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Outcomes vs Outputs<br />
• Outputs: are the specifically intended<br />
results <strong>of</strong> the project activities that are put<br />
in place <strong>to</strong> achieve the targeted outcomes,<br />
i.e., the things that are delivered by a<br />
project or a contract. They serve as<br />
miles<strong>to</strong>nes <strong>of</strong> what has been accomplished<br />
at various stages during the life <strong>of</strong> projects.<br />
Outputs are very valuable and<br />
necessary but they are not the ends in<br />
themselves. They depend on what<br />
people do with them <strong>to</strong> create<br />
outcomes.<br />
Without doc<strong>to</strong>rs and nurses, a hospital<br />
is just another building.<br />
Outcome / Output / Input<br />
Inputs: are the materials, equipment, financial , and<br />
human resources, etc. needed <strong>to</strong> carry out the activities<br />
<strong>of</strong> the project. They are what you put in so that you get<br />
out an output! They involve resources, effort and<br />
anything else needed <strong>to</strong> get the project moving<br />