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Allocation <strong>to</strong> MDAs<br />
The MDAs that benefited from the 2009 DRGs<br />
spends and the amount they were allocated is<br />
Allocation <strong>to</strong> Special Projects<br />
As part <strong>of</strong> the strategy for fast tracking the<br />
attainment <strong>of</strong> MDGs in the country, the Federal<br />
Government <strong>to</strong>ok the decision <strong>to</strong> dedicate part <strong>of</strong><br />
the DRGs <strong>to</strong> the implementation <strong>of</strong> special<br />
intervention projects (Quick-Wins) in three key<br />
sec<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>of</strong> the economy, i.e., health, education and<br />
water. Following the first tranche <strong>of</strong> the award <strong>of</strong><br />
over 2,596 contracts in 2008 for assorted projects<br />
across the Sena<strong>to</strong>rial Districts and Federal<br />
Constituencies <strong>of</strong> the country under the 2008<br />
Appropriation Act, the scheme was further<br />
Table 8: Distributions <strong>of</strong> DRGs funds between MDAs<br />
in 2009<br />
Sec<strong>to</strong>r 2009<br />
Education 9,650,479,814<br />
Health 15,900,000,000<br />
Youth Development 1,026,400,000<br />
Women Affairs 1,742,200,000<br />
Water Resources 1,789,766,779<br />
Housing 4,496,706,923<br />
Defence 1,000,000,000<br />
Police 1,000,000,000<br />
Capacity Building 3,800,000,000<br />
Total 40,405,553,516<br />
extended at the instance <strong>of</strong> the National Assembly<br />
in 2009 and funds were provided for the<br />
implementation <strong>of</strong> similar projects under the 2009<br />
Appropriation Act for the following six categories<br />
<strong>of</strong> projects:<br />
shown in the Table 8 below. The table shows that<br />
the <strong>to</strong>tal amount expended on the MDAs from the<br />
2009 DRGs was 40,405,553,516 naira.<br />
Lot 2: Supply <strong>of</strong> medical drugs<br />
Lot 3: Supply <strong>of</strong> medical equipment<br />
Lot 4: Supply <strong>of</strong> classroom furniture, library<br />
furniture, etc<br />
Lot 5: Supply <strong>of</strong> books, computer/accessories,<br />
etc.<br />
Lot 6: Construction <strong>of</strong> assorted types <strong>of</strong><br />
boreholes (MBH, SBH & HB).<br />
DRG expenditures in 2009 on special projects<br />
including the Quick-Wins are shown in Table 9.<br />
During the year under consideration, the <strong>to</strong>tal<br />
Table 9: Appropriation, receipts, and expenditure on<br />
Quick-Wins projects in 2009<br />
Year 2009<br />
For 2008<br />
Projects<br />
For 2009 projects<br />
Appropriation 19.7bn 21.4bn<br />
Actual Receipts 20.760bn 16.970bn<br />
Actual Expenditure 13.233bn 2.344bn<br />
Balance Mopped 7.53bn 31 st<br />
March 2010<br />
14.63bn 31 st March<br />
2010<br />
amount expended on the Quick-Wins was N21.77<br />
billion.<br />
Table 10 below shows the allocation and<br />
utilisation <strong>of</strong> Quick-Wins financial allocations <strong>to</strong><br />
the different states <strong>of</strong> the federation in 2009.<br />
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