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WRITING THE REPORT (Lessons Learned)<br />

The goal is <strong>to</strong> use what is learned from the<br />

M&E exercise <strong>to</strong> improve future DRG<br />

projects/activities and/or managerial and<br />

administrative practices. Use your expertise<br />

and experiences <strong>to</strong> bring out the potentials<br />

<strong>of</strong>fered from the M&E exercise <strong>to</strong> broader<br />

application.<br />

Limit the number <strong>of</strong> lessons learned <strong>to</strong> not<br />

more than five <strong>to</strong> six pages with a focus on<br />

usefulness and pragmatism.<br />

WRITING THE REPORT (Appendices)<br />

WRITING THE REPORT (Lesson learned<br />

Checklist<br />

-Ensure that your lessons learned are:<br />

Supported by the evidence<br />

Appropriate given what was learned<br />

Adequate in terms <strong>of</strong> coverage<br />

Are written <strong>to</strong> facilitate future<br />

implementation<br />

Typically, appendices amplify, illustrate or elaborate, what was<br />

moni<strong>to</strong>red and evaluated but are not essential <strong>to</strong><br />

understanding what is being presented in the report.<br />

A key reason for using appendices is <strong>to</strong> avoid interrupting the<br />

flow <strong>of</strong> the report and the focus <strong>of</strong> the reader.<br />

Appendices may include terms <strong>of</strong> reference for the evaluation,<br />

lists <strong>of</strong> acronyms used and individuals consulted, bibliography,<br />

etc.<br />

If appendices are extensive/highly technical, they can be<br />

bound in separate volumes.<br />


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