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Objectives<br />

The M&E portal was developed <strong>to</strong>:<br />

Facilitate seamless communication between the SMETs and NMET;<br />

Share work plans for the various sec<strong>to</strong>rs;<br />

Free up time so that the SMETs and NMET could concentrate on the core functions <strong>of</strong> field M&E while<br />

the IT platform au<strong>to</strong>mated processing and reporting;<br />

Analyse the data collected, collate it and develop robust reports based on the quantitative and<br />

qualitative data;<br />

Eliminate redundant data by codifying line items, hence maintaining the integrity <strong>of</strong> data collected; and<br />

Remove obstacles that might arise from deploying the M&E system online.<br />

2009 NMET PORTAL<br />

The 2009 M&E Portal was enhanced <strong>to</strong> capture “vital information” that was not covered during 2008 M&E<br />

exercise and also key in observations from state teams. These include:<br />

Broadening the reporting template <strong>to</strong> capture human angle s<strong>to</strong>ries, background information and<br />

supporting information on project utilisation and fac<strong>to</strong>rs responsible for performance or nonperformance;<br />

Developing an instantaneous reporting system (IRS) that allows the national and state teams‟ <strong>to</strong> tag<br />

projects that require urgent attention/action by OSSAP-MDGs and highlight inconsistent reporting <strong>of</strong><br />

parameters by state teams (for example, a completed project with 0% quality compliance);<br />

Restructuring the M&E portal <strong>to</strong> report based on goals rather than the traditional sec<strong>to</strong>r based<br />

reporting;<br />

Improving portal functionality and ease <strong>of</strong> use on the portal so that state teams can concentrate on the<br />

core functions <strong>of</strong> field assessment while the portal scientifically analyses results emanating from the<br />

field;<br />

Developing compendium <strong>of</strong> pictures and GPS Coordinate <strong>to</strong> help in mapping <strong>of</strong> project sites and data<br />

sharing across multiple platforms.<br />

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