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attention/action by OSSAP-MDGs and highlight<br />
inconsistent reporting <strong>of</strong> parameters by state teams<br />
(for example, a completed project with zero<br />
percent quality compliance) facilitated the<br />
transition <strong>to</strong> the new goal-based 2009 M&E<br />
reporting format.<br />
The 2009 M&E Exercise<br />
The process <strong>of</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>ring and evaluation adopted<br />
in 2009 included site visits by the states‘ teams <strong>to</strong><br />
DRG-funded MDGs projects and programmes in<br />
the communities. The teams conducted interviews<br />
with beneficiaries. Meetings with the direc<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>of</strong><br />
the state MDGs and MDAs Desk Officers in the<br />
state were held.<br />
Both qualitative and quantitative data were<br />
collected. Qualitative data was collected using indepth<br />
interviews and focus group discussions<br />
(FGDs) with the stakeholders in the communities<br />
and observations using a set <strong>of</strong><br />
templates/benchmarks for the different project<br />
categories 4 <strong>to</strong> assess project performance and<br />
possible impact <strong>of</strong> the DRG projects. The<br />
quantitative data collected was used <strong>to</strong> measure<br />
the actual extent <strong>of</strong> work done on each project and<br />
<strong>to</strong> assess the status <strong>of</strong> implementation <strong>of</strong> the<br />
project. This data was then fed in<strong>to</strong> the web portal<br />
for further analysis. The status <strong>of</strong> completion <strong>of</strong><br />
work on each project moni<strong>to</strong>red (i.e. Abandoned,<br />
Completed, Ongoing or Not Started) was also<br />
generated and the quality <strong>of</strong> project execution (i.e.<br />
Good, Average and Bad) established. Projects<br />
were identified as ‗abandoned‘ in cases where the<br />
project had started but the contrac<strong>to</strong>r had not been<br />
<strong>to</strong> the project site for up <strong>to</strong> six months and as ‗Not<br />
Started‘ where site visits indicated that the project<br />
had not yet started.<br />
4 The benchmarking assisted in measuring the progress <strong>of</strong> work in<br />
the different sites by providing a means for apportioning a<br />
percentages rate <strong>of</strong> completion on each element <strong>of</strong> the work stage<br />
(See Appendices on Benchmarking) as agreed by the OSSAP-MDGs,<br />
consultants and civil society organisations (CSOs).<br />
What is new about the 2009 M&E Report?<br />
For the year 2009 M&E exercise, following the<br />
mid-term review <strong>of</strong> progress made on the MDGs<br />
and given the fact that the country is in the process<br />
<strong>of</strong> a transition <strong>to</strong> a new government, this M&E<br />
report attempts <strong>to</strong> begin <strong>to</strong> address the challenge<br />
<strong>of</strong> working within the Goal-based orientation <strong>of</strong><br />
the MDGs by going beyond the reporting style <strong>of</strong><br />
previous M&E Reports on inputs, activities, and<br />
outputs <strong>to</strong> now emphasise outcomes and impacts<br />
by clustering DRG project activities and<br />
expenditures in<strong>to</strong> the MDGs they are intended <strong>to</strong><br />
achieve. This, however, posed the additional<br />
challenge <strong>of</strong> defining and attributing the<br />
contributions <strong>of</strong> each project, MDA and others<br />
<strong>to</strong>wards the achievement <strong>of</strong> the different MDGs.<br />
The portal was able <strong>to</strong> meet these challenges by<br />
creating system <strong>to</strong>ols for identifying and capturing<br />
M&E data pertaining <strong>to</strong> the cross-contributions <strong>of</strong><br />
each implementing agent <strong>to</strong> the achievement <strong>of</strong><br />
the different MDGs. By doing this, OSSAP‘s<br />
ability <strong>to</strong> assess and describe the impact <strong>of</strong> DRG<br />
interventions and their contributions <strong>to</strong> an MDG<br />
and/or set <strong>of</strong> MDGs was greatly improved. This<br />
way it would be easier for OSSAP <strong>to</strong><br />
communicate progress <strong>to</strong>wards achieving the<br />
MDGs as well as assess the individual and<br />
collective contributions <strong>of</strong> all the implementing<br />
agents <strong>to</strong> the achievements <strong>of</strong> the goals which<br />
will, in turn, serve as the basis for justifying future<br />
requests for DGR funds as well as for people,<br />
facilities and other resources from the political<br />
leaders.<br />
This increased ability <strong>to</strong> effectively communicate<br />
the performance <strong>of</strong> DRGs projects in the face <strong>of</strong><br />
increasing visibility <strong>of</strong> OSSAP-MDGs as an organ<br />
<strong>of</strong> transparency and accountability <strong>to</strong>wards<br />
achievement <strong>of</strong> the MDGs, responds <strong>to</strong> existing<br />
perceptions that the DRGs and the OSSAP-MDGs