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schools, has contributed <strong>to</strong> the decline in primary<br />

6 completion rate.<br />

Literacy Rate, 15-24 Years Old<br />

The over 90% implementation <strong>of</strong> Mass Literacy<br />

Programme is expected <strong>to</strong> help improve the<br />

literacy rate <strong>of</strong> 15-24 year old from 6 out <strong>of</strong> 10<br />

students <strong>to</strong> 8 out <strong>of</strong> 10. The policy environment<br />

was supportive <strong>of</strong> the progress made on this goal.<br />

The National Bureau <strong>of</strong> Statistics collaborated<br />

with the National Commission for Mass Literacy,<br />

Adult and Non-Formal Education (NMEC) and<br />

Figure 14: National Literacy Rate among Adults<br />

English Language (%) Any Language (%)<br />

Male 65.1 79.3<br />

Female 50.6 63.7<br />

Overall 57.9 71.6<br />

conducted a sample survey. The result showed that<br />

the rates for males are higher than that <strong>of</strong> females<br />

and literacy rates are higher in urban areas than in<br />

the rural areas. Among the six geo-political zones<br />

in the country, South East had the highest literacy<br />

rate in English, while South West had the highest<br />

in any language. North West had the lowest<br />

literacy rate in English language, while North<br />

Central had the lowest in any language.<br />

The highlight <strong>of</strong> the findings showed the<br />

following:<br />

Figure 15: National Literacy Rate among Youth (15-24<br />

Year-Olds)<br />

English Language (%) Any Language (%)<br />

Male 81.0 89.4<br />

Female 71.4 81.6<br />

Overall 76.3 85.6<br />

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