John Leland's Itinerary in Wales - Historical texts and images

John Leland's Itinerary in Wales - Historical texts and images

John Leland's Itinerary in Wales - Historical texts and images


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There cummith a broke caullid Wenbro thorough the toune. Wrexham is 3. miles north from<br />

De Ryver. Ther be 2. other paroches [(? <strong>in</strong>) Bromefeld, <strong>and</strong> so <strong>in</strong> all 4.]<br />

fo. 35.<br />

De. 416<br />

Waters In Bromefeld.<br />

Alen.<br />

Ruededoc Broke, hav<strong>in</strong>g good trouttes, cummith <strong>in</strong> one place withy n a quarter of a myle<br />

of Wrexham, <strong>and</strong> goith ynto De a mile above the Holte Castel. 417<br />

Abon that cummith by Ruabon 418 Chirch waul, <strong>and</strong> after renn<strong>in</strong>g lesse then a myle goith<br />

<strong>in</strong>to Dee.<br />

Pylleston the knight hath a faire maner yn Gresforde paroch at Llay 419 by mary<strong>in</strong>g an<br />

heyre doughter to one of the Hanmere.<br />

<strong>John</strong> Eyton dwellid yn Ruabon.<br />

<strong>John</strong> Pylleston sergeant at armes hath a manor <strong>and</strong> place withyn half a myle of Wrexham<br />

at Marsche.<br />

Yale lordship yo<strong>in</strong>ith to Bromefeld upon the farther side of De Ryver, <strong>and</strong> there is no<br />

parte of it on the hither side of Dee. There is <strong>in</strong> it a 4. or 5. paroches, wherof the moste famose<br />

is Llanarmon, i.e. Fanum Germani, <strong>and</strong> Llan Tegla, 420 i.e. Fanum Teclae.<br />

Greate pilgremage <strong>and</strong> offer<strong>in</strong>g was a late to S. Armon.<br />

Llannegwhiste 421 alias Vallis Crucis, ys yn Yale half a myle from Dee ripe.<br />

D<strong>in</strong>as Brane 422 Castel on a rokky hille stondith almost as neere as Vallis Crucis to Dee<br />

ripe, <strong>and</strong> go<strong>in</strong>g up on De water is sumwhat lower then the abbay.<br />

Owen Gl<strong>in</strong>dour had a place yn Yale apon the north side of De caullid Ragarth v. mile<br />

above D<strong>in</strong>as Brane.<br />

Almost <strong>in</strong> the midle way betwixte Llanegwhist <strong>and</strong> /71/Rithyn 423 appere vestigia<br />

of a castel of Owen Gl<strong>in</strong>dour (as it is saide) caullid Keuen De, 424 i.e. the bakke of the<br />

Blake Hille wher now shepardes kepe shepe.<br />

67<br />

Denbighshire.<br />

Chirk <strong>and</strong> Chirkl<strong>and</strong> lye by south on De agayne Yale, so that De for a space devidith<br />

Yale <strong>and</strong> Chirke.<br />

The hole soile of Yale is rokky, <strong>and</strong> by that not thoroughly fruteful of corne, yet yn<br />

diverse placis <strong>and</strong> valleyis betwixt hilles is meately good corne, medow <strong>and</strong> pasture, <strong>and</strong><br />

especially for corne aboute Llaneghwiste, <strong>and</strong> Llanarmon.<br />

In Yale ys plenty of kyne, shepe <strong>and</strong> gotes.<br />

415 Dyvrdwy = sacred water.<br />

416 The Clywedog flows south of Wrexham <strong>and</strong> <strong>in</strong>to the Dee a little north of Pickhill Hall. The brooklet flow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to<br />

the Dee “a mile above the Holt Castel” does not come anywhere near Wrexham.<br />

417 Rhiw Abon.<br />

418 Llai .<br />

420 Llan Degla.<br />

421 Llan Egwestyl.<br />

422 D<strong>in</strong>as Bran.<br />

423 Ruth<strong>in</strong><br />

424 Keven du<br />

<strong>John</strong> Llued 425 dwellith <strong>in</strong> Llan Teglas 426 paroche.<br />

Edwarde Llued 427 yn Llanarmon.<br />

There is meately good wood yn the valley places of Yale, <strong>and</strong> esp ecially at Llanegwhist,<br />

alias Vallis Crucis. The montaynis of Yale st<strong>and</strong><strong>in</strong>g north be baren of wood. The people there<br />

fo. 37.<br />

for the more part brenne turffis.<br />

De Ryver cummith by the side of Yale as limes betwixt it <strong>and</strong> Chirk.<br />

The greatest water beside De that is yn any parte of Yale is Alen that risith <strong>in</strong> Llan<br />

Alen. 428 This Alen rennith doune from weste to este firste to Llantegla, to Llanarmon, to<br />

Llanuerrys yn Yale, thens <strong>in</strong>to Molesdale lordship, at a place wherof caullid Hespalen 429 it<br />

rennith <strong>in</strong>to the grounde by the space of a quarter of a myle, <strong>and</strong> there is a marche betwixt<br />

Moledale <strong>and</strong> Flynte, <strong>and</strong> after ris<strong>in</strong>g departith stille by v. Walsche miles <strong>in</strong> cumpase<br />

Molesdale from Flyntshire. Thense thorough Hope Dale, a lordship perte<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g to Flynt. Thens<br />

ynto Bromefeld, alias Mailor Camrege, 430 <strong>and</strong> half a mile benneth Holt-Bridg <strong>in</strong>to De. This<br />

water hath mervelus good <strong>and</strong> greate trouttes.<br />

Chirke <strong>and</strong> Chirkcl<strong>and</strong>e lyith on the hither side by south of De agnynste Yale, <strong>and</strong> weste<br />

of it upper on De hither ripe lyith a commothe of Merionithshir caullid Dernion, 431 <strong>and</strong> pla<strong>in</strong>e<br />

south of this Chirke <strong>in</strong> sum place touchith Poys 432 l<strong>and</strong>e. There is never a market toun <strong>in</strong> this<br />

lordship,. At /72/ Chirk self be a few houses, <strong>and</strong> there is on a smaul hille a mighty<br />

large <strong>and</strong> stronge castel with dyvers towers, a late welle repayred by Syr Wylliam<br />

St<strong>and</strong>eley, the Yerle of Darby=s brother.<br />

There hath beene 2. parkes. One yet remaynith caullid Blake Park. Keriog Ryveret<br />

cummith on the south side of Chirk Castel. De Ryver is wyth<strong>in</strong> a myle of the north side of it.<br />

The moste parte of Chirk <strong>and</strong> Chirkel<strong>and</strong> on the south toward Poys l<strong>and</strong>e is great plenty<br />

of mervelus good woodde, <strong>and</strong> thorough reasonable wood. Moch o the lordship ys hylly, but<br />

yn valleys by De <strong>and</strong> Keriog good corne <strong>and</strong> medow, <strong>and</strong> <strong>in</strong> sum other places.<br />

This lordeship or lordships <strong>in</strong> Walsch is caullid Gua<strong>in</strong>e, <strong>and</strong> is devidid <strong>in</strong>to Low <strong>and</strong> Hy<br />

Guayne 433<br />

Denbighshire<br />

Gentilmen of Chirke.<br />

Trevor dwell<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Chirk paroche at Place Newith. 434<br />

Edwards sunne dwell<strong>in</strong>g not far from Chirk Castel.<br />

425 Llwyd<br />

426 Llan Degla<br />

427 Llwyd<br />

428 Alun, Llyn Alun<br />

429 Hesp Alun, about a mile east of Kilken<br />

430 Maelor Cymraeg<br />

431 Edernion<br />

432 Powis<br />

433 Y Weun, ignorantly written “y Waen”<br />

434 Plas Newydd=New Palace<br />

68<br />

fo. 36.

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