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for the enrolment <strong>of</strong> children<br />
in primary education, by<br />
extending it <strong>to</strong> free junior<br />
secondary school education;<br />
Identifying indica<strong>to</strong>rs that are<br />
contextually relevant for the<br />
varying situations across<br />
<strong>Nigeria</strong> but which may be<br />
inappropriate <strong>to</strong> use in certain<br />
localised contexts. For<br />
example in certain parts <strong>of</strong> the<br />
country, especially in the<br />
eastern region, low school<br />
enrolment may be more <strong>of</strong> a<br />
problem among boys than<br />
girls. In such situations,<br />
indica<strong>to</strong>rs that are also relevant<br />
for tracking the performance<br />
<strong>of</strong> the ―boy-child‖ have been<br />
developed and are also being<br />
applied;<br />
Purpose<strong>full</strong>y introducing<br />
projects that address sociocultural<br />
realities that impinge<br />
on specific MDGs. For<br />
example, the construction <strong>of</strong><br />
sex segregated VIP latrines in<br />
schools in certain parts <strong>of</strong> the<br />
country serves not only as an<br />
effective incentive for higher<br />
enrolment <strong>of</strong> girls in schools<br />
but also as a creative and much<br />
better indica<strong>to</strong>r than the more<br />
orthodox indica<strong>to</strong>r <strong>of</strong> ―the<br />
number <strong>of</strong> new classrooms<br />
constructed‖ for measuring<br />
progress <strong>to</strong>wards increased<br />
enrolment <strong>of</strong> girls;<br />
Identifyingspecific gender<br />
gaps and fixing context-<br />
relevant targets which mandate<br />
disaggregation by sex so as <strong>to</strong><br />
promote reinforced gender<br />
advocacy aimed at closing the<br />
identified gaps. For example,<br />
focusing on the gender-related<br />
realities <strong>of</strong> the political playing<br />
field in the country for<br />
purposes <strong>of</strong> eliciting pressure<br />
<strong>to</strong> close gender gaps in<br />
politics;<br />
Promoting community<br />
consultation <strong>to</strong> encourage<br />
engagement and participation<br />
in the development process by<br />
empowering community<br />
members <strong>to</strong> advocate for<br />
improvements <strong>of</strong> their own<br />
situations. The outcomes <strong>of</strong><br />
OSSAP-MDGs‘ focus on<br />
community involvement has<br />
been increased ownership <strong>of</strong><br />
the MDGs across the country<br />
through the creation <strong>of</strong> new<br />
constituencies <strong>of</strong> stakeholders<br />
who are increasingly able <strong>to</strong><br />
define what is important <strong>to</strong><br />
them and <strong>to</strong> demand that their<br />
priorities be give due attention.<br />
There are indications that OSSAP-MDGs‘ efforts<br />
<strong>to</strong> domesticate the MDGs is beginning <strong>to</strong> pay<strong>of</strong>f<br />
not only in <strong>Nigeria</strong> but also beyond the country‘s<br />
borders. There are two dimensions <strong>to</strong> <strong>Nigeria</strong>‘s<br />
leadership role as a best practice model for<br />
achieving the MDGs. First is the fact that several<br />
countries are following the activities <strong>of</strong> OSSAP-<br />
MDGs with keen interest and many <strong>of</strong> them are<br />
expressing interest in the model the Office is<br />
adopting. For example, East Timor has requested<br />
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