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moni<strong>to</strong>ring <strong>of</strong> participants. This scheme was adjudged<br />

successful by the beneficiary schools and was reported<br />

<strong>to</strong> have aided in improving the quality <strong>of</strong> education<br />

provided at public schools across the country as<br />

teachers. Also affected by the improved quality <strong>of</strong><br />

education was the number <strong>of</strong> children enrolled in the<br />

public schools. This can be deduced from the two<br />

tables <strong>of</strong> aggregate enrolment in private and public<br />

schools below:<br />

Table 12: Primary School Enrolment by Gender<br />

2006 2007 2008 2009<br />

Boys 13,302,269 11,435,106 11,539,767 11,766,839<br />

Girls 11,120,649 9,687,477 9,581,390 10,090,172<br />

National 24,422,918 21,122,583 21,121,157 21,857,011<br />

NOTE: The enrolment figure for 2006, is for both public and private schools<br />

Source: Universal Basic Education Commission.<br />

Figure 2b: Primary school enrolment figure<br />

30000000<br />

25000000<br />

20000000<br />

15000000<br />

10000000<br />

5000000<br />

0<br />

2006 2007 2008 2009<br />

The Federal Teachers Scheme projects were 100%<br />

completed in most states <strong>of</strong> the federation.<br />

However, in Kano State, <strong>to</strong>tal number <strong>of</strong><br />

participants trained at the time <strong>of</strong> writing this<br />

report was 6,185. The NTI conducted the training<br />

at various centres across the country, but the<br />

allowances, except for feeding and transportation,<br />

were yet <strong>to</strong> be paid <strong>to</strong> some participants in several<br />

states across the nation. The programme covered<br />

the entire nation and its impact was being felt, due<br />

not only <strong>to</strong> the provision <strong>of</strong> FTS participants, but<br />

also the training received prior <strong>to</strong> their assumption<br />

Boys<br />

Girls<br />

National<br />

<strong>of</strong> duty at their places <strong>of</strong> service as acknowledged<br />

by stakeholders.<br />

However, while the UBEC-coordinated Federal<br />

Teachers Scheme was aimed at addressing an<br />

observed shortfall in quality teachers in public<br />

primary schools, the re-trainings/capacity building<br />

and other MDG 2-based projects are executed<br />

through some innovative programmes approach<br />

like the CGS and Quick-Wins. These interventions<br />

were focused on the provision <strong>of</strong> classroom<br />

blocks, furniture, books and VIP <strong>to</strong>ilets. This<br />

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