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Appendix One: Terms <strong>of</strong> Reference<br />
<strong>SPARC</strong> TOR: FED-FED-1-H<br />
1. Name <strong>of</strong> Consultant: George Abalu (Content Edi<strong>to</strong>r)<br />
2. Overarching TOR Ref: FED-FED-1<br />
3. Overarching TOR<br />
Version:<br />
4. Contribution <strong>to</strong> specific Dimension outputs<br />
0<br />
The specific Dimension outputs within the overarching TOR which this input will contribute <strong>to</strong>wards:<br />
1. Improving M&E<br />
2. Strengthening Capacity <strong>of</strong> the MDG <strong>of</strong>fice – Technical assistance targeted at areas were capacity is<br />
lacking and can be improved in order for OSSAP-MDG <strong>to</strong> accomplish its task.<br />
5. Background<br />
1. In 2005 the Government <strong>of</strong> the Federal Republic <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nigeria</strong> (FGN) secured a debt write-<strong>of</strong>f from the<br />
Paris Club group <strong>of</strong> credi<strong>to</strong>rs. The Government pledged <strong>to</strong> channel the ‗Debt Relief Gains‘ (DRG) <strong>to</strong><br />
projects and programmes that would help achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).<br />
Subsequently, the FGN has committed over N400 billion <strong>to</strong> projects and programmes that will help<br />
<strong>Nigeria</strong> achieve the Millennium Development Goals through the 2006 <strong>to</strong> 2010 Federal budgets.<br />
2. The Office <strong>of</strong> the Senior Special Assistant <strong>to</strong> the President on Millennium Development Goals<br />
(OSSAP-MDGs) was created <strong>to</strong> guide the funds from debt relief through standard channels <strong>of</strong><br />
government. They were also delegated responsibility <strong>to</strong> build an independent moni<strong>to</strong>ring and<br />
evaluation (M&E) initiative that would track the achievements <strong>of</strong> debt relief. This initiative was<br />
originally called the ‗Overview <strong>of</strong> Public Expenditure in NEEDS‘ but has since been come <strong>to</strong> be known<br />
as the ‗DRG M&E‘.<br />
3. Currently, a national M&E team (NMET) is contracted <strong>to</strong> run the M&E initiative. NMET consists <strong>of</strong> a<br />
multidisciplinary consulting firm (the National M&E Consultants) and a National Civil Society<br />
Organisation (CSO). Reporting <strong>to</strong> the National Team are 37 state M&E teams (SMETs; one for each<br />
state and FCT) consisting <strong>of</strong> 37 consulting firms and 37 Community Based Organisations (CBOs).<br />
4. NMET, in collaboration with the SMETs, have produced two M&E reports <strong>to</strong> date. The first covers<br />
expenditures in the 2006 and 2007 Federal Budgets. The second report covers expenditures in the<br />
2008 Budget. Typically, the SMETs have visited sites and filled in a series <strong>of</strong> templates (now a set<br />
<strong>of</strong> on-line forms). These have then been aggregated in<strong>to</strong> a final report by the NMET.<br />