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Does your report describe the indica<strong>to</strong>rs you used <strong>to</strong> measure your desired results?<br />
To determine if your report notes the M&E activities in which where carried out, answer<br />
the following questions:<br />
Does your report describe how the observed results were measured?<br />
Does your report describe who carried out the measurements?<br />
To determine if your report adequately describes the relevant M&E data, answer the<br />
following questions:<br />
Does your report describe the results <strong>of</strong> the analysis <strong>of</strong> the M&E data? (Do the results<br />
relate <strong>to</strong> the indica<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>of</strong> performance <strong>of</strong> the project and do they include statistics and<br />
qualitative information.)<br />
Does your report describe s<strong>to</strong>ries that illustrate the statistics or qualitative information?<br />
Does your report compare the M&E results <strong>of</strong> obtained with what was expected?<br />
Does your report state ideas for improvement or any next steps?<br />
Present your results in a logical sequence, highlighting what is important and how the data you<br />
obtained have been analyzed <strong>to</strong> provide the results you discuss. You should discuss what you<br />
infer from the data. You need <strong>to</strong> adopt a critical approach. For example, discuss the relative<br />
confidence you have in different aspects <strong>of</strong> the M&E measurements.<br />
It is not necessary or even desirable <strong>to</strong> describe every minute detail <strong>of</strong> the project. One <strong>of</strong> the<br />
most important aspects <strong>of</strong> good technical writing is <strong>to</strong> be concise, yet remain informative. The<br />
ability <strong>to</strong> select what is essential, and <strong>to</strong> omit what is merely incidental detail, is very important.<br />
In view <strong>of</strong> this, the main part <strong>of</strong> your report must be within the page limit proposed.<br />
1. Defining a Targeted Geographical Area<br />
Define the geographical area that the project is targeting and why this area was<br />
chosen?<br />
Define the group(s) the intervention was targeting and why this group(s) was<br />
chosen?<br />
What is the <strong>to</strong>tal population <strong>of</strong> the area that the project is covering?<br />
What are the estimated percentages <strong>of</strong> people in the different groups in the targeted<br />
population?<br />