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The quest <strong>to</strong> achieve the MDGs in <strong>Nigeria</strong><br />

represents the country‘s commitment <strong>to</strong> the global<br />

partnership that originated from the country‘s<br />

endorsement <strong>of</strong> the Millennium Declaration at the<br />

Millennium Summit <strong>of</strong> 2000. Because the MDGs<br />

are stated as stand-alone goals, national attempts<br />

<strong>to</strong> achieve them <strong>of</strong>ten blur the multi-sec<strong>to</strong>ral links<br />

between all goals, targets and indica<strong>to</strong>rs. From the<br />

on-set, the OSSAP-MDGs implementation<br />

strategy was based on the understanding that the<br />

Millennium Development goals and targets are<br />

interrelated and should be addressed as a whole.<br />

This is why the MDGs have been closely<br />

integrated with the country‘s national<br />

development agenda.<br />

In the <strong>Nigeria</strong>n context, the MDGs represent a<br />

social investment in line with the country‘s Vision<br />

20:2020, and <strong>to</strong> help integrate the DRGs<br />

investments in<strong>to</strong> the wider developmental goals <strong>of</strong><br />

the country‘s development strategies, the OSSAP-<br />

MDGs is mandated <strong>to</strong>:<br />

Sensitise senior public sec<strong>to</strong>r<br />

managers in collaboration with<br />

the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Finance,<br />

Budget Office, Debt<br />

Management Office, National<br />

Planning Commission and<br />

NAPEP in the design and<br />

implementation <strong>of</strong> Virtual<br />

Poverty Fund (VPF);<br />

Evolve a consultative process<br />

meant <strong>to</strong> identify key strategic<br />

areas likely <strong>to</strong> have the<br />

greatest impact on achieving<br />

MDGs with senior public<br />

service managers,<br />

representatives <strong>of</strong> IDPs, the<br />

World Bank, DFID, UNDP<br />

and civil society;<br />

Design appropriate systems <strong>to</strong><br />

tag and track public<br />

expenditure line items that will<br />

impact on the MDGs at both<br />

national and state levels;<br />

Work in collaboration with the<br />

MOF, BOF, NPC and DMO<br />

for the operation <strong>of</strong> a virtual<br />

poverty fund designed <strong>to</strong> effect<br />

results from the use <strong>of</strong><br />

domestic resources derivable<br />

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