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As a minimum requirement, consultants and CSO‘s should present an M&E action plan that will lead<br />

<strong>to</strong> the desireddestination for results-based M&E reports. This should involve key elements involving<br />

the creation <strong>of</strong> strong incentives both <strong>to</strong> conduct the M&E and <strong>to</strong> use the information, training in<br />

M&E and in using M&E information <strong>to</strong> produce M&E reports, and structural arrangements <strong>to</strong> ensure<br />

M&E objectivity and quality. It would be also be useful <strong>to</strong> regularly moni<strong>to</strong>r and evaluate the way<br />

the OSSAP-MDGs M&E system is developing over time and how well it is performing.<br />


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