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2009 was recorded as 65 for male as against 60 for<br />

female, while secondary school was 45 for male<br />

and 43 for female.<br />

Increased Literacy Rate in Women between the<br />

Ages <strong>of</strong> 15 and 24<br />

The literacy rate <strong>of</strong> any demography is defined by<br />

the number <strong>of</strong> persons that can read and write in<br />

any language with understanding 11 . The United<br />

Nations Children‘s Fund (UNICEF) reports the<br />

literacy rate amongst youth aged 15–24 in <strong>Nigeria</strong><br />

from 2004 <strong>to</strong> 2008, as 65% females against 78%<br />

males 12 .<br />

According <strong>to</strong> the most recent survey, the current<br />

literacy rate among adults in <strong>Nigeria</strong> stands at<br />

65.1% male as against 50.6% female. 13 This<br />

includes youths between the ages <strong>of</strong> 15 and 24.<br />

In 2009, the DRGs through the Quick-Wins, the<br />

Federal Ministry <strong>of</strong> Women Affairs, and other<br />

MDAs, contributed <strong>to</strong> the pursuit <strong>of</strong> an increase in<br />

the literacy rate <strong>of</strong> women between the ages <strong>of</strong> 15<br />

and 24 through projects including the construction<br />

<strong>of</strong> classroom blocks, the supply <strong>of</strong> books and other<br />

learning materials <strong>to</strong> schools, the training <strong>of</strong><br />

teachers under the Federal Teachers‘ Scheme<br />

(FTS), and the Literacy by Radio programme<br />

executed by the National Mass Education<br />

Commission (NMEC).<br />

Findings on DRGs-MDGs Projects and<br />

Programmes on Education Sec<strong>to</strong>r-Based<br />

Indica<strong>to</strong>rs<br />

Projects and programmes implemented through<br />

the DRGs from 2006 <strong>to</strong> 2009 include the<br />

construction <strong>of</strong> classroom blocks, Ventilated<br />

Improved Pit (VIP) <strong>to</strong>ilets, hand pump and<br />

mo<strong>to</strong>rised boreholes and the supply <strong>of</strong> various<br />

11 FGN, OSSAP-MDGs (2010) MDGs 2010 Report<br />

12 http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/nigeria_statistics.html<br />

13 National Bureau <strong>of</strong> Statistics (2010) National Literacy Survey<br />

teaching and learning instruments <strong>to</strong> schools under<br />

the CGS, Quick-Wins and other projects. These<br />

projects aim <strong>to</strong> decongest schools that are above<br />

capacity and also create space in these schools for<br />

the enrolment <strong>of</strong> new students. The VIP <strong>to</strong>ilets<br />

have also served as added incentive for the<br />

increased enrolment <strong>of</strong> girls in<strong>to</strong> schools. A <strong>to</strong>tal<br />

<strong>of</strong> N15, 445,957,662.15 (fifteen billion, four<br />

hundred and forty-five million, nine hundred and<br />

fifty-seven thousand, six hundred and sixty-two<br />

naira, and fifteen kobo) was spent on the<br />

education sec<strong>to</strong>r through the 2009 Quick-Wins<br />

initiative. This was 36% <strong>of</strong> the <strong>to</strong>tal Quick-Wins<br />

appropriation. This money was spent on projects<br />

like the supply <strong>of</strong> classroom furniture,<br />

construction <strong>of</strong> classroom blocks, construction <strong>of</strong><br />

VIP <strong>to</strong>ilets in schools, supply <strong>of</strong> school books and<br />

other instructional material, construction and<br />

furnishing <strong>of</strong> library and ICT centres, amongst<br />

others.<br />

The Federal Ministry <strong>of</strong> Women Affairs and<br />

Social Development expended N100,000,000 (one<br />

hundred million naira) <strong>to</strong>ward advocacy and<br />

mobilisation on girl- child education and<br />

street/Almajiri children, and on other projects.<br />

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