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Appendix Four: Some Suggestions for<br />
Writing the 2009 M&E Report<br />
George Abalu ‡<br />
The following guideline provides a framework for turning the M&E data in<strong>to</strong> a form that can be<br />
used in your reports. This information should be reported for each <strong>of</strong> the MDG areas. Before<br />
you start writing, you will need the following.<br />
A list <strong>of</strong> the measures you are going <strong>to</strong> use <strong>to</strong> evaluate the project.<br />
A copy <strong>of</strong> the M&E plan that guided the M&E exercise.<br />
The record <strong>of</strong> the accomplishments <strong>document</strong>ed during the reporting period (e.g.,<br />
number <strong>of</strong> inputs/outputs/outcomes, etc that <strong>to</strong>ok place, during the period)<br />
The results <strong>of</strong> your data analysis transferred <strong>to</strong> an easy reference format (e.g., in a table,<br />
chart, or graph).<br />
S<strong>to</strong>ries collected from the field or statements from project beneficiaries.<br />
Pho<strong>to</strong>graphs taken that can buttress your presentation<br />
To determine if your report describes progress <strong>to</strong>wards achieving MDG during the<br />
reporting period, answer the following questions:<br />
Does your report describe the activities <strong>of</strong> the project?<br />
Does your report describe your beneficiaries?<br />
Does your report describe the number <strong>of</strong> people served?<br />
Does your report describe your desired results <strong>of</strong> the project?<br />
‡ Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Abalu is Managing Consultant at Agrosearch Limited (<br />