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44<br />
Elimination of duality<br />
By Sukdarshen Singh<br />
We are trapped by duality. All our<br />
lives, we have looked for answers<br />
outside of our own minds as we<br />
feel we are incapable of finding<br />
the solution within ourselves. This<br />
is where the problem starts.<br />
We can blame the systems -<br />
granthis, gurdwara presidents and<br />
<strong>Sikh</strong> bodies but the reality is we<br />
are unwilling to acknowledge the<br />
very first step that “I need to<br />
change if I want the world to<br />
change”.<br />
Our Gurus were able to make<br />
significant changes in people lives<br />
because they were willing and<br />
certainly blessed to live and<br />
breathe the live of a Gursikh. The<br />
world is so full of delusions and<br />
we are all trapped in it. We seek<br />
solutions outside for a glimpse of<br />
hope and salvation. We are willing<br />
to accept any path that promises<br />
happiness.<br />
The reality is we need to look<br />
within ourselves to identify how<br />
our behaviors are inconsistent to<br />
GURMAT values as prescribed by<br />
Shabad Guru as the only reference.<br />
We use our current consciousness<br />
to read, understand and reflect on<br />
what Shabad Guru is asking of us<br />
and ask ourselves the TRUTH<br />
question if whether I am following<br />
this hukum.<br />
IF ‘yes’, express our gratefulness<br />
to our Guruji. If ‘no’, then<br />
seek specific help from Guruji to<br />
help us address areas where we<br />
need to improve. This way we start<br />
building a powerful bond with<br />
Guruji as we self-monitor our daily<br />
behavior. Here, when we allign to<br />
Guruji’s hukum, a sense of<br />
gratefulness will arise. Where we<br />
find misalignment, we will<br />
immediately appreciate the gap<br />
and seek to change it with our<br />
actions.<br />
When we align our intentions<br />
in its purest form with Guruji’s<br />
hukum, our success is guaranteed<br />
as we are than aligned towards<br />
our Guruji’s expectation of us.<br />
Through this process, with<br />
Guruji blessing, our consciousness<br />
grow and the reflection<br />
process from the Shabad Guru<br />
will enhance too leading to<br />
further uplift towards a spiritual<br />
stage.<br />
That is why the Shabad Guru<br />
is a Living Guru. It aligns ones<br />
consciousness to it irrespective at<br />
what stage of spiritual path we<br />
are. When we choose to read,<br />
understand and reflect the<br />
Shabad Guru from the perspective<br />
of others we experience a<br />
perspective that is different from<br />
our thoughts. At times, this<br />
prevents us from moving forward<br />
as it is not coming from our own<br />
reflection. This get translated in<br />
our minds as knowledge but not<br />
necessary divine knowledge.<br />
Divine Knowledge inspires us to<br />
change towards a spiritual path<br />
The <strong>Sikh</strong>, July 2012<br />
while knowledge merely<br />
increases our level of understanding<br />
of a certain area. It may not<br />
necessarily drive a change for the<br />
better in our lives.<br />
Sukh and Dukh are man-made<br />
experiences based on their ability<br />
to achieve or not to achieve their<br />
desires. When we achieve our<br />
desires, it is translated to Sukh.<br />
When we fail to achieve our<br />
desires, it translates into dukh.<br />
The degree of Sukh and Dukh is<br />
based on the intensity of that<br />
desire. We know our desires will<br />
grow as they get achieved. Over<br />
time they become more and more<br />
challenging, leading these desires<br />
to be unlikely met. Ultimately,<br />
they lead us to a sense of<br />
unhappiness, overriding any joy<br />
we had from past desires met.<br />
When contentment exists,<br />
desires get controlled. When<br />
something is achieved based on<br />
our effort, it is accepted as<br />
Guruji’s bessing. When something<br />
is not achieved to our<br />
defined plans, we then look at<br />
understanding objectively what<br />
prevents our success and we are<br />
able to objectively align our<br />
thoughts to correcting mistakes<br />
or lapses of judgment leading to<br />
positive results from past<br />
mistakes. That is why a Gurmukh<br />
is always successful.<br />
Sukdarshen Singh is an active<br />
long-time <strong>Sabha</strong> sevadar from<br />
the Northern region.