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Problematic working relationships and lack <strong>of</strong> complementary synergies between<br />

consultants and CSOs which, in turn, affected the report-writing process especially<br />

with regards the availability <strong>of</strong> useful M&E information and the ―telling‖ <strong>of</strong> true and<br />

compelling s<strong>to</strong>ries about the performance <strong>of</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>red projects.<br />

Collection <strong>of</strong> volumes <strong>of</strong> ―useless‖ data which are <strong>of</strong>ten inadequate for use in the<br />

subsequent preparation <strong>of</strong> M&E reports while ―useful‖ essential information for the<br />

preparation <strong>of</strong> the much needed results-based M&E reports were never collected.<br />

Poorly written state M&E reports that do not even conform <strong>to</strong> the agreed writing<br />

format as a results <strong>of</strong>:<br />

o Lack <strong>of</strong> understanding about the purpose <strong>of</strong> the M&E exercise.<br />

o Lack <strong>of</strong> capacity for translating the data collected from the field and from<br />

other sources in<strong>to</strong> meaningful aggregates for preparing meaningful resultsbased<br />

M&E reports.<br />

o Inadequate quality control by both the OSSAP-MDGs and the supervising<br />

consultants over the M&E activities and work outputs <strong>of</strong> state consultants and<br />

CSOs.<br />

o Absence <strong>of</strong> capacity and experience by consultants and CSOs on the needed<br />

multi-disciplinary interactions and processes that are so essential for a<br />

successful M&E process at the state level.<br />

Absence <strong>of</strong> a plan <strong>of</strong> action at both the national and state levels <strong>to</strong> ensure that the<br />

M&E process contains at all times the minimum capacities and conditionsfor successin<br />

terms <strong>of</strong> human capacity, incentives and penalties for M&E staff, adequate structures<br />

and procedures, financial resources, etc.<br />


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