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WRITING THE REPORT (Findings)<br />

Findings:<br />

-Finding constitutes affirmation based on<br />

the information collected<br />

-The reader should be able <strong>to</strong> link results<br />

with evidence gathered<br />

-References should be made <strong>to</strong> identifiable<br />

information sources<br />

WRITING THE REPORT (Conclusions)<br />

Conclusions:<br />

Provide an overall assessment <strong>of</strong><br />

performance which should indicate:<br />

- What result have been achieved<br />

- How do these results compare with the<br />

expectations elaborated during the DRG<br />

investment/project planning and design.<br />


(Recommendations)<br />

Recommendations should:<br />

-Explain the basis for making the<br />

recommendations and an effort should be<br />

made <strong>to</strong> link them <strong>to</strong> information<br />

collected in the M&E exercise<br />

-Address both the interpretation <strong>of</strong> the<br />

evidence and provide the basis for the<br />

judgment made<br />

24<br />

WRITING THE REPORT (Findings<br />

Checklist)<br />

-Ensure that the findings collectively provide a<br />

good understanding <strong>of</strong> what was learned from<br />

the M&E exercise<br />

-Satisfy yourself that the findings are valid and<br />

are supported by evidence.<br />

-Ensure that the presentation <strong>of</strong> the findings<br />

facilitate informed decision making<br />

WRITING THE REPORT (Conclusion<br />

Checklist)<br />

-Provide a thorough assessment that clearly<br />

and fairly articulates how the project is<br />

contributing <strong>to</strong> achievement <strong>of</strong> the particular<br />

MDG<br />

-Ensure that the conclusion ties the results<br />

achieved <strong>to</strong> the specific key success fac<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>of</strong><br />

the specific MDG<br />

WRITING THE REPORT (Recommendation<br />

Checklist)<br />

-Ensure that your recommendations are:<br />

Supported by the evidence<br />

Appropriate given what was learned<br />

Adequate in terms <strong>of</strong> coverage<br />

Are written <strong>to</strong> facilitate future<br />


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