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Example <strong>of</strong> a Generic planning Framework<br />

Policy<br />

Formulation<br />

Strategic<br />

Planning<br />

Operational<br />

Planning<br />

and<br />

Budgeting<br />

Political mandate<br />

Policy priorities<br />

Policy targets<br />

Strategic options <strong>to</strong><br />

meet the targets<br />

Agreed<br />

Strategy(ies)<br />

Strategic Plans and<br />

Resource Frameworks<br />

Work plans<br />

Budgets<br />

Outcomes<br />

An outcome is a statement <strong>of</strong> how life is<br />

better than it was before, in some way, for<br />

some people.<br />

• Outcomes tell us if and how<br />

the Sec<strong>to</strong>r Policies and/or<br />

Programmes are being<br />

achieved<br />

The explicit manifes<strong>to</strong> <strong>of</strong> the elected political leaders<br />

Developed from the political mandates, taking account <strong>of</strong><br />

situational realities and drawing on expert advice<br />

Specific, quantified statements <strong>of</strong> desired achievements,<br />

in terms <strong>of</strong> impact or high-level outcomes<br />

Alternative approaches <strong>to</strong> achieving the<br />

policy target<br />

High-level statement <strong>of</strong> most appropriate<br />

approach <strong>to</strong> achieve the targets<br />

Outcomes, Outputs, Activities, Inputs – the ‘results chain’<br />

Costs and Multi-year financial projections<br />

Timetables and miles<strong>to</strong>nes,<br />

Responsibility for implementation<br />

Comprehensive and pr<strong>of</strong>iled<br />

Capital budget - and recurrent implications<br />

Recurrent budget<br />


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