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more importantly, using the M&E findings <strong>to</strong> write reports that can be used <strong>to</strong> take corrective<br />
actions and fine tune funding strategies. This is an area where more emphasis is likely <strong>to</strong> yield<br />
appreciable dividends in the future.<br />
On the basis <strong>of</strong> the above conclusions it is recommended that there is need for the following:<br />
Providing training <strong>to</strong> help M&E staff at OSSAP-MDGs and national and state<br />
consultancy firms and CSOs build and strengthen their skills for <strong>document</strong>ing results<br />
chains for future DRG projects and learning <strong>to</strong> use these chains as the basis for<br />
providing the needed results-based M&E evidence.<br />
Making it manda<strong>to</strong>ry that at least one MDG indica<strong>to</strong>r is included in the relevant results<br />
chain <strong>of</strong> each project.<br />
Ensuring that a plan for collecting the required baseline information on key indica<strong>to</strong>rs<br />
is presented or, if appropriate, the process and procedures for constructing the<br />
needed baseline information retroactively, is clearly outlined.<br />
Making it manda<strong>to</strong>ry for a credible accounting system for tracking project costs and<br />
for producing periodic and cumulative <strong>to</strong>tals <strong>of</strong> all project-related costs, is included in<br />
each DRG project proposal.<br />
Ensuring that a credible plan for <strong>document</strong>ing and reporting on estimated changes in<br />
pre-identified and agreed upon key indica<strong>to</strong>rs, at least at the end <strong>of</strong> the budget year,<br />
is the minimum requirement for engaging national and state consultants and CSOs.<br />
Continuously up-dating the Portal and turning it in<strong>to</strong> a data warehousing e-system <strong>to</strong><br />
facilitate the standardisation <strong>of</strong> M&E data at the OSSAP-MDGs, national and state<br />
levels.<br />