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Section Five: Lessons Learned<br />
The OSSAP-MDGs has stressed on several occasions that the OPEN M&E should not only focus<br />
on the organizational activities and outputs <strong>of</strong> DRG projects but should, more than ever, pay<br />
adequate attention <strong>to</strong> actual outputs and outcomes so as <strong>to</strong> be able <strong>to</strong> provide a results-based<br />
assessment as <strong>to</strong> whether or not DRG projects are leading <strong>to</strong> the desired results and achieving<br />
the right goals. How would OSSAP-MDGs know if it is on the right track and if the DRG<br />
projects are leading <strong>to</strong> the desired results and outcomes? The bot<strong>to</strong>m line is the existence <strong>of</strong><br />
an M&E system capable <strong>of</strong> generating the needed information and the extent <strong>to</strong> which the<br />
information so generated can be used <strong>to</strong> populate the right content in the M&E reports and<br />
the extent <strong>to</strong> which the information contained in the report is used <strong>to</strong> improve government<br />
performance. The following are lessons learnt from this consultancy that will lead <strong>to</strong> the<br />
achievement <strong>of</strong> this goal:<br />
There is no best model <strong>of</strong> what DRG M&E report should look like. Much depends on a<br />
clearindicationfrom OSSAP-MDGs on what it wants <strong>to</strong> use the M&E information for and a<br />
clear understanding by the consultants and CSOs about what type <strong>of</strong> M&E information is<br />
needed by OSSAP-MDGs, their capacity <strong>to</strong> generate the required M&E information, and<br />
the quality <strong>of</strong> their experiences in preparing moni<strong>to</strong>ring and evaluation reports.<br />
A good M&E report is the product <strong>of</strong> a well-designed M&E system with a clear Logical<br />
Framework, an articulated results chain for each programme/project, a detailed M&E<br />
plan for data collection and analysis, a reporting flow and formats, a feedback and<br />
review plan, and a feasible plan for ensuring that the system will achieve its goal. Care<br />
should be taken not <strong>to</strong> ―over design‖ or ―over engineer‖ the process by focusing on the<br />
data collection and data entries. This can result in the collection <strong>of</strong> volumes <strong>of</strong><br />
information that serve no useful purpose and can eventually overwhelm and undermine<br />
an M&E system. An M&E report has no inherent value. It is only valuable if it is used <strong>to</strong><br />
take corrective actions and improve project performance.<br />
The bot<strong>to</strong>m line is the extent <strong>to</strong> which the data coming from the M&E process can be<br />
translated in<strong>to</strong> useful results-based M&E information and used <strong>to</strong> improve government<br />
performance at all levels.<br />