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Restructuring <strong>to</strong> a Goal Based Reporting System<br />

One <strong>of</strong> the successes <strong>of</strong> the portal was the tagging <strong>of</strong> projects in<strong>to</strong> goals rather than the traditional sec<strong>to</strong>r based<br />

approach we started with. This approach allowed the national team <strong>to</strong> analyse projects across goals and make<br />

comparative analyses that wouldn‟t have been possible.<br />

Generating Goal Based Reports across implementing MDAs/Sec<strong>to</strong>r<br />

The portal was also able <strong>to</strong> establish correlations between implementing MDAs/Sec<strong>to</strong>rs and their goals. The<br />

portal gave insight in<strong>to</strong> efforts by implementing MDAs in achieving the various MDGs goals with supporting<br />

human angle s<strong>to</strong>ries and performance indexes by state consultants and CSOs<br />

Portal Entries<br />

The entries by the state teams increased by two folds. A <strong>to</strong>tal <strong>of</strong> 13,339 entries were registered compared <strong>to</strong><br />

8,899 entries during the 2008 M&E Exercise. This shows that state teams are getting used <strong>to</strong> using the portal as<br />

an effective means <strong>of</strong> reporting findings on the field.<br />

Assessment <strong>of</strong> State Teams<br />

The portal was able <strong>to</strong> assess the performance <strong>of</strong> state teams in terms <strong>of</strong> the number <strong>of</strong> entries made and<br />

quality <strong>of</strong> reporting on the portal. This provided a means <strong>of</strong> competition among the state teams which improved<br />

the overall data quality when compared <strong>to</strong> that <strong>of</strong> 2008 M&E exercise<br />

Challenges <strong>of</strong> the M&E Portal<br />

The M&E portal is an effective <strong>to</strong>ol for gathering and analysing data across the states. For the 2009 exercise<br />

there were challenges in effectively utilising the portal. This is summed up below:<br />

Lack <strong>of</strong> Version Control on 2009 MDGs work plan<br />

One <strong>of</strong> the challenges encountered during the 2009 M&E exercise was the different sources <strong>of</strong> work plan from<br />

OSSAP-MDGs, MDAs and our state teams. A number <strong>of</strong> projects registered on the portal were reported not <strong>to</strong><br />

be the right version being implemented by the state teams. This can be attributed <strong>to</strong> change in projects or<br />

project locations without informing OSSAP-MDGs. The web portal team had <strong>to</strong> review the various versions and<br />

harmonise them, which wasted valuable time and probably contributed <strong>to</strong> the poor performance <strong>of</strong> some state<br />

teams. There might have been redundancy in the number <strong>of</strong> projects registered on the portal.<br />

Retagging <strong>of</strong> projects <strong>to</strong> Goal based reporting<br />

The initial scope <strong>of</strong> work for the M&E portal was developed <strong>to</strong> be sec<strong>to</strong>r based. This scope <strong>of</strong> work changed <strong>to</strong><br />

be goal based which required restructuring <strong>of</strong> the portal. This painstaking effort made the web portal team <strong>to</strong><br />

review and append a goal target <strong>to</strong> each project. The time lag could have been used <strong>to</strong> improve on<br />

observations from state teams.<br />

Tagging multiple goals on a project<br />

The shift <strong>to</strong> goal based reporting brought some challenges. Many projects had cross cutting goals which made it<br />

hard <strong>to</strong> put a definite Goal tag. Multiple key tags were introduced <strong>to</strong> solve this problem. An example is a Goal 2<br />

project (achieving universal basic education) that is also a component <strong>of</strong> goal 3 (gender equality).<br />

There are also projects which came as a unit and had block financial allocation (i.e. construction <strong>of</strong> classroom<br />

+VIP Toilet) but needed <strong>to</strong> be broken down <strong>to</strong> measurable projects(i.e. construction <strong>of</strong> classroom(Goal 2) , VIP<br />

Toilet (Goal 7)) that had different financial allocation. This challenge was solved by allocating percentages <strong>to</strong><br />

each component (i.e. construction <strong>of</strong> classroom -85%, construction <strong>of</strong> VIP Toilet-15%) so that we can get an<br />

indicative financial allocation <strong>to</strong> the various goals. Also financial allocations <strong>of</strong> projects with multiple goals were<br />

shared across the number <strong>of</strong> goals for the project/programs.<br />

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