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Disbursement <strong>of</strong> funds 20%<br />
Utilisation <strong>of</strong> funds <strong>to</strong>wards goals 20%<br />
3. Youth conflicts<br />
Identification <strong>of</strong> youth related conflicts 20%<br />
Identification <strong>of</strong> conflict hot spots 20%<br />
Advocacy and sensitisation activities 60%<br />
4. Citizen and leadership training for youth<br />
Development <strong>of</strong> training manual 20%<br />
Identification <strong>of</strong> training participants 20%<br />
Conduct <strong>of</strong> leadership and citizenship training 60%<br />
5. NYSC family life education campaign/MDG awareness<br />
Training <strong>of</strong> 555 orientation and 555 master trainers<br />
(3 orientation courses) 20%<br />
Selection and training <strong>of</strong> 11,000 MDG advocates<br />
(13 orientation courses) 20%<br />
Printing and distribution <strong>of</strong> IEC materials <strong>to</strong> corps volunteers<br />
(T-shirts, face caps, manuals and posters) 20%<br />
Equipping advocates with materials 20%<br />
Training and sensitisation <strong>of</strong> communities 20%<br />
6. Youth mainstreaming – promotion <strong>of</strong> youth for national development<br />
Development <strong>of</strong> mainstreaming <strong>to</strong>ols for Youth in key areas<br />
(health, conflict issues, education, labour, industry, etc.) 25%<br />
Review <strong>of</strong> national youth policy in line with current youth<br />
development mandate, NEEDS 2 and 7-Point Agenda 25%<br />
Establishment <strong>of</strong> critical mass for specialised training In ministry 25%<br />
Implementation <strong>of</strong> strategies <strong>to</strong> states youth 25%<br />
B. National Direc<strong>to</strong>rate <strong>of</strong> Employment<br />
7. Skills acquisition for mass employment and wealth creation<br />
Rehabilitation <strong>of</strong> skills acquisition centres 30%<br />
Equipping <strong>of</strong> centres 30%<br />
Conduct youth training at the centres 60%<br />
Benchmarks for renovation projects<br />
All building structures %<br />
Demolition and removal <strong>of</strong> debris 10<br />
Replacement <strong>of</strong> ro<strong>of</strong> covering/ro<strong>of</strong> structure 25<br />
Replacement <strong>of</strong> doors/windows 5<br />
Replacement <strong>of</strong> fittings and fixtures e.g. wardrobes, kitchen cabinets,<br />
5<br />
cupboards, notice boards, blackboards, etc.<br />
Replacement <strong>of</strong> wall tiles, floor and ceiling finishes 15<br />
Painting generally 20<br />
Replacement <strong>of</strong> electrical/plumbing fittings 10<br />
Clearing <strong>of</strong> debris from site and cleaning 5<br />
Testing and commissioning 5<br />
Total 100<br />
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