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Recommendations<br />
Version Control<br />
A version control system should be established by OSSAP-MDGs so that initial work plan collated and sent by<br />
the National Teams are the same with what the state teams receive on the field. This is important <strong>to</strong> increase the<br />
throughput and decrease time lag in harmonizing different version. The OSSAP-MDGs can set up an eprocurement<br />
system that allows state <strong>to</strong> update changes on their work plan and provide an avenue for better<br />
expenditure tracking.<br />
Re<strong>to</strong>oling <strong>of</strong> M&E for <strong>of</strong>fline data processing<br />
The M&E Portal is not only an important <strong>to</strong>ol for enhancing M&E but also a credible <strong>to</strong>ol in getting the right<br />
answers on MDGs projects. Investment should be made in re<strong>to</strong>oling it <strong>to</strong> ensure it can be used <strong>of</strong>fline because<br />
<strong>of</strong> the internet deficit in <strong>Nigeria</strong>. SMETs should be able <strong>to</strong> submit their M&E findings <strong>of</strong>fline and later upload it on<br />
the server once internet connections are available. This would increase the rate <strong>of</strong> entries on the portal.<br />
Integration <strong>of</strong> M&E Data in<strong>to</strong> Recognised Information System Standards<br />
The Data from the M&E Portal should be plugged in<strong>to</strong> the various information systems so that comparative<br />
analysis can be made from the various sources. This would help in sharing information across the various<br />
systems and probably help in getting an overall picture <strong>of</strong> how DRG spend are contributing <strong>to</strong>wards MDGs.<br />
Conclusion<br />
Despite the challenges, the M&E Portal has been able <strong>to</strong> collate a lot <strong>of</strong> field reporting entries. It has opened a<br />
central data bank for M&E projects which can be used in the overall picture <strong>of</strong> attaining the MDGs Goals. The<br />
M&E Portal has reached its advanced stage since the experience <strong>of</strong> using the M&E Portal has introduced ways<br />
<strong>of</strong> making the M&E better.<br />
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