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The data obtained indicates that the programme<br />

was implemented in all the states <strong>of</strong> the federation,<br />

including the Federal Capital Terri<strong>to</strong>ry (FCT). In<br />

2009 85% <strong>of</strong> the recorded projects have been<br />

completed, 14% are ongoing and 1% <strong>of</strong> the<br />

projects have not started.<br />


14<br />

The programmes executed by the NMLC in 2009<br />

included the conduct <strong>of</strong> a comprehensive literacy<br />

survey across the country <strong>to</strong> provide statistical<br />

data on literacy levels and challenges; focus areas<br />

for effective planning and evaluation <strong>of</strong> literacy<br />

projects; and the Literacy by Radio programme.<br />

This programme, aired at designated intervals, has<br />

been hailed as highly beneficial and successful,<br />

with a capacity <strong>of</strong> reaching wide audience at the<br />

same time. It has also resulted in the reduction in<br />

the spread <strong>of</strong> diseases, enhanced poverty reduction<br />

efforts, and reduced political and religious<br />

violence as well as ethnic and communal conflicts.<br />

Federal Colleges <strong>of</strong> Education<br />

1<br />

85<br />

Completed<br />

Ongoing<br />

Not Started<br />

The Federal Colleges <strong>of</strong> Education, funded under<br />

the 2009 DRGs programme are:<br />

Federal College Education, Abeokuta (Ogun<br />

State); and<br />

Federal College <strong>of</strong> Education, Potiskum (Yobe<br />

State).<br />

The amounts appropriated for 2009 included:<br />

Completion <strong>of</strong> Lecture Theatre Phase ‗B‘<br />

N5,631,820.00<br />

Completion <strong>of</strong> Lecture Theatre Phase ‗C‘<br />

N20, 000,000.00<br />

Payment <strong>of</strong> outstanding liabilities (2007)<br />

N32,000,000.00<br />

These three (3) projects were <strong>to</strong> be executed in the<br />

2009 DRGs-MDGs intervention in the FCE,<br />

Abeokuta, Ogun State. While the lecture theatres<br />

have been completed, the payment <strong>of</strong> outstanding<br />

liabilities has yet <strong>to</strong> be effected.<br />

On the other hand, at the FCE Potiskum, Yobe<br />

State, all the projects have been executed and they<br />

are as follows:<br />

Construction <strong>of</strong> a block <strong>of</strong> 12 classrooms and<br />

10 <strong>of</strong>fices N21,455,088.00<br />

Furnishing <strong>of</strong> block <strong>of</strong> classrooms and <strong>of</strong>fices<br />

N6,900,00.00<br />

Furnishing <strong>of</strong> academic staff <strong>of</strong>fices<br />

N8,490,654.00<br />

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