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teachers on pedagogical skills and subject content<br />
delivery in English, Mathematics, Social Studies<br />
and Basic Science and Technology with the aim <strong>of</strong><br />
improving the quality <strong>of</strong> basic education delivery<br />
across the nation.<br />
National Commission for Mass Literacy, Adult<br />
and Non-Formal Education (NMEC)<br />
The NMEC has the mandate <strong>of</strong> coordinating the<br />
development <strong>of</strong> mass literacy and non-formal<br />
education in <strong>Nigeria</strong>. Accordingly, the NMEC has<br />
supported in increasing the literacy rates across<br />
the nation although the focus <strong>of</strong> the MDGs is on<br />
youths between the ages <strong>of</strong> 15 and 25 years. The<br />
programmes geared <strong>to</strong>ward achieving this Goal by<br />
the year 2015 include:<br />
Literacy by Radio Programme where states<br />
were supported <strong>to</strong> develop and air programmes<br />
<strong>to</strong> reduce illiteracy across the states using local<br />
radio stations;<br />
Advocacy and sensitisation visits <strong>to</strong> states<br />
under the management <strong>of</strong> the NMEC;<br />
Training <strong>of</strong> Trainers (TOT) <strong>of</strong> literacy<br />
facilita<strong>to</strong>rs across the nation;<br />
Literacy survey in the 36 states and the FCT<br />
<strong>to</strong> establish a baseline on centres, facilities and<br />
enrolments across the nation and also establish<br />
the national literacy rate.<br />
Table 11: Budgetary Expenditure in MDAs for 2009<br />
A <strong>to</strong>tal sum <strong>of</strong> N500,000,000.00, five hundred<br />
million naira only was appropriated for 2009<br />
programmes in the budget, <strong>of</strong> which<br />
N499,707,700.00 was utilised for the three items<br />
listed above, with the remainder spent on<br />
advocacy and sensitisation.<br />
Federal Colleges <strong>of</strong> Education<br />
The projects and programmes in the Federal<br />
Colleges <strong>of</strong> Education (FCE) were geared <strong>to</strong>wards<br />
improving the conduciveness <strong>of</strong> the teachertraining<br />
environment, considering that the<br />
Colleges <strong>of</strong> Education produce the primary school<br />
teachers.Interventions involved the supply <strong>of</strong><br />
relevant equipment and classroom furniture<br />
including ICT systems, the construction <strong>of</strong> lecture<br />
theatres, labora<strong>to</strong>ries and critical need facilities in<br />
designated colleges in addition <strong>to</strong> training a <strong>to</strong>tal<br />
<strong>of</strong> 800 lecturers across the nation. The FCEs have<br />
achieved over 95% project implementation<br />
between 2006 and 2009.<br />
Findings<br />
Financial Allocations<br />
A <strong>to</strong>tal <strong>of</strong> 9.565 billion naira was expended from<br />
the budgetary allocation for the MDA‘s within the<br />
Federal Ministry <strong>of</strong> Education and other<br />
parastatals <strong>to</strong>ward the achievement <strong>of</strong> Goal 2, in<br />
2009, with breakdown as follows:<br />
Programme Amount (N)<br />
1. Universal Basic Education. (UBEC) 5,785,999,500.00<br />
2. National Teachers Institute (NTI) 3,200,000,000.00<br />
3. National Mass Literacy Education Commission (NMEC) 500,000,000.00<br />
4. Federal Colleges <strong>of</strong> Education 79,984,850.08<br />
Total 9,565,984,350.08<br />
Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC)<br />
As earlier stated, the UBEC implements the FTS<br />
programme. Thus the 2009 projects and programme<br />
focused on the enlistment <strong>of</strong> participants under the<br />
FTS, their induction through a one-week training prior<br />
<strong>to</strong> their postings <strong>to</strong> places <strong>of</strong> service, payment <strong>of</strong><br />
monthly stipends and the periodic and routine<br />
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