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Benchmarks for community participation<br />

Active community participation is a key <strong>to</strong> building an empowered community. Not only is<br />

participation a requirement for all MDGs projects and programmes, it is also critical <strong>to</strong> the<br />

success <strong>of</strong> all the projects implemented under the DRG.<br />

Benchmarks Maximum (assessed by CSOs during<br />

group exercises)<br />

A community needs assessment was conducted 40<br />

Community members participated in the needs assessment 20<br />

Project is in line with the priority set by the community members 20<br />

Community members played an active role in project selection,<br />

execution and moni<strong>to</strong>ring<br />

Total score 100<br />

Branding<br />

Branding is essential <strong>to</strong> the sustainability <strong>of</strong> the DGs DRG projects and programmes. It should raise<br />

the consciousness <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nigeria</strong>ns and other stakeholders <strong>of</strong> the importance <strong>of</strong> the DRG projects and<br />

programmes. It should also demonstrate the success <strong>of</strong> the M&E framework and the need <strong>to</strong><br />

replicate it in other sec<strong>to</strong>rs.<br />

Benchmarks Measure<br />

Project is clearly tagged with the MDGs <strong>Nigeria</strong> logo and the budget year 50<br />

Community sensitisation was conducted by the executing agency or their associate 30<br />

Community members identify with DRGs-MDGs-funded projects 20<br />

Total score 100<br />

Capacity Building<br />

Service providers need <strong>to</strong> be provided with adequate skills, knowledge and the equipment/facilities<br />

needed for the successful implementation <strong>of</strong> the DRG-funded projects and programmes. This can be<br />

in the form <strong>of</strong> training programmes, exposi<strong>to</strong>ry visits, internships, supply <strong>of</strong> equipment, materials,<br />

facilities, etc.<br />

Benchmarks Measure<br />

Service providers meet minimum the standards required for the job. 20<br />

Service providers have received additional training from the implementing body or its<br />

associate.<br />

Service providers are satisfied with the training provided. 20<br />

Service providers have the minimum required facilities needed <strong>to</strong> carry out their work<br />

effectively.<br />

Services provided have improved due <strong>to</strong> capacity strengthening. 20<br />

20<br />

20<br />

20<br />

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