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Boreholes %<br />
Dismantling <strong>of</strong> borehole equipment 10<br />
Replacement <strong>of</strong> riser pipes 15<br />
Replacement <strong>of</strong> pump 25<br />
Repair <strong>of</strong> solar panel/genera<strong>to</strong>r set installation and/or replacement 25<br />
Repairs and/or replacement <strong>of</strong> tank construction/erection 20<br />
Testing and commissioning 5<br />
Total 100<br />
Re-activation <strong>of</strong> small earth dams %<br />
Clearing bushes, etc. 10<br />
Repairs <strong>to</strong> dam axis 30<br />
Repairs <strong>to</strong> spillway and intake structures 30<br />
Erosion control 20<br />
Repairs <strong>to</strong> other ancillary works e.g. access road, etc. 10<br />
Total 100<br />
Supply <strong>of</strong> pharmaceuticals (drugs, vaccines, etc.), reagents, etc. which are regulated<br />
by, and carry NAFDAC numbers:<br />
Level <strong>of</strong> completion<br />
Quantity supplied/quantity ordered; or value <strong>of</strong> items supplied/<strong>to</strong>tal contract sum, multiplied by<br />
100 <strong>to</strong> give a percentage<br />
Quality compliance<br />
Either it complies with NAFDAC specifications, or it does not (It is all or none)<br />
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