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chain for each project defining outcomes, outputs, activities and resource requirements in<br />

explicit, quantified and time-bound terms.<br />

An M&E Plan for Data Collection and Analyses, covering Baseline and<br />

On-going M&E<br />

Without a realistic and well thought out plan for collecting, assembling and analyzing the<br />

required data including baseline and on-going M&E 2 , the M&E exercise is likely <strong>to</strong> face many<br />

problems. Before the M&E exercise starts, a critical task relates <strong>to</strong> assessing what information<br />

can realistically be collected given available human and financial resources and then describing<br />

clearly the proposed arrangements for the routine collection <strong>of</strong> the M&E data, based on the<br />

indica<strong>to</strong>rs defined in the logical framework including, how, when, and by whom each piece <strong>of</strong><br />

data will be collected, analyzed, and reported as well as arrangements for verifying the quality<br />

and accuracy <strong>of</strong> the data and its analyses. The plan should also describe how baseline data<br />

and information from other M&E events will be collected and used <strong>to</strong> assess change over time.<br />

Reporting Flows and Formats<br />

Reporting flows and formats for both moni<strong>to</strong>ring and evaluation must be agreed in advance<br />

and linked <strong>to</strong> well defined and logical reporting orders. The reasons for communicating the<br />

M&E findings <strong>to</strong> the different stakeholders must be clearly unders<strong>to</strong>od by everyone involved.<br />

An agreed system for feedback and management review must also be clearly spelt out and<br />

agreed in advance. It would also be important <strong>to</strong> schedule clearly how the reports (written<br />

and oral) would be done, showing who is <strong>to</strong> do what and by when in order <strong>to</strong> have the<br />

information ready on time.<br />

Feed Back and Review<br />

There is need <strong>to</strong> set out the measures that would be taken <strong>to</strong> ensure that critical decisions<br />

involving the unfolding findings <strong>of</strong> the M&E are made on a timely basis.<br />

Meeting the Necessary M&E Conditions and Capacities<br />

There is need <strong>to</strong> describe clearly what the necessary conditions for the M&E <strong>to</strong> work and <strong>to</strong><br />

work effectively are, including the required human capacity, what constitutes adequate<br />

incentives and penalties <strong>to</strong> ensure that the M&E is done well, the required structures and<br />

procedures, and adequate financial resources. This will require a plan that clearly links the<br />

planned M&E activities <strong>to</strong> a capacity-building design, an implementation schedule, and a<br />

detailed budget.<br />

Preparing <strong>to</strong> write the 2009 DRG M&E Report<br />

A series <strong>of</strong> Training Workshops which dealt with the different components <strong>of</strong> an M&E<br />

Framework/Strategy and especially directed at addressing the shortcomings <strong>of</strong> previous DRG<br />

M&E reports and focusing on identifying and minimizing the consequences <strong>of</strong> the void created<br />

by the absence <strong>of</strong> an effective M&E framework/strategy, were organized by the consultant for<br />

members <strong>of</strong> the NMET. As there was limited time and lack <strong>of</strong> resources, training was not held<br />

for the SMETs. Such a training exercise, which should be carried out at the beginning <strong>of</strong> the<br />

M&E exercise, is critical and more so for the M&E practitioners at the state level. The training<br />

modules used in the training workshops are presented in Appendices Two, Three and four.<br />

2 On-going M&E is the analysis that occurs at any point during project implementation <strong>to</strong> provide information<br />

that would be useful for taking corrective and, based on an analysis <strong>of</strong> the deliverables <strong>of</strong> the project, whether it<br />

is likely <strong>to</strong> achieve its stated objectives. On this basis both corrective and major changes may be made <strong>to</strong> the<br />

project or it could be aborted.<br />


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