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etroactively, is clearly<br />

outlined;<br />

A credible accounting system<br />

is proposed for tracking<br />

project costs and producing<br />

periodic and cumulative <strong>to</strong>tals<br />

<strong>of</strong> all project-related costs;<br />

The introduction <strong>of</strong> a data<br />

warehousing e-system <strong>to</strong><br />

facilitate the standardisation <strong>of</strong><br />

M&E data at the OSSAP-<br />

MDGs and state levels;<br />

A credible plan is presented<br />

for <strong>document</strong>ing and reporting<br />

on estimated changes in the<br />

identified key indica<strong>to</strong>rs at<br />

least at the end <strong>of</strong> the budget<br />

year.<br />

Financial Lessons and Challenges<br />

Most <strong>of</strong> the Goals projects suffered from<br />

challenges in the 2009 financial year. These<br />

ranged from underfunding through late release <strong>of</strong><br />

funds <strong>to</strong> contrac<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>to</strong> low aid support (in the case<br />

<strong>of</strong> Goal 8). Sustainability <strong>of</strong> some health-related<br />

projects such as the MSS and NHIS MCH<br />

interventions (which show promise <strong>of</strong> making<br />

huge and very visible impacts) might be<br />

threatened by lack <strong>of</strong> funding. For example,<br />

despite the tremendous success achieved by the<br />

MSS and NHIS MCH programmes, some<br />

problems still persist that adversely affect them.<br />

Despite signing an MOU with the NPHCDA, there<br />

are still some state and LGAs that are not fulfilling<br />

their responsibilities (e.g. in Kano, Ebonyi,<br />

Gombe and Delta) such as provision <strong>of</strong><br />

accommodation for the midwives. As a result <strong>of</strong><br />

this, States such as Ebonyi found it difficult <strong>to</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong>fer 24-hour skilled care). Provision <strong>of</strong> electricity<br />

and clean water for the PHCs, provision <strong>of</strong> basic<br />

drugs and labora<strong>to</strong>ry services, delay in payment <strong>of</strong><br />

allowances, etc., all contributes <strong>to</strong> poor utilisation<br />

<strong>of</strong> these centres. It would appear that more<br />

funding in the form <strong>of</strong> grants (not as capital<br />

appropriations which must be spent within a<br />

financial year or returned <strong>to</strong> the treasury) would<br />

improve their sustainability.<br />

For Goal 2, the increase in budgetary allocation is<br />

not proportionate <strong>to</strong> increasing number <strong>of</strong> children<br />

<strong>of</strong> school age, resulting in a qualified<br />

underfunding <strong>of</strong> UBEC <strong>to</strong> carry out its mandate<br />

programmes. In the Housing and Police sec<strong>to</strong>rs,<br />

there was no breakdown <strong>of</strong> project costs (for each<br />

project), thus making it impossible for the M&E<br />

teams <strong>to</strong> determine how much was allocated <strong>to</strong><br />

each MDG goal in these sec<strong>to</strong>rs.<br />

There have been complaints from contrac<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>of</strong><br />

delays in payments for works done and this is said<br />

<strong>to</strong> be responsible for the slow pace <strong>of</strong> works on<br />

some <strong>of</strong> the sites.<br />

For Goal 8, which the M&E report is considering<br />

in detail for the first time, the following key<br />

challenges need <strong>to</strong> be addressed:<br />

<strong>Nigeria</strong>‘s balance-<strong>of</strong>-payments situation is<br />

determined primarily by developments in the<br />

world oil market; hence it has not been<br />

amenable <strong>to</strong> changes induced by import<br />

prohibitions, a policy instrument aimed at<br />

protection <strong>of</strong> domestic producers. But there is<br />

little evidence that it has produced the desired<br />

result. For example, a recent study <strong>of</strong> the<br />

textile sec<strong>to</strong>r—the single most important target<br />

<strong>of</strong> the import prohibition policies <strong>of</strong> the past<br />

twenty years—shows that both its output and<br />

employment have stagnated or declined<br />

(Oyejide et al., 2003);<br />

Large-scale smuggling in spite <strong>of</strong> stiff<br />

penalties imposed on those involved with the<br />

importation, transportation, s<strong>to</strong>rage, display or<br />

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