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Goal 7: Special interventions<br />
1. Has the project increased community members‟ access <strong>to</strong> safe drinking water?<br />
2. Is there a decrease in the rate <strong>of</strong> water borne diseases in the community as a result <strong>of</strong> the<br />
intervention?<br />
3. Have hygiene and sanitation practices improved in the community as a result <strong>of</strong> the<br />
initiative?<br />
4. Are cultural norms <strong>of</strong> the community observed during project implementation?<br />
5. Do we have some examples?<br />
Goal 8: Special interventions<br />
1. Is any other donor working or implementing a related programme in the community? Where<br />
is the project located?<br />
Civil Society questionnaire<br />
Community participation<br />
1. What is the size <strong>of</strong> the community?<br />
2. What infrastructures exist in the community?<br />
3. Which MDG project(s) is (are) being implemented in the community?<br />
4. How was the project selected?<br />
5. Was a community needs assessment conducted?<br />
6. Were members <strong>of</strong> the community part <strong>of</strong> the community needs assessment?<br />
7. Were projects implemented in line with the priority set by community members?<br />
8. Did you or any member <strong>of</strong> the community play an active role in project selection, execution or<br />
moni<strong>to</strong>ring?<br />
Branding<br />
1. Does the project have the MDGs <strong>Nigeria</strong> logo?<br />
2. Is 2009 written on the project?<br />
3. Was the project launched/commissioned in the community?<br />
4. Was there any other awareness programme on the project in the community?<br />
5. Are the community willing <strong>to</strong> use the services provided?<br />
6. Are the community pleased with the initiative<br />
7. Are there suggestions for future intervention?<br />
Capacity building <strong>to</strong> be directed at service providers<br />
1. How many staff members are working in the facility (school, PHC, training centre, etc.)?<br />
2. What are the qualifications and position <strong>of</strong> each <strong>of</strong> the staff?<br />
3. Have any <strong>of</strong> them been trained by the implementing agency?<br />
4. When, where and how long was the training?<br />
5. Has the training affected their work? How?<br />
6. Do they have materials <strong>to</strong> work with? Are these enough?<br />
7. What else will they need?<br />
Note: Document community members’ opinions on the services provided. What was the situation<br />
before the intervention and what is it like now? Also check the records <strong>of</strong> the facilities <strong>to</strong> determine<br />
any decrease or an increase in the number <strong>of</strong> users over a period <strong>of</strong> time.<br />
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