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country as micro-credits <strong>to</strong> improve their<br />
livelihoods; and<br />
The Village Economic Development Solution<br />
(VEDS), which is a micro-credit scheme used<br />
by NAPEPin the villages throughout <strong>Nigeria</strong><br />
<strong>to</strong> uplift the lives <strong>of</strong> the rural poor in<br />
recognition <strong>of</strong> the fact that poverty is deeply<br />
rooted in the rural areas <strong>of</strong> the country.<br />
NAPEP collaborates with many federal and state<br />
agencies all over the country <strong>to</strong> implement these<br />
programmes through which micro-credits are<br />
channelled <strong>to</strong> the poor in order <strong>to</strong> empower them.<br />
Apart from NAPEP‘s intervention programmes,<br />
earth dam projects that are implemented through<br />
the Conditional Grants Scheme (CGS) are also<br />
part <strong>of</strong> the DRGs-funded poverty and hunger<br />
reduction programmes <strong>of</strong> the government.<br />
Findings<br />
The objective <strong>of</strong> Goal 1 <strong>to</strong> reduce by half poverty<br />
and hunger between 1990 and 2015 was<br />
implemented through the following NAPEP and<br />
CGS projects/programmes during 2009:<br />
NAPEP/CCT consisting <strong>of</strong> 468 programmes<br />
implemented across 23 states and the FCT;<br />
Skills acquisition consisting <strong>of</strong> 112 projects<br />
implemented across 14 states and the FCT;<br />
and<br />
Earth dams (CGS), consisting <strong>of</strong> 13 projects<br />
executed in Benue and Imo states.<br />
The fight against poverty in <strong>Nigeria</strong> is making<br />
slow but steady progress<br />
RasheedatAlabi, is a female beneficiary <strong>of</strong><br />
NAPEP CCT programme. Before the<br />
intervention <strong>of</strong> the programme, she was unable<br />
<strong>to</strong> feed and pay the school fees <strong>of</strong> her five<br />
children, because her husband is jobless. But<br />
with the intervention she was able <strong>to</strong> pay for all<br />
her children‟s school fees and set up a business<br />
<strong>to</strong> source her livelihood.<br />
Salman Jimoh is physically challenged. He lost<br />
his right leg by amputation due <strong>to</strong> an accident.<br />
This has made him unable <strong>to</strong> source for his daily<br />
bread and <strong>to</strong> meet the needs <strong>of</strong> his family <strong>of</strong><br />
eight children. But now with the help <strong>of</strong> NAPEP<br />
CCT programme he was able <strong>to</strong> pay the school<br />
fees <strong>of</strong> his 4 children and set up a business<br />
centre in which he sells all network recharge<br />
cards.<br />
Adigun Yinusa is a poor peasant farmer from<br />
Igbo-Aran in Asa LGA <strong>of</strong> Kwara State. He is <strong>to</strong>o<br />
old and feeble <strong>to</strong> engage in farming activities any<br />
longer and therefore could no longer meet his<br />
daily responsibilities <strong>to</strong> his family due <strong>to</strong> lack <strong>of</strong><br />
funds. But with the intervention <strong>of</strong> NAPEP CCT<br />
programme, he is now a cottage businessman in<br />
his locality. He bought a deep freezer and sells<br />
s<strong>of</strong>t drinks and cold sachet water and can now<br />
meet his daily responsibilities.<br />
The <strong>to</strong>tal financial commitment <strong>of</strong> the DRG funds<br />
<strong>to</strong> the above direct poverty reduction initiatives<br />
<strong>to</strong>wards the achievement <strong>of</strong> MDG Goal 1 was<br />
approximately N4.6 billion.<br />
Out <strong>of</strong> 596 projects/programmes, 405 have been<br />
reported on the moni<strong>to</strong>ring portal at the time <strong>of</strong><br />
this report and the projects/programmes are at<br />
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