<br />

Musigny 2005 Drouhin-Laroze (2 bts)<br />

1 pen marked and torn label<br />

Gevrey Chambertin Au Closeau 1er Cru 2005<br />

Drouhin-Laroze (7 bts)<br />

7076 9 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $650-900<br />

Pommard 1990 Marquis d’Angerville (1 bt)<br />

Heavily stained and soiled label, torn capsule<br />

Santenay, Les Gravières 1996<br />

Vincent Girardin (5 bts)<br />

Soiled and stained labels, 1 torn label<br />

Saint Aubin 1er Cru, Castets 1996 Hubert Lamy<br />

(3 bts)<br />

Nicked, scu ed and soiled labels<br />

Chassagne Montrachet Rouge La Cardeuse 2005<br />

Bernard Moreau (2 bts)<br />

Scu ed and nicked label<br />

Chambolle Musigny, Les Charmes 2005<br />

Christian Clerget (1 bt)<br />

7077 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $350-450<br />

“<br />









”<br />

– Matthew Jukes

Chassagne Montrachet, Rouge Vieilles Vignes<br />

1996 Bernard Morey (3 mags)<br />

Signs of seepage, 2 stained vintage neck labels, slightly<br />

soiled labels<br />

Volnay, Les Santenots 2005<br />

Charles & Rémi Jobard<br />

(3 mags)<br />

Signs of seepage<br />

7078 6 mags (cn)<br />

per lot: $400-600<br />

Volnay, Santenots du Milieu 1996<br />

Domaine des Comtes Lafon (1 bt)<br />

Faded, stained and slightly scu ed label<br />

Meursault, Charmes 1998<br />

Domaine des Comtes Lafon (5 bts)<br />

2 slightly stained labels<br />

Volnay, Santenots du Milieu 1998<br />

Domaine des Comtes Lafon (1 bt)<br />

7079 7 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $550-850<br />

Clos Vougeot 1998 Denis Mortet (2 bts)<br />

1 slight sign of seepage<br />

Gevrey Chambertin, En Derée Vieille Vigne<br />

2000 Denis Mortet (4 bts)<br />

Gevrey Chambertin Combe du Dessus 2000<br />

Denis Mortet (3 bts)<br />

7080 9 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $350-550<br />

Gevrey Chambertin, Champeaux 1999<br />

Denis Mortet<br />

(8 bts)<br />

1 scu ed and pen marked label<br />

Gevrey Chambertin, Lavaux St. Jacques 1999<br />

Denis Mortet (1 bt)<br />

Stained label<br />

7081 9 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $500-700<br />

Corton, Les Renardes 1998 Domaine Leroy (1 bt)<br />

1,169 bottles produced, sign of seepage, stained vintage<br />

neck label<br />

Nuits St. Georges, Les Vignerondes 1998<br />

Domaine Leroy (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed capsule, 585 bottles produced<br />

Nuits St. Georges, Les Porets St. Georges 1998<br />

Faiveley (6 bts)<br />

2 scu ed and pen marked labels<br />

Echézeaux 1998 Méo-Camuzet (1 bt)<br />

Slightly soiled label, slight sign of seepage<br />

Vosne Romanée, Aux Brûlées 1998 Méo-Camuzet<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Nicked and stained label<br />

Clos Vougeot 1998 Méo-Camuzet (1 bt)<br />

Pommard, Les Jarolières 1998 Nicolas Rossignol<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Slight sign of seepage<br />

7082 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,100-1,500<br />

Clos Vougeot 2005<br />

Philippe Charlopin-Parizot (4 bts)<br />

Volnay, En Chevrets 2005<br />

Maison Henri Boillot (5 bts)<br />

Chassagne Montrachet Rouge La Cardeuse 2005<br />

Bernard Moreau (3 bts)<br />

7083 12 bts (sc)<br />

per lot: $500-700<br />

Domaine Gourt de Mautens Rasteau 1998<br />

Jerome Bressy (1 bt)<br />

Stained and soiled label<br />

Bonnezeaux Coteau de Houet 1999 Marc Angeli<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Stained label<br />

Chinon Les Picasses 1999<br />

Catherine et Pierre Breton<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Stained and scu ed label<br />

Château Grillet 2001 Neyret-Gachet (1 bt)<br />

Nicked and slightly torn label<br />

VDP l’Herault Rouge, Theodore 2002<br />

Domaine Avela<br />

(1 bt)<br />

VDP l’Herault Rouge, Theodore 2004<br />

Domaine Avela<br />

(3 bts)<br />

1 scu ed and 1 stained label<br />

Nuits St. Georges, Les Pruliers 2005 Louis Boillot<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Gevrey Chambertin, Les Cherbaudes 2005<br />

Louis Boillot (1 bt)<br />

7084 10 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $350-500<br />

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160 elBullifoundation<br />

White Burgundy<br />

Montrachet 1999 Domaine Amiot Guy et Fils<br />

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />

7085 2 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $400-550<br />

Chablis, Preuses 2002 Billaud-Simon<br />

Chablis, Grand Cru<br />

3 signs of seepage, 1 missing wax capsule<br />

7086 4 mags (cn)<br />

per lot: $500-700<br />

Chablis, Blanchot 2005 Billaud-Simon (7 bts)<br />

Chablis, Preuses 2005 Billaud-Simon (5 bts)<br />

7087 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $600-800<br />

Meursault, Tête de Murger 1997 P. Javillier<br />

Côte de Beaune<br />

Slightly stained labels<br />

7088 10 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $300-400<br />

Meursault, Tête de Murger 1998 P. Javillier<br />

Côte de Beaune<br />

4 slightly stained labels<br />

7089 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $350-450<br />

Montrachet 2000 Domaine des Comtes Lafon<br />

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />

Original tissue<br />

7090 1 bt (owc)<br />

per lot: $1,100-1,500<br />

Saint Aubin, Clos de la Chatenière 2000<br />

Hubert Lamy<br />

Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />

7091 2 jero - 3 liters (2 cn)<br />

per lot: $250-350<br />

Saint Aubin, Clos de la Chatenière 2001<br />

Hubert Lamy<br />

Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />

1 slight sign of seepage<br />

7092 3 jero - 3 liters (3 cn)<br />

per lot: $400-550<br />

Criots Bâtard Montrachet, Hubert Lamy<br />

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />

1998 (3 bts) 1 slightly scu ed label, 1 slightly stained<br />

label<br />

2001 (9 bts) 1 slightly stained label<br />

7093 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,600-2,000<br />


Corton Charlemagne 2003 Lucien Le Moine<br />

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />

4 wrinkled labels<br />

7094 11 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $550-750<br />

Corton Charlemagne 2006 Lucien Le Moine<br />

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />

7095 6 bts (oc)<br />

per lot: $500-700<br />

Corton Charlemagne, Lucien Le Moine<br />

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />

2004 (5 bts) 1 nicked label, capsules with French tax<br />

stamps<br />

2005 (6 bts)<br />

2005 (1 b t)<br />

7096 12 bts (oc, cn)<br />

per lot: $1,100-1,500<br />

Corton Vergennes, Hospices de Beaune, Cuvée<br />

Paul Chanson 2002<br />

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />

lot 7097: Negociant believed to be Lucien Le Moine,<br />

proprietary labels printed: “Julio Soler Restaurant El<br />

Bulli - Rosas”, 1 stained label, Lot 7098: Negociant<br />

believed to be Lucien Le Moine, proprietary labels<br />

printed: “Julio Soler Restaurant El Bulli - Rosas”, bottles<br />

signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler, 2 slightly stained<br />

labels<br />

Lot 7099: Negociant believed to be Lucien Le Moine,<br />

proprietary labels printed: “Julio Soler Restaurant El<br />

Bulli - Rosas”<br />

7097 11 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,100-1,500<br />

7098 6 mags (2 owc)<br />

7099 6 mags (2 owc)<br />

per lot: $1,200-1,600

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162 elBullifoundation<br />

Corton Vergennes, Hospices de Beaune, Cuvée<br />

Paul Chanson 2005 Lucien Le Moine<br />

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />

Lots 7100-7101: Proprietary labels printed: “Juli Soler,<br />

El Bulli, Roses”, bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli<br />

Soler, 1 slightly scu ed and1 wrinkled label, Lot 7102:<br />

Proprietary labels printed: “Juli Soler, El Bulli, Roses”<br />

7100 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

7101 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />

7102 6 mags (oc)<br />

per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />

Corton Vergennes, Hospices de Beaune, Cuvée<br />

Paul Chanson 2006 Lucien Le Moine<br />

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />

Lot 7103: Labels incorrectly printed as “Premier Cru”,<br />

“Grand Cru” status confi rmed by Lucien Le Moine,<br />

proprietary labels printed: “Juli Soler, El Bulli, Roses”,<br />

bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler, wrinkled<br />

labels, Lot 7104: Labels incorrectly printed as “Premier<br />

Cru”, “Grand Cru” status confi rmed by Lucien Le<br />

Moine, proprietary labels printed: “Juli Soler, El Bulli,<br />

Roses”, 6 bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler,<br />

wrinkled labels, Lot 7105-7106: Labels incorrectly<br />

printed as “Premier Cru”, “Grand Cru” status confi rmed<br />

by Lucien Le Moine, proprietary labels printed: “Juli<br />

Soler, El Bulli, Roses”, wrinkled labels, 1 slightly torn<br />

label<br />

7103 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

7104 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

7105 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

7106 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

per lot: $950-1,200<br />

Corton Vergennes, Hospices de Beaune, Cuvée<br />

Paul Chanson 2007 Lucien Le Moine<br />

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />

Lots 7107-7108: Proprietary labels printed: “Juli Soler,<br />

El Bulli, Roses”, bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and<br />

Juli Soler, wrinkled labels, Lot 7109: Proprietary labels<br />

printed: “Juli Soler, El Bulli, Roses”, wrinkled labels<br />

7107 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

7108 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

7109 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

per lot: $850-1,100<br />

Corton Vergennes, Hospices de Beaune, Cuvée<br />

Paul Chanson 2008 Lucien Le Moine<br />

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />

Lots 7110-7111: Proprietary labels printed: “Juli Soler<br />

Rte. El Bulli”, bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and<br />

Juli Soler, slightly wrinkled labels, Lots 7112-7113:<br />

Proprietary labels printed: “Juli Soler Rte. El Bulli”,<br />

slightly wrinkled labels, Lots 7114-7119: Proprietary<br />

labels printed: “Juli Soler Rte. El Bulli”<br />

7110 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

7111 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

7112 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

7113 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

per lot: $850-1,100<br />

7114 6 mags (2 oc)<br />

7115 6 mags (2 oc)<br />

7116 6 mags (2 oc)<br />

7117 6 mags (2 oc)<br />

7118 6 mags (2 oc)<br />

7119 6 mags (2 oc)<br />

per lot: $850-1,100<br />

Corton Vergennes, Hospices de Beaune, Cuvée<br />

Paul Chanson, Lucien Le Moine<br />

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />

2006 (6 bts) Labels incorrectly printed as “Premier<br />

Cru”, “Grand Cru” status confi rmed by Lucien Le<br />

Moine, proprietary labels printed: “Juli Soler, El Bulli,<br />

Roses”, bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler, 1<br />

slightly wrinkled label<br />

2007 (6 bts) Proprietary labels printed: “Juli Soler, El<br />

Bulli, Roses”, wrinkled labels<br />

7120 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

per lot: $900-1,100<br />

Corton Vergennes, Hospices de Beaune, Cuvée<br />

Paul Chanson, Lucien Le Moine<br />

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />

2004 (1 mag) Made for Rafael Anson, Academia<br />

Espanola de Gastronomia<br />

2007 (2 mags) Proprietary labels printed: “Juli Soler, El<br />

Bulli, Roses”<br />

2007 (1 mag) Proprietary label printed: “Juli Soler, El<br />

Bulli, Roses”<br />

7121 4 mags (cn, cn)<br />

per lot: $600-800<br />

Corton Vergennes, Hospices de Beaune, Cuvée<br />

Paul Chanson 2002 (3 mags)<br />

Negociant believed to be Lucien Le Moine, proprietary<br />

labels printed: “Julio Soler Restaurant El Bulli - Rosas”<br />

Corton Vergennes, Hospices de Beaune, Cuvée<br />

Paul Chanson 2008 Lucien Le Moine (3 mags)<br />

Proprietary labels printed: “Juli Soler Rte. El Bulli”<br />

7122 6 mags (oc, owc)<br />

per lot: $1,000-1,300

Corton Vergennes, Hospices de Beaune, Cuvée<br />

Paul Chanson 2004 Lucien Le Moine (1 bt)<br />

Corton Clos du Roi, Hospices de Beaune, Cuvée<br />

Baronne du Bay 2007 Lucien Le Moine (4 bts)<br />

Slightly wrinkled labels, 1 nicked label<br />

Pommard, Hospices de Beaune, Cuvée Dames de<br />

la Charité 2007 Lucien Le Moine (2 bts)<br />

Slightly wrinkled label<br />

Corton Clos du Roi, Hospices de Beaune, Cuvée<br />

Baronne du Bay 2008 Lucien Le Moine (6 bts)<br />

Proprietary labels printed: “Juli Soler Rte. El Bulli”,<br />

2 slightly wrinkled labels<br />

7123 13 bts (oc, cn)<br />

per lot: $800-1,100<br />

Montrachet 2004 Lucien Le Moine<br />

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />

Capsules with French tax stamps<br />

7124 4 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />

Montrachet 2005 Lucien Le Moine<br />

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />

7125 6 bts (oc)<br />

per lot: $2,500-3,500<br />

Bienvenues-Bâtard-Montrachet 2004<br />

Domaine Lefl aive (1 bt)<br />

Puligny Montrachet, Les Folatières 2004<br />

Domaine Lefl aive (1 bt)<br />

Slightly wrinkled label<br />

Chevalier Montrachet 2006 Domaine Lefl aive<br />

(2 bts)<br />

Bienvenues-Bâtard-Montrachet 2006<br />

Domaine Lefl aive (2 bts)<br />

Puligny Montrachet, Les Folatières 2006<br />

Domaine Lefl aive (2 bts)<br />

Puligny Montrachet, Clavoillon 2006<br />

Domaine Lefl aive (2 bts)<br />

Puligny Montrachet 2006 Domaine Lefl aive (2 bts)<br />

7126 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,600-2,250<br />

Corton Charlemagne 1998 Maison Leroy<br />

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />

876 bottles produced, 2 scu ed and 1 stained labels, 1<br />

sign of seepage<br />

7127 10 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $2,000-3,000<br />

Puligny Montrachet, Les Tru ères 1999<br />

Bernard Morey<br />

Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />

Lot 7128: facsimile label, slightly wrinkled label, slightly<br />

chipped wax capsule Lot 7129: facsimile label, chipped<br />

and mostly missing wax capsule<br />

7128 1 methuselah - 6 liter (owc)<br />

7129 1 methuselah - 6 liter (owc)<br />

per lot: $550-750<br />

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Puligny Montrachet, Les Tru ères,<br />

Bernard Morey<br />

Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />

1997 (1 jero - 3 liter) Slightly scu ed label,<br />

facsimile label<br />

1998 (1 jero - 3 liter) facsimile label<br />

1998 (1 jero - 3 liter) facsimile label<br />

7130 3 jero - 3 liters (3 oc)<br />

per lot: $400-600<br />

Chassagne Montrachet, Morgeots 1998<br />

Bernard Morey (1 jero - 3 liter)<br />

Facsimile label (cn)<br />

Chassagne Montrachet, Morgeots 1998<br />

Bernard Morey (1 jero - 3 liter)<br />

Facsimile label (cn)<br />

Chassagne Montrachet, Embrazées 1999<br />

Bernard Morey (1 jero - 3 liter)<br />

Slightly wrinkled facsimile label (cn)<br />

7131 3 jero - 3 liters<br />

per lot: $350-500<br />

Chassagne Montrachet, Embrazées 1999<br />

Bernard Morey<br />

Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />

Lot 7131: u. 4cm, chipped and partially missing wax<br />

capsule, facsimile label Lot 7132: Wax capsule mostly<br />

missing, facsimile label<br />

7132 1 methuselah - 6 liter (owc)<br />

7133 1 methuselah - 6 liter (owc)<br />

per lot: $200-300<br />

Chassagne Montrachet, Vide Bourse 1999<br />

Bernard Morey<br />

Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />

Slightly wrinkled label, facsimile label, Slightly wrinkled<br />

label, photo copied label<br />

See illustration<br />

7134 2 jero - 3 liters (2 oc)<br />

per lot: $200-300<br />

Chassagne Montrachet, Vide Bourse 1999<br />

Bernard Morey<br />

Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />

Lot 7135: facsimile label, Lot 7136: Cracked and mostly<br />

missing wax capsule, facsimile label<br />

See illustration<br />

7135 1 methuselah - 6 liter (owc)<br />

7136 1 methuselah - 6 liter (owc)<br />

per lot: $450-600<br />

LOTS 7134, 7135-7136<br />

Chassagne Montrachet, Rouge Vieilles Vignes<br />

1993 Domaine Amiot Guy et Fils (2 mags)<br />

Slightly soiled labels<br />

Chassagne Montrachet, Rouge Vieilles Vignes<br />

1996 Bernard Morey (1 mag)<br />

Sign of seepage, stained vintage neck label, nicked and<br />

soiled label<br />

St Aubin Derrière Chez Edouard 2005<br />

Hubert Lamy<br />

(3 mags)<br />

7137 6 mags (cn)<br />

per lot: $200-250<br />

Criots Bâtard Montrachet 1997 Hubert Lamy<br />

(7 bts)<br />

Slightly soiled and slightly scu ed labels, 1 torn vintage<br />

neck label<br />

Bâtard Montrachet 1997 Vincent Girardin (5 bts)<br />

7138 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />

Meursault, Charmes 1996 Olivier Lefl aive (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed and soiled label<br />

Corton Vergennes, Hospices de Beaune, Cuvée<br />

Paul Chanson 2004 Lucien Le Moine (1 bt)<br />

Bourgogne Blanc 2007 Antoine Jobard (1 bt)<br />

Nicked and slightly soiled label<br />

Bourgogne Blanc 2008 Domaine Roulot (3 bts)<br />

Puligny Montrachet 2009 Paul Pernot (4 bts)<br />

Chassagne Montrachet 2009 Bernard Moreau<br />

(2 bts)<br />

7139 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $400-600<br />

Bâtard Montrachet 1998 Brenot (1 bt)<br />

Stained label<br />

Bâtard Montrachet 1999 Brenot (2 bts)<br />

Slightly stained labels<br />

Chablis, Vaudésir 2000 Billaud-Simon (1 bt)<br />

Chablis, Vaudésir 2002 Billaud-Simon (1 bt)<br />

Chablis, Les Clos 2005 Billaud-Simon (1 bt)<br />

Chablis, Blanchot 2005 Billaud-Simon (1 bt)<br />

Chablis Vaillons Les Minots 2009 Patrick Piuze<br />

(3 bts)<br />

Puligny Montrachet 2009 Paul Pernot (2 bts)<br />

Capsules with French tax stamps<br />

7140 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $600-850<br />

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LOT 7145<br />

Red Bordeaux<br />

Château Mouton Rothschild 1997<br />

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />

Soft, warm, plummy nose. Lovely plums and cassis<br />

taste. Now is the time to drink this at a decade old.<br />

Very alluring and absolutely ready. Serena Sutcliffe,<br />

MW<br />

7141 1 d.mag - 3 liter (owc)<br />

per lot: $700-1,000<br />

7142 1 imperial - 6 liter (owc)<br />

per lot: $1,700-2,500<br />

Château Pétrus 1997<br />

Pomerol, Cru Exceptionnel<br />

Good colour. Smoky, musky nose. Whi s of vanillin.<br />

Soft, silky, smoky. Delicious light wine. Finish of<br />

redcurrants but a bit dilute by its own standards.<br />

Serena Sutcliffe, MW<br />

7143 1 bt (cn)<br />

per lot: $850-1,200<br />

Château Margaux 1998<br />

Margaux, 1er Cru Classé<br />

Extraordinary cassis nose. In the mouth, very showy<br />

black fruit. Co ee and sweet redcurrants on the<br />

fi nish. My last bottle, drunk at a splendid dinner in<br />

Aspen, was sheer joy immensely scented and vibrant,<br />

a very classy powerhouse of a wine that stunned<br />

eighty discerning drinkers (plus me!) Serena Sutcliffe,<br />

M.W.<br />

7144 12 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $2,750-4,000<br />


Château l’Eglise Clinet 1998<br />

Pomerol<br />

Bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler, 3 slightly<br />

wrinkled labels and 1 slightly scu ed label<br />

This has enormous complexity and dimension on the<br />

nose. Aromatic and tannic on the palate. Big impact<br />

wine. Serena Sutcliffe, M.W.<br />

See illustration<br />

7145 12 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $2,500-3,500<br />

Château Latour 1999<br />

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />

1 slightly scu ed label<br />

A great, 1er Cru, Pauillac/cedary nose. Big fl avour<br />

with layers and dimensions. Superbly “juicy”, healthy<br />

wine. Extremely long on the palate. Serena Sutcliffe,<br />

M.W.<br />

7146 9 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $2,250-3,000<br />

Château Mouton Rothschild 2002<br />

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />

Slightly wrinkled labels, capsules with French tax<br />

stamps<br />

This has 90% new oak demonstrating that a First<br />

Growth will judge whether a vintage needs the full<br />

100%. Very defi nite and very liquorice on the nose -<br />

terribly tempting. Very bright and ‘up-front’. A really<br />

berryish character on the palate. Excellent, mediumterm<br />

drinking. Serena Sutcliffe, M.W.<br />

7147 12 bts (2 owc)<br />

per lot: $3,000-4,250<br />

Château Latour 2005<br />

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />

Bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler, original<br />

tissues<br />

Huge plums and roses nose. So silky-textured<br />

but with great fl esh and body. Irony and tannic in<br />

the Latour way but with wonderful red fruits and<br />

freshness to balance.<br />

Serena Sutcliffe, MW<br />

7148 12 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $7,000-10,000<br />

Château Haut-Brion<br />

Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé<br />

1983 (3 bts) Scu ed, stained and heavily faded labels<br />

1993 (4 bts) 1 scu ed and stained label, 1 slightly<br />

stained label<br />

1994 (2 bts) Scu ed and stained labels<br />

1995 (1 bt) Scu ed and stained labels<br />

7149 10 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $2,000-2,750<br />

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Château Lafi te<br />

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />

1988 (1 bt)<br />

2001 (4 bts) Capsules with French tax stamps<br />

7150 5 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $2,250-3,000<br />

Château Latour<br />

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />

1989 (1 bt) u. vts, nicked, heavily stained and scu ed<br />

label<br />

1995 (1 bt) Heavily stained and scu ed label<br />

1997 (3 bts) 2 bottles missing capsules, 1 heavily<br />

stained and scu ed label, 2 stained and scu ed labels<br />

1999 (1 bt) Scu ed label<br />

2001 (5 bts) 2 scu ed labels<br />

7151 11 bts<br />

per lot: $2,500-3,750<br />

Château Mouton Rothschild<br />

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />

1990 (2 bts) Torn, scu ed and soiled labels<br />

1997 (7 bts) Slightly scu ed and soiled labels<br />

1997 (1 mag)<br />

7152 9 bts and 1 mag (cn)<br />

per lot: $2,250-3,000<br />

Château Margaux<br />

Margaux, 1er Cru Classé<br />

1994 (2 bts) Scu ed labels<br />

1996 (2 bts) Nicked and scu ed labels<br />

1997 (2 bts) Scu ed and slightly stained labels<br />

7153 6 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,300-1,900<br />

Château Margaux<br />

Margaux, 1er Cru Classé<br />

1994 (2 bts) Damp soiled labels, 1 torn label<br />

1997 (4 bts) Slightly soiled and scu ed labels<br />

2002 (2 bts)<br />

7154 8 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,700-2,500<br />

Château Ducru Beaucaillou<br />

St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />

1998 (3 bts)<br />

1999 (8 bts)<br />

7155 11 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $700-1,000<br />

Château l’Eglise Clinet<br />

Pomerol<br />

1995 (1 bt) Slightly damp soiled label<br />

1997 (8 bts) Scu ed capsules, soiled and slightly<br />

wrinkled labels, 1 torn label<br />

1998 (1 bt)<br />

7156 10 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $750-1,100<br />

Château La Gomerie<br />

St. Emilion, Grand Cru<br />

1996 (8 bts) Damp soiled labels<br />

1997 (4 bts)<br />

7157 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $400-550<br />

Château Angélus<br />

St. Emilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé<br />

1997 (2 bts) 1 nicked label<br />

1998 (8 bts)<br />

2002 (2 bts)<br />

7158 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,400-2,000<br />

Château Léoville Barton 1986 (1 bt)<br />

Nicked and scu ed labels<br />

Château Troplong Mondot 1990 (2 bts)<br />

Château Pichon Longueville, Baron 1990 (1 bt)<br />

Soiled label<br />

Château Angélus 1993 (1 bt)<br />

Nicked and scu ed label<br />

Domaine de Chevalier Rouge 1995 (2 bts)<br />

1 scu ed and 1 nicked label<br />

Château Fonroque 1995 (2 bts)<br />

Nicked and soiled labels<br />

Château Valandraud 1998 (2 bts)<br />

2 slightly scu ed labels<br />

Château Branaire Ducru 2000 (1 bt)<br />

7159 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $950-1,300<br />

Château Léoville Lascases 1986 (2 bts)<br />

u. 1bn, 1 nicked label<br />

Château Léoville Lascases 1996 (2 bts)<br />

Les Forts de Latour 1996 (2 bts)<br />

Scu ed labels, capsules with French tax stamps<br />

Château La Mondotte 1996 (3 bts)<br />

Scu ed labels<br />

Château La Gomerie 1996 (2 bts)<br />

Scu ed labels<br />

Château Latour 1998 (1 bt)<br />

7160 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,200-1,800

Château Haut-Brion 1986 (2 bts)<br />

Scu ed and stained labels, 1 nicked label<br />

Château Mouton Rothschild 1989 (3 bts)<br />

1 scu ed label, 1 nicked label, 2 slightly scu ed labels<br />

Château Margaux 1994 (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed and stained label<br />

Château Latour 1995 (3 bts)<br />

1 slightly scu ed label<br />

Château Mouton Rothschild 1997 (1 mag)<br />

Scu ed and stained label<br />

7161 9 bts and 1 mag (cn)<br />

per lot: $2,250-3,500<br />

Château Haut-Brion 2001 (6 bts)<br />

1 scu ed and 1 soiled label<br />

Château Cheval Blanc 2001 (4 bts)<br />

1 slightly scu ed label<br />

7162 10 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $2,000-3,000<br />

Domaine de Chevalier Rouge 1995 (7 bts)<br />

2 slightly scu ed labels<br />

Château Grand Puy Lacoste 1995 (2 bts)<br />

Scu ed labels<br />

Château Pontet Canet 1999 (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

Château Branaire Ducru 2000 (1 bt)<br />

Capsule with French tax stamp, slightly scu ed label<br />

Fugue de Nenin 2000 (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

7163 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $450-600<br />

Château Roc de Cambes 1996 (2 bts)<br />

Stained and soiled labels, 1 heavily stained label<br />

Château La Fleur Pétrus 2002 (2 bts)<br />

Château Palmer 2002 (2 bts)<br />

1 nicked label<br />

Château Latour à Pomerol 2004 (6 bts)<br />

1 nicked and torn label<br />

7164 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $550-850<br />

Château Clinet 1990 (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed and stained label, slightly sunken cork<br />

Château Pichon Longueville, Baron 1990 (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

Château Siran 1990 (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed label, capsule with French tax stamp<br />

Château Valandraud 1997 (1 bt)<br />

Stained label<br />

Château Trotanoy 1998 (2 bts)<br />

Scu ed labels<br />

Château Angélus 1998 (2 bts)<br />

Château Ausone 1998 (1 bt)<br />

Château Léoville Lascases 1998 (3 bts)<br />

1 scu ed label<br />

7165 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,700-2,250<br />

Château Lafl eur 1994 (2 bts)<br />

1 slightly scu ed label<br />

Château Cheval Blanc 1995 (1 bt)<br />

Stained, scu ed and slightly faded label<br />

Château l’Eglise Clinet 1998 (2 bts)<br />

Scu ed labels<br />

7166 5 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $950-1,400<br />

Château Cheval Blanc 1985 (1 bt)<br />

u. bn, scu ed label<br />

Château Léoville Lascases 1986 (1 bt)<br />

Stained label<br />

Château Pichon Longueville, Lalande 1986 (1 bt)<br />

u. bn, stained, scu ed and slightly faded label<br />

Château Magdelaine 1989 (1 bt)<br />

Château Cheval Blanc 1994 (2 bts)<br />

Nicked, faded and scu ed labels<br />

7167 6 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $950-1,300<br />

Château Angélus 1993 (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

Château Rol Valentin 1997 (2 bts)<br />

Scu ed and slightly soiled labels, 1 nicked label<br />

Château La Gomerie 1997 (1 bt)<br />

Stained label<br />

Château Lynch Bages 1999 (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed and stained label<br />

Château Haut Bailly 1999 (2 bts)<br />

Scu ed and soiled labels<br />

Château Rausan Ségla 1999 (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed and soiled label<br />

Château Lynch Bages 2002 (3 bts)<br />

Scu ed and soiled labels<br />

Château Brane Cantenac 2002 (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

7168 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $500-750<br />

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Château Ausone 1996 (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed and soiled label<br />

Château Belair (St. Emilion) 1996 (4 bts)<br />

Slightly soiled labels<br />

Château La Mondotte 1996 (2 bts)<br />

Château Duhart Milon Rothschild 1996 (1 bt)<br />

Château Roc de Cambes 1996 (1 bt)<br />

Damp stained, soiled and torn label<br />

Château Haut Bailly 1996 (1 bt)<br />

Nicked and soiled label<br />

Clos du Marquis 1996 (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

Château Poujeaux 1996 (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed and soiled label<br />

7169 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $700-950<br />

Château Ausone 1998 (5 bts)<br />

1 slightly scu ed label<br />

Château Margaux 1998 (6 bts)<br />

4 slightly scu ed labels<br />

7170 11 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $3,000-4,500<br />

Château l’Hermitage 1997 (5 bts)<br />

Soiled labels<br />

Chateau Le Puy Barthélemy 2001 (3 bts)<br />

Chipped and partially missing wax capsules<br />

Château Le Puy 2001 (2 bts)<br />

1 scu ed label<br />

Chateau Le Puy Barthélemy 2003 (2 bts)<br />

7171 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $200-350<br />

Château La Gomerie 1997 (6 bts)<br />

2 slightly scu ed labels (owc)<br />

Château Sociando Mallet 1999 (4 bts)<br />

2 slightly stained labels<br />

Château La Fleur Pétrus 2001 (1 bt)<br />

Chateau Le Puy Barthélemy 2003 (1 bt)<br />

7172 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $350-600<br />

Château Le Tertre Rôteboeuf 1994 (4 bts)<br />

Scu ed labels, capsules with French tax stamps<br />

Château Siran 1995 (2 bts)<br />

1 slightly scu ed label, capsules with French tax stamps<br />

Pavillon Blanc du Château Margaux 1998 (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

Château Pape Clément, Blanc 2001 (1 bt)<br />

Slightly scu ed label<br />

Domaine de Chevalier Blanc 2001 (1 bt)<br />

Château Smith Haut Lafi tte Blanc 2001 (1 bt)<br />

Capsule with French tax stamp<br />

7173 10 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $450-650<br />

171<br />

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Bordeaux Sweet White<br />


Experiencing Yquem is a journey into flawless excellence, into the heart of endless layers of richness, profundity and exotic<br />

flavours. Tasting Yquem is awe-inspiring, both for its beauty and also because of the constant awareness that this degree<br />

of opulence and concentration can only be achieved at the cost of immense skill, care and financial sacrifice. Making<br />

Sauternes, with its elements of botrytis and extreme ripeness, forever at the mercy of the weather, is always a fiendish<br />

pursuit, but making Yquem goes into new realms of endeavour - it is a world unto itself.<br />

Serena Sutcliffe, MW<br />

Château d’Yquem 1989<br />

Sauternes, 1er Grand Cru Classé<br />

Nicked and slightly stained label<br />

A nose of smoky fi gs. Amazing caramel fi gs taste.<br />

Smoky mandarins. Magic combination of treacly<br />

oranges and freshness. Exotic but with immense<br />

youthful appeal too. An absolute stand-out - I<br />

admire it unreservedly. Sumptuous and fabulously<br />

exciting. In 2009, I found guava and sun-scorched<br />

lemons at the end. In 2011, there is passion fruit.<br />

Incredibly rich and creamy-textured. Serena Sutcliffe,<br />

M.W.<br />

7174 1 jero - 5 liter (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,500-2,250<br />

Château d’Yquem 1993<br />

Sauternes, 1er Grand Cru Classé<br />

Lot 7175: 1 bottle signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler,<br />

Lot 7176: Bottle signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler,<br />

scu ed capsule, Lot 7177: Bottle signed by Ferran Adrià<br />

and Juli Soler, smudged signature Lot 7178: Bottle<br />

signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler, scu ed capsule<br />

See illustration<br />

7175 2 d.mag - 3 liters (2 owc)<br />

per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />

7176 1 jero - 5 liter (owc)<br />

per lot: $1,000-1,400<br />

7177 1 imperial - 6 liter (owc)<br />

7178 1 imperial - 6 liter (owc)<br />

per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />

Château d’Yquem 1994<br />

Sauternes, 1er Grand Cru Classé<br />

Lot 7179: Bottle signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler,<br />

slightly soiled label, slight sign of seepage, owc has<br />

damaged lid, Lot 7180: Bottle signed by Ferran Adrià<br />

and Juli Soler<br />

7179 1 jero - 5 liter (owc)<br />

per lot: $700-1,000<br />

7180 1 imperial - 6 liter (owc)<br />

per lot: $850-1,200<br />

LOTS 7176, 7177-7178<br />

Château d’Yquem 1999<br />

Sauternes, 1er Grand Cru Classé<br />

2 labels partially obscured by import labels<br />

From an Imperial, this had a wonderful nose of<br />

orange blossom, a great orange crème brûleé taste<br />

and glorious acidity balance. A very recent bottle<br />

had a beguiling fresh guava, creamy fl avour. Serena<br />

Sutcliffe, M.W.<br />

7181 6 hbs (cn)<br />

per lot: $400-550<br />

Château d’Yquem<br />

Sauternes, 1er Grand Cru Classé<br />

1989 (1 mag) Damp stained, soiled and nicked label<br />

1993 (1 mag)<br />

1994 (1 mag)<br />

7182 3 mags (cn)<br />

per lot: $950-1,300<br />

Château d’Yquem 1994 (1 mag)<br />

Stained label<br />

Château d’Yquem 2001 (4 bts)<br />

Château Doisy Daëne 2006 (8 hbs)<br />

4 slightly scu ed labels<br />

7183 8 hbs, 4 bts and 1 mag (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,600-2,250<br />

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Rhone<br />

Crozes Hermitage 2001 Alain Graillot<br />

Lot 7185: Slightly scuffed capsules<br />

7184 12 bts (oc)<br />

7185 12 bts (oc)<br />

per lot: $150-250<br />


LOTS 7186, 7280-7288, 7304-7305<br />

Saint Joseph, Caroline Cuvée 1999 Louis Cheze<br />

Rhône<br />

Stained labels<br />

See illustration<br />

7186 12 mags (2 oc)<br />

per lot: $150-250<br />

Saint Joseph Les Serines 1999 Yves Cuilleron<br />

Rhône<br />

Slightly wrinkled labels<br />

7187 6 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $100-150<br />

This is the estate of the redoubtable Perrin family which has been at the pinnacle of wine producing in the appellation<br />

for decades. Unusually, all 13 permitted grape varieties are grown at the 100 hectare property - here they particularly<br />

like Mourvèdre and Counoise. The vineyard has been organically managed since 1964 and the wines are aged in oak<br />

foudres. The stupendous Hommage à Jacques Perrin is only made in great vintages - you will never taste a more noble<br />

Mourvèdre-dominated wine. Maturing Beaucastel wines in your cellar, ready for consumption at the optimum moment,<br />

is a very worthwhile occupation.<br />

Serena Sutcliffe, MW<br />

Château de Beaucastel Rouge 1998<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape<br />

Lovely raspberry nose. Heavenly fruity, ripe taste.<br />

So smooth. Serena Sutcliffe, M.W.<br />

7188 12 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $550-750<br />

7189 3 jero - 3 liters (3 owc)<br />

per lot: $600-800<br />

Château de Beaucastel Rouge 1999<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape<br />

A lovely strawberry, elegant bouquet now, at 9 years<br />

old. All the grape varieties were good this year.<br />

Delicious fruit and heathery charm, with all the grace<br />

and class of the vintage – and the property. Silky<br />

textured. A divine glassful. Serena Sutcliffe, M.W.<br />

7190 3 jero - 3 liters (3 owc)<br />

per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />

Château de Beaucastel Rouge 2000<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape<br />

Lot 7191: 1 sign of seepage, damaged owc and missing<br />

lid, Lot 7192: u. 6.5cm, damaged owc<br />

In 2011, lovely fresh raspberries and woodlands nose.<br />

Glorious sun-baked taste, fl avourful and enticing.<br />

Serena Sutcliffe, M.W.<br />

7191 6 mags (owc)<br />

per lot: $300-450<br />

7192 3 jero - 3 liters (3 owc)<br />

per lot: $800-1,100<br />

Château de Beaucastel Rouge 2004<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape<br />

Lot 7194: owc has damaged lid<br />

7193 6 mags (owc)<br />

per lot: $400-600<br />

7194 3 jero - 3 liters (3 owc)<br />

per lot: $800-1,100<br />

Château de Beaucastel Rouge<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape<br />

1983 (1 bt) Stained label<br />

1989 (1 bt)<br />

1996 (1 bt)<br />

1997 (1 bt)<br />

1999 (1 mag)<br />

1999 (3 bts)<br />

2000 (3 bts)<br />

7195 10 bts and 1 mag (cn)<br />

per lot: $600-900<br />

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Château de Beaucastel Rouge<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape<br />

1985 (5 bts) 2 slightly stained labels<br />

1986 (1 bt) Slightly scu ed label<br />

1988 (1 bt) Slightly scu ed label<br />

1989 (2 bts) u. 1x3cm<br />

1994 (1 bt) Slightly scu ed label<br />

1999 (1 bt) Slightly scu ed label<br />

2004 (1 bt)<br />

7196 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $700-1,000<br />

Château de Beaucastel, Hommage à Jacques<br />

Perrin 2004<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape<br />

Bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler<br />

7197 6 mags (6 owc)<br />

per lot: $1,600-2,250<br />

Château de Beaucastel, Hommage à Jacques<br />

Perrin<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape<br />

1994 (2 bts) 1 nicked label<br />

1999 (2 bts) 1 nicked label<br />

7198 4 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $550-750<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc 2000<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape<br />

7199 12 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $500-700<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc 2005<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape<br />

7200 12 bts (2 owc)<br />

per lot: $350-500<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape<br />

1990 (6 bts) u. 2x3cm, 1x3.5cm, 2x4cm, 1 level into<br />

neck, 1 slightly stained label<br />

1993 (6 bts) 2 stained labels, 1 nicked label<br />

7201 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $300-450<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape<br />

1998 (7 bts)<br />

2005 (5 bts) 2 slightly stained labels<br />

7202 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $350-450<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc Vieilles Vignes<br />

2000<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape<br />

7203 12 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $700-900<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc Vieilles Vignes 2001<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape<br />

7204 12 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $700-1,000

Château de Beaucastel Blanc Vieilles Vignes<br />

2005<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape<br />

2 nicked labels<br />

7205 12 bts (2 owc)<br />

per lot: $700-1,000<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc Vieilles Vignes<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape<br />

1996 (6 bts) Stained, faded and nicked labels, 4<br />

capsules with French tax stamps<br />

1997 (6 bts)<br />

7206 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $550-750<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc Vieilles Vignes<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape<br />

1997 (1 bt) Soiled label<br />

1999 (6 bts) 2 stained and 1 nicked labels<br />

2000 (5 bts) 1 nicked label<br />

7207 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $750-1,000<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc 1990 (2 bts)<br />

u. 1x3cm, 1x4cm, 1 slightly loose vintage neck label,<br />

slightly stained labels<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc 1991 (1 bt)<br />

Nicked and scu ed label<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc Vieilles Vignes 1995<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Slightly loose vintage neck label, nicked and slightly<br />

stained label<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc Vieilles Vignes<br />

2000<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc 2000 (1 bt)<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc Vieilles Vignes<br />

2005<br />

(6 bts)<br />

Coudoulet de Beaucastel Blanc 2005 (1 bt)<br />

7208 13 bts (owc, cn)<br />

per lot: $600-850<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc Vieilles Vignes 1996<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc Vieilles Vignes 1997<br />

(6 bts)<br />

1 torn and 1 stained label<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc Vieilles Vignes 1998<br />

(2 bts)<br />

Slightly soiled labels<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc 1998 (3 bts)<br />

Slightly soiled labels, 1 torn label<br />

7209 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $500-700<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc 1999 (11 bts)<br />

5 slightly soiled labels, 1 stained label<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc Vieilles Vignes 1999<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Nicked and slightly soiled label<br />

7210 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $400-500<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Rouge 2000 G. Charvin<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape<br />

Lot 7211: Capsules with French tax stamps, 2 stained<br />

labels, 1 nicked label, Lot 7212: 2 stained labels<br />

7211 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $400-600<br />

7212 2 jero - 3 liters (2 owc)<br />

per lot: $300-400<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Rouge 2004 G. Charvin<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape<br />

Lot 7213: 3 scu ed, 1 torn and 1 stained labels, Lot 7214:<br />

1 scu ed label,<br />

7213 12 bts (oc)<br />

per lot: $300-450<br />

7214 6 mags (cn)<br />

per lot: $400-600<br />

7215 2 jero - 3 liters (2 owc)<br />

per lot: $300-400<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Château Rayas 1997<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape<br />

Bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler, 1 pen<br />

marked vintage neck label<br />

7216 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,400-2,000<br />

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Châteauneuf du Pape, Château Rayas<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape<br />

1999 (1 bt)<br />

2000 (1 bt)<br />

2004 (4 bts) 1 nicked label<br />

7217 6 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $450-650<br />


Châteauneuf du Pape, Château Rayas, Blanc<br />

1999<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape<br />

3 slightly stained labels<br />

7218 12 bts (oc)<br />

per lot: $650-850<br />

Château de Fonsalette, Syrah 2000<br />

Côtes du Rhone<br />

1 nicked label<br />

7219 12 bts (oc)<br />

per lot: $500-700<br />

Château de Fonsalette, Syrah<br />

Côtes du Rhone<br />

1999 (9 bts) 1 slightly scu ed label, 2 slightly stained<br />

labels, 1 slightly loose label<br />

2000 (3 bts)<br />

7220 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $400-600<br />

Château de Fonsalette, Syrah<br />

Côtes du Rhone<br />

2000 (2 bts)<br />

2004 (10 bts) 3 slightly loose labels<br />

7221 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $400-600<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape Rouge, Réserve des<br />

Célestins, Henri Bonneau<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape<br />

2000 (4 bts)<br />

2001 (3 bts) Capsules with French tax stamps<br />

7222 7 bts (cn, cn)<br />

per lot: $1,000-1,400<br />

Côte Rôtie, Les Grandes Places, Clusel Roch<br />

1997 (2 bts) 1 nicked label<br />

1998 (3 bts)<br />

2000 (7 bts) 1 slightly scu ed label<br />

7223 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $250-400<br />

Vin de Pays Des Bouches du Rhone,<br />

Domaine de Trevallon<br />

1998 (9 bts) 1 scu ed label<br />

2000 (3 bts) 1 soiled label<br />

7224 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $300-450<br />

Château de Fonsalette, Syrah 1998 (9 bts)<br />

2 slightly stained labels, 1 nicked label, 1 slightly torn<br />

label, 1 slightly scu ed label<br />

Château de Fonsalette, Syrah 2000 (1 bt)<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Rouge 2004 G. Charvin<br />

(2 bts)<br />

Capsules with French tax stamps, nicked labels<br />

7225 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $350-550<br />

Crozes Hermitage, La Guiraude 1999<br />

Alain Graillot<br />

(1 mag)<br />

Wrinkled and damp stained label<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Rouge 2000 G. Charvin<br />

(3 mags)<br />

Crozes Hermitage 2000 Alain Graillot (1 mag)<br />

Slightly soiled label<br />

7226 5 mags (cn)<br />

per lot: $250-450<br />

Côte Rôtie, La Mordorée 1990 Chapoutier (2 bts)<br />

Scu ed and soiled labels<br />

Côte Rôtie, La Mordorée 1995 Chapoutier (1 bt)<br />

Soiled and torn label<br />

Hermitage Blanc 1996 Jean-Louis Chave (1 bt)<br />

Slightly soiled label<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Cuvée Speciale 1998<br />

Henri Bonneau (1 bt)<br />

Slightly soiled label<br />

Côte Rôtie, Château d’Ampuis 1999 Guigal (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Rouge 2000<br />

Henri Bonneau<br />

(2 bts)<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Rouge 2000<br />

Domaine de Marcoux (3 bts)<br />

Slightly soiled labels<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Rouge 2004 G. Charvin<br />

(1 bt)<br />

7227 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $800-1,100

Hermitage Blanc 1999 Jean-Louis Chave (2 bts)<br />

Hermitage Blanc 2001 Jean-Louis Chave (2 bts)<br />

1 slightly soiled and 1 nicked label<br />

Hermitage Rouge 2001 Jean-Louis Chave (1 bt)<br />

1 nicked and slightly soiled label<br />

Hermitage Rouge 2002 Jean-Louis Chave (1 bt)<br />

7228 6 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $500-700<br />

Côte Rôtie 1995 Clusel Roch (1 bt)<br />

Stained and torn label<br />

Côte Rôtie Champin Le Seigneur 1999 Gerin<br />

(3 bts)<br />

Saint Joseph Les Serines 1999 Yves Cuilleron<br />

(3 bts)<br />

Slightly soiled labels<br />

Côte Rôtie, Les Grandes Places 1999 Gerin (1 bt)<br />

Côte Rôtie, La Landonne 2001 Gerin (2 bts)<br />

1 slightly soiled label<br />

Cornas, Vieilles Vignes 2001 Tardieu-Laurent<br />

(2 bts)<br />

1 stained label<br />

7229 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $400-550<br />

Côte Rôtie La Barbarine 1999<br />

Yves et Mathilde Ganglo (8 bts)<br />

1 scu ed and slightly damaged label<br />

Côte Rôtie Champin Le Seigneur 1999<br />

Jean-Michel Guerin (4 bts)<br />

7230 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $600-850<br />

Gigondas, Prestige des Hautes Garrigues 1998<br />

Domaine Santa Duc (6 bts)<br />

Capsules with French tax stamps<br />

Vacqueyras Vieilles Vignes 2001 Tardieu-Laurent<br />

(6 bts)<br />

1 scu ed label<br />

7231 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $250-350<br />

Gigondas, Prestige des Hautes Garrigues 1998<br />

Domaine Santa Duc (3 bts)<br />

Cornas 1999 Domaine Thierry Allemand (1 bt)<br />

Crozes Hermitage, La Guiraude 1999 Alain<br />

Graillot<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Nicked, scu ed and stained label<br />

Crozes Hermitage 2000 Alain Graillot (2 bts)<br />

Slightly scu ed labels, 1 stained label<br />

Crozes Hermitage 2001 Alain Graillot (4 bts)<br />

1 slightly soiled and 2 wrinkled labels<br />

Hermitage Rouge 2001 Tardieu-Laurent (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

7232 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $250-350<br />

Château de Beaucastel Rouge 1988 (1 mag)<br />

Scu ed and slightly stained label<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Cuvée Speciale 1998<br />

Henri Bonneau (2 bts)<br />

Capsules with French tax stamps<br />

Château de Beaucastel Rouge 2000 (3 mags)<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Rouge 2000<br />

Domaine Font de Michelle (6 bts)<br />

Château de Beaucastel Rouge 2004 (1 bt)<br />

7233 9 bts and 4 mags (owc, cn)<br />

per lot: $850-1,200<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Château Rayas, Blanc<br />

2000<br />

(2 bts)<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc 2001 (5 bts)<br />

1 nicked and 2 slightly stained labels<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Château Rayas, Blanc<br />

2004<br />

(5 bts)<br />

1 stained label, 2 slightly stained labels, 1 nicked label<br />

7234 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $500-700<br />

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Founded in 1989 in Aniane and with its first vintage in 1992, this Domaine has already attained cult status under the<br />

watchful eye of the brilliant winemaker Laurent Vaillé. Using his prior experience working with Gérard Chave and Jean-<br />

François Coche-Dury, Vaillé has strived to create this unique wine by first searching for an ideal vineyard site in the<br />

Languedoc and then sourcing cuttings for his Syrah, Marsanne and Roussane from Gérard Chave and his Cabernet from<br />

Domaine de Trévallon.<br />

Domaine de la Grange des Pères Rouge<br />

Average Vine Age: 15-20 yrs<br />

Vineyard Composition: 40% Syrah<br />

40% Mourvèdre<br />

20% Cabernet<br />

Average Production: 2,500-3,500 cases<br />

Domaine de la Grange des Pères 1996<br />

Languedoc<br />

Lot 7236: 1 slightly wrinkled label Lot 7237: 1 wrinkled<br />

label Lot 7238: 1 wrinkled label Lot 7239: 1 slightly stained<br />

label, 1 slightly wrinkled label Lot 7240: 1 slightly stained<br />

label<br />

7235 12 bts (oc)<br />

7236 12 bts (oc)<br />

7237 12 bts (oc)<br />

7238 12 bts (oc)<br />

7239 12 bts (oc)<br />

7240 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $500-650<br />

Domaine de la Grange des Pères 1997<br />

Languedoc<br />

Lot 7248: 1 bubbled capsule<br />

7241 12 bts (oc)<br />

7242 12 bts (oc)<br />

7243 12 bts (oc)<br />

7244 12 bts (oc)<br />

7245 12 bts (oc)<br />

7246 12 bts (cn)<br />

7247 12 bts (cn)<br />

7248 12 bts (oc)<br />

per lot: $450-600<br />

Domaine de la Grange des Pères 1998<br />

Languedoc<br />

Lot 7256: 1 slightly stained label, damaged oc<br />

7249 12 bts (oc)<br />

7250 12 bts (oc)<br />

7251 12 bts (oc)<br />

7252 12 bts (oc)<br />

7253 12 bts (oc)<br />

7254 12 bts (cn)<br />

7255 12 bts (cn)<br />

7256 12 bts (oc)<br />

per lot: $600-800<br />

Domaine de la Grange des Pères 1999<br />

Languedoc<br />

Lot 7267: 1 slightly stained label<br />

7257 12 bts (oc)<br />

7258 12 bts (oc)<br />

7259 12 bts (oc)<br />

7260 12 bts (oc)<br />

7261 12 bts (oc)<br />

7262 12 bts (oc)<br />

7263 12 bts (oc)<br />

7264 12 bts (oc)<br />

7265 12 bts (oc)<br />

7266 12 bts (oc)<br />

7267 12 bts (oc)<br />

per lot: $600-800<br />

Domaine de la Grange des Pères 2000<br />

Languedoc<br />

Lot 7277: 1 slightly scuffed label Lot 7278: 1 slight sign of<br />

seepage Lot 7279: 2 signs of seepage<br />

7268 12 bts (oc)<br />

7269 12 bts (oc)<br />

7270 12 bts (oc)<br />

7271 12 bts (oc)<br />

7272 12 bts (oc)<br />

7273 12 bts (oc)<br />

7274 12 bts (oc)<br />

7275 12 bts (oc)<br />

7276 12 bts (oc)<br />

7277 12 bts (oc)<br />

7278 12 bts (oc)<br />

7279 12 bts (oc)<br />

per lot: $700-1,000

Domaine de la Grange des Pères 2001<br />

Languedoc<br />

See illustration<br />

7280 12 bts (oc)<br />

7281 12 bts (oc)<br />

7282 12 bts (oc)<br />

7283 12 bts (oc)<br />

7284 12 bts (oc)<br />

7285 12 bts (oc)<br />

7286 12 bts (oc)<br />

7287 12 bts (oc)<br />

7288 12 bts (oc)<br />

per lot: $600-800<br />

Grange des Pères Verticals<br />

Domaine de la Grange des Pères<br />

Languedoc<br />

1995 (1 bt) Stained label<br />

1999 (5 bts) 1 nicked and slightly scu ed label<br />

2000 (6 bts) 1 slightly scu ed label<br />

7289 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $600-900<br />

Domaine de la Grange des Pères<br />

Languedoc<br />

1995 (4 bts) Heavily stained and scu ed labels<br />

1996 (5 bts) 2 slightly stained labels<br />

1997 (2 bts)<br />

1997 (1 mag)<br />

7290 11 bts and 1 mag (cn)<br />

per lot: $450-650<br />

Domaine de la Grange des Pères<br />

Languedoc<br />

1996 (7 bts)<br />

1997 (5 bts)<br />

7291 12 bts (cn)<br />

Domaine de la Grange des Pères<br />

Languedoc<br />

1999 (9 bts) 1 slight sign of seepage<br />

2001 (3 bts) 1 slightly scu ed label<br />

7292 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $450-650<br />

per lot: $550-800<br />

Domaine de la Grange des Pères Blanc<br />

Average Vine Age: 15-20 yrs<br />

Vineyard Composition: 80% Roussane<br />

10% Marsanne<br />

10% Chardonnay<br />

Average Production: 250-350 cases<br />

Domaine de la Grange des Pères Blanc 1999<br />

Languedoc<br />

7293 8 bts (oc)<br />

per lot: $400-600<br />

Domaine de la Grange des Pères Blanc 2000<br />

Languedoc<br />

7294 12 bts (oc)<br />

per lot: $700-1,000<br />

Domaine de la Grange des Pères Blanc<br />

Languedoc<br />

1995 (1 bt) Capsule with French tax stamp, scu ed<br />

label<br />

1996 (2 bts) 1 stained label, 1 scu ed label<br />

1997 (3 bts) Capsules with French tax stamps<br />

1997 (1 mag) Chipped and mostly missing wax<br />

capsule, wrinkled and scu ed label<br />

1998 (1 bt) Capsule with French tax stamp<br />

2001 (3 bts)<br />

7295 10 bts and 1 mag (cn)<br />

per lot: $600-800<br />

Domaine de la Grange des Pères Blanc 2001<br />

(9 bts)<br />

Domaine de la Grange des Pères 2001<br />

Languedoc<br />

(6 bts)<br />

7296 15 bts (2 oc)<br />

per lot: $750-1,000<br />

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Vin de Pays Les Plôs de Baumes 1999<br />

Domaine d’Aupilhac<br />

Languedoc<br />

7297 6 mags (oc)<br />

per lot: $200-350<br />

VDP l’Herault Rouge, Theodore 2004<br />

Domaine Avela<br />

Lot 7298: 1 slightly scu ed label<br />

7298 12 bts (2 owc)<br />

7299 12 bts (cn, owc)<br />

per lot: $500-800<br />

Chateau L’Hospitalet Cuvée Beatrice La Clape<br />

Languedoc<br />

1998 (6 bts) Stained labels<br />

1998 (6 bts) 1 wrinkled label<br />

1999 (6 bts) Slightly soiled labels<br />

7300 18 bts (3 owc)<br />

per lot: $300-450<br />

Domaine de la Marfée Les Champs Murmures<br />

2000<br />

Languedoc<br />

lot 7301: u. 2bn, 2vts, capsules with French tax stamps,<br />

2 nicked and slightly scu ed labels, signs of seepage<br />

Lot 7302: 4 signs of seepage, 2 scu ed and slightly torn<br />

labels<br />

7301 12 bts (oc)<br />

7302 12 bts (oc)<br />

per lot: $150-250<br />

Clos Baquey 2000 Elian Daros<br />

7303 12 bts (oc)<br />

per lot: $200-300<br />

Les Laquets 2000<br />

Cahors<br />

Lot 7304: 1 nicked label Lot 7305: 1 nicked label<br />

See illustration<br />

7304 12 bts (cn)<br />

7305 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $200-300<br />

Mixed Lots<br />

Domaine de la Grange des Pères 1992 (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed label, capsule with French tax stamp<br />

Domaine de la Grange des Pères 1994 (2 bts)<br />

1 heavily soiled and stained label<br />

Chateau Puech-Haut Prestige Saint Drézéry 1996<br />

(8 bts)<br />

u. 1bn, scu ed and stained labels<br />

7306 11 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $200-300<br />

Domaine Font Caude Montpeyroux 1996<br />

Alain Chabanon (7 bts)<br />

u. 1bn, 1vts, 2ts, 1 nicked label, 1 torn capsule<br />

L’Espirit de Font Caude 1996 Alain Chabanon<br />

(2 bts)<br />

1 soiled and 1 stained label<br />

Vin de Pays Les Plôs de Baumes 1999<br />

Domaine d’Aupilhac (2 mags)<br />

1 slightly soiled label<br />

Point d’Interrogation, L’Esprit du Vent 2001<br />

Embres & Castelmaure (6 bts)<br />

1 stained label<br />

7307 15 bts and 2 mags (2 cn)<br />

per lot: $350-550<br />

Muntada 1998 Domaine Gauby (3 bts)<br />

Scu ed labels, 1 nicked label, capsules with French tax<br />

stamps<br />

Cuvee # 3, Castelmaure 2001 (1 bt)<br />

Capsule with French tax stamp<br />

Fume Blanc 2009 Sevilen (6 bts)<br />

7308 10 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $200-300<br />

Clos Baquey 1999 Elian Daros (4 bts)<br />

2 torn and scu ed labels<br />

Clos Baquey 2000 Elian Daros (6 bts)<br />

Les Laquets 2000 Domaine Cosse Maisonneuve<br />

(2 bts)<br />

1 nicked label<br />

7309 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $250-350

Bandol 1997 Château de Pibarnon (4 bts)<br />

1 nicked label<br />

Domaine de la Grange des Pères 2001 (1 bt)<br />

Pen marked label<br />

Bandol, Domaine de la Tour du Bon 2001<br />

R & C Hoquard (1 bt)<br />

Bandol 2001 Château de Pibarnon (1 bt)<br />

7310 7 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $200-300<br />

Château Bouscassé, Vieilles Vignes 1998 (7 bts)<br />

Scu ed and stained labels<br />

Cuvee # 3, Castelmaure 2001 (5 bts)<br />

2 slightly scu ed labels, capsules with French tax<br />

stamps<br />

7311 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $200-300<br />

Banyuls 1952 Domaine du Mas Blanc (5 bts)<br />

Collioure Les Junquets 2000<br />

Domaine du Mas Blanc (5 bts)<br />

7312 10 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $650-900<br />

Banyuls 1961 Parce et Fils (5 bts)<br />

Slightly scu ed labels, 1 heavily stained and nicked<br />

label<br />

Banyuls Collection 1966 Domaine du Mas Blanc<br />

(3 bts)<br />

Slightly scu ed labels<br />

Banyuls Collection 1969 Domaine du Mas Blanc<br />

(4 bts)<br />

7313 12 bts (sc)<br />

per lot: $850-1,100<br />

Saint Joseph, Les Granits Blanc 1998 Chapoutier<br />

(3 bts)<br />

1 nicked label, 1 slightly scu ed label<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape Blanc Arcane 2000<br />

Domaine de Marcoux (1 bt)<br />

Capsule with French tax stamp<br />

Sotanum 2001 Les Vins de Vienne (1 bt)<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc 2001 (1 bt)<br />

Condrieu 2001 Clusel Roch (1 bt)<br />

Wrinkled label<br />

Marie Cecile VDT Blanc 2006 Chateau Le Puy<br />

(2 bts)<br />

Condrieu, Les Terrases de l’Empire 2009<br />

Georges Vernay (3 bts)<br />

1 slightly scu ed label<br />

7314 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $300-450<br />

Quarts de Chaume 1997 Domaine de Baumard<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Condrieu, Chéry 1997 (1 bt)<br />

Nicked and slightly stained label, capsule with French<br />

tax stamp<br />

Blanc Fumé de Pouilly, Buisson Renard 2000<br />

Didier Dagueneau (2 bts)<br />

Wrinkled labels<br />

Blanc Fumé de Pouilly, Buisson Renard 2001<br />

Didier Dagueneau (2 bts)<br />

Coteaux du Layon 2006 Domaine de Baumard<br />

(6 hbs)<br />

Quarts de Chaume 2006 Domaine de Baumard<br />

(1 hb)<br />

7315 7 hbs and 6 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $500-700<br />

Vin de Voile, Domaine des Tres Cantous<br />

1987 (1 bt) Stained and slightly wrinkled label<br />

1992 (11 bts) u. 1vts, 2 scu ed labels<br />

7316 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $400-600<br />

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LOTS 7318-7319<br />

Loire<br />


Louis-Benjamin Dagueneau took over management of<br />

the estate after his father’s sudden death in an ultralight<br />

plane crash in 2008 and, over four vintages, has carried<br />

on the old master’s perfectionist approach, making<br />

amongst the most unique, voluptuous, age-worthy<br />

Sauvignon Blancs of the world. There has been an<br />

emphasis on biodynamic methods since 1993.<br />

Serena Sutcliffe, MW<br />

Blanc Fumé de Pouilly, Silex 2004<br />

Didier Dagueneau<br />

Pouilly Fumé<br />

7317 4 mags (cn)<br />

per lot: $600-800<br />

Blanc Fumé de Pouilly, Pur Sang 2005<br />

Didier Dagueneau<br />

Pouilly Fumé<br />

Lots 7318-7319: Bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli<br />

Soler<br />

See illustration<br />

7318 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

per lot: $800-1,100<br />

7319 6 bts (oc)<br />

per lot: $400-550<br />

Blanc Fumé de Pouilly, Silex 2005<br />

Didier Dagueneau<br />

Pouilly Fumé<br />

Bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler<br />

7320 12 bts (2 oc)<br />

per lot: $1,500-2,000<br />

Blanc Fumé de Pouilly, Pur Sang 2001<br />

Didier Dagueneau (1 bt)<br />

Blanc Fumé de Pouilly, Pur Sang 2004<br />

Didier Dagueneau (1 mag)<br />

Torn label<br />

Blanc Fumé de Pouilly, Silex 2004<br />

Didier Dagueneau<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Blanc Fumé de Pouilly, Silex 2005<br />

Didier Dagueneau<br />

(5 bts)<br />

Baron de L 2006 (2 bts)<br />

7321 9 bts and 1 mag (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,000-1,400<br />

Savennières, Coulée de Serrant, N. Joly<br />

1997 (4 bts) Bin soiled and slightly scu ed labels<br />

1999 (6 bts) 1 slightly scu ed and 1 stained label<br />

2001 (2 bts)<br />

7322 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $500-700<br />

Savennières, Coulée de Serrant 1990 N. Joly (1 bt)<br />

Pouilly Fuissé Reyssie Reserve Particulière 1995<br />

Domaine Valette (1 mag)<br />

Pouilly-Fuissé Le Clos de Monsieur Noly 1995<br />

Domaine Valette (1 mag)<br />

Pouilly-Fuissé Le Clos de Monsieur Noly 1996<br />

Domaine Valette (1 bt)<br />

Savennières, Coulée de Serrant 1997 N. Joly<br />

(2 bts)<br />

Vin de Pays de l’Hérault, Domaine de la Grange<br />

des Pères Blanc 1999 (2 bts)<br />

Savennières, Coulée de Serrant 2001 N. Joly<br />

(2 bts)<br />

7323 8 bts and 2 mags (cn)<br />

per lot: $400-600<br />

185<br />

elBullicellar • NEW YORK

LOTS 7324, 7327<br />

Champagne<br />

Bollinger, Vieilles Vignes Francaises, Blanc de<br />

Noirs 1999<br />

3 bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler, bottle<br />

#’s 1401, 1402, 1409, packed in individual owc’s, 1 bottle<br />

is not signed and is packed in carton, bottle # 1382<br />

Very pale colour. Seaweed nose when you smell it<br />

on a beach. So “sweet”. So gentle. Dances on the<br />

palate. The perfect wine with oysters. The most<br />

delicate, elegant Vieilles Vignes I have ever seen.<br />

Serena Sutcliffe, MW<br />

See illustration<br />

7324 4 bts (oc, owc)<br />

per lot: $1,600-2,250<br />

Bollinger, R.D.<br />

1995 (1 bt) Disgorged 15 March 2005, nicked label<br />

1996 (2 mags) Disgorged 5 July 2007<br />

1997 (3 bts) Packed in individual gift boxes,<br />

disgorged 3 September 2008<br />

1997 (1 bt) Disgorged 3 September 2008<br />

7325 5 bts and 2 mags (oc)<br />

per lot: $800-1,100<br />

Bollinger, R.D. 1988 (1 bt)<br />

Disgorged 29 June 1999, scu ed label<br />

Bollinger, R.D. 1997 (3 bts)<br />

Disgorged 3 September 2008<br />

Bollinger, Vieilles Vignes Francaises, Blanc de<br />

Noirs 1998 (2 bts)<br />

1 vintage illegible, cellar records indicate 1998<br />

Bollinger, Vieilles Vignes Francaises, Blanc de<br />

Noirs 1999 (1 bt)<br />

7326 7 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,500-2,000<br />

Krug Collection 1985<br />

Champagne<br />

2 bottles packed in individual presentation cases,<br />

#3068, 3061, 1 slightly corroded and stained label, 2<br />

bottles packed in wooden presentation cases, Bottle<br />

#3083, 3066<br />

When I had this on Christmas Eve 2010, it was pure<br />

toast and marmalade, powerful, bone dry and yet<br />

honied – celestial mandarin orange juice. In 2012,<br />

it is superb, with the patina of the vintage. Figs<br />

and raisins, opulent and glittering. I just cannot get<br />

enough of this – a poorly-disguised plea if ever there<br />

were one!<br />

Serena Sutcliffe, MW<br />

See illustration<br />

7327 4 bts (cn, 2 oc)<br />

per lot: $2,000-3,000<br />

Krug Collection 1981 (1 bt)<br />

Nicked label<br />

Krug Grande Cuvée NV (3 bts)<br />

7328 4 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $700-1,000<br />

l’Exclusive de Ruinart 2000<br />

Packed in individual presentation case, #2,022 of<br />

14,000<br />

7329 1 mag (owc)<br />

per lot: $800-1,100<br />

Champagne Millesime Blanc de Blancs 1998<br />

Domaine Jacques Selosses (1 bt)<br />

Disgorged 7 February 2007<br />

Champagne Millesime Blanc de Blancs 1999<br />

Domaine Jacques Selosses (1 bt)<br />

Disgorged 19 January 2009<br />

Substance NV Domaine Jacques Selosses (2 bts)<br />

1 bottle disgorged 29 April 2009,<br />

1 bottle disgorged 7 July 2009<br />

Initiale Blanc de Blancs NV<br />

Domaine Jacques Selosses (1 bt)<br />

Disgorged 4 October 2007<br />

7330 5 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $700-1,000<br />

Dom Pérignon, Oenothéque 1995 (3 bts)<br />

1 nicked label<br />

Dom Pérignon 2000 (1 bt)<br />

7331 4 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $800-1,100<br />

Billecart Salmon Le Clos Saint-Hilaire 1995 (3 bts)<br />

Bruno Paillard N.P.U. 1995 (2 bts)<br />

Pommery, Cuvée Louise 1995 (1 bt)<br />

Wrinkled label<br />

Salon Le Mesnil, Blanc de Blancs 1996 (1 bt)<br />

Nicked label<br />

Louis Roederer, Cristal Rosé Brut 2002 (1 bt)<br />

Jacques Selosse V.O. NV (1 bt)<br />

7332 9 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,500-2,000<br />

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188 elBullifoundation<br />

Dom Pérignon, Rosé 1998 (2 bts)<br />

2 scu ed labels<br />

Dom Pérignon 2002 (6 bts)<br />

7333 8 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,300-1,800<br />

Veuve Clicquot, La Grande Dame 1998 (2 bts)<br />

Laurent Perrier, Cuvée Grand Siecle NV (3 bts)<br />

2 slightly scu ed labels<br />

Billecart-Salmon Rosé Brut NV (1 bt)<br />

Diebolt -Vallois Brut NV (1 bt)<br />

Amateur, David L”Eclapart NV (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed and nicked label<br />

7334 8 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $450-700<br />

Gosset, Grand Millesime Brut 1999 (2 mags)<br />

Slightly scu ed labels<br />

Gosset, Grand Millesime Brut 1999 (1 mag)<br />

Slightly scu ed label<br />

Gosset Grande Reserve Brut NV (2 mags)<br />

1 slightly scu ed label (cn)<br />

Gosset, Rosé NV (1 mag)<br />

7335 6 mags<br />

per lot: $300-450<br />

Moet & Chandon Grand Vintage 2003 (5 bts)<br />

Roger Coulon Champagne Brut Réserve de<br />

l’Hommée NV (5 bts)<br />

Paul Barra Brut Rosé NV (4 bts)<br />

Nicked labels<br />

Benoit Lahaye Blanc de Noir Prestige Brut NV<br />

(3 bts)<br />

7336 17 bts (2cn)<br />

per lot: $400-550<br />

Alsace<br />

Gewurztraminer, Quintessance de Grains Nobles<br />

1989 Domaine Weinbach (3 hlf.liters)<br />

Scu ed and slightly soiled labels, 1 nicked label, 1 bottle<br />

missing vintage neck label, cellar records indicate 1989<br />

Pinot Gris, Sélection de Grains Nobles 2000<br />

F. E. Trimbach (2 bts)<br />

1 scu ed and slightly stained label, 1 torn label<br />

Riesling Schlossberg Quintessence de Grains<br />

Nobles, Cuvée d’Or 2000 Domaine Weinbach<br />

(1 hlf.liter)<br />

Tokay Pinot Gris, Clos St. Théobald, Rangen de<br />

Thann, Sélection des Grains Noble 2001<br />

Domaine Scho t (3 hbs)<br />

7337 3 hbs, 4 hlf.liters and 2 bts<br />

per lot: $350-500<br />

Gewurztraminer, Furstentum, Sélection de Grains<br />

Nobles 1994 Domaine Weinbach (1 bt)<br />

Slightly raised cork<br />

Gewurztraminer Séléction de Grains Nobles, Clos<br />

des Capucins 1997 Domaine Weinbach (1 bt)<br />

Torn and soiled label<br />

Riesling, Cuvée St. Catherine, Clos des Capucins<br />

1998 Domaine Weinbach (2 bts)<br />

Pinot Gris, Rotenberg, Vendanges Tardives 1998<br />

Zind-Humbrecht (1 bt)<br />

Riesling, Cuvée St. Catherine, Clos des Capucins<br />

1998 (1 bt)<br />

Riesling Schlossberg Quintessence de Grains<br />

Nobles, Cuvée d’Or 2000 Domaine Weinbach<br />

(3 hlf.liters)<br />

Riesling, Cuvée St. Catherine, Clos des Capucins<br />

2000 Domaine Weinbach (1 bt)<br />

Pinot Blanc Reserve Clos des Capucins 2009<br />

Domaine Weinbach (2 bts)<br />

7338 3 hlf.liters and 9 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $350-500

Mixed Lots<br />

Château Suduiraut 1979 (1 mag)<br />

Bottle missing label, cut capsule reveals fully branded<br />

cork<br />

Tokaji Essencia 1993 Château Pajzos (2 hlf.liters)<br />

1 slight sign of seepage<br />

Château Tirecul La Gravière 1998 (3 hlf.liters)<br />

Stained and scu ed labels<br />

Chateau Le Puy Marie Elisa VDT 2003<br />

(4 hlf.liters)<br />

7339 9 hlf.liters and 1 mag (cn)<br />

per lot: $500-650<br />

Vin de Voile, Domaine des Tres Cantous 1987<br />

(3 bts)<br />

Wrinkled labels, 1 stained label<br />

Cervaro Della Sala 2001 Castello Della Sala (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed and stained label<br />

Villa Bucci Riserva 2004 (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

Kongsgaard Chardonnay 2007 (4 bts)<br />

7340 9 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $350-500<br />

Quintessence du Petit Manseng 1996<br />

Domaine de Cauhapé (2 bts)<br />

Soiled and scu ed labels<br />

Château Climens 1996 (1 bt)<br />

Soiled label<br />

Château La Tour Blanche 1996 (1 bt)<br />

Soiled and nicked label<br />

Château Lafaurie Peyraguey 1996 (1 bt)<br />

Stained and soiled label, torn label<br />

Château Coutet 1997 (2 bts)<br />

Bin scu ed and soiled labels<br />

Château Sigalas Rabaud 1999 (1 bt)<br />

Soiled and bin scu ed label<br />

Château Climens 2000 (4 bts)<br />

Slightly soiled and scu ed labels, 1 torn label<br />

7341 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $400-500<br />

Italy<br />

Montevetrano 1999<br />

Slightly scu ed labels, 2 nicked labels, 1 torn and<br />

heavily stained label<br />

7342 6 bts (oc)<br />

per lot: $300-400<br />

Piantonaia 2000 Podere Poggio Scalette<br />

IGT Toscana<br />

2 slightly scu ed labels<br />

7343 2 mags (2 owc)<br />

per lot: $400-500<br />

Piantonaia 2001 Podere Poggio Scalette<br />

7344 6 mags (6 owc)<br />

per lot: $800-1,200<br />

Barbera d’Alba Riserva 1996 Roberto Voerzio<br />

7345 6 mags (cn)<br />

per lot: $700-1,000<br />

7346 4 mags (cn)<br />

per lot: $500-700<br />

Barolo, Cerequio 1990 Roberto Voerzio (1 mag)<br />

Partially torn and missing label, scu ed and stained<br />

label<br />

Barolo, Cerequio 1996 Roberto Voerzio (1 bt)<br />

Slightly scu ed label<br />

Barolo, Brunate 1998 Roberto Voerzio (2 bts)<br />

1 nicked label<br />

Barolo Rocche dell’Annunziata Torriglione 2000<br />

Roberto Voerzio (4 bts)<br />

Scu ed labels<br />

Barolo, Cerequio 2000 Roberto Voerzio (2 bts)<br />

1 slightly scu ed label<br />

7347 9 bts and 1 mag (cn)<br />

per lot: $850-1,100<br />

La Fucina di Leonardo Broncone<br />

IGT Toscana<br />

2000 (3 bts)<br />

2000 (1 bt)<br />

2001 (3 bts)<br />

7348 7 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $700-950<br />

La Fucina di Leonardo Broncone<br />

IGT Toscana<br />

2000 (2 mags)<br />

2001 (2 mags)<br />

7349 4 mags<br />

per lot: $800-1,200<br />

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190 elBullifoundation<br />

Mixed Lots<br />

Barbaresco, Bricco Asili 1974 Ceretto (1 bt)<br />

u. bn, soiled label<br />

Barolo, Bricco Rocche 1982 Ceretto (2 bts)<br />

u. 2bn, soiled, scu ed and nicked labels<br />

Barbaresco, Bricco Asili 1985 Ceretto (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed and soiled label<br />

Barolo Bricco Delle Viole 1994 G.D. Vajra (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed and soiled label<br />

Barolo, Vigna del Gris 1995 Conterno Fantino<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Barolo, Bussia 1998 Prunotto (4 bts)<br />

Scu ed and soiled labels, 1 nicked label<br />

Barolo Vignetocampe 2004 La Spinetta (2 bts)<br />

Scu ed labels<br />

7350 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $650-900<br />

Solaia 1990 (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

Fontalloro 1997 Fattoria Felsina (2 bts)<br />

1 scu ed and soiled label<br />

Flaccianello 1998 Fontodi (4 bts)<br />

1 scu ed label<br />

Fontalloro 2001 Fattoria Felsina (5 bts)<br />

1 soiled and 1 stained label<br />

7351 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $550-800<br />

Brunello di Montalcino Riserva, Poggio Alvento<br />

1995 Col d’Orcia (2 bts)<br />

Brunello di Montalcino, Riserva “Institieti” 1995<br />

Soldera (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

Brunello di Montalcino 1996 Mastrojanni (1 bt)<br />

Brunello di Montalcino, Sugarille 1997 Gaja (2 bts)<br />

Wrinkled labels, slightly scu ed labels<br />

Brunello Montalcino Poggio all’ Oro 1997<br />

Castello Banfi (2 bts)<br />

7352 8 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $600-850<br />

Harys 1995 Giovanni Battista Gillardi (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

Sangioveto 1997 Badia A Coltibuono (2 bts)<br />

1 slightly soiled label<br />

Patrimonio 1998 Antoine Arena (3 bts)<br />

Slightly soiled labels<br />

Monferrato, Sul Bric 1999 Franco Martinetti (3 bts)<br />

Scu ed and slightly soiled labels<br />

Rosso Del Conte 2000 Tasca d’Almerita (1 bt)<br />

Piantonaia 2001 Podere Poggio Scalette (2 mags)<br />

Slightly scu ed labels<br />

7353 10 bts and 2 mags (cn)<br />

per lot: $550-750<br />

Barbera d’Asti, Montruc 1995 Franco Martinetti<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Stained and slightly scu ed label<br />

Barbera d’Alba Riserva, Vigneto Pozzo<br />

dell’Annunziata 1996 Roberto Voerzio (2 mags)<br />

Barbera d’Alba Marun 1996 Matteo Corregia<br />

(2 bts)<br />

1 nicked label<br />

Nebbiolo d’Alba La Val Dei Pretti 1996<br />

Matteo Corregia (1 bt)<br />

Nicked label<br />

Vino Nobile Di Mont. Asinone 1999 Poliziano<br />

(3 bts)<br />

Barbera d’Asti 2000 La Spinetta (3 bts)<br />

Nicked labels<br />

7354 10 bts and 2 mags (cn)<br />

per lot: $400-600<br />

Barolo 1995 G. Rinaldi (2 mags)<br />

1 torn label, 2 scu ed labels<br />

Barolo, Cannubi 1995 E. Pira (2 bts)<br />

Scu ed labels<br />

Barolo, Cascina Francia 1998 Giacomo Conterno<br />

(2 bts)<br />

Slightly scu ed labels<br />

Barolo 1999 Bartolo Mascarello (4 bts)<br />

1 nicked label<br />

Barolo Sarmassa di Barolo 2000 Roberto Voerzio<br />

(2 mags)<br />

1 slightly scu ed label, 1 slightly raised cork<br />

7355 8 bts and 4 mags (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,100-1,500<br />

Amarone, della Valpolicella, Classico 1995<br />

Giuseppe Quintarelli (1 bt)<br />

Slightly scu ed label<br />

Mazzano Amarone Della Valpolicella Classico<br />

1997 Masi (2 bts)<br />

1 nicked label, 1 slightly scu ed label<br />

Amarone, della Valpolicella, Classico 1998<br />

Allegrini<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

La Poja 1999 Allegrini (3 bts)<br />

Amarone, della Valpolicella, Classico 2001<br />

Allegrini<br />

(4 bts)<br />

Slightly scu ed labels<br />

7356 11 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $650-950

“<br />









”<br />

Sagrantino Di Montefalco 1996 Arnaldo-Caprai<br />

(2 bts)<br />

Scu ed labels, 1 nicked label<br />

Montefalco Rosso Riserva 1996 Arnaldo-Caprai<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Heavily scu ed label<br />

Guado al Tasso, Tenuta Belvedere 1997 (1 bt)<br />

Montevetrano 1998 (2 bts)<br />

1 slightly scu ed label, 1 partially torn label<br />

Montiano 1999 Falesco (4 bts)<br />

2 scu ed labels<br />

Montevetrano 1999 (1 bt)<br />

u. vts, slight sign of seepage, nicked label<br />

Montevetrano 2001 (1 bt)<br />

Slightly scu ed label<br />

7357 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $550-750<br />

Barolo, Rocche dell’ Annunziata Riserva 1997<br />

Paolo Scavino (4 mags)<br />

Scu ed labels<br />

Barolo, Bric dël Fiasc 1999 Paolo Scavino (2 mags)<br />

Scu ed labels<br />

7358 6 mags (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,100-1,500<br />

Piano di Montevergine 1997 Feudi San Gregorio<br />

(1 bt)<br />

La Fucina di Leonardo Broncone 2000 (2 bts)<br />

Serpico Irpinia Aglianico 2000 Feudi San Gregorio<br />

(5 bts)<br />

Slightly scu ed labels<br />

La Fucina di Leonardo Broncone 2001 (1 bt)<br />

7359 9 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $500-800<br />

Terre Brune 1997 Cantina Santadi (2 bts)<br />

Camelot 1998 Firriato (3 bts)<br />

1 nicked label<br />

Terra di Lavoro 2002 Galardi (3 bts)<br />

1 slightly scu ed label<br />

Terra di Lavoro 2005 Galardi (4 bts)<br />

1 torn and 2 slightly scu ed labels<br />

7360 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $350-500<br />

Sangioveto 1997 Badia A Coltibuono (3 bts)<br />

Chianti Classico 2000 Fonterutoli (5 bts)<br />

2 slightly scu ed labels<br />

Vino Nobile Di Mont. Asinone 2000 Poliziano<br />

(4 bts)<br />

2 slightly scu ed labels, 1 slightly stained label<br />

7361 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $250-350<br />

Terre Brune 1997 Cantina Santadi (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

Case Via Syrah 1998 Fontodi (2 bts)<br />

1 heavily scu ed label, 1 scu ed label<br />

La Poja 1999 Allegrini (2 bts)<br />

Scu ed labels<br />

Vino Nobile Di Mont. Asinone 1999 Poliziano<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Case Via Syrah 2000 Fontodi (2 bts)<br />

Scu ed labels<br />

La Grola 2000 Allegrini (1 bt)<br />

Nicked label<br />

Siepi 2001 Fonterutoli (3 bts)<br />

Slightly scu ed labels<br />

7362 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $400-550<br />

– Tim Atkin M.W.<br />

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Radici, Taurasi 1997 Mastroberardino (2 bts)<br />

Slightly scu ed labels, 1 partially torn label<br />

Montevetrano 2002 (5 bts)<br />

1 slightly scu ed label<br />

Montevetrano 2004 (3 bts)<br />

7363 10 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $450-650<br />

Chianti Classico 1997 Giorgio Primo, La Massa<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Vigna L’Apparita 1999 Castello di Ama (5 bts)<br />

1 stained and 1 scu ed label<br />

Chianti Classico Montesodi, Castello di<br />

Nipozzano 2000 Frescobaldi (2 bts)<br />

Wrinkled labels<br />

Chianti Classico 2001 Giorgio Primo, La Massa<br />

(4 bts)<br />

1 scu ed and soiled label<br />

7364 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $400-600<br />

Sagrantino Di Montefalco 1998 Arnaldo-Caprai<br />

(2 bts)<br />

Slightly wrinkled and slightly scu ed labels<br />

50 & 50, Avignonesi and Capanelle IGT 1999<br />

(6 bts)<br />

4 scu ed labels, 2 nicked labels<br />

Castello Di Montepo Morellino di Scansano,<br />

Riserva 1999 Jacopo Biondi Santi (4 bts)<br />

7365 12 bts (cn, cn)<br />

per lot: $550-750<br />

Montepulciano d’Abruzzo 1998 Marina Cvetic<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Slightly scu ed and nicked label<br />

Lupicaia 1999 (3 bts)<br />

Slightly scu ed labels<br />

Granato Atesino Rosso 2001 Elisabetta Foradori<br />

(8 bts)<br />

1 slightly scu ed label<br />

7366 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $400-550<br />

Sassicaia 2000 (2 bts)<br />

1 scu ed label<br />

Guado al Tasso, Tenuta Belvedere 2000 (4 bts)<br />

1 stained label<br />

Ornellaia, Le Serre Nuove 2003 (4 bts)<br />

2 wrinkled and scu ed labels<br />

7367 10 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $550-800<br />

Barbaresco, Rabaja 2000 Bruno Rocca (4 bts)<br />

1 nicked label, 1 slightly scu ed label<br />

Barolo Gavarini Vigna Chiniera 2001 Elio Grasso<br />

(6 bts)<br />

1 slightly scu ed label<br />

7368 10 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $400-600<br />

Chianti Rufi na Vigneto Montesodi 2000<br />

Frescobaldi<br />

(5 bts)<br />

2 slightly scu ed labels, 1 nicked label<br />

Avi, Sangiovese di Romagna Superiore Riserva<br />

2000 San Patrignano (5 bts)<br />

1 nicked label<br />

Siepi 2001 Fonterutoli (6 bts)<br />

7369 16 bts (2 cn)<br />

per lot: $400-600<br />


Forteto Della Luja 1999 (3 hbs)<br />

Scu ed labels<br />

Angialis VT 2000 Argiolas (1 hlf.liter)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

Gra à Gra 2001 Gramona (2 hbs)<br />

Scu ed labels<br />

Les Jardins de Babylone 2004<br />

Didier Daugueneau & Guy Pautrat (1 hlf.liter)<br />

Malvasia de Sitges NV Hospital Sant Joan Baptista<br />

(5 bts)<br />

1 partially torn label<br />

7370 5 hbs, 2 hlf.liters and 5 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $350-500<br />

Gaia & Rey Chardonnay 1997 Gaja (1 bt)<br />

Heavily scu ed label and capsule<br />

Martin Colli Tortonesi Bianco 2000 Franco<br />

Martinetti<br />

(2 mags)<br />

Alteni Di Brassica 2004 Gaja (2 bts)<br />

Alteni Di Brassica 2008 Gaja (3 bts)<br />

7371 6 bts and 2 mags<br />

per lot: $400-600<br />


Tokaji Aszú Essencia 1993 Disznoko (3 hlf.liters)<br />

1 nicked label<br />

Tokaji Essencia 1999 Oremus (2 hbs)<br />

Tokaji Aszú, 6 Puttonyos 1999 Oremus (1 hlf.liter)<br />

Stained label<br />

Tokaji Aszú, 5 Puttonyos 2001 Hetszóló<br />

(6 hlf.liters)<br />

1 torn label, 3 stained labels<br />

7372 2 hbs and 10 hlf.liters (cn)<br />

per lot: $800-1,100<br />

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Germany<br />

Riesling Beerenauslese, Peter Jakob Kuhn<br />

1998 (4 hbs) Scu ed capsules, soiled and scu ed<br />

labels<br />

2000 (6 hbs) Scu ed capsules, soiled and scu ed<br />

labels<br />

7373 10 hbs (cn)<br />

per lot: $600-800<br />

Wachenheimer Gerumpel Riesling Auslese 1990<br />

Dr. Bürklin-Wolf (2 bts)<br />

Riesling Tonel No. 71 2001 Dr. Bürklin-Wolf (1 bt)<br />

Westhofener Morstein Riesling Auslese 2007<br />

Wittmann (4 hlf.liters)<br />

3 slightly scu ed labels (cn)<br />

Rheingau Riesling 2007 George Breuer (4 hbs)<br />

Albersweiler Latt Gewurztraminer Riesling<br />

Auslese 2008 Okonomierat Rebholz (9 hbs)<br />

Slightly scu ed capsules<br />

Monziger Halenberg Riesling Auslese 2008<br />

Emrich Schönleber (3 hbs)<br />

1 soiled label (cn)<br />

7374 16 hbs, 4 hlf.liters and 3 bts<br />

per lot: $500-750<br />

Trittenheimer Apotheke Beerenauslese 1994<br />

Grans-Fassian (1 hb)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

Brauneberger Ju er Sonnenuhr Riesling<br />

Beerenauslese 1995 Fritz Haag (3 hbs)<br />

Heymann Lowenstein Beerenauslese Uhlen R<br />

2001<br />

(4 hbs)<br />

7375 8 hbs (cn)<br />

per lot: $550-800<br />

Westerhofener Morsten Riesling TBA 1999<br />

Wittmann (3 hbs)<br />

Oberhauser Riesling Eiswein 2000 Donno (1 hb)<br />

Wrinkled capsule, sign of seepage<br />

Riesling Siebeldinger Im Sonnenschein TBA 2003<br />

Okonomierat Rebholz (3 hbs)<br />

Schloss Gobelsburg Gruner Veltliner Eiswein<br />

2007<br />

(1 hb)<br />

Stained label<br />

7376 8 hbs (cn)<br />

per lot: $600-900<br />


Madeira Boal 1978 Barbeito (1 bt)<br />

Ramos Pinto 1995 (3 bts)<br />

Slightly loose labels<br />

Gosset, Grand Millesime Brut 1999 (5 bts)<br />

Gosset, Grand Millesime Brut 1999 (1 mag)<br />

Quinta do Vale Meao 2000 (1 bt)<br />

Slightly wrinkled label<br />

Madeira, Malmsey NV Henriques & Henriques<br />

(2 hlf.liters)<br />

Scu ed labels<br />

Gosset Grande Reserve Brut NV (1 hb)<br />

7377 1 hb, 2 hlf.liters, 10 bts and 1 mag (2 cn)<br />

per lot: $750-1,100<br />

Port<br />

Niepoort 1987 (1 bt)<br />

Slight sign of seepage<br />

Niepoort 1991 (1 bt)<br />

Niepoort 1994 (3 mags)<br />

Slight signs of seepage<br />

Niepoort 2000 (4 bts)<br />

Niepoort 20 Year Old Tawny NV NV (1 bt)<br />

7378 7 bts and 3 mags (cn)<br />

per lot: $450-600<br />

Fonseca 1994 (2 bts)<br />

Taylor 1994 (1 bt)<br />

Slightly scu ed label<br />

Quinta do Noval 1994 (1 bt)<br />

Stained and slightly scu ed label<br />

Taylor 2003 (2 bts)<br />

Slightly scu ed labels<br />

7379 6 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $450-650

Portugal Red<br />

Fojo Red Wine 1996 Quinta do Fojo (3 bts)<br />

Slightly scu ed labels<br />

Quinta do Vale Meao 2000 F. Olazabal & Filhos<br />

(3 bts)<br />

1 slightly stained label<br />

Niepoort Batuta 2001 (2 bts)<br />

Vinha da Ponte 2003 Quinta do Crasto (1 bt)<br />

Pintas 2003 Wine & Soul (2 bts)<br />

1 nicked label<br />

Niepoort Batuta 2007 (1 bt)<br />

7380 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $450-600<br />

Campo Ardosa 2000 Quinta Da Carvalhosa (6 bts)<br />

Niepoort Charme 2007 (1 mag)<br />

Niepoort Batuta 2007 (2 mag)<br />

7381 6 bts and 3 mags (3 owc, oc)<br />

per lot: $350-550<br />

Campo Ardosa Testa Bianca 2000<br />

Quinta Da Carvalhosa (4 bts)<br />

2 slightly soiled labels<br />

Carrocel 2003 Quinta da Pellada (3 bts)<br />

Slightly soiled and scu ed labels<br />

Niepoort Charme 2007 (2 bts)<br />

Slightly scu ed labels<br />

Viseu de Carvalho Special Reserve White NV<br />

Jose Viseu Carvalho (3 bts)<br />

2 scu ed labels<br />

7382 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $250-400<br />


Vin d’Autan de Robert Plageoles 1994 (1 hlf.liter)<br />

Castello di Pomino Vin Santo 2001 Frescobaldi<br />

(3 hlf.liters)<br />

Scu ed labels<br />

Riesling Vendimia Tardia 2002 Miguel Torres<br />

(2 hbs)<br />

1 stained and 1 slightly soiled label<br />

Inniskillin Vidal Ice Wine 2005 (1 hb)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

Inniskillin Cabernet Franc Ice Wine 2006 (1 hb)<br />

Nicked and scu ed label<br />

Neige Premiere Ice Cider 2008 (2 hbs)<br />

Quintessence Vin de Table Francais NV<br />

François Villard (1 hlf.liter)<br />

Stained and soiled label<br />

7383 6 hbs and 5 hlf.liters (cn)<br />

per lot: $300-450<br />

Almaviva 1997 (1 bt)<br />

Slightly scu ed label<br />

Catena Alta Malbec Angelica Vineyard Mendoza<br />

1999 (1 bt)<br />

Cordillera Curico 2000 Miguel Torres (6 bts)<br />

Nicolas Catena Alta 2000 (3 bts)<br />

Slightly scu ed labels, 2 nicked labels<br />

7384 11 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $300-450<br />

Clos Apalta, Casa Lapostolle 1997 (2 bts)<br />

Scu ed and nicked labels, 1 torn label<br />

Clos Apalta, Casa Lapostolle 2000 (4 bts)<br />

Almaviva 2000 (2 bts)<br />

Clos Apalta, Casa Lapostolle 2001 (4 bts)<br />

Bin scu ed labels<br />

7385 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $500-750<br />

Casa Lapostolle Merlot Cuvée Alexandre 2000<br />

(3 bts)<br />

Clos des Corbassières, Coeur du Clos Cornalin<br />

Rouge 2000 Domaine Cornulus (3 bts)<br />

Slightly scu ed labels<br />

Boekenhoutskloof Cabernet Sauvignon 2003<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Anwilka 2006 (3 bts)<br />

Scu ed labels<br />

7386 10 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $200-300<br />

195<br />

elBullicellar • NEW YORK

LOT 7387, 7439<br />

Spain<br />

Abadia Retuerta, Pago Negralada 1996<br />

Sardon del Duero<br />

u. bn, nicked capsule, 2 signs and 1 slight sign of<br />

seepage, 1 nicked label<br />

From a single high Tempranillo vineyard.<br />

Serena Sutcliffe, MW<br />

See illustration<br />

7387 6 mags (6 owc)<br />

per lot: $1,000-1,300<br />

Abadia Retuerta Pago Valdebelon 1996<br />

Sardon del Duero<br />

Slight signs of seepage, slightly soiled labels<br />

7388 4 mags (4 owc)<br />

per lot: $500-700<br />

Abadia Retuerta Pago Valdebelon 2005<br />

Sardon del Duero<br />

7389 12 bts (2 owc)<br />

per lot: $600-900<br />

Abadia Retuerta, Pago Negralada 2006<br />

Sardon del Duero<br />

7390 6 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $350-450<br />

Abadia Retuerta Pago Valdebelon 1996 (5 bts)<br />

Scu ed and soiled labels<br />

Abadia Retuerta Petit Verdot 1999 (4 bts)<br />

Scu ed and nicked labels<br />

Abadia Retuerta Petit Verdot 2006 (1 bt)<br />

7391 10 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $850-1,100<br />

Abadia Retuerta Pago Valdebelon 2005 (4 bts)<br />

Abadia Retuerta Pago Garduna 2006 (6 bts)<br />

2 scu ed and 1 torn labels<br />

Abadia Retuerta Petit Verdot 2006 (1 bt)<br />

Abadia Retuerta, Pago Negralada 2006 (1 bt)<br />

7392 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $550-800<br />

Rioja Avrus 1996 Finca Allende<br />

Rioja<br />

7393 6 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $400-550<br />

Aurus, Finca Allende<br />

Rioja<br />

1996 (5 bts) 2 stained and scu ed labels<br />

1998 (5 bts) 1 slightly scu ed label<br />

7394 10 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $700-900<br />

197<br />

elBullicellar • NEW YORK



Artadi started in the mid 1980s as a smaller cooperative.<br />

In the 1990s, Juan Carlos López de La Calle completed<br />

a buyout of what today is known as Artadi encompassing<br />

seventy hectares. All of the wines produced at Artadi are<br />

aged only in oak and the top wines see 100% new oak.<br />

Among the top wines produced at the estate are Pagos<br />

Viejos which is made from the oldest vines of the estate,<br />

Grandes Anadas which is produced only in exceptional years,<br />

and El Pison-made from exceptional vines planted in 1945.<br />

Rioja, Artadi El Pison 1998<br />

Rioja<br />

Bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler,<br />

owc missing lid<br />

7395 12 bts (2 owc)<br />

per lot: $1,400-1,800<br />

Rioja, Artadi El Pison 2000 Viñedos Lacalle y Laorden<br />

Rioja<br />

7396 12 bts (2 owc)<br />

per lot: $800-1,100<br />

Rioja, Artadi El Pison 2001 Viñedos Lacalle y Laorden<br />

Rioja<br />

Lot 7396: 2 nicked and 1 scuffed labels<br />

7397 12 bts (2 owc)<br />

7398 12 bts (2 owc)<br />

per lot: $1,400-1,800<br />

7399 6 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $700-900<br />

Rioja, Artadi El Pison 2002 Viñedos Lacalle y Laorden<br />

Rioja<br />

Lot 7398: 1 nicked and wrinkled label<br />

7400 12 bts (2 owc)<br />

per lot: $800-1,100<br />

7401 6 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $400-550<br />

Rioja, Artadi El Pison 2004 Viñedos Lacalle y Laorden<br />

Rioja<br />

7402 12 bts (2 owc)<br />

per lot: $3,500-5,000<br />

Rioja, Artadi El Pison 2005 Viñedos Lacalle y Laorden<br />

Rioja<br />

7403 12 bts (2 owc)<br />

per lot: $1,400-2,000<br />

LOTS 7411-12, 7440-41, 7459, 7476-77<br />

Rioja, Artadi El Pison 2006<br />

Viñedos Lacalle y Laorden<br />

Rioja<br />

7404 12 bts (2 owc)<br />

Rioja, Artadi El Pison 2007<br />

Viñedos Lacalle y Laorden<br />

Rioja<br />

7405 12 bts (2 owc)<br />


per lot: $1,300-1,700<br />

per lot: $1,500-2,000<br />

Rioja, Artadi El Pison, Viñedos Lacalle y Laorden<br />

Rioja<br />

2000 (8 bts) 1 slightly scu ed label<br />

2001 (1 bt)<br />

2004 (2 bts)<br />

7406 11 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,200-1,800<br />

Rioja, Artadi El Pison Reserva 1994 (3 bts)<br />

Stained and scu ed labels<br />

Rioja, Artadi El Pison Reserva 1996 (5 bts)<br />

Rioja, Artadi El Pison 1998 (2 bts)<br />

1 slightly scu ed label<br />

7407 10 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,000-1,400<br />

Rioja, Grandes Anadas 1998 Artadi<br />

Rioja<br />

Bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler<br />

7408 12 bts (2 owc)<br />

per lot: $1,000-1,400<br />

Rioja, Grandes Anadas 1999 Artadi<br />

Rioja<br />

7409 12 bts (2 owc)<br />

per lot: $1,000-1,400<br />

elBullicellar • NEW YORK

200 elBullifoundation<br />

Rioja, Grandes Anadas 2000 Artadi<br />

Rioja<br />

7410 12 bts (2 owc)<br />

per lot: $1,100-1,500<br />

Rioja, Grandes Anadas 2001 Artadi<br />

Rioja<br />

Lot 7409: 2 signs of seepage<br />

See illustration<br />

7411 12 bts (2 owc)<br />

per lot: $1,800-2,500<br />

7412 6 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $900-1,200<br />

Rioja, Grandes Anadas, Artadi<br />

Rioja<br />

1994 (2 bts)<br />

1998 (1 bt)<br />

2000 (2 bts) Scu ed and nicked labels<br />

2001 (5 bts) Scu ed and nicked labels<br />

7413 10 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,300-1,700<br />

Rioja, Grandes Anadas, Artadi<br />

Rioja<br />

1998 (4 bts) 2 scu ed labels<br />

1999 (8 bts)<br />

7414 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $900-1,200<br />

Rioja Pagos Viejos 2001 Artadi<br />

Rioja<br />

Bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler<br />

7415 12 bts (2 owc)<br />

per lot: $1,000-1,400<br />

Rioja Pagos Viejos 2005 Artadi<br />

Rioja<br />

7416 12 bts (2 owc)<br />

7417 12 bts (2 owc)<br />

Rioja Pagos Viejos 2006 Artadi<br />

Rioja<br />

7418 12 bts (2 owc)<br />

Rioja Pagos Viejos 2007 Artadi<br />

Rioja<br />

Lot 7417: 2 scu ed labels<br />

7419 12 bts (2 owc)<br />

7420 6 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $600-800<br />

per lot: $500-700<br />

per lot: $600-800<br />

per lot: $300-400<br />

Rioja Pagos Viejos, Artadi<br />

Rioja<br />

2000 (1 bt) Scu ed, nicked and stained label<br />

2001 (4 bts)<br />

2003 (7 bts) 1 nicked label, 1 slightly scu ed label<br />

7421 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $600-850<br />

Rioja, Grandes Anadas 2001 Artadi (3 mags)<br />

Rioja, Artadi El Pison 2001 Viñedos Lacalle y<br />

Laorden (1 mag)<br />

Rioja Pagos Viejos 2001 Artadi (2 mags)<br />

7422 6 mags (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,300-1,700



Bodega Matador, in conjunction with Matador<br />

magazine, was started as a project that each year<br />

would select a different Spanish winery and create<br />

a unique blend, honoring someone who has been<br />

influential in culture, food and/or wine. In 2009, Clos<br />

d’Agon, one of the top Catalan wineries (in the<br />

Catalunya D.O., not far from El Bulli), was chosen<br />

and Ferran Adrià was selected to be honored. The<br />

label for this vintage was designed by the artist<br />

Carsten Höller, who is well known for his impressive<br />

works of contemporary art. This one-time release is<br />

a full bodied blend of Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon,<br />

Petit Verdot, Cabernet Franc and Syrah.<br />

Matador by Ferran Adrià and Carsten Holler<br />

2009 Clos d’Agon<br />

Costa Brava<br />

7423 24 bts (cn, cn)<br />

7424 24 bts (4 owc)<br />

7425 24 bts (4 owc)<br />

per lot: $350-500<br />

Matador by Ferran Adrià and Carsten Holler<br />

2009 Clos d’Agon<br />

Costa Brava<br />

7426 11 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $150-200<br />

Clos Erasmus 2002<br />

Soiled labels, 1 stained and wrinkled label<br />

7427 4 mags (cn)<br />

per lot: $700-1,000<br />

Clos Erasmus 2003<br />

Bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler, 1 slightly<br />

scu ed label<br />

7428 6 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $1,300-1,700<br />

Clos Erasmus<br />

2002 (3 bts)<br />

2003 (1 bt) Slightly scu ed label<br />

2004 (2 bts) 1 scu ed label<br />

2005 (1 bt) Nicked and scu ed label<br />

2006 (5 bts)<br />

7429 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,600-2,250<br />

“<br />
















”<br />

– Daphne Glorian-Soloman<br />


201<br />

elBullicellar • NEW YORK

202 elBullifoundation<br />

Clos Mogador 2003<br />

1 scu ed label<br />

7430 6 bts<br />

Clos Mogador 2004<br />

7431 6 mags (6 owc)<br />

per lot: $300-400<br />

per lot: $600-800<br />

Clos Mogador<br />

2003 (4 mags) 1 scu ed and 1 soiled label<br />

2005 (2 mags) 1 wrinkled label<br />

7432 6 mags (cn)<br />

per lot: $600-900<br />

Clos Mogador<br />

2004 (6 bts)<br />

2005 (6 bts)<br />

7433 12 bts (2 owc)<br />

per lot: $600-800<br />

Barón de Chirel Rioja Reserva 1995<br />

Marques de Riscal<br />

Rioja<br />

Slightly scu ed labels, slightly damaged owc<br />

7434 6 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $250-350<br />

Barón de Chirel Rioja Reserva, Marques de Riscal<br />

Rioja<br />

1996 (1 mag) Stained label<br />

1996 (1 mag) Stained label<br />

2000 (1 mag) Stained label<br />

2000 (1 mag) Stained label<br />

7435 4 mags (4 owc)<br />

per lot: $300-400<br />

Barón de Chirel Rioja Reserva<br />

Rioja<br />

1986 (1 bt) u. bn, soiled, scu ed and torn label<br />

1994 (1 bt) Scu ed label<br />

1995 (2 bts) Slightly scu ed labels<br />

1999 (7 bts) Scu ed labels<br />

2001 (1 bt) Slightly soiled label<br />

7436 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $400-600<br />

Malleolus 2002 Emilio Moro<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

7437 9 bts (3 owc)<br />

per lot: $500-750<br />

Malleolus 2000 Emilio Moro (3 bts)<br />

(owc)<br />

Malleolus de Valderramiro 2000<br />

Emilio Moro (2 bts)<br />

Soiled labels<br />

Malleolus de Valderramiro 2002<br />

Emilio Moro (5 bts)<br />

2 scu ed and 1 nicked labels (cn)<br />

Malleolus de Sanchomartin 2002<br />

Emilio Moro (2 bts)<br />

1 nicked and scu ed label<br />

Ribera del Duero, Llanos del Almendro 2002<br />

Dominio de Atauta (2 bts)<br />

Malleolus de Sanchomartin 2003<br />

Emilio Moro (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

7438 15 bts<br />

per lot: $950-1,300<br />

Termanthia, Numanthia 2002<br />

Toro<br />

See illustration<br />

7439 6 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $900-1,200

203<br />

elBullicellar • NEW YORK


Alvaro Palacios provides the cutting edge of modern<br />

Spanish winemaking. Having trained at Château Pétrus<br />

for two years he began his own Priorat venture in<br />

1989 based on a doctrine of low yields, old vines and<br />

high tech techniques. L’Ermita, his most famous wine<br />

(first vintage 1993) is a blend of 80% Garnacha, 15%<br />

Cabernet Sauvignon and 5% Cariñena. It is bottled<br />

unfiltered having been aged for up to 20 months in<br />

new French barrels. Serena Sutcliffe, MW<br />

L’Ermita 1998 Alvaro Palacios<br />

Priorato<br />

Lot 7440: Scu ed labels, Lot 7441: Bottles signed by<br />

Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler<br />

See illustration<br />

7440 6 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $650-850<br />

7441 4 mags (4 owc)<br />

per lot: $850-1,200<br />

L’Ermita 2003 Alvaro Palacios<br />

Priorato<br />

Lot 7438: 1 slightly scu ed label<br />

7442 12 bts (2 owc)<br />

7443 2 mags (2 owc)<br />

“<br />






” – Alvaro Palacios<br />

per lot: $1,800-2,250<br />

per lot: $600-800<br />

el Bullifoundation<br />

L’Ermita 2005 Alvaro Palacios<br />

Priorato<br />

7444 2 mags (2 owc)<br />


per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />

L’Ermita, Alvaro Palacios<br />

Priorato<br />

1993 (2 bts) Nicked, slightly scu ed and heavily soiled<br />

labels<br />

1994 (2 bts) Scu ed, stained and nicked labels<br />

1995 (2 bts) Scu ed labels<br />

7445 6 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $800-1,100

205<br />

elBullicellar • NEW YORK

206 elBullifoundation<br />

L’Ermita, Alvaro Palacios<br />

Priorato<br />

1996 (2 bts) Scu ed and soiled labels, 1 torn label<br />

1997 (4 bts)<br />

1998 (1 bt)<br />

1999 (4 bts) Scu ed and soiled labels<br />

7446 11 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,200-1,700<br />

L’Ermita, Alvaro Palacios<br />

Priorato<br />

2001 (3 bts)<br />

2002 (3 bts) 2 slightly scu ed and 1 slightly stained<br />

labels<br />

2003 (3 bts)<br />

2007 (3 bts)<br />

7447 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $2,000-2,750<br />

L’Ermita, Alvaro Palacios<br />

Priorato<br />

2001 (6 bts) Slightly scu ed labels<br />

2002 (5 bts) Slightly soiled labels<br />

7448 11 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,400-1,900<br />

Finca Dofi 1998 Alvaro Palacios<br />

Priorato<br />

3 slightly scu ed labels<br />

7449 12 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $450-650<br />

Finca Dofi 1999 Alvaro Palacios<br />

Priorato<br />

2 torn and 1 missing labels, 6 scu ed labels,<br />

1 nicked label<br />

7450 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $500-700<br />

Finca Dofi 2007 Alvaro Palacios<br />

Priorato<br />

7451 12 bts (2 owc)<br />

7452 6 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $500-700<br />

per lot: $250-350<br />

Finca Dofi , Alvaro Palacios<br />

Priorato<br />

1994 (8 bts) 3 soiled and 2 nicked labels<br />

1998 (3 bts) Heavily damp stained and nicked labels<br />

1999 (1 bt)<br />

7453 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $500-650<br />

Finca Dofi , Alvaro Palacios<br />

Priorato<br />

2000 (3 bts) Nicked labels<br />

2005 (3 bts)<br />

2007 (5 bts)<br />

7454 11 bts (cn)<br />

Finca Dofi , Alvaro Palacios<br />

Priorato<br />

2002 (6 bts) 2 slightly scu ed labels<br />

2005 (6 bts)<br />

7455 12 bts (cn, owc)<br />






” – Peter Sisseck<br />

per lot: $450-650<br />

per lot: $500-700

PINGUS<br />

Since 1995, Peter Sisseck has produced amazing<br />

wine from three separate plots of very old Tinto Fino<br />

(Tempranillo) vines high in the Ribera del Duero. A<br />

genius at pruning, Peter keeps yields very low indeed,<br />

averaging about 14 hl/ha, which gives 400-500 cases a<br />

year. The vines have never been fertilised nor treated<br />

with pesticides and are grown in the tradiitonal en vaso<br />

system. Maturation is in 100% new French oak.<br />

Serena Sutcliffe, MW<br />

Pingus 1995<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

4 scu ed labels<br />

7456 6 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $2,500-4,000<br />

Pingus 1997<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

Bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler, scu ed<br />

labels, packed in 12 bottle oc<br />

Peter Sisseck’s superb wine and wonderful drinking<br />

now. Serena Sutcliffe, M.W.<br />

7457 6 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $1,500-2,250<br />

Pingus 1998<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

Bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler<br />

An extraordinary nose of cigars and spice leads to a<br />

thick, opulent wine, combining power and softness in<br />

a very harmonious whole. Lush, by any standards. A<br />

wow with squab pigeon done with Chinese 5 spices<br />

- star anise, Sichuan peppercorns, fennel, cloves,<br />

cinnamon - the wine had them all!<br />

Serena Sutcliffe, MW<br />

7458 12 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $3,750-5,500<br />

Pingus 1999<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

Bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler,<br />

6 slightly scu ed labels<br />

Last tasted from magnum when it was 10 years old.<br />

This vintage was never racked. It was a classic year<br />

in Ribera. Incredible wet earth and red fruit nose, so<br />

youthful still. Great esterisation. Lovely chocolate,<br />

vanillin and liquorice on the palate. A touch of<br />

Bordeaux style but so full of individual personality.<br />

Peter Sisseck calls this vintage ‘chic rustique’! Serena<br />

Sutcliffe, M.W.<br />

See illustration<br />

7459 12 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $4,750-6,000<br />


Pingus 2000<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

Bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler,<br />

9 scu ed labels<br />

A great year with a very low yield due to hail. A<br />

really co ee-ish nose and a taste of roasting co ee<br />

beans. Black fruit density. So sweet at the end.<br />

A chef d’oeuvre. In 2009, it almost has a whi of<br />

Burgundy on the nose. This wine has always tasted<br />

terrifi c. Briary, with perfect balance. So smooth,<br />

with a great kick at the end, retaining that delectable<br />

sweetness.<br />

Serena Sutcliffe, MW<br />

7460 12 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $2,250-3,250<br />

Pingus 2001<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

Bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler<br />

The fi rst thing that strikes one about this immense,<br />

black wine is the irony, mineral nose, no doubt<br />

attributable to the old vines going deep down and<br />

drawing on all the mineral trace elements in the soil.<br />

A very great wine for the future, combining a fat, rich<br />

character with enormous tannin and structure.<br />

Serena Sutcliffe, MW<br />

7461 12 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $4,000-5,500<br />

Pingus 2005<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

Bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler<br />

Bottled June 2007. Cedary nose. Vanillin<br />

smoothness. Pure beauty. Glorious blackberries<br />

taste and so silky.<br />

Serena Sutcliffe, MW<br />

7462 6 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $1,800-2,500<br />

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Pingus<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

1995 (2 bts) 1 slightly stained label<br />

1997 (4 bts) 2 slightly scu ed labels, 2 scu ed and<br />

stained labels<br />

1998 (1 bt) Slightly scu ed label<br />

1999 (5 bts) Nicked and scu ed labels<br />

7463 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $4,000-5,500<br />

Pingus<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

2000 (1 bt) Scu ed and stained label<br />

2001 (2 bts) Slightly scu ed labels<br />

2003 (6 bts) 3 stained labels<br />

2007 (3 bts)<br />

7464 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $6,000-8,500<br />

Flor de Pingus 2001<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

Lot 7462: 1 stained label, 1 nicked label<br />

A great Tempranillo blend from di erent terriors.<br />

Peter Sissick thinks this is his best Flor to date and<br />

I am happy to agree. Great plumy fruit. So rich on<br />

the nose – really a mark of this great year. Lovely<br />

liquorice fruit on the palate, with a Bourdeaux-like<br />

texture. Intense chocolate taste and soft tannins.<br />

Serena Sutcliffe, M.W.<br />

7465 12 bts (oc)<br />

7466 12 bts (oc)<br />

per lot: $750-1,000<br />

Flor de Pingus<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

2001 (1 bt) Slightly stained label<br />

2002 (1 bt) Nicked label<br />

2003 (10 bts) 1 slightly scu ed label<br />

7467 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $700-950<br />

Regina Vides 1998 Bodegas Hermanos Sastre<br />

San Luis Obispo<br />

7468 6 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $300-400<br />

Mas La Plana, Cabernet Sauvignon, Miguel Torres<br />

Penedès<br />

1994 (6 bts) Damaged lid<br />

1997 (6 bts)<br />

7469 12 bts (cn, owc)<br />

per lot: $350-500<br />

Mas La Plana, Cabernet Sauvignon, Miguel Torres<br />

Penedès<br />

1999 (6 bts)<br />

2001 (6 bts)<br />

7470 12 bts (cn, owc)<br />

per lot: $350-450<br />

Reserva Real 1997 Miguel Torres<br />

Penedès<br />

1 scu ed label<br />

7471 12 bts (cn, owc)<br />

per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />

Reserva Real 1998 Miguel Torres<br />

Penedès<br />

7472 6 bts (owc)<br />

Reserva Real, Miguel Torres<br />

Penedès<br />

1996 (2 mags)<br />

1997 (4 bts) 3 scu ed labels<br />

1998 (4 bts) 2 scu ed labels<br />

7473 8 bts and 2 mags (cn)<br />

Priorat, Vall Llach 2001<br />

Priorato<br />

2 slightly scu ed labels<br />

7474 6 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $600-850<br />

per lot: $1,000-1,500<br />

per lot: $250-350<br />

Priorat, Vall Llach<br />

Priorato<br />

2000 (6 bts) 3 slightly scu ed labels, 1 nicked label<br />

2001 (3 bts) 1 scu ed label, 2 slightly scu ed labels<br />

2004 (3 bts)<br />

7475 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $450-700

“<br />








” – Oscar Caballero, Chroniqueur Gastronomique<br />

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Vega Sicilia Unico is, for me, one of the greatest wines of the world. I came to it relatively late, with my French palate<br />

wondering what it was all about when I first saw it four decades ago. It was mysterious, difficult to obtain and somewhat<br />

incomprehensible. Since then, I have become totally addicted and have also had the great good fortune to attend a<br />

number of historic tastings. I have watched the ownership change and the winery modernise to the absolute epitome<br />

of perfection. Vega Sicilia put Ribera del Duero on the map, in the way that Robert Mondavi brought California to us<br />

and Sassicaia revealed Bolgheri to the world. It is emblematic. It is also riveting, exciting and intellectually and sensually<br />

challenging, my ideal companion. Vega has soul, a fully-fledged masterpiece, with its own personality, honed over<br />

decades, and a true reflection of its region, climate and the area’s oenological traditions. Unico is made only in great<br />

years and production can be as low as 20 hectares to the hectare. Serena Sutcliffe, M.W.

Vega Sicilia, Unico’ 1989<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

Lots 7472-7473 Bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli<br />

Soler, excellent appearance<br />

Lovely sweet, even cinnamon nose. So elegant and<br />

ready. Tasted from magnum, it had an incredible<br />

wild herbs nose. Tight and concentrated. Quite dry<br />

tannins. Pretty exciting. Serena Sutcliffe, M.W.<br />

See illustration<br />

7476 12 bts (owc)<br />

7477 12 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $3,000-4,000<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Unico’ 1991<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

A huge array of scents of many dimensions – so<br />

Unico. Traces of aniseed. So silky in texture. So<br />

beautiful and orangey. Raspberries at the end. Pure<br />

berries and pure, stunning quality.<br />

Serena Sutcliffe, MW<br />

7478 4 mags (4 owc)<br />

per lot: $9,000-12,000<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Unico’ 1995<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

Lots 7475-7476: Bottles signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli<br />

Soler, Lot 7476 has 1 slightly scu ed label<br />

This is the vintage between the stand-out 1994 and<br />

1996, but it is a worthy rival. Amazing, complex<br />

bouquet. Irony, inky, elegant and beautiful, with a<br />

fascinating minty sleekness. Serena Sutcliffe, M.W.<br />

7479 12 bts (2 owc)<br />

7480 12 bts (2 owc)<br />

per lot: $3,250-4,500<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Unico’<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

1995 (6 bts) 3 scu ed labels, 1 slightly stained label<br />

1996 (5 bts) 1 nicked label<br />

7481 11 bts (cn, cn)<br />

per lot: $3,000-4,250<br />

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This wine is a multi vintage blend, and is representative of the more traditional side of Vega Sicilia. This wine continues a<br />

very old Spanish custom of finding balance through different vintages. Traditionally in Spain, the few wineries that bottles<br />

their wines(most sold in bulk) made two types of wine with each harvest: that of the current year, and another wine<br />

without a specific harvest, which was called “Reserva Especial.” It was a blend of wines from the best harvests, designed to<br />

be the most representative wine of the winery.<br />

Vega Sicilia, Unico Reserva Especial 2003<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

2003 release, selected from 48 barrels of 1985, 1990,<br />

and 1991<br />

7482 12 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $3,500-4,500<br />

Vega Sicilia Unico Reserva Especial 2004<br />

2004 release, selected from 50 barrels of 1985, 1990,<br />

1991<br />

7483 3 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $850-1,100<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Unico’ 1987 (2 bts)<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Unico’ 1989 (3 bts)<br />

1 slightly scu ed label<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Unico’ 1990 (2 bts)<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Unico’ 1991 (3 bts)<br />

Scu ed and stained labels<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Unico’ 1995 (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

Vega Sicilia Unico Reserva Especial MV (1 bt)<br />

1985, 1990, 1991 vintages, scu ed and nicked label<br />

7484 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $3,000-4,250


The Valbuena red has aged for less time than the<br />

Vega Sicilia Unico. It is a wine that comes from the<br />

younger vines and, it is mostly made with varieties<br />

of Tempranillo and more Merlot than Cabernet<br />

Sauvignon<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Valbuena No. 5’ 1996<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

7485 3 mags (cn)<br />

per lot: $450-600<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Valbuena No. 5’ 1997<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

2 slightly stained labels<br />

7486 7 mags (cn, owc)<br />

per lot: $950-1,300<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Valbuena No. 5’ 1998<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

7487 12 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $850-1,100<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Valbuena No. 5’ 1999<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

Lot 7483: 7 stained labels, 4 scu ed labels<br />

7488 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $850-1,100<br />

7489 2 mags (2 owc)<br />

per lot: $350-450<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Valbuena No. 5’ 2001<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

7490 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $800-1,100<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Valbuena No. 5’ 2002<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

Lot 7488: bottle #104 of 159<br />

80-85% Tinto Fino, the rest Malbec and Merlot. The<br />

ageing in new American and French oak gives it a<br />

whi of vanillin. Briary fl avours with some mint and<br />

aniseed. Vibrant and velvety. Serena Sutcliffe, M.W.<br />

7491 6 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $400-550<br />

7492 6 mags (6 owc)<br />

per lot: $800-1,100<br />

7493 1 d.mag - 3 liter (owc)<br />

per lot: $350-450<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Valbuena No. 5’<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

1995 (1 bt) u. bn, scu ed label<br />

1996 (3 bts) Scu ed labels, 1 nicked label<br />

1998 (1 bt) Slightly scu ed label<br />

2001 (2 bts) 1 slightly scu ed label<br />

2002 (3 bts) 2 stained labels, 1 nicked and scu ed label<br />

7494 10 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $750-1,000<br />

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ALION<br />

The Alion story began in 1986, when the Alvarez<br />

family decided to create a winery which, with its own<br />

vineyards, was to produce a wine with a philosophy<br />

and an identity different and independent from that of<br />

Bodegas Vega Sicilia. The wine was named after the<br />

village where David Alvarez was born.<br />

In 1987, they acquired 25 hectares of vines near Padilla<br />

de Duero(Penafiel), 18 hectares of which were planted,<br />

at the beginning of 1988, with Tempranillo. In 1992<br />

the Alvarez family acquired Bodegas Liceo, located<br />

in Penafiel(Valladolid), which had all the technical<br />

facilities required to make the wine<br />

Alion 1997<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

Great selection produced a lovely wild herbs nose<br />

and a fresh and delicious wine. Serena Sutcliffe, M.W.<br />

7495 3 d.mag - 3 liters (3 owc)<br />

per lot: $900-1,200<br />

Alion 1998<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

Bottle signed by Ferran Adrià and Juli Soler<br />

Bottle-ageing has really now delivered a fruity,<br />

cherry-ish wine that is “ready-to-go”.<br />

Serena Sutcliffe, MW<br />

7496 3 d.mag - 3 liters (3 owc)<br />

per lot: $900-1,200<br />

Alion 2000<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

Lot 7492: #37 of 51 Lot 7493: #42 of 51<br />

The fi rst year vinifi ed in the new winery. 40% greenharvested<br />

as so much yield. Very meaty and full of<br />

fruit. Wonderful scent with lots of élan. So elegant<br />

and so much bilberry fruit. So smooth and so silky.<br />

A beautifully sleek, refi ned wine. Serena Sutcliffe,<br />

M.W.<br />

7497 1 imperial - 6 liter (owc)<br />

7498 1 imperial - 6 liter (owc)<br />

per lot: $700-1,000<br />

Alion 2002<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

Nicked label<br />

More di cult to make this year than at Pintia as Toro<br />

has “galets”, or fl at stones, which helped maturation.<br />

Crisp, fresh and exact and for “swigging” at a coolish<br />

temperature with paella! In 2009, a really good,<br />

classy mouthful. Serena Sutcliffe, MW<br />

7499 1 imperial - 6 liter (owc)<br />

per lot: $700-1,000<br />

LOTS 7500, 7509<br />

Alion 2003<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

Lovely touch of vanillin and cinnamon. Lovely spice<br />

and chocolate. So soft. Melts in the mouth. Ready<br />

to drink.<br />

Serena Sutcliffe, MW<br />

See illustration<br />

7500 1 imperial - 6 liter (owc)<br />

per lot: $700-1,000<br />

Alion<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

1993 (1 bt) Nicked and scu ed label<br />

1996 (4 bts) 2 slightly scu ed labels<br />

1996 (1 mag)<br />

1999 (3 bts)<br />

2002 (1 bt)<br />

7501 9 bts and 1 mag (cn, owc)<br />

per lot: $450-650<br />

Alion<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

1998 (1 d.mag - 3 liter) Bottle signed by Ferran Adrià<br />

and Juli Soler<br />

1999 (1 d.mag - 3 liter) Sign of seepage<br />

7502 2 d.mag - 3 liters (2 owc)<br />

per lot: $600-800<br />

Ribera del Duero, Nebro 2001 Finca Villacreces<br />

Ribera del Duero<br />

2 slightly scu ed labels<br />

7503 9 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $800-1,100<br />

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Mauro, Vendimia Seleccionada<br />

1996 (8 bts) 3 scu ed labels<br />

1999 (4 bts) 1 slightly scu ed label, 1 heavily nicked<br />

and scu ed label<br />

7504 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $450-600<br />

Mauro, Vendimia Seleccionada, Bodegas Mauro<br />

1998 (11 bts) 2 scu ed and stained labels<br />

1999 (3 bts)<br />

7505 14 bts (cn, owc)<br />

per lot: $550-750<br />

Gran Coronas Gran Reserva 1975 Miguel Torres<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Gran Coronas Gran Reserva 1976 Miguel Torres<br />

(1 bt)<br />

u. bn, nicked and soiled label<br />

Gran Coronas Gran Reserva 1983 Miguel Torres<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Soiled and torn label<br />

Gran Coronas Gran Reserva 1985 Miguel Torres<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Mas La Plana, Cabernet Sauvignon 1995<br />

Miguel Torres (4 bts)<br />

Mas La Plana, Cabernet Sauvignon 1998<br />

Miguel Torres (4 bts)<br />

1 slightly scu ed label<br />

Mas La Plana, Cabernet Sauvignon 1999<br />

Miguel Torres (3 bts)<br />

Mas La Plana, Cabernet Sauvignon 2001<br />

Miguel Torres (1 bt)<br />

Wrinkled label<br />

7506 16 bts (2 cn)<br />

per lot: $650-900<br />

La Rioja Alta Gran Reserva 1989 (5 bts)<br />

Pingus 1995 (1 bt)<br />

Slightly stained label<br />

Mauro, Vendimia Seleccionada 1995 (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

Flor de Pingus 1999 (2 bts)<br />

Slightly scu ed labels<br />

Mauro, Vendimia Seleccionada 2000 (3 bts)<br />

1 scu ed label<br />

7507 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $600-900<br />

Gran Vino Vermilion 1996<br />

Bodegas Vermilion (2 mags)<br />

Priorat, Tirant 1998 Rotllan Torra (1 mag)<br />

Reserva Especial 20 Aniversario 1998<br />

Can Rafols Dels Caus (1 mag)<br />

Las Gravas Jumilla Rouge 2000<br />

Bodega Julia Roche e Hijos (2 mags)<br />

7508 6 mags (3 cn)<br />

per lot: $300-450<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Valbuena No. 5’ 1995 (1 mag)<br />

L’Ermita 1998 (1 mag)<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Valbuena No. 5’ 2001 (2 mags)<br />

See illustration<br />

7509 4 mags (2 owc, cn)<br />

per lot: $600-900<br />

Perez Pascua Gran Reserva 1995 (8 bts)<br />

1 slightly stained label<br />

Pesus, Vina Sastre 2001 (2 bts)<br />

7510 10 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,400-1,900<br />

Enate Reserva Especial,<br />

Viñedos y Crianzas del Alto Aragón<br />

1995 (1 bt) Scu ed and stained label<br />

1998 (6 bts) 1 nicked and scu ed label<br />

2001 (5 bts) Slightly scu ed labels<br />

7511 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $200-350<br />

Dominio de Valdepusa Emeritus 1998<br />

Marques de Griñon (2 bts)<br />

Dominio de Valdepusa Emeritus 2000<br />

Marques de Griñon (6 bts)<br />

Rioja Seleccion Especial 2001 Marques de Haro<br />

(4 bts)<br />

7512 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $450-600<br />

Matallana 2000 Telmo Rodriguez (6 bts)<br />

(owc)<br />

Matallana 2000 Telmo Rodriguez (2 bts)<br />

1 nicked and 1 slightly scu ed label (cn)<br />

Barón de Chirel Rioja Reserva 2001<br />

Marques de Riscal (6 bts)<br />

Resalte Reserva 2001 Bodegas Resalte de Penafi el<br />

(4 bts)<br />

2 nicked and slightly scu ed labels<br />

7513 18 bts<br />

per lot: $500-700

Caus Lubis 1994 Can Rafols Dels Caus (1 bt)<br />

u. vts, scu ed, stained and soiled label<br />

Caus Lubis 1996 Can Rafols Dels Caus (1 bt)<br />

Caus Lubis 1997 Can Rafols Dels Caus (4 bts)<br />

Caus Lubis 1998 Can Rafols Dels Caus (1 bt)<br />

Finca Terrerazo 2000 Bodega Mustiguillo (4 bts)<br />

Finca Terrerazo 2002 Bodega Mustiguillo (1 bt)<br />

7514 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $350-500<br />

Perez Pascua Gran Reserva 1996<br />

Hermanos Perez Pasquas (2 bts)<br />

Alenza 1996 Condado de Haza (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed and faded label<br />

Regina Vides 1998 Bodegas Hermanos Sastre (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

Perez Pascua Gran Reserva 1999<br />

Hermanos Perez Pasquas (5 bts)<br />

Aalto 1999 Bodegas Aalto (1 bt)<br />

Slightly scu ed label<br />

Ribera del Duero, Llanos del Almendro 2002<br />

Dominio de Atauta (2 bts)<br />

7515 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,200-1,700<br />

Rioja Pagos Viejos 1996 Artadi (2 bts)<br />

Scu ed and soiled labels, 1 torn label<br />

Rioja Pagos Viejos 1998 Artadi (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed and nicked label<br />

Terreus Pago de Cueva Baja 1999 Bodegas Mauro<br />

(3 bts)<br />

Leda Vinas Viejas 2001 Bodegas Leda (5 bts)<br />

2 scu ed and 1 nicked labels<br />

Leda Vinas Viejas 2002 Bodegas Leda (1 bt)<br />

Soiled and nicked label<br />

7516 12 bts<br />

per lot: $600-850<br />

2 Vinedos 1995 Bodegas Palacios Remondo (2 bts)<br />

1 scu ed and nicked label<br />

La Vicalanda 1995 Bodegas Bilbainas (1 bt)<br />

1 slightly scu ed label<br />

Dalmau Tinto Reserva 1998 Marques de Murrieta<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Rioja Torre Muga 1998 Bodegas Muga (1 bt)<br />

Dalmau Rioja 1999 Marques de Murrieta (3 bts)<br />

Altos de Lanzaga Rioja 2002 Telmo Rodriguez<br />

(1 bt)<br />

San Vicente Rioja 2003 San Vicente (1 bt)<br />

Nicked label<br />

7517 10 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $350-500<br />

Vina Pedro Gran Reserva 1991<br />

Hermanos Perez Pasquas (2 mags)<br />

Slightly scu ed labels<br />

X Festival Castell de Perelada Reserva Especial<br />

1992 Castillo Perelada (1 mag)<br />

Torn, partially missing, stained label, vintage obscured,<br />

cellar records indicate 1992<br />

Vina Pedrosa 2000 Reserva 1995<br />

Hermanos Perez Pasquas (1 mag)<br />

Mas La Plana, Cabernet Sauvignon 1999<br />

Miguel Torres (1 mag)<br />

Scu ed and soiled label<br />

Roda 1, Rioja Reserva 2004 Roda (1 mag)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

7518 6 mags (cn)<br />

per lot: $450-650<br />

Rioja, La Cueva del Contador 1998<br />

Benjamin Romeo (1 bt)<br />

Nicked and slightly soiled label<br />

Rioja, Pago del Calvario 1999 Finca Allende (2 bts)<br />

1 nicked and scu ed label<br />

Rioja Culmen Reserva 2001 Bodegas LAN (3 bts)<br />

Rioja, Pago del Calvario 2001 Finca Allende (1 bt)<br />

Slightly scu ed label<br />

Rioja, Pago del Calvario 2002 Finca Allende<br />

(4 bts)<br />

1 scu ed and wrinkled label<br />

Rioja Two Hundred Monges Reserva 2004<br />

Bodegas Vinicola Real (1 bt)<br />

7519 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $400-550<br />

Clos Erasmus 1999 (2 bts)<br />

Slightly soiled labels<br />

Clos Figueres 2000 (6 bts)<br />

Clos Figueres 2000 (2 bts)<br />

1 scu ed label<br />

Clos de l’Obac 2002 (3 bts)<br />

Bin scu ed labels, 1 pen marked label<br />

Clos Figueres 2004 (5 bts)<br />

1 torn and scu ed label<br />

7520 18 bts (owc, cn)<br />

per lot: $600-850<br />

Finca Dofi 1994 Alvaro Palacios (2 mags)<br />

1 scu ed and soiled label<br />

Pesquera, Reserva 1996 (1 mag)<br />

Slight sign of seepage<br />

Finca Dofi 2005 Alvaro Palacios (1 mag)<br />

Slightly soiled label<br />

7521 4 mags (cn)<br />

per lot: $500-750<br />

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Hacienda Monasterio, Reserva Especial 1994<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Heavily wine stained label<br />

Pesquera Janus 1995 (6 bts)<br />

Pesquera Gran Reserva 1995 (1 bt)<br />

u. bn<br />

Finca Villacreces 1999 Hermanos Cuadrado-Garcia<br />

(2 bts)<br />

Ribeira Sacra 2005 Dominio do Bibei (2 bts)<br />

Wrinkled labels<br />

7522 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $850-1,100<br />

Gran Claustro 1996 Castillo Perelada (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

Regina Vides 1999 Bodegas Hermanos Sastre (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

Sot Lefriec 1999 Alemany i Corrio (1 bt)<br />

Bierzo, Villa de Corullon 2000<br />

Descendientes de J. Palacios (2 bts)<br />

Scu ed and stained labels<br />

Carod 2002 Bodegas Hermanos Sastre (2 bts)<br />

1 slightly stained label, 1 nicked, stained and wrinkled<br />

label<br />

Gneis 2003 Masia Serra (2 bts)<br />

Pago de Larrainzar 2004 Bodegas Pago Larrainzar<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Nicked and slightly su ed label<br />

Trasnocho 2005 Ganuza (2 bts)<br />

7523 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $400-600<br />

Rioja Cirsion, Roda<br />

Rioja<br />

1999 (4 bts) Slightly soiled labels, bin scu ed labels<br />

2001 (3 bts) 1 bin scu ed label<br />

2005 (5 bts)<br />

7524 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,600-2,250<br />

Rioja Vina Bosconia 1981 R. Lopez de Heredia<br />

(3 bts)<br />

1 nicked label<br />

Rioja Alavesa Gloria de Ostatu 2001 (3 bts)<br />

Stained and scu ed labels, 1 torn label<br />

Rioja Remelluri Collection Jaime Rodriguez 2001<br />

(4 bts)<br />

Rioja Herventia 2005 El Robredal (2 bts)<br />

1 scu ed and 1 stained label<br />

7525 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $550-750<br />

Clos de l’Obac 1989 Pastrana & Jarque (1 bt)<br />

Gran Clos de JM Fuentes 1996 (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

Gran Clos de JM Fuentes 1997 (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

Gran Clos de JM Fuentes 1998 (3 bts)<br />

Scu ed labels<br />

Ribera del Duero, Llanos del Almendro 2002<br />

Dominio de Atauta (1 bt)<br />

Clos de l’Obac 2002 Pastrana & Jarque (1 bt)<br />

Scala Dei Cartoixa 2005 (4 bts)<br />

7526 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $300-450<br />

Contino Graciano Rioja 1999 Contino (3 bts)<br />

Scu ed labels<br />

Rioja Contador 2000 Benjamin Romeo (3 bts)<br />

2 heavily wine stained labels<br />

Rioja Contador 2005 Benjamin Romeo (6 bts)<br />

1 slightly scu ed and wrinkled label<br />

7527 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $600-800<br />

Clos Erasmus 2002 (3 bts)<br />

Clos Mogador 2002 (2 bts)<br />

Clos Mogador 2003 (3 bts)<br />

1 slightly scu ed label<br />

Clos Mogador 2005 (4 bts)<br />

7528 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,000-1,300<br />

Val Sotillo Gran Reserva 1995<br />

Bodegas Ismael Arroyo (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed and soiled label<br />

Gran Clos de JM Fuentes 2001 Cellers Fuentes<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Trio Infernal 2003 Combier-Fischer-Gerin (2 bts)<br />

Scu ed and soiled labels<br />

Son Negre 2004 An Negra (1 bt)<br />

Les Paradetes 2006 Celler Escoda (3 bts)<br />

Wrinkled and slightly soiled labels<br />

Fito 2006 Mas Romeu (3 bts)<br />

2 slightly scu ed labels<br />

Arnau Oller Seleccio de la Familia 2006 (1 bt)<br />

7529 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $350-500

Marius 2005 Vignobles Sous le Vent (4 bts)<br />

Scu ed labels<br />

A Trabe, Quinta da Muradella 2005<br />

Bodega J.L. Mateo Garcia (2 bts)<br />

Bastardo, Quinta da Muradella 2005<br />

Bodega J.L. Mateo Garcia (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

Bastardo, Quinta da Muradella 2006<br />

Bodega J.L. Mateo Garcia (4 bts)<br />

Gorvia, Quinta da Muradella 2006<br />

Bodega J.L. Mateo Garcia (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

7530 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $450-650<br />

Blecua 1998 Vitivinicola Aragonesa (4 bts)<br />

Blecua 2000 Vitivinicola Aragonesa (1 bt)<br />

Terreus Pago de Cueva Baja 2001 Bodegas Mauro<br />

(2 bts)<br />

1 slightly scu ed label<br />

Clos d’Agon Negre 2001 Mas Gil (2 bts)<br />

Slightly scu ed labels<br />

Auditori V.V. Magiques de Garnatxa 2007<br />

Acustic Celler (1 bt)<br />

El Pecado NV Bodegas Raúl Pérez (2 bts)<br />

1 slightly scu ed label, 1 wrinkled label<br />

7531 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $500-700<br />

Aro 2001 Bodegas Muga (6 bts)<br />

Amancio Rioja 2001 Sierra Cantabria (1 bt)<br />

Amancio Rioja 2002 Sierra Cantabria (1 bt)<br />

Rioja La Nieta 2004 Vinedos de Paganos (2 bts)<br />

Rioja La Nieta 2006 Vinedos de Paganos (4 bts)<br />

Rioja La Nieta 2007 Vinedos de Paganos (2 bts)<br />

1 slightly scu ed label<br />

7532 16 bts (owc, cn)<br />

per lot: $1,400-1,900<br />

Moncerball 2005 Descendientes de J. Palacios<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Las Lamas 2007 Descendientes de J. Palacios<br />

(5 bts)<br />

1 slightly scu ed label<br />

Las Lamas 2007 Descendientes de J. Palacios<br />

(2 mags)<br />

7533 6 bts and 2 mags (cn)<br />

per lot: $550-800<br />

Vina Pedro Gran Reserva 1995 Hermanos Perez<br />

Pasquas (5 bts)<br />

Slightly scu ed and bin soiled labels<br />

Viña Sastre 1998 Pago de Santa Cruz (1 bt)<br />

Soiled, scu ed and torn label<br />

Pagos de los Capellanes el Picon 1999 (1 bt)<br />

Reserva<br />

Finca Garbet 2000 Castillo Perelada (1 bt)<br />

Finca Garbet 2001 Castillo Perelada (1 bt)<br />

Vina San Román 2003 Bodegas Y Viñedos<br />

Maurodos (1 bt)<br />

Cirsion 2005 Roda (1 bt)<br />

La Lluna La Pruna 2008 Alemany I Corrio (1 bt)<br />

7534 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $700-950<br />

Doix Costers de Velles Vinyes 2001 Mas Doix<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Scu ed and slightly soiled label<br />

Priorat, Vall Llach 2004 (2 bts)<br />

Clos Manyetes 2004 (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed and nicked label<br />

Ferrer Bobet Selecció Especial 2006 (1 bt)<br />

Arbosar 2007 Terroir Al Limit Soc. Lda. (1 bt)<br />

Torroja Del Priorat 2008 Terroir Al Limit Soc. Lda.<br />

(6 bts)<br />

1 scu ed label<br />

7535 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $450-650<br />

Doix Costers de Velles Vinyes 2002 Mas Doix<br />

(4 bts)<br />

Slightly scu ed labels<br />

Priorat, Clos Martinet 2002 (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed and soiled label<br />

Perinet Plus 2004 Mas Perinet (2 bts)<br />

Planetes de Nin 2008 Nin-Ortiz (4 bts)<br />

Slightly scu ed and pen marked labels<br />

Nit de Nin 2008 Nin-Ortiz (1 bt)<br />

7536 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $400-600<br />

Termanthia, Numanthia 2004 (1 bt)<br />

El Nido 2005 Bodegas El Nido (2 bts)<br />

Slightly scu ed labels<br />

El Nido 2006 Bodegas El Nido (3 bts)<br />

Slightly scu ed labels<br />

Alabaster 2007 Bodegas Teso la Monja (2 bts)<br />

Alabaster 2008 Bodegas Teso la Monja (2 bts)<br />

7537 10 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $950-1,300<br />

219<br />

elBullicellar • NEW YORK

LOT 7540<br />

Spain White<br />

Rioja Blanco Vina Tondonia 1973<br />

R. Lopez de Heredia (1 bt)<br />

u. vts, torn and soiled label<br />

Rioja Blanco Vina Tondonia 1981<br />

R. Lopez de Heredia (1 bt)<br />

u. bn, slightly scu ed label<br />

Torres Milmanda 1988 (1 bt)<br />

u. 3cm<br />

Torres Milmanda 1996 (1 bt)<br />

Rioja Blanco 1999 Remelluri (1 bt)<br />

Nicked and slightly soiled label<br />

Torres Milmanda 1999 (1 bt)<br />

Stained label<br />

Torres Milmanda 2001 (3 bts)<br />

1 nicked label<br />

Rioja Blanco 2001 Remelluri (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed and soiled label<br />

Xarel Lo Pairal 2001 Can Rafols Dels Caus (1 bt)<br />

Scu ed and stained label<br />

Rioja Blanco 2002 Remelluri (1 bt)<br />

Nicked and scu ed label<br />

7538- 12 bts (cn)<br />

per lot: $450-600<br />

Belondrade y Lurton Rueda Blanc 1999<br />

Belondrade y Lurton (11 bts)<br />

Molino Real Malaga Blanc 2006 Telmo Rodriguez<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

Molino Real Malaga Blanc 2008 Telmo Rodriguez<br />

(9 bts)<br />

2 slightly scu ed labels, 2 heavily soiled labels, 2 soiled<br />

labels<br />

7539 21 bts (2 cn)<br />

per lot: $350-550<br />

Sherry<br />

Pedro Ximenez Solera 1830 Alvear<br />

See illustration<br />

7540 4 bts (owc)<br />

per lot: $600-800<br />


Vi de Panses 2005 Joaquim Alberti (2 hlf.liters)<br />

Estela Vi Dolc Natural NV Mas Estela (4 hlf.liters)<br />

Ino Vi Dolc Natural NV Masia Serra (4 hlf.liters)<br />

7541 10 hlf.liters (cn)<br />

per lot: $250-400<br />

Veigadares Rias Baixas Blanc 1999<br />

Adegas Galegas<br />

(1 bt)<br />

Dolc de l’Obac, Sweet Red Wine 2000<br />

Pastrana & Jarque (3 hlf.liters)<br />

2 stained labels<br />

Vi Dolc Natural 2003 Barbara Fores (4 hlf.liters)<br />

Perafi ta 2006 Martin Faixo (1 hlf.liter)<br />

Vi Dolc Natural 2007 Barbara Fores (1 hlf.liter)<br />

Scu ed label<br />

Caligo NV DG Viticultors (2 hbs)<br />

7542 2 hbs, 9 hlf.liters and 1 bt<br />

per lot: $350-500<br />

Giulio Ferarri Riserva del Fondatore 1994 (1 bt)<br />

Ca’ Del Bosco Cuvée Annamaria Clementi 1997<br />

(3 bts)<br />

Agusti Torello Mata Gran Reserva Cava 2005<br />

(3 mags)<br />

Slightly scu ed labels<br />

7543 4 bts and 3 mags<br />

per lot: $200-250<br />

Gran Caus 1990 Can Rafols Dels Caus (1 mag)<br />

u. bn, scu ed label<br />

Pesus, Vina Sastre 1999 (4 bts)<br />

Pesus, Vina Sastre 2001 (1 bt)<br />

Montelig 2002 Von Siebenthal (3 bts)<br />

Benegas Lynch Upper Mendoza Riverbank,<br />

Libertad Vineyard 2002 Bodega Benegas (3 bts)<br />

7544 11 bts and 1 mag (cn)<br />

per lot: $1,100-1,500<br />

221<br />

elBullicellar • NEW YORK

222 elBullifoundation

LOT 7546<br />

7545<br />

7546<br />

LOT 7545<br />


Used by Ferran Adrià during elBulli’s last year.<br />

Bragard white cotton chef’s jacket. Signed “Ferran Adrià 2011”. Double breasted<br />

design with 12 buttons and long sleeves. Worn by Ferran Adrià. “B” embroidered<br />

on inside of left cuff. Stained but good general condition. Size US 44, F56, D 54.<br />

Embroidered “Lavazza” on left breast.<br />

per lot: $1,000 +<br />

Bragard white cotton chef’s jacket. Signed “Ferran Adrià 2011”. Double breasted<br />

design with 12 buttons and long sleeves. Worn by Ferran Adrià. “B” embroidered<br />

on inside of left cuff. Good general condition. Size US 39, F50, D 48.<br />

per lot: $1,000 +<br />

LOT 7546<br />

223<br />

elBullicellar • NEW YORK

224 elBullifoundation<br />

LOTS 7547-7460<br />

7547 1 set<br />

7548 1 set<br />

7549 1 set<br />

7550 1 set<br />

7551 1 set<br />

7552 1 set<br />

7553 1 set<br />

7554 1 set<br />

7555 1 set<br />

7556 1 set<br />

7557 1 set<br />

7558 1 set<br />

7559 1 set<br />

7560 1 set<br />

Wine Lists, Menus, and Other Graphic Material<br />

The only compendiums of their kind, these sets of<br />

elBulli graphic materials provide a unique glimpse into<br />

the evolution of the famed restaurant.<br />

Minor wear on the edges otherwise good general<br />

condition.<br />

Every set includes:<br />

A wine list<br />

Hand-painted cardboard menu cover<br />

Collection of menu covers from elBulli’s history<br />

Letterhead<br />

Collection of menus from elBulli’s history<br />

Commemorative plate of elBulli’s last meal service<br />

Additional graphic materials<br />

per lot: $250 +

7561 1 set<br />

7562 1 set<br />

7563 1 set<br />

elBulli Books (Spanish)<br />

Four sets of books:<br />

1) 1983-1993<br />

The first volume of the catalogue includes elBulli’s<br />

early years and the arrival of Juli Soler, Ferran Adrià<br />

and Albert Adrià.<br />

2) 1994-1997<br />

The second volume traces a change in direction<br />

for the future. This was the period of the birth or<br />

re-affirmation of the technique: concept search,<br />

deconstruction, symbiosis of the sweet/savoury worlds<br />

and other characteristics.<br />

3) 1998-2002<br />

The third volume marks the confirmation of a cooking<br />

style which improved through the organization of the<br />

creative process. The menu de degustation, which is<br />

elBulli’s trademark, took on its categorical structure.<br />

4) 2003/2004<br />

The fourth volume is marked by the desire to reinvent<br />

el Bulli’s style. elBullitaller was fully operational and<br />

the organizational system was developed for their<br />

requirements. This led to an increasingly intensified<br />

evolution.<br />

Each set contains photographs of cocktails, tapas,<br />

dishes, pre-desserts, and desserts.<br />

per lot: $500 +<br />

elBulli Books (Spanish + English)<br />

Four sets of books:<br />

LOTS 7561-7568<br />

1) 1983-1993 (Spanish)<br />

The first volume of the catalogue includes elBulli’s<br />

early years and the arrival of Juli Soler, Ferran Adrià<br />

and Albert Adrià.<br />

2) 1994-1997 (English)<br />

The second volume traces a change in direction<br />

for the future. This was the period of the birth or<br />

re-affirmation of the technique: concept search,<br />

deconstruction, symbiosis of the sweet/savoury worlds<br />

and other characteristics.<br />

3) 1998-2002 (English)<br />

The third volume marks the confirmation of a cooking<br />

style which improved through the organization of the<br />

creative process. The menu de degustation, which is<br />

elBulli’s trademark, took on its categorical structure.<br />

4) 2003/2004 (English)<br />

The fourth volume is marked by the desire to reinvent<br />

el Bulli’s style. elBullitaller was fully operational and<br />

the organizational system was developed for their<br />

requirements. This led to an increasingly intensified<br />

evolution.<br />

Each set contains photographs of cocktails, tapas,<br />

dishes, pre-desserts, and desserts.<br />

7564 1 set<br />

7565 1 set<br />

7566 1 set<br />

7567 1 set<br />

7568 1 set<br />

per lot: $500 +<br />

225<br />

elBullicellar • NEW YORK

LOTS 7569-7576<br />

LOT 7577<br />

226 elBullifoundation<br />

7569 1 set<br />

7570 1 set<br />

7571 1 set<br />

7572 1 set<br />

7573 1 set<br />

7574 1 set<br />

7575 1 set<br />

7576 1 set<br />

Lot 7577<br />

elBulli Cutlery Collection<br />

One of elBulli’s greatest contributions to the world of<br />

gastronomy was their creation of culinary implements<br />

designed to complement the way we eat. In 1996, for<br />

example, the restaurant stopped using spoons made<br />

in China and conceptualized and developed their own<br />

designs that revolutionized the way food is served. This<br />

collection consists of all the implements developed<br />

exclusively for elBulli.<br />

Some pieces show wear and/or signs of use.<br />

Each set contains 27 items. One each of the following:<br />

Tasting Spoon for Soup (9 ½ in, 24cm)<br />

Silver Dessert Tasting Spoon (6 ¼ in, 16cm)<br />

Tasting Spoon with Clip (7 ½ in, 19cm)<br />

Dragon Spatula (4 ¾ in, 12cm)<br />

Spatula (5 ½ in, 14cm)<br />

Butter Spatula (4 ¼ in, 11cm)<br />

Wave Spoon (5in, 13cm)<br />

Extra Large Syrup Spoon (3 ¼ in, 8 ½ cm)<br />

Small Syrup Spoon (2 ½ in, 6 ½ cm<br />

Japanese Chopsticks (6in, 15cm)<br />

Cocktail Brochette (4 ¼ in, 11cm)<br />

Baroque Brochette (8 ½ in, 22cm)<br />

Pate Spoon (6in, 15cm)<br />

Ice Cream Spoon (3 ½ in, 9cm)<br />

Silver Coffee Spoon (4in, 10 ½ cm)<br />

Pipette (6in, 15cm)<br />

Frankie Tapas Fork (7 in, 18cm)<br />

Frankie Tapas Spoon (7in, 18cm)<br />

Chopsticks Tongs (8 ¾ in, 22 ½ cm)<br />

Fork Tongs (5 ½ in, 14cm)<br />

elBulli Paste Tube (4 ¾ in, 12cm)<br />

elBulli Imitation Caviar Canister (2 ¼ in, 6cm)<br />

Extra Large Straining Spoon (8 ¼ in, 21cm)<br />

Small Silver Straining Spoon (7in, 18cm)<br />

Finger Bowl and Slate Base (4in, 3 ¼ x 3 ¼ in; 10cm,<br />

8 x 8cm)<br />

Meringue Box (4 ¾ x 4in, 12 x 10cm)<br />

Butter Dish (2 ¼ x 2 ¼ x 2 ¼ in, 6 x 6 x 6cm)<br />

per lot: $2,000 +<br />

elBulli Laguiole Knife Collection<br />

Set of 10 Laguiole knives engraved with “El Bulli”<br />

on one side. Horn handle with brass accents and<br />

traditional “bee” emblem. Stainless steel blade.<br />

Signs of normal use but good overall condition. The<br />

only custom-engraved knives ever designed for the<br />

restaurant.<br />

per lot: $1,000 +

7578 1 set<br />

7579 1 set<br />

7580 1 set<br />

elBulli Glass Dishes<br />

A unique collection of handmade artisanal plates that<br />

became prototypes in the world of gastronomy.<br />

Each set contains 27 items. One each of the following:<br />

Muna XI Plate (Diameter: 11.4in, 29cm)<br />

Muna S Plate (Diameter: 8.7in, 22cm)<br />

Baroque, Silver Bowl (8 x 10 ¼ in, 20 x 26cm)<br />

Baroque Bowl (8 x 10 ¼ in, 20 x 26cm)<br />

Whale’s Eye Plate (11 ¾ x 8in, 30 x 20cm)<br />

Black and Gold Bowl (Diameter: 7in, 18cm)<br />

Double Ash Plate (Diameter: 7in, 18cm)<br />

White and Gold Bowl (Diameter: 7 ½ in, 19cm)<br />

Spiral Plate (Diameter: 7in, 18cm)<br />

Blue Tray (9 ½ x 5 ½ in, 24 x 14cm)<br />

Smooth White Bowl (Diameter: 6 ¾ in, 17cm)<br />

Pair of Gold Petal Bowls<br />

Gold Bowl (Diameter: 4 x 2in, 10 x 5cm)<br />

Flat Black Tray (8 x 4in, 20 x 10cm)<br />

Shallow Gold Bowl (Diameter: 5 ½ in, 14cm)<br />

Base with Two Colors (4 x 4in, 10 x 10cm)<br />

Base with Two Circles (4 x 8in, 10 x 20cm)<br />

Base with Circles (4 x 4in, 10 x 10cm)<br />

Extra Large Spiraled Bowl (Diameter: 10in, 25cm)<br />

Large Baroque Plate (6 ¾ x 8 ¾ in, 17 x 22cm)<br />

Small Baroque Plate (6 ¾ x 5in, 17 x 13cm)<br />

Small Spiraled Plate in Relief (Diameter: 7 ½ in, 19cm)<br />

Large Spiraled Plate in Relief (Diameter: 9 ½ in, 24cm)<br />

Air Bowl (8 in, 20cm)<br />

Small White Sheet Plate (7 ½ x 5in, 19 x 13cm)<br />

Large White Sheet Plate (12 x 8in, 30 x 20cm)<br />

Smooth White Plate (Diameter: 6 ¾ in, 17cm)<br />

LOTS 7578-7580 LOTS 7581-7589<br />

per lot: $1,000 +<br />

7581 1 set<br />

7582 1 set<br />

7583 1 set<br />

7584 1 set<br />

7585 1 set<br />

7586 1 set<br />

7587 1 set<br />

7588 1 set<br />

7589 1 set<br />

Mesh Trays<br />

In 2007, Luki Huber developed a new line of<br />

servingware that was made entirely from metallic mesh.<br />

After experimenting with different thicknesses of metal<br />

and densities of mesh, various trays were envisioned in<br />

different forms, textures and sizes, and were handmade<br />

by Luki and his team according to specific instructions<br />

by Ferran Adrià.<br />

Some items partially torn, showing wear and/or<br />

discoloration<br />

Each set contains 11 trays. One each of the following:<br />

Cylindrical Mesh Tray<br />

Mesh Tablecloth Tray<br />

Mesh Spoon Tray<br />

Mesh Bowl Tray<br />

Large Cylindrical Mesh Tray<br />

Small Cylindrical Mesh Tray<br />

Large Mesh Serving Tray<br />

Rimmed Mesh Tray<br />

Pleated Mesh Tray<br />

Mesh Tray with Two Indentations<br />

Small Mesh Serving Tray<br />

per lot: $150 +<br />

227<br />

elBullicellar • NEW YORK

LOTS 7590-7594<br />

LOTS 7595-7599<br />

228 elBullifoundation<br />


7590 1 set<br />

7591 1 set<br />

7592 1 set<br />

7593 1 set<br />

7594 1 set<br />

7595 1 set<br />

7596 1 set<br />

7597 1 set<br />

7598 1 set<br />

7599 1 set<br />

Corrugated Trays<br />

These corrugated trays are conceptual pieces created<br />

with a focus on design, form, and presentation. They<br />

are the original trays used in 2005 and 2006 at elBulli<br />

and became prototypes for commercial versions later<br />

produced by the FACES project.<br />

Trays show scratches and signs of wear.<br />

Each set contains 12 trays. One each of:<br />

Flattened Tray (4 ¾ x 5 ¼ in, 12 x 13 ½ cm)<br />

Tray with Four Indentations (12 ½ x 4in, 32 x 10 ½ cm)<br />

Large Corrugated Tray (9 ½ x 4 ¼ in, 24 x 11cm)<br />

Lateral Tray (8 x 4in, 20 ½ x 10cm)<br />

Tray with Two Indentations (8 ¼ x 4in, 21 x 10cm)<br />

Half-elevated Tray (8 ¾ x 4 ¼ in, 22 x 11cm)<br />

Tray with Deep Corrugations (5 x 4 ¾ in, 13 x 12cm)<br />

Tray with a Circular Center (5 x 4 ¾ in, 13 x 12cm)<br />

Long Corrugated Tray (14 ½ x 3 ½ in, 37 x 9cm)<br />

Jar Tray (8 ¾ x 8 ¾ in, 22 ½ x 22 ½ cm)<br />

Small Corrugated Tray (6 x 3 ½ in, 15 ½ x 9cm)<br />

Brochette Tray (12 ¾ x 4 ½ in, 32 ½ x 11 ½ cm)<br />

per lot: $250 +<br />

Spherical Olive Tableware Collection<br />

One of a kind tableware pieces fashioned to present<br />

and serve one of elBulli’s most emblematic creations,<br />

the spherical olive. The collection includes a jar, a small<br />

gold-plated tray and a spoon design inspired by syrup<br />

spoons.<br />

Some scratches on tray, jar and spoons. Items show signs<br />

of use.<br />

Each set contains one each of the following:<br />

Gold Jar Tray (9 x 9in, 22 ½ x 22 ½ cm)<br />

Jar used for elBulli’s Homemade Olives (4 x 4 x 4 ¼ in,<br />

10 x 10 x 11cm)<br />

Small Silver Straining Spoon (7in, 18cm)<br />

Pair of Small Silver Syrup Spoons (2 ½ in, 6 ½cm)<br />

per lot: $150 +

7600 1 set<br />

7601 1 set<br />

7602 1 set<br />

7603 1 set<br />

7604 1 set<br />

7605 1 set<br />

7606 1 set<br />

7607 1 set<br />

7608 1 set<br />

7609 1 set<br />

7610 1 set<br />

7611 1 set<br />

7612 1 set<br />

Dish and Cover<br />

elBulli serving set from the years leading up to and<br />

through 1997, the year elBulli received its third<br />

Michelin star.<br />

Dishes - Minor scratches and wear. Covers - Minor<br />

tarnishing, wear and dents.<br />

Each set contains one of the following<br />

Brass Dome Cover (9 ½ x 3in, 24 x 8cm)<br />

Rosenthal Service Plate (Diameter: 12 ¼ in, 31cm)<br />

per lot: $150 +<br />

Baroque Metal Trays<br />

Swiss designer Luki Huber began collaborating<br />

with elBulli’s creative team in 2002. In 2005, their<br />

collaboration led to a line of tableware that combined<br />

the classic with the modern and avant-garde. Designed<br />

by Huber and Adrià and produced without molds by<br />

Cunill Orfebres, a series of baroque trays were created<br />

that retained the excess metal emanated during the<br />

casting process.<br />

Some minor scratches and signs of wear. Otherwise<br />

good appearance.<br />

Each set contains one of the following:<br />

Extra Large Baroque Serving Tray (8 x 13 ½ in, 20 x<br />

34cm)<br />

Saint Diego Baroque Tray (6 ½ x 6in, 16 ½ x 15 ½ cm)<br />

Baroque Sun Tray (8 x 8in, 20 x 20cm)<br />

Sculpted and Hammered Tray (11 x 11in, 28 x 28cm)<br />

Large Louis XV Tray (8 x 8in, 20 x 20cm)<br />

Gold Oval Baroque Tray (6 ¼ x 8in, 16 x 20cm)<br />

Small Louis XV Tray (5 x 4 ¾ in, 13 x 12cm)<br />

per lot: $150 +<br />

LOTS 7600-7607<br />

LOTS 7608-7612<br />

229<br />

elBullicellar • NEW YORK

230 elBullifoundation<br />

7613 1 set<br />

7614 1 set<br />

7615 1 set<br />

7616 1 set<br />

7617 1 set<br />

7618 1 set<br />

7619 1 set<br />

Foam Siphon in Original Box, signed by Ferran<br />

Adrià<br />

The original, one of a kind box with Ferran Adrià’s<br />

image that contained the first commercial siphons sold<br />

in Spain in 1994. Contains Isi Profi Whip foam siphon<br />

and original box. Siphon and box signed by Ferran<br />

Adria<br />

Lot 7613: Includes 3 plastic nozzles, gas charger holder,<br />

and instruction booklet, “Espumas de Ferran Adrià”<br />

booklet, gas charger not included, siphon in excellent<br />

condition, box shows signs of wear<br />

Lot 7614: Includes 2 plastic nozzles, gas charge holder,<br />

instruction booklet, “Espumas de Ferran Adrià”<br />

booklet, gas charger not included, siphon in excellent<br />

condition, box shows signs of wear<br />

per lot: $50 +<br />

Chocolate Box<br />

Periodically, elBulli changed the ending to its meals,<br />

and in 2008, the restaurant introduced the Willy<br />

Wonka inspired chocolate box. The small box contains<br />

numerous drawers in which up to 16 different types of<br />

chocolate creations (e.g. mint leaves with chocolate,<br />

bonbons, and choco-air) could be presented like small<br />

jewels. By 2009, the box became the protagonist of<br />

their meals’ finale. After a nearly forty-course meal,<br />

the chocolate box provided a magical ending regularly<br />

greeted by diners with childlike enthusiasm. The<br />

chocolates became such an integral part of elBulli’s<br />

menu that during this time, the restaurant created<br />

more than 95,000 pieces. Eleven original boxes were<br />

created, ten of which will go up for auction and one<br />

that will remain in elBulli’s museum.<br />

Lots 7615 -7619: Good Condition. 1 top lid. 2 drawers<br />

Lot 7618: 1 loose wooden divider and 1 missing wooden<br />

divider in top drawer, 2 loose wooden dividers in bottom<br />

drawer<br />

Lot 7619: 1 loose wooden divider in top section<br />

per lot: $1,000 +<br />

LOTS 7613-7614<br />

7620 1 set<br />

7621 1 set<br />

7622 1 set<br />

7623 1 set<br />

7624 1 set<br />

Petit Fours Servingware<br />

In 1997, when the final touches were put on the menu<br />

structure at elBulli, their philosophy dictated that the<br />

final stage of each meal be reserved for the petit<br />

fours. When they realized that their presentation<br />

would need to be as sophisticated as the petit<br />

fours themselves, they engaged a group of young<br />

designers from Barcelona to develop an exquisite<br />

set of custom-made servingware. The product of<br />

this work was a group of implements inspired by the<br />

art of Origami, developed through the folding and<br />

cutting of thin, silver-plated sheets, each of which<br />

derived its personality from and paired indissolubly<br />

with the specific petit four for which they were<br />

conceived. These brilliantly conceived pieces marked<br />

the first of the restaurant’s many fruitful collaborations<br />

with the world of design.<br />

Each set contains one hardwood varnished board with<br />

8 silver plated Petit Fours presentation dishes and a<br />

presentation booklet.<br />

Some scratches and sign of normal wear.<br />

Each set contains one of the following:<br />

Hardwood varnished board<br />

Metal Cone<br />

Circle with Handle<br />

Tray<br />

Brochette Tray<br />

Mint Leaves<br />

Cones<br />

Lollipops<br />

Grooves<br />

Minor Absurdities Book<br />

per lot: $1,000 +


LOTS 7620-7624<br />

231<br />

elBullicellar • NEW YORK

232 elBullifoundation

LOT 7625<br />

D 7625<br />


Time table:<br />

18:00 - Meeting with Ferran at elBulliTaller<br />

Conversation around gastronomy at the Test Kitchen “Atelier” where Ferran<br />

and his team created elBulli techniques and philosophy.<br />

19:30 – Dinner at Tickets Restaurant<br />

Albert Adrià, who has been Director of elBulliTaller for 20 years has opened<br />

a new restaurant in Barcelona called Tickets la Vida Tapa. Tickets offers an<br />

extraordinary experience for tapas.<br />

To be arranged with the elBullifoundation at a mutually convenient date at least<br />

three months in advance.<br />


per lot: $5,000 +<br />

233<br />

elBullicellar • NEW YORK



1983<br />

Haut-Brion (7149)<br />

1985<br />

Cheval Blanc (7167)<br />

1986<br />

Haut-Brion (7161)<br />

Léoville Barton (7159)<br />

Léoville Lascases (7160), (7167)<br />

Pichon Longueville, Lalande (7167)<br />

1988<br />

Lafite (7150)<br />

1989<br />

Latour (7151)<br />

Magdelaine (7167)<br />

Mouton Rothschild (7161)<br />

1990<br />

Clinet (7165)<br />

Mouton Rothschild (7152)<br />

Pichon Longueville, Baron (7159),<br />

(7165)<br />

Siran (7165)<br />

Troplong Mondot (7159)<br />

1993<br />

Angélus (7159), (7168)<br />

Haut-Brion (7149)<br />

1994<br />

Cheval Blanc (7167)<br />

Haut-Brion (7149)<br />

Lafleur (7166)<br />

Le Tertre Rôteboeuf (7173)<br />

Margaux (7153), (7154), (7161)<br />

1995<br />

Eglise Clinet (7156)<br />

Cheval Blanc (7166)<br />

Domaine de Chevalier Rouge (7159),<br />

(7163)<br />

Fonroque (7159)<br />

Grand Puy Lacoste (7163)<br />

Haut-Brion (7149)<br />

Latour (7151), (7161)<br />

Siran (7173)<br />

234 elBullifoundation<br />

1996<br />

Ausone (7169)<br />

Belair (St. Emilion) (7169)<br />

Clos du Marquis (7169)<br />

Duhart Milon Rothschild (7169)<br />

Haut Bailly (7169)<br />

La Gomerie (7157), (7160)<br />

La Mondotte (7160), (7169)<br />

Léoville Lascases (7160)<br />

Les Forts de Latour (7160)<br />

Margaux (7153)<br />

Poujeaux (7169)<br />

Roc de Cambes (7164), (7169)<br />

1997<br />

Angélus (7158)<br />

Eglise Clinet (7156)<br />

l’Hermitage (7171)<br />

La Gomerie (7157), (7168), (7172)<br />

Latour (7151)<br />

Margaux (7153), (7154)<br />

Mouton Rothschild 7141-7142, (7152),<br />

(7161)<br />

Pétrus 7143<br />

Rol Valentin (7168)<br />

Valandraud (7165)<br />

1998<br />

Angélus (7158), (7165)<br />

Ausone (7165), (7170)<br />

Eglise Clinet 7145, (7156), (7166)<br />

Ducru Beaucaillou (7155)<br />

Latour (7160)<br />

Léoville Lascases (7165)<br />

Margaux 7144, (7170)<br />

Trotanoy (7165)<br />

Valandraud (7159)<br />

1999<br />

Ducru Beaucaillou (7155)<br />

Haut Bailly (7168)<br />

Latour 7146, (7151)<br />

Lynch Bages (7168)<br />

Pontet Canet (7163)<br />

Rausan Ségla (7168)<br />

Sociando Mallet (7172)<br />

2000<br />

Branaire Ducru (7159), (7163)<br />

Fugue de Nenin (7163)<br />

2001<br />

Cheval Blanc (7162)<br />

Haut-Brion (7162)<br />

La Fleur Pétrus (7172)<br />

Lafite (7150)<br />

Latour (7151)<br />

Le Puy (7171)<br />

Le Puy Barthélemy (7171)<br />

2002<br />

Angélus (7158)<br />

Brane Cantenac (7168)<br />

La Fleur Pétrus (7164)<br />

Lynch Bages (7168)<br />

Margaux (7154)<br />

Mouton Rothschild 7147<br />

Palmer (7164)<br />

2003<br />

Le Puy Barthélemy (7171), (7172)<br />

2004<br />

Latour à Pomerol (7164)<br />

2005<br />

Latour 7148<br />


1998<br />

Pavillon Blanc du Château Margaux<br />

(7173)<br />

2001<br />

Domaine de Chevalier Blanc (7173)<br />

Pape Clément, Blanc (7173)<br />

Smith Haut Lafitte Blanc (7173)<br />

2006<br />

Marie Cecile VDT Blanc, Chateau Le<br />

Puy (7314)<br />


1979<br />

Suduiraut (7339)<br />

1989<br />

Yquem 7174, (7182)<br />

1993<br />

Yquem 7175-7178, (7182)<br />

1994<br />

Yquem 7179-7180, (7182), (7183)<br />

1996<br />

Climens (7341)<br />

La Tour Blanche (7341)<br />

Lafaurie Peyraguey (7341)<br />

1997<br />

Coutet (7341)<br />

1998<br />

Tirecul La Gravière (7339)<br />

1999<br />

Yquem 7181<br />

Sigalas Rabaud (7341)<br />

2000<br />

Climens (7341)<br />

2001<br />

Yquem (7183)<br />

2006<br />

Doisy Daëne (7183)<br />


1981<br />

Pommard, Les Vignots, Maison<br />

Leroy (7019)<br />

1985<br />

Beaune, Sizies, Maison Leroy (7019)<br />

1986<br />

Ruchottes Chambertin, Maison<br />

Leroy (7019)<br />

1990<br />

Echézeaux, Domaine de la Romanée-<br />

Conti (7008)<br />

Pommard, Marquis d’Angerville<br />

(7077)<br />

Romanée St. Vivant, Domaine de la<br />

Romanée-Conti (7006)<br />

Volnay, Les Champans, Marquis<br />

d’Angerville (7024)<br />

1992<br />

Latricières Chambertin, Domaine<br />

Leroy (7019)<br />

1993<br />

Chassagne Montrachet, Rouge<br />

Vieilles Vignes, Domaine Amiot Guy<br />

et Fils (7137)<br />

1994<br />

Beaune, Grèves, Vigne de l’Enfant<br />

Jésus, Bouchard Père et Fils (7075)<br />

1995<br />

Beaune, Grèves, Vigne de l’Enfant<br />

Jésus, Bouchard Père et Fils (7075)

1996<br />

Beaune, Grèves, Vigne de l’Enfant<br />

Jésus, Bouchard Père et Fils (7075)<br />

Chassagne Montrachet, Rouge<br />

Vieilles Vignes, Bernard Morey<br />

(7078), (7137)<br />

La Tâche, Domaine de la Romanée-<br />

Conti (7007)<br />

Richebourg, Domaine de la<br />

Romanée-Conti (7008)<br />

Romanée St. Vivant, Domaine de la<br />

Romanée-Conti (7006)<br />

Saint Aubin 1er Cru, Castets, Hubert<br />

Lamy (7077)<br />

Santenay, Les Gravières, Vincent<br />

Girardin (7077)<br />

Volnay, Clos des Ducs, Marquis<br />

d’Angerville 7020-7021<br />

Volnay, Santenots du Milieu,<br />

Domaine des Comtes Lafon (7079)<br />

1997<br />

Chambertin, Domaine Leroy (7019)<br />

Clos Vougeot, Domaine Leroy 7015,<br />

(7018)<br />

Corton, Les Renardes, Domaine<br />

Leroy 7017<br />

Gevrey Chambertin, Aux Combottes,<br />

Domaine Leroy (7018)<br />

Richebourg, Domaine Leroy (7019)<br />

Romanée St. Vivant, Domaine de la<br />

Romanée-Conti (7006)<br />

Savigny lès Beaune, Narbantons,<br />

Domaine Leroy (7018)<br />

Volnay, Les Santenots, Domaine<br />

Leroy (7018)<br />

Vosne Romanée, Les Beaux Monts,<br />

Domaine Leroy 7016, (7019)<br />

1998<br />

Clos Vougeot, Denis Mortet (7080)<br />

Clos Vougeot, Domaine Leroy (7018)<br />

Clos Vougeot, J. J. Confuron (7075)<br />

Clos Vougeot, Méo-Camuzet (7082)<br />

Corton, Les Renardes, Domaine<br />

Leroy (7082)<br />

Echézeaux, Méo-Camuzet (7082)<br />

Nuits St. Georges, Les Porets St.<br />

Georges, Faiveley (7082)<br />

Nuits St. Georges, Les Vignerondes,<br />

Domaine Leroy (7018), (7082)<br />

Pommard, Les Jarolières, Nicolas<br />

Rossignol (7082)<br />

Volnay, Les Champans, Marquis<br />

d’Angerville (7024)<br />

Volnay, Santenots du Milieu,<br />

Domaine des Comtes Lafon (7079)<br />

Vosne Romanée, Aux Brûlées, Méo-<br />

Camuzet (7082)<br />

1999<br />

Clos Vougeot, Domaine Leroy (7019)<br />

Corton, Clos du Roi, Lucien Le<br />

Moine (7068)<br />

Gevrey Chambertin, Champeaux,<br />

Denis Mortet (7081)<br />

Gevrey Chambertin, Lavaux St.<br />

Jacques, Denis Mortet (7081)<br />

La Tâche, Domaine de la Romanée-<br />

Conti (7007)<br />

Saint Aubin 1er Cru, Castets, Hubert<br />

Lamy 7036<br />

Vosne Romanée, Premier Cru, Cuvée<br />

Duvault-Blochet, Domaine de la<br />

Romanée-Conti (7009)<br />

2000<br />

Corton, Hospices de Beaune, Cuvée<br />

du Docteur Peste, Maison Henri<br />

Boillot 7026<br />

Echézeaux, Domaine de la Romanée-<br />

Conti (7009)<br />

Gevrey Chambertin Combe du<br />

Dessus, Denis Mortet (7080)<br />

Gevrey Chambertin, En Derée Vieille<br />

Vigne, Denis Mortet (7080)<br />

Mazis Chambertin, Hospices de<br />

Beaune, Cuvée Madeleine Collignon,<br />

Maison Henri Boillot 7030<br />

2001<br />

Chambertin, Clos de Bèze, Lucien Le<br />

Moine (7069)<br />

Echézeaux, Domaine de la Romanée-<br />

Conti (7009)<br />

Romanée St. Vivant, Domaine de la<br />

Romanée-Conti (7006)<br />

2002<br />

Beaune, Hospices de Beaune, Cuvée<br />

Clos des Avaux (7070)<br />

Chambertin, Clos de Bèze, Lucien Le<br />

Moine (7069)<br />

Corton, Les Bressandes, Lucien Le<br />

Moine (7068)<br />

Echézeaux, Lucien Le Moine (7067)<br />

Pommard, Marquis d’Angerville<br />

(7025)<br />

Volnay, Clos des Ducs, Marquis<br />

d’Angerville (7023)<br />

2003<br />

Chambertin, Clos de Bèze, Lucien Le<br />

Moine (7069)<br />

Echézeaux, Lucien Le Moine (7067)<br />

2004<br />

Bonnes Mares, Lucien Le Moine<br />

(7041), (7069)<br />

Chambertin, Clos de Bèze, Lucien Le<br />

Moine 7038<br />

Chambolle Musigny, Les<br />

Amoureuses, Lucien Le Moine (7072)<br />

Clos de la Roche, Lucien Le Moine<br />

(7069)<br />

Echézeaux, Domaine de la Romanée-<br />

Conti 7001<br />

Echézeaux, Lucien Le Moine (7067)<br />

Grands Echézeaux, Domaine de la<br />

Romanée-Conti 7002<br />

Richebourg, Domaine de la<br />

Romanée-Conti 7004<br />

Richebourg, Lucien Le Moine 7046<br />

Romanée Conti, Domaine de la<br />

Romanée-Conti 7005<br />

Romanée St. Vivant, Domaine de la<br />

Romanée-Conti 7003<br />

Vosne Romanée, Les Suchots, Lucien<br />

Le Moine (7068), (7071)<br />

2005<br />

Bonnes Mares, Lucien Le Moine 7040<br />

Bourgogne, Rouge, Lucien Le Moine<br />

(7068)<br />

Chambolle Musigny, Les Charmes,<br />

Christian Clerget 7034, (7077)<br />

Chambolle Musigny, Les Haut Doix,<br />

Lucien Le Moine (7072)<br />

Charmes Chambertin, Philippe<br />

Charlopin-Parizot 7032<br />

Chassagne Montrachet Rouge La<br />

Cardeuse, Bernard Moreau (7077),<br />

(7083)<br />

Chassagne Montrachet, Morgeot,<br />

Rouge, Bernard Moreau 7074<br />

Clos Vougeot, Philippe Charlopin-<br />

Parizot (7083)<br />

Echézeaux, Christian Clerget 7035<br />

Gevrey Chambertin Au Closeau 1er<br />

Cru, Drouhin-Laroze (7076)<br />

Gevrey Chambertin, Les<br />

Cherbaudes, Louis Boillot 7031,<br />

(7084)<br />

Grands Echézeaux, Lucien Le Moine<br />

7044<br />

Mazis Chambertin, Lucien Le Moine<br />

7037<br />

Musigny, Drouhin-Laroze (7076)<br />

Nuits St. Georges, Les Pruliers, Louis<br />

Boillot (7084)<br />

Pommard, Les Epenots, Lucien Le<br />

Moine (7068)<br />

Volnay, Clos des Ducs, Marquis<br />

d’Angerville 7022, (7023), (7024)<br />

Volnay, En Chevrets, Maison Henri<br />

Boillot 7027, (7083)<br />

Volnay, Les Caillerets, Maison Henri<br />

Boillot 7029<br />

Volnay, Les Champans, Marquis<br />

d’Angerville (7025)<br />

Volnay, Les Frémiets, Maison Henri<br />

Boillot 7028<br />

Volnay, Les Santenots, Charles &<br />

Rémi Jobard (7078)<br />

Vosne Romanée, Philippe Charlopin-<br />

Parizot 7033<br />

2006<br />

Bonnes Mares, Lucien Le Moine<br />

(7041)<br />

Chambertin, Clos de Bèze, Lucien Le<br />

Moine 7039<br />

Chambolle Musigny, Les<br />

Amoureuses, Lucien Le Moine 7043<br />

Chambolle Musigny, Les Charmes,<br />

Lucien Le Moine (7071)<br />

Clos Saint Denis, Lucien Le Moine<br />

7042<br />

Mazis Chambertin, Lucien Le Moine<br />

(7068)<br />

Nuits St. Georges, Les Vaucrains,<br />

Lucien Le Moine (7073)<br />

Pommard, Les Epenots, Lucien Le<br />

Moine (7073)<br />

Vosne Romanée, Aux Malconsorts,<br />

Lucien Le Moine 7045<br />

2007<br />

Corton Clos du Roi, Hospices de<br />

Beaune, Cuvée Baronne du Bay,<br />

Lucien Le Moine 7047-7050, (7123)<br />

Pommard, Hospices de Beaune,<br />

Cuvée Dames de la Charité, Lucien<br />

Le Moine 7062-7066, (7123)<br />

2008<br />

Corton Clos du Roi, Hospices de<br />

Beaune, Cuvée Baronne du Bay,<br />

Lucien Le Moine 7051-7061, (7123)<br />


1987<br />

Montrachet, Domaine de la<br />

Romanée-Conti 7010<br />

1988<br />

Montrachet, Domaine de la<br />

Romanée-Conti 7011<br />

235<br />

elBullicellar • NEW YORK

1989<br />

Montrachet, Domaine de la<br />

Romanée-Conti 7012<br />

1990<br />

Montrachet, Domaine de la<br />

Romanée-Conti 7013<br />

1995<br />

Pouilly Fuissé Reyssie Reserve<br />

Particulière, Domaine Valette (7323)<br />

Pouilly-Fuissé Le Clos de Monsieur<br />

Noly, Domaine Valette (7323)<br />

1996<br />

Meursault, Charmes, Olivier Leflaive<br />

(7139)<br />

Pouilly-Fuissé Le Clos de Monsieur<br />

Noly, Domaine Valette (7323)<br />

1997<br />

Bâtard Montrachet, Vincent Girardin<br />

(7138)<br />

Criots Bâtard Montrachet, Hubert<br />

Lamy (7138)<br />

Meursault, Tête de Murger, P. Javillier<br />

7088<br />

Puligny Montrachet, Les Truffières,<br />

Bernard Morey (7130)<br />

1998<br />

Bâtard Montrachet, Brenot (7140)<br />

Chassagne Montrachet, Morgeots,<br />

Bernard Morey (7131)<br />

Corton Charlemagne, Maison Leroy<br />

7127<br />

Criots Bâtard Montrachet, Hubert<br />

Lamy (7093)<br />

Meursault, Charmes, Domaine des<br />

Comtes Lafon (7079)<br />

Meursault, Tête de Murger, P. Javillier<br />

7089<br />

Puligny Montrachet, Les Truffières,<br />

Bernard Morey (7130)<br />

1999<br />

Bâtard Montrachet, Brenot (7140)<br />

Chassagne Montrachet, Embrazées,<br />

Bernard Morey (7131), 7132-7133<br />

Chassagne Montrachet, Vide Bourse,<br />

Bernard Morey 7134-7136<br />

Montrachet, Domaine Amiot Guy et<br />

Fils 7085<br />

Puligny Montrachet, Les Truffières,<br />

Bernard Morey 7128-7129<br />

236 elBullifoundation<br />

2000<br />

Chablis, Vaudésir, Billaud-Simon<br />

(7140)<br />

Montrachet, Domaine des Comtes<br />

Lafon 7090<br />

Saint Aubin, Clos de la Chatenière,<br />

Hubert Lamy 7091<br />

2001<br />

Criots Bâtard Montrachet, Hubert<br />

Lamy (7093)<br />

Saint Aubin, Clos de la Chatenière,<br />

Hubert Lamy 7092<br />

2002<br />

Chablis, Preuses, Billaud-Simon 7086<br />

Chablis, Vaudésir, Billaud-Simon<br />

(7140)<br />

Corton Vergennes, Hospices de<br />

Beaune, Cuvée Paul Chanson 7097-<br />

7099, (7122)<br />

2003<br />

Corton Charlemagne, Lucien Le<br />

Moine 7094<br />

2004<br />

Bienvenues-Bâtard-Montrachet,<br />

Domaine Leflaive (7126)<br />

Corton Charlemagne, Lucien Le<br />

Moine (7096)<br />

Corton Vergennes, Hospices de<br />

Beaune, Cuvée Paul Chanson, Lucien<br />

Le Moine (7070), (7121), (7123),<br />

(7139)<br />

Montrachet, Domaine de la<br />

Romanée-Conti 7014<br />

Montrachet, Lucien Le Moine 7124<br />

Puligny Montrachet, Les Folatières,<br />

Domaine Leflaive (7126)<br />

2005<br />

Chablis, Blanchot, Billaud-Simon<br />

(7087), (7140)<br />

Chablis, Les Clos, Billaud-Simon<br />

(7140)<br />

Chablis, Preuses, Billaud-Simon<br />

(7087)<br />

Corton Charlemagne, Lucien Le<br />

Moine (7096)<br />

Corton Vergennes, Hospices de<br />

Beaune, Cuvée Paul Chanson, Lucien<br />

Le Moine 7100-7102<br />

Montrachet, Lucien Le Moine 7125<br />

St Aubin Derrière Chez Edouard,<br />

Hubert Lamy (7137)<br />

2006<br />

Bienvenues-Bâtard-Montrachet,<br />

Domaine Leflaive (7126)<br />

Chevalier Montrachet, Domaine<br />

Leflaive (7126)<br />

Corton Charlemagne, Lucien Le<br />

Moine 7095<br />

Corton Vergennes, Hospices de<br />

Beaune, Cuvée Paul Chanson, Lucien<br />

Le Moine 7103-7106, (7120)<br />

Puligny Montrachet, Domaine<br />

Leflaive (7126)<br />

Puligny Montrachet, Clavoillon,<br />

Domaine Leflaive (7126)<br />

Puligny Montrachet, Les Folatières,<br />

Domaine Leflaive (7126)<br />

2007<br />

Bourgogne Blanc, Antoine Jobard<br />

(7139)<br />

Corton Vergennes, Hospices de<br />

Beaune, Cuvée Paul Chanson, Lucien<br />

Le Moine 7107-7109, (7120), (7121)<br />

2008<br />

Bourgogne Blanc, Domaine Roulot<br />

(7139)<br />

Corton Vergennes, Hospices de<br />

Beaune, Cuvée Paul Chanson, Lucien<br />

Le Moine 7110-7119, (7122)<br />

2009<br />

Chablis Vaillons Les Minots, Patrick<br />

Piuze (7140)<br />

Chassagne Montrachet, Bernard<br />

Moreau (7139)<br />

Puligny Montrachet, Paul Pernot<br />

(7139), (7140)<br />

RHONE<br />

1983<br />

Château de Beaucastel Rouge (7195)<br />

1985<br />

Château de Beaucastel Rouge (7196)<br />

1986<br />

Château de Beaucastel Rouge (7196)<br />

1988<br />

Château de Beaucastel Rouge (7196),<br />

(7233)<br />

1989<br />

Château de Beaucastel Rouge (7195),<br />

(7196)<br />

1990<br />

Côte Rôtie, La Mordorée, Chapoutier<br />

(7227)<br />

1994<br />

Château de Beaucastel Rouge (7196)<br />

Château de Beaucastel, Hommage à<br />

Jacques Perrin (7198)<br />

1995<br />

Côte Rôtie, Clusel Roch (7229)<br />

Côte Rôtie, La Mordorée, Chapoutier<br />

(7227)<br />

1996<br />

Château de Beaucastel Rouge (7195)<br />

Chateau Puech-Haut Prestige Saint<br />

Drézéry (7306)<br />

1997<br />

Château de Beaucastel Rouge (7195)<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Château<br />

Rayas 7216<br />

Côte Rôtie, Les Grandes Places,<br />

Clusel Roch (7223)<br />

1998<br />

Château de Beaucastel Rouge 7188-<br />

7189<br />

Château de Fonsalette, Syrah (7225)<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Cuvée<br />

Speciale, Henri Bonneau (7227),<br />

(7233)<br />

Côte Rôtie, Les Grandes Places,<br />

Clusel Roch (7223)<br />

Domaine Gourt de Mautens Rasteau,<br />

Jerome Bressy (7084)<br />

Gigondas, Prestige des Hautes<br />

Garrigues, Domaine Santa Duc<br />

(7231), (7232)<br />

Vin de Pays Des Bouches du Rhone,<br />

Domaine de Trevallon (7224)

1999<br />

Château de Beaucastel Rouge 7190,<br />

(7195), (7196)<br />

Château de Beaucastel, Hommage à<br />

Jacques Perrin (7198)<br />

Château de Fonsalette, Syrah (7220)<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Château<br />

Rayas (7217)<br />

Cornas, Domaine Thierry Allemand<br />

(7232)<br />

Côte Rôtie Champin Le Seigneur,<br />

Gerin (7229)<br />

Côte Rôtie Champin Le Seigneur,<br />

Jean-Michel Guerin (7230)<br />

Côte Rôtie La Barbarine, Yves et<br />

Mathilde Gangloff (7230)<br />

Côte Rôtie, Château d’Ampuis,<br />

Guigal (7227)<br />

Côte Rôtie, Les Grandes Places,<br />

Gerin (7229)<br />

Crozes Hermitage, La Guiraude,<br />

Alain Graillot (7226), (7232)<br />

Saint Joseph Les Serines, Yves<br />

Cuilleron 7187, (7229)<br />

Saint Joseph, Caroline Cuvée, Louis<br />

Cheze 7186<br />

2000<br />

Château de Beaucastel Rouge 7191-<br />

7192, (7195), (7233)<br />

Château de Fonsalette, Syrah 7219,<br />

(7220), (7221), (7225)<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape Blanc Arcane,<br />

Domaine de Marcoux (7314)<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape Rouge,<br />

Réserve des Célestins, Henri<br />

Bonneau (7222)<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Château<br />

Rayas (7217)<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Rouge,<br />

Domaine Font de Michelle (7233)<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Rouge,<br />

Domaine de Marcoux (7227)<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Rouge, G.<br />

Charvin 7211-7212, (7226)<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Rouge, Henri<br />

Bonneau (7227)<br />

Côte Rôtie, Les Grandes Places,<br />

Clusel Roch (7223)<br />

Crozes Hermitage, Alain Graillot<br />

(7226), (7232)<br />

Vin de Pays Des Bouches du Rhone,<br />

Domaine de Trevallon (7224)<br />

2001<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape Rouge,<br />

Réserve des Célestins, Henri<br />

Bonneau (7222)<br />

Cornas, Vieilles Vignes, Tardieu-<br />

Laurent (7229)<br />

Côte Rôtie, La Landonne, Gerin<br />

(7229)<br />

Crozes Hermitage, Alain Graillot<br />

7184-7185, (7232)<br />

Hermitage Rouge, Jean-Louis Chave<br />

(7228)<br />

Hermitage Rouge, Tardieu-Laurent<br />

(7232)<br />

Sotanum, Les Vins de Vienne (7314)<br />

Vacqueyras Vieilles Vignes, Tardieu-<br />

Laurent (7231)<br />

2002<br />

Hermitage Rouge, Jean-Louis Chave<br />

(7228)<br />

2004<br />

Château de Beaucastel Rouge 7193-<br />

7194, (7196), (7233)<br />

Château de Beaucastel, Hommage à<br />

Jacques Perrin 7197<br />

Château de Fonsalette, Syrah (7221)<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Château<br />

Rayas (7217)<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Rouge, G.<br />

Charvin 7213-7215, (7225), (7227)<br />

NV<br />

Quintessence Vin de Table Francais,<br />

François Villard (7383)<br />


1990<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc (7201),<br />

(7208)<br />

1991<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc (7208)<br />

1993<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc (7201)<br />

1995<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc Vieilles<br />

Vignes (7208)<br />

1996<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc Vieilles<br />

Vignes (7206), (7209)<br />

Hermitage Blanc, Jean-Louis Chave<br />

(7227)<br />

1997<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc Vieilles<br />

Vignes (7206), (7207), (7209)<br />

Condrieu, Chéry (7315)<br />

1998<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc (7202),<br />

(7209)<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc Vieilles<br />

Vignes (7209)<br />

Saint Joseph, Les Granits Blanc,<br />

Chapoutier (7314)<br />

1999<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc (7210)<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc Vieilles<br />

Vignes (7207), (7210)<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Château<br />

Rayas, Blanc 7218<br />

Hermitage Blanc, Jean-Louis Chave<br />

(7228)<br />

2000<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc 7199,<br />

(7208)<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc Vieilles<br />

Vignes 7203, (7207), (7208)<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Château<br />

Rayas, Blanc (7234)<br />

2001<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc (7234),<br />

(7314)<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc Vieilles<br />

Vignes 7204<br />

Château Grillet, Neyret-Gachet<br />

(7084)<br />

Condrieu, Clusel Roch (7314)<br />

Hermitage Blanc, Jean-Louis Chave<br />

(7228)<br />

2004<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Château<br />

Rayas, Blanc (7234)<br />

2005<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc 7200,<br />

(7202)<br />

Château de Beaucastel Blanc Vieilles<br />

Vignes 7205, (7208)<br />

Coudoulet de Beaucastel Blanc<br />

(7208)<br />

2009<br />

Condrieu, Les Terrases de l’Empire,<br />

Georges Vernay (7314)<br />


1999<br />

Chinon Les Picasses, Catherine et<br />

Pierre Breton (7084)<br />

LOIRE<br />

1990<br />

Savennières, Coulée de Serrant, N.<br />

Joly (7323)<br />

1997<br />

Quarts de Chaume, Domaine de<br />

Baumard (7315)<br />

Savennières, Coulée de Serrant, N.<br />

Joly (7322), (7323)<br />

1999<br />

Bonnezeaux Coteau de Houet, Marc<br />

Angeli (7084)<br />

Savennières, Coulée de Serrant, N.<br />

Joly (7322)<br />

2000<br />

Blanc Fumé de Pouilly, Buisson<br />

Renard, Didier Dagueneau (7315)<br />

2001<br />

Blanc Fumé de Pouilly, Buisson<br />

Renard, Didier Dagueneau (7315)<br />

Blanc Fumé de Pouilly, Pur Sang,<br />

Didier Dagueneau (7321)<br />

Savennières, Coulée de Serrant, N.<br />

Joly (7322), (7323)<br />

2004<br />

Blanc Fumé de Pouilly, Pur Sang,<br />

Didier Dagueneau (7321)<br />

Blanc Fumé de Pouilly, Silex, Didier<br />

Dagueneau 7317, (7321)<br />

2005<br />

Blanc Fumé de Pouilly, Pur Sang,<br />

Didier Dagueneau 7318-7319<br />

Blanc Fumé de Pouilly, Silex, Didier<br />

Dagueneau 7320, (7321)<br />

2006<br />

Baron de L (7321)<br />

Quarts de Chaume, Domaine de<br />

Baumard (7315)<br />

ALSACE<br />

1989<br />

Gewurztraminer, Quintessance de<br />

Grains Nobles, Domaine Weinbach<br />

(7337)<br />

237<br />

elBullicellar • NEW YORK

1994<br />

Gewurztraminer, Furstentum,<br />

Sélection de Grains Nobles, Domaine<br />

Weinbach (7338)<br />

1997<br />

Gewurztraminer Séléction de Grains<br />

Nobles, Clos des Capucins, Domaine<br />

Weinbach (7338)<br />

1998<br />

Pinot Gris, Rotenberg, Vendanges<br />

Tardives, Zind-Humbrecht (7338)<br />

Riesling, Cuvée St. Catherine, Clos<br />

des Capucins (7338)<br />

Riesling, Cuvée St. Catherine, Clos<br />

des Capucins, Domaine Weinbach<br />

(7338)<br />

2000<br />

Pinot Gris, Sélection de Grains<br />

Nobles, F. E. Trimbach (7337)<br />

Riesling Schlossberg Quintessence de<br />

Grains Nobles, Cuvée d’Or, Domaine<br />

Weinbach (7337), (7338)<br />

Riesling, Cuvée St. Catherine, Clos<br />

des Capucins, Domaine Weinbach<br />

(7338)<br />

2001<br />

Tokay Pinot Gris, Clos St. Théobald,<br />

Rangen de Thann, Sélection des<br />

Grains Noble, Domaine Schoffit<br />

(7337)<br />

2009<br />

Pinot Blanc Reserve Clos des<br />

Capucins, Domaine Weinbach (7338)<br />


1998<br />

Dom Pérignon, Rosé (7333)<br />

2002<br />

Louis Roederer, Cristal Rosé Brut<br />

(7332)<br />

NV<br />

Billecart-Salmon Rosé Brut (7334)<br />

Gosset, Rosé (7335)<br />

238 elBullifoundation<br />


1981<br />

Krug Collection (7328)<br />

1985<br />

Krug Collection 7327<br />

1988<br />

Bollinger, R.D. (7326)<br />

1995<br />

Billecart Salmon Le Clos Saint-Hilaire<br />

(7332)<br />

Bollinger, R.D. (7325)<br />

Bruno Paillard N.P.U. (7332)<br />

Dom Pérignon, Oenothéque (7331)<br />

Pommery, Cuvée Louise (7332)<br />

1996<br />

Bollinger, R.D. (7325)<br />

Salon Le Mesnil, Blanc de Blancs<br />

(7332)<br />

1997<br />

Bollinger, R.D. (7325), (7326)<br />

1998<br />

Bollinger, Vieilles Vignes Francaises,<br />

Blanc de Noirs (7326)<br />

Champagne Millesime Blanc de<br />

Blancs, Domaine Jacques Selosses<br />

(7330)<br />

Veuve Clicquot, La Grande Dame<br />

(7334)<br />

1999<br />

Bollinger, Vieilles Vignes Francaises,<br />

Blanc de Noirs 7324, (7326)<br />

Champagne Millesime Blanc de<br />

Blancs, Domaine Jacques Selosses<br />

(7330)<br />

Gosset, Grand Millesime Brut (7335),<br />

(7377)<br />

2000<br />

Dom Pérignon (7331)<br />

l’Exclusive de Ruinart 7329<br />

2002<br />

Dom Pérignon (7333)<br />

2003<br />

Moet & Chandon Grand Vintage<br />

(7336)<br />

NV<br />

Amateur, David L”Eclapart (7334)<br />

Benoit Lahaye Blanc de Noir Prestige<br />

Brut (7336)<br />

Diebolt -Vallois Brut (7334)<br />

Gosset Grande Reserve Brut (7335),<br />

(7377)<br />

Initiale Blanc de Blancs, Domaine<br />

Jacques Selosses (7330)<br />

Jacques Selosse V.O. (7332)<br />

Krug Grande Cuvée (7328)<br />

Laurent Perrier, Cuvée Grand Siecle<br />

(7334)<br />

Paul Barra Brut Rosé (7336)<br />

Roger Coulon Champagne Brut<br />

Réserve de l’Hommée (7336)<br />

Substance, Domaine Jacques<br />

Selosses (7330)<br />


1992<br />

Vin de Pays de l’Hérault, Domaine de<br />

la Grange des Pères (7306)<br />

1994<br />

Vin de Pays de l’Hérault, Domaine de<br />

la Grange des Pères (7306)<br />

1995<br />

Vin de Pays de l’Hérault, Domaine de<br />

la Grange des Pères (7289), (7290)<br />

1996<br />

Domaine Font Caude Montpeyroux,<br />

Alain Chabanon (7307)<br />

L’Espirit de Font Caude, Alain<br />

Chabanon (7307)<br />

Vin de Pays de l’Hérault, Domaine<br />

de la Grange des Pères 7235-7240,<br />

(7290), (7291)<br />

1997<br />

Bandol, Château de Pibarnon (7310)<br />

Vin de Pays de l’Hérault, Domaine<br />

de la Grange des Pères 7241-7248,<br />

(7290), (7291)<br />

1998<br />

Château Bouscassé, Vieilles Vignes<br />

(7311)<br />

Chateau L’Hospitalet Cuvée Beatrice<br />

La Clape (7300)<br />

Muntada, Domaine Gauby (7308)<br />

Patrimonio, Antoine Arena (7353)<br />

Vin de Pays de l’Hérault, Domaine de<br />

la Grange des Pères 7249-7256<br />

1999<br />

Chateau L’Hospitalet Cuvée Beatrice<br />

La Clape (7300)<br />

Clos Baquey, Elian Daros (7309)<br />

Vin de Pays de l’Hérault, Domaine<br />

de la Grange des Pères 7257-7267,<br />

(7289), (7292)<br />

Vin de Pays Les Plôs de Baumes,<br />

Domaine d’Aupilhac 7297, (7307)<br />

2000<br />

Clos Baquey, Elian Daros 7303,<br />

(7309)<br />

Domaine de la Marfée Les Champs<br />

Murmures 7301<br />

Domaine de la Marfée Les Champs<br />

Murmures, Thierry Hasard 7302<br />

Les Laquets 7304-7305<br />

Les Laquets, Domaine Cosse<br />

Maisonneuve (7309)<br />

Vin de Pays de l’Hérault, Domaine<br />

de la Grange des Pères 7268-7279,<br />

(7289)<br />

2001<br />

Bandol, Château de Pibarnon (7310)<br />

Bandol, Domaine de la Tour du Bon,<br />

R & C Hoquard (7310)<br />

Cuvee # 3, Castelmaure (7308),<br />

(7311)<br />

Point d’Interrogation, L’Esprit du Vent,<br />

Embres & Castelmaure (7307)<br />

Vin de Pays de l’Hérault, Domaine<br />

de la Grange des Pères 7280-7288,<br />

(7292), (7296), (7310)<br />

2002<br />

VDP l’Herault Rouge, Theodore,<br />

Domaine Avela (7084)<br />

2004<br />

VDP l’Herault Rouge, Theodore,<br />

Domaine Avela (7084), 7298<br />

2005<br />

VDP l’Herault Rouge, Theodore,<br />

Domaine Avela 7299<br />


1952<br />

Banyuls, Domaine du Mas Blanc<br />

(7312)<br />

1961<br />

Banyuls, Parce et Fils (7313)<br />

1966<br />

Banyuls Collection, Domaine du Mas<br />

Blanc (7313)

1969<br />

Banyuls Collection, Domaine du Mas<br />

Blanc (7313)<br />

2000<br />

Collioure Les Junquets, Domaine du<br />

Mas Blanc (7312)<br />


1987<br />

Vin de Voile, Domaine des Tres<br />

Cantous (7316), (7340)<br />

1992<br />

Vin de Voile, Domaine des Tres<br />

Cantous (7316)<br />

1994<br />

Vin d’Autan de Robert Plageoles<br />

(7383)<br />

1995<br />

Vin de Pays de l’Hérault, Domaine de<br />

la Grange des Pères Blanc (7295)<br />

1996<br />

Quintessence du Petit Manseng,<br />

Domaine de Cauhapé (7341)<br />

Vin de Pays de l’Hérault, Domaine de<br />

la Grange des Pères Blanc (7295)<br />

1997<br />

Vin de Pays de l’Hérault, Domaine de<br />

la Grange des Pères Blanc (7295)<br />

1998<br />

Vin de Pays de l’Hérault, Domaine de<br />

la Grange des Pères Blanc (7295)<br />

1999<br />

Vin de Pays de l’Hérault, Domaine<br />

de la Grange des Pères Blanc 7293,<br />

(7323)<br />

2000<br />

Vin de Pays de l’Hérault, Domaine de<br />

la Grange des Pères Blanc 7294<br />

2001<br />

Vin de Pays de l’Hérault, Domaine<br />

de la Grange des Pères Blanc (7295),<br />

(7296)<br />

2003<br />

Chateau Le Puy Marie Elisa VDT<br />

(7339)<br />

2004<br />

Les Jardins de Babylone, Didier<br />

Daugueneau & Guy Pautrat (7370)<br />

2006<br />

Coteaux du Layon, Domaine de<br />

Baumard (7315)<br />


1990<br />

Wachenheimer Gerumpel Riesling<br />

Auslese, Dr. Bürklin-Wolf (7374)<br />

1994<br />

Trittenheimer Apotheke<br />

Beerenauslese, Grans-Fassian (7375)<br />

1995<br />

Brauneberger Juffer Sonnenuhr<br />

Riesling Beerenauslese, Fritz Haag<br />

(7375)<br />

1998<br />

Riesling Beerenauslese, Peter Jakob<br />

Kuhn (7373)<br />

1999<br />

Westerhofener Morsten Riesling<br />

TBA, Wittmann (7376)<br />

2000<br />

Oberhauser Riesling Eiswein,<br />

Donnoff (7376)<br />

Riesling Beerenauslese, Peter Jakob<br />

Kuhn (7373)<br />

2001<br />

Heymann Lowenstein Beerenauslese<br />

Uhlen R (7375)<br />

Riesling Tonel No. 71, Dr. Bürklin-Wolf<br />

(7374)<br />

2003<br />

Riesling Siebeldinger Im<br />

Sonnenschein TBA, Okonomierat<br />

Rebholz (7376)<br />

2007<br />

Rheingau Riesling, George Breuer<br />

(7374)<br />

2008<br />

Albersweiler Latt Gewurztraminer<br />

Riesling Auslese, Okonomierat<br />

Rebholz (7374)<br />

Monziger Halenberg Riesling<br />

Auslese, Emrich Schönleber (7374)<br />


2007<br />

Schloss Gobelsburg Gruner Veltliner<br />

Eiswein (7376)<br />

ITALY<br />

1974<br />

Barbaresco, Bricco Asili, Ceretto<br />

(7350)<br />

1982<br />

Barolo, Bricco Rocche, Ceretto<br />

(7350)<br />

1985<br />

Barbaresco, Bricco Asili, Ceretto<br />

(7350)<br />

1990<br />

Barolo, Cerequio, Roberto Voerzio<br />

(7347)<br />

Solaia (7351)<br />

1994<br />

Barolo Bricco Delle Viole, G.D. Vajra<br />

(7350)<br />

1995<br />

Amarone, della Valpolicella, Classico,<br />

Giuseppe Quintarelli (7356)<br />

Barbera d’Asti, Montruc, Franco<br />

Martinetti (7354)<br />

Barolo, G. Rinaldi (7355)<br />

Barolo, Cannubi, E. Pira (7355)<br />

Barolo, Vigna del Gris, Conterno<br />

Fantino (7350)<br />

Brunello di Montalcino Riserva,<br />

Poggio Alvento, Col d’Orcia (7352)<br />

Brunello di Montalcino, Riserva<br />

“Institieti”, Soldera (7352)<br />

Harys, Giovanni Battista Gillardi<br />

(7353)<br />

1996<br />

Barbera d’Alba Marun, Matteo<br />

Corregia (7354)<br />

Barbera d’Alba Riserva, Roberto<br />

Voerzio 7345-7346<br />

Barbera d’Alba Riserva, Vigneto<br />

Pozzo dell’Annunziata, Roberto<br />

Voerzio (7354)<br />

Barolo, Cerequio, Roberto Voerzio<br />

(7347)<br />

Brunello di Montalcino, Mastrojanni<br />

(7352)<br />

Montefalco Rosso Riserva, Arnaldo-<br />

Caprai (7357)<br />

Nebbiolo d’Alba La Val Dei Pretti,<br />

Matteo Corregia (7354)<br />

Sagrantino Di Montefalco, Arnaldo-<br />

Caprai (7357)<br />

1997<br />

Barolo, Rocche dell’ Annunziata<br />

Riserva, Paolo Scavino (7358)<br />

Brunello di Montalcino, Sugarille,<br />

Gaja (7352)<br />

Brunello Montalcino Poggio all’ Oro,<br />

Castello Banfi (7352)<br />

Chianti Classico, Giorgio Primo, La<br />

Massa (7364)<br />

Fontalloro, Fattoria Felsina (7351)<br />

Guado al Tasso, Tenuta Belvedere<br />

(7357)<br />

Mazzano Amarone Della Valpolicella<br />

Classico, Masi (7356)<br />

Piano di Montevergine, Feudi San<br />

Gregorio (7359)<br />

Radici, Taurasi, Mastroberardino<br />

(7363)<br />

Sangioveto, Badia A Coltibuono<br />

(7353), (7361)<br />

Terre Brune, Cantina Santadi (7360),<br />

(7362)<br />

1998<br />

Amarone, della Valpolicella, Classico,<br />

Allegrini (7356)<br />

Barolo, Brunate, Roberto Voerzio<br />

(7347)<br />

Barolo, Bussia, Prunotto (7350)<br />

Barolo, Cascina Francia, Giacomo<br />

Conterno (7355)<br />

Camelot, Firriato (7360)<br />

Case Via Syrah, Fontodi (7362)<br />

Flaccianello, Fontodi (7351)<br />

Montepulciano d’Abruzzo, Marina<br />

Cvetic (7366)<br />

Montevetrano (7357)<br />

Sagrantino Di Montefalco, Arnaldo-<br />

Caprai (7365)<br />

239<br />

elBullicellar • NEW YORK

1999<br />

50 & 50, Avignonesi and Capanelle<br />

IGT (7365)<br />

Barolo, Bartolo Mascarello (7355)<br />

Barolo, Bric dël Fiasc, Paolo Scavino<br />

(7358)<br />

Castello Di Montepo Morellino di<br />

Scansano, Riserva, Jacopo Biondi<br />

Santi (7365)<br />

La Poja, Allegrini (7356), (7362)<br />

Lupicaia (7366)<br />

Monferrato, Sul Bric, Franco<br />

Martinetti (7353)<br />

Montevetrano 7342, (7357)<br />

Montiano, Falesco (7357)<br />

Vigna L’Apparita, Castello di Ama<br />

(7364)<br />

Vino Nobile Di Mont. Asinone,<br />

Poliziano (7354), (7362)<br />

2000<br />

Avi, Sangiovese di Romagna<br />

Superiore Riserva, San Patrignano<br />

(7369)<br />

Barbaresco, Rabaja, Bruno Rocca<br />

(7368)<br />

Barbera d’Asti, La Spinetta (7354)<br />

Barolo Rocche dell’Annunziata<br />

Torriglione, Roberto Voerzio (7347)<br />

Barolo Sarmassa di Barolo, Roberto<br />

Voerzio (7355)<br />

Barolo, Cerequio, Roberto Voerzio<br />

(7347)<br />

Case Via Syrah, Fontodi (7362)<br />

Chianti Classico, Fonterutoli (7361)<br />

Chianti Classico Montesodi, Castello<br />

di Nipozzano, Frescobaldi (7364)<br />

Chianti Rufina Vigneto Montesodi,<br />

Frescobaldi (7369)<br />

Guado al Tasso, Tenuta Belvedere<br />

(7367)<br />

La Fucina di Leonardo Broncone<br />

(7348), (7349), (7359)<br />

La Grola, Allegrini (7362)<br />

Piantonaia, Podere Poggio Scalette<br />

7343<br />

Rosso Del Conte, Tasca d’Almerita<br />

(7353)<br />

Sassicaia (7367)<br />

Serpico Irpinia Aglianico, Feudi San<br />

Gregorio (7359)<br />

Vino Nobile Di Mont. Asinone,<br />

Poliziano (7361)<br />

240 elBullifoundation<br />

2001<br />

Amarone, della Valpolicella, Classico,<br />

Allegrini (7356)<br />

Barolo Gavarini Vigna Chiniera, Elio<br />

Grasso (7368)<br />

Castello di Pomino Vin Santo,<br />

Frescobaldi (7383)<br />

Chianti Classico, Giorgio Primo, La<br />

Massa (7364)<br />

Fontalloro, Fattoria Felsina (7351)<br />

Granato Atesino Rosso, Elisabetta<br />

Foradori (7366)<br />

La Fucina di Leonardo Broncone<br />

(7348), (7349), (7359)<br />

Montevetrano (7357)<br />

Piantonaia, Podere Poggio Scalette<br />

7344, (7353)<br />

Siepi, Fonterutoli (7362), (7369)<br />

2002<br />

Montevetrano (7363)<br />

Terra di Lavoro, Galardi (7360)<br />

2003<br />

Ornellaia, Le Serre Nuove (7367)<br />

2004<br />

Barolo Vignetocampe, La Spinetta<br />

(7350)<br />

Montevetrano (7363)<br />

Villa Bucci Riserva (7340)<br />

2005<br />

Terra di Lavoro, Galardi (7360)<br />


1994<br />

Giulio Ferarri Riserva del Fondatore<br />

(7543)<br />

1997<br />

Ca’ Del Bosco Cuvée Annamaria<br />

Clementi (7543)<br />

Gaia & Rey Chardonnay, Gaja (7371)<br />

1999<br />

Forteto Della Luja (7370)<br />

2000<br />

Angialis VT, Argiolas (7370)<br />

Martin Colli Tortonesi Bianco, Franco<br />

Martinetti (7371)<br />

2001<br />

Cervaro Della Sala, Castello Della<br />

Sala (7340)<br />

2004<br />

Alteni Di Brassica, Gaja (7371)<br />

2008<br />

Alteni Di Brassica, Gaja (7371)<br />


1975<br />

Gran Coronas Gran Reserva, Miguel<br />

Torres (7506)<br />

1976<br />

Gran Coronas Gran Reserva, Miguel<br />

Torres (7506)<br />

1981<br />

Rioja Vina Bosconia, R. Lopez de<br />

Heredia (7525)<br />

1983<br />

Gran Coronas Gran Reserva, Miguel<br />

Torres (7506)<br />

1985<br />

Gran Coronas Gran Reserva, Miguel<br />

Torres (7506)<br />

1986<br />

Barón de Chirel Rioja Reserva (7436)<br />

1987<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Unico’ (7484)<br />

1989<br />

Clos de l’Obac, Pastrana & Jarque<br />

(7526)<br />

La Rioja Alta Gran Reserva (7507)<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Unico’ 7476-7477, (7484)<br />

1990<br />

Gran Caus, Can Rafols Dels Caus<br />

(7544)<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Unico’ (7484)<br />

1991<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Unico’ 7478, (7484)<br />

Vina Pedro Gran Reserva, Hermanos<br />

Perez Pasquas (7518)<br />

1992<br />

X Festival Castell de Perelada<br />

Reserva Especial, Castillo Perelada<br />

(7518)<br />

1993<br />

Alion (7501)<br />

L’Ermita, Alvaro Palacios (7445)<br />

1994<br />

Barón de Chirel Rioja Reserva (7436)<br />

Caus Lubis, Can Rafols Dels Caus<br />

(7517)<br />

Finca Dofi, Alvaro Palacios (7453),<br />

(7521)<br />

Hacienda Monasterio, Reserva<br />

Especial (7522)<br />

L’Ermita, Alvaro Palacios (7445)<br />

Mas La Plana, Cabernet Sauvignon,<br />

Miguel Torres (7469)<br />

Rioja, Artadi El Pison Reserva (7407)<br />

Rioja, Grandes Anadas, Artadi (7413)<br />

1995<br />

2 Vinedos, Bodegas Palacios<br />

Remondo (7514)<br />

Barón de Chirel Rioja Reserva (7436)<br />

Barón de Chirel Rioja Reserva,<br />

Marques de Riscal 7434<br />

Enate Reserva Especial, Viñedos y<br />

Crianzas del Alto Aragón (7511)<br />

L’Ermita, Alvaro Palacios (7445)<br />

La Vicalanda, Bodegas Bilbainas<br />

(7514)<br />

Mas La Plana, Cabernet Sauvignon,<br />

Miguel Torres (7506)<br />

Mauro, Vendimia Seleccionada (7507)<br />

Perez Pascua Gran Reserva (7510)<br />

Pesquera Gran Reserva (7522)<br />

Pesquera Janus (7522)<br />

Pingus 7456, (7463), (7507)<br />

Val Sotillo Gran Reserva, Bodegas<br />

Ismael Arroyo (7529)<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Unico’ 7479-7480, (7481),<br />

(7484)<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Valbuena No. 5’ (7494),<br />

(7509)<br />

Vina Pedro Gran Reserva, Hermanos<br />

Perez Pasquas (7534)<br />

Vina Pedrosa 2000 Reserva,<br />

Hermanos Perez Pasquas (7518)

1996<br />

Abadia Retuerta Pago Valdebelon<br />

7388, (7391)<br />

Abadia Retuerta, Pago Negralada<br />

7387<br />

Alenza, Condado de Haza (7515)<br />

Alion (7501)<br />

Aurus, Finca Allende (7394)<br />

Barón de Chirel Rioja Reserva,<br />

Marques de Riscal (7435)<br />

Caus Lubis, Can Rafols Dels Caus<br />

(7517)<br />

Gran Claustro, Castillo Perelada<br />

(7523)<br />

Gran Clos de JM Fuentes (7526)<br />

Gran Vino Vermilion, Bodegas<br />

Vermilion (7508)<br />

L’Ermita, Alvaro Palacios (7446)<br />

Mauro, Vendimia Seleccionada<br />

(7504)<br />

Perez Pascua Gran Reserva,<br />

Hermanos Perez Pasquas (7515)<br />

Pesquera, Reserva (7521)<br />

Reserva Real, Miguel Torres (7473)<br />

Rioja Avrus, Finca Allende 7393<br />

Rioja Pagos Viejos, Artadi (7516)<br />

Rioja, Artadi El Pison Reserva (7407)<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Unico’ (7481)<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Valbuena No. 5’ 7485,<br />

(7494)<br />

1997<br />

Alion 7495<br />

Caus Lubis, Can Rafols Dels Caus<br />

(7517)<br />

Gran Clos de JM Fuentes (7526)<br />

L’Ermita, Alvaro Palacios (7446)<br />

Mas La Plana, Cabernet Sauvignon,<br />

Miguel Torres (7469)<br />

Pingus 7457, (7463)<br />

Reserva Real, Miguel Torres 7471,<br />

(7473)<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Valbuena No. 5’ 7486<br />

1998<br />

Alion 7496, (7502)<br />

Aurus, Finca Allende (7394)<br />

Blecua, Vitivinicola Aragonesa (7531)<br />

Caus Lubis, Can Rafols Dels Caus<br />

(7517)<br />

Dalmau Tinto Reserva, Marques de<br />

Murrieta (7514)<br />

Dominio de Valdepusa Emeritus,<br />

Marques de Griñon (7512)<br />

Enate Reserva Especial, Viñedos y<br />

Crianzas del Alto Aragón (7511)<br />

Finca Dofi, Alvaro Palacios 7449,<br />

(7453)<br />

Gran Clos de JM Fuentes (7526)<br />

L’Ermita (7509)<br />

L’Ermita, Alvaro Palacios 7440-7441,<br />

(7446)<br />

Mas La Plana, Cabernet Sauvignon,<br />

Miguel Torres (7506)<br />

Mauro, Vendimia Seleccionada,<br />

Bodegas Mauro (7505)<br />

Pingus 7458, (7463)<br />

Priorat, Tirant, Rotllan Torra (7508)<br />

Regina Vides, Bodegas Hermanos<br />

Sastre 7468, (7515)<br />

Reserva Especial 20 Aniversario, Can<br />

Rafols Dels Caus (7508)<br />

Reserva Real, Miguel Torres 7472,<br />

(7473)<br />

Rioja Pagos Viejos, Artadi (7516)<br />

Rioja Torre Muga, Bodegas Muga<br />

(7514)<br />

Rioja, Artadi El Pison 7395, (7407)<br />

Rioja, Grandes Anadas, Artadi 7408,<br />

(7413), (7414)<br />

Rioja, La Cueva del Contador,<br />

Benjamin Romeo (7519)<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Valbuena No. 5’ 7487,<br />

(7494)<br />

Viña Sastre, Pago de Santa Cruz<br />

(7534)<br />

1999<br />

Aalto, Bodegas Aalto (7515)<br />

Abadia Retuerta Petit Verdot (7391)<br />

Alion (7501), (7502)<br />

Barón de Chirel Rioja Reserva (7436)<br />

Clos Erasmus (7520)<br />

Contino Graciano Rioja, Contino<br />

(7527)<br />

Dalmau Rioja, Marques de Murrieta<br />

(7514)<br />

Finca Dofi, Alvaro Palacios 7450,<br />

(7453)<br />

Finca Villacreces, Hermanos<br />

Cuadrado-Garcia (7522)<br />

Flor de Pingus (7507)<br />

L’Ermita, Alvaro Palacios (7446)<br />

Mas La Plana, Cabernet Sauvignon,<br />

Miguel Torres (7470), (7506), (7518)<br />

Mauro, Vendimia Seleccionada<br />

(7504)<br />

Mauro, Vendimia Seleccionada,<br />

Bodegas Mauro (7505)<br />

Pagos de los Capellanes el Picon<br />

(7534)<br />

Perez Pascua Gran Reserva,<br />

Hermanos Perez Pasquas (7515)<br />

Pesus, Vina Sastre (7544)<br />

Pingus 7459, (7463)<br />

Regina Vides, Bodegas Hermanos<br />

Sastre (7523)<br />

Rioja Cirsion, Roda (7524)<br />

Rioja, Grandes Anadas, Artadi 7409,<br />

(7414)<br />

Rioja, Pago del Calvario, Finca<br />

Allende (7519)<br />

Sot Lefriec, Alemany i Corrio (7523)<br />

Terreus Pago de Cueva Baja,<br />

Bodegas Mauro (7516)<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Valbuena No. 5’ 7488-<br />

7489<br />

2000<br />

Alion 7497-7498<br />

Barón de Chirel Rioja Reserva,<br />

Marques de Riscal (7435)<br />

Bierzo, Villa de Corullon,<br />

Descendientes de J. Palacios (7523)<br />

Blecua, Vitivinicola Aragonesa (7531)<br />

Clos Figueres (7520)<br />

Dolc de l’Obac, Sweet Red Wine,<br />

Pastrana & Jarque (7542)<br />

Dominio de Valdepusa Emeritus,<br />

Marques de Griñon (7512)<br />

Finca Dofi, Alvaro Palacios (7454)<br />

Finca Garbet, Castillo Perelada<br />

(7534)<br />

Finca Terrerazo, Bodega Mustiguillo<br />

(7517)<br />

Las Gravas Jumilla Rouge, Bodega<br />

Julia Roche e Hijos (7508)<br />

Malleolus, Emilio Moro (7438)<br />

Malleolus de Valderramiro, Emilio<br />

Moro (7438)<br />

Matallana, Telmo Rodriguez (7513)<br />

Mauro, Vendimia Seleccionada (7507)<br />

Pingus 7460, (7464)<br />

Priorat, Vall Llach (7475)<br />

Rioja Contador, Benjamin Romeo<br />

(7527)<br />

Rioja Pagos Viejos, Artadi (7421)<br />

Rioja, Artadi El Pison, Viñedos<br />

Lacalle y Laorden 7396, (7406)<br />

Rioja, Grandes Anadas, Artadi 7410,<br />

(7413)<br />

241<br />

elBullicellar • NEW YORK

2001<br />

Amancio Rioja, Sierra Cantabria<br />

(7532)<br />

Aro, Bodegas Muga (7532)<br />

Barón de Chirel Rioja Reserva (7436)<br />

Barón de Chirel Rioja Reserva,<br />

Marques de Riscal (7513)<br />

Clos d’Agon Negre, Mas Gil (7531)<br />

Doix Costers de Velles Vinyes, Mas<br />

Doix (7535)<br />

Enate Reserva Especial, Viñedos y<br />

Crianzas del Alto Aragón (7511)<br />

Finca Garbet, Castillo Perelada<br />

(7534)<br />

Flor de Pingus 7465-7466, (7467)<br />

Gran Clos de JM Fuentes, Cellers<br />

Fuentes (7529)<br />

L’Ermita, Alvaro Palacios (7447),<br />

(7448)<br />

Leda Vinas Viejas, Bodegas Leda<br />

(7516)<br />

Mas La Plana, Cabernet Sauvignon,<br />

Miguel Torres (7470), (7506)<br />

Pesus, Vina Sastre (7510), (7544)<br />

Pingus 7461, (7464)<br />

Priorat, Vall Llach 7474, (7475)<br />

Resalte Reserva, Bodegas Resalte de<br />

Penafiel (7513)<br />

Ribera del Duero, Nebro, Finca<br />

Villacreces 7503<br />

Rioja Alavesa Gloria de Ostatu<br />

(7525)<br />

Rioja Cirsion, Roda (7524)<br />

Rioja Culmen Reserva, Bodegas LAN<br />

(7519)<br />

Rioja Pagos Viejos, Artadi 7415,<br />

(7421), (7422)<br />

Rioja Remelluri Collection Jaime<br />

Rodriguez (7525)<br />

Rioja Seleccion Especial, Marques de<br />

Haro (7512)<br />

Rioja, Artadi El Pison, Viñedos<br />

Lacalle y Laorden 7397-7399, (7406),<br />

(7422)<br />

Rioja, Grandes Anadas, Artadi 7411-<br />

7412, (7413), (7422)<br />

Rioja, Pago del Calvario, Finca<br />

Allende (7519)<br />

Terreus Pago de Cueva Baja,<br />

Bodegas Mauro (7531)<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Valbuena No. 5’ 7490,<br />

(7494), (7509)<br />

242 elBullifoundation<br />

2002<br />

Alion 7499, (7501)<br />

Altos de Lanzaga Rioja, Telmo<br />

Rodriguez (7514)<br />

Amancio Rioja, Sierra Cantabria<br />

(7532)<br />

Carod, Bodegas Hermanos Sastre<br />

(7523)<br />

Clos de l’Obac (7520)<br />

Clos de l’Obac, Pastrana & Jarque<br />

(7526)<br />

Clos Erasmus 7427, (7429), (7528)<br />

Clos Mogador (7528)<br />

Doix Costers de Velles Vinyes, Mas<br />

Doix (7536)<br />

Finca Dofi, Alvaro Palacios (7455)<br />

Finca Terrerazo, Bodega Mustiguillo<br />

(7517)<br />

Flor de Pingus (7467)<br />

L’Ermita, Alvaro Palacios (7447),<br />

(7448)<br />

Leda Vinas Viejas, Bodegas Leda<br />

(7516)<br />

Malleolus, Emilio Moro 7437<br />

Malleolus de Sanchomartin, Emilio<br />

Moro (7438)<br />

Malleolus de Valderramiro, Emilio<br />

Moro (7438)<br />

Priorat, Clos Martinet (7536)<br />

Ribera del Duero, Llanos del<br />

Almendro, Dominio de Atauta (7438),<br />

(7515), (7526)<br />

Rioja, Artadi El Pison, Viñedos<br />

Lacalle y Laorden 7400-7401<br />

Rioja, Pago del Calvario, Finca<br />

Allende (7519)<br />

Termanthia, Numanthia 7439<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Valbuena No. 5’ 7491-<br />

7493, (7494)<br />

2003<br />

Alion 7500<br />

Clos Erasmus 7428, (7429)<br />

Clos Mogador 7430, (7432), (7528)<br />

Flor de Pingus (7467)<br />

Gneis, Masia Serra (7523)<br />

L’Ermita, Alvaro Palacios 7442-7443,<br />

(7447)<br />

Malleolus de Sanchomartin, Emilio<br />

Moro (7438)<br />

Pingus (7464)<br />

Rioja Pagos Viejos, Artadi (7421)<br />

San Vicente Rioja, San Vicente (7514)<br />

Trio Infernal, Combier-Fischer-Gerin<br />

(7529)<br />

Vega Sicilia Unico Reserva Especial<br />

7482<br />

Vina San Román, Bodegas Y Viñedos<br />

Maurodos (7534)<br />

2004<br />

Clos Erasmus (7429)<br />

Clos Figueres (7520)<br />

Clos Manyetes (7535)<br />

Clos Mogador 7431, (7433)<br />

Pago de Larrainzar, Bodegas Pago<br />

Larrainzar (7523)<br />

Perinet Plus, Mas Perinet (7536)<br />

Priorat, Vall Llach (7475), (7535)<br />

Rioja La Nieta, Vinedos de Paganos<br />

(7532)<br />

Rioja Two Hundred Monges Reserva,<br />

Bodegas Vinicola Real (7519)<br />

Rioja, Artadi El Pison, Viñedos<br />

Lacalle y Laorden 7402, (7406)<br />

Roda 1, Rioja Reserva, Roda (7518)<br />

Son Negre, An Negra (7529)<br />

Termanthia, Numanthia (7537)<br />

Vega Sicilia Unico Reserva Especial<br />

7483<br />

2005<br />

Abadia Retuerta Pago Valdebelon<br />

7389, (7392)<br />

Bastardo, Quinta da Muradella,<br />

Bodega J.L. Mateo Garcia (7530)<br />

Cirsion, Roda (7534)<br />

Clos Erasmus (7429)<br />

Clos Mogador (7432), (7433), (7528)<br />

El Nido, Bodegas El Nido (7537)<br />

Finca Dofi, Alvaro Palacios (7454),<br />

(7455), (7521)<br />

L’Ermita, Alvaro Palacios 7444<br />

Marius, Vignobles Sous le Vent<br />

(7530)<br />

Moncerball, Descendientes de J.<br />

Palacios (7533)<br />

Pingus 7462<br />

Ribeira Sacra, Dominio do Bibei<br />

(7522)<br />

Rioja Cirsion, Roda (7524)<br />

Rioja Contador, Benjamin Romeo<br />

(7527)<br />

Rioja Herventia, El Robredal (7525)<br />

Rioja Pagos Viejos, Artadi 7416-7417<br />

Rioja, Artadi El Pison, Viñedos<br />

Lacalle y Laorden 7403<br />

Scala Dei Cartoixa (7526)<br />

Trasnocho, Ganuza (7523)<br />

Vi de Panses, Joaquim Alberti (7541)<br />

2006<br />

Abadia Retuerta Pago Garduna<br />

(7392)<br />

Abadia Retuerta Petit Verdot (7391),<br />

(7392)<br />

Abadia Retuerta, Pago Negralada<br />

7390, (7392)<br />

Arnau Oller Seleccio de la Familia<br />

(7529)<br />

Bastardo, Quinta da Muradella,<br />

Bodega J.L. Mateo Garcia (7530)<br />

Clos Erasmus (7429)<br />

El Nido, Bodegas El Nido (7537)<br />

Ferrer Bobet Selecció Especial (7535)<br />

Fito, Mas Romeu (7529)<br />

Gorvia, Quinta da Muradella, Bodega<br />

J.L. Mateo Garcia (7530)<br />

Les Paradetes, Celler Escoda (7529)<br />

Perafita, Martin Faixo (7542)<br />

Rioja La Nieta, Vinedos de Paganos<br />

(7532)<br />

Rioja Pagos Viejos, Artadi 7418<br />

Rioja, Artadi El Pison, Viñedos<br />

Lacalle y Laorden 7404<br />

2007<br />

Alabaster, Bodegas Teso la Monja<br />

(7537)<br />

Arbosar, Terroir Al Limit Soc. Lda.<br />

(7535)<br />

Auditori V.V. Magiques de Garnatxa,<br />

Acustic Celler (7531)<br />

Finca Dofi, Alvaro Palacios 7451-7452,<br />

(7454)<br />

L’Ermita, Alvaro Palacios (7447)<br />

Las Lamas, Descendientes de J.<br />

Palacios (7533)<br />

Pingus (7464)<br />

Rioja La Nieta, Vinedos de Paganos<br />

(7532)<br />

Rioja Pagos Viejos, Artadi 7419-7420<br />

Rioja, Artadi El Pison, Viñedos<br />

Lacalle y Laorden 7405<br />

2008<br />

Alabaster, Bodegas Teso la Monja<br />

(7537)<br />

La Lluna La Pruna, Alemany I Corrio<br />

(7534)<br />

Nit de Nin, Nin-Ortiz (7536)<br />

Planetes de Nin, Nin-Ortiz (7536)<br />

Torroja Del Priorat, Terroir Al Limit<br />

Soc. Lda. (7535)<br />

2009<br />

Matador by Ferran Adrià and Carsten<br />

Holler, Clos d’Agon 7423-7426

MV<br />

Vega Sicilia Unico Reserva Especial<br />

(7484)<br />

NV<br />

El Pecado, Bodegas Raúl Pérez (7531)<br />

Estela Vi Dolc Natural, Mas Estela<br />

(7541)<br />


1973<br />

Rioja Blanco Vina Tondonia, R. Lopez<br />

de Heredia (7538)<br />

1981<br />

Rioja Blanco Vina Tondonia, R. Lopez<br />

de Heredia (7538)<br />

1988<br />

Torres Milmanda (7538)<br />

1996<br />

Torres Milmanda (7538)<br />

1999<br />

Belondrade y Lurton Rueda Blanc,<br />

Belondrade y Lurton (7539)<br />

Rioja Blanco, Remelluri (7538)<br />

Torres Milmanda (7538)<br />

Veigadares Rias Baixas Blanc, Adegas<br />

Galegas (7542)<br />

2001<br />

Gra à Gra, Gramona (7370)<br />

Rioja Blanco, Remelluri (7538)<br />

Torres Milmanda (7538)<br />

Xarel Lo Pairal, Can Rafols Dels Caus<br />

(7538)<br />

2002<br />

Rioja Blanco, Remelluri (7538)<br />

2003<br />

Vi Dolc Natural, Barbara Fores (7542)<br />

2005<br />

Agusti Torello Mata Gran Reserva<br />

Cava (7543)<br />

2006<br />

Molino Real Malaga Blanc, Telmo<br />

Rodriguez (7539)<br />

2007<br />

Vi Dolc Natural, Barbara Fores (7542)<br />

2008<br />

Molino Real Malaga Blanc, Telmo<br />

Rodriguez (7539)<br />

NV<br />

Caligo, DG Viticultors (7542)<br />

Ino Vi Dolc Natural, Masia Serra<br />

(7541)<br />

Malvasia de Sitges, Hospital Sant<br />

Joan Baptista (7370)<br />


1996<br />

Fojo Red Wine, Quinta do Fojo<br />

(7380)<br />

2000<br />

Campo Ardosa, Quinta Da<br />

Carvalhosa (7381)<br />

Campo Ardosa Testa Bianca, Quinta<br />

Da Carvalhosa (7382)<br />

2001<br />

Niepoort Batuta (7380)<br />

2003<br />

Carrocel, Quinta da Pellada (7382)<br />

Pintas, Wine & Soul (7380)<br />

Vinha da Ponte, Quinta do Crasto<br />

(7380)<br />

2007<br />

Niepoort Batuta (7380), (7381)<br />

Niepoort Charme (7381), (7382)<br />


NV<br />

Viseu de Carvalho Special Reserve<br />

White, Jose Viseu Carvalho (7382)<br />

PORT<br />

1987<br />

Niepoort (7378)<br />

1991<br />

Niepoort (7378)<br />

1994<br />

Fonseca (7379)<br />

Niepoort (7378)<br />

Quinta do Noval (7379)<br />

Taylor (7379)<br />

1995<br />

Ramos Pinto (7377)<br />

2000<br />

Niepoort (7378)<br />

Quinta do Vale Meao (7377)<br />

Quinta do Vale Meao, F. Olazabal &<br />

Filhos (7380)<br />

2003<br />

Taylor (7379)<br />

NV<br />

Niepoort 20 Year Old Tawny NV<br />

(7378)<br />


1978<br />

Madeira Boal, Barbeito (7377)<br />

NV<br />

Madeira, Malmsey, Henriques &<br />

Henriques (7377)<br />

SHERRY<br />

1830<br />

Pedro Ximenez Solera, Alvear 7540<br />


1993<br />

Tokaji Aszú Essencia, Disznoko (7372)<br />

Tokaji Essencia, Château Pajzos<br />

(7339)<br />

1999<br />

Tokaji Aszú, 6 Puttonyos, Oremus<br />

(7372)<br />

Tokaji Essencia, Oremus (7372)<br />

2001<br />

Tokaji Aszú, 5 Puttonyos, Hetszóló<br />

(7372)<br />


2007<br />

Kongsgaard Chardonnay (7340)<br />


2003<br />

Boekenhoutskloof Cabernet<br />

Sauvignon (7386)<br />

2006<br />

Anwilka (7386)<br />


1997<br />

Almaviva (7384)<br />

Clos Apalta, Casa Lapostolle (7385)<br />

2000<br />

Almaviva (7385)<br />

Casa Lapostolle Merlot Cuvée<br />

Alexandre (7386)<br />

Clos Apalta, Casa Lapostolle (7385)<br />

Cordillera Curico, Miguel Torres<br />

(7384)<br />

2001<br />

Clos Apalta, Casa Lapostolle (7385)<br />

2002<br />

Montelig, Von Siebenthal (7544)<br />


1999<br />

Catena Alta Malbec Angelica<br />

Vineyard Mendoza (7384)<br />

2000<br />

Nicolas Catena Alta (7384)<br />

2002<br />

Benegas Lynch Upper Mendoza<br />

Riverbank, Libertad Vineyard, Bodega<br />

Benegas (7544)<br />

CANADA<br />

2005<br />

Inniskillin Vidal Ice Wine (7383)<br />

2006<br />

Inniskillin Cabernet Franc Ice Wine<br />

(7383)<br />


2002<br />

Riesling Vendimia Tardia, Miguel<br />

Torres (7383)<br />


2000<br />

Clos des Corbassières, Coeur du<br />

Clos Cornalin Rouge, Domaine<br />

Cornulus (7386)<br />

243<br />

elBullicellar • NEW YORK

TURKEY<br />

2009<br />

Fume Blanc, Sevilen (7308)<br />

MAGNUM<br />


1997<br />

Mouton Rothschild (7152), (7161)<br />


1979<br />

Suduiraut (7339)<br />

1989<br />

Yquem (7182)<br />

1993<br />

Yquem (7182)<br />

1994<br />

Yquem (7182), (7183)<br />


1993<br />

Chassagne Montrachet, Rouge<br />

Vieilles Vignes, Domaine Amiot Guy<br />

et Fils (7137)<br />

1996<br />

Chassagne Montrachet, Rouge<br />

Vieilles Vignes, Bernard Morey<br />

(7078), (7137)<br />

Volnay, Clos des Ducs, Marquis<br />

d’Angerville 7020-7021<br />

2002<br />

Beaune, Hospices de Beaune, Cuvée<br />

Clos des Avaux (7070)<br />

2005<br />

Chassagne Montrachet, Morgeot,<br />

Rouge, Bernard Moreau 7074<br />

Volnay, En Chevrets, Maison Henri<br />

Boillot 7027<br />

Volnay, Les Santenots, Charles &<br />

Rémi Jobard (7078)<br />

244 elBullifoundation<br />

2007<br />

Corton Clos du Roi, Hospices de<br />

Beaune, Cuvée Baronne du Bay,<br />

Lucien Le Moine 7050<br />

2008<br />

Corton Clos du Roi, Hospices de<br />

Beaune, Cuvée Baronne du Bay,<br />

Lucien Le Moine 7057-7061<br />


1995<br />

Pouilly Fuissé Reyssie Reserve<br />

Particulière, Domaine Valette (7323)<br />

Pouilly-Fuissé Le Clos de Monsieur<br />

Noly, Domaine Valette (7323)<br />

2002<br />

Chablis, Preuses, Billaud-Simon 7086<br />

Corton Vergennes, Hospices de<br />

Beaune, Cuvée Paul Chanson 7098-<br />

7099, (7122)<br />

2004<br />

Corton Vergennes, Hospices de<br />

Beaune, Cuvée Paul Chanson, Lucien<br />

Le Moine (7070), (7121)<br />

Montrachet, Domaine de la<br />

Romanée-Conti 7014<br />

2005<br />

Corton Vergennes, Hospices de<br />

Beaune, Cuvée Paul Chanson, Lucien<br />

Le Moine 7102<br />

St Aubin Derrière Chez Edouard,<br />

Hubert Lamy (7137)<br />

2007<br />

Corton Vergennes, Hospices de<br />

Beaune, Cuvée Paul Chanson, Lucien<br />

Le Moine (7121)<br />

2008<br />

Corton Vergennes, Hospices de<br />

Beaune, Cuvée Paul Chanson, Lucien<br />

Le Moine 7114-7119, (7122)<br />

RHONE<br />

1988<br />

Château de Beaucastel Rouge (7233)<br />

1999<br />

Château de Beaucastel Rouge (7195)<br />

Crozes Hermitage, La Guiraude,<br />

Alain Graillot (7226)<br />

Saint Joseph, Caroline Cuvée, Louis<br />

Cheze 7186<br />

2000<br />

Château de Beaucastel Rouge 7191,<br />

(7233)<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Rouge, G.<br />

Charvin (7226)<br />

Crozes Hermitage, Alain Graillot<br />

(7226)<br />

2004<br />

Château de Beaucastel Rouge 7193<br />

Château de Beaucastel, Hommage à<br />

Jacques Perrin 7197<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Rouge, G.<br />

Charvin 7214<br />

LOIRE<br />

2004<br />

Blanc Fumé de Pouilly, Pur Sang,<br />

Didier Dagueneau (7321)<br />

Blanc Fumé de Pouilly, Silex, Didier<br />

Dagueneau 7317<br />


NV<br />

Gosset, Rosé (7335)<br />


1996<br />

Bollinger, R.D. (7325)<br />

1999<br />

Gosset, Grand Millesime Brut (7335),<br />

(7377)<br />

2000<br />

l’Exclusive de Ruinart 7329<br />

NV<br />

Gosset Grande Reserve Brut (7335)<br />


1997<br />

Vin de Pays de l’Hérault, Domaine de<br />

la Grange des Pères (7290)<br />

1999<br />

Vin de Pays Les Plôs de Baumes,<br />

Domaine d’Aupilhac 7297, (7307)<br />


1997<br />

Vin de Pays de l’Hérault, Domaine de<br />

la Grange des Pères Blanc (7295)<br />

ITALY<br />

1990<br />

Barolo, Cerequio, Roberto Voerzio<br />

(7347)<br />

1995<br />

Barolo, G. Rinaldi (7355)<br />

1996<br />

Barbera d’Alba Riserva, Roberto<br />

Voerzio 7345-7346<br />

Barbera d’Alba Riserva, Vigneto<br />

Pozzo dell’Annunziata, Roberto<br />

Voerzio (7354)<br />

1997<br />

Barolo, Rocche dell’ Annunziata<br />

Riserva, Paolo Scavino (7358)<br />

1999<br />

Barolo, Bric dël Fiasc, Paolo Scavino<br />

(7358)<br />

2000<br />

Barolo Sarmassa di Barolo, Roberto<br />

Voerzio (7355)<br />

La Fucina di Leonardo Broncone<br />

(7349)<br />

Piantonaia, Podere Poggio Scalette<br />

7343<br />

2001<br />

La Fucina di Leonardo Broncone<br />

(7349)<br />

Piantonaia, Podere Poggio Scalette<br />

7344, (7353)<br />


2000<br />

Martin Colli Tortonesi Bianco, Franco<br />

Martinetti (7371)<br />


1990<br />

Gran Caus, Can Rafols Dels Caus<br />

(7544)<br />

1991<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Unico’ 7478<br />

Vina Pedro Gran Reserva, Hermanos<br />

Perez Pasquas (7518)<br />

1992<br />

X Festival Castell de Perelada<br />

Reserva Especial, Castillo Perelada<br />


1994<br />

Finca Dofi, Alvaro Palacios (7521)<br />

1995<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Valbuena No. 5’ (7509)<br />

Vina Pedrosa 2000 Reserva,<br />

Hermanos Perez Pasquas (7518)<br />

1996<br />

Abadia Retuerta Pago Valdebelon<br />

7388<br />

Abadia Retuerta, Pago Negralada<br />

7387<br />

Alion (7501)<br />

Barón de Chirel Rioja Reserva,<br />

Marques de Riscal (7435)<br />

Gran Vino Vermilion, Bodegas<br />

Vermilion (7508)<br />

Pesquera, Reserva (7521)<br />

Reserva Real, Miguel Torres (7473)<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Valbuena No. 5’ 7485<br />

1997<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Valbuena No. 5’ 7486<br />

1998<br />

L’Ermita (7509)<br />

L’Ermita, Alvaro Palacios 7441<br />

Priorat, Tirant, Rotllan Torra (7508)<br />

Reserva Especial 20 Aniversario, Can<br />

Rafols Dels Caus (7508)<br />

1999<br />

Mas La Plana, Cabernet Sauvignon,<br />

Miguel Torres (7518)<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Valbuena No. 5’ 7489<br />

2000<br />

Barón de Chirel Rioja Reserva,<br />

Marques de Riscal (7435)<br />

Las Gravas Jumilla Rouge, Bodega<br />

Julia Roche e Hijos (7508)<br />

2001<br />

Rioja Pagos Viejos, Artadi (7422)<br />

Rioja, Artadi El Pison, Viñedos<br />

Lacalle y Laorden (7422)<br />

Rioja, Grandes Anadas, Artadi (7422)<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Valbuena No. 5’ (7509)<br />

2002<br />

Clos Erasmus 7427<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Valbuena No. 5’ 7492<br />

2003<br />

Clos Mogador (7432)<br />

L’Ermita, Alvaro Palacios 7443<br />

2004<br />

Clos Mogador 7431<br />

Roda 1, Rioja Reserva, Roda (7518)<br />

2005<br />

Clos Mogador (7432)<br />

Finca Dofi, Alvaro Palacios (7521)<br />

L’Ermita, Alvaro Palacios 7444<br />

2007<br />

Las Lamas, Descendientes de J.<br />

Palacios (7533)<br />


2005<br />

Agusti Torello Mata Gran Reserva<br />

Cava (7543)<br />


2007<br />

Niepoort Batuta (7381)<br />

Niepoort Charme (7381)<br />

PORT<br />

1994<br />

Niepoort (7378)<br />



1997<br />

Mouton Rothschild 7141<br />


1993<br />

Yquem 7175<br />


1997<br />

Alion 7495<br />

1998<br />

Alion 7496, (7502)<br />

1999<br />

Alion (7502)<br />

2002<br />

Vega Sicilia, ’Valbuena No. 5’ 7493<br />



1999<br />

Saint Aubin 1er Cru, Castets, Hubert<br />

Lamy 7036<br />


1997<br />

Puligny Montrachet, Les Truffières,<br />

Bernard Morey (7130)<br />

1998<br />

Chassagne Montrachet, Morgeots,<br />

Bernard Morey (7131)<br />

Puligny Montrachet, Les Truffières,<br />

Bernard Morey (7130)<br />

1999<br />

Chassagne Montrachet, Embrazées,<br />

Bernard Morey (7131)<br />

Chassagne Montrachet, Vide Bourse,<br />

Bernard Morey 7134<br />

2000<br />

Saint Aubin, Clos de la Chatenière,<br />

Hubert Lamy 7091<br />

2001<br />

Saint Aubin, Clos de la Chatenière,<br />

Hubert Lamy 7092<br />

RHONE<br />

1998<br />

Château de Beaucastel Rouge 7189<br />

1999<br />

Château de Beaucastel Rouge 7190<br />

2000<br />

Château de Beaucastel Rouge 7192<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Rouge, G.<br />

Charvin 7212<br />

2004<br />

Château de Beaucastel Rouge 7194<br />

Châteauneuf du Pape, Rouge, G.<br />

Charvin 7215<br />



1989<br />

Yquem 7174<br />

1993<br />

Yquem 7176<br />

1994<br />

Yquem 7179<br />



1997<br />

Mouton Rothschild 7142<br />


1993<br />

Yquem 7177-7178<br />

1994<br />

Yquem 7180<br />


2000<br />

Alion 7497-7498<br />

2002<br />

Alion 7499<br />

2003<br />

Alion 7500<br />



1999<br />

Chassagne Montrachet, Embrazées,<br />

Bernard Morey 7132-7133<br />

Chassagne Montrachet, Vide Bourse,<br />

Bernard Morey 7135-7136<br />

Puligny Montrachet, Les Truffières,<br />

Bernard Morey 7128-7129<br />

245<br />

elBullicellar • NEW YORK


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hb(s) - half bottle(s)<br />

imp.pt. - imperial pint<br />

hf.ltr. - half liter<br />

bt(s). - bottle(s)<br />

ltr. - liter<br />

mag. - magnum<br />

m-j. - marie-jeanne<br />

d.mag. - double magnum<br />

jero. - jeroboam<br />

reho. - rehoboam<br />

imp. - imperial<br />

meth. - methuselah<br />

salm. - salmanazar<br />

balth. - balthazar<br />

nebu. - nebuchadnezzar<br />

melr. - melchior<br />



For Bordeaux, Port and other wines in bottles with defi ned shoulders the ullage/level is<br />

shown, if relevant, by its relevant position in the bottle. Our interpretations are as follows:<br />

u. - ullage/ullages (levels)<br />

n. - within neck; the normal level of young wines<br />

bn. - bottom neck; completely acceptable for any age of wine<br />

vts. - very top shoulder; completely acceptable for any age of wine<br />

ts. - top shoulder; usual level for wines over 15 years old<br />

hs. - high shoulder; typical reduction through the cork, usually no problem<br />

ms. - mid shoulder; usually some deterioration of the cork and therefore some variation<br />

Example: (u. 3hs) means 3 bottles ullaged to high shoulder.<br />

For Burgundy, German and other wines in bottles with sloping necks the ullage is shown<br />

in centimetres, measured from the base of the cork.<br />

0.375<br />

0.568<br />

0.5<br />

0.75<br />

1<br />

1.5<br />

—<br />

—<br />

3<br />

—<br />

—<br />

6<br />

9<br />

12<br />

15<br />

—<br />

Example: (u. 2x5cm) means 2 bottles ullaged 5 centimetres.<br />


0.375<br />

0.568<br />

0.5<br />

0.75<br />

1<br />

1.5<br />

2.5<br />

3<br />

5*<br />

—<br />

6<br />

—<br />

9<br />

12<br />

15<br />

18<br />

0.375<br />

0.568<br />

0.5<br />

0.75<br />

1<br />

1.5<br />

—<br />

—<br />

3<br />

4.5<br />

—<br />

6<br />

9<br />

12<br />

15<br />

—<br />

I 250 I<br />

0.375<br />

0.568<br />

0.5<br />

0.75<br />

1<br />

1.5<br />

—<br />

3<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />


(oc) original carton<br />

(owc) original wooden case<br />

(sc) Sotheby’s Wine/Sotheby’s carton<br />

(cn) carton<br />


[ ] believed e.g. [1970] believed 1970<br />

cm. centimetres<br />

bt(s) bottle(s)<br />

The above table is a guide to the liters of wine per bottle size. Where relevant the fi gures have been taken from the EEC<br />

prescribed literage for light still wine, sparkling wine and liqueur wine. The di erent categories have separate implementation dates<br />

which, when combined with past variances in bottling quantities of some bottle sizes, means that this should be treated purely as a guide.<br />

Should you require the literage capacity of the wine in any lot, please contact the wine department.<br />

* up to 1978 Jeroboams were generally bottled in 4.5 liter bottles rather than 5 liter bottles.


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I 259 I

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SENIOR<br />


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Americas<br />

Kevin Ching<br />

Chief Executive O cer<br />

Asia<br />

Jodi Pollack<br />

Clarissa Post<br />

Christina Prescott-Walker<br />

Leslie Prouty<br />

Jamie Ritchie<br />

Jennifer Roth<br />

Alexander Rotter<br />

Polly Sartori<br />

Deborah Schmidt Robinson<br />

Daryn Schnipper<br />

Gary Schuler<br />

Margaret H. Schwartz<br />

Heinrich Schweizer<br />

Simon Shaw<br />

Lucian Simmons<br />

Axel Stein<br />

Raul Suarez<br />

Karen Sutton<br />

Alean Timm<br />

David Ulmer<br />

Tao Wang<br />

John Ward<br />

Beth Wassarman<br />

Matthew Weigman<br />

James Zemaitis<br />


William F. Ruprecht<br />

Chairman, President and Chief<br />

Executive O cer<br />

The Duke of Devonshire<br />

Deputy Chairman<br />

Steven B. Dodge<br />

Lead Independent Director<br />

John M. Angelo<br />

The Viscount Blakenham<br />

Daniel Meyer<br />

Allen Questrom<br />

Marsha E. Simms<br />

Michael I. Sovern<br />

Robert S. Taubman<br />

Diana L. Taylor<br />

Dennis M. Weibling<br />


Beatrice Stern<br />

Chairman<br />

Ambassador Walter J. P. Curley<br />

Honorary Chairman<br />

C. Hugh Hildesley<br />

Vice Chairman<br />

Alexis Gregory<br />

Deputy Chairman<br />

Juan Abelló<br />

Nicolas Berggruen<br />

Lavinia Borromeo<br />

Dr. Alice Y.T. Cheng<br />

Halit Cingillioğlu<br />

Henry Cornell<br />

Michel A. David-Weill<br />

Ulla Dreyfus-Best<br />

Frederik J. Duparc<br />

Jean Marc Etlin<br />

Serge de Ganay<br />

Charles de Gunzburg<br />

Tom Ford<br />

Ann Getty<br />

Ronnie F. Heyman<br />

Pansy Ho<br />

Prince Amyn Aga Khan<br />

John L. Marion<br />

Dimitri Mavrommatis<br />

Carlo Perrone<br />

Donna Patrizia Memmo<br />

dei Principi Ruspoli<br />

Rolf Sachs<br />

The Hon. Hilary Weston,<br />

C.M., O.Ont.