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2. Estimating the Beneficiaries: Using the Direct Approach (How many beneficiaries<br />
were actively involved in the project?)<br />
How many people were When?<br />
directly involved/reached?<br />
Poor<br />
Men<br />
Women<br />
Socially Excluded<br />
a) How was this measured?<br />
b) When was this measured?<br />
3. Estimating the Beneficiaries: Using the Pathway Approach (those indirectly involved)<br />
how many beneficiaries were actively involved in the project?<br />
How many people can be When?<br />
reached<br />
indirectly)?<br />
(directly or<br />
Poor<br />
Men<br />
Women<br />
Socially Excluded<br />
a) How was this measured?<br />
b) When was this measured?<br />
4. What changes are likely <strong>to</strong> occur?<br />
In the lifetime<br />
<strong>of</strong> the project<br />
Direct<br />
Poor<br />
Indirect<br />
Direct<br />
Men<br />
Indirect<br />
Direct<br />
Women<br />
Indirect<br />
36<br />
By 2015<br />
Socially Excluded Direct<br />
Indirect<br />
a) Describe how the above changes were measured<br />
b) What are the sets <strong>of</strong> indica<strong>to</strong>rs and sources <strong>of</strong> information used <strong>to</strong> assess these<br />