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Section Three: Towards the Production<br />
<strong>of</strong> a Results-based M&E Report<br />
Explaining the Importance <strong>of</strong> a Clear M&E Framework/Strategy<br />
Without an effective M&E framework, it would be impossible <strong>to</strong> produce a useful performancebased<br />
M&E report. Given the large number <strong>of</strong> Consultancy Teams (CO) and Civil Society<br />
Organizations (CSO) involved in the M&E exercise, a simple but effective M&E<br />
framework/strategy is an important perquisite for the production <strong>of</strong> a satisfac<strong>to</strong>ry resultsbased<br />
M&E report at the end <strong>of</strong> the process. Simply stated, an M&E strategy which presents a<br />
detailed description <strong>of</strong> the measurements, analysis, and reporting needed <strong>to</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>r and<br />
evaluate the implementation <strong>of</strong> DRG projects and an assessment <strong>of</strong> the results achieved is a<br />
basic requirement for a good results-based M&E report. The main components <strong>of</strong> such an M&E<br />
framework/strategy include:<br />
A Logical Framework and an articulated results chain for each programme/project.<br />
A detailed M&E plan for data collection and analysis.<br />
Reporting flows and formats.<br />
A feedback and review plan.<br />
A Plan for meeting the necessary conditions and capacities.<br />
A Logical Framework<br />
A good logical framework matrix is the foundation <strong>of</strong> any good results-based M&E exercise<br />
leading <strong>to</strong> an effective M&E report. It presents a set <strong>of</strong> clearly defined and realistic objectives,<br />
assumptions, and risks that describe how a programme/project is supposed <strong>to</strong> work. It is<br />
accompanied by a set <strong>of</strong> simple performance indica<strong>to</strong>rs for which data that can be easily<br />
collected and analyzed and describes how the indica<strong>to</strong>rs will be verified including the sources<br />
<strong>of</strong> data for verification.<br />
At the heart <strong>of</strong> the logical framework matrix is the results chain which depicts the causal or<br />
logical relationships between inputs, activities, outputs, and outcomes <strong>of</strong> a given<br />
project, program, or initiative. An essential part <strong>of</strong> DRG spend M&E is the capacity <strong>to</strong><br />
moni<strong>to</strong>r the practical benefits <strong>of</strong> introducing a pro-MDGs project, and this is only possible<br />
when there is a clear understanding <strong>of</strong> the ‗results chain‘ and the likely resource requirements<br />
implied by the project. It is therefore necessary <strong>to</strong> formulate a reasonably detailed results-<br />