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Input – Activities- Output –<br />
Outcome(?)<br />
• Activities: These are the actual tasks required for producing<br />
the desired outputs. They represent actions taken or work<br />
performed which require inputs and other types <strong>of</strong> resources<br />
<strong>to</strong> be mobilized <strong>to</strong> produce specific outputs.<br />
The right inputs, put <strong>to</strong>gether in the right activities, should produce an<br />
output. It is usually fairly predictable because it is usually about things.<br />
But outputs do not necessarily produce the outcomes you want. That link<br />
is less predictable because it is about people.<br />
Outputs + people (+institutions) = outcomes<br />
Constructing a borehole is not enough. It needs people <strong>to</strong> use it and<br />
systems <strong>to</strong> maintain it.<br />
The Results Chain<br />
Medium Term<br />
Sec<strong>to</strong>r Strategy<br />
Inputs Activities Outputs Outcomes Impacts<br />
Ongoing Ongoing Short-Term Medium-Term Long-Term<br />
Medium-Term<br />
Objectives<br />
29<br />
Long Term<br />
Strategic Plan<br />
Longer-Term<br />
Goals<br />
We now add “Impacts” <strong>to</strong> look at the longer term changes that result<br />
from our outcomes;<br />
And “Activities” are the bit in the middle that turn Inputs <strong>to</strong> Outputs.<br />
That gives us a basic “Results Chain”.