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s<strong>to</strong>od <strong>to</strong> be 100%. Training was conducted<br />
satisfac<strong>to</strong>rily as all necessary stationery was<br />
adequately provided in almost all the centres.<br />
There was a high turnout <strong>of</strong> participants,<br />
especially in Enugu state, where as a result the<br />
state government had <strong>to</strong> ask for additional centres<br />
for the state in subsequent trainings. This implies<br />
that the state would have had a more positive<br />
impact from the teachers retraining programme.<br />
Figure 4: Number <strong>of</strong> Participants at NTI Training Programme Nationwide<br />
140000<br />
120000<br />
100000<br />
80000<br />
60000<br />
40000<br />
20000<br />
The <strong>to</strong>tal number <strong>of</strong> projects and programme<br />
moni<strong>to</strong>red under the National Teachers is 306. Out<br />
<strong>of</strong> this number 97% have been completed, 2% are<br />
National Mass Literacy Commission (NMLC)<br />
The DRG appropriation and release <strong>to</strong> the<br />
commission for the year 2009 s<strong>to</strong>od at<br />
N500,000,000.00 (five hundred million naira<br />
only). Of this, the commission utilised N499,<br />
0<br />
NTI Teacher training programme<br />
These trainings reportedly have greatly improved<br />
the teachers‘ productivity and knowledge <strong>of</strong> the<br />
subject content. The teachers are also reported <strong>to</strong><br />
have demonstrated better communication skills in<br />
facilitating learning among students as a result <strong>of</strong><br />
the trainings.<br />
ongoing, while 1% <strong>of</strong> the project were yet <strong>to</strong><br />
commence.<br />
Figure 5: NTI PROGRESS<br />
61<br />
299<br />
Expected No. <strong>of</strong><br />
participants<br />
Actual No trained.<br />
Series3<br />
Completed<br />
Ongoing<br />
Not Started<br />
707,700.00 with the difference spent on advocacy<br />
and sensitisation as additional <strong>to</strong> the N20 million<br />
appropriated for that activity under the programme<br />
support, i.e. logistics..<br />
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