John Leland's Itinerary in Wales - Historical texts and images

John Leland's Itinerary in Wales - Historical texts and images

John Leland's Itinerary in Wales - Historical texts and images


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In Kibworth a pla<strong>in</strong> soile, sav<strong>in</strong>g Keven On, is good rye, barly, <strong>and</strong> otes, but litle whete.<br />

The beste wood <strong>in</strong> Kibworth is <strong>in</strong> Keven On as it were a forest grounde, <strong>and</strong> Cairdif is partely<br />

servid thens with wood. Ther be medowes by Remny <strong>and</strong> Taue rivers <strong>in</strong> this commote.<br />

Gentilmen <strong>in</strong> Kibworth.<br />

<strong>John</strong> Gu<strong>in</strong> Lewys half a mile above Remny Bridg a man of mene l<strong>and</strong>es.<br />

<strong>John</strong> Willyam a mene man a quarter of a mile above Cairdif on Taue.<br />

S<strong>in</strong>ghenith 89 of sum is devidid <strong>in</strong>to Iskaihach, <strong>and</strong> Huhekaihach. 90<br />

Iskaihac begennith on the west side of Remny by Keven On, <strong>and</strong> goith up a 6. mile by<br />

Glamorgan<br />

-shire.<br />

Kaedrayne<br />

the hegge of<br />

thorne<br />

fo. 58.<br />

By south<br />

27<br />

fo. 57.<br />

north est by Diffi<strong>in</strong> Risca /18/onto Kaihac. And on the est side of Taue from Keven<br />

On to .....<br />

In Iskaihac is Cair Filly Castelle sette emonge marisches, wher be ru<strong>in</strong>us<br />

waulles of a wonderful thiknes, <strong>and</strong> toure kept up for prisoners as to the chife holde of<br />

S<strong>in</strong>ghenith. It is 3. miles north est from L<strong>and</strong>af, <strong>and</strong> 2. miles from the est ripe of Taue.<br />

Ther is with<strong>in</strong> half a mile of Cairfilly by est a fair place caullid Vanne, wher Mr. Edward<br />

Lewys dwellith. Other gentilmen of any fame be not yn al S<strong>in</strong>ghenet, sav<strong>in</strong>g David Richarde<br />

dwell<strong>in</strong>g at Kelthle Care 91 <strong>in</strong> Huhkaihac, <strong>and</strong> Mathew ap Rise Vehan <strong>in</strong> Kelthle Care paroch<br />

also.<br />

Castelle Gogh 92 stondith on a high rok of a redde stone or soile a 2. miles from L<strong>and</strong>af<br />

upper on Taue: a quarter of a mile from the est ripe of Taue.<br />

Castelle Cough al yn ru<strong>in</strong>e no bigge th<strong>in</strong>g but high. It longith to the K<strong>in</strong>g <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ith by<br />

Keven On.<br />

Huhkaihac strecchith up on Taue by the est ripe from Kaihach to Morllays Castelle,<br />

<strong>and</strong> 2. miles upward by north north est to Kaedrayne, wher the kef<strong>in</strong>nith is betwixt<br />

High Wencel<strong>and</strong>,<br />

Breknocshir <strong>and</strong> Huhkaihachparte of S<strong>in</strong>ghenet.<br />

Morelays Castelle 93 st<strong>and</strong>ith <strong>in</strong> a good valley for corn <strong>and</strong> grasse, <strong>and</strong> is on the ..... ripe of<br />

Morelais Brooke.<br />

This castelle is <strong>in</strong> ru<strong>in</strong>e <strong>and</strong> longith to the K<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

Morlays riveret cummith by north est out of Brekenocshir hilles toward High-Wencel<strong>and</strong>,<br />

<strong>and</strong> so to Morelays Castelle, <strong>and</strong> about a myle lower <strong>in</strong> a paroche caullid Martyr 94 it goith <strong>in</strong>to<br />

the est ripe of Taue (Martyr Teduil).<br />

The commote of L<strong>and</strong>af beg<strong>in</strong>nith at the west side of the mouth of Taue, <strong>and</strong> so<br />

rennith up by the marschy shore on Severn to the mouthe of Ley 95 River, of sum yn<br />

89 Senghenyd<br />

90 Is- <strong>and</strong> U[wch] Kaiach<br />

91 Gelligaer<br />

92 Castell Coch<br />

93 Morleis Castle<br />

94 Merthyr Tydvil<br />

95 Lai, old form Elei.<br />

Glamorgan<br />

-shire.<br />

By est.<br />

Englisch caullid Ele. The mouthes of these 2. ryvers be about a mile a sundre. The<br />

Bishop’s l<strong>and</strong> <strong>in</strong> this commot is caullid Ter escop. 96<br />

This commote goith up apon the weste shore of Taue a quartre of a mile above L<strong>and</strong>af<br />

Bridge to a place caullid Clauthe (Diche) Cunstable. 97 And this is a ii. miles from the<br />

mouth of Taue, <strong>and</strong> sumwhat more.<br />

/19/Agayne the bridge of L<strong>and</strong>af this commot goith over Taue, <strong>and</strong> kepith about<br />

a mile of lenght on the est ripe.<br />

28<br />

Glamorgan-<br />

shire<br />

And a this side Taue ther is a peace on Severn caullid Splot, as mention is made <strong>in</strong><br />

Kibworth Hundreds.<br />

This commote goith up on the est side of Ley, first to a stone bridge caullid Pont Lecwith<br />

a mile of: then to Pont Lay, a stone caullid yn Englisch Ele Bridg, a mile. Here it goith over<br />

Ele aboute a mile on the west ripe of wher Caire 98 paroch is.<br />

It goit from Lay Bridg by the este ripe to Tilthecoit, 99 a praty village about half a<br />

mile. Half a mile above this on Lay est ripe is S. Fagan’s paroche, <strong>and</strong> that is <strong>in</strong> the<br />

commote of Est Thawan.<br />

This commot at the north is scant 2. miles over from Clauth Constable to S.<br />

Fagan’s, <strong>and</strong> ther as <strong>in</strong> the midle it sumwhat touchith apon Misk<strong>in</strong> commote.<br />

By west.<br />

TiltheCoith:<br />

totally <strong>in</strong> the<br />

wood.<br />

By north.<br />

In this commote is onely the castelle of L<strong>and</strong>af, beyng the Bishop ’s palace. There is sum<br />

meatly good corn ground <strong>in</strong> sum places of this commote: <strong>and</strong> very good frute for orchardes at<br />

Tilcoyth. 100<br />

There is very litle wood yn this commote. Wood is brought hither out of Meskyn.<br />

Gentilmen <strong>in</strong> L<strong>and</strong>af Commot.<br />

Myles Mathew. A litle from L<strong>and</strong>af Castelle waulles by south, it is like a pile <strong>and</strong> welle<br />

buildid.<br />

There is a nother mene gentilman of the Mathews <strong>in</strong> Caire paroche over Lay at Sweldon.<br />


By est.<br />

101 MISKIN.<br />

This commote by est as it lyith rennith up a long by the west side of Taue 102 Ryver,<br />

ontylle it cum to the place wher Kenon 103 ryveret cummith yn to Taue by the west ripe.<br />

This meat<strong>in</strong>g of Kenon with Taue is about a 10. mile above Clauth Cunstable. The ground on<br />

Taue ripe this way is very wooddy. Kenon Ryver goith <strong>in</strong>to Taue above Parke Newith.<br />

There is an hille caullid Keven Glase 104 beyond Kenon /20/half a mile, <strong>and</strong> it st<strong>and</strong>ith<br />

betwixte Kenon <strong>and</strong> Taue, <strong>and</strong> this is the kef<strong>in</strong>ith betwixt Misk<strong>in</strong> <strong>and</strong> S<strong>in</strong>ghenith. The ground<br />

betwixt Kenon <strong>and</strong> Penar hilly <strong>and</strong> woddy.<br />

96 Tir yr escob.<br />

97 Clawd Cwnstabl.<br />

98 Kaere<br />

99 Twll Coed, now Fairwater, near Llan Dâv<br />

100 Ditto.<br />

101 Gwlâd<br />

102 Tav<br />

103 Kynon<br />

fo. 59.

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