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Appendix II: Questionnaires for 2009 DRG-MDGs Projects and<br />

Programmes<br />

MDGs General Questions<br />

Goal 1: Special interventions<br />

1. How many jobs were created as a result <strong>of</strong> the initiative? State both long term- and shortterm<br />

jobs and the number <strong>of</strong> people that benefitted. Disaggregate the data by the number <strong>of</strong><br />

men/women and the nature <strong>of</strong> the jobs they got.<br />

2. Have business opportunities been created? What are the immediate benefits <strong>to</strong> the<br />

immediate and extended family members?<br />

3. What has your family acquired as a result <strong>of</strong> the intervention?<br />

4. Are there children <strong>of</strong> school age who were not going <strong>to</strong> school, but are now enrolled in<br />

schools?<br />

Goal 2: Special interventions<br />

1. How many schools are in the community? Include private and public schools as well as<br />

special schools e.g. schools for physically challenged persons, etc.<br />

2. Do we now have more children in schools as a result <strong>of</strong> the intervention?<br />

3. Any improvement in the teaching skills <strong>of</strong> the teachers as a result <strong>of</strong> the MDGs?<br />

4. Has the performance ratio improved?<br />

Goal 3: Special interventions<br />

1. State the regional and international instruments relating <strong>to</strong> women and children that have<br />

been ratified by the state.<br />

2. Do people know about them?<br />

3. How many women and men from the community are in (elected) political positions at federal,<br />

state and LGA levels? Please, disaggregate the data by sex.<br />

4. How many women from the community contested the elections in 2007?<br />

5. How many women are on the council <strong>of</strong> elders in the community?<br />

Goal 4 and 5: Special interventions<br />

1. Where do pregnant women seek medical attention in the community?<br />

2. Are they happy with the services provided in the health centres?<br />

3. Are the services adequate?<br />

4. What type <strong>of</strong> services do they provide in the health centres?<br />

5. Do they have routine immunisation in the community? Where?<br />

6. Do they pay for services? How much?<br />

Goal 6: Special interventions<br />

1. Are there people living with HIV/AIDS in the community?<br />

2. Do they go the health centres for support?<br />

3. What kind <strong>of</strong> support do they receive<br />

4. Do hospital records show an increase in the number <strong>of</strong> clients?<br />

5. Is there awareness <strong>of</strong> HIV prevention, treatment and management among the community<br />

members?<br />

6. Has any member <strong>of</strong> the community received insecticide treated nets?<br />

7. Can we establish from hospital records, whether or not there has been a reduction in malaria<br />

cases as a result <strong>of</strong> the intervention?<br />

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