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their state. The need for a similar administrative<br />
structure in line with OSSAP-MDGs should be<br />
created at state levels, with responsibility <strong>to</strong><br />
coordinate all DRGs-MDGs programmes and<br />
projects implemented in the State. Knowing what<br />
is going on in the state will facilitate the<br />
coordination <strong>of</strong> the march <strong>to</strong>wards MDGs, avoid<br />
duplication <strong>of</strong> resources and efforts, and bring the<br />
state authorities in<strong>to</strong> the stakeholders fold.<br />
Training <strong>of</strong> Skilled Healthcare Workers<br />
The above can only be successful if there is a<br />
deliberate policy <strong>to</strong> increase the number <strong>of</strong> skilled<br />
health workers available in the country. With three<br />
health-related Goals and others sharing healthrelated<br />
indica<strong>to</strong>rs, skilled healthcare workers are<br />
central <strong>to</strong> achievement <strong>of</strong> the MDGs. Policy<br />
should be made <strong>to</strong> increase spending on training<br />
and refreshing skills <strong>of</strong> healthcare workers,<br />
especially those that attend <strong>to</strong> the rural dwellers,<br />
as statistics indicate that most <strong>of</strong> the highly skilled<br />
healthcare workers practice in the urban areas.<br />
Improve Sanitation, Reforestation and Slum<br />
Dwellings<br />
The Federal Ministry <strong>of</strong> Environment should come<br />
up with new MDG programmes that will address<br />
bush burning, desertification and climate change.<br />
Programmes should also promote the use <strong>of</strong><br />
alternative cooking fuels (such as briquettes)<br />
through subsidies so as <strong>to</strong> discourage the use <strong>of</strong><br />
firewood. Policies should also be introduced <strong>to</strong><br />
address overfishing by res<strong>to</strong>cking the nation‘s<br />
water bodies with appropriate fish species. For<br />
purpose <strong>of</strong> sanitation, all VIP <strong>to</strong>ilets should be<br />
sited where a nearby source <strong>of</strong> portable water is<br />
available. If none exists, a borehole should be<br />
drilled <strong>to</strong> accompany the <strong>to</strong>ilet.<br />
Water remains a critical resource in both<br />
improving livelihood as well as the sustenance <strong>of</strong><br />
health <strong>of</strong> the people. The efforts <strong>of</strong> providing earth<br />
dams and boreholes do not seem <strong>to</strong> eradicate the<br />
problem <strong>of</strong> water born and water related diseases.<br />
The annual occurrence <strong>of</strong> cholera out-brakes in<br />
parts on <strong>Nigeria</strong> contribute <strong>to</strong> the slowing or<br />
outright s<strong>to</strong>p <strong>to</strong> the march <strong>to</strong>wards the MDGs.<br />
There is therefore the need <strong>to</strong> put in place a<br />
community-based water moni<strong>to</strong>ring strategy that<br />
aims at involving the community <strong>to</strong> identify health<br />
risks in the watersheds. This will help<br />
communities in improving the well being through<br />
watershed stewardship that will prevent this water<br />
borne and related disease outbreaks, thus<br />
eliminating cost <strong>of</strong> treatments.<br />
Advocate for Global Partners <strong>to</strong> Redeem<br />
Pledges<br />
Though Goal 8 is beyond the DRGs spend, the<br />
following actions can be taken <strong>to</strong>wards achieving<br />
it:<br />
OSSAP-MDGs should lead the <strong>Nigeria</strong>n<br />
government <strong>to</strong> encourage donors <strong>to</strong> fulfil<br />
pledges made on the quantity <strong>of</strong> aid flows (0.7<br />
per cent <strong>of</strong> Gross National Income (GNI));<br />
Global partners should implement measures <strong>to</strong><br />
promote aid quality; reducing tied aid,<br />
increasing the grant element, enhancing direct<br />
budget support, and ensuring better targeting.<br />
The National Planning Commission needs <strong>to</strong><br />
play a more proactive role in coordinating,<br />
predicting, harmonising and aligning ODA<br />
resources;<br />
The reassessment <strong>of</strong> the new trend <strong>of</strong> rising<br />
debt pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> the country <strong>to</strong> ensure that we do<br />
not gradually revert <strong>to</strong> an unsustainable debt<br />
level;<br />
<strong>Nigeria</strong>‘s membership <strong>of</strong> the WTO provides it,<br />
in principle, a strong external trade policy<br />
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