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In the results chain, 18 this M&E only collected data <strong>to</strong> give informed verdict on no more than<br />

the inputs, activities and in some cases outputs, but not on outcomes and impacts <strong>of</strong> the<br />

projects and programmes. It has relied on complementary related data from other sources<br />

such as the National Population Commission, National Bureau <strong>of</strong> Statistics and other<br />

published and reliable unpublished sources. It would be desirable however, if an evaluation<br />

<strong>of</strong> projects executed since 2006 can be undertaken <strong>to</strong> measure impact <strong>of</strong> DRG expenditures<br />

so far made. This is even more tenable in the light <strong>of</strong> discovery that certain facilities have<br />

fallen in<strong>to</strong> disuse over the years either due <strong>to</strong> lack <strong>of</strong> maintenance, absence <strong>of</strong> skilled<br />

manpowered or use <strong>of</strong> substandard materials.<br />

Conclusions by Goals<br />

Goal1: The M&E team covered 405 out <strong>of</strong> 596 projects within a short duration. The<br />

completion <strong>of</strong> 2009 projects for Goal 1 is approaching 100% as soon as the on-going<br />

projects are complete. Meanwhile it has been observed that the success is dragging due <strong>to</strong><br />

non-performing contracts as shown in the case where 2009 budget line item is still ongoing<br />

in 2011. There should be prompt response <strong>to</strong> the projects in terms <strong>of</strong> finance, project<br />

information and implementation.<br />

Improved livelihood observed among many beneficiaries <strong>of</strong> DRG-funded MDGs poverty<br />

and hunger reduction programmes across the country indicates that MDG 1 targets 1 and 2<br />

were well addressed in 2009.<br />

Goal 2: From the findings, it can be seen that the most progress is being made in achieving<br />

the increase <strong>of</strong> enrolment in primary, secondary and tertiary educational institutions as well<br />

as increasing the literacy rate <strong>of</strong> women within the 15-24-year age bracket. This is probably<br />

due <strong>to</strong> the construction <strong>of</strong> classroom blocks, VIP <strong>to</strong>ilets, library centres and other educationbased<br />

projects through the CGS and Quick-Wins initiatives.<br />

Goal 3: Progress in this Goal has concentrated on only two out <strong>of</strong> the four indica<strong>to</strong>rs.<br />

Evidence abounds that the most progress is being made in achieving an increase <strong>of</strong> girl child<br />

enrolment in primary and secondary schools. It can be inferred that this will improve the<br />

literacy rate among women. However, it is important <strong>to</strong> design projects and programmes that<br />

will serve all the indica<strong>to</strong>rs under this goal in order for the attainment <strong>of</strong> gender equality and<br />

women empowerment.<br />

Goals 4, 5 and 6: The health-related Goals made much progress in the year under review. It<br />

is possible <strong>to</strong> attain the health-related MDGs if the NHIS MCH Scheme and the MSS are<br />

scaled-up gradually, including massive investment in both PHCs and training <strong>of</strong> skilled<br />

health personnel. FMOH programmes appear best implemented by agencies that are selfaccounting<br />

such as the NPHCDA and the NHIS. They produce their own work plans that get<br />

implemented with little interference from the parent Ministry. MDA implementation <strong>of</strong><br />

projects/programmes in states will be much more effective if there is a mechanism that will<br />

18 The results chain is a planning framework that assumes that inputs are made with the intention <strong>of</strong> generating outcomes,<br />

which will make an impact, in the following order: Input – Activities- Output – Outcome—Impact.<br />

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