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Summary <strong>of</strong> Progress<br />

Figure 7: Comparative performance <strong>of</strong> the implementing agencies.<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

Universal Basic Education National Comtn. Teachers National Institute Mass Literacy Federal Commission Others Colleges ie Quick <strong>of</strong> Education wins, CGS, Police and Defence.<br />

Analysis <strong>of</strong> the performance <strong>of</strong> the agencies<br />

responsible for the implementation <strong>of</strong> Goal 2related<br />

projects and programmes for 2009 shows<br />

the NTI performance <strong>to</strong> have achieved 97%<br />

completion <strong>of</strong> its programme. The National Mass<br />

Literacy Commission was next with 85%,<br />

followed by Universal Basic Education<br />

Commission with 73% <strong>of</strong> its projects and<br />

programme completed. For FCE, 60% <strong>of</strong> its<br />

projects were ongoing at reporting time. This was<br />

a dismal performance relative other<br />

implementation apparatuses like Quick-Wins,<br />

CGS, Defence and Police.<br />

The high performance <strong>of</strong> NTI in the 2009 budget<br />

is attributable <strong>to</strong> the teachers‘ capacity building<br />

programmes, which is less complicated and easier<br />

<strong>to</strong> implement than construction work.<br />

The FTS, under the coordination <strong>of</strong> the UBEC, has<br />

the highest budgetary allocation <strong>of</strong> N5.78 billion<br />

with the bulk <strong>of</strong> the funds being committed <strong>to</strong> the<br />

Completed<br />

Ongoing<br />

Not Started<br />

Abandoned<br />

payment <strong>of</strong> the N10, 000 per month per participant<br />

across the country.<br />

The basic objective <strong>of</strong> the Federal Teachers<br />

Scheme is <strong>to</strong> enlist the services <strong>of</strong> qualified NCE<br />

graduates <strong>to</strong> teach in Public Primary Schools<br />

where the shortage <strong>of</strong> qualified teachers has been<br />

established. It is also <strong>to</strong> reduce unemployment<br />

among NCE graduates across the nation.<br />

Participants usually undergo induction training in<br />

core subjects, basic subjects and ICT across the<br />

country <strong>to</strong> enhance service delivery. The fact that<br />

participants <strong>of</strong>fer service under the scheme for 2<br />

years made it more complicated and some<br />

participants drop out for various reasons that range<br />

from going for higher education <strong>to</strong> getting a<br />

higher-paying job. This could be responsible for<br />

the 70% completion rate.<br />

The overall percentage progress <strong>of</strong> Goal 2 projects<br />

executed by the Federal Ministry <strong>of</strong> Education and<br />

its parastatals is as shown below:<br />

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